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Title: Making Money Becoming Rich

Ministering: Apostle Demola Dejo-Olabgoye

The church hitherto has been quiet and numb about the issue of money; however, the need for a factual
understanding about the issue of money must be properly disseminated across the world and even transited
across generations. Even church needs money to be run.

On Making Money Becoming Rich

Money is needed for every aspect of life, from the set of birth to the end of death. It is needful for man to
understand that the saliency of money is across the stages of life. All and sundry must learn the ideals of
making money as it is the basics and rudiment for living. You need to be rich and it has to be learnt.

That is why you need to be rich. We need money to do things for God. No man is ugly when there is money. No
matter how bad you think you are, under the influence of money, you can be repackaged. When you are rich,
even people from bank will recognize you. You need to be rich because you can’t be recognized until you are

Genesis 26: 12-14; Ecl. 7:12; 10:19

“For Wisdom is a defence, money is a defence, money answereth all things.”

Money is used as a means exchange, after a while gold and silver were weighed as money, later paper was
brought in, the different between the rich and poor is not what they have, but what they know.

If you don’t know how to save money, you can’t be rich. Develop a heart and habit of saving. Before spending,
you must save first. We learn how to save, we don’t learn how to spend, and it’s effortless.

Spending Money

You must know the different between your needs and your wants, Pay for your needs and not your wants.
Your needs are your most important present need and your wants are secondary that can be purchase latter,
whatever you spend on your want will eventually be a waste.

Whatever you have today and tomorrow is valueless by you is not your need, whatever you lose and you can’t
carry on because of the cost or its value is not worth having. You should live by your standard and not above
your standard.

Whatever you buy and go hungry for, you will sell it desperately at a very cheap price. When you spend on
wants you are heading to bankrupt, if you want to spend more, make more.

To improve your scope of spending, look for avenue to make more. Don’t enter into debts to accommodate
your new needs, instead look for extra jobs to do, invest on something or look for something to buy and sell to
raise money and expand your income.

The problem of the poor is that they spend more money than they earn. To be rich, you have to minimize your
expenditure and increase your source of income. The secret of the billionaires is in knowledge and not in
prayers. That’s why most billionaires are not going to church. It’s not about religion.

Draw yourself a scale of preference (it will be difficult, but is must) scale out all your expenditures to match your
incomes, find out where your expenditures are leading your income and adjust your expenses.
If you have to reduce your three square meal to two square meals, if you need to stop buying foods in limit and
buying foodstuff in bulk from the market to reduce your expenses, then do it. Just make sure your income is more
than your expenses. You should inspire to increase your income to outgrow your spending your spending, continue in
this practise and don’t give up.


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