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Department of Education


City Schools Division of Tanauan
District of Tanauan City West I
Bilogbilog, Tanauan City


S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade and Section: _______________________________ Date: _____________
Parents’ Signature: _______________________________

I. Multiple Choices. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why are bones and muscles important?

A. They protect the internal organs.
B. They give form and shape to the body.
C. They help us move and do our activities
D. All of the above.

2. What makes up your musculo- skeletal system?

A. Bones, joints, cartilage, ligament, muscles, and tendons
B. Esophagus, mouth, stomach, small and large intestine
C. Skin, hair, fingernails, glands, nerves
D. Upper and lower tract

3. Which is NOT a function of integumentary system?

A. Retains body fluids and regulates body temperature
B. Acts as barrier to protect the body.
C. Eliminates waste products
D. Digests the food we eat

4. What is the largest organ of the body that serves as a barrier of the body against germs?
A. Skin C. Nerves
B. Bones D. Glands

5. What do you call the sweat glands that produce moisture that reaches the skin’s surface
through pores and evaporates to cool the bodies?
A. Hair C. Fatty tissues
B. Blood D. Perspiration

6. Which of the following is NOT a function of the integumentary skin?

A. It is for protection.
B. It supports our movements.
C. It regulates body temperature.
D. It prevents unnecessary water loss

7. Where does the exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood occur?
A. alveoli B. larynx C. trachea D. bronchioles

8. When the right _________ contracts, blood flows to the lungs. The blood is enriched with
A. ventricle; oxygen C. lungs; carbon dioxide
B. ventricle; carbon dioxide D. aorta; oxygen

9. Heart, blood, and blood vessels are the main organs of the circulatory system. What is the
function of the blood?
A. It pumps blood to all parts of the body
B. It serves as passageway of the blood
C. It excretes carbon dioxide and water vapor
D. It carries oxygen and food nutrients to all parts of the body.

10. The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain occupying almost the entire cavity of the skull.
What is its main function?

A. It controls involuntary actions

B. It coordinates movement of the muscles.
C. It enables us to think, learn and remember.
D. It delivers messages between the spinal cord and brain

11. How do the integumentary system and the musculo-skeletal system work together?

A. Intergumentary system protects the musculo – skeletal system, the musculo- skeletal
system holds up and fills the integumentary system, giving something to shape around, protect
the inside of the body from damage.

B. Integumentary system works closely to musculo-skeletal and the capillaries though the

C. Integumentary system reduces water loss and regulates peripheral blood flow and sweat

D. Integumentary system control and regulates the temperatures while the musculo- skeletal
deliver oxygen and hormones around the body.

12. Which of the following is not a normal change of musculo-skeletal system in elderly?

A. Narrowing of joint spaces due to decrease in water content of cartilage

B. reduction in muscle mass
C. decreased body fat
D. Thinning of inter vertebral disc.

13. How does digestive system help the human body move?

A. The digestive system helps the other systems of the body to process information from the
B. The digestive system helps the other systems of the body to get food nutrients needed by
the body cells.
C. The digestive system helps the other systems of the body to get oxygen.
D. All of the choices are correct.

14. Which of the following is the function of the circulatory system that is important in all systems of
the body?
A. To build and repair body cells and tissues
B. To protect the body from heat and foreign bodies that enter
C. To change food from simpler form so they can be used by the body
D. To distribute oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and collect their wastes

15. Why does your heart beat faster after an exercise?

A. You became more active after an exercise.
B. Breathing becomes difficult after an exercise.
C. Your body becomes heavy when you are tired.
D. Oxygen from the lungs is used up and more carbon dioxide is present.

16. How does the integumentary system work with the nervous system?

A. Integumentary system helps the nervous system to produce blood

B. The skin protects the nerve
C. Nerves embedded in the skin are responsible for sensing the outside world
D. Nervous system help the skin to maintain its color
17. Rearrange the following lists to show how the order of events in the nervous system helps to
initiate movements.

I. Message received at muscle fibers

II. Muscle contracts
III. Brain decides action
IV. Body or limb performs action
V. Message or impulse sent through nervous system

A. I, II, III, IV, V C. I, III, IV, II, V

B. II, V, I, III, IV D. II, I, V, III, IV
18. Determine which statement is an example of integration by the nervous system.

A. The feel of hot air outside on a summer day

B. Perceiving the sound of an ice cream cart coming down the street
C. Flushing and sweating of your skin in response to the heat
D. The decision to run into the house to get money to buy ice cream

19. Which is the proper way to maintain the muscles and bones of the body healthy?
A. Avoiding cigarettes C. Drinking milk everyday
B. Exercise regularly D. Eating fat-rich food

20. Snails, clams, and oysters belong to Phylum Mollusca because they have soft bodies inside one
or two shells. Does an octopus belong to this group? Why?

A. Yes, because the mantle cavity forms part of their soft body.
B. Yes because it has a shell inside and outside its soft body.
C. No, because it has no shell covering its soft bodies.
D. No, because it belongs to Phylum Echinodermata.

21. Having hair or fur is a characteristic of mammals that provides ___________?

A. protection, camouflage, air-conditioning

B. camouflage, air-conditioning, coloring
C. insulation, protection, camouflage
D. installation, protection, coloring

22. Which tells about the distinct characteristics of reptiles?

I. They have legs for crawling II. They are warm blooded animals.

III. They have gills and fins. IV. They have dry scaly skin.

A. I and II C. II and III

B. II and IV D. I and IV

23. Four animals were identified by one pet lover as vertebrate. Which of the following animals is he
referring to?

A. sheep C. dog
B. lion D. Tiger
24. Your uncle is a veterinarian and you asked him to help you in your assignment about vertebrates.
These are the statements he said to you. An animal with backbone live in water and move through
swimming. What animal is he referring to?

A. Snail C. Snake
B. Catfish D. Starfish

25. Insects and spiders belong to the same group that named arthropods. Which of the following
is/are characteristic/s of Insects and spiders?

A. Insects possess 5 pairs of legs while spiders have 6 pairs of legs.

B. Insects have 3 pairs of legs while spiders have 4 pairs of legs.
C. Insects have 10 pairs of legs while spiders have 10 pairs of legs.
D. Insects have 3 pairs of legs while spiders have 6 pairs of legs.

26. Compare the characteristics of worms, shellfish and snail. Which of the following tells the TRUE
characteristics of invertebrate animals?
I. Shellfish is a food source with soft bodies that usually covered by shells.
II. Worms’ body is covered by exoskeleton.
III. Snail has soft mollusks that covered with one piece of shell.
IV. Shellfish and worms belongs to a group of platyhelmenthes.

A. I and II B. III and IV C. I, II, III D. I and III

27. Insects, spiders, worms, shellfish and snail belong to invertebrate animals. Which set of animals
belongs to mollusks group?

A. Insects and worms C. spiders and snail

B. shellfish and snail D. worms and snail

28. To which set of animals do corals belong?

A. parrots and ducks C. star fish and sea urchins

B. jellyfish and hydra D. earthworms and leeches

29. Which of the following statements describes a sporophyte of a fern?

A. It produces spores. C. It produces egg and sperm cells.
B. It has brown spots called sori. D. The sporangium releases egg and sperm cells .

30. Which of the following statements shows that a moss exhibits alteration of generations?

A. The egg divides into two bodies. C. The sperm splits and forms spores.
B. The new moss develops from spores. D. The moss produces both spores and gametes.

31. When can you say that plants undergo alteration of generations?

A. They reproduce sexually.

B. They have sporangia that produce sori.
C. They produce the egg and sperm cells at the same time.
D. They produce gametes or spores at different times in their life cycle.

32. Gymnosperms are cone bearing plants. Which of the following is Not a characteristics of

A. Most conifers are trees and shrubs with leaves like needles
B. These plants produce seeds in cones.
C. Their seeds are naked seeds
D. They are covered with fruits

33. The following plants are conifers or cone –bearing plants EXCEPT.
A. Pines C. Evergreen
B. Firs D. Santan

34. Most conifers have male and female cones on different branches. Conifers have two kinds of
cones – pollen cone and seed cone. How do the pollen cone and seed cone contribute to make a
new conifer plant?

I. A pollen cone is a male cone that makes pollen grains.

II. The seed cone is a female cone that produces an egg cell.
III. A pollen cone is a female cone that makes pollen grains.
IV. The seed cone is a male cone that produces an egg cell.
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. III and IV

35. Arrange the following sentences on how cone bearing plants reproduce.

I. Pollen grains stick to the seed cones.

II. A. Sperm enters an egg cell and fertilizes the egg and later form a zygote.
III. A tube grows from the pollen grains into egg cells in the cone.
IV. The zygote undergoes cell division that results in the formation of an embryo with one or more
V. As the embryo develops, the outside layer of the ovule forms a seed coat to produce new

36. Your family go to Anilao beach and your younger brother throw his plastic candy in the sea where
you can find the different kinds of coral reefs. What will you tell him?

A. I will tell him to throw more plastic candy in the sea.

B. I will tell him to avoid throwing plastic in the sea because it can damage the coral reefs.
C. I will go to my parents and tell them what my brother did.
D. I will go to the owner of the resort and tell him that my brother threw plastic candy in sea.

37. Which of the following is NOT showing on how to protect the mangroves swamps?

A. Jose makes a campaign to educate and raise public awareness of the importance of
mangrove forests.
B. Rj preserves, conserves and replanting mangroves.
C. Leo converting mangroves swamps to give way to fishponds and shrimp aquaculture
D. Local government makes a program to protect and conserve the mangroves.

38. Here are the healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the nervous system EXCEPT one.
A. Exercise regularly
B. Get plenty of rest
C. Eat balance diet
D. Smoke or use tobacco products

39. Non-flowering plants have cones and spores for reproduction. Which of the following does not
produce seeds but spores?
A. Santan C. Gymnosperms
B. Gumamela D. Ferns

40. Which does not produce fruits/flowers but have cones?

A. Santan C. Gymnosperms
B. Gumamela D. Ferns

Study the classification chart below.


41. Which of the following is correct or suitable heading for Group A?

A. Living thing or biotic C. Mammals

B. Non – living thing or abiotic D. Reptiles

42. Create a web to describe the appearance of tropical rainforest. Choose your answer from the
options below. Be able to write the correct word/s in each box.


A. Woodland , mostly trees , high rainfall , diverse animals/plants

B. Woodland , home of marine animals , seashores , low rainfall
C. Woodland , high temperature, low rainfall , seashores
D. Woodland ,diverse animals/plants , without rainfall , man-made
43. Here are the steps on how spore-bearing plants can be propagated. They are not properly
arranged. Choose the correct order from the choices below.

I. Gametophytes grow both male and female sex organs.

II. Sperm cell swims and reaches the egg cell.
III. Fertilized egg grows into sporophyte.
IV. Spores germinate into gametophyte.
V. Spores are released.

A. IV, I, II, III, V B. I. II, III, V, IV C. II, III, V, IV, I D. V, IV, I, II, III

44. Complete the graphic organizer below showing interactions in mangroves swamps. Choose your
answer from the options below.

Mangrove Swamps

are important because

Mangroves roots help in

A. Filter out salts before absorbing water into plants

Form breeding grounds of marine organisms
B. Found in tropical seas
Absorb calcium from sea water
C. Breeding grounds of insects
Replenishing nutrients from water
D. Build up shorelines.
Storing salts from sea water

45. This man protects the mangroves, coral reefs and rainforest. As a grade six pupil, how can you
help to protect these ecosystems?

A. By throwing garbage. C. By destroying non living and living things there

B. By cutting plants there. D. By protecting the biotic and abiotic factors there.

46. You probably heard or read about environmental issues on the condition of our ecosystem.
Forest, coral reefs, and mangrove swamp ecosystem need to be protected and conserve. Why?

A. Because these are the natural habitat of living things particularly animals.

B. They serve as breeding grounds of animals.

C. Mangroves help in build up of shorelines.

D. All of the responses are correct.

47. The following show the importance of recycling EXCEPT.

A. It helps to reduce the need for raw materials so that rainforests can be preserved.

B. Waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment.

C. It helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste.

D. Useful chemicals are released from landfill sites.

Test II. Completion Type

48. Classify the following invertebrate animals in their proper heading. Put the answer on the table by
choosing from the box below.

Butterfly mussels snail spider flatworms

Arthropods Worms Mollusks

49. Create a rhyme show the interactions among living and non-living things in coral reefs
Coral reefs are called rainforest of the sea
Atolls, fringing and barrier reefs they can be
They provide home for _________________
Let’s protect them because they are _________________.

50. Complete the concept map below to show harmful and beneficial interactions in tropical rainforest.
Choose from the statements below.

-type of soil is acidic and infertile due to heavy rains

- habitat for plants and animals
- plants absorb carbon dioxide
- supply wide variety of raw materials

Tropical Rainforest

Inspected by:


School Science Coordinator School Testing Committee Chairman School Head


Second Periodical Examination in Science 6

1. D 11. A 21. A 31. D 41. A

2. A 12. A 22. D 32. C 42. A
3. D 13. B 23. C 33. D 43. A
4. A 14. D 24. B 34. C 44. A Mangrove
swamps are
because form
breeding grounds
of marine
Mangroves roots
help in build up
5. D 15. D 25. B 35. A 45. D
6. B 16. B 26. D 36. B 46. D
7. A 17. D 27. B 37. C 47. D
8. B 18. D 28. B 38. D 48. Arthropods
- butterfly


9. D 19. C 29. A 39. D 49. Answer will
10. C 20. B 30. D 40. C 50. BENEFICIAL
- plants absorb
carbon dioxide
-habitat for plants
and animals
-Supply wide
variety of raw
-type of soil is
acidic and
infertile due to
heavy rains

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