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Name: ............................................

Test 7: Lessons 31-35

Reading and Writing

1 A Read the email. Answer the questions. (5 x 1 = 5)

 
From: Maria
To: Georgia
Hi Georgia!
I’m sending you this email from Botswana in Africa! Can you believe it? We arrived here ten days ago and
we’ve been travelling around the country since then. A few days ago, we went camping in a wildlife park. It
was brilliant! We arrived in the afternoon and it was very hot! But in the evening it became cool and we had
a barbecue which was cooked for us by someone who works in the wildlife park.
The next day, we drove around the wildlife park. We saw lots of different kinds of animals but sometimes it was
hard to see them because of their camouflage. I really liked watching a big group of zebras that were quietly
eating grass. After we had taken a few photos of them, we drove to some trees where leopards like to sleep.
Unfortunately, we didn’t see any but we discovered a big hive in one of the trees. A lot of bees were flying
around so I’m glad we didn’t stay long!
Later in the evening, when I was sitting outside our tent, I saw an animal that was drinking water from a small
lake nearby. It had spots, so I was sure it was a leopard. When it had finished, it walked towards me and I saw
I was right, it was a leopard! It went right past my tent. I wasn’t scared because I was so excited!
I’ll send you another email soon.

1 What has Maria been doing for ten days?

2 What did Maria and her family have on the day they arrived at the wildlife park?
3 Which animal did they see before they noticed the bees?
4 Why did Maria think the animal at the lake was a leopard?
5 How did Maria feel when the leopard walked past her?

1 B Find words that mean: (5 x 1 = 5)

1 not hot [para 1] .........................................

2 lots of people / animals together [para 2] .........................................
3 found [para 2] .........................................
4 house where bees live [para 2] .........................................
5 the opposite of wrong [para 3] .........................................

2 Imagine that you visited a rainforest or a wildlife park last year. Write about
what you did and what you saw. (10 points)

............................................................................................................................ Score …. / 20
Total Score …. / 100

Points add up to 25

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