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To fullfil One of the Task
Subject : Masa’il Fiqh
Lecturer : Mohmmad Rohmanan, M.Th.

Compiled by:
Novia Elok Rahma Hayati (16110001)
Lestariati Nur Cholifah (16110005)



We thank you for the presence of God Almighty, because thanks to His
abundance of grace and grace, we can compile this paper well and correctly, and on
time. In this paper we will discuss about Family Planning in the view of Islamic law
Prayer and greetings are always poured out on our lord. The Great Prophet
Muhammad SAW guided him from the time of jahiliyah in the era of Ad-Dinul
Islam. This paper is prepared as one of the requirements to fill Islamic education
education assignments. For various guidance and assistance from various parties,
the author will thank:
1. Mohmmad Rohmanan, M.Th.I as Supervisor for subject of Masa’il Fiqh
2. Both parents are able to provide
3. All the friends we always care about
4. anyone who has read and utilized this paper
The author translates that this paper is not yet perfect. Therefore,
constructive suggestions and criticisms from colleagues are needed for the
improvement of this paper.

Malang, 30 Maret 2019


COVER ................................................................................................ i
FOREWORD ........................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................... iii
A. Background ................................................................................. 1
B. Formulation of the Problems ..................................................... 1
C. Goals ........................................................................................... 2
A. Leadership in Islamic Education ................................................. 3
B. Characteristics of the Prophet's Leadership ................................. 7
C. Characteristics of Leadership in Islamic Education and Its Success..10
A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................ 16

A. Background
Family Planning (KB) can be understood as a national program run by the
government to reduce the population, because it is assumed that population
growth is not balanced with the availability of jobs and national economic
growth. The growth and development of the life of the human race on this
earth shows that over time, humans will face different conditions. It starts
in terms of sociology, norms of human life, scientific technology and other
changes. This change shows that the more human develops, the more
attitude and effort is needed to deal with it and find a solution.
Seeing the events that occur in the current development, especially the
population growth sector that occurs in our country, Indonesia has
increasingly shown an increase in the population that is so fast. This is one
of the consequences of the growing human development, and the
development of other sectors. Moreover, our country is a developing
country that is still in the process of becoming an independent country. From
the matter of rapid population growth resulting in an increase in the
country's economy, what we know today is that our country is in a state of
economic crisis.
Facing population growth that is difficult to contain can cause very complex
social problems, it is found that the problem of population growth must be
identified with employment, so as not to cause prolonged misery of life.
Family planning is a controversial issue, so the language is not found by the
Imam of the Madzhab. In general, up to now there are still two camps
between scholars who allow family planning and those who reject family
B. Formulation of the Problems
1. What is the definition of family planning (KB)?
2. What are the purpose of family planning (KB)?
3. What are the types of family planning (KB)?
4. What is the view of Islam about family planning (KB)?
C. Goals
1. To find out the meaning of family planning (KB).
2. To find out the purpose of family planning (KB).
3. To find out the types of family planning (KB).
4. To find out the Islamic view of family planning (KB).

A. The Definition of Family Planning (KB)

The term Family Planning (KB), is a translation of the English language
"Family Planning" which in its implementation in western countries includes
two kinds of methods or methods, namely:
1. Planning Parenthood
The implementation of this method emphasizes the responsibility of
both parents to shape a home life that is safe, peaceful, peaceful,
prosperous and happy, although not by limiting the number of family
members. This, closer to the Arabic term Tandzimul Nasli (arranging
2. Birth Control
The application of this method emphasizes the number of children or
spacing births, according to the circumstances of the husband and wife.
This is more similar to the Arabic language of Tahdidun Nasli
(restricting offspring). But in practice in western countries, this method
also allows abortion (abortion), infertility (infertility) and celibacy (at-
In terms of the above understanding, KB in Indonesia can be classified in two
terms, namely:
1. General Understanding
Family Planning is an effort that regulates the number of births in such
a way that, for both the mother and her baby, and for the father and his
family or the community concerned, does not cause harm as a direct
result of the birth.
2. Specific Understanding

Tukiran, dkk, Keluarga Berencana dan Kesehatan Reproduksi, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,
2010), p. 56
Family planning in daily life revolves around preventing conception or
preventing fertilization or preventing the meeting of semen cells from
men and eggs from women around intercourse.
Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (1997),
family planning is "a movement to form healthy and prosperous families by
limiting births." In other words family planning is planning the number of
families. Restrictions can be made with the use of contraceptives or birth
control such as condoms, spirals and so on. To avoid pregnancy that is
temporarily used by contraception while to avoid pregnancy that is of a
permanent nature can be sterilized.
From some of these meanings, it can be said that family planning is
an official term used in Indonesia for efforts to achieve family welfare and
happiness, by accepting and practicing the idea of potential and happy small
families (acceptors). where a husband and wife who have concrete plans
regarding when their child is expected to be born so that each child is born is
greeted with joy and gratitude and plans how many children are aspired to,
which are tailored to their abilities and the situation of the community and
B. The Purpose of Family Planning (KB)
The purpose of National Family Planning in Indonesia is:
1. General Purpose
Improving the welfare of mothers, children in order to realize the
NKKBS (Normal Little Family Happy Prosperous) which is the basis
for the realization of a prosperous society by controlling birth while
ensuring control of population growth.
2. Specific Purpose
Family planning programs have many objectives, especially family
planning programs in Indonesia:
a. Demographic Objective: that is an effort to reduce the
population growth rate by 50% in 1990 from the situation in
1971, if this is successful then the rate of growth of Indonesia's
population can be reduced by 1% per year, starting in 1990.
b. Normative Objective: that is to create norms in the midst of
society so that there is a tendency to like small families, because
with small families it will be easier to achieve welfare and
family happiness, especially the welfare of mothers and
Another purpose of the family planning program is to get a broad
opportunity for a mother to carry out a variety of activities that are more
beneficial, namely arranging a married life, and being able to participate in
community activities, such as social activities, education and other services.
Furthermore, the purpose of family planning is to prepare a number
of children early to make it possible for parents to equip their children
physically or mentally, so they can be independent the day before. These goals
will be more easily achieved if a family is relatively small, which is
economically easier to reach, and psychologically there will be calmness in the
C. The Types of Family Planning (KB)
Contraception is present in various methods and effectiveness. Although
different, their goal is one: prevent unwanted pregnancies. Some types of
contraception also protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).3
1. Condoms
The word condom comes from the Latin condus which means tray or
container tray. A condom is a kind of bag that you cover to your erect
penis before having sexual intercourse. Condoms are sold in various
sizes and shapes. Condoms have the advantage of protecting against
PMS and not affecting hormones. The disadvantage is its effectiveness.
About 2-15% of women are still pregnant even though their partners
use condoms. In addition, many men feel a reduction in sexual
sensation by using condoms.
2. Female Condoms

As-Syaukai Luthfi, Politik, Ham dan Isu-Isu Fiqih Kontemporer, (Bandung: Pustaka Hidayah,
1998), p. 83
Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim, Aborsi, Kontrasepsi dan Mengatasi Kemandulan, (Bandung: Mizan,
1997), p. 120
The female condom is a bag with two flexible rings at the ends. A
removable soft ring makes it easy to install and keeps condoms in place.
A large flexible ring remains outside the vagina, which includes the
opening of the vagina (vulva) and provides additional protection.
Female condoms are very effective when used properly. Female
condoms have the advantage of protecting from PMS, not easily slip or
leak, do not affect hormones and do not cause allergies. This condom
can also be installed long before sexual intercourse (up to 8 hours
before) so there is no need to pause while making out. The disadvantage
is that some people feel uncomfortable, ineffective for all positions, and
expensive. Female condoms cannot be used together with male
condoms because they can cause their position to move out.
3. The Diaphragm
The diaphragm is a soft rubber cap worn inside the vagina to cover the
cervix (entrance to the uterus). Its function is to prevent sperm from
entering the uterus. For the diaphragm to work properly, the placement
of the diaphragm must be right. The diaphragm is as effective as a
condom, but can be washed and used again for one to two years. The
disadvantage is that you have to place the diaphragm before having sex
(up to 24 hours before) and remove it after six hours. Some women may
have difficulty inserting it and having an allergic reaction.
4. Birth Control Pills
Birth control pills or oral contraceptives contain a synthetic form of two
hormones that are produced naturally in the body: estrogen and
progesterone. Both of these hormones regulate a woman's menstrual
cycle. Birth control pills work in two ways. First, stop ovulation
(preventing the ovary from removing the egg). Secondly, thickens
cervical fluid (mucus) thereby inhibiting the movement of sperm into
the uterus.
Birth control pills are very reliable (effectiveness reaches 99%). Birth
control pills also provide control in a woman's hand to prevent
pregnancy. The disadvantage of birth control pills is that they do not
protect against PMS, must be taken every day on schedule (not to miss
a day to be effective), and add hormones that increase the risk of
thrombosis, weight gain, headaches, nausea and other side effects. Birth
control pills should not be taken by women with certain health
conditions, such as diabetes, liver disease, and heart disease.
5. Implant
Implant KB is a small rod containing hormones placed under the skin
in the female arm. The rod is made of flexible plastic and is only the
size of a matchstick. Implants of KB continuously release a small
amount of hormones as in the birth control pill for three years. During
that period you don't need to think about contraception. If you want a
child, the implant can be removed at any time and you will return fertile
after one month. Low cost and inconvenient usage are other advantages
of KB implants. The disadvantages, causing headaches and acne in
some women, do not protect against STDs and about 20% of women
no longer get menstruation or menstruation to be irregular.
6. Injectable Contraception
Injectable contraception or injection is an injection of hormones that
prevent pregnancy. Every three months you get a new injection. During
this period, your menstruation is normal. The advantage of injection
contraception is that its reliability is equivalent to a birth control pill or
implant and you only need to think about contraception every 3 months.
The disadvantage is that you are not protected from PMS and get
hormones. You also can't stop it suddenly because the hormones for
three months remain active in the body. You may need a long time to
become fertile again.
ADKR (Intrauterine divice) or in the popular language called spiral is
a small contraceptive that is placed in a woman's womb. There are two
types of IUDs: a copper IUD made of small plastic with copper
wrapped around its trunk and a small T-shaped progestogen IUD with
a progestogen-filled cylinder around its trunk.
Although it has been used for more than 30 years to prevent pregnancy,
the way IUD works is still not fully understood. The IUD affects the
movement and survival of sperm in the womb so that they cannot reach
the egg to fertilize. The IUD also changes the lining of the uterus
(endometrium) so it is not suitable for pregnancy and fetal embryo
development. The effectiveness of the IUD is 98%, almost the same as
the birth control pill.
The advantages of an IUD are long-term (at least five years), easy to
maintain (you can't forget to use it), cheaper than other contraceptives
(more expensive at first, but cheaper in the long run) and if you want to
get pregnant, your fertility can be returned with fast after you release it.
Progestogen IUDs have the added benefit of reducing menstrual
bleeding. An IUD deficiency is that if it fails and the woman becomes
pregnant, this device must be removed as soon as possible because it
increases the risk of miscarriage. In addition, there is a small risk of
infection after IUD insertion, ectopic pregnancy and various side
effects such as irregular menstruation, vaginal dryness, headaches,
nausea and zits.
8. Sterilization
Sterilization is the most effective contraception. In male sterilization
(vasectomy), the vas deferens is closed so that no sperm comes out,
even though it keeps ejaculating. In female sterilization (tubectomy),
the fallopian tubes are closed so that the egg does not come out. The
advantage of sterilization is that you will not need to think about
contraception forever. The shortcomings are permanent (irrevocable),
do not provide protection against PMS, and require major operations.
Keep in mind that no contraception is 100% effective. There is still a
1% chance of post-sterilization pregnancy, even years after surgery.4
D. Arguments of Family Planning (Kb) in Islam
1. Overview of the Program of KB in the New Order Era

Ibid, p. 121-124
Family planning (KB) in the simplest sense is to refer to the use of
contraceptive methods by husband and wife for mutual agreement, to
regulate fertility with the aim of avoiding health, social and economic
difficulties, and to enable them to assume responsibility for their children
and society. This includes the following matters: (1) sparing children to
enable breastfeeding and maternal health care; (2) pregnancy
arrangements to occur at a safe time; (3) regulating the number of children,
not only for family needs, but also for physical, financial, educational and
child care abilities.5
In the New Order period, namely between the 1970s and the 1990s,
family planning programs became the government's main program, even
absolute. At that time, the country seemed to be intensely suppressing the
rate of population growth. The reason is development (developmentalism).
In the name of development, the state has an interest in boosting economic
growth.6 Because, it is said, a society (nation, state) is considered
successful in carrying out development if the economic growth is quite
high. On the other hand, economic growth (development) itself will not
have meaning and function if the population is out of control. That is, no
matter how prosperity, wealth as a result of development, abundance of
natural resources (SDA), there will be no meaning if you have to bear the
burden of a high population. So from that the family planning program is
implemented, which in its narrowest sense is the regulation and limitation
of birth.
In its operational level, the state does not only use development
agents such as doctors, midwives, PKB (Family Planning Extension),
paramedics, civil servants, female organization administrators, PKK
members, and female dharma, even kiai and local religious leaders (
district, sub-district, village).7 Of course, interestingly, in this case the
ulama has the duty to introduce, not to say "indoctrinate", understanding

‘Abd al-Rahim ‘Umran, Islam dan KB, (Jakarta: Penerbit Lentera, 1992), p. 27
Arief Budiman, Teori Pembangunan Dunia Ketiga, Cet. 3, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1996), p. 2
Lies Marcoes-Natsir, “Mencoba Mencari Titik Temu Islam dan Hak Reproduksi Perempuan,”
dalam Syafiq Hasyim (ed.), Menakar “Harga” Perempuan; Eksplorasi Lanjut atas Hak-Hak
Reproduksi Perempuan dalam Islam, Cet. 1, (Bandung:Mizan, 1999), p. 15
the community regarding the alignment of family planning programs with
Islamic teachings. The clerics and religious leaders were asked to give
"enlightenment" to the people, which essentially emphasized that Islam
supports the family planning program, that the country's mission to
suppress the population is not contrary to Islamic teachings. The religious
arguments that often become "weapons" are the Qur'anic teachings about
"the fear of a weak generation". The word "weak" is understood as the low
quality of human resources, which is then followed by the submission of a
logic, that one of the triggers for the low quality of human resources is the
low level of welfare, and the low level of welfare. The justification for the
family planning program proclaimed by the government is getting stronger
with the recommendation of the fatwa institution formed by the
government, the Indonesian Ulema Council. MUI issued a fatwa
consisting of several important points, which supported this family
planning program.
2. Family Planning Program After the Fall of the New Order
The success of the KB program immediately faded as the fall of the
New Order regime and the onset of the reform era which led to a system
of regional autonomy. With this system, the state is no longer totalitarian
and centralized, because most state policies are delegated to the regions
(districts / cities). The family planning program is fully handed over to
each region, whether it will be a priority or side program; whether the
institution will be as service, agency, or just an office.8
In fact, family planning programs are no longer a priority. It is only
a "side" program that has to be held, rather than nothing at all. With a status
that is only "side", the allocation of funds is very minimal, far from
enough, so that the programs in the field are also minimalist. In such
conditions, it is clear that the end result will be far from satisfying. So,
many analyzes predict that in less than a decade (2015), baby boom will
occur in Indonesia, due to the lack of effective family planning programs.

Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 38 dan PP 41 tahun 2007, kembali menegaskan bahwa
program KB merupakan kewenangan wajib kabupaten/kota.
As an initial indication, which shows the fading of the family planning
program, the results of a population data survey in 2010, which showed
astounding figures, were 237.6 million. At present the results of the last
update June 30, 2016 are based on data from the Ministry of Home Affairs,
Indonesia's population is 257,912,349 people.9 A surprising number, but
at the same time sad to see the real conditions of our nation and state now
with various national problems. Population continues to grow, even very
rapidly (in the range of 2.7%, even though it was 2.3% before the reform
era). Severe problems will confront: environment, energy, economy,
employment, education, health.10
After the fall of the New Order regime, democratization spread to
various sectors. At a glance, family planning programs are a form of
restraint on human rights. So along with the end of the New Order regime
in 1998, the community experienced an euphoria of freedom. The New
Order program was abandoned, including the family planning program.
Therefore, at the beginning of the Reformation era, the BKKBN
appointed by the government as the leading sector program slightly
changed its paradigm. When in the New Order period it emphasized the
quantity aspect with the slogan, "Two Children Enough", changed more
emphasis on its quality aspects, with its new vision "Quality Family", and
the slogan became, "Two Better Children". Only after more than a decade
has passed, and it turns out that this approach is actually counterproductive
in the community, recently the BKKBN returned to its initial slogan,
namely: "Two Enough Children".
3. Verses That Support the Family Planning Program
According to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 1992
article 1 verse 12 concerning population development and family welfare
development states that family planning is an effort to increase awareness
and participation of the community through maturing marriages, birth

Sahid Puspawarna, “E-KTP Durung Tuntas, Desentralisasi Dadi Ganjelan,” artikel dalam rubrik
Wawasan Jroning Negara, Tabloid Jaka Lodang, No. 19, 8 Oktober 2016/6 Sura 1950 Je, p. 5
Lihat,Soeroso Dasar, KB Mati Dikubur Berdiri; Bunga Rampai Tulisan Program Kependudukan
dan KB, cet. 2, (Bandung: Corleone Books, 2011), p. 3
arrangements, fostering family resilience, improving family welfare to
realize small, happy and prosperous family.
But in Islamic view there are many debates regarding this family
planning program, there are scholars who agree that there are also scholars
who disagree with family planning programs. In Al-Quran there are
several verses that are related to family planning, including:
َ ‫َّللاَ َو ْليَقُولُوا قَ ْو ًل‬
‫سدِيدًا‬ َ ‫ش الَّ ِذينَ لَ ْو تَ َركُوا ِم ْن َخ ْل ِف ِه ْم ذُ ِ ِّريَّةً ِضعَا ًفا َخافُوا‬
َّ ‫ع َلي ِْه ْم َف ْليَتَّقُوا‬ َ ‫َو ْليَ ْخ‬
“And God fear those who leave behind those who are weak, who are afraid
of them. Therefore let them fear Allah and let them say the right words. "
(Qs.An-Nisa: 9).
ْ ‫علَ ٰى َو ْه ٍن َوفِصَالُهُ فِي عَا َمي ِْن أ َ ِن ا‬
َ‫شك ُْر ِلي َو ِل َوا ِل َد ْيك‬ َ ‫سانَ ِب َوا ِل َد ْي ِه َح َملَتْهُ أ ُ ُّمهُ َو ْهنًا‬
َ ‫اْل ْن‬
ِ ْ ‫ص ْينَا‬
َّ ‫َو َو‬
ُ ‫ِإ َل َّي ا ْل َم ِص‬
"And We command the people (do good) to two mothers, their fathers; his
mother had conceived him in an increasingly weak condition, and weaned
him in two years. Give thanks to Me and to two of your father's mothers,
only unto me is your return. "(Qs.Lukman: 14).
‫َّللاُ ِإ َل ْيكَ ۖ َو َل تَب ِْغ‬ َ ْ‫س ْن َك َما أَح‬
َّ َ‫سن‬ ِ ْ‫س نَ ِصي َبكَ ِمنَ ال ُّد ْن َيا ۖ َوأَح‬ َ ‫َّار ْاْل ِخ َرةَ ۖ َو َل ت َ ْن‬ َّ َ‫َوا ْبت َ ِغ ِفي َما آت َاك‬
َ ‫َّللاُ الد‬
ِ ‫ب ا ْل ُم ْف‬
َ‫س ِدين‬ ُّ ‫َّللاَ َل يُ ِح‬
َّ َّ‫ض ۖ إِن‬ ِ ‫سا َد فِي ْاْلَ ْر‬َ َ‫ا ْلف‬
"And look for what Allah has bestowed on you (happiness) in the
Hereafter, and do not forget your portion from (worldly) enjoyment and
do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not do harm on
(face ) earth. Allah does not like those who do damage.” (Surat al-Qasas:
From the verses above, it can be seen that in view of Islamic Law on
Family Planning, principally it can be accepted by Islam, even family
planning with the intention of creating a prosperous family that is qualified
and produces strong offspring is very much in line with the objectives of
Islamic shari'a which is to benefit the people . In addition, family planning
also has a number of benefits that can prevent the occurrence of
democracy. When viewed from the functions and benefits of family
planning that can give birth to benefit and prevent harm then there is no
doubt about the ability of family planning in Islam.11
KB here has the same meaning as tanzim al nasl (hereditary
arrangement). As far as the understanding is tanzim al nasl (hereditary
arrangement), not tahdid al nasl (lineage restriction) in the sense of sterility
(taqim) and abortion (isqot al-haml), KB is not prohibited. by individual
scholars and institutions to Islamic national and international levels, so it
can be concluded that the ability of KB with the definition of this limit has
almost become Ulama 'Ijma. The Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis
Ulama Indonesia) also issued a similar fatwa in the 1983 Ulama National
Conference on Population, Health and Development. However,
theoretically there are many ulama fatwas that allow family planning in
the sense of tanzim al-nasl, but we must pay attention to the type and
method contraception tools / methods that will be used for family planning.
In addition to Islamic law that supports family planning, there are
scholars who interpret the prohibition on family planning as stated in QS.
Al-An'am: 151.
To make it clear, here is a hadith which says:
َ ‫اِنَكَ تَد ِْر َو َرثَكَ ا َ ْغنِ َيا ٌء َخي ٌْر ِم ْن ا َ ْن تَد ِْر ُه ْم عَالةً ِلت َ ْك َففُ ْونَ ال َّن‬
"In fact, it is better for you to leave your warrior experts in sufficient
condition than to leave them as a burden or dependence on many people."
(Muttafaqun ‘Alaih).
From this hadith, it is explained that the husband and wife consider
the cost of the household while the two are still alive, not to let their
children become a burden to others (the community). Thus the birth
control of children should be planned and practiced until successful.
Apart from the prohibition on family planning, we must know and
pay attention to the type and work of contraception that will be used.
Forbidden contraceptives are those that are sterile. Vasectomy
(sterilization for men) is different from male circumcision where part of

Asy sya’rawi, M.M., 1995. Anda Bertanya Islam Menjawab Jilid 1-5. Gema Insani Press.Jakarta
the body is cut and removed, ie foreskin (qulfah Arabic, praeputium Latin)
because if the foreskin covers the head of the penis ( hasyafah / glans penis)
can not be cut and removed can actually be a nest of venereal disease.
Therefore, circumcision for men is actually highly recommended. But if
the health condition of the wife or husband is forced such as to avoid a
decrease in illness from the father / mother to his offspring who will be
born or threatened by the mother's soul if she is pregnant or gives birth,
sterilization allowed by Islam because it is considered dharurat. This is
hinted at in the rule:
‫الﻀرورة تبيﺢ المحﻈورات‬
"Emergency conditions allow doing things that are prohibited by religion".
The Indonesian Scholars Majlis has also argued that the use of
sterilized family planning was prohibited in 1983 on the grounds that
sterilization could lead to permanent infertility. According to Masjfuk
Zuhdi, the sterilization law is permissible because it does not make sterility
forever. Because medical technology is increasingly sophisticated, it can
carry out sterilization operations on female oviducts or male channels that
have been sterilized. Nevertheless, it should be avoided for Muslims to do
this sterilization, because there are many ways to maintain the distance of
The methods for preventing pregnancy that are allowed by Syara
'include using pills, injections, spirals, condoms, diaphragms, vaginal
tablets, tisue. This method is allowed as long as it does not endanger the
life of the mother. And this method can be categorized into a law that is
not disputed by the law. As the Prophet's hadith:
"We have done al azal (coitus interruptus) at the time of the Prophet s.a.w.,
while the Koran (at that time) still (always) dropped. (H.R. Bukhari-
Muslim from Jabir). And in another hadith: We once did l azl (which at
that time) the prophet knew about it, but he never forbade us. (H.R.
Muslim, originating from ‘Jabir).
This Hadith explains that a person is permitted to do 'azl', a method
of using contraception which in terms of health is referred to as coitus
interruptus, therefore even though there is a verse which forbids it, even
though there were friends who did it, at the time of verses al- The Quran
still (always) goes down, the act is considered 'mubâh' (may). For reasons,
according to the scholars, if the act is prohibited by Allah, then there must
be a verse that comes down to prevent that action. So is the attitude of the
Prophet s.a.w. when he learned that many of his friends did so, he also did
not forbid it; this is a sign that doing azl (coitus interruptus) is permissible
in Islam in order to make family planning.12
In essence family planning in the view of Islam is permissible if
carried out in a manner that is in accordance with Islamic Shari'a, carried
out in the context of hereditary regulation rather than limitation of descent
and carried out in an emergency condition that could threaten the safety of
the community itself.
4. Rejection Based on Religion of the Family Planning (KB)
In general, the pattern of rejection of family planning programs is
the same, namely rejecting it on the basis of religious values or norms, or
perhaps it can be called another phrase, "religion-based rejection". If
listened to, in general the arguments revolve around the following insights:
a) The doctrine of "Rizki in the Hand of God"
Religious people reject family planning if the reason is
because they are "afraid they cannot support". For them, fear of
having many children for fear of not being able to support is a form
of denial of God's power to fulfill the needs of all His creatures.
Especially if someone is close to God, surely the guarantee of his
sustenance will be borne by him. Because, in the scriptures
mentioned, "Whoever fears God, He will give a way out for each
problem, and give rizki from unexpected directions" (man yattaqi
Allah, yaj'al-lahu makhrajan, wa yarzuqhu min haitsu la yahtasib)
QS At Thalaq 2-3. God will guarantee the provision of all His
creatures in this world who fear Him. This is usually associated

Hukum Islam Tentang AZL (studi Komparatif Pandangan Imam Al-Gazali Dan Ibnu Hazm.
(2008). Retrieved June 21, 2015, from digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/
with the doctrine that one's piety, will attract blessings from Allah
from heaven and earth (Q.S Al-A'raf 96).
In addition, there are also other supporting texts (the Qur'an),
which forbid Muslims (at the time of the Prophet Muhammad) to
"kill their children for reasons of fear they cannot feed (support)
them" (Wala taqtulu auladakum khasy-yata imlaq). Because Allah
said, "We are the ones who give sustenance to them (your
children), and especially to you" (Nahnu narzuquhum wa iyyakum)
QS Banu Isra'il: 31. With similar but not equal editorials, other
texts state: Wala taqtulu auladukum min imlaq, nahnu narzuqukum
wa-iyyahum (Don't you kill your children for fear of being hungry,
We are the ones who give you sustenance also especially to them)
QS Al-An'am: 151.
Family planning programs are considered as a form of
"killing" children for economic reasons (worrying about not being
able to support). So, if this is the case, the program (KB) is contrary
to the Qur'anic doctrine above, that we "must not kill children for
fear of starvation". People who participate in family planning
programs for economic reasons mean they do not believe in the
truth of the verse. So that the program (KB) is contrary to the
doctrine above. Not believing the truth of a verse (text) is a great
prayer. In conclusion, it is forbidden to follow a family planning
program for economic reasons. Such a conclusion is of course
based on the logic of subjective faith, that God has promised to
guarantee the sustenance of each of His servants. As the Substance
of the Greatest, Allah will certainly not deny His promise.13
b) Advice about Increasing Children
In addition to the verses of the Qur'an, there are also other
arguments from the Prophet's hadith which are interpreted as
opposing the birth control program. There is a well-known history,

Sabrur R Soenardi, “Jangan Bunuh Anakmu Karena Takut Lapar”, artikel dalam Majalah
Rindang, No. 02, Th. XXXIII, September 2007, p. 42.
from a friend of Anas bin Malik, he said: "Rasul SAW told us
(young men) to get married, and forbade it to strictly allow women
to be single (not married). He said: Let you marry fertile women
(not barren) and merciful, because, with you, my people will be
more (than other prophets) later on the Day of Judgment '."14
The supporters of Natalitas from Muslims will insist on their
claim, based on this hadith, that reproducing children is something
that even the Prophet SAW ordered himself. He also has
eschatological value, because later he will multiply the number of
the Prophet's people on the Day of Judgment, thus making him
proud before other prophets. Limiting the number of children, is
the same as opposing the Prophet's orders and does not want to
make him proud in the hereafter.15
c) Reproduction as Human Rights (HAM)
After the New Order, democratization strengthened which
resulted in the proliferation of awareness of human rights, which
of course is not only the right to think and act in the public sphere,
but includes the right to freely practice and believe in religious
teachings without fear. So in the light of human rights ideals and
ideals, many people did not join the family planning program.
Islam as a religion has substantially offered the concept of
human rights in its teachings. Imam al-Ghazali, formulated that
there are 5 (five) basic rights inherent in man called al-Kulliyyat
al-Khamsah, five basic rights which include: rights to life ability
(hifzh al-nafs), rights to property ownership (hifzh al-mal), the
right to freedom of thought (hifzhal-alq), the right to continuity of
offspring (hifzh al-nasl), and the right to freedom of religion (hifzh

HR Ahmad, 3/245, disahihkan oleh Ibnu Hibban, ada juga hadis pendukung lainnya dari Abu
Dawud, al-Nasa’i, dan Ibnu Hibban, dari Ma’qil Ibn Yasar. Muh. Sjarief Sukandy, Tarjamah
Bulughul Maram, Fiqh Berdasarkan Hadits, (Bandung: Almaarif, 1986), p. 357.
Sabrur R Soenardi, “Sedikit Anak Banyak Rezeki,” artikel di HU Bernas, edisi 4 September 2015,
p. 4.
al-din). These five rights are the elaboration of the ideals of benefit
(mashlahah). If these five rights are well and properly
accommodated, then the benefit of the community has been
fulfilled. Conversely, if not, let alone not at all, meaning there is no
benefit in public life. Al-Ghazali asserted, every thing that contains
protection for these five things is benefit, and every one who
negates it is damage (mafsadah), and rejecting obedience is an
embodiment of the ideal of kemaslahatn itself.16
From this explanation, it seems very clear how Islam
traditionally places individual rights at a high level, so that it is
named as a basic right (principle) and the obligation to maintain it,
such as understanding in the concept of human rights (HAM).
Hifzh al-nasl can be interpreted as an ideal of protection of one's
personal rights (individuals) in reproduction or regeneration (the
continuity of a child's descent). The explanation is that someone
has a right that cannot be intervened by anyone regarding
reproduction, whether it is related to the number of children that
will be owned or the distance between births. Islam gives partiality
to the individual rights of everyone to freely regulate their
reproduction, without coercion or direction from anyone. This is
compatible with the general tendency of present-day people who
reject or are not interested in family planning programs for human
rights reasons.
d) KB vs. Natural Law (Sunnatullah)
The insights put forward in this context are at least two: First,
a traditional view that humans establish marital relations is by
nature to have offspring, even commonly said that the purpose of
marriage is to get offspring.17 So when pregnancy and birth are
controlled or prevented, it is the same as fighting or violating the
nature that God has set for humans, and this is certainly a sin.

Al-Ghazali, al-Mustashafa min ‘Ilm al-Ushul, Juz I (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, t.t), p. 26.
Lihat, Masdar F. Mas’udi, Islam dan Hak-Hak Reproduksi Perempuan; Dilaog Fiqih
Pemderdayaan, cet. 2, (Bandung: Mizan, 1997), p. 126-127
In addition, secondly, the insights that are trying to be
addressed are that contraception contradicts the nature of creation,
so that it can be called "murder".18 The word contraception is
formed from contra (anti) and conception (creation). The word
"creation" (conception) here refers to the event of a meeting
between the egg cell (ovum) and sperm cells; both are fused,
forming a growing cell called zygote.19 In this view, when sperm
and egg cells merge, that's where life begins. This understanding,
perhaps, later gave birth to the "murder" accusation.
Apart from that, there are two contraceptives, exactly they
might be called the method of family planning, which method is
considered not only "violating nature", but more than that is
"damaging God's creation." What is meant is tubectomy / MOW
and vasectomy / MOP (male surgery method). It is considered to
be a violation of nature - even in a crucial connotation, because
both of these methods make a person (female or male) not have
another child permanently, except through canalization. Damaging
God's creation, because of its mechanism of action: MOW,
occlusion of the fallopian tube, with one option being cut (although
it can also be bound or fitted with a ring); MOP, occlusion
(generally cut) in vasa deferensia (sperm duct).20

Ibid., p. 138.
BKKBN, “Kurikulum dan Modul Pelatihan Pemberian Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja
oleh Pendidik Sebaya,” (Jakarta:BKKBN, 2007), hlm. 36. Lihat juga, BKKBN, “Siklus Hidup
Kesehatan Reproduksi Manusia; Panduan Materi Bagi Pengelola Program KB, (Jakarta: BKKBN,
2013), p. 7.
Ibid., p. MK-89, MK-95.
A. Conclussion
1. The definition of family planning (KB) is an official term used in
Indonesia for efforts to achieve family welfare and happiness, by
accepting and practicing the idea of potential and happy small families
2. The purpose of family planning (KB) is to prepare a number of children
early to make it possible for parents to equip their children physically
or mentally, so they can be independent the day before.
3. And there are some types of family planning (KB), such as: Condoms
(for male and female), the diaphragm, birth control pills, implant,
injectable contraception, AKDR (IUD), sterilization.

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