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Heat - is energy transferred as a result of a temperature

2. Temperature is a measure of the amount of molecular energy
contained in a substance.
3. Work is a transfer of energy resulting from a force acting
through a distance.
4. Second Law of Thermodynamics implies that heat will not transfer
from a colder to a hotter body without some external source of
5. Conduction involves the transfer of heat by the interactions of
atoms or molecules of a material through which the heat is being
6. Convection involves the transfer of heat by the mixing and motion
of macroscopic portions of a fluid
7. Radiation, or radiant heat transfer involves the transfer of heat
by electromagnetic radiation that arises due to the temperature
of a body.
8. Heat flux is the rate of heat transfer per unit area
9. Thermal conductivity is a measure of a substance’s ability to
transfer heat through itself.

10.Log mean temperature difference is the ∆T that most accurately

represents the ∆T for a heat exchanger.

11. Local heat transfer coefficient represents a measure of the

ability to transfer heat through a stagnant film layer.

12. Overall heat transfer coefficient is the measure of the ability

of a heat exchanger to transfer heat from one fluid to another.

13. Bulk temperature is the temperature of the fluid that best

represents the majority of the fluid which is not physically
connected to the heat transfer site

14. Conduction heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy by

interactions between adjacent molecules of a material.

15. Fourier’s Law of Conduction can be used to solve for rectangular

and cylindrical coordinate problems

16. Heat flux (Qc) is the heat transfer rate (Q) divided by the area
17. Heat conductance problems can be solved using equivalent
resistance formulas analogous to electrical circuit problems.

18. Convection heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy by

the mixing and motion of a fluid or gas.

19. Black body radiation is the maximum amount of heat that can be
transferred from an ideal object.

20. Emissivity is a measure of the departure of a body from the

ideal black body.

21. Radiation configuration factor takes into account the emittance

and relative geometry of two objects.

22. Heat exchangers remove heat from a high-temperature fluid by

convection and conduction.

23. Counter-flow heat exchangers typically remove more heat than

parallel flow heat exchangers.

24. Parallel flow heat exchangers have a large temperature

difference at the inlet and a small temperature difference at the

25. Counter-flow heat exchangers have an even temperature difference

across the heat transfer length.

26. Regenerative heat exchangers improve system efficiency by

returning energy to the system. A non-regenerative heat exchanger
rejects heat to the surroundings

27. Nucleate boiling is the formation of small bubbles at a heat

transfer surface. The bubbles are swept into the coolant and
collapse due to the coolant being a subcooled liquid. Heat transfer
is more efficient than for convection.

28. Bulk boiling occurs when the bubbles do not collapse due to the
coolant being at saturation conditions.

29. Film boiling occurs when the heat transfer surface is blanketed
with steam bubbles and the heat transfer coefficient rapidly
30. Critical heat flux (CHF) is the heat flux that causes DNB to

31. Power generation process in a nuclear core is directly

proportional to the fission rate of the fuel and the thermal neutron
flux present.

32. Thermal power produced by a reactor is directly related to the

mass flow rate of the reactor coolant and the temperature difference
across the core.

33. Nuclear enthalpy rise hot channel factor is the ratio of the
total kW heat generation along a fuel rod with the highest total kW,
to the total kW of the average fuel rod.

34. Average linear power density in the core is the total thermal
power divided by the active length of the fuel rods.

35. Nuclear heat flux hot channel factor is the ratio of the maximum
heat flux expected at any area to the average heat flux for the

36. The total heat output of a reactor core is called the heat
generation rate.

37. The heat generation rate divided by the volume of fuel will give
the average volumetric thermal source strength.

38. Decay heat is the amount of heat generated by decay of fission

products after shutdown of the facility.

39. Amount of decay heat is dependent on the reactor’s power


40. Closed loop systems where coolant is circulated between the

reactor and a heat exchanger in a closed loop. The heat exchanger
transfers the decay heat to the fluid in the secondary side of the
heat exchanger.

41. Limits for decay heat are calculated to prevent damage to the
reactor core.
42. Fins are used in a large number of applications to increase the
heat transfer from surfaces.

43. Specific heat is defined as the energy required to raise the

temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree

44. Specific heat at constant volume Cv can be viewed as the energy

required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by
one degree as the volume is held constant

45. Specific heat at constant pressure Cp The energy required to do

the same as the pressure is held constant

46. Incompressible substance is a substance whose specific volume

(or density) does not change with temperature or pressure

47. Power is a Work done per unit time

48. First law of thermodynamics also known as the conservation of

energy principle, states that energy can neither be created nor
destroyed; it can only change forms.

49. Mass flow rate the amount of mass flowing through a cross
section of a flow device per unit time.

50. Volume flow rate is the volume of a fluid flowing through a pipe
or duct per unit time.

51. Dependent variable a variable whose value depends on the value

of other variables and thus cannot be varied independently

52.Independent variable a variable whose value can be changed


53. Lumped system analysis Heat transfer analysis that utilizes this
idealization is known as lumped system analysis

54. Poaching uses warm water just before boiling

55. Simmering refers to cooking in water when it has just begun to


56. Boiling uses vigorously boiling water.

57. Steaming uses the water in vapor phase to heat the food.

58. Deep frying is classified as a dry heat method, although the

food is heated indirectly by convection through the oil.

59. Cast iron is typically iron alloyed with a small amount of

carbon to increase strength.

60. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, chromium, and nickel, and

is desired due to its strength and resistance to corrosion

61. Ceramic is usually a compound of metallic and non-metallic


62. Transient state is a state of non-equilibrium, when the

temperatures are still changing with time.

63. Lumped body model the simplest case of transient conduction

64. One-dimensional transient conduction refers to a case where the

temperature varies temporally and in one spatial direction.

65. Heat transfer using movement of fluids is called convection.

66. Electromagnetic radiation is categorized into types by their


67. Shape factor, F, is a geometrical factor which is determined by

the shapes and relative locations of two surfaces.

68. Microwave radiation is produced by a device called the


69. The anode block is a hollow cylinder with fins coming out to the

70. Cathode filament is a cylindrical rod located at the center of

the anode block.

71. Antenna is positioned so that one end goes into one of the
resonant cavities in the magnetron.

72. Boiling water is one of the most commonly used heat source in
73. Nucleation is the formation of small solids in a liquid. The
clusters of solids are called the nuclei.

74. Refrigerators and freezers use refrigeration cycle to draw heat

away from the compartments to keep foods cool

75. Expansion valve is used to carry the condensed fluid back to the

76. Explicit method is the finite difference approach

77. Convection is classified as natural (or free) and forced

convection, depending on how the fluid motion is initiated.

78. No-temperature-jump condition when two bodies at different

temperatures are brought into contact, heat transfer occurs until
both bodies assume the same temperature at the point of contact.
Therefore, a fluid and a solid surface will have the same
temperature at the point of contact

79. No-slip condition that is, the fluid layer in direct contact
with a solid surface “sticks” to the surface and there is no slip.
In fluid flow, this phenomenon is known as the no-slip condition

80. External flow the flow of an unbounded fluid over a surface such
as a plate, a wire, or a pipe

81. Internal flow if the fluid is completely bounded by solid


82. Shear stress is friction force per unit area

83. Thermal boundary layer the flow region over the surface in which
the temperature variation in the direction normal to the surface is

84. Skin friction the part of drag that is due directly to wall
shear stress

85. Kirchhoff's law is the rate of radiant energy, that is emitted

by a surface at any temperature and in small wavelengths is found
from the known rate of energy, that under the same conditions will
be emitted from a black surface, by multiplying with the
86. Optical pyrometer generally used to measure the temperature
inside the furnace

87. Thermal Diffusivity is a physical property of a material

88. Wood is a material where non isotropic conductivity is shown

89. W/m. K is the S.I unit of thermal conductivity

90. 0.7 is the the value of the Prandt'l number for air

91. Prevost theory All bodies above absolute zero wmit radiation

92. Reynold's number The nature of flow of a fluid inside a tube,

whether it is turbulent or laminar , can be ascertained by this

93. Stefan-Boltzmann law Modes of heat transfer which is applicable

in radiation

94. Source is A resorvoir that supplies energy in the form of heat

95. Liquid metals Least value of Prandt'l number can be expected in

this case

96. Dubring's rule The boiling point of a solution is a linear

function of water at the same pressure

97. Nucleation The first stage of crystal formation

98. Turbulent region Dritus boelter equation can be applied in this


99. Cross flow heat exchanger A correction of log mean temperature

difference is essential in this case

100.Butyl acetate Used as entrainer in acetic acid - water


101. Beta radiation A type of radiation consisting of singly charged

particles that generate to intermediate distances
102. Ion is An electically charged atom or radical which carries
electricity through an electrolyte

103. Thermal Energy is The energy of a body that can be transmitted

in the form of heat

104. Absorbent is A substance that is able to absorb liquids or

gases and is used for removing them from a given medium or region

105. Sink is A reservoir that absorbs energy in the form of heat

106. Radiation is A heat transfer process that does not require a

medium of energy

107. Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) is The

temperature potential between temperature at the two ends of a heat

108. Black body is A theoritical body which when heated to

incandescence would emit a continous light ray spectrum

109. Convection is a Heat transfer due to density differential

110. Conduction is The passing of a heat energy from molecule to

molecule through a substance

111. Deaerator is Kind of heat exchanger where water is heated to a

point that dissolved gases are liberated

112. Emissivity is The effectiveness of a body as a thermal radiator

at a given temperature

113. Sublimationis The vaporization of a solid without first

becoming liquid

114. Absolute zero is A particular condition where no more heat can

be removed from a substance and the temperature can no longer be

115. Emittance is The ratio of the radiation of actual body to the

radiation of a black body

116. One Is a usual geometric view factor for a black body

117. Deposition is A change of phase directly from vapor to solid
without passing through the liquid state

118. Zero is The usual value of transmissivity for opaque materials

119. Gray body is A body whose emissivity is less than one and the
other term for this is real body

120. Black body Refers to an ideal body that absorbs all of the
radiant energy that intrudes on it and also emits the maximum
possible energy when acting as a source

121. Logarithmic is An expression of the thermal resistance for one

dimensional steady conduction heat transfer through cylindrical wall
in radial direction

122. Biot number It refers to the ratio of the internal thermal

resistance of a solid to the boundary layer thermal resistance

123. Fourier Number It refers to the ratio of the rate of heat

transferred by conduction to the rate of energy stored.

124. Thermal energy It is term used to described the energy of a

body that can be transmitted in the form of heat

125. Absorbent is A substance that is able to absorb liquids or

gases and is usually used for removing liquids or gases from a given
medium or region

126. Heat Refers to a form of energy associated with the kinetic

random motion of large numbers of molecules

127. Forced convection is A phenomenon wherein the heat is

transferred by motion of fluid under the action of mechanical device

128. Temperature gradient Is the driving force in heat transfer

129. Prandtl number Is the measure of the relative effectiveness of

momentum and energy transport by diffusion in the velocity and
thermal boundary layer
130. Thermal diffusivity is a Property of solid that provides the
measure of the rate of heat transfer to the energy storage

131. Transparent body is a Theoritical body where absorptivity and

emissivity are independent of the wavelength over the spectral
region of the irradiation and the surface emission?

132. Fire wall Is the structure designed to prevent the spread of

fire having a fire resistance rating of not less than four hours?

133. Regenerator is A heat exchange device used to provide heat

transfer between the exhaust gases and air prior to the entrance of
a combustor

134. Cryogenics Is the science of low temperature

135. Temperature is A thermal state of the body considered as

reference to communicate heat to the other bodies

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