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How to Cure Herpes Outbreaks Naturally

Genital herpes can be a very difficult issue to

deal with. And the worst part for someone
who’s been infected with the genital herpes
virus, is knowing their is no known cure for the
virus itself. Which means, the genital herpes
virus will always stay in the body of the person
who has been infected with it.

But this doesn’t mean you have to continue

experiencing those painful and embarrassing
outbreaks. By simply strengthening your
immune system your body will be able to fight
off the physical aspects of a genital herpes
virus outbreak. This means not having to deal
with those painful and embarrassing open
sores on your genital area most people get
when a genital herpes outbreak does occur.

Please be advised that implementing any of

these solutions are not going to cause your
virus to go away. But using these options, will
allow you to better manage, control and lessen
the severity of an outbreak and in many cases
strengthening your immune system can stop a
genital herpes outbreak from happening
Get Rid of Herpes Naturally
Treating herpes naturally there are many
natural treatment options that may work when
you are looking to keep the spread of herpes
from being a threat around your body:

Use Herbs like licorice root, garlic and

elderberry on your impacted skin. These are
antiviral herbs that can keep off many forms of
bacteria that cause sores to become worse.
Tea Tree Oil and clove oils are both healthy
essential oils that may be diluted and used on
your skin to clean out spots where sores might
develop around.
Lemon Balm Extract can be applied topically
onto sores. This offers a soothing body that
reduces inflammation if applied properly.
Warm Water added onto your sores can help
treat them. This softens them up and ensures
they are more receptive to some of the natural
treatments you may use. Just ensure you do
not try to open your sores to drain them as
that would make the sores harder to treat.

All-Natural Antiviral Medications

Antiviral Medications such as Herpecillin have
been known to help prevent outbreaks or at
least shorten the frequency of further
outbreaks. Herpecillin contains all-natural
ingredients that has helped thousands of
individuals over the years who suffer from the
genital herpes virus. For a limited time you
can try this product yourself getting one
month for free with a 30-Day back guarantee.

A Good Diet Keeps Herpes Away For Good

One way to stop herpes for good is to keep
your diet under control. It will be harder for
herpes sores to develop around your body
when you use a sensible dietary plan. There
are a few things that can be done within your
diet to keep such sores from being a threat:

Lysine – Add more to your diet.

Lysine is an amino acid that has been known to
keep the herpes virus from being as active as
it could be. Lysine works by blocking the
effects of arganine, an amino acid that
promotes the growth of Herpes. This is found
in many lean meats including fish, turkey and
Omega-3 Fatty Acids help with repairing
The inflammation produced by the herpes virus
can be kept under control when you consume
more omega-3 fatty acids. These include
compounds that are found in oily fish products.

These fatty acids may also regulate your

cholesterol levels, thus improving upon your
overall blood flow. This in turn keeps nutrients
moving through your body quite well, thus
reducing the risk of herpes sores developing
after a while.

Zinc not only works as a useful topical

treatment but also as a nutrient for protecting
your body.
Zinc assists in rebuilding tissues that have
been damaged by the herpes virus. It also
protects the body by improving upon the
immune system functions. As the immune
system becomes stronger, it gets harder for
the herpes virus to become prevalent and

Zinc can be found in liver and other organ

meats. It is also prominent in spinach and
other leafy greens. It might help for you to find
a supplement that includes zinc for the best

Carotenoids are vital antioxidants.

Quality fruits and vegetables often contain
carotenoids. These are antioxidant compounds
that protect your body and keep your immune
system strong enough to stop herpes
outbursts from developing.

Taking Care of Sores on the Lips

treating herpes on lipsHerpes sores on your
lips can be annoying and distracting. They may
also feel funny. But you can use a few
strategies for getting rid of such sores on your

Lemon Balm helps to reduce the soreness.

Lemon balm works well to keep the swelling
and soreness of a sore down. You can use a lip
treatment that contains one percent lemon
balm or a tea with a lemon balm infusion to
keep the sores from being a burden.
Aloe Vera Gel offers a soothing sensation.
Aloe vera gel has long been known for being a
hydrating agent but it can also assist in
reducing the inflammation caused by a herpes

Sunscreen does work well when applied on the

It is best to add sunscreen onto your lips to
allow the tissues to stay protected while the
sore is healing. Sunscreen can also be worn
daily along the lips to prevent outbreaks from
being likely to develop. It should be SPF 30 or
better for the best results though.

Keeping The Lips Chilled on occasion also

By adding ice onto your sores along your lips,
the soreness and redness of the sores will
decline. Also, the ice will keep the bacteria
that cause the sore to develop from being as
active. This is not necessarily going to reduce
the duration of the breakout but it will keep
that breakout from being worse than it already
Treating Sores Inside the Mouth
There are often times when you might develop
herpes sores inside your mouth. These sores
can be rather annoying for how they can build
up and irritate your mouth. They can even
appear on the tongue or gums depending on
how they spread around. Several things can be
done to stop these sores inside your mouth
from being harder to bear with than they have
to be.

Stay Hydrated
Always consume water on a regular basis to
allow your sores to be cleaned out. With
enough water, it will become easier for your
sores to wear out and die off. This is also to
keep the pains associated with your sores from
being worse than they might already be.

Baking Soda reduces the intensity of sores.

Baking soda can neutralize your sores and get
rid of bacteria. Baking soda works as an
alkaline agent that cleans out harmful
bacteria. You can mix a teaspoon of baking
soda with half a cup of water and use it as a
rinse to keep the bacteria from being a threat.

Milk of Magnesia also works as a suitable

Milk of magnesia works as an antacid. It goes
over a sore and cleans out difficult acids that
cause the sore to be a problem. You can use
milk of magnesia as a rinse for your sores a
few times a day or you can directly apply it
onto a sore to help with cleaning out such a

Taking Care of HSV1 Sores

You can get rid of HSV1 sores around the
mouth and lips by using a few strategies:

Vitamin E can be added topically over an HSV1

sore to clean out some of the bacteria. You can
open a vitamin E capsule and spread it onto
your sore.
Saltwater over the sore can help. This will
draw water from surrounding tissues, thus
keeping the sore from being dry and rough.
Add an Antacid Into Water and allow it to
dissolve. Spread the antacid and water over
the sore and allow it to break down the
compounds around the sore so it can heal
Treating HSV2 Sores
HSV2 sores can be especially hard to manage.
HSV2 sores can be rather difficult as they
appear around the genital area. Such sores can
be a real burden and are especially painful and
often rough to work with but a few points can
be used to help keep these sores from being a

Epsom Salt
Epsom salt can relax the sores and potentially
kill of bacteria. Make sure to clean off the tub
you bathe in if someone else plans on using it
though as the bacteria might spread around
the surface depending on how well the Epsom
salt works along the sore.

Mild Disinfectants
A mild disinfectant like a pure soap material is
always useful when cleaning off your HSV2
sores. But as you use this, make sure the soap
is not overly strong or abrasive. Anything that
is too powerful could hurt your skin and cause
the virus to spread around more spots on your

Tea Bag applied to your sores can help

A cold black tea bag can be dampened and
placed along the genital sore to stop a flare-up
from being worse. You have to watch for how
this is applied though as it works best when
the bag is directly on the sore area.

Rest Works For All

Don’t forget that rest can help you out with

keeping your body relaxed and under control.
It may be easier for you to keep your immune
system strong and to ensure that the virus is
going to enter into dormancy.

You should take care of any herpes sores you

develop as soon as possible so they will not
become substantial problems over time. With
the right treatment plans, it will become easier
for you to get rid of bothersome herpes sores
before they can be a real burden to your life.

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