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Oil is one of the very important thing in the kitchen, it's used for frying

and used for sautéing a seasonings. It's one partner of mother in kitchen. There

are a lot of unwanted things that happened everyday. Filipino are love

discovering a new thing. What if people doesn't have a money to buy a new oil

for there cooking.

Can people purify their used oil? Using a ginger can help it to purify oil.

Ginger is a useful herb plant, it is said that it's originated from India, China and

Java. Ginger is commonly grown in tropical areas. The main producer of ginger is

Jamaica. G i n g e r i s s cie n ti f i ca lly n a me d as Zingiberofficinale Roscoe.

Ginger is contain a different compound that can use i n pu ri f y in g a u s e d o i l ,

s u ch p a ra d ol , zi n ge r on , ze ro mb on e a n t iox id an t an d ma n y o th e r .

Th a t h e l p t o be c o me mi cr obe f re e a n d b a c te r ia l f re e . An d i t ca n

h e l p t o re m ov e th e u n w an te d o do r i n oil . as O n 1 8 0 7 , an En gl i s h

bo t an is t Wil li am R os c oe n ame d th e p lan t i n h i s pu bli c a t ion .

The name Zingiber is consequent from the Sanskrit word for 'horn shaped'

an d re f e rs t o th e pr o tu be r an ce s on th e rh i z om e . Ginger is a perennial

plant with upright r e d d i s h s t e m , l o o k i n g l i k e l e a v e s , and grows

from one to three or four feet in height. h e s te m i s s u r r ou n de d by th e

l e av e s . It s h oots u p a s te m with n arrow spear shaped leaves, as well as

white or yellow flowers growing directly from the root.

In early times ginger is used as medicine more years ago. I t i s also

widely used as a cooking herb, condiment, spice and home remedy for a long

time ago. I n m e d i c i n a l uses, the ginger root is an effective treatment for

nausea caused by motion sickness o r other sickness. This kind of medical

usage was found by earlier researchers, D.B,Mourey and D.E Clayson. For

morning sickness, it is not recommended to take the ginger root because

morning sickness commonly associated with pregnancy. Ginger E x t r a c t also

has long been used in traditional medical practices to decrease

i n f l am m at io n . Besides that, ginger oil is used for cooking, as a

flavoring for cookies, biscuits and cake, and it is the main flavor in

ginger ale, a sweet, carbonated, non alcoholic beverage. But this time ginger is

used in an experiment which is purifying the used oil in the kitchen.

Statement of the Problem

1. How does the quality of purified oil different to a retail oil in terms of:

 odor

 color

2. How can purified oil help the mother in daily expenses?

3. Does ginger is effective for purifying the oil?





MARCH 2019

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