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1. A person’s vision may improve.

With moderation, video games have been shown to improve a person’s vision. For the average person,
just 10 weeks of playing video games in moderation offers the opportunity to be able to distinguish
between multiple shades of the same color with greater regularity. For those with a “lazy” eye, using it
without the aid of the “normal” eye while playing video games helped to normalize the affected eye.

2. It builds social networks.

Games like Destiny 2 from Bungie may not require social interaction to play, but those interactions are
strongly encouraged. This encourages people to build online social networks to help them complete
game goals. This is the same skill that is required for people to build career networks so that their
careers can advance as well.

3. It sparks an interest in specific subjects.

Games create interest through their characters, plot lines, and general storytelling, much like books did
for the generations before. By putting a player into a specific world, video games can spark an interest in
players for the subject matter covered in the game. That might involve a specific historical era, such as
World War II, or a vocational skill, such as computer coding.

4. Not every video game is sedentary.

Many video games require players to move so that goals can be accomplished within the game.
Interactive video games can even encourage fitness. Wii Fit U, when it was introduced in 2014, may not
have caused gamers to lose lots of weight. What it did do was introduce gamers to concepts like daily
Yoga and embrace an online gym community. Those ideas could then translate into the real world.

5. It could slow the aging process for the brain.

Video games are so effective at retaining the sharpness and clarity of brain functionality that just 10
hours of playing can create a lifetime of difference. As people age, the importance of playing games
increases. Playing can reduce the risks for depression, help with arthritis, and even be a therapeutic
option for aphasia. It also helps people find social connections when traditionally, their age might limit
those interactions.

6. It improves decision-making speed.

Making a decision is a skill. Video games require players to practice that skill over and over. That makes it
possible for the decision-making speed of some individuals to be improved. Compared to non-players,
gamers who spend time daily with fast-paced games can react to questions or situations up to 25%

7. It can replace a vice.

Just about everyone has some sort of vice that bothers them. It could be smoking, drinking, eating too
much, or plenty of other activities or decisions. Video games can even be a vice for some. Games can
also replace unhealthy vices with an activity that promotes better health. People who play video games,
especially puzzle-based games, can experience fewer cravings when they play on a regular basis.

Video games may help ease anxiety and depression

Both anecdotally and scientifically, video games have been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and
depression. For example, Scientific American reported that the game Tetris may actually ease the
symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. In forums such as Geek and Sundry, authors describe how
video games may help those who have social anxiety disorder learn how to initiate relationships and
learn about social cues.

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