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the metal body and then through the earth wire to iii. the heating elenrent i.

iii. the heating elenrent i.s a r:oilr,,l , ,, l, . t, tr;r.,

the ground. a large surface area to Irr:lI rli.r.:iJ' rr' l'. ,r 1" 1;',.
ji. Fuse I, which has a Iower maxinum allowed surroundings.
current than fuse Z will rnelt lirst. Fuse Z will also When the heat producerl lr('r s( i ('r.l r., rl,, l', rrrrrr,
melt later. elementisequal totheheatlocl 1',.1 ., ,,,, 1t,,,", 11,,.
surface of the heating eltlrr<'rrl. llr. r.,,,i r ,rrrr' ,,1
Section I] the heating element is col)slrnt.
,/ td i. "12 V l0 W" means when the bulb is connected to
(b) i. l. The density must be krrv
a potential difference of 12 y, it produces a power
2. so that its mass is srlall/nr'l l', ,r.
of l0 | per second. 3. The melting point shoul<l I'r' Iril,lr
ii. Circuit (a) Circuit (b) 4. so that it does not rrrell rvhcrr lr,,r
5. The resistivity should be lrigl'
f+,b, r2v
6. in order that more lrell c;rrr l-, 1.r,,,1,r, .t
7. It must be highly l.esistarlt l() ,,,,,1
(b) - the bulbs in circuit (a) have the same brightness
. 8. so that it is long lasting/reli:rl'|,.
and the bulbs in curcuit (b) also have thi same
ii. The most suitable is S, as it lrrs ,r 1,,, ,{, rl rri. {rilllr
melting point, reasonably lo$' r csirrtir it, ,,' l i l, i,.lr l1
- But the bulbs in circuit (a) are brighter than those in
resistant to rust.
circuit (b).
- The potential difference across each bulb in circuit (c) i. .l = I , | = I

(a),is 12 V R t00 t00 50

.'. bffective resistance, Jl _.- 50 ( )
- Potential difference across each bulb in circuit (b) is
V= IR, 240 = r (s0) / -- 4.s A
ii. The fuSe USed muSt have a c,r,r/,nt ,.,r,,,, li,.rr|1
- The current flowing through each bulb in (e) is higher than the normal clnent in rl,, i,,,rrr \
higher than the current flowing through each bulb
is tiro near to 4.8 A ancl l-3 A is 1,,,, lrir.l' il,, rrr,,,:r
in circuit (b).
suitable is l0 A.
- In the series connection, the current flowing through
each resistor is the same. In the parallel connection, the PAPER 3
potential difference across each resistor is the same. Section A
(c) i. l. Each wall and the ceiling are fitted with l0 hot r (a) i. Ma;ripulated variable: Sur'[ace ar,,r. \
lamps of 500 W each, uniformly arranged. ll. Responding variable: Currerrl, /
2. so that heat is radiated uniformly on the car. iii. Fixed variable: The distan.e lrclrr, ' r' rl 1,1,1
3. the bulbs are connected in a parallel circuit the type of solution used
4. so that if one bulb is burnt, the others can still (b)
ii. l. Ceiling fans are installed at 4 corners of the
roollt :::1
2. to help circulate the hot air inside, but not to
affect the spraying.
(c) rmn

3. Thermostats are installed at the centre of
the room to control temperature. When the
tenrperature reaches 600.C, halfofthe bulbs are
switched off.
llt 1.'Paint is sprayed from jets kept at a positive 04A/cm)
potential, while the car body is kept at a negative
(d) I is directly proportional to,,l.
potential. (e) i. Gradient, nt - -(42'0 - 0)-10 ' r" , ! ',.
2. Attraction between the positively charged (12-o)xlrl'
paint droplets and the negatively charged car ii I=M
uniform painting at even sharp ... K=.Ld
l. A big tray is placed below the car to collect (gradient) (3.0 x 10,)
excess paint to be reused. = (35.0) (3.0 x l0 ,) = 1.05 A rr' '

2. 'Ihe car is painted in thin layers, each layer is left

Section B
to dry before a new layer is sprayed. 2 (a) A longer wire becomes hotter l,lr.rr ;) , tr,1,,,,
through it.
(b) The Lesistance of a wire increasr:s ,rl',r rl,. l,rrt'llr
The resistance R is the ratio ofthe potential difference
ffi:r: V to the current I.
(c) i
Ttr study the relatirxship betrvccrr rl,, ,.',, 1:',', /i
and the length / o[ a wire
ii. l. Manipulated variable: Jle lcrrrtllr ,'l tl,, ir, I
The heating elenent has a rnuch higherl-r.esistance 2. Responding variable: 'llre rr..ist,,r,,, ;
than the connecting wires. The heat produced per 3. Fixedvariable:'lhe type of rrrri,'ri,rl'',1 l,', tlr.'
second = I2R.
wire, the diarneter of the rr ir c r r,,' , 1


q.Eflry4r,ry{f4ql.1f'rF*&lir$I{F -.

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