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Effect Of Different Light Spectrum on Plant

Research in photobiology dates back over 200 years with studies using primitive light sources. This early
research identified photoreceptors and action spectra for specific regions of the light spectrum that are
paramount for photosynthesis as well as growth and development that are still topics of interest today.
Photobiological research has become an area of increasing interest since the introduction of light-emitting
diodes which allow for evaluating endless combinations of light spectra. Red light-light emitting diodes
were the first to be introduced that had an electrical efficiency comparable to existing light sources. The
research found that red light alone was not sufficient to promote normal plant growth and development in
most species and that some blue light supplementation was needed. The amount of blue light required has
been extensively studied with varying results. The introduction of light emitting diodes has also allowed for
studies of the effects of green light on plant growth and development. The influence of green light, similar to
blue light, has resulted in varying conclusions, mainly regarding the importance of green light for
photosynthesis. This article will provide important information on optimal light quality for commercial
greenhouse and controlled environmental food production.


A crucial component in the growth of a plant besides water and oxygen, is sunlight. By receiving it, a plant
is able to convert sunlight into edible food that it can use. This process is called photosynthesis. Water,
oxygen, and sunlight make the holy trinity for plants.

Visible light as we perceive it behaves as a wave. As such, it displays different properties depending on its
wavelength. For example, a source of light with a wavelength of around 650 nm will be detected as having a
red color.

Full Spectrum Lighting Scale

Multiple studies have been conducted on how different colors of lights can have varying effects on the
growth of a plant.
Thanks to the recent developments in LED (light emitting diode) grow light technology, specific light
wavelengths can now be isolated in order to control the different physical properties that a plant displays as
it develops throughout its life cycle. These properties include, but are not limited to, height, weight, color,
and texture, as well as the chemical composure of the plant itself.
As a plant grows, you can use LED grow lights to manipulate these physical properties depending on the
plant characteristics that you desire.
Utilization of light by plants
Radiation is the source of energy for photosynthesis, and provides information for photomorphogenesis
(Smith, 2013) . Photosynthesis is driven by photosynthetically active radiation (400 to 700 nm). Pigments
used by plants to capture photosynthetically active radiation for photosynthesis include chlorophyll a,
chlorophyll b and a variety of accessory pigments, including carotenoids, which transfer absorbed energy to
photosynthetic reaction centers (Nishio, 2000). Photosynthetic photon flux is used to measure
photosynthetically active radiation and gives equal weight toall photons within the photosynthetically active
radiation range (McCree, 1972b).However, not all wavelengths of photons are equally efficient in driving
photosynthesis . Each pigment has a characteristic action spectrum, which is defined as the rate of
physiological activity at each wavelength of light. The action spectra of chlorophyll a and b strongly absorb
red light (RL) and blue light (BL), but weakly absorb green light (GL) (Nishio, 2000)

Photomorphogenesis is defined as light-mediated development, and is regulated by the light perception

network, which is composed of at least three classes of photoreceptors: phytochromes, cryptochromes, and
phototropin (Briggs and Olney,2001). Phytochromes are sensitive to red and far-red radiation,
cryptochromes to blue and ultraviolet-A, and phototropins to blue, green and ultraviolet-A (Casal, 2000).

Spectral distributions of all eight LED treatments, including: the three types of white LEDs, the red + blue
(RB) and red + green + blue (RGB) LEDs, and the red, green, and blue monochromatic LEDs REF 1
Digitalis purpurea (commonly known as purple foxglove or lady’s glove) is a herbaceous biennial or short-
lived perennial plant, which belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family. Foxglove has been commonly used to
treat congestive heart failure REF 2,3. A recent research has identified the in vitro anti-cancerous effects of
‘cardenolides’, a compound that is derived from foxglove; suggesting its possible use in oncology REF 4 .
D. purpurea was selected as a model plant since it is a rich source of cardiac glycoside or cardenolides. For
the potential biological effects of LED in the plant factory system, the physiological, morphological, and
biochemical investigation of LED on Digitalis growth could be of enormous benefit. In this study, a
complex ecosystem was constructed to create a model growth environment for Digitalis to further masses
the effects of LEDs on plant growth

Light arrangements and growth of D. purpurea plants growing under (a) R-LED (100%), (b) B-LED (100%), (c)
FL-LED (100%), (d) R-LED: B-LED (50: 50%), (e) R-LED: B-LED (80: 20%), and (f) R-LED: B-LED (20: 80%)
light qualities

Plant growth parameter measurements and Water potential

The effect of LEDs on the shoot and root growth of D. purpurea have been presented in below figure, with
the plant growth data (in Table ). It is evident that the D. purpurea plants grown under different individual
LEDs and in combinations, exhibited distinct growth responses and biomass productions. The growth
parameters, such as number of leaves (43.33, length of longest root (29.40 cm), leaf width (6.50 cm), leaf
area (608.92 cm2 plant−1) (Table ), leaf (21.1 g) or root (4.706 g) fresh weight (FW), leaf (2.422 g) or root
(0.411 g) dry weight (DW) significantly increased in the plants grown under R:B LED (8:2), whereas leaf
width was maximum in the plants grown under R LED alone as compared to control plants. The present
results showed that R:B LED (8:2) was beneficial for plant growth and development as shown in Table .
Earlier work has shown that rapeseed plantlets grown under R:B LED showed maximum root values as
compared to the plants cultivated under FL LED or under R LED REF 5. In chrysanthemum and rose plants,
total biomass and total dry weight increased with higher B light and R light ratio, respectively REF 6. In
addition,studies on lettuce plants, grown on hydroponic system also exhibited greater leaf area for the plants
cultivated under FL than the plants those were grown under R:B LED REF 7. Although FL lamps (cool white)
influence the formation of larger leaves when compared to R:B treatment, however, the size of the
leavesremained smaller when compared to the RG(green)B LED REF 8. The effects and mechanisms
associatedwithlight quality in plants may be specific to plant species or cultivars. In the present study, R:B
LED lightis a novel illumination system for Digitalis cultivation in a PFS.
The effect of LED’s on Digitalis purpurea L. grown under a closed type plant factory (a) Red; (b) Blue; (c)
Fluorescent light; (d–f) combined LEDs of red and blue light [RB (1:1, 8:2, and 2:8) respectively].

The effect of Red, Blue, Fluorescent light, and combined LEDs of red and blue light [RB (1:1, 8:2, and 2:8) on plant
growth parameters and leaf relative water content (%) in Digitalis purpurea L., under a closed type plant factory. The
data represents mean ± standard error. Data for each column followed by the different alphabets are significantly
different according to Duncan’s multiple range test at p < 0.05.
RWC reached a maximum of 89% in plants grown under R:B (1:1) and a minimum of 77.55% in leaves of
plant grown under R LEDs (Table ). Yorio et al. REF 9 reported that lettuce plants grown under R:B light had
higher weight accumulation than in plants grown under R light alone. All these outcomes show that plant
responses to LEDs lighting under PFS are cultivar and/or species dependent.

Influence on photosynthesis rates

Photosynthesis rate increased during the FL treatment, followed by treatment with R:B (8:2). The highest
photosynthesis rate was recorded to be 7.6 ± 0.12 µmol CO2m−2 s−1 at 1,500 µmol mol−1 of
CO2 concentration in FL treatment, while 7.1 ± 1.3 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at 1,200 µmol mol−1 of
CO2 concentration was recorded in the R:B (8:2) treated plants, respectively . This result is consistent with
the findings of Goins et al. REF 10 who reported that wheat plants when grown under R:B LEDs had higher
photosynthesis rates. These photosynthesis rates were higher due to increased stomatal conductance
(stomata opening) under more B light REF 11. Light-saturated maximum stomatal conductance and
photosynthesis are closely associated in many plant species REF 12,13. It is well known that a higher B light
amount is mostly related to the development of ‘sun-type’ leaves, which are characterized by a higher leaf
mass per unit leaf area and a high photosynthetic capacity REF 14,15,16.

Influence on different macro- and micro-element content

The results of the micro- and macro-element analysis of leaf samples of D. purpurea plant have been
presented in above Table . The levels of macro- (Ca, K, Mg, P, and S) and micro- (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn)
elements were quantified in mg g−1. Ca ranged from 7.333 mg g−1 for R:B (8:2) to 11.741 mg g−1 for R:B
(2:8). Mg ranged from 2.159 mg g−1 for R-LEDs to 3.243 mg g−1for R:B (2:8). K ranged from 39.644 for
R:B (8:2) to 50.645 mg g−1 for FL-LEDs. P ranged from 4.960 mg g−1 for R:B (8:2) to 7.280 mg g−1 for RB
(2:8). S ranged from 1.225 for B-LED to 1.720 mg g−1 for R:B (2:8). For micro elements; B ranged from
0.028 for R:B (8:2) to 0.043 mg g−1 for R:B (2:8). Cu ranged from 0.010 for R:B (8:2) to 0.024 mg g−1 for
R:B (2:8). Fe ranged from 0.070 for B-LEDs to 0.201 mg g−1 for R:B (2:8). Mn ranged from 0.092 for R-
LEDs to 0.143 mg g−1 for R:B (2:8). Zn ranged from 0.100 for R:B (8:2) to 0.169 mg g−1 for R:B (2:8)
(Table). Vaštakaitė et al. REF 17 investigated the effects of LED light spectra and irradiance level,
on Brassica species and concluded that LEDs light spectra and intensity may improve the micro- an macro-
elements contents in the plants grown under controlled environmental condition.

Intensity Effect

A plant’s most natural habitat provides the intensity of light needed for optimal growth. As a result, different
plant types may require different light intensities. According to the University of Missouri Extension, plants
typically fall within one of three lighting categories—low, medium and high. Low light plants can thrive
under a 10- to 15-watt bulb provided this amount of wattage reaches each spare foot within the growing
area. Medium light plants can grow in the 15-watt range, but higher intensities of light can promote faster
growth rates. High light plants require at least 20 watts per square foot of growing space, though higher
intensities will further promote growth and flowering.

When experimenting with or altering the amount of light your indoor plants receive, remember that the
intensity of the light can be as important as the amount. Some plants require bright, intense light while
others require low or indirect light. A plant that looks dull and has smaller leaves than it should is not getting
enough light. Try increasing the intensity of the light the plant receives or start providing light 24 hours a
day. Plants that receive too much light turn yellow in color and may eventually be covered in patches of
dead, burnt tissue. If the plants are exposed to too much sun, chlorophyll, carotenoids absorb more energy
than they can handle and generate reactive species of oxygen that can destroy the plant . Help these plants by
moving the light source further away, reducing the intensity of the light they receive, or by providing longer
periods of darkness.

(Image source: harennotes4u.blogspot.com)

High light intensity may doesn’t effect the plant growth but the heat produced from the high intensity light leads
to leaves turn yellow and burned making plant die if expose for long time.

Low intensity will lead to stunned growth of plant and insufficient photosynthesis which will eventually lead to
death of the plant
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