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It is known that the lengths of the three sides of ΔABC are all integer cm, and if the length of
the longest side of ΔABC is 13 cm, there are a total of triangles satisfying such conditions and
not being equal. (Note: A regular triangle with a side length of 13 cm and an isosceles
triangle with a waist length of 13 cm are counted.)

2. Let a and b be two unequal real numbers and satisfy 𝑎2 + √3𝑏 = 4, 𝑏 2 + √3𝑎 = 4, then
𝑎 𝑏
the value of + is …
𝑏 𝑎

3. It is known that a, b, and c are real numbers satisfying ax + by + 2c = 0, c ≠ 0, ab − c2 ≥ 0, and

the maximum value of xy is …

4. Let { an} be an arithmetic progression and its tolerance is negative, known that
a2a10 + a2a6 + a6a14 +a10a14 = 0.
When the value of the sum n of the first n terms of this series is the largest, the minimum
value of n is ….

5. Two integers x, y are known, where x ≥ y, if (x+y), (x-y), xy, 𝑦 The sum is equal to
1800. Then the order pair (x, y) has a _________ group.

6. If a positive integer can be expressed as the square difference between two consecutive odd
numbers, the positive integer is called "lucky number", for example, 8 = 32 −12, 32 = 92 – 72,
so both 8 and 32 are lucky numbers. Then, in a positive integer not exceeding 2018, the sum
of the lucky numbers is _________.

7. Let , then the integer part of m is .

8. In the polynomial obtained after the polynomial (x7 + x3 +1)20 is expanded and the similar
items are merged, the coefficient of x20 is _________.

9. The first item in the series is 1, the second item is 4 +10 +19, the third item is 31+ 46 + 64 +
85 +109, and the fourth item is 136 +166 +…+ 361 ,... The 19 described above is called the
third number in the second item, and 46 is called the second number in the third item. The
19th item in the 18th item in the series is …

10. Known point P on line segment AB, point O on line segment AB extension line. Then use the
point O as the center and the OP as the radius to make a circle, and take a point C on the
circle, as shown in the figure. If AP = 2BP and OP is the ratio of OA to OB, the ratio of AC:BC
is _________.
11. In the quadrilateral ABCD, ∠ABC = ∠ADC = 90°, AB = BD and point E is the intersection of the
diagonal AC and BD, as shown. If the length of the AC is 90 cm and the length of the CE is 18
cm, the length of the side CD is ______________ cm.

12. It is known that the area of the square ABCD is 360 cm2, and the point M is a point inside
the square. Let the points EF, G, and H be the center of gravity of the triangles MAB, MBC,
MCD, and MDA, respectively, as shown in the figure. Then the area of the quadrilateral EFGH
is ________cm2.

13. A positive integer n ≤ 2018 is known. What is the value of n that makes the value of
14n +10n − 3n −1 divisible by 143?

14. In ΔABC, point D is on the BC side such that AB = CD and 2 ∠ BAD + 3 ∠ ABD = 180°, as
shown. Please prove ∠CAD = ∠BAD + ∠ABD.
15. Divide a regular hexagon with a side length of 5 units into a number of small equilateral
triangles with a length of 1 as shown. Apply vertices (91 total) of these regular triangles to
red or blue. In this figure, a circle is formed with arbitrary vertices and arbitrary radii, and if
the number of points of A color is applied to these 91 points, it is more. No matter how
much color is applied, how many points on the circle with the most points of A color are
painted with A color?

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