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Table 1: Effects of drinking alcohol to studies

Effects Frequency Percentage Rank

I am no longer 30 20.00% 5

interested to

participate in school


I have low grades. 32 21.33% 3.5

I lose interest to study 32 21.33% 3.5

I missed school 43 28.67% 2


I gets absent from my 47 31.33% 1


Others 13 8.67% 6

The first table shows the effect of drinking alcohol to the studies of grade 10 students.

31.33% of the respondents said that they get absent from their classes because of drinking

alcohol, with the frequency of 47 respondents. 39 out of 47 of it said that because they get hang

over and they need to sober up which caused them to not getting able to be in the class. The

remaining 8 people of the 47 respondents said that they already consumed all of their allowance

and they prefer to be in home . Based on the result, 43 of them missed school activities because

they are not able to be in the class. 32 of the respondents said that they have low grades because

they cannot focus to the class due to their hang over. Another 32 of the respondents lose their

interest in studies because they prefer to hang out with their friend, because according to them
study has no fun. 30 of the respondents lose interest in school activities because they chose to

escape from the class rather than to be a part of it. And 13 of the respondents, says that they got

higher grade because of drinking alcohol.

Table 2: Reasons for consuming alcohol

Reasons Frequency Percentage Rank

Because of peer 36 24.00% 4


Because of curiosity 42 28.00% 2.5

Because of boredom 42 28.00% 2.5

Because of family 23 15.33% 5


To escape problem 66 44.00% 1

To show that I am a 15 10.00% 7


To show that I am 17 11.33% 6


Others 7 4.67% 8

In this second table, the top answer that we got from the respondents is that, grade10

students tend to drink alcohol for them to escape from their problems which occupies the 44% of

the result. Based on the respondent that we interviewed, the student have a family problem and

he/she pretend to be going to school but they end up to walwal. The second of the common
reasons why students become slowly addicted to alcohol is because of their curiosity and

boredom, 42% of the respondents answer that it is because of their curiosity and 42% also

answers that it is because of their boredom. According to the result, grade10 students are more

likely to get addicted in alcohol because of peer pressure. One of the respondents who answered

that the reason of being drunk is peer pressure said that, bad influence in a circle of friends

cannot be avoided. 23 of the respondent said that a family member can influence their relatives

to adapt their habit like drinking alcohol which is the common habit of elders.

Most of the teenagers nowadays, want to look cool. And because of lack of information,

they tend to think that getting drunk is making them cool, 17 of the respondents agreed that this

is one of the reasons why teenagers get addicted to it. Male teenagers, wants to achieve a bad boy

look because it is their basis to tell that they are a real man. 15 of the male respondents, answered

that they tend to drink alcohol to show up. And 7 of the remaining respondents that answers

“others” said that, they just like the taste of liquor.

Table 3: Length of time spent for drinking alcohol

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Less than 6 months 52 34.67% 1

6 months to 1 year 31 20.67% 2

1-2 years 23 15.33% 2.5

3-4 years 21 14.00% 5

5 years or more 23 15.33% 2.5

Total 150 100%

The third table represents the length of time spent for drinking alcohol of students. The

top answer is less than 6 months with a frequency of 52 and 34.67%. In this reason, the theory

that maybe most of the students just started drinking alcohol/liquor by the beginning of the grade

10 school year with some are the reason, during grade 10 students sometimes tend to feel old

enough to be responsible of thinking by themselves. In the range of 6months to 1 year, 31 of the

students start drinking alcohol. Based on the researchers’ calculation, the respondents start

drinking alcohol at the age of 15-16 years of age. 23 of the respondents has been drinking

alcohol for 2years. Most of the respondents that answered 5 years or more are in the age of 17

and above. And the rest of the respondents started drinking alcohol 3-4 years ago.

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