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J 891
1 4 (In words)

Time : 1 /4 hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 8 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
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J-89-14 1 P.T.O.
Paper – II
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All
questions are compulsory.

1. For a clear night and with windspeeds 4. Protecting nature and the wilderness
< 3 m/s, the atmosphere is for its own sake is referred as
(A) stable (A) Deep ecology

(B) slightly unstable (B) Shallow ecology

(C) Self ecology
(C) neutral
(D) Selfless ecology
(D) slightly stable

2. Assertion (A) : Chemosynthesis 5. For the analysis of oxides of

plays an important role in ‘S’ Nitrogen, which of the following set
cycle. of reagents are used ?
(A) Sulphanilic acid, NEDA, H2O2,
Reason (R) : In chemosynthesis,
some sulphur compounds act as
source of energy. (B) Sulphamic acid, NEDA, H2O2,
Codes :
(C) Sulphamic acid, Nicotine, H2O,
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) HNO3
is the correct explanation.
(D) Sulphomolybdic acid, NEDA,
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and H2O2, H2SO4
(R) is not the correct
6. Number of ions of cadmium present
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
in 3n moles of cadmium nitrate is
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true. (A) 18.069 × 1023
(B) 18.069 × 1020
3. Which of the following is NOT a
correct statement ? (C) 18.069 × 1017
(D) 18.069 × 1014
(A) Tropics are the warmest and
wettest regions.
(B) Subtropical high pressure zones 7. Which one of the following
create dry zones at about 30° N organisms is a free living nitrogen
and S. fixer ?

(C) Temperature and precipitation (A) Rhizobium

are lowest at the poles. (B) Azotobacter
(D) Temperature is lowest and (C) Frankia
precipitation is highest at the (D) Dorylimes
Paper-II 2 J-89-14
8. Which one of the following has 12. A local population genetically,
highest bioconcentration factor structurally and functionally adapted
(BCF) ? to its local environment is called
(A) DDT (A) ecotype

(B) DDE (B) ecophene

(C) ecad
(C) Chlordane
(D) ecocline
(D) Heptachlor

13. Mycorrhizae is an example of

9. Consider an Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion (OTEC) process (A) Ammensalism
operating between 30 °C and 5 °C. (B) Commensalism
What would be the maximum
(C) Parasitism
possible efficiency for an electricity
generator station operating with these (D) Symbiosis
temperatures ?
(A) 8% (B) 15% 14. The entire series of communities of
biotic succession from pioneer to
(C) 25% (D) 40%
climax community is known as
(A) Troph
10. The process of ‘Nebulisation’ in (B) Sere
Atomic Absorption Spectrop-
hotometry is to (C) Population
(D) Biome
(A) convert the liquid sample to
gaseous form.
15. In which of the following ecosystems
(B) convert the liquid sample into
the pyramid of biomass is inverted ?
small droplets.
(A) Forest
(C) sublimate the sample.
(B) Grassland
(D) solubilization of the solute.
(C) Pond
(D) Desert
11. Individuals of a plant species
occurring in a particular area
constitute 16. The first National Park established in
India is
(A) fauna
(A) Kaziranga National Park
(B) flora
(B) The Jim Corbett National Park
(C) flora and fauna (C) Hazaribagh National Park
(D) population (D) Gir National Park
J-89-14 3 Paper-II
17. The animals that rest or swim on the 22. The presence of ammonia in
surface of the lakes are called groundwater may indicate a nearby
(A) Nektons (A) coal mine
(B) Neustons (B) municipal solid waste dumping
(C) Benthos site
(D) Peritons (C) thermal power plant
(D) granite quarry
18. Which of the following is an example
of in situ conservation of biodiversity ? 23. Given below are statements in the
(A) Captive breeding context of a truly vertical aerial
photograph :
(B) Seed bank
(C) National park (i) The principal point, nadir point
and isocentre coincide.
(D) Pollen bank
(ii) Isocentre is the centre from
where the radial displacements
19. A biome contains of images take place.
(A) many ecosystems (iii) Tilt is a character of vertical
(B) many communities aerial photograph.
(C) many populations Identify the correct answer from the
(D) a single ecosystem codes given below :
(A) (i) only
20. In Bhopal gas tragedy, the quantity (B) (i) & (ii) only
of Methyl Isocyanate leaked into the (C) (i) & (iii) only
atmosphere was around
(D) (ii) & (iii) only
(A) ~ 180 tonnes
(B) ~ 60 tonnes
24. Kaolinite is a type of clay Mineral
(C) ~ 112 tonnes with layers of silicon and aluminium
(D) ~ 40 tonnes in the ratio of
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1:2
21. What is the sequence of arrival of (C) 2:1 (D) 3 : 1
seismic waves at a recording station ?
(A) P-wave, S-wave, L-wave, 25. In an ideal Magneto Hydro Dynamic
R-wave. Power Generator, the separation
(B) S-wave, P-wave, R-wave, between the plates = 0.5 m, magnetic
L-wave. flux density = 2 Wb/m2 and average
(C) R-wave, L-wave, P-wave, fuel velocity = 500 m/sec. The voltage
S-wave. developed across the plates will be
(D) S-wave, L-wave, R-wave, (A) 500 V (B) 1000 V
P-wave. (C) 2000 V (D) 5000 V

Paper-II 4 J-89-14
26. If the wind speed in a certain area 31. Hardness of water is due to the
increases by a factor of 2 from 4 m/s presence of
to 8 m/s, the power output from an
(A) Calcium and Magnesium ions
ideal wind mill will increase by a
factor of (B) Strontium and Nitrate ions
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) Sodium and Chloride ions
(C) 16 (D) 2 (D) Potassium and Nitrite ions
27. Under Jawaharlal Nehru Solar
Mission of Government of India, a 32. Principal constituents of atmospheric
total of 20,000 MW of utility Grid brown clouds are
Power (including roof to solar
power) is sought to be installed by I. Soot
the year II. Soil dust
(A) 2020 (B) 2022 III. Fly ash
(C) 2025 (D) 2030 IV. Sulphates and nitrates
Identify the correct code :
28. In which country dry steam deposits
(A) I & II only
have been used as such for electricity
generation ? (B) I & IV only
(A) Italy (C) II, III and IV only
(B) Iceland (D) I, II, III and IV
(C) Austria
(D) New Zealand 33. The famous ‘London Smog’ was
observed in the year

29. The resources which are unlimited (A) 1750

and where quality is not degraded are (B) 1952
termed as
(C) 1972
(A) renewable
(D) 2000
(B) reusable
(C) immutable
34. The permissible limit of day time
(D) exhaustible industrial noise as recommended by
WHO is

30. The most toxic form of mercury in (A) 80 dB

water is (B) 75 dB
(A) 2 Hg+ (B) Hg2+ (C) 90 dB
+ o
(C) H3C – Hg (D) Hg (D) 76 dB
J-89-14 5 Paper-II
35. Surface litter layer on ground soil is 39. Arrange the functions associated with
also known as EIA in a sequential manner
(A) ‘O’ horizon (i) Identification
(ii) Prediction
(B) ‘A’ horizon
(iii) Defining the scope
(C) ‘B’ horizon (iv) Impact evaluation and analysis
(D) ‘C’ horizon Codes :
(A) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
36. Which one of the following
represents the correct Uranium decay (C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
series ? (D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(A) Uranium → Radium → Radon
→ Polonium 40. The role of State Pollution Control
Board in EIA is
(B) Uranium → Radon → Radium (i) Public hearing / consultation
→ Polonium
(ii) Issue of NOC
(C) Uranium → Radium → (iii) Collecting environmental data
Polonium → Radon (iv) Survey of fauna and flora
(D) Uranium → Radon → Codes :
Polonium → Radium (A) (i) and (iii) only
(B) (i) and (ii) only
37. Hydropower projects with large (C) (iii) and (iv) only
reservoirs affect the environment by (D) (ii) and (iii) only
release of
(A) CO 41. Percentage of carbon in a typical
municipal solid waste ranges from
(B) CO2 (A) 50 – 60 %
(C) CH4 (B) 40 – 50 %
(D) NO2 (C) 30 – 40 %
(D) 20 – 30 %

38. Terms of reference is fixed at which 42. Which one of the following has
stage of EIA process ? maximum destruction and removable
(A) Screening stage efficiency ?
(A) Incineration
(B) Scoping stage
(B) Biological Treatment
(C) Detailed EIA stage (C) Chemical Treatment
(D) Project Appraisal stage (D) Landfill

Paper-II 6 J-89-14
43. Wastes are known to be corrosive if 48. Two sets of data consisting of 10 and
the pH is 20 observations have same mean 8
(A) ≤ 2 with standard deviations of 1 and 2,
respectively. If the two data sets are
(B) ≤3 combined, then the variance is
(C) ≤4
(A) 3
(D) ≤ 5
(B) 2

44. Hazardous Waste Management and (C) 5

Handling Rule was enacted in the (D) 1.5
(A) 1989
(B) 1979
49. Match the List – I with List – II and
(C) 1969 choose the correct answer from the
(D) 1999 given codes :
List – I (Event) List – II (Date)
45. For a given set of data 5, 8, 12, 15
and 20, the comparison of geometric a. Earth Day i. 5th June
– – b. World ii. 3rd October
(G), harmonic (H) and arithmetic
Environment Day

mean (X) will be
c. Ozone Day iii. 22nd April
– – –
(A) H > G > X d. World Nature iv. 16th September
– – – Day
(B) H > G < X
– – – Codes :
(C) H < G < X
a b c d
– – –
(D) H < G > X (A) i ii iv iii
(B) iii i iv ii
46. Algal bloom follows a population
growth pattern, which is (C) ii i iii iv
(A) J – shaped (D) iv iii ii i
(B) S – shaped
(C) Exponential 50. CBD stands for
(D) Linear (A) Convention on Biological
47. t-distribution is approximately
(B) Conservation Biodiversity
normal for sample size η
(A) ≥ 30
(C) Conservation Association for
(B) ≥ 10 Biodiversity and Management
(C) ≥ 15 (D) Cumulative Plan for Biological
(D) ≥ 20 Diversity
J-89-14 7 Paper-II
SUBJECT : 89 (Environmental Sciences)
Question Number SC-89
01 A
02 A
03 D
04 A
05 A
06 D
07 B
08 A
09 A
10 B
11 D
12 A
13 D
14 B
15 C
16 B
17 B
18 C
19 A
20 D
21 A
22 B
23 A
24 A
25 A
26 B
27 B
28 A
29 C
30 C
31 A
32 D
33 B
34 B
35 A
36 A
37 C
38 B
39 C
40 B
41 A
42 A
43 A
44 A
45 C
46 A
47 A
48 A
49 B
50 A

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