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Arawali Veterinary College

Bajor, Sikar

Unit Test-1
Veterinary Clinical Medicine-I (VMD-411)
Time: 1 hr MM: 70.00
1. Read carefully
2. Attempt all questions

Name of Student: Year:

Q.1. Fill in the blanks 10.00

i. The first written record of Veterinary Medicine from Egypt was provided
ii. Diseases which are not in existence but may be introduced at any time are known
iii. Diagnosis which is declared at the very approach of a patient at a glance is known
iv. Pronounced muscular atrophy with deeply sunken eyes is the feature of
………………………….state of health.
v. Leucoderma (vitiligo) is observed as an inherited depigmentation in
vi. Dorsal bending of spinal column is known
vii. Abnormal twist in neck is known
viii. …………………is the expansion and elongation of the arterial wall imparted by
the column of arterial blood due to contraction of the left ventricle.
ix. The respiratory centre is located in the
x. According to the involvement of thoracic and abdominal components, the type of
respiration is earmarked as costal, …………………………………and
xi. Normal pulse and respiration ratio is ………………..
xii. In …………………….respiration pause (apnoea) is immediately taken over by a
deep breathing (hyperpnoea) which successively become shallow till preceded by
xiii. ………………………….type of respiration is observed in dogs suffering from
terminal stage of renal disease (uraemia), diabetic ketoacidosis.
xiv. Difficulty in respiration is known as …………………………………………
xv. There is loss of water and salt in a iso-osmolarity i.e. isotonic sodium and fluid
loss in ……………………………..dehydration.
xvi. In …………………………….dehydration, there is deprivation of water without
Na+ loss.
xvii. Decrease in Na+ level is known as ………………………………….
xviii. Hypokalemia is decrease in ……………………….level.
xix. If chloride level decreases in blood then this condition is called as
xx. …………………………………………..is characterized by a decrease in pH and
bicarbonate concentrations. It develops due to production or intake of excess acids
other than carbonic acid or as a result of depletion of bicarbonate from body.

Q.2. Define 16.00

i. Veterinary Medicine

ii. Ethology

iii. Contagious disease

iv. Intercurrent disease

v. Chronic disease

vi. Sporadic disease

vii. Lesion

viii. Prognosis

ix. Prophylactic treatment

x. Sequelae

xi. Percussion

xii. Auscultation

xiii. Lordosis

xiv. Cyanosis

xv. Heat stroke

xvi. Metabolic acidosis

Q.3. Tick () most appropriate answer 6.00

a. An outbreak of a disease among animals in a definite area or particular district is known as:
i. Epizootic disease
ii. Sporadic disease
iii. Enzootic disease
iv. Panzootic disease
b. Senile atrophy occurs in animals of age group:
i. Newly born
ii. Yong
iii. Old
iv. All
c. Lateral bending of spinal column is known as:
i. Kyphosis
ii. Lordosis
iii. Scoliosis
iv. None of the above
d. Normal quiet breathing with usual respiratory rate of individual animal is known as:
i. Tachypnoea
ii. Oligopnoea
iii. Polypnoea
iv. Eupnoea
e. Complete caesation of breathing is known as:
i. Dyspnoea
ii. Asphyxia
iii. Apnoea
iv. All
f. Which type of respiration is characterized by pauses in ordinary respiration i.e. a series of
respiratory movements are followed by a long pauses:
i. Biot’s respiration
ii. Cheyne-Stokes respiration
iii. Syncopic respiration
iv. Kussmaul’s respiration
g. Dehydration may lead to elevated body temperature known as:
i. Hyperthermia of dehydration
ii. Transient fever
iii. Thirst fever
iv. All
h. In which condition, there is a decrease in pH and an increase in plasma carbon dioxide
(pCO2) due to decrease ventilation:
i. Metabolic acidosis
ii. Respiratory alkalosis
iii. Respiratory acidosis
iv. Metabolic alkalosis

Q.4. Match the followings 9.00

a. Father of Medicine i. Lyons
b. Malphigi ii. Aristotle
c. Cattle plague iii. Bombay
d. First Veterinary School iv. Hippocrates
e. First Veterinary College of India v. Rinderpest
f. Father of Veterinary Art vi. Blood corpuscles

B. a. History taking i. Somnolence

b. Anhydrosis ii. Paediatric diseases
c. Diseases of young age group iii. Behaviour
d. Diseases of older age group iv. Non-sweating syndrome
e. Demeanor v. Geriatric diseases
f. A very sleepy state vi. Anamnesis

C. a. Enzootic ataxia and sway back i. Coenurosis (gid)

b. Walking in circle ii. Hypocuprosis
c. Goose stepping gait in pig iii. Tetanus
d. Rigidity of limbs iv. Pantothenic acid deficiency
e. Exudate v. Inflammatory origin
f. Transudate vi. Non-inflammatory origin

Q.5. Do as directed 18.00

a. Enlist four different “humours” of the body

b. Difference b/w Clinical and Preventive Veterinary Medicine

c. Enlist various types of sounds produced through percussion

d. Difference b/w hyperthermia and fever

e. Enlist different types of fever

f. Enlist various respiratory sounds in pets

g. Enlist various respiratory noises or stridors

h. Enlist various classification of cough

i. Define Oedema and enlist various types of oedema

j. What is shock? Enlist various types of shocks

k. Enlist three types of dehydration

l. Enlist various types of fluids available

Q.6. State “True” or “False” 6.00

i. First Veterinary University in India was Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University established on 20th September, 1989.

ii. Disease which affects a large population of animals in large areas of a country is
known as “Panzootic disease”.

iii. Poor response to normal stimuli is known as ‘Apathy’.

iv. There is blinking of eye when the cornea is touched in case of coma.

v. A goat may hold its head in upward direction as if looking at the sky (star grazing
posture) in polioencephalomalacia (thiamine deficiency).

vi. There may be elevation of body temperature due to over dehydration which is also
known as thirst fever.

vii. In fever, there is decrease in prostaglandin level.

viii. The group of animals having ability to regulate their body temperature in relation
to environmental temperature is called as poikilothermal group.

ix. Pulsus bigeminus is characterized by two pulse beats followed by a gap.

x. Respiratory acidosis develops when there is excessive loss of carbonic acid through
over ventilation of lungs.

xi. Fluids can be administered by oral route, rectal enema, subcutaneous infusion and
intravenous infusion in an animal.

xii. Metabolic acidosis is characterized by an increase in pH and bicarbonate level.

Q. 7. Write Full Form 5.00


ii. PCM

iii. SOAP

iv. PUO

v. DLC

vi. ESR

vii. WHO

viii. ADH

ix. CVP


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