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I dedicate this work mainly to God, for giving me life and allowing me to have reached this
important moment in my professional training. To my mother, to be the most important pillar
and to always show her affection and unconditional support no matter our differences of opinion.

To my father, despite our physical distance, I feel that you are with me always and although we
lacked many things to live together, I know that this moment would have been as special for you
as it is for me. To my Aunt Vilma, whom I love as a mother, to share meaningful moments with
me and forever be willing to listen and help me at any time.

First of all, I thank God for giving me wisdom and intelligence.

Day by day to acquire more knowledge and second to my parents

to be by my side at all times and to give me their unconditional

support and my teachers that every day inculcate me. Values,

knowledge and being part of my professional training.


El presente el simple (simple present) es para hablar de cosas que se hacen normalmente, como
por ejemplo:estudiar, leer, jugar futbol, ir al cine, comer, etc...; pero hay dos cosas que debes
tener en cuenta1º siempre que vas a hablar en tercera persona (he, she, it) el verbo va con "s; es;
ies".2º cuándo hablas en primera persona el verbo queda normal, ca te dejo algunas oraciones
para que lo entiendas mejor.,,;1º-he plays football every day/ el juega fútbol todos los dias2º-she
goes to the shopping tw times at week/ ella va al shopping dos veces por semana3º- i study
englishves, a play y a go le agregue "s", y "es", y si seria en 1º persona quedaria "play", y "go".y
para hacer preguntas se usan los auxiliares DO y DOES, do es para 1º persona does es para 3º
personapor ejemplo:

Usos del presente simple

Este tiempo verbal se utiliza para expresar hechos o verdades generales.

The Sun warms the atmosphere. -> El Sol calienta la atmósfera.
También usamos el presente simple para hablar de hábitos; en este caso, en la oración suele
aparecer expresiones de frecuencia, como usually o always.
We usually play baseball. -> Nosotros jugamos béisbol ocasionalmente.
You always study. -> Vosotros estudiáis siempre.
También lo usamos para expresar horario o programas (como el programa de un espectáculo
The train leaves in an hour. -> El tren se va en una hora.

Para hacer el presente simple se debe agregar una "s" al final del verbo de la tercera persona del
singular. Al resto de las personas, no se le agrega nada.

to eat 'comer' to talk 'hablar' to play 'jugar' to drink 'beber'

I eat talk play drink

You eat talk play drink
eats talks plays drinks
We eat talk play drink
They eat talk play drink

You work in a company 'Tú trabajas en una empresa'
He drinks a lot of water 'Él toma mucha agua'
Si el verbo termina en "y" cuando antes de ésta se sitúa una consonante se cambia ésta por una
"i" y se le agrega la desinencia "es" en la tercera persona del singular.

to carry'llevar a' to study to copy

I carry study copy
You carry study copy
He/She/It carries studies copies
We carry study copy
They carry study copy

He flies an airplane.
She studies for tomorrow's test.

En cambio, si el verbo termina en la vocal "o", o en los sonidos: /tʃ/, /ʃ/, /s/, /z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ no se
cambian estas terminaciones y se le agrega la terminación -es o -s si ya tiene la e, en la tercera
persona del singular. Estos sonidos son sibilantes, es por esa razón que al agregar la -es o la -s,
en la tercera persona del presente simple, el verbo en cuestión adquiere otra sílaba:

/tʃ/ crouch ---- crouches, scratch --- scratches

/ʃ/ smash --- smashes, squish --- squishes

/s/ hiss --- hisses, place --- places

/z/ raze --- razes, raise --- raises

/ʒ/ sabotage --- sabotages, rouge, rouges

/dʒ/ change --- changes, judge --- judges

Nótese entonces los verbos:

do --- does

go --- goes

to wash to watch fix

I wash watch fix
You wash watch fix
He/She/It washes watches fixes
We wash watch fix
They wash watch fix

- she goes to the park

- He watches T.V.


La conjugación negativa se hace con el verbo "to do" en negativo más el verbo en cuestión, que
no sufre desinencia alguna. Se coloca don't (do not) después del sujeto y antes del verbo en todas
las conjugaciones, excepto con la de la tercera persona del singular, cuyo auxiliar es doesn't
(does not)
Ejemplo de conjugación:

to sleep
I don't sleep
You don't sleep
He/She/It doesn't sleep
We don't sleep
They don't sleep

I don't like tomatoes = No me gusta el tomate.

He doesn't sing in the shower = Él no canta en la ducha.

NOTA: Cuando va el auxiliar DOES en la tercera persona al verbo se le quita lo añadido en la

forma afirmativa.

My daily routine

I usually wak

e up at 7 or 8 in the morning.

I don’t have an alarm, because I make my own schedule. A lot of days, I just wake up when the
sun rises.

I get up, drink a glass of water, and put some coffee on the stove.

While I have my coffee, I do some reading. I read the news online, or I read a book. Sometimes I
listen to a podcast instead of reading. I love Tim Ferriss‘ podcast, and also Jocko Podcast.

I don’t usually have breakfast. I prefer to eat later in the day.

When I finish my coffee, I walk down to my office. I work in a coworking space near Torre
Picasso, in Madrid


Bob lives in a small flat in London. In the mornings, he wakes up and has a shower. Then
he makes breakfast. He usually has a typical English breakfast with eggs and bacon. After that,
he goes to work.

He works in an office in the center of London. He sits in front of the computer all day
and writes emails. He doesn’t like his job very much, but he likes earning money. At 12 o’clock
he goes to lunch and has a sandwich. After lunch, he comes back to work and writes more
emails. At 5 o’clock he leaves work.

He sometimes sees his girlfriend in the evenings. She lives on the opposite side of London, so
he takes the Underground.
On weekends, he doesn’t have to work. He usually goes out for a few beers with his friends on
Friday night. On Saturday he goes shopping. On Sunday he goes to his grandmother’s house for

Although her husband takes the kids to school every day, today Monica is taking them to school
because her husband went to a party last night and got home really late. She regularly listens to
classical music on her way to work, but today she and her children are listening to reggaeton;
they say that classical music is not as interesting and cool as reggaeton.

Some people may think Monica is not enjoying her day; on the contrary, she loves doing new
things so she is happy about this weird day.

 brainly.lat/tarea/272416#readmore
 http://www.languageguide.com
 http://www.aprendefacil.com

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