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TCS English Questions by CodersPrep.


About TCS Verbal Ability Section:

As we have already discussed, there will be a total of 10 Questions in TCS English Section
which you have to conclude in 10 minutes. This section is a boon for all of you as it is
extremely easy. We are sharing last year TCS NQT English Questions And Answers.

Previous Year Asked TCS Ninja Verbal Ability Questions With Answers:
#1 TCS Verbal Ability Question :

Q.1. Technology has ____a_____ our lives and influenced nearly ___b___industry,
including fitness. From apps to wearables, technology is constantly ___c____ the way
___d___ fitness industry functions. Mobile technology, fitness wearables and data, and smart
equipment ___e___ shaping the way health clubs ___f___ equipment manufacturers operate
today. Engaging members via mobile with digital fitness challenges, reward programs, push
notifications and wearable integration not only ___g___ fitness operators to ___h___ existing
relationships with clients ___i___ also build ___j___ them.

Answer: a. revolutionized

b. every

c. changing

d. the

e. are

f. and

g. allows

h. foster

i. but

j. on

#2 TCS Ninja English Question:

Q.2. Chatbots are now part of ___a___ cultural narrative and are ___b___ even more
sophisticated. It is hard to find ___c___ who has not had an interaction with a chatbot or
virtual assistant. As chatbots and virtual assistants ___d___ more sophisticated, they ___e___
to respond with increasing empathy and personalization, ___f___ tracking the customer
___g___. Whether voice or text activated, bots ___h___ be able to help users find ___i___
and answers 24 X 7, on any device or channel faster than ever ___j___. In fact, more and
more people are rating messaging as a top choice for customer service.
Answer: a. the b. becoming c. someone d. get e. will be able

f. seamlessly g. journey h.will be i. products j. before

#3 TCS NQT English Questions:

PASSAGE: In the game of cricket, any side with a pair of bowlers of complementing
superior qualities prove invincible. The current generation would know Bhuvi, Bumrah or
Starc-Cummins pairs better than their own parents. So, let me dissect a pair that ruled the
cricketing world during the fifties and early sixties. Brian Statham and Fred Trueman of
England proved to be a lethal combination that every batsman wanted to avoid playing.
Statham was a bowler of immaculate accuracy, nagging length and lyrical run-up.
Oxymoronically, his virtues were the basis for his misfortunes. Knowing that he would bowl
in a manner that’s unplayable, batsmen were more smug in defending his balls than when
playing an erratic bowler.

Trueman nicknamed as Fiery had a long delivery stride and made no bones about his
intentions to test batsman’s physical and mental strength. The ball would flash past the bat in
moments of incredibility with the batsman thanking his Maker if the ball missed his limbs
and occasionally the stumps.

1. Which one of the following sentences has an appropriate bold part that can be
replaced with lethal?

a. The series of never-ending bubbles rejoiced the children to any end

b. The never-say-die team won the tournament for the tenth time.
c. “Mount vesuvius“ eruption proved to be completely ruinous to Pompeii
d. The life-saving drug administered to the patient brought him back to his elements
Answer: C

2. Any team with two bowlers sharing the required traits is:

a. Arrogant to its opponents

b. vulnerable to choke
c. hard to defeat
d. insignificant in its contribution.
Answer: C
3. Oxymoron is a special language device, where

a. A tough idea is simplified by bringing a simple parallel to it

b. Two contrasting elements are placed side by side reinforcing an idea
c. A brilliant object issued in place of a dull entrance
d. An abstract entity is compared to an exact ent emphasising similarity/difference
Answer: B
#4 TCS NQT English Passage:

And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable ……….A………, through all
the bustle of ……..B………, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties,
tearing to pieces the best of characters? It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of
peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men
of strong passions and …….C……..activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust
themselves into your government and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in the
expected happiness of their situation, for their ………D……… competitors, of the same
spirit, and from the same motives, will perpetually be ……E………. to distress their
administration, ……..F……….their measures, and render them odious to the people.


A. endeavouring
B. vanquished
C. thwart
D. cabal
E. preeminence
F. indefatigable
#5 TCS Verbal Ability Passage:

Other nations have received their laws from conquerors; some are indebted for a constitution
to the suffering of their ……..A…….. through revolving centuries. The people of this
country, alone, have formally and ……B…… chosen a government for themselves, and with
open and uninfluenced consent, bound themselves into a social compact. Here, no man
……..C…….. his birth or wealth as a title to honorable distinction, or to sanctify ignorance
and vice, with the name of heredity authority. He who has most …….D…… and ability to
promote public ……E……, let him be the servant of the public. This is the only line of
distinction drawn by nature. Leave the bird of night to the ……F…… for which nature
intended him, and expect only from the eagle to brush the clouds with his wings and look
……G…… in the face of the sun.


A. zeal
B. boldly
C. obscurity
D. ancestors
E. felicity
F. proclaims
G. deliberately
More Asked TCS Ninja English Questions And Answers:
#6 TCS Ninja English Question:

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about cloud computing and cloud storage. Almost
everything in the digital world _____1_____ (are / is/ was) connected to the cloud in some
way or another — unless it is specifically kept in local storage for security reasons. As tech
giants and startups ___2___ (find/ found /founded) new ways to organize, process and
present data, cloud computing ___3____ (will / would/ shall) become a more and more
integral part of our lives.

So what is cloud computing? And, what is the impact of cloud computing on future business
strategies? Cloud computing is the ____4___ (practice / practices/ practising) of using a
network of remote servers ____5___ (host / hosted/ hosting) on the Internet to store, manage,
and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. What that means for
businesses is a workspace that their entire team ___6___ (could / can / would) interact in,
regardless of where they are in the world.

It also means that businesses can outsource their computing power instead of ___7_____
(invest / invested / investing) in hardware, software, and staff to maintain it. During the next
years, it is ___8____ (predicted / predictable / predictive) that more than a quarter of all
applications will be available via the cloud.

The huge adoption of cloud services ____9_____ (combine / combined / combines) with a
general need to simplify operations, will put a ____10_____ (greater / great / greatest)
pressure to create connections between various apps.


2. find
3. will
4. practice
5. hosted
6. can
7. investing
8. predicted
9. combined
10. greater
#7 TCS Ninja English Question:

Rainforests 1) ____ a wide variety of ecosystems services, from regulating rainfall to

purifying groundwater and keeping fertile soil from 2) ______; deforestation in one area can
seriously damage food production and 3) _______ to clean water in an entire region. The
value of global ecosystem services 4) _______ estimated at 33 trillion USD each year (almost
half of global GDP), 5)______ these services have been taken for granted without a
mechanism to make the market reflect their value. Rainforests are also a home and 6)
_______ of income for a huge number of people in Africa, Asia and South America. 7)
______ this, economic pressures frequently drive both logical communities 8) _______
national governments in the developing world to 9) _______ these forests in ways that are
unsustainable, clear-cutting vast areas 10) ______ fuel, timber, mining or agricultural land.

1) offer
2) decoding
3) access
4) has been
5) but
6) source
7) despite
8) and
9) exploit
10) for
#8 TCS NQT English Passage:

A greenhouse is a glass-covered structure (1) __________ (uses, using, used) to grow

plants. It has transparent glass that allows sunlight to pass (2)
________ (out, through, inside), but does not allow the heat inside to escape. The same (3)
________ (effect, affect) occurs on the earth. The (4) ________ (sun’s, suns, sun)
radiation (5) __________ (passes, passing) through the atmosphere to heat the earth’s
surface. When heated, the earth’s surface produces infrared radiation, which has a longer
wavelength than that of sunlight. This infrared radiation rises into the atmosphere where
gases, such as carbon dioxide, (6) ____________ (prevents, prevent, prevented) the infrared
radiation from escaping into space. The concentrations of these gases, (7) __________ (that,
those, which) are called greenhouse gases, control how much-infrared radiation escapes.

(1) used
(2) through
(3) effect
(4) sun’s
(5) passes
(6) prevent
(7) which
#9 TCS Ninja English Questions And Answers:

In recent years, there have been a lot of talk about cloud computing and cloud storage.
Almost everything in the digital world _____1_____ connected to the cloud in some way or
other-unless it is kept in local storage for security reasons. A tech giants and startups
____2____ new ways to organize, process and present data, cloud computing ___3____
become a more and more integral part of our lives. So what is cloud computing? And what is
the impact of cloud computing on future business strategies? Cloud computing is the
____4___ of using network of remote servers ___5___ on the internet to store manage and
process data, rather than a local server or personal computer.


1. is
2. find
3. will
4. Practice
5. hosted
#10 TCS Ninja English Question:

The Internet Of Things (IoT) is ____1___ rapidly evolving technology, and ___2____ any
other technology, it can ____3____ challenges with respect to ___4____ implementation and
management. Given the ____5____ interconnectivity required, and the large volumes of data
generated, setting up an IoT ecosystem can be a complex task.


1. a
2. like
3. pose
4. Its
5. Advanced
#11 TCS NQT Passage:

Human-machine collaboration ___1___ the production line has become ____2____ flexible,
versatile and therefore more productive. Today’s robots are much more capable of ___3___
tasks that they could not perform well earlier such as ___4__ around an object placed __5___
and sorting out complex writing issues in industries like aerospace.


1. on
2. more
3. learning
4. moving
5. chaotically

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In TCS Off Campus Drives, It is seen that TCS Asks Questions like- Fill in the blanks,
Sentence formation Sequence, Spotting grammatical errors, synonyms/antonyms etc. TCS
Ninja English Questions And Answers previously asked are also discussed below.

TCS NQT English Questions Asked in Off-Campus Drive:

These types of questions were recently asked in TCS Off campus exam. We're posting TCS
Ninja English Questions And Answers asked few months back. Make sure you practice all of

In the following sentences, there may be some errors in the parts which are marked as A, B,
C, D. Identify the part which has errors.
1. The University has announced that (A)/ everyone will take the examination now (B)/
will receive their results within (C)/ eight weeks at the latest. (D)

a. A b. B c. C d. D

Answer: C
Correction: The University has announced that everyone who takes the examination now will
receive their results within eight weeks at the latest.
There needs to be a connection between the subject and the verb which is provided by
replacing 'will' by 'who'.

Choose the most appropriate sentence which can replace the ‘Underlined’ sentence.
2. It is probable that the prototype cellular motor might be ready for testing around the
end of next year.

a. might be ready for testing around the end of next year

b. may be ready for testing about the end of next year
c. might be ready for testing toward next year’s end
d. will be ready for testing toward the end of next year

Answer: D
As the end of the year is the time being mentioned and as it is in the future the most
appropriate word to use will be 'toward'. Thus the answer is 'will be ready for testing toward
the end of next year'.

3. China’s economy continues to flourish this year: industrial production grew, inflation
has eased, and the trade surplus swelled.

a. grew, inflation has eased, and the trade surplus swelled

b. is growing, inflation is easing and the trade surplus is swelling

c. has grown, inflation eased, and the trade surplus has swelled
d. has grown, inflation eased, and the trade surplus is swelling.

Answer: B
As the sentence has to be constructed in continuous tense, the only plausible option is 'is
growing, inflation is easing and the trade surplus is swelling'

As the sentence has to be constructed in continuous tense, the only plausible option is 'is
growing, inflation is easing and the trade surplus is swelling'

Direction for Questions 4 to 5-

For each sentence, choose the most appropriate option that best completes the given

4. The refugee's poor grasp of English is hardly an ____ problem; she can attend classes
and improve within a matter of months.
a. implausible

b. insuperable
c. inconsequential

d. evocative

Answer: B
The word has to mean 'impossible to be overcome.' The word for it is 'insuperable'
Implausible: not plausible, unlikely.
Inconsequential: having no consequence. Not consequential.
Evocative: that evokes a memory, mood, feeling or image.

5. The cricket match seemed ____ to our guests; they were used to watching sports in
which the action is over in a couple of hours at the most.

a. unintelligible b. inconsequential
c. interminable d. implausible

Answer: C
The word has to mean too long or ceaseless.
Interminable means existing without interruption or end. Thus the answer is interminable.

Unintelligible: unable to be understood.

Inconsequential: having no consequence. not
Implausible: not plausible, unlikely.

Q6. Choose the most logical order of sentences among the

given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Right to Equality provides for equal access to

public places like shops, hotels, places of
entertainment, wells, bathing Ghats and places of
B. This right is very important because our society did
not practice equal access in the past.
C. There cannot be any discrimination in this access on
the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion, or place
of birth.
D. It also prohibits any discrimination in public
employment on any of the above mentioned basis.


Answer: A
The sentence A is the opening sentence. Sentence C
follows sentence A by elaborating on the freedom to
access certain places. D follows C by referring to the
differences mentioned in C. B concludes the paragraph.
Thus the answer is ACDB.

In each of the questions given below from the given

options select the word which is farthest in meaning to
the word given in the question.
Q7. Yoke

a. mar b. Fell c. Pervert d. split

Answer: D
The word yoke means to unite or join together. Two
oxen are yoked if they are tied together to pull a
wagon. The opposite of yoke is separate. Because split
means to divide or separate, 'split' is the answer.
'mar' means to damage. This is not the opposite of

'fell' means to chop down. This is not the opposite of

'pervert ' means to misuse. This is not the opposite of

Select the lettered pair that best expresses a

relationship similar to that expressed by the original


a. triangle : hypotenuse

b. circle : arc
c. cathedral : nave

d. blossom : sepal
Answer: A
A triptych is a hinged set of pictures or carvings with
three panels. The
Hypotenuse is one of three sides of a triangle.

In each of the questions given below from the given

options select the word which is closest in meaning to
the word given in the question.
Q9. Egregious
a. Outrageous b. Minor
c. Secondary d. Wonderful

Answer: A
Egregious means outrageously bad or shocking. Thus
outrageous is the synonymous word.

Choose the alternative to replace the underlined part.

10. Great entrepreneurs always follow the carrot and

stick policy.
a. far-seeking b. reward and punish
c. profit-oriented d. adaptable

Answer: B
"Carrot and Stick" is an idiom that refers to a policy of
offering a combination of rewards and punishment to
induce behaviour. It is named about a cart
driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a
stick behind it. The mule would move towards the
carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also
moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not
want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart.

TCS Ninja English Questions (TCS Off campus Mock

These are the Verbal ability questions asked in TCS Off campus mock test. Go through them
as well to boost your preparation for TCS NQT Exam. Although we are sharing TCS Ninja
English Questions And Answers for your reference:

Q1. Choose the best statement to complete the statement:

The central park is..... away from here and I cannot travel such a ..... distance to meet

a. none

b. long, far

c. far , long,

d. far, far.

Answer: c.
Q2. Choose the word which substitutes the given phrase:

"Detailed description of another person's life"

a. Portrait

b. Script

c. Biography

d. Autobiography
Answer: c.

Q3. Choose the best option to replace the italic phrase-

Harshini is visiting to her grandmother's house on Sunday.

a. is visiting of

b. is in visit to

c. Given statement is correct

d. will be visiting
Answer: d.

Q4. Find the Synonyms (similar) of the highlighted word. (Bold letter)
There is an international gathering at our college.

a. Conference

b. Competition

c. Collaboration

d. Cooperation
Answer: a.

Q5. Choose the word which substitutes the given phrase:

"Hope or ambition of achieving something"

a. Project

b. Aspiration

c. Inspiration

d. Imagination
Answer: b.

Q6. Choose the best option to complete the statement

The students returned to the classroom to collect ........ belongings, but they found
nothing over........

a. There, there

b. Their , There

c. None of the above

d. Their , there
Answer: b or d.

Q7. Find the Antonyms (opposite) of the highlighted word. (Bold letter)
The rose plant could not survive for long due to Vidhya's neglect.

a. Attention

b. Patience

c. Anger

d. Arrogance
Answer: d.

Q8. Find the Antonyms (opposite) of the highlighted word. (Bold letter)
On the opening day itself, the movie turned out to be a huge disaster.

a. Aftermath

b. Success

c. Flop

d. Critical
Answer: a.

Q9. Choose the option that shows the correct order of the below-given sentences:

i. Having completed his graduation, he was all set to join the corporate world.
ii. At the same time, his love for literature was pulling him in a different direction
iii. Deciding which career path to pursue was the toughest decision Raj had to take
iv. Ultimately his passion won and he went on to become a successful author

a. 3,4,1,2
b. 3,1,2,4
d. 1,4,2,3
Answer: b.

Q10. Choose the best option to replace the italic phrase:

I had wanting to go to Paris all my life.

a. Have been

b. Would

c. Shall

d. Given statement is correct.

Answer: a.

Q11. Find the Synonyms (similar) of the highlighted word. (Bold letter)
The neighbours could not resolve the dispute over water distribution

a. Information

b. Trouble

c. Problem

d. Disagreement.
Answer: d.

Q12. Choose the closest meaning for given phrase:

"adding fuel to the fire"

a. to use fuel carefully

b. to ease things out

c. to worsen the situation

d. to increase the fire

Answer: c.

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TCS Ninja English Passage Asked in TCS Off Campus-

The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones. We spend all year looking forward to nice
weather and long, hot days. All of winter, with its dreary gray days and bitter cold, we dream
of those endless days at the beach, laying on the sand and soaking in the bright and burning
sun. And then, summer comes, and it rains. As a child, I would wake up to rainy summer
days and come close to crying.

It wasn’t fair. We suffered through months of school and miserable weather for those scant
ten weeks of freedom and balmy weather. Any day that I could not spend at the beach or
playing ball with my friends seemed like a punishment for something I didn’t even do. On
those rainy summer days, I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside, staring out at the
rain like a Dickensian orphan.

I was an only child, so there was no one else to play with. My father worked from home, so I
was not truly alone, but he could not actively play with me since he was technically at work.
It was those days that I would resign myself to whatever was on television or any books that I
could find lying around. I’d crawl through the day and pray each night that the rain would not
be there the next day.

As an adult, though, my opinion of summer rain has changed. When you have to work every
day, summer is not as eagerly anticipated. Mostly, the days run together, bleeding into each
other so that they no longer seem like separate entities and instead feel like continuations of
the same long day. Everything seems monotonous and dull, and an ennui or listlessness kicks
in. Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different. I spend the winter
dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter. When summer comes, I complain
about how hot it is.

And then I look forward to the rain, because the rain brings with it a cold front, which offers
a reprieve—admittedly one that is all too short—from the torture of 100° and humid days.
Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer, but summer rain today means positively
beautiful—and considerably cooler—weather tomorrow.

Q1. The passage makes use of language that is

A. metaphorical

B. rhetorical

C. formal

D. ambiguous

Q2. According to the passage, summer is different for adults because

A. rain brings with it cold temperatures for the following days

B. the weather is much warmer than it is for children

C. they do not get a long time off from work for the season

D. they better know how to occupy their downtime

Answer: c.

Q3. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the
narrator as a child?

A. He or she was often bored on summer days.

B. He or she preferred cooler weather.

C. He or she liked staying indoors.

D. He or she had no siblings.

Answer: d.

Q4. Compared to how he or she was as a child, the narrator as an adult is

A. more realistic

B. less excitable

C. more idealistic

D. less calm

Answer: b.

Q5. As used in the final paragraph, the word reprieve most nearly means

A. a permanent conclusion

B. a short continuation

C. a higher level of pain

D. a temporary break

Answer: d.

Read the text and choose the best answer for each question.

Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the
best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?

The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the
language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the
language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you
are with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want
to and the learning is slower.

On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don’t have to
make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but
it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in
Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to
a school.

So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is
to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in
Italy is the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise
your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible
outside the class.

1. What is the article about?

a. How many people learn English.
b. The best way to learn English.
c. English schools in England and America.

Answer: b.

2. What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn English?

a. There are no Italians in Britain.
b. You will have to speak English and not your language.
c. The language schools are better.

Answer: b.

3. What is one of the advantages of staying in your country to learn English?

a. The teachers aren’t very good in Britain.
b. You have to work too hard in Britain.
c. Your life can continue more or less as it was before.

Answer: c.

4. People who don’t have a lot of time and money should…

a. Learn English in Britain.
b. Try and speak English in class more often.
c. Go to Italy to learn English.

Answer: b.

Don't forget to explore other useful sections of TCS NQT Exam:

TCS Aptitude Answers

TCS Coding Solutions

TCS NQT Syllabus

TCS Programming Concepts Questions

TCS Latest Placement Papers

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