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Most accounting and finance

professionals believe a shift to IFRS in

the United States is a positive change

Today SolomonEdwardsGroup (SEG) released country’s capital markets. Additionally, the

the results of a recent survey of finance and SEC is our country’s designated standard
accounting practitioners on the topic of setting authority for accounting and reporting
International Financial Reporting Standards rules. The SEC’s support for IFRS has been
(IFRS). In its survey, SEG polled a cross section motivated by a number of important consid-
of respondents from accounting and finance erations that align with it’s mission.
roles in industry, the public accounting profes-
sion and the regulatory sector. An overwhelm- Over the last decade, a ground swell of
ing majority (nearly 85%) of survey support has been growing among financial
participants believe that a shift to IFRS is a statement users across the world to move
positive development in the United States. toward one set of consistent and easily under-
stood rules that govern financial reporting. It
Over the course of the last decade, U.S. and is widely believed that one global set of
international standard setters have been accounting and reporting rules would
working together to converge global account- improve investor protection by simplifying
ing and reporting rules with those principles the increasingly complex landscape of regu-
generally accepted here in the United States lations currently in effect in the United States.
(US GAAP). These global convergence efforts As a result, the SEC has been subjected to
have been largely sponsored by the United mounting public pressure to join the global
States Securities and Exchange Commission movement toward IFRS adoption that has
(SEC). In the Unites States, the SEC serves as a already been accepted in over 120 countries
protector for investors and a promoter for our around the world. While the ultimate time-
frame for an SEC mandate of IFRS in the Organizations like the United States Chamber
United States remains unclear it appears of Commerce (the Chamber) have been
certain that the SEC supports this initiative in lobbying to promote changes aimed at solidi-
promoting investor protection. fying the position of the United States as the
world’s leading global capital market.
A second but perhaps even more critical Meanwhile, the U.S. Financial Accounting
motivator for the SEC in considering the shift Standards Board (FASB) and International
to IFRS has been its interest in maintaining the Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have
competitiveness of the United spent several years working
States in the global capital together to converge US
markets. For decades the Is the proposed GAAP and IFRS standards
United States capital markets by co-authoring most new
have set the gold standard for shift from US GAAP accounting and reporting
the rest of the world to follow.
to IFRS a positive standards. The SEC, for its
Over the last ten years, part, has bolstered the posi-
several factors including the development for tion of IFRS in the United
cost and complexity of U.S. States by removing its require-
accounting and reporting the United States? ment for foreign registrants
requirements and the emer- reporting under IFRS to

gence of new and vibrant provide a reconciliation of
capital markets outside the their financial s t a t e m e n t s
United States have threatened t o U S G A A P. Moreover, in
this position of leadership.
The framework of rules and
85 2008 the SEC issued a road
map for the potential adop-

oversight measures that tion of IFRS by public compa-
provides investor protection nies in the U.S.
in the United States was
created in the 1930’s, and has All of these efforts have placed
begun to show its age as the accounting and finance
corporate scandals and the most recent sub profession in the U.S. in a position of uncer-
prime mortgage crisis have greatly enhanced tainty. An outside observer might presume that
the scrutiny placed upon the U.S. capital today’s uncertain job market coupled with the
market machine. prospect of being forced to invest significant
training time to learn about IFRS might
persuade an accounting and finance profes-
sional toward a preference for the status quo. one challenge facing the United States adop-
Surprisingly, nearly nine out of every ten t i o n o f I F R S . Th e L a ck o f G l o b a l I F R S
survey respondents told SolomonEdwardsGroup Consistency was identified by 31% of survey
that despite these potential personal chal- participants as the top IFRS challenge and
lenges, a shift to IFRS is indeed a positive 21% noted the Lack of Comprehensiveness as
development for the United States. compared to US GAAP as their primary
concern. Despite the strong objections to the
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the strong feeling for a high cost of compliance raised by the profes-
U.S. shift to IFRS was greater among regulators sion in the wake of Sarbanes-Oxley, only 11%

Top Challenge Impacting IFRS Adoption in the United States

Training & Education
Lack of Global Consistency 21% 36%

Comprehensiveness vs. US GAAP

Cost of Conversion

IASB Structure & Funding 31%

and public accounting professionals than of survey respondents told SEG that the Cost of
industry practitioners. 100% of regulators and Conversion was the top challenge impacting
nearly 90% of public accounting professionals IFRS adoption in the U.S.
surveyed viewed a shift to IFRS positively as
compared to 78% of industry practitioners The perspective of survey participants did
who favor the move to IFRS. Despite the influence their perspective when considering
strong feeling that a move to IFRS is a positive the most critical IFRS adoption challenges.
development for the U.S., the accounting and Industry practitioners (32%) and regulators
finance professionals we surveyed have high- (31%) highlighted training as the primary
lighted several challenges impacting IFRS challenge facing the U.S. as it prepares for a
adoption in the United States. shift to IFRS reporting standards. However,
public accounting professionals held training
Based upon our survey, 36% of respondents as an even higher priority with 48% identify-
identified Training & Education as the number ing it as the top IFRS hurdle.
For regulators, the lack of global IFRS consistency The SEC also noted that in 2011 it will make a
ranked as the most significant issue facing the determination as to next steps for IFRS adop-
United States at 54%. As noted, the cost of tion in the U.S., however this transition will
conversion was not one of the top three priori- likely not take place before 2015.
ties for survey respondents Notwithstanding, the practitioners we
overall, but industry practi-
tioners held cost in higher Percentage of Survey Industry Practitioners
regard with 14% ranking
expense as the primary IFRS
Respondents 32%
adoption challenge. Both Identifying Training Public Accountants
regulators and public
accounting professionals
& Education as the 48%
ranked cost as a much lower Top IFRS Challenge Regulators
concern as compared to their
industry pracitioner peers.
in the United States. 31%
While an ultimate shift to IFRS in the United surveyed view a move to IFRS in the United
States has not yet been mandated, on February States as a positive development despite the
24th, 2010, the SEC did reaffirm its commit- potential hurdles that may need to be over-
ment to a single set of high-quality global come to accomplish such a conversion.
accounting standards.

Top Challenges Impacting IFRS Adoption in the United States

Survey Group Training & Lack of Global Comprehensiveness Cost of IASB Structure
Education Consistency vs. US GAAP Conversion & Funding

Practitioners 32% 31% 22% 14% 1%
48% 24% 21% 3% 4%

Regulators 31% 54% 7% 8% 0%

RodneyDel li


enby@s ol

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