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Study 1A: Preliminary translation questionnaire – TEXT MATERIALS

This questionnaire is about translating the English words or phrases: ‘know/knowledge’,

‘understand/understanding’, ‘wise/wisdom’, ‘think/thought’; and ‘believe/belief’. The
information you give will help us learn more about your language.

The questionnaire takes around 15-20 minutes to complete.

When answering the questions, you don’t need to think about your answers too much. Just
say or write the first things that come to mind. Try to make sure all the questions are
answered, but if something is too difficult or is taking too long, move on. (However, if you
find some of the words especially interesting, and want to ask more questions and/or write
extensive comments, please do!)

Thank you for filling in this questionnaire!



Main respondent’s name (if you wish to share it):

Language name:
(If you language has more than one name, you can list alternative names as well.)

Language variety or dialect name (for example, you could name the region you lived in when you
learnt this language; or give us other information that you think is relevant about your language
variety or dialect):

Facilitator’s name (if relevant, for example if this survey is being undertaken verbally):
Please use the table below to answer the following questions about the English words
shown in the left column.

1. What do you think is the best translation or translations into your language for this
word? Note: You can give more than one answer.
2. For each word or phrase you suggested in 1, please give an example of how you
would use it in a sentence. Please also give an English translation of the sentence.
3. Please add any comments you have about translating this word into your language.

At the end of the survey you can see an example of how some of these questions were
answered by a Dutch respondent.

English 1. 2. Example sentence(s) and 3. Comments

Translation(s) English translation(s)
(to) think

(a) thought

(to) know




(to be) wise


(to) believe

(a) belief
Please provide a translation for the following sentences. Note: you do not have to use the
same words that you suggested in the first part of this questionnaire. Try to give a
translation that sounds natural in your language, like something you could really say. You
can also add any comments you have in the Translation box.

English Translation
1 Do you know my brother?
2 I think it will rain tomorrow.
3 My mother is very wise.
4 She knows a lot of stories.
5 I believe my grandmother was very clever.
6 You are talking too quietly, I don’t understand you.
7 Knowledge is more important than money.
8 I know that birds lay eggs.
9 Everyone knows the sun will rise tomorrow.
10 If you’re confused, ask a wise person for help.
11 Thank you for your understanding.
12 I understand English.
13 Wisdom comes with age.
14 I knew that my sister had a car.
15 My sister doesn’t know that my brother has a car.
16 I understand how a pen works.
17 I think a lot about the future.
18 My mother thinks my brother has a car.
19 I don’t understand how a computer works.
20 I know my sister is kind.
21 I did not understand why my brother left.
22 Do you believe in ghosts?
23 I have no knowledge of politics
24 I have a good understanding of farming

Is there anything you want to tell us about filling in this questionnaire? For example, was it
hard, easy, annoying? Were some parts more difficult than others?

Thank you very much for your help!

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