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Interview guide for In-depth Interview

In-depth interviewing is a qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive

individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a
particular idea, program, or situation. In our case we trying “to understand the impact of Benazir
Income Support Program on socio-economic and political state of women and their families”

In-depth interviews are useful when one want detailed information about a person’s thoughts and
behaviours or want to explore new issues in depth. Interviews are often used to provide context
to other data (such as outcome data), offering a more complete picture of what and how BISP has
impacted their socio-economic lives.

The primary advantage of in-depth interviews is that they provide much more detailed
information than what is available through other data collection methods, such as surveys. They
also may provide a more relaxed atmosphere in which to collect information. People may feel
more comfortable having a conversation with you about the program as opposed to filling out a

The process for conducting in-depth interviews is almost similar as of other research like plan,
develop instruments, collect data and analyse data. In our case the respondents are women
beneficiary of BISP and place of interview is the community where they residing. Before the
interview we have taken appointment from the beneficiary.

We developed a checklist of potential questions to be asked and also developed a guide how to
conduct the interview that includes

 In the start of the interview we will greet the beneficiaries according to the
cultural norms of the communities.
 The interview will be begin by introducing the team members and purpose of the
interview followed by a formal consent for the beneficiary. (see consent form at
 During the interview a great care will be taken to respond each query of the
respondents and she can refuse to answer further.
 During the interview team will notes through audiotape and written form
 The interview will be ended by paying thanks to the beneficiaries
Following are the tips of interview

 Almost all questions are open-ended that will allow the respondent for more detail
 Factual questions will be asked before opinion questions for instance there income,
occupation, number children will be asked first then will be asked for the opinion about
the benefits of the program
 It is highly desirable to listen and express interest in what the informant tells in a friendly
environment. Avoid strict question & answer exchange and remain neutral (don’t approve
or disapprove)
 A great care will be taken to avoid to ask leading question or lead the discussion to
certain direction like what other people say about the program rather team will let the
beneficiary to lead
Probing during the Interview

 Probing will used when needed, like if the respondent switches the discussion without
explaining the asked question properly then we will asked like “would you give describe
more advantages/disadvantages of the program” or “can you elaborate on that more” etc.
Further following probing techniques will also be used
 Silent probing: like just remain quiet and wait for informant to continue
 Echo probing: Repeat the last thing what respondent said and ask them to continue like “I
see. you mean your card is working Then what happens?”
 Uh-huh Probe: encourage participant to continue with a narrative by making affirmative
noises: like Uh-huh,” “yes, I see,” “right, uh-huh”
The following conventional notations will be used for transcription of the interview

(?) Talk too obscure to transcribe.

Hhhhh audible Out-breath

.hhh In-breath

[ Overlapping talk begins

] Overlapping talk ends

(.) Silence, less than half a second

(..) Silence, less than one second

:::: lengthening of a sound

= no silence at all between sounds

Capital letter word LOUD sounds

? Rising intonation
Appendix: Interview checklist

Impact of Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) on socio-economic and political state of
women and their families

Respondent’s Consent Form

We represent IBA-Sukkar, which is known academic institution of the area and as student we
have been assigned to conduct a research study on “Impact of Benazir Income Support Program
(BISP) on socio-economic and political state of women and their families”. In this regard, we
would like to ask you few questions, which will take about 15 minutes to complete. The
information obtained will be kept confidential and will be presented in a general report without
identifying individual opinions. You may choose not to answer any or all of the questions.
Nevertheless, we expect your kind cooperation to contribute to this important exercise. Please
note that participation in this survey has no link with the provision of any assistance. If we have
your consent, let us begin.

1 Yes
2 No
Date of Interview
Time of Interview
Name of the Institute
Gender of Respondent
1 Male
2 Female
Education of appellant (in completed years of schooling)
Q01 Can you share you experience to study at SE college?

Q02 Can you please share why you prefer SE college instead of IUB and how how this is
beneficial (or non-beneficial) for you

Q03 Have you faced any challenges while study at SE college?

Hints: Prestige that you have been selected and now source of income in the house

Q04: Usually how you spent this money

Probing: Education, health, livelihood opportunities

Q05 If this program would not be continued by Govt in future, how would you see the impact
on your life

Q06 Do you think that it has contributed it your livelihood base or just it is being used for day-
day expenses

Q07 What do you know why government is giving this amount to you or other people

Q08 Was there any organization/person helped you to get registered in the program

Probing: Political, religious or community influence

Q09 Do you think it should be continued

Q10 What is your opinion how to improve this program

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