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Amazing Ferrofluid
Ferrofluid is a liquid that reacts to magnets, and back to being a liquid and then back to those
crazy spikes. Now these spikes are pretty unbelievable on their own. The video actually showed
that there are physics happening to make those spikes or patterns. The first thing to take a look
in there is that the spikes point along the direction of the magnetic field lines coming from the
magnet and eventually we can see the direction of the magnetic field. But why those ferrofluid
follow the magnet and why those spikes form? And simply we can assume that this ferrofluid
have magnetic metal in it like magnetite the spikes in the ferrofluid form because of the balance
between the gravitational pull keeping the liquid down flat, the surface tension which wants to
minimize the surface area because its pulling like the threads in stretchy fabric, and then the
magnetic field which wants to make the metal align with the field lines.
2. Biological Pollutants in The Home - What to Do?
Animal dander, dust mite and cockroach parts, infectious agents (bacteria and viruses), pollen,
mold are just sample of some biological pollutants at home. Which can bring many different
ailments. Like watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, itching, coughing, wheezing,
difficulty breathing, headache and fatigue. To control biological pollutants in the home, this
video suggested the following: 1. Control moisture 2. Inspect where biological pollutants may be
found in the home, and 3. Clean, Clean, and Clean Again. This means that in order for us to avoid
ailments from biological pollutants, we need to be responsible enough in making all things
3. College
The video revolves with this statement of Marshall McLuhan (1967), “Today’s child is bewildered
when he enters the 19th century environment that still characterizes the educational
establishment where information is scarce but ordered and structured by fragmented, classified
patterns, subjects and schedules”.
4. Richard St. John_ Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes
What leads to success? 1. Passion-means you need to work for love not for money 2. Work-as you
need work hard as nothing comes easily but we still need to have fun. 3. Good- to be successful it
doesn’t require that you are pretty skilled enough to start but only pretty cool to start and to start
again until he is good enough to go with the next level. 4. Focus- if you failed, it doesn’t mean that
you need to look for another wherein you can excel but it was a challenge to strive more and give
your focus with one thing. 5. Push- you need to encourage yourself to finish you goal. 6. Serve-
render you service to others something of value. 7. Ideas- Make connections, as this will help you
to answer your queries. 8. Persist- means your way to resist negative feedback and turn it into
5. Why does ice float in water_ - George Zaidan and Charles Morton
As water cools below 4°C, the hydrogen bonds adjust to hold the negatively charged
oxygen atoms apart. This produces a crystal lattice, which is commonly known as 'ice'. Ice
floats because it is about 9% less dense than liquid water.
6. Why don't oil and water mix_ - John Pollard
Oil and water don't mix because oil is made up of non-polar molecules
while watermolecules are polar in nature. Because water molecules are electrically
charged, they get attracted to other water molecules and exclude the oil molecules.
7. Why do we pass gas_ - Purna Kashyap
What is one of the most embarrassing things you can do in class or in front of a group of people? Well, there
are probably a lot of things, but one of them is passing gas. Where does the gas come from, why does our body
make gas and how can we stop it? We will try to answer all those questions for you here.

Let’s get one thing out of the way. As long as you are living, your body is going to have gas inside it. So if it
makes you feel any better, every time you pass gas, it is a sign that your body is alive and well. On a normal
day, you will produce about a half-gallon of gas. It is just a normal part of our digestion process. All humans
pass gas. And humans are not alone; dogs, cats, lions, tigers, bears, camels, horses and even whales pass gas.
Nearly every living thing does. What do they all have in common? They digest food

8. What's the difference between accuracy and precision_ - Matt Anticole

In other words, accuracy describes the difference betweenthe measurement and the
part's actual value, while precisiondescribes the variation you see when you measure the
same part repeatedly with the same device
9. Why is glass transparent_ - Mark Miodownik
Photons pass through glass because they are not absorbed. And they are not absorbed
because there is nothing which "absorbs" light in visual frequencies inglass. You may
have heard that ultraviolet photons are absorbed by glass, so glassis not transparent for
10. What really happens to the plastic you throw away - Emma Bryce
I wouldn't stop the discovery of plastic, because plastic in it self is a very good invention. We
just need to use it, an reuse properly.
The comparison between positives and the negatives is a hard task. Plastics has so many
uses! How do you compare a life of a fish? How do you compare a contamination of a water
supply? Definitely you can't do it monetary terms.
My take on this is that everybody should decide whether to reduce plastic waste or not based
upon their gut instinct and their reason.
11. The ABC's of gas_ Avogadro, Boyle, Charles - Brian Bennett
Laws of gases. Rober Boyle’s Law known as inverse proportion and changes at the same rate for
every gas. Through it you can actually predict the volume of any gas at any given pressure as the
relationship is always the same. Jacques Charles law in manner which as the temperature
increases the volume increases as well. Amedeo Avogadro’s law, as the number of gas particles
added to a container is increased the volume as well.

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