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Student practice: Chapter 6-12 (Sociology)

Part A: Short Question Answers:

1) What are the four types of societies that would be most appropriately classified as traditional societies?
Answer: hunting and gathering societies; horticultural societies; pastoral societies; agricultural societies
2) What are the three societies that would be most appropriately classified as nontraditional societies?
Answer: industrial societies; postindustrial societies; biotech societies
3) What are formal organizations?
Answer: secondary groups designed to achieve explicit objectives
4) What are the five characteristics of bureaucracies as identified by Weber?
Answer: (a) clear levels, with assignments flowing downward and accountability flowing upward; (b) division of
labor; (c) written rules; (d) written communications and records; (e) impersonality and replace ability.
5) What are the dysfunctions of bureaucracies?
Answer: red tape ("a rule is a rule"); lack of communication between units; bureaucratic alienation; worker
resistance to alienation; bureaucratic incompetence.
6) How do workers resist alienation?
Answer: They resist alienation by forming primary groups at work and banding together in informal settings. They
also express approval, appreciation, and sympathy for one another. They decorate their personal workplace with
photos of family, vacations, pets, and personal accomplishments and interests.
7) What is the Peter Principle?
Answer: the tendency for members of an organization to be promoted for their accomplishments until they reach
their level of incompetence.
8) Why do bureaucracies practice goal displacement?
Answer: to perpetuate their existence by changing their goal or reason for existence after they have achieved their
original goal and no longer have a reason to continue.
9) What is meant by "humanizing the work setting"?
Answer: organizing work in such a way that it develops, rather than impedes, human potential.
10) What is cyberslacking?
Answer: Cyberslacking is using computers at work for personal purposes such as trading stocks, downloading and
playing music, and doing personal e-mail.
11) What is the relativity of deviance?
Answer: The relativity of deviance refers to the fact that different groups have different norms and what is deviant
in one group is not necessarily deviant in another.
12) What is the relationship between norms and social order?
Answer: Without norms there would be no social order, only chaos.
13) What is the major difference between psychological and sociological theories in explaining deviance?
Answer: Psychological theories examine the cause of deviance originating within the individual. Sociological
theories examine the cause of deviance originating from outside the individual.
14) In control theory, what is the difference between inner and outer controls?
Answer: Inner controls include our internalized morality, conscience, religious principles, ideas of right or wrong,
fear of punishment, and feelings of integrity. Outer controls include people and agencies that influence us not to
deviate such as family, friends, and the police.
15) Based on control theory, what are the four qualities that determine one's bond with society?
Answer: (a) attachment; (b) commitment; (c) involvement; (d) belief
16) What is the purpose of a degradation ceremony?
Answer: It brands someone as an outsider, strips them of their personal identity, and forces them to account for
their behavior.
17) According to Merton's strain theory, what are the four typologies of adaptation that qualify as being deviant?
Answer: (a) innovation; (b) ritualism; (c) retreatism; (d) rebellion
18) Why is conformity considered as being the only non-deviant mode of adaptation?

Answer: Conformity is the only mode of adaptation that involves both an acceptance of cultural goals and an
acceptance of institutionalized means to achieve them.
19) What are the three components that make up the criminal justice system?
Answer: (a) the police; (b) the court system; (c) the prison system
20) What are the two most striking characteristics of the British class system?
Answer: (a) language; (b) education
21) What were the shortcomings of model consisting of First, Second, and Third Worlds that were used to describe
global stratification?
Answer: implying superiority of the "First World" nations and inferiority of the "Third World" nations; failing to
account for democratic socialism in many nations
22) What was the fourth category of nations added to the Most Industrialized, Industrializing, and Least
Industrialized model?
Answer: oil-rich nations
23) What are the four classifications of nations identified in world system theory?
Answer: (a) core nations; (b) semi-periphery nations; (c) periphery nations; (d) external areas
24) What are some of the implications suggested by the emergence of the biotech society?
Answer: will yield greater surpluses, increased trade, an expansion of the global village, longer and healthier lives,
and a greater inequality between richer and poorer nations
25) What are the three essential features of capitalism?
Answer: (a) private ownership of the means of production; (b) market competition; (c) pursuit of profit
26) What are the three mediums of exchange that are replacing paper money in the postindustrial society?
Answer: (a) credit cards; (b) debit cards; (c) e-cash
27) What is e-cash?
Answer: digital money stored on computers
28) What are the three essential components of socialism?
Answer: (a) public ownership of the means of production; (b) central planning; (c) distribution of goods without a
profit motive
29) How does democratic socialism differ from pure socialism?
Answer: in democratic socialism, both the state and the individual produce and distribute goods and services; in
pure socialism, only the state does this
30) How do capitalists and socialists mutually criticize one another?
Answer: both point to exploitation – capitalists view socialists as violating basic human rights and freedoms;
socialists accuse capitalists of creating inequality and exploiting workers
31) What is convergence theory?
Answer: the tendency for capitalism and socialism to grow similar to each other, with each adopting components
of the other
32) Provide at least five examples of ways in which the United States has adopted socialist practices through
convergence theory.
Answer: (a) welfare system; (b) food stamps; (c) unemployment compensation; (d) subsidized housing;
(e) Medicare/Medicaid; (f) minimum wage; (g) Social Security
33) What is corporate capitalism? Provide an example.
Answer: the domination of an economic system by giant corporations; General Electric
34) What is the difference between the ways in which men and women have traditionally appeared to approach
Answer: men focus on individuality, competition, and power; women focus on collaboration, persuasion, and
assistance as well as balance between work and family
35) What are the similarities and difference between authority and coercion?
Answer: Both involve the exercising of power over other individuals. Authority is legitimate power that people
accept as right and coercion is power that people do not accept as just.
36) What are the three types of authority?
Answer: traditional authority, rational-legal authority, charismatic authority
37) What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?

Answer: In direct democracy, all citizens vote on each issue brought before the governing body. In the
representative democracy, citizens vote for a person to represent their views and it is this person who actually
votes in the governing body.
38) What is common between monarchies, dictatorships, oligarchies, and totalitarian regimes?
Answer: All four forms of government involve a small group of individuals seizing power and controlling a society.
39) What is the primary cause of voter apathy?
Answer: The main reason for voter apathy is the indifference it is believed their vote will have.
40) What are the three branches of the federal government that serve as the checks and balances of power?
Answer: Executive branch (president); Legislative branch (Senate and House of Representatives);
Judiciary branch (federal courts and Supreme Court)
41) Who comprises the power elite?
Answer: The power elite are comprised of the top business, political, and military leaders
42) What are the current and proposed trading blocks that will be key parts of the New World Order?
Answer: the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA), the Central American Free Trade Association
(CAFTA), European Union (EU), and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
43) What qualities do polyandry and polygyny share and how do they differ?
Answer: Polyandry and polygyny both refer to mating selection where multiple spouses are permitted.
Polyandry refers to a pattern of mate selection where the woman takes on multiple husbands.
Polygyny refers to a pattern of mate selection where the man takes on multiple wives.
44) Sociologically, how does the relationship between love and marriage differ for Americans and South Asians?
Answer: For Americans, love must precede marriage. For South Asians, marriage precedes love.
45) What qualities contribute to the Confucian values that provide a framework for Asian American families?
Answer: The qualities are humanism, collectivity, self discipline, hierarchy, respect for elders, moderation, and
46) What are the most common reasons some couples choose not to have children?
Answer: They may not like children; they wish to maintain a sense of freedom to change jobs and have more
leisure time; they believe their marriage is too frail to handle children; they do not wish to be stuck at home,
bored, lonely, and with diminished career opportunities.
47) What are DINKs?
Answer: Dinks are couples that do not have children, usually by choice. DINK refers to "Dual Income,
No Kids."
48) What is the blended family?
Answer: The blended family is one in which at least one member was previously a part of another family.
49) What are some of the reasons for skipped-generation families?
Answer: parents incapable of taking care of their children; death of one or both parents; parents are ill, homeless,
drug addicts, alcoholics, or in prison; grandparents stepped in to prevent abuse or neglect
50) What is the sandwich generation?
Answer: The sandwich generation refers to parents who find themselves sandwiched between two groups, their
own dependent children and caring for aging parents.

Part B: Objective Question Answers:

1) The division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige is
__________ a) social distinction b) social stratification c) social distance d) social diversification
2) A form of social stratification in which some people own other people is __________ a) Caste system b) slavery
c) class system d) apartheid
3) The classical example of a caste system today in the world is ___________ a) USA b)South Africa c) India
d) none of the above
4) The practice of endogamy is most likely to be found in _________ a) Caste system b) meritocracy c) class
system d) socialist system
5) The stratification system in which individuals are linked to a large network of relatives is __________ a) Caste
system b) slavery system c) class system d) clan system

6) Class systems are characterized by _______________ a) social mobility b) geographic mobility c) extended
network of relatives d) all of the above
7) Karl Marx concluded that social class depends on ______________ a) wealth, power, prestige b) the
means of production c) personal life achievements d) birth in a social stratification system
8) According to Max Weber, social class is determined by _________ a) wealth, power, prestige b)
relationship to the means of production c) one’s political power d) birth in a social
stratification system
9) According to the functionalist view, social stratification ___________ a) is dysfunctional b) is the outcome
of social classes conflict c) will disappear in societies based upon meritocracy d) is inevitable feature of social
10) A form of social stratification in which positions are awarded based on merit is called ________ a) meritocratic
system b) egalitarian system c) socialistic system d) democratic system
11) According to conflict theorists, the basis of social stratification is ________ a) functional necessity in society
b) conflict over limited resources c) ascribed statuses d) perception of social class position
12) The meritocratic societies perpetuate their class system between generations by _______ a) emphasis on
material possessions b) religion c) education d) endogamy
13) Neocolonialism refers to ___________ a) recent efforts by highly industrialized nations to colonize least
industrialized nations b) the economic policies of highly industrialized nations that are designed to control the
markets of least industrialized nations c) programs like the peace corps that attempt to teach residents of
least industrialized countries the skills necessary to survive in an industrial society d) the economic policy of
the least industrialized nations in which they hold the highly industrialized nations hostage by controlling access to
national resources like oil
14) Multinational corporations ___________ a) are companies that operate across many national boundaries
b) always exploit least industrialized nations directly c) benefit the least industrialized nations as
much as they do highly industrialized nations d) All of the above
15) Functionalists believe that people should be rewarded for their unique abilities and the type of position they
hold in society is not important. (True/ False)
16) Most people view meritocracy as bad for societies. (True/ False)
17) According to conflict theorists, the oppressed support laws which operate against their own interests.
(True/ False)
18) The idea of the divine right of kings is an example of how the ruling elite use ideas to maintain stratification.
(True/ False)
19) In maintaining stratification, elites find that technology is not particularly useful, because everyone can access
technology. (True/ False)
20) The South African practice of racial separation that existed until recently is _____Apartheid________________
21) ___________ The Divine Rights of King________ is the idea that the king’s authority comes directly from God.
22) ____Colonization_______________________ is the process in which one nation takes over another nation,
usually for the purpose of exploiting its labor and natural resources.
23) World system theory was developed by _________Emanuel Wallerstein_____________________
24) ___Globalization_______________________ is the extensive interconnections among world nations resulting
from the expansion of capitalism.
25) ____Culture of Poverty________________ is a way of life that perpetuates poverty from one generation to the
26) People in the _______________ class are more likely to be conservative on social issues and more liberal on
economic issues. a) Upper b) middle c) lower d) working
27) A homeless person whose father was a physician has experienced ____________ mobility. a)
exchange b) structural c) upward d) downward
28) In trying to explain poverty, sociologists are most likely to stress ___________ a) individual characteristics that
are assumed to contribute to poverty b) features of the social structure that contribute to poverty c)
decisions and choices made by the poor that prevent them from ever moving out of poverty d) that poverty is
intergenerational, so that most people who are born poor remain poor their entire lives.

29) The term “sex” refers to __________ a) the social characteristics that a society considers proper for its males
and females b) the biological characteristics that distinguish females and males c) masculinity and
femininity d) all of the above
30) According to sociologists, if biology were the principal factor in human behavior, around the world we would
find ______________ a) things to be just like they are b) men and women to be much more like
each other than they currently are c) women to be one sort of person and men another d) none
of the above
31) In regard to the prestige of work, __________ a) greater prestige is given to activities which are considered
important, regardless of “male” or “female” b) greater prestige is given to female activities c)
greater prestige is given to male activities d) none of the above
32) Gender inequality in education ___________ a) has virtually disappeared today b) is allowed by law
c) none of these d) is perpetuated by the use of sex to sort students into different academic disciplines.
33) Researchers who have studied conversation patterns between men and women conclude that __________ a)
women talk more and interrupt men more frequently than the other way around b) men and women
are social equals when it comes to everyday conversation c) even in everyday conversation, the talk between a
man and a woman reflects social inequality d) men interrupt more in conversations, but woman control the topics
that are discussed.
34) Which of the following is not a reason why more women are not found in core corporate positions?
____________ a) The male corporate culture stereotypes potential leaders as people who look like themselves;
women are seen as better at providing “support” b) Women do not seek out opportunities for
advancement and do not spend enough time networking with powerful executives c) Women lack mentors who
take an interest in them and teach them the ropes d) Women are generally steed away from jobs that
are stepping stones to top corporate office; instead they are recruited for jobs in human resources and public
35) Sexual harassment ___________ a) is still exclusively a female problem b) has a clear legal
definition based on Supreme Court rulings c) involves a person in authority using the position to force unwanted
sex on subordinates d) all of the above
36) Race _____________ a) means having distinctive cultural characteristics b) means having inherited
physical characteristics that distinguish one group from another c) means people who are singled out for
unequal treatment d) Is relatively easy to determine.
37) Prejudice and discrimination _________ a) are less prevalent in the US than in other societies b) are more
prevalent in the US than in other societies c) appear to characterize every society, regardless of size
d) appear to characterize only large societies
38) According to conflict theorists, prejudice __________ a) benefits capitalists by splitting workers along racial or
ethnic lines b) contributes to the exploitation of workers, thus producing a split-labor market c) keeps
workers from demanding higher wages and better working conditions d) all of the above
39) Research indicates that the highest prestige universities are least likely to discriminate against women in terms
of academic hiring and promotion. (T/False)
40) Women are more likely to interrupt a conversation and to control changes in topics. (True/F)
41) Persons with an authoritarian personality are characterized by prejudice and high rankings on scales of
conformity, intolerance, insecurity, and excessive respect for authority. (True/F)
42) Segregation allows the dominant group to exploit the labor of the minority while maintaining social distance.
43) Movement up or down the social class ladder that is attributed to changes in the structure of society, not to
individual efforts, is _______Structural mobility ___________
44) The official measure of poverty is referred to as the ____Poverty line______________; it is calculated to
include those whose incomes are less than three times a low income food budget.
45) Males’ and females’ unequal access to power, prestige, and property on the basis of sex reflects
____________Gender discrimination/Inequality______________________________________
46) All unwelcome sexual attention that affects a person’s job or creates a hostile working environment is
__________________Sexual Harassment_________________
47) Membership in a minority group is a/n _______Ascribed____________ status; that is, it is not voluntary, but
comes through birth.

48) The systematic annihilation or attempted annihilation of a race or ethnic group is ___Genocide____________
49) Polyandry is __________ a) marriage in which a woman has more than one husband b) marriage in which a
man has more than one wife c) male control of a society or a group d) female control of a society or a
50) The family of orientation _________ a) is the family formed when a couple’s first child is born b) is the same
thing as an extended family c) is the same as the family of procreation d) None of the above
51) Endogamy is ______________ a) the practice of marrying outside one’s group b) the practice of
marrying within one’s own group c) the practice of marrying within one’s own family d) None of the above
52) According to functionalists, the family ____________ a) serves very different functions from society to society
b) serves certain essential functions in all societies c) has very few functions left d) is no longer
53) The incest taboo ___________a) is rules specifying the degrees of kinship that prohibit sex or marriage b) helps
families avoid role confusion c) facilitates the socialization of children d) all of the above
54) The tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another is ____________________ a)
propinquity b) selection c) homo-gamy d) hetero-gamy
55) In regard to child rearing, Melvin Kohn concluded that ___________________________ a) parents of all social
classes socialize their children similarly b) middle-class parents are more likely to use physical punishment
than working-class parents c) working-class parents are more likely to withdraw privileges or
affection than middle-class parents d) none of the above
56) The empty nest syndrome ______ a) is not a reality for most parents b) causes couples to feel a lack of
companionship c) is easier for women who have not worked outside the home d) none of the above
57) A family whose members were once part of other families is known as a _____________ a) reconstituted
family b) mixed family c) blended family d) multiple family
58) Cohabitation ________________________________ a) is the condition of living together as an unmarried
couple b) has increased seven times in just two decades in the US c) has occurred before about half of all
couples marry d) all of the above
59) The “sandwich generation” refers to ____________ a) stay-at-home moms who spend their days making
sandwiches for their children b) people who are sandwiched between two sets of family relations because of
the increase in divorce today c) young children who consume a lot of sandwiches and whose needs are often
overlooked by parents d) people who find themselves caught between two generations, simultaneously
responsible for the care of their children and their aging parents
60) The highest rates of marital violence are found among __________________ a) families with high incomes
b) families living in large urban areas c) people over thirty d) white collar workers
61) Polygyny is a marriage in which a man has more than one wife. (True/F)
62) Conflict theorists believe that one of the consequences of married woman working for pay is a reshuffling of
power in the home. (True/F)
63) Firstborns tend to be disciplined more than children who follow. (T/False)
64) Symbolic interactionists have found that husbands and wives generally share the same meanings about their
marriages. (T/False)
65) Researchers have found that most husbands and wives experience the empty nest when their last child leaves
home. (T/False)
66) _____Family______________ is a group who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
67) Female control of a society or group is a _________Matriarchy________________
68) Rules specifying the degrees of kinship that prohibit sex or marriage are ______Incest Taboo________
69) A court martial where the guilty officer is publicly stripped of his rank is an example of __________ a)
degradation ceremony b) humiliation ceremony c) stigmatization d) deinstitutionalization
70) ________________ focuses on re-socializing criminals so that they can become conforming citizens. a)
Deterrence b) retribution c) rehabilitation d) incapacitation
71) Edwin Sutherland used the term ____White Collar Crime______ to refer to crimes that people of respectable
and high social status commit in the course of their occupations.
72) The Peter Principle _________________________ a) states that each employee of a bureaucracy is promoted
to his or her level of competence b) states that each employee of a bureaucracy is promoted to his or her level of

incompetence c) is generally true and explains why so many bureaucracies fail d) was first stated by Max
73) Voluntary associations ____________________________ a) are groups made up of volunteers who organize on
the basis of some mutual interest b) include political parties, unions, professional associations, and churches
c) have been an important part of western life d) all of the above
74) The term for acts of deviance that have little effect on the self-concept is _____________ a) primary deviance
b) secondary deviance c) tertiary deviance d) none
75) In ______________ deviance, deviant behavior is normalized by re-labeling it as non-deviant. a) primary
b) secondary c) tertiary d) normalized
76) According to strain theory, some people experience greater pressures to deviate from society’s norms because
of their social location. True/F
77) Both functionalists and conflict theorists agree that the criminal justice system functions for the well-being of
all citizens. T/False
78) The purpose of retribution is to create fear so that others won’t break the law. True/F
79) Dysfunctions of bureaucracies include ______________________ a) alienation b) goal
displacement c) red tape d) All of the above
80) Workers resist alienation by _____________ a) forming primary groups b) praising each other and
expressing sympathy when something goes wrong c) putting pictures and personal items in their work
areas d) all of the above
81) Humanizing a work setting refers to _____________________ a) employees bringing personal items to the
office b) workers during spare time visit each other, tell jokes, and get to know each other personally c)
purchasing furniture which is more comfortable for employees d) none of the above
82) Women and minorities are often ___showcased____, which means that they are placed in highly visible
positions with little power in order to demonstrate to the public and affirmative action officials how progressive
the company is.
83) According to conflict theorists, the ruling class is __________ a) a group that meets together and agrees on
specific matters b) a group which tends to have complete unity on issues c) made up of people whose
backgrounds and orientations to life are so similar that they automatically share the same goals d) All of the above
84) War ___________ a) is armed conflict between nations or politically distinct groups b)is universal c) is
chosen for dealing with disagreements by all societies at one time or another d) All of the above
85) What is another term for power relations wherever they exist? _______ a) politics b) government c)
economics d) nationalism
86) The term micro-politics is most aligned with which sociological perspective? ____________a) the conflict
perspective b) symbolic interactionism c) functionalism d) feminism
87) For a government to be stable, what quality must exist? ___________ a) The government must have a large
military force to back it b) The leader must be charismatic C) The government must be based on democratic
principles d) The source of the power must be perceived as legitimate.
88) What did sociologist Peter Berger suggest as being the ultimate foundation of any political state? ___________
a) violence b) authority c) charisma d) tradition
89) What is another name for rational-legal authority? ___________ a) fascism b) totalitarianism c)
democratic socialism d) bureaucratic authority
90) Why do rational-legal and traditional authorities take careful precautions in opposing charismatic leaders?
_____________ a) Charismatic leaders have more followers than traditional or rational-legal leaders
b)Charismatic leaders create a greater degree of social stability c)Charismatic leaders direct followers
according to personal preference D)Charismatic leaders are usually mentally unstable.
91) What was Max Weber's term for a composite of characteristics found in many real-life examples? __
a) the real thing b) the alpha model c) the ideal type d) the ultimate example
92) During the Middle Ages in Europe, what physical structure dominated the landscape of a city-state?
__________ a) a castle b)a town meeting hall c) an amphitheater d) a courthouse
93) What is a system of government in which decision-making is vested in a small group of people? __________ a)
a monarchy b) a democracy c) an oligarchy d) a patriarchy
94) People who think alike on a particular issue and who can be mobilized for political action are described as
________. a) political parties b) special-interest groups c) social movements d) power elites

95) The process of reducing people to objects that do not deserve to be treated as humans is known as
_________? a) disrespect b) maltreatment c) dehumanization d) depersonalization
96) Which nation is the greatest exporter of high-tech weapons and military hardware worldwide? ________ a)
Russia b) United States c) China d) Great Britain
97) Which type of warfare best describes the suicide bombings that have become common in Pakistan?
__________ a) guerilla war b) proxy war c) limited war d) terrorism
98) Currently eight nations compose a summit of the most powerful nations in the world, known as the G8. The
last nation to be admitted to this group was ________, and the nation wanting to be added to it, forming the G9, is
_________________. a) Canada; Mexico b) Russia; China c) Germany; Russia d) China; Mexico
99) NAFTA is to North America as ASEAN is to ____________. a) Southeast Asia b) Europe c)
Africa d) Australia
100) What is the major roadblock that threatens to undermine the developing New World Order?
________________ a) the greedy elite in each nation trying to get even more b) the
ineffectiveness of the United Nations C) the appearance of fierce nationalism and ethnic loyalties
among nations D) conflicting political views of different nations
101) Hunting and gathering societies that generate very little surplus food and material property are described by
sociologists as ________ economies. a) welfare b) capitalist c) subsistence
d) socialist
102) What term describes a system that emphasizes hard work, savings, and a concern for salvation? _ a)
subsistence economy b) Protestant ethic c) laissez-faire socialism d) bureaucratic capitalism
103) The "global village" refers to __________. a) a world without distinction regarding ethnicity or race b)
a world without national boundaries c) the linking of the world's nations by fast communications, trade,
and transportation d) the elimination of poverty and disease from humanity
104) Who coined the term "postindustrial society" in 1973? ____________ a) David Bell b) Michael
Burawoy c) Thorstein Veblen d) Max Weber
105) What was the earliest medium of exchange? __________a) gold standard b) money
c) land standard d) barter system
106) Today, most governments issue money that is backed by nothing more than a promise to honor it for all debts
public and private. Such currency is called ________. a) gold standard currency b) fiat money c)
warehouse cash d) deposit receipt
107) What is the determining factor for inflation to occur?___________ a) Currency can no longer be exchanged
for gold or silver b) Value of the currency is based on the stock market c) Currency is issued at a
higher rate than the growth of the Gross Domestic Product d) Prices are raised beyond what most people can
108) In the United States, government interventions that restrict a person's ability to immediately produce and sell
a product that he or she has discovered or invented are referred to as ________.
a) market restraints b) social forces c) laws of supply and demand d) patent laws
109) Which of the following social or economic arrangements is described as being the "capitalist's dream"?
____________ a) a totalitarian state b) an oligopoly c) a monopoly d) a free market
110) In the capitalist economy, when the government identifies a firm that has monopolized a product or service,
it may order the company to ________, that is, sell off some of its businesses. a) consolidate b) divest
c) merge d) declare bankruptcy
111) In socialism, who or what determines what will be produced and what it will cost?_______ a) the level that
the market will bear b) the industrialist who produces the goods c) the central committee that decides what
the country needs d) the consumer who purchases the goods
112) What is the primary criticism leveled against capitalism? ________ a) It produces more products than
can be reasonably consumed b) It leads to severe social inequalities c) It violates the basic economic
law of supply and demand d) It promotes immorality through conspicuous consumption
113) What theory is based on the idea that the two economic systems – capitalism and socialism – will eventually
adopt features of one another until there is a hybrid economic system in all societies?____ a) convergence theory
0b) transformation theory c) Marxism d) welfare capitalism

114) What has been the most significant economic change in the last 100 years, one that may even rival the
Industrial Revolution in its impact on people's lives? _________ a) the shift to welfare capitalism b) the global
integration of giant corporations c) the shift to robotics in manufacturing d) the incorporation of
China into the Group of 8
115) What term did Durkheim use to refer to the sense of unity that comes from doing similar activities and
directly sharing most aspects of life?___________ a) organic solidarity b) gesellschaft c) mechanical
solidarity d) transformation
116) What term did Durkheim use to refer to the global division of labor that has led to specific tasks performed by
members of society and a lessening of social cohesion? __________ a) organic solidarity
b) gesellschaft c) mechanical solidarity d) gemeinschaft
117) At the annual shareholders' meeting, the CEO proposed that the corporation go public and create an
additional million shares of stock to raise capital. The shareholders rejected the idea because they did not want to
see the value of their own stock drop. This scenario is an example of ____. a) a stockholder's revolt b) the
quiet revolution c) the capitalist's dream d) management by objective
119) In the globalization of capitalism, the dominant European nation is ________. a) Germany b) Great
Britain c) Italy d) France
120) The eastern trading block is currently headed by ________, but the nation at its heels ready to overtake this
position is ________. a) China; Taiwan b) Singapore; Japan c) Japan; China
d) India; Malaysia
121) The groups that head the country’s top corporations and have access to high-level politicians, which they use
to promote legislation favorable to big business, are known as ________. a) monopolies b) inner circles
c) the power elite d) the ruling class
122) What is the world's largest corporation, based on sales, market value, assets, and profit? ________
a) General Electric b) Exxon Mobile c) Wal-Mart Stores d) AT&T
123) Overlapping memberships of the world’s top multinational companies enfold their leaders into a small circle
called a(n) ________. a) global superclass b) global village c) international monopoly d)
multinational corporation
124) Frank Buckman sits on the board of directors for seven oil companies and three corporations that
manufacture oil rigs and oil-producing machinery. Several of his closest business associates belong to the same
boards. Such a scenario is an example of a(n) ________. a) interlocking directorate b) global superclass
c) oligopoly d) stockholders' revolt
125) Sociologists use the term "________" to refer to the fundamental changes in society that occur as a result of
vast numbers of women entering the workforce. __________ a) underground economy b) quiet revolution
C) interlocking directorate D) feminist revolt
126) Economic activities, illegal or legal, that people do not report to the government are sometimes referred to as
the ________ economy. a) transformation b) welfare c) underground d) organic

127) The largest single source of income that qualifies as being a part of the U.S. underground economy is most
likely ________. a) childcare services and nanny positions b) domestic service such as housecleaning and
laundry c) drug dealing d) prostitution
What is the major concern expressed by corporate managers as it pertains to teleworking? ________ a) Corporate
profits usually decrease b) Quality of the product or service produced declines c) Managers lose control
over workers d) Workers become unmotivated and lazy
128) When global trade opens markets that were previously closed to manufacturers around the world, which
group usually suffers the most? ____________ a) the workers b) the wealthy c) the
entrepreneurs d) the capitalists


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