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James St George Episcopal August 2016

Church From the Rector Stewardship
Christian Service in your everyday life
What if we treated serving the poor By Christine McGeachie
as if that action were as high a
priority as celebrating the Eucharist
on Sundays? What if service to
others was more than just what we
When I was asked to write an article regarding stewardship
did if we had nothing better to
for this newsletter I thought to myself I can do that, it won’t
do? What has God asked of us, what
be too hard. When I actually sat down to write it, it was
has Jesus asked of us in this respect?
another story. Not that writing about Stewardship is hard for
There's a church in San
me, but it seems to be a topic that most of us avoid because
Francisco, and it's an Episcopal
we think of our annual Stewardship campaign and MONEY.
Church, where the poor are provided
I just wanted this article to be about something fun,
with fresh fruits and vegetables every week. This give-
something someone would want to read.
away happens around the altar, in the same space where
I am here to tell you that, contrary to what you might
the services happen and people come to pray. Sometimes
believe, Stewardship isn’t always about money and tithing
the altar itself becomes a piece of furniture with a more
and the widow’s mite scripture. Believe it or not,
utilitarian function than most of us would be comfortable
Stewardship is also about giving of your time and your talents
with. They do this because, after reading the gospels over
as well as your treasure. Although giving of your treasure
and over again, they realized that the mandate to serve was
and working toward tithing is a very important part of
equal to, if not greater than the mandate to pray. Service,
Stewardship, without your time and talents our church would
for the follower of Jesus, is not an option. It is not an
not be a viable part of the community we live in, and after all,
afterthought. It is not a luxury item.
isn’t that why our church is here?
I invite you to read the gospels. What is it that
The dictionary defines Stewardship as the position and
Jesus asks? What does
duties of a steward. A person who acts as the surrogate of
Jesus ask of you? There
another or others especially by managing property, financial
are many opportunities to
affairs, or Estates, ect… or the responsibility of overseeing
be of service in our parish,
and protection of something considered worth caring for and
in our town, in our area.
preserving. Well that certainly explains Stewardship to me,
Many of them take no
but how do we explain Christian Stewardship? I believe it is
more than an hour or two
much the same, only I see God as our owner and we are his
a month. In the name of
managers. We manage all that God gives us; we are Stewards
Jesus, I ask you to serve
of God’s gifts. He gives it all to us to manage. Wow, that is a
God's little ones because
lot of responsibility! How can we be good Stewards in our
whatever we do for them,
everyday life? I believe the right answer to that question is by
we do for HIM.
helping others as well as ourselves. How might we do that
……check out next month’s newsletter to find out
ways………to be continued….

50/50 Monthly Raffle Parishioner Spotlight

The July winner of the Raffle of $260.00 was Jeanne Joanie Vihroski lives in Archbald and
Suhadolink (Forest City). Thank you to all who works for JAN PRO Cleaning. She is in
participated For charge of the monthly 50/50 raffle that
August tickets see will run until December. The cost is
$5.00 per ticket. So far Joanie has raised
Joannie Vihriski
$1,380.00 to benefit church programs.
Upcoming Events Summer Services The History of Our Church
(Memorial Day to Labor Day) by Walter Avery
Mass in the Grass Church Service 9:00 am
Sunday, August 7, 2016 On Thursday, April 21, 1898, Bishop
11:00 am Tuibet held a 7:30 pm confirmation
Merli Sarnoski Park – Upper Pavilion service at St. James Episcopal
Vestry Meeting Church. In the course of his
Monday, August 8, 2016 introduction, he described entering
7:00 pm The third annual “Mass in the Grass” the church at twilight and noticing
St. James St. George Church with Christ Church (Forest City), St. the grave on the church lawn. The
James Church (Dundaff) and Trinity rector, Rev. Fessenden, told him that
Peacemeal – the deceased was a dear friend who
Church (Carbondale will be held on
Saturday, August 13, 2016 had graduated from General
Sunday, August 7, 2016, at 11:00 am at
4:30 pm Theological Seminary with him in
Merli Sarnoski Park – Upper Pavilion.
Elm Park Methodist Church 1878. The Bishop had not known of
St. James St. George Church is
responsible for the main dishes and the sudden death of Rev. Francis
Nunsense -
paper products. Strcicker and was visibly affected by
Saturday, August 20, 2016 7:00 pm
the news. After asking the
Sunday, August 21, 2016 2:00 pm
Everyone is welcome congregation’s patience and prayers
Tickets $20 in advance/$25 at door
to carry on the
Holy Family Residence Auditorium
good work he
2500 Adams Avenue, Scranton
Our Cabaret preached an
Food pantry - Productions presents eloquent and
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Dan Goggin's off- scholarly
11: 00 am – 1:00 pm Broadway smash hit sermon and
St. James St. George Church musical comedy, later confirmed
"Nunsense," starring a class of eight
our very own boys and girls.
Contact Information Christine McGeachie as Sr. Mary
Address: 398 Washington Avenue, Amnesia. All net proceeds will benefit Jermyn Historical Society trip to
Jermyn, PA 18433 the Little Sisters of the Poor and their Corning Glass and Rockwell
Telephone: 570-876-4896 ministries to the underserved of the Museum is scheduled for August 20,
e-mail: ssjandg@yahoo.com community. Performances Saturday, 2016 (7:00 am departure from the
August 20, 2016 (7:00 pm) and Sunday Jermyn Community Center).
Website: ssjandg.weebly.com August 21, 2016 (2:00 pm). Interested: call 570-876-3171

St. James St. George Episcopal Church

398 Washington Avenue
Jermyn, PA 18433

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