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LABOR STANDARDS AZUCENA NOTES: • Labor laws are necessarily social legislation

Labor legisl
on – statue
s, regul
ons &
 jurisprudence governing relations
relations bet capital & Social Justice as te Ai!
labor, by provi
g for certai
n standa
rdss of 
terms & conditions of EENT or providing a legal %oci
al just
e – uma
umani ni0a
on of laws
laws & tete
framework w/in w/c tese terms & conditions & e)uali0ation of social & economic forces by te
te EENT
EENT relat
p may
may be negonegoti
ed,, %tate
%tate so tat
tat socia
sociall justic
e in its rationa
rationall &
adjusted & administered! objectively secular conception may at leas be
" #ivisions of Labor Legislation
( promotion of te welfare of te
$! Labor %tandards – sets out te minimum terms, ppl,
ppl, te adoption
adoption by te 1ovt of measur measures es
conditions & benets of EENT tat EE'% must calculat
calculateded to insure
insure economic stability
stability of all
provide or comply w/ & to w/c EE% are entitled te compon
component ent eleme
nts of societ
societyy troug
troug 
as a matter of legal rigt! te maintenance of proper economic & social
m in te te inte
s of te te
( minimum re)uirements members
members of te community
community,, constitut
prescribed by e*isting laws, rules & regulations tr
oug te te adop
on of measmeasurures
es lega
relating to wages,
wages, rs of work,
work, cost(of(
ng  justiable, or e*tra(constitutionally,
e*tra(constitutionally, troug
ncee and
and ote
oterr mone
ry & welf
e te
te e*erc ercise
ise of pow powers
ers unde
ng tete
s, incl
g occu
al safe
ty & e*istence of all govts!
ealt standards!
$234 5onsti
5onsti66 prote
cts te rigt
s of worke
rs &
( mate
aterial or subs
e to be promote teir welfare
c rig
ts of work
s guar
ed by te
"! Labor 'elations
elations – denes
denes te status,
status, rigts & 5onstitution
duties and te institutional mecanisms, tat
govern te indiv
indiv & collectiv
e interact
ions of  $! to organi
0e temse
EE'%, EE%, or teir representatives! "! to conduct collective
bargaining/negotiation w/ mgt8
( mecan
ism tat
tat proce
s te 9! to engage
engage in peacef
ul concer
ted activ
substance including to strike in accordance w/ law8
:! to partic
te in policy
policy & decision
processes a;ecting rigts & benets
Laborr – pys
al toil
toil alt
g it does
does not
ily e*clu
de te applic
on of skill
skill <ter
ter 5on
5onsti prov
s ta
tat prote
otect te
+tus skilled- & unskilled- labor. 's/promote te welfare of workers
%kill – te familiar knowledge of any art/science,
• ' to form unions, assocs or societies for
united w/ readiness & de*terity in
purposes not contrary to law
e*ecution/performance or in te application of 
te art/science to practical
practical purposes! • ' of selfelf(or
(org even forfor gov
govt EE%!E%!! No
Ee of te
te 5ivi
5ivill %erv
icee sal
salll be
ork – +broader tan labor. – covers all forms of  removed/suspended  for cause!
al e*erti
on, or bot combined,
combined,  Temporary
 Temporary EE% of te 1ovt sall be given
for te
te atta
nt of some
some obj
obj ote
oterr tan
tan suc protection as may be provided by law
recreation/amusement per se! • 'egular farmworkers sall ave te ' to
own directly/collectively
directly/collectively te lands tey till!
orker – +broader
+broader tan EE. – may refer to self(self( Landless farmworkers
farmworkers may be resettled by
ed peop
le & tostosee work
g in te
te te govt in its own agri estates!
ce & undunder te cont contrrol of anot
noteer, • 5ontinuing program of urban land reform
regardless of rank, title, or nature of work! & ousing
• >rotection for working women taking into
( any member of te labor force weter acct teir maternal functions, etc
• Labor sector is entitled to seats to party
Employee – a salaried person working for anoter list
wo controls or supervises te means, manner • 1oal
1oal66 mor
more e)ui
blee dist
on of 
or metod of doing te work! opportunities, income & wealt!
• ?gency to promote te viability & growt
Labor Law & Social Legislation of cooperatives as instruments for social
 justice & economic
economic dev@t
%ocial legislat
ion – includes
includes laws tat provide • 1ovt sall increase te salary scales of te
ar kind
s of prote
s to oter o=cials & EE%
society in furterance of social justice!

• 5areer civil service
service EE% sall be entitled to 4! Ter
e sld
sld be popu
larr part
n in
separation pay & retirement benets, <' nation
al policy
g troug
 wat
wat is
may be consider
considereded for reempl
oymentt in now called tripartism!
te govt

5onsti – prol(labor, but recogn

ogni0es te
e role
ole of te
te priv
e sect
or,, %ome Labor Laws before te >assage of te 5ode
encourages s private
private enterpris
enterprisee and provide
incentives to needed investments • ?ct F$34:6 EE'@% Liability ?ct,
• ?ct F"C:26 proibited payment of wages
"olice "ower as te Basis in non(cas form
• ?ct F"G4$6 proibiting slavery/involuntary
( te
te powe
powerr of te
te gov
govtt to ena
ct la
ws, w/in
w/in servitude
5onstitutional limits to promote te order, • ' F$GC:6
F$GC:6 re)ui
ng emerg
ency y medic
medical al
safety, ealt, morals & general welfare of  treatmt for EE%
society • 5? F :::6 3(r labor law
( powe
powerr ine
ent in govt
govt to prot
ectt itse
lf &
• 5? F$G9
F$G9 creat
ed te 5ourt
5ourt of Hndust
all its constituents, & for tis purpose to
old te govt immune so far as necessary, 'elations +5H'.
from any limitatins imposed in te past! • >d F"$ created te NL'5 + to investigate,
( ?n impo
on of rest
intt upon
upon libe
y or decide & settle all disputes bet EE'% &
rty in order
order to foster
foster te common
common EE%
good! • '? F 34C6 Te Hndustrial >eace ?ct +te
Bagna 5arta of Labor.
• '? F2:
F2:66 7lue
7lue %und
ay Law
Law – forbforbidids
commercial, industrial or agri enterprises
Birt o# te LC to open on any %unday, Imas #ay, New
 Jear@s #ay, Koly Turs & 1ood Driday
7las <ple
<ple ( fater of te L5
• '? F$43
46 Te
Te Termi
on >ay LawLaw –
L5 – designed to be a dynamic & growing body of  enumerated te just causes for
laws w/c will reAect continually te lessons of  terminating an EENT w/o a denite period
practical application & e*perience and allowed EE'% to separate an EE by
serving a $C(day notice per yr of service
$ "rinci%les Unerl'ing te coe or, by paying
paying an e)uiva
lentt separ
$! Labor relations must be made bot
responsive & responsible to national devt
"! Labor
Labor laws/la
laws/labor bor relat
ionss during
during a period
period %ignicance of <ter Laws
of natio
nationa nall emerg
emergencencyy must
must substi
y for confr
on8 strikes
strikes or $! Doreign #ecisions – numerous L5
lockouts give way to a rational process w/c provisions are substantially similar to te
is arbitration Hndustrial >eace ?ct
9! Laggard justice in te labor eld is "! Te
Te 5ivil
5ivil 5ode
5ode – descri
bess te natur
naturee of 
injurious to te workers, te EE'% & te labor mgt relations6
public8 labor justice can be made Te relations bet capital & labor are not
e*peditious w/o sacricing due process! merely contractual! Tey are so impressed
:! Banpow
Banpower er devt
devt & EENTEENT must
must be rega
ed w/ publ
publicic inte
est tat
tat labo
laborr cont
as a major dimension of labor policy, for must
must yield
yield to te common
common good! suc
tere can be no real e)uality of bargaining contracts are subj! to te special laws on
power under
under condit
s of sever
severee mass
mass labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes
unemployment! & lockouts, closed sop, wages, working
C! Tere
Tere is a global
global labor
labor mark
et availa
ble to conditions, rs of labor & similar subjs!- 
ed Dilip ilipin
os,, esp
esp tos
e wo
wo areare ?rt $4GG
unemployed or wose EENT is tantamount Neite
iterr cap
ital nor
nor lab
labor sasall act
to unemployment bco0 of teir very little oppressively against te oter, or impair
earnings! te interest or convenience of te public-
! Labor laws must command ade)uate –?rt $4G$!
resources & ac)uire a capable macinery 9! '>5 – punisunis
es te
te use
use of violiolenc
ence or
for e;ective & sustained implementation8 treats by eiter EE' or EE!
wen labor laws cannot be enforced, bot :! %pecial Laws – +%%% law, 1%H% law,
EE'% & te workers are penali0ed, & only ?grarian 'eform law, te $9 t(mont pay
a corrupt few +tose wo are in carge of  law,
law, te Bagna
Bagna 5arta
5arta for >ubli
>ublicc Kealt
implementation. may get te reward tey orkers.
don@t deserve!

• 5areer civil service
service EE% sall be entitled to 4! Ter
e sld
sld be popu
larr part
n in
separation pay & retirement benets, <' nation
al policy
g troug
 wat
wat is
may be consider
considereded for reempl
oymentt in now called tripartism!
te govt

5onsti – prol(labor, but recogn

ogni0es te
e role
ole of te
te priv
e sect
or,, %ome Labor Laws before te >assage of te 5ode
encourages s private
private enterpris
enterprisee and provide
incentives to needed investments • ?ct F$34:6 EE'@% Liability ?ct,
• ?ct F"C:26 proibited payment of wages
"olice "ower as te Basis in non(cas form
• ?ct F"G4$6 proibiting slavery/involuntary
( te
te powe
powerr of te
te gov
govtt to ena
ct la
ws, w/in
w/in servitude
5onstitutional limits to promote te order, • ' F$GC:6
F$GC:6 re)ui
ng emerg
ency y medic
medical al
safety, ealt, morals & general welfare of  treatmt for EE%
society • 5? F :::6 3(r labor law
( powe
powerr ine
ent in govt
govt to prot
ectt itse
lf &
• 5? F$G9
F$G9 creat
ed te 5ourt
5ourt of Hndust
all its constituents, & for tis purpose to
old te govt immune so far as necessary, 'elations +5H'.
from any limitatins imposed in te past! • >d F"$ created te NL'5 + to investigate,
( ?n impo
on of rest
intt upon
upon libe
y or decide & settle all disputes bet EE'% &
rty in order
order to foster
foster te common
common EE%
good! • '? F 34C6 Te Hndustrial >eace ?ct +te
Bagna 5arta of Labor.
• '? F2:
F2:66 7lue
7lue %und
ay Law
Law – forbforbidids
commercial, industrial or agri enterprises
Birt o# te LC to open on any %unday, Imas #ay, New
 Jear@s #ay, Koly Turs & 1ood Driday
7las <ple
<ple ( fater of te L5
• '? F$43
46 Te
Te Termi
on >ay LawLaw –
L5 – designed to be a dynamic & growing body of  enumerated te just causes for
laws w/c will reAect continually te lessons of  terminating an EENT w/o a denite period
practical application & e*perience and allowed EE'% to separate an EE by
serving a $C(day notice per yr of service
$ "rinci%les Unerl'ing te coe or, by paying
paying an e)uiva
lentt separ
$! Labor relations must be made bot
responsive & responsible to national devt
"! Labor
Labor laws/la
laws/labor bor relat
ionss during
during a period
period %ignicance of <ter Laws
of natio
nationa nall emerg
emergencencyy must
must substi
y for confr
on8 strikes
strikes or $! Doreign #ecisions – numerous L5
lockouts give way to a rational process w/c provisions are substantially similar to te
is arbitration Hndustrial >eace ?ct
9! Laggard justice in te labor eld is "! Te
Te 5ivil
5ivil 5ode
5ode – descri
bess te natur
naturee of 
injurious to te workers, te EE'% & te labor mgt relations6
public8 labor justice can be made Te relations bet capital & labor are not
e*peditious w/o sacricing due process! merely contractual! Tey are so impressed
:! Banpow
Banpower er devt
devt & EENTEENT must
must be rega
ed w/ publ
publicic inte
est tat
tat labo
laborr cont
as a major dimension of labor policy, for must
must yield
yield to te common
common good! suc
tere can be no real e)uality of bargaining contracts are subj! to te special laws on
power under
under condit
s of sever
severee mass
mass labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes
unemployment! & lockouts, closed sop, wages, working
C! Tere
Tere is a global
global labor
labor mark
et availa
ble to conditions, rs of labor & similar subjs!- 
ed Dilip ilipin
os,, esp
esp tos
e wo
wo areare ?rt $4GG
unemployed or wose EENT is tantamount Neite
iterr cap
ital nor
nor lab
labor sasall act
to unemployment bco0 of teir very little oppressively against te oter, or impair
earnings! te interest or convenience of te public-
! Labor laws must command ade)uate –?rt $4G$!
resources & ac)uire a capable macinery 9! '>5 – punisunis
es te
te use
use of violiolenc
ence or
for e;ective & sustained implementation8 treats by eiter EE' or EE!
wen labor laws cannot be enforced, bot :! %pecial Laws – +%%% law, 1%H% law,
EE'% & te workers are penali0ed, & only ?grarian 'eform law, te $9 t(mont pay
a corrupt few +tose wo are in carge of  law,
law, te Bagna
Bagna 5arta
5arta for >ubli
>ublicc Kealt
implementation. may get te reward tey orkers.
don@t deserve!

Art () *Declaration o# Basic "olici+ Te State wor
workers, wet
er agric
ral or non(
sall a,or %rotection to labor- %ro!ote agricultural!
#ull EENT- ensure e.ual wor/  
ies regarless
regarless o# se0- race or ( also app
lies to a gov
govt corp
orp incor
cree-- an
an regul
e te
te rela
s bet
bet under te 5orporation 5ode!
wor/ers & EERS) Te State sall assure ( Test
est <N a govt(
d corp
corp is
te rigts o# wor/ers to sel#1org- subj to 5% Law is te manner of its
collecti2e bargaining- securit' o# tenure- creat
ion!! 1ovt
1ovt corps
corps crea
ted by specia
an 3ust & u!ane conitions o# wor/) carte
carterr are
are subj
subj to its provi
ns, wile
tose incorp
ted under
under te gen 5orp 5orp
Balance A%%roac – sared
Balance A%%roac sared responsibility
responsibility!! Law are not w/in te coverage of te 5%
orker & EE' sectors are interdependent! law!
• >N<5(E#5 – incorp under te 5orp Law 
subj to L5
• NK? – incorp
incorp under ?ct $:C2, te former
?rt:! M5onstruction in Davor of Labor ?ll doubts in
corp law  L5
te implem
ion & interp
ion of te
provisions of tis 5ode, including its H''s, sall • 1ovt agencies – Ees covered by 5% Law
be resolved in favor of labor!

Hnterpretation & 5onstruction – policy is to e*tend
te decree@s applicability to a greater number
of EE% to enable tem to avail of te benets 5K! "6 EB?N5H>?TH<N <D TEN?NT%
under te law +Liberal approac is adopted.
?rt 4 M%tatement of <bjectives O it as become
5oncern for te Lowly orker
orker – %5 rea=rm
rea=rms s its impe
ve to start
tart refor
ion w/ tete
concern for te lowly worker wo, often at is emancipation of te tiller of te soil from is
EE'@s mercy, must look up to te law for is bondage!
protection! +'eason6 te EE' stands on iger
g tan
tan te
te EE6
EE6 +$,.
+$,. Ter
e is grea
terr ?rt 36 MTran
sfer of Lands
Lands to Tenant(wo
ers O
supply tan demand for labor8 +". te need for tenant(farmers on private agri lands primarily
EENT by lab labor come
omes from
from vita
ital & even
even devoted to rice & corn under a sys of sare
desperate necessity!. crop
crop or lease
lease tenanc
tenancy y wete
weterr classi
ed as
landed estate or not sall be deemed owner of 
Bgt 'igts – entitled to respect & enforcement in apportion constituting a family(si0e farm of C
te interest of simple fair play! ect
es if not
not irr
ed & 9 ectectar
es if 
$! ' to manag
manage, e, contr
ol, and
and use
use is propert
& conduct business in a manner Hn all cases, te landowners may retain an
satisfactory to imself +just discrimination area
area of notnot mor
more tan
tan 4 ect
es if suc
in te rate of wages paid to te skillful & landowner is cultivating suc area or will now
to te unskillful, to te te e=cient & cultivate it!
"! ' to presc
be rules
rules +tey
+tey become
become part
part of  ?rt
?rt 2! M#et
on of Land
Land Palue
alue Dor te
te contract of EENT. purpose of determining te cost of te land to
9! ' to select EE% & to decide wen to be transferred to te tentant(farmer, te value
ge tem
tem,, e*ce
pt as restr
d by of te land sall be e)uivalent to " & Q times
utee or vali
d cont
ct,, at a wage
wage & te
te aver
e arv
estt of 9 norm
al crop
crop yrs
under conditions agreeable to tem! immediately preceding te promulgation of >#
:! ' to tran
er & disc
arrge EE% in orde
orderr to "4 +<5T "$, $24".!
minimi0e e*penses & to insure stability of 
te business & even to close te business,  Te total cost of te land, including
provided it is done in good fait & due to interest at te rate of R per annum, sall be
causes beyond control! pd by te tenant in $C yrs of $C e)ual annual
?rt C! M'ules & 'egulations te #<LE & oter
govt agencies carged w/ te administration
administration & Hn case of default, te amorti0ations due
enforcement of tis 5ode or any of its parts sall be pd by te farmers@ cooperative in w/c
sall promulgate te necessary H''s! %uc ''s te defaulting tenant(farmer is a member, w/
sall become e;ective $C days after te coop
coop aving
aving a rigt
rigt of recou
rse agains
nnoun nceme
nt of teir
eir adopti
on in te
te im!
newspapers of gen! circulation!
 Te govt sall guarantee suc
amorti0ations w/ sares of stock in govt(owned
& (controlled corps!
?rt ! M?pplicability ?ll 's & benets granted to
workers under tis 5ode sall, e*cept as may ?rt $G! M5onditions of <wnersip No title to te
oterwise be provided erein, apply alike to all land ac)uired by te tenant(farmer under >#
"4 sall be actually issued to im unless & Komestead
Komestead ?ct – gives
gives a needy
needy citi0en
citi0en a
until e as become a full(Aedged member of  piec
iece of land
land were ere e may build uild a
a duly recogni0ed farmers@ coop! modest ouse for imself & family & plant
wat is necess
y for subsis
ce & for
 Title to te land ac)uired
ac)uired pursuant to ># te satisfaction of life@s oter needs!
"4 or te Land 'eform >rogram of te 1ovt ( superior over te rigts of 
sall not be transferable e*cept by ereditary tenants
succession or to te 1ovt in accdance w/ te
ns of ># "4,
"4, te
te 5ode
5ode of ?gra
an "! 'esid
al %ubd
ns – notnot cons
'eforms & oter e*isting laws & regulations! agricult
ural!! ?n agricultu
ral leaseo
ld cannot
be establised on land w/c as ceased to be
?rt $$!
$$! MHmp
g ?gen
?gencycy Te
Te #ept
#ept of  devoted to cultivation or farming bco0 of its
?grarrian 'eforform sal
all prom
te te
te conversion into a residential subd!
necessary y rules
rules & regula
tions to implemen
te provisions of tis 5apter! 9! Livestock, poultry & %wine raising lands6 %ec "
of '? C4
C4 w/c includes
includes priva
te agri
agri lands
SLand for te landless – battlecry dramati0ing te devote
devotedd to commer
commerciaciall lives
k, poultr
y &
increasingly urgent demand of te swine raising- in te denition of commercial
dispossessed for a plot of eart as teir place farms
farms-- is inval
id! Tey
Tey areare cover
ed by te
under te sun! agrarian reform prog of te %tate!
S5?'> Law – signed
signed by 5ory,
5ory, declari
ng full land Te
Te 1rea
testt 7less
e orst
orst 5rime-
5rime- –
ownersip in favor of te beneciaries of te Drederick Taylor
># "4!
( an inc
d outpu
outputt invar
y give
givess more
%are tenancy
tenancy – abolise
abolised,d, put te agricultu
ral work to more men, & never in te istory
old sys in its stead
stead,, geare
geared d towar
ds of te world as it more tan temporarily,
eventual ownersip of land by its tillers and
and ten
ten for
for only
only a very
very sor
sortt time
diminised by te number of men at work
5onsti ( %tate sall undertake an ?grarian 'eform
'eform in any trade
>rogram, and encourage & undertake te just
on of all
all agri
agri land
s, subj
subj to suc
priorities & reasonable retention limits as te
5ongress may prescribe,

5ompensation sceme6 %ec $3 of 5?'>6 Title to Te 1reatest E*ploiter- – 7las <ple
all e*propriated properties sall be transferred
to te
te %ta
%tate onl
only upon
upon full
full paym
paymenentt of  ( unem
nt is
is te
te grea
st e*p
er of 
compensation of teir respective owners! labor! Bass unemployment tends to leave
te EE'
EE' all(
ul and
and tete work
'etention Limits – provided for by '? C4 6  as defenseless
oterwise provided!!
provided!! no person may own/retain
directly/indirectly, any public/private agri land, Bore 5apital Beans Bore obs- – ?dam %mit
te si0e
si0e of w/c
w/c sal
salll vary
vary accd
accdgg to fact
governing a viable family(si0ed farm, suc as ( " kind
s of fun
ds66 +$.
+$. te
te 'ev
ue – w/c
w/c is
commodity produced, terrain, infrastructure,
infrastructure, & over & above wat is necessary for te
soil fertility as determined by te >residential maint
nce88 and +". te %tock
%tock – w/c is
?grarian 'eform 5ouncil +>?'5.! over
over & above
above sat
sat is necess
y for te
EENT of teir masters!
9 ectares – may be awarded to eac cild of  ( Te
Te dema
nd for
for to
se wo
wo liv
e by wag
te landowner, subj to te ; )ualications6 +$!.  necessarily increases w/ te increase of 
e is at least $C y/o, and +". e is actually te revenue & stock of every country and
tilling te land or directly managing te farm8 canno
cannott incre
asee w/o it! Te increincreas
e of 
>rovided,d, tat landowner
landowners s wose
wose lands
lands ave revenue & stock is te increase
increase of national
been covered b ># "4 sall be allowed to keep wealt!
te area originally retained by tem
er88 >rovid
ed furt
err, tat
tat orig
orig ?n E*ploited 5lass- – ! 'eynato >uno
omestead grantees or direct compulsory eirs
wo still own te org omestead at te time of  ( <ver
as work
s const
e an e*pl
te approval of tis ?ct sall retain te same clas
s! Tei
Teirr unfo
atee cir
areas as long as te continue to cultivate said makes tem easy prey to avaricious EE's!
omestead!  Tey will work under subuman conditions
& accept salaries below te minimum!
Lands not covered
2R of Dilipinos are 7ased <verseas-> %tar
$! Lands obtained troug
oug omestead
patent6 '? C4
C4 5omp
ve ?gra
an 'efor

?im6 ? more e)uitable distribution & ownersip of  pysical redistribution of lands +production
land, w/ due regard to te rigts of landowners or prot(saring, labor admin, distribution
to just compensation & to te ecological needs of sares of stock.
of te nation "! ?griculture, ?gricultural Enterprise or
?gricultural ?ctivity – te cultivation of te
7asis6 te ' of farmers & regular farm workers, soil, planting of crops, growing of fruit
wo are landless, to own directly or collectively trees, incl! te arvesting of suc farm
te lands tey till or, in te case of oter farm products, & oter farm activities
workers, to receive a sare of te fruits tereof  9! ?gricultural land – land devoted to
agricultural activity, and N<T classied as
 Te %tate6 mineral, forest, residential, commercial or
industrial land
( sall respect te ' of small landowners & :! ?grarian #ispute – any controversy
sall provide incentives for voluntary land( relating to tenurial arrangements, weter
saring leaseold, tenancy, stewardsip or
( sall recogni0e te ' of farmers, farm oterwise, over lands devoted to agri
workers & landowners, as well as
cooperatives & oter independent farmers ( including disputes
org, to participate in te planning, org, & concerning farm workers assocs, or
mgt of te program & sall provide representation of persons in negotiating,
support to agriculture toug tec & *ing, maintaining, canging or seeking to
researc & nancial, production, arrange terms of conditions of suc
marketing & oter support services tenurial arrangements
( may resettle landless farmers & farm
workers in its own agricultural estates ( including controversy
( sall encourage te formation & relating to compensation of lands ac)uired
maintenance of economic(si0ed family under tis ?ct & oter terms & conditions
farms to be constituted by indiv of transfer of ownersip from landowners
beneciaries & small landowners to farm workers, tenants & oter agrarian
( sall protect te 's of subsistence reform beneciaries
sermen to te preferential use of 
communal marine & sing resources bot C! Hdle / ?bandoned Land – any agricultural land
inland & o;sore not cultivated, tilled or developed to produce
( sall provide support to suc sermen any crop nor devoted to any specic economic
tru appropriate tec & researc, purpose continuously for a period of 9 yrs
ade)uate nancial, production & immediately prior to te receipt of notice of 
marketing assistance ac)uisition by te govt
( sall protect o;sore sing grounds of 
subsistence sermen against foreign ( but does N<T include land tat
intrusion! Diserworkers sall redeive a as become permanently or regularly devoted to
 just sare from teir labor in te utili0ation non(agricultural purposes
of marine & sing resources
( owners of agri land ave te oblig to ( does N<T include land w/c as
cultivate directly or tru labor admin te become unproductive by reason of force majeure
lands tey own & tereby make te land or D event
( %all provide incentives to landowners to ! Darmer – a natural person wose primary
invest te proceeds of te agrarian reform liveliood is cultivation of land or te
prog to promote industriali0ation, EENT & production of agri crops eiter by imself, or
privati0ation of pub sector enterprises primarily w/ te assistance of is immediate
( Bay lease undeveloped lands of pub farm ouseold, weter te land is owned by
domain to )ualied entities for te devt of  im, or by anoter person under a leaseold or
capital(intensive farms, traditional & tenancy agreement
pioneering crops esp tose for e*port 4! Darmworker – a netural person wo renders
+subj! to 's of beneciaries. service for value as an EE or laborer in an
agricultural enterprise or farm
#enitions 3! 'egular Darmworker – a natural person wo is
$! ?grarian 'eform – te redistribution of  employed on a permanent basis by an
lands, regardless of crops/fruits produced, agricultural enterprise or farm
to farmers & regular farm workers wo are
2! %eason Darmworker – a natural person wo is
landless, irrespective of tenurial employed on a recurrent, periodic or
arrangemt, to include te totality of  intermittent basis by an agricultural enterprise
factors & support services designed to lift or farm
te economic status of te beneciaries
and all oter arrangemts alternative to te
! 5ooperatives – orgs composed primarily of  sall be null & void! >rovided, tat tose
small agri producers, farmers, farmworkers or e*ecuted prior to tis ?ct sall be valid
oter agrarian reform beneciaries wo only wen registered w te 'eg of #eeds
voluntarily organi0e temselves for te w/in 9 monts after e;ectivity!
purpose of pooling land, uman, tecnological,
nancial or oter economic resources &
operated on te principle of one member, one
vote! + a juridical person may be a member of  >residental ?grarian 'eform 5ouncil +>?'5. – sall
a coop, w/ te same 's & duties as a natural provide te implementing rules
( upon recommendation by te
%cope6 all public & private agricultural lands, incl! >rovincial ?grarian 'eform coordinating
oter lands of te pub domain suitable for 5ommittee, may declare certain
agriculture provinces/regions as priority land reform areas

$! ?ll alienable & disposable lands of te pub

domain devoted to or suitable for
agriculture Bultinational 5orps – all lands of te pub domain
"! ?ll lands of te pub domain in e*cess to leased, eld, or possessed by multi corps or
te specic limits as determined by assocs, and oter lands owned by te govt, or
5ongress govt(owned/(controlled corps, assocs,
9! ?ll oter lands owned by te 1ovt devoted institutions or entities, devoted to e*isting &
to or suitable for agri operational agribusiness or agro(industrial
:! ?ll private lands devoted to or suitable for enterprises, operated by multicorps sall be
agri regardless of te agri products programmed for ac)uisition & distribution
raised/can be raised tereon immediately upon e=ctivity

%cedule of Hmplementation6 w/in $G yrs from ?ncestral Lands – sall include, but not limited to,
e;ectivity lands in te actual, continuous & open
possession & occupation of te community and
'etention Limits6 no person may own or retain, its members, provided tat te Torrens %ystem
directly, any pub or private agricultural land, sall be respected
te si0e of w/c sall vary accdg to factors
governing a viable family(si0ed farm ( sall be protected to ensure teir
economic, social & cultural well(being
( landowner may retain only C ectares! ( in te autonomous regions, te respective
( 9 ectares6 eac cild of landowner, tat legislature may enact teir own laws on
is $Cy/o, and is actually tilling te land or ancestral domain subj to te provisions of 
directly managing te farm te 5onsti, tis ?ct and oter national
( landowners wose lands ave been laws!
covered by ># "4 sall be allowed to keep
te area originally retained by tem E*emptions & E*clusions
tereunder $! Lands actually, directly & e*clusively used
( te original omestead grantees or direct for parks, wildlife, forest reserves,
compulsory eirs wo still own te orig reforestation, s sanctuaries and
omestead sall retain te same areas as breeding grounds, waterseds and
long as tey continue to cultivate said mangroves
"! >rivate lands actually, directly &
( te ' to coose te area to be retained e*clusively used for prawn farms &
belongs to te landowner!  Kowever6 +a.
sponds +provided tat said prawn farms
in case te area selected by landowner is & sponds ave not been distributed and
tenanted, te tenant sall ave te option 5ert of Land <wnersip ?ward issued to
weter to remain terein, be a ?'>!
beneciary of te same, or anoter agri
9! Lands actually, directly & e*clusively used
land w/ similar/comparable features8 +b. in & found to be necessary for national
case te tenant cooses to remain in te
defense, scool sites & campuses, incl
retained ares, e sall be considered a e*perimental farm stations operated by
leaseolder & sall lose is ' as a pub/private scools for educational
leaseolder to te land retained by te purposes, seeds and seedlings researc
landowner! Te tenant must e*ercise tis
and pilot production center, curc sites &
option w/in $ yr fr te time te landowner convents apputenat terety, mos)ue sites
manifests is coice of te area for
& Hslamic centers appurtenant tereto,
retention! communal burial grounds & cemeteries,
( Upon ?ct@s e;ectivity, any sale, penal colonies & penal farms actually
disposition, lease, mgt contract or transfer worked by inmates, got & private researc
of position of private lands e*ecuted by & )uarantine centers and all lands w/ $3R
te orig landowner in violation of tis ?ct

slope and over,  e*cept tose already
 Transferability of ?c)uired lands by beneciaries –
>rocedure for ?c)uisition of >rivate Lands may not be sold, transferred or conveyed 
e*cept tru ereditary succession, or to te
$! ?fter aving identied te land, te govt, or to te L7>, or to oter )ualied
landowners & beneciaries, #?' sall beneciaries for $G yrs
send its notice to ac)uire te land to te
owners8 S>rovided, tat te cildren/spouse of te
"! w/in 9G days from date of receipt, transferor sall ave a ' to repurcase te
landowners sall inform te #?' of is land fr te govt/L7> w/in " yrs
acceptance/rejection of te o;er8
a! if landowner accepts te o;er, te
L7> sall pay te landowner of te
purcase price of te land w/in 9G %tanding crops at te time of ac)uisition – sall
days after e e*ecutes & delivers a be retained by te landowner, #ar sall give a
deed of transfer in favor of te reasonable time to arvest te same
1ovt and surrenders te 5ert of 
b! in case of rejection or failure to 5orporate Darms
reply, #?' sall conduct summary
admin proceedings to determine ( in case land cannot be divided directly,
compensation of te land sall be owned collectively by te worker(
9! upon receipt of te landowner of te beneciaries wo sall form a workers
payment, or in case of rejection or no cooperative or assoc w/c will deal w/ te
response fr te landowner, upon te corp
deposit w/ an accessible bank or te ( indiv members of te coop sall be
compensation, te #?' sall take provided w/ omelots or small farmlots for
immediate possession of te land & sall teir family use taken fr te land owned by
re)uest te 'egister of #eeds to issue a te coop
 T5T in te name of te '>!
:! ?ny party wo disagrees w/ te decision
may bring te matter to te court >roduction(saring ( pending nal land transfer

%upport %ervices
#etermination of ust 5ompensation $! irrigation facilities
"! infrastructure devt & pub works projects
( cost of ac)uisition of te land 9! govt subsidies for te use of irrig facilities
( current value of like properties,
( its nature, actual used and income
( te sworn valuation by te owner,
( ta* declarations '? 24GG – ?ct %trengtening te 5?'>, e*tending
( assessment made by te govt assessors te ac)uisition & distribution of all agricultural
lands, instituting necessary reforms, amending
for te purpose certain provisions of '? C4
Hncentives for voluntary o;ers of sale – addt@l CR ( %tate sall protect Dilipino enterprises
cas against unfair foreign competition & trade
>riority of Vualied 7eneciaries ( %tate recogni0es tat tere is not enoug
agricultural land to be divided &
$! ?gricultural lessees & sare tenants distributed to eac farmer & regular
"! 'egular farmworkers farmworker so tat eac one can own is
9! %easonal farmworkers economic(si0e family farm!
:! <ter farm workers
( ?nswer6 simultaneous industriali0ation
C! ?ctual tillers/occupants of public lands aimed at developing a self(reliant &
! 5ollective or cooperatives of te above
independent national economy e;ectively
beneciaries controlled by Dilipinos
4! <ters directly working on te land ( %tate may, in te interest of national
S>rovided6 cildren of landowners wo are welfare or defense, establis & operate
)ualied sall be given preference in te vital industries
distribution of te land of teir parents ( Hmplementation of te prog sall be
S>rovided furter6 actual tenant(tillers in te ( %tate sall recogni0e & enforce te 's of 
landolding sall not be ejected/removed rural women to own & control land
( %tate sall provide incentives to kasulatan- tru w/c e surrendered is
landowners to invest te proceeds of te tenancy rigts for a consideration of >9,GGG!
agrarian reform prog to promote • <n te same day as te e*ecution of te
industriali0ation, EENT & privati0ation of  $234 kasulatan, te lands were sold by te
te pub sector enterprises ?ragons for >CG,GGG to respondent Deli* %ia,
wo in turn converted te same to a
?dded #enition residential subd w/o a #?' clearance and
ejected te petitioners terefrom!
$! 'ural women – women wo are engaged
• >eitioners led a protest before te #?'
directly/indirectly in farming and/or sing
alleging tat tey are te tenants of te
as teir source of liveliood, weter paid
lands and claimed tat tey are entitled to a
or unpaid, regular or seasonal, or in food
disturbance compensation! Tey alleged tat
preparation, managing te ouseold,
tey were fooled into signing over teir
caring for te cildren, & oter similar
tenancy rigts tru te macinations of te
"! Landless beneciary – one wo owns less
tan 9 ectares of agri land •  Te respondents in teir answer, denied suc
allegation and added tat te petitioners are
barred by estoppel, laces and prescription

?dded E*ception to 'etention Limits Hssue $6 <N petitioners are tenants of te land

( >rovincial, city & mun govt units ac)uiring Keld6 ? tenant is dened as a person wo, imself 
private agri lands by e*propriation to be used and w/ te aid available from w/in is
for actual, direct & e*clusive pub purposes, immediate farm ouseold, cultivates te land
suc as roads & bridges, pub markets, scool belonging to, or possessed by anoter, w/ te
sites, resettlement sites, local govt facilities, latter@s consent for purposes of production,
pub parks & brgy pla0as or s)uares consistent saring te produce w/ te landolder under
sall not be subj to te C(ectare retention te sare tenancy system, or paying to te
limit landolder a price certain or ascertainable in
produce or in money or bot, under te
<rder of >riority leaseold tenancy system

( 9 ectares eac to te $st " beneciaries Dor a tenancy relationsip to e*ist, all of te ; 
( only wen tese beneciaries ave rcvd 9 essential re)uisites must be present6
ectares eac, sall te remaining portion
of te landolding, if any, be distributed to $. te parties are te landowner & te tenant
oter beneciaries ". te subj matter is agricultural land
9. tere is consent bet te parties
:. te purpose is agricultural production
C. tere is personal cultivation by te tenant
>ayment by 7eneciaries – payable to L7> in 9G . tere is saring of te arvests bet te
annual amorti0ations at R interest per annum parties

%upport sall be e*tended e)ually to women & Under te denition, only Drancisco possesses
men beneciaries te re)uisites of a tenant! >etitioners
Dederico and 7uenaventura are not tenants
because consent +F9. by te landowners is
lacking! Tey are merely farm elpers of 
 Landico v %ia Drancisco as part of is immediate farm
ouseold! Tere was also no evidence to
sow tat tey gave a sare of teir
• 9 parcels of land were originally owned by arvest to te ?ragons +F.!
te ?ragons, tenanted by te late ?rcadio Hssue "6 <N te respondents took advantage of 
Landico from $2:2 until is deat in $24", Drancisco@s old age & illiteracy and employed
afterwic, is tenancy rigts were succeded fraudulent scemes in order to deceive im
by is son, petitioner Drancisco Landico +te into signing te Wasulatans
oter petitioners were 7uenaventura
+Drancisco@s son., and Dederico +Drancisco@s Keld6 ?s te legal tenant of te lands, Drancisco
broter., elped im cultivate te land ad voluntarily surrendered is tenancy rigts
• in $24, Drancisco voluntarily surrendered is wen e knowingly & freely e*ecuted te $234
tenancy 's over te land to te ?ragons Wasulatan! Tere was no sowing of foul play,
troug a notari0ed kasulatan- for a because te Wasulatan was in Dilipino, a
consideration of >$,GGG, but petitioners language spoken & understood by Drancisco
continued cultivating te land until $234 and was couced in plain and clear terms!
wen Drancisco e*ecuted anoter notari0ed %uc kasulatan was also duly notari0ed and
are considered as public documents e*ecuted
w/ all te legal formalities wic a;ord it te foreclose any coice on is part e*cept to
legal presumption of regularity and legality resign
abent full, clear and convincing evidence to
te contrary! >etitioner claims e was discriminated against as
new ires were given iger salaries tan e
Dinal ruling6 >etitioners ave no cause of action was receiving!
and te same as prescribed!
#iscrimination – failure to treat all persons
e)ually wen no reasonable distinction can be
found bet tose favored & tose not favored! Ht
 >ortugue0 v 1%H% Damily 7ank and 5? must be clearly establised tat +$. tere is no
reasonable distinction for classication tat
Dacts6 can be obtained bet persons belonging to te
same class, and +". persons belonging to te
• >etitioner was employed by te same class ave not been treated alike
respondent bank as utility clerk in $24$!
%ince ten, e ad been promoted >etitioner failed to establised tat e possessed
repeatedly up to $223 wen e was te same skills, competencies & e*pertise as
temporarily assigned as caretaker of te tose newly ired to eliminate te possibility of 
bank and designated as ?cting ?sst! P> substantial distinction tat may warrant
and <H5 in une of $223! une)ual treatment bet tem!
• 'espondent bank is a banking institution
originally known as 'oyal %avings 7ank! Hn >etitioner contends tat in cases of constructive
$239(3:, it underwent serious li)uidity dismissal, te burden of proof rests on te EE'
problems and was placed under to sow tat te EE was dismissed on a valid &
receiversip by te 5entral 7ank, wic  just cause! 7ut tis legal principle presupposes
ordered its closure in uly of $23:! ?fter " tat tere is indeed an involuntary separation
monts, te respondent bank was from EENT & te facts attendant to suc forced
reopened under te control & mgt of  separation was clearly establised, w/c te
5omsavings 7ank! petitioner failed to do! Ht was im wo availed
• Hn $234, te 1%H% ac)uired te interest of  of te voluntary retirement program! ?nd
te respondent bank and took over te absent te sowing of duress, te presumption
control & mgt of te bank and renamed it is tat it was done by im voluntarily!
as 1%H% Damily %avings 7ank!
•  Te designation of te petitioner as <H5 & ile te state promotes te utmost protection of 
labor against capital, it does not mean tat te
caretaker was recalled, owever is
working class is upeld in all labor dispute! Te
appointment as ?cting ?sst P> was
law also recogni0es te rigts of management!
• Hn line w/ its policy to attain nancial
stability, te respondent bank adopted
measures, one of w/c is an early >'E(EB>L<JBENT
retirement program!
• Hn april of "GG$, petitioner opted to avail ?rt $"! Ht is te policy of te %tate6
imself of tis retirement package,
+supposedly under protest. & received te $! to promote and maintain a state of full
amt of >$,9:"B as retirement pay! employment troug improved manpower
• Hn july "GG", petitioner led a complaint training, allocation and utili0ation8
against resp bank for constructive "! to protect every citi0en desiring to work
dismissal & underpayment of wages, $9 t locally/overseas by securing for im te
mont pay & retirement benets before best possible terms and condition of 
te Labor ?rbiter! Ke alleged employment8
discrimination & unfair treatment, and 9! to facilitate a free coice of available
intense pressure on te part of te resp employment by persons seeking work in
bank forced im to retire at te prime of  conformity wit te national interest8
is life :! to facilitate & regulate te movement of 
workers in conformity w/ te national
Hssue $6 <N tere was constructive dismissal interest8
C! to regulate te employment of aliens,
Keld6 No! including te establisment of a
registration and/or work permit system8
5onstructive dismissal – )uitting because ! to strengten te network of public
continued EENT is rendered impossible, employment o=ces and rationali0e te
unreasonable or unlikely, as an o;er involving participation of te private sector in te
a demotion in rank & a dimunition in pay! Bay recruitment and placement of workers,
also mean an act of clear discrimination, locally and overseas, to serve national
insensibility or disdain by an EE' may become development objectives8
so unbearable on te part of te EE so as to
4! to insure careful selection of Dilipino %eaman – any person employed in a vessel
workers for overseas employment in order engaged in maritime navigation
to protect te good name of te >K
abroad! <verseas EENT – EENT of a worker outside te >K

 Te #<LE Emigrant – any person, worker or oterwise, wo

emigrates to a foreign country by virtue of an
( by ?dministrative 5ode of $234 +E< "2". immigrant visa or resident permit to its
( te primary policy(making, programming, e)uivalent in te country of destination
coordinating and administrative entity of 
te E*ecutive branc of te govt in te ?rt $:! EB>L<JBENT >'<B<TH<N
eld of labor and employment
 Te %ec of Labor sall ave te power &
Hts >rimary responsibilities6 autority6

$! Te promotion of gainful EENT $! to organi0e & establis new EENT o=ces
opportunities and te optimi0ation of te in addition to e*isting EENT o=ces under
devt & utili0ation of te country@s te #<LE as te need arises8
manpower resources8 "! to organi0e & establis a nationwide job
"! Te advancement of workers@ welfare by clearance & information system to inform
providing for just and umane working applicants registering w/ a particular EENT
conditions and terms of EENT8 o=ce of job opportunities in oter parts of 
9! Te maintenance of industrial peace by te country as well as job opportunities
promoting armonious, e)uitable and abroad8
stable EENT, relations tat assure 9! to develop & organi0e a program tat will
protection for te 's of all concerned facilitate occupational industrial and
parties! geograpical mobility of labor and provide
assistance in te relocation of workers
from one area to anoter8 and
:! to re)uire any person, establisment, org,
'E5'UHTBENT & >L?5EBENT <D <'WE'% or institution to submit suc EENT
information as may be prescribed by te
?rt $9! #enitions %ec of Labor!
orker – any member of te labor force weter 7ureau of Local Employment +7LE. – assigned te
employed or unemployed! e;ective allocation of manpower resources in
'ecruitment & placement – any act of canvassing,
enlisting, contracting, transporting, utili0ing, > <verseas Employment ?dministration +><E?. –
iring, or procuring workers and includes for overseas employment
referrals, contract services, promising or
advertising for EENT, locally or abroad,
weter for prot or not6  provided, tat any
person or entity w/c, in any manner, o;ers or ?rt $C! 7U'E?U <D EB>L<JBENT %E'PH5E% +now
promises for a fee EENT to "/more persons 7LE.
sall be deemed engaged in recruitment &
placement ( primarily responsible for developing &
monitoring a compreensive EENT
>rivate fee(carging EEnt ?gency – any person/ program!
entity engaged in te recruitment & placement
of workers for a fee w/c is carged >owers & #uties6
directly/indirectly from te workers or
employers or bot $! To formulate & develop plans & programs
to implement te EENT promotion
License – a document issued by te #<LE objectives of tis Title8
autori0ing a person/entity to operate a "! To establis & maintain a registration
private EENT agency and/or licensing system to regulate private
sector participation in te recruitment &
>rivate recruitment entity – any person/assoc placement of workers, locally & overseas,
engaged in te recruitment & placement of  and to secure te best possible terms &
workers, locally/overseas witout carging, conditions of EENT for Dilipino contract
directly/indirectly any fee from te workers or workers and compliance terewit under
employers! suc rules & regulations as may be issued
by te #<LE8
?utority – a document issued by te #<LE 9! To formulate & develop EENT programs
autori0ing a person/assoc to engage in designed to benet disadvantaged groups
recruitment & placement activities as a private & communities8
recruitment entity
:! To establis & maintain a registration as olding of jobfairs,
and/or work permit system to regulate te liveliood and self(
EENT of aliens8 employment ba0aars
C! To develop a labor market information ( %pecial credit assistance for
system in aid of proper manpower and placed overseas workers
development planning8 ( %pecial program for EENT of 
! To develop a responsible vocational students +%>E%. during
guidance & testing system in aid of proper summer or semestral breaks
uman resources allocation8 and ( ork appreciation seminars
4! To maintain a central registry of skills, & conferences and
e*cept seamen ( Kiring of workers in
infrastructure projects
<riginal & E*clusive urisdiction of te • 'a 33C – created KH>, a program w/c
regional o=ces of #<LE re)uires te #>K and private contractors
to ire 9GR of skilled and CGR unskilled
( over all matters/cases involving EE(EE' labor re)uirements from te area were
relations including money claims, arising te project is being undertaken
out of or by virtue of any law or contracts
involving Dilipino workers for overseas
EENT  e*cept seamen6 Provided, tet te ?rt $! >'HP?TE 'E5'UHTBENT6
7ureau of Employment %ervices +7E%.
+now 7LE. may, in te case of te N5', 1'6 No person/entity oter tan te public EENT
e*ercise suc power, wenever te #<LE o=ces, sall engage in te recruitment &
deems it appropriate! placement of workers!
 Te decisions of te regional o=ces of te 6 E*ceptions
7E% if so autori0ed by te %ec of #<LE sall
be appealable to te NL'5 upon te same $! >ublic EEnt o=ces
grounds provided in ?rt "99 ereof! "! >rivate recruitment entities
9! >rivate EENT agencies
 Te decisions of te NL'5 sall be nal & :! %ipping or manning agents or
unappealable! representatives
C! Te ><E?
Binister of Labor – as te power to impose & ! 5onstruction contractors if autori0ed to
collect fees, based on rates recommended by operate by #<LE and te 5onstruction
te 7E%! %uc fees sall be deposited in te Hndustry ?utority
National Treasury as a special acct of te 4! Bembers of te diplomatic corps altoug
1eneral Dund, for te promotion of te irings done by tem ave to be
objectives of te 7E%, subj to te provisions of  processed troug te ><E?
%ec :G of ># $$44! 3! <ter persons/entities as may be
autori0ed by te %ec of #<LE
• ># 3CG – replaced 7E% w/ 7LE, and
created ><E?
• ?< $3 – made licensing of local
recruitment agencies and te issuance of  ?rt $4! <PE'%E?% EB>L<JBENT #EPT 7<?'#
work permits to non(resident aliens and
EENT registration certicates to resident ><E? – as taken over te functions of te
aliens a function of te regional o=ces of  <verseas Employment #evelopment 7oard
#<LE +<E#7. and te National %eamen 7oard +N%7.
• '? 342C – re)uired te establisment of a
<D – a Dilipino worker wo is to be engaged, is
>ublic Employment %ervice <=ce +>E%<.
engaged or as been engaged in a
in capital towns, cities and oter strategic
renumenerated activity in a country of wic
e/see is not a legal resident
o >E%< ( serves as EENT service &
information center " 5lassications
( 'egularly obtains lists of job
vacancies from EE'%, $! Land(based – contract workers oter tan
publici0es tem, invites and a seaman including workers ingaged in
evaluates applicants, and o;sore activities wose occupation
refers tem for probable re)uires tat majority of is
iring working/gainful rs are spent on land
( >rovides training and "! %ea(based – tose employed in a vessel
educational guidance and engaged in maritime navigation
EENT counseling services
( ?lso renders special >rincipal Dunctions of te ><E?
services to te public suc
$! Dormulation, implementation and 9! N< jurisdiction to enforce foreign
monitoring of overseas employment of   judgment +must be brougt before te
Dilipino workers8 regular courts.! ><E? is an administrative
"! >rotection of teir rigts to fair and +not a court., e*ercising adjudicatory or
e)uitable employment practices8 )uasi(judicial functions
9! #eployment of Dilipino workers troug :! N< jurisdiction over torts
govt(to(govt iring
1rounds for #isciplinary ?ction
'egulatory Dunctions
$! 5ommission of a felony punisable by >
$! 'egulate private sector participation in te laws or by te laws of te ost country8
recruitment & overseas placement of  "! #rug addiction/possession or tra=cking of 
workers troug its licensing and proibited drugs8
registration system8 9! #esertion or abandonment8
"! Dormulate & implement, in coordination w/ :! #runkenness, esp were te laws of te
appropriate entities concerned, wen ost country proibit into*icating drinks8
necessary, a system for promoting and C! 1ambling, esp were te laws of te ost
monitoring te overseas EEnt of Dilipino country proibits te same8
workers taking into consideration teir ! Hnitiating/joining a strike or work stoppage
welfare and te domestic manpower were telaws of te ost country proibit
re)uirements8 strikes or similar actions8
9! Hnform migrant workers not only of teir 4! 5reating trouble at te worksite or in te
rigts as workers but also of teir rigts as vessel8
uman beings8 3! Embe00lement of company funds or of 
:! Hnstruct and guide te workers ow to moneys and properties of a fellow worker
assert teir rigts and provide te entrusted for delivery to kins or relatives
available mecanism to redress violation in te >K8
of teir rigts8 2! Teft/robbery8
C! Hn te recruitment & placement of workers $G! >rostitution8
to service te re)uirements for trained $$! Pandalism or destroying company
and competent Dilipino workers of foreign property8
govts and teir instrumentalities, and suc $"! 1unrunning or possession of deadly
oter employers as public interest may weapons8
re)uire, deploy only to countries6 $9! Unjust refusal to depart for te worksite
a! ere te >K as concluded after all employment and travel
7ilateral labor agreements or documents ave been duly approved by
arrangements8 te approp govt agency/ies8 and
b! <bserving and/or complying w/ te $:! Piolation/s of te laws and sacred
international laws and standards of  practices of te ost country and
migrant workers8 unjustied breac of govt(approved EENT
c! 1uaranteeing to protect te rigts contract by a worker
of Dilipino migrant workers!
5<B>'<BH%E ?1'EEBENT
?djudicatory Dunctions
(consistent w/ te policy encouraging amicable
$! ?dministrative cases involving violations settlement of labor disputes %ec $G of '? 3G:"
of licensing rules & regulations and allows resolution by compromise of cases led w/
registration of recruitment and EEnt te NL'5
agencies/entities8 and
"! #isciplinary action cases and oter special ( any compromise agreement on money claims
cases w/c are administrative in caracter, inclusive of damages sall be paid w/in : monts
involving employers, principals, from te approval of te settlement
contracting partners and Dilipino migrant
workers! >enalties for Non(compliance of te
mandatory period for resolution of cases
 urisdiction of ><E?
$! Te salary of suc o=cial wo fails to
$! all cases w/c are administrative in render is decision/resolution w/in te
caracter, involving or arising out of  prescribed pd sall be, or caused to be,
violations of rules & regulations relating to witeld until suc o=cial complies
licensing & registration of recruitment and terewit8
employment agencies/entities8 and "! %uspension for not more tan 2G days8
"! disciplinary action cases and oter special or
cases w/c are administrative in caracter, 9! #ismissal w/ dis)ualication to old
involving EE'%, principals, contracting any appointive public o=ce for C yrs
partners and Dilipino migrant workers

EE'/EE 'elations 5ases re)uires medical attendance beyond $"G days
but not to e*ceed ":G days from onset of 
 Billares & Lagda v NL'56 %56 seafarers are disability in w/c case benet for temporary
contractual EE% total disability sall be paid!
>remature Termination of 5ontract Hn case of di;ering medical assessment
a!. wen a seafarer sustains a work(related
Hf EE is terminated before end of contract w/o just illness/injury wile on board, is
cause, EE'% will be ordered to pay teir tness/untness to work sall be
salaries corresponding to te une*pired portion determined by te company(designated
of teir EENT contract pysician!
>retermination Under '? 3G:" b!. Hf te pysician appointed by te seafarer
disagrees w/ te company(designated
? worker dismissed from overseas EENT w/o just pysician@s assessment, te opinion of a
cause as dened by law/contract is entitled to 9rd  doctor may be agreed jointly bet te
full reimbursement of is placement fee w/ EE' and te seafarer to be te decision
interest at $"R per annum, plus te salary for nal and binding on tem
te une*pired portion of teir EENT contract!

#ue >rocess re)uired to terminate employment ?gencies 1iven te #uty to promote te welfare
E*6 in case of seamen – must be given written & rigts of migrant workers6
notice of te carges against im, and $! #D?
a;orded a formal investigation were e can "! #<LE
defend imself or tru a representative before 9! ><E?
e can be dismissed & disembarked! Te EE' :! <? – <verseas orkers elfare
is re)uired to furnis im w/ " notices6 +$. ?dministration – provides social & welfare
written notice of carge8 and +". written notice services including insurance coverage,
of dismissal legal assistance, placement assistance
and remittance services to Dilipino
5ontracted but not #eployed6 >erfected 5ontract overseas workers! Under '?3G:", it sall
provide te Dilipino migrant worker & is
#eat benets of %eafarers faily assistance in te enforcement of 
( entitled to deat and oter benets under contractual obligs by agencies, entities
w/c ever is iger +foreign law or > law. and/or teir principals8
( entitled to deat benets if deat occurs C! '>B ( 'e(>lacement and Bonitoring 5enter
during te term of is contract of  – develops liveliood programs for te
employment, even if deat is not work( returning workers to reintegrate te
related   deat is caused by teir own returning migrant workers to te >
doing society8
! NL'5 – tasked w/ te
#isability – loss or impairment of a pysical or settlement/adjudication of labor disputes
mental function resulting from injury/sickness

>ermanent disability – te inability of a worker to

perform is job for more tan $"G days, ?rt $36 7?N <N #H'E5T KH'HN1
regardless of <N e loses te use of any part 1'6 #irect iring of Dilipino workers for overseas
of is body EENT is not allowed
 E*ceptions6
 Total #isability – disablement of an EE to earn $! Bembers of #iplomatic corps8
wages in te same kind of work of similar "! Hnternational organi0ations8
nature tat e was trained for or accustomed 9! <ter employers as may be allowed by
to perform, or any kind of work w/c a person of  #<LE8 and
is mentality and attainments could do! Ht does :! Name ires – individual workers wo are
not mean absolute elplessness! able to secure contracts for overseas EENT
on teir own e;orts and representations
Hn disability compensation, it is not te injury w/c w/o assistance/participation of any agency!
is compensated, but rater it is te incapacity  Teir iring noneteless, sall pass
to work resulting in te impairment of one@s troug te ><E? for processing purposes
earning capacity 'ationale of te >roibition
$! To assure te best possible terms &
#isability benets by seamen – a matter conditions of work to te EE8 and
governed not only by medical ndings but by "! To assure te foreign EE' tat e ires
law & contract only )ualied Dilipino workers
( sall be paid beginning on te $ st day of 
suc disability! Hf caused by an injury/sickness ?rt $26 5<BBH%%H<N <N DHLH>HN< <PE'%E?%
it sall not be paid longer tan $"G consec
days  e*cept were suc injury/sickness still
5D< – attaced to te #D?8 replaced te <=ce of  C! 5onstruction contractors w/ a duly issued
Emigrant ?;airs! autority to operate private recruitment
( assists in te formulation of policies entities
a;ecting Dilipinos overseas and formulates
an integrated program tat promotes te Vualications for >articipation
welfare of Dilipinos overseas $! 5iti0ensip re)uirement
a! Dilipino citi0ens8 or
?rt "$! D<'EH1N %E'PH5E '<LE ?N# b! 5orporations, partnersips or
>?'TH5H>?TH<N entities at least 4CR of te
( necessary to monitor te status of <Ds autori0ed and voting capital stock
in teir respective areas of assignment of w/c is owned & controlled by
and insure tat tey are not e*ploited or Dilipino citi0ens!
abused by teir foreign principal EE'% "! 5apitali0ation
a! >rivate EENT agency for local EENT
?rt ""! B?N#?T<'J 'EBHTT?NE <D D<'EH1N i! Dor single proprietorsip or
EI5K?N1E E?'NHN1% partnersip – minimum net
( ?ll <Ds are re)uired to remit a portion of teir wort of "GGk pesos
foreign e*cange earnings ranging from CGR ( ii! Dor corporations – a
3GR depending on te worker@s kind of job, to minimum paid up capital of 
teir families, dependents, and/or Cook pesos
beneciaries! b! >rivate recruitment or manning
%eamen/Bariners – 3GR agency for overseas EENT
orkers for Dilipino 5ontractors & 5onstruction i! Dor single proprietorsip or
companies – 4GR partnersip – >"B minimum
>rofessionals wose EENT contract provide for capital
lodging facilities – 4GR ii! Dor corps – >"B minimum
>rofessionals w/o 7oard & Lodging – CGR paid up capital, >rovided,
#omestic and oter service workers – CGR tat tose w/ e*isting
licenses sall, w/in : yrs
 E*ceptions to Bandatory 'emittance from e;ectivity ereof,
$! Dil servicemen working in U% military increase teir capitali0ation
installations8 or paid(up capital, as te
"! ere te worker@s immediate family case may be, to >"B at te
members, dependents, or beneciaries are rate of "CGW every yr!
residing w/ im abroad8 9! Tose not oterwise dis)ualied by law or
9! Hmmigrants and Dil professionals and EEs oter govt regulations to engage in te
working w/ UN agencies or speciali0ed recruitment & placement of workers for
bodies overseas EENT
E;ects of Dailure to 'emit
$! orkers wo fail to comply w/ te #is)ualied from 'ecruitment & >lacement of 
mandatory remittance re)ment sall be orkers for <verseas EEnt weter for prot or
suspended/e*cluded from te list of  not
eligible workers for overseas EENT! $! Travel agencies & sales agencies of airline
%ubse)uent violations sall warrant is companies8
repatriation! "! <=cers/members of te board of any corp
"! EE'% wo fail to comply sall be e*cluded or members in a partnersip engaged in
from te overseas EENT program! >rivate te business of a travel agency8
EENT agencies/entities sall face 9! 5orps & partnersips, wen any of its
cancellation or revocation of teir licenses o=cers, members of te board or
or autority to recruit, w/o prejudice to partners, is also an o=cer, member of te
oter liabilities under e*isting laws and board or partner of a corp or partnersip
regulations engaged in te business of a travel agency
+interlocking o=cers.
:! >ersons, partnersips or corps wic ave
5K "6 'E1UL?TH<N <D 'E5'UHTBENT & derogatory records, suc as but not
>L?5EBENT ?5THPHTHE% limited to6
a! Tose certied to ave derogatory
?rt "C6 >'HP?TE %E5T<' >?'TH5H>?TH<N HN TKE record/info by te N7H or by te
'E5'UHTBENT & >L?5EBENT <D <'WE'% ?nti(illegal 'ecruitment 7ranc of 
te ><E?8
>rivate %ectors tat can participate b! Tose against wom probable
$! >rivate EENT agencies8 cause or prima facie nding of guilt
"! >rivate recruitment agencies8 for illegal recruitment or oter
9! %ipping or manning agencies8 related cases e*ists8
:! %uc oter persons as may be autori0ed c! Tose convicted of cases and/or
by te %ec of #<LE8 and crimes involving moral turpitude8

d! Tose agencies wose licenses •  Te applicant can be carged w/ fees only
ave been previously cancelled or after e as obtained EENT or as actually
revoked by ><E? for violation of '? commenced EENT
3G:", ># ::" as amended and • Dees paid sall always be covered w/ te
teir H'' as well as te Labor approp receipt clearly sowing te amount
5ode@s H'' paid!
e! <=cials/EE% of te #<LE or oter ><E? as te power to6
govt agencies directly involved in $! %uspend/cancel te license8 and
overseas EENT program and teir "! <rder te refund/reimbursement of suc
relatives w/in te : t degree of  illegally collected fees
consanguinity or a=nity8 and
f! Tose wose License ave been >roibition on 5arging Dees
previously cancelled o revoked $! >lacement fees cannot be collected from a
ired worker until e as signed te EENT
?rt "26 N<N(T'?N%DE'?7HLHTJ <D LH5EN%E contract & sall be covered by receipts
?UTK<'HTJ clearly sowing te amt paid
$! Ht may be used only b te one in wose "! Banning agencies sall not carge any fee
favor it was issued8 ence, it cannot be from seafarer(applicants for its recruitment
assigned, conveyed or transferred to any & placement services! ?ll e*penses for
oter person/entity! iring seamen sall be souldered by
"! Ht must be used only in te place stated in foreign sipping principals!
te license! Tus, could only undertake 9! No oter fees/carges, including
recruitment & placement activities in te processing fees sall be imposed against
region were te license was granted! any worker!
9! Te recruitment & placement activities
must be undertaken at teir autori0ed ?rt 9: & %ection  '? 3G:"6 >'<KH7HTE#
o=cial addresses! >'?5TH5E%6
:! >rovincial recruitment and/or job fairs may Ht sall be unlawful for any indiv, entity, licensee
be allowed only wen autori0ed by ><E? or older of autority6
in writing! $! To carge greater amt tan tat specied
in te scedule of allowable fees +illegal
S 5ange of ownersip of single proprietorsip e*action.8
licensed to engage in overseas EENT sall "! To furnis any false info in relation to
cause te automatic revocation of te license! recruitment/EENT +false information.8
9! To give any false notice, testimony, etc! or
?rt 9G6 7<N#% commit any act of misrepresentation to
 Te %ec of Labor sall promulgate a scedule of  secure a license or autority +false
fees for te registration of all applicants for statements.8
license or autority! :! To induce or attempt to induce a worker to
)uit is job in lieu of anoter o;er unless it
?rt 9$! 7<N#% is designed to liberate te worker from
?ll applicants for license/autority sall post suc oppressive terms of EENT +pirating.8
cas and surety bonds as determined by te C! To inAuence of attempt to inAuence any
%ec of Labor including escrow deposits! person/entity no to employ any worker
>urposes6 wo as not applied for EENT troug is
$! To guarantee compliance w/ prescribed agency +inAuencing not to employ.8
recruitment procedures, rules & ! To engage in te recruitment/placement of 
regulations, and terms & conditions of   jobs armful to public ealt, morality or
EENT8 and to te dignity of te >K +armful jobs.8
"! To ensure prompt & e;ective recourse 4! To obstruct or attempt to obstruct
against suc companies wen eld liable inspection by te Labor %ec or is
for applicants/workers@ claim autori0ed reps +obstruct inspection.8
E*emption from 1arnisment 3! To fail to le reports on te status of EENT,
• 5as bond led by applicants for placement, etc! and suc oter matters as
license/autority is not subj to may be re)uired by te %ec of Labor
garnisment by a judgment creditor of te +failure to comply w/ rules & regulations.8
agency! 2! To substitute or alter EENT contracts w/o
• %ould te bond/deposit in escrow or any te approval of te %ec of Labor
part tereof be garnised, te same +alteration of contracts.8
sould be replenised by te agency w/in $G! To become an o=cer or member of te
$C days from notice from te ><E?! Dailure board of any corp engaged in te mgt of a
to replenis te same w/in te said pd travel agency8 and
sall cause te suspension of te license $$! To witold travel docs from applicant
Note6 ><E? as te power to enforce liability workers before departure for unautori0ed
under cas & surety bonds! monetary considerations +witolding
?rt 9"6 DEE% T< 7E >?H# 7J <'WE'% documents.!
5ontract by >rncipal
• Even if it was te principal of te manning
?rt 9C6 %U%>EN%H<N ?N#/<' 5?N5ELL?TH<N <D agency wo entered into contract w/ te
LH5EN%E <' ?UTK<'HTJ EE, te manning agent in te >K is jointly
& solidarily liable w/ te principal
Non License or Non(Kolder of ?utority – any
person/corp/entity w/c as not been issued a
valid license or autority to engage in %uability of Doreign 5orps
recruitment & placement by te %ec of Labor, • ? foreign corp tat, tru unlicensed
or wose license or autority as been agents, recruits workers in te country
suspended, revoked or cancelled by te ><E? may be suid in and found liable by >
and te %ecretary! courts

1rounds for 'evocation of License

$! Hncurring an accumulated 9 counts of  5K 96 BH%5ELL?NE<U% >'<PH%H<N% +as amended
suspension by an agency based on nal by '? 3G:".
and e*ecutor orders w/in te validity Hllegal 'ecruitment – any act of +5ET5KU>.
period of its license8 canvassing, enlisting, transporting,
"! Piolation/s of te conditions of license8 contracting, utili0ing, or procuring workers and
9! Engaging in acts of misrepresentation for includes +5'?>. contract services, referrals, or
te purpose of securing a license or advertising, promising for employment abroad,
renewal tereof8 and weter for prot or not, wen undertaken by
:! Engaging in te recruitment or placement a non(licensee or non(older of autority8
of workers to jobs armful to te public >rovided tat any suc non(licensee or non(
ealt or morality or to te dignity of te older of autority wo in any manner, o;ers
'> or promises for a fee employment abroad to "
or more persons sall be deemed so engaged!
1rounds for %uspension/5ancellation of License ?lso includes te act of reprocessing workers
$! Te acts proibited under ?rt 9:8 troug a job order tat pertains to
"! 5arging a fee before te worker is none*istent work, work di;erent from te
employed or in e*cess of te autori0ed actual overseas work, or work w/ a di;erent
amt8 EE' weter registered or not w/ te ><E?
9! #oing recruitment in places outside its • Ht sall likewise include te commission of 
autori0ed area8 te ; proibited acts weter committed
:! #eploying workers w/o processing troug by a non(licensee or non(older of 
te ><E?8 and autority or a licensee or a older of 
C! >ublising job announcements w/o ><E?@s autority6
prior approval $! Tose proibited practices
under ?rt 9:8
 urisdiction "! Dailure to actually deploy w/o
 Te #<LE %ec and te ><E? ?dmin ave valid reason as determined by
concurrent jurisdiction to suspend or cancel a #<LE8
license 9! Dailure to reimburse e*penses
incurred by te worker in
Liability of 'ecruitment ?gency connection w/ is
• %olidarily liable w/ te foreign principal for documentation & processing for
unpaid salaries of a worker it recruited! purposes of deployment, in
7efore recruiting, te agency is re)uired to cases were te deployment
submit a doc containing its power to sue does not actually take place w/o
and be sued jointly and solidarily w/ te te worker@s fault8 and
principal or foreign(based employer for :! 'ecruitment & placement
any of te violations of te recruitment activities of agents or
agreement, and te contracts of  representatives appointed by a
employment licensee, wose appointments
Note6 Te recruitment agency may still be were not previously authorized
sued even if agency agreement bet by te ><E? sall likewise
recruitment agency & principal is already constitute illegal recruitment!
severed if no notice of te termination was
given to te EE Elements of Hllegal 'ecruitment
$! Te o;ender is a licensee/non(licensee or
E*ception to Liability of 'ecruitment agency older/non(older of autority engaged in
• en workers temselves insisted for te te recruitment & placement of workers8
recruitment agency to send tem back to and
teir foreign EE' despite teir knowledge
of its inability to pay teir wages
"! Te o;ender undertakes eiter any Note6 Ba* penalty if te person illegally recruited
recruitment activities devided under ?rt is less tan $3 y/o or committed by a non(
$9 +b. or any proibited practices in ?rt 9: licensee or non(older of autority

%imple Hllegal 'ecruitment – ere a person6 ?bsence of receipts evidencing payment, not
$! undertakes any recruitment activity fatal to prosecution@s case for illegal
dened under ?rt $9+b. or any proibited recruitment – as long as te witnesses can
practice enumerated under ?rts 9: & 93 of  positively sow troug teir respective
te L58 and testimonies tat te accused is te one
"! does not ave a license or autority to involved in proibited recruitment
lawfully engage in te recruitment &
placement of any workers! Liability of Local EEnt agency – solidarily liable w/
te foreig principal for unpaid salaries of a
Hllegal 'ecruitment in Large %cale – furter worker recruited! 7efore recruiting, te agency
re)uires a 9 rd element6 is re)uired to submit a doc containing its
9! Te o;ense is committed against 9/more power to sue and be sued jointly and solidarily
persons, individually or as a group w/ te principal or foreign(based EE' for any of 
te violations of te recruitment agreement
and te contracts of EEnt

Hllegal 'ecruitment as Economic %abotage6 Liability of 5ompany Engaged in Hllegal

$! en illegal recruitment is committed by 'ecruitment – may be eld as principal,
a syndicate +wen 9/more persons togeter is EE', if it is sown tat e actively 
conspire or confederate w/ one anoter in & consciously   participated in illegal
carrying out an unlawful or illegal recruitment 
transaction, enterprise or sceme.8 Hssuance of searc warrant/warrant of arrest
"! en illegal recruitment is committed in a • ?rt 93 is unconstitutional inasmuc as it
large scale +if committed against 9/more gives te %ec of Labor te power to issue
persons individually or as a group searc or arrest warrants
•  Te  e*ception is in cases of deportation
5onse)uences of 5onviction wom te >resident or te 5ommissioner
$! ?utomatic revocation of license/autority8 of Hmmigration may order arrested,
"! Dorfeiture of te cas & surety bonds8 following a nal roder of deportation
9! 5onviction for te crime of estafa, if found Note6 te %ec of Labor may order closure of 
guilty tereof  illegal recruitment establisments because
it is only administrative & regulatory in
Hllegal 'ecruitment vs Estafa nature
• Hllegal recruitment is malum proibitum,
• wereas estafa is malum in se +criminal  THTLE "6 EB>L<JBENT <D N<N('E%H#ENT ?LHEN%
intent necessary for conviction. ?lien Employment >ermit +?E>. – re)uired for
• a person may be carged & convicted for entry into te country for employment
bot purposes and is issued after determination of 
te non(availability of a person in te pK wo
?cts 5onstituting Estafa is competent, able and willing at te time of 
( te accused represented temselves to application to perform te services for w/c te
complainants to ave te capacity to send alien is desired
workers abroad altoug tey did not ave any • ?ll foreign nationals wo intend to engage
autority or license, enabling tem to obtain in gainful EENT in te >K sall apply for
placement fee ?E>

Penue of criminal action arising from Hllegal Employment >ermit 'e)uired

'ecruitment $! all foreign nationals seeking admission to
 Te complainant may, at is option le at te 'T5 te >K for te purpose of EENT8
of te province/city6 "! all non(resident foreign nationals already
a!. were te o;ense was committed8 or working in te >K8
b!. were te o;ended party resides at te 9! non(resident foreign nationals admitted to
time of te commission of te o;ense te >K on non(working visas and wo wis
to seek EENT8 and
>rescriptive >eriod Hmprisonment :! missionaries or religious workers wo
intend to engage in gainful EENT!
%imple C yrs $"("G yrs
>$("B Note6 ?E> sould be secured regardless  of te
Economic %abotage "G yrs Life source of compensation and duration of te
>"(CB EENT, weter te EENT is part(time or

?n ?E> is issued based on te ;6

$! 5ompliance by te applicant EE' or te "! te EENT of te alien is suspended by te
foreign national w/ te substantive & EE' or by te order of te court
documentary re)uirements8
"! #etermination of #<LE %ec tat tere is 1rounds for revocation of ?E>
no available Dilipino national wo is $! Non(compliance w/ any of te
competent, able and willing to do te job re)uirement/conditions for w/c te ?E>
for te EE'8 and was issued8
9! ?ssessment of te #<LE %ec tat te "! Bisrepresentation of facts in te
EENT of te foreign national will redound application8
to national benet 9! %ubmission of falsied docs8
Note6 Understudy Training >rogram is no :! Beritorious objection or information
longer a re)uirement in te issuance of ?E> against te EENT of foreign national as
and te EEr as now te option to determined by te 'egional #ir8
implement transfer of tecnology C! Doreign national as a derogatory record8
'e)uisite for EENT of 'esident ?liens6 ! EE' as terminated te EENT of te
• Hmmigrants & resident aliens are not foreign national!
re)uired to secure a working permit! Tey
are re)uired to secure teir ?lien Palidity of EENT >ermit
Employment 'egistration 5ert +?E'5. • $ yr, unless te EENT contract,
E*emption from >ermit consultancy services or oter modes of 
$! ?ll members of te #iplomatic service and engagement provides oterwise, w/c sall
foreign govt o=cials accredited by and w/ in no case e*ceed Cyrs
reciprocity arrangement w/ te > govt8 • ne for working w/o or wit an e*pired ?E>
"! <=cers and sta; of international orgs of  >$GW for every year or a fraction tereof!
w/c te >K is a member, and teir
legitimate spouses desiring to work in te 'ule on Nationali0ed 7usiness
>K8 1'6 Doreigners may N<T be employed in certain
9! Doreign nationals elected as members of  nationali0ed business!
1overning 7oard wo do not occupy any ?nti(#ummy Law "(? proibits te EENT of 
oter position, but ave only voting rigts aliens in entities engaged in business wose
in te corp8 e*ercise or enjoyment is reserved only to Dils
:! ?ll foreign nationals granted e*emption by or to corporations or assocs wose capital
law8 sould be at least GR Dil(owned
C! <wners & representatives of foreign  E*ceptions6
nationals wose companies are accredited $! ere te %ec of ustice specically
by te ><E? wo come to te >K for a autori0es te EEnt of tecnical personnel8
limited period and solely for te purpose "! ?liens wo are members of te 7oard of 
of interviewing Dilipino applicants for EENT directors of corps in proportion to teir
abroad8 allowable participation in te capital of 
! Doreign nationals wo come to te >K to suc entities8 and
teac, present and/or conduct researc 9! Enterprises registered under te <mnibus
studies in univs and colleges as visiting, Hnvestment 5ode in case of tecnical,
e*cange or adjunct professors under supervisory or advisory positions, but for a
formal agreements bet te univs or limited pd!
colleges in te >K an foreign univs or
colleges8 or bet te > govt and foreign ?rt :$! >'<KH7HTH<N ?1?HN%T T'?N%DE' <D EENT
govt8 provided tat te e*emption is on a $! ?liens sall not transfer to anoter job or
reciprocal basis8 and cange is EE' w/o prior approval of te
4! 'esident foreign nationals! %ec of Labor8
"! Non(resident aliens sall not take up EENT
1rounds for denial of ?pplication of ?E> in violation of te provisions of te 5ode!
$! Bisrepresentation of facts in te Note6 Piolations of te abovementioned acts
application8 will subj te alien to te punisment in ?rt
"! %ubmission of falsied docs8 "32 & "2G and to deportation after service
9! Te foreign national as a derogatory of sentence
record8 or
:! ?vailability of a Dil wo is competent, able 7<<W "6 KUB?N 'E%<U'5E%
and willing to te job intended for te  THTLE $6 N?TH<N?L B?N><E' #EPT >'<1'?B
alien! 5K $6 N?TH<N?L ><LH5HE% & ?#BHNH%T'?THPE
1rounds for suspension of ?E>
$! Te continued stay of te foreign national ?rt :9(C TE5KNH5?L E#U5?TH<N ?N# %WHLL%
my result in damage to te interest of te #EPT ?UTK<'HTJ +TE%#?.
industry of te country8 and ( replaced te National Banpower & Jout 5ouncil
under '? 442
$! ?t least $C y/o, provided tat if below $3
%tatement of 1oals & <bjectives y/o, e sall not be eligible for a0ardous
$! To attain international competitiveness8 occupation8
"! To meet demands for )uality middle(level "! >ysically t for te occupation in w/c e
manpower8 desires to be trained8
9! To disseminate scientic & tecnical 9! >ossess vocational aptitude and capacity
knowledge base8 for te particular occupation as
:! To recogni0e & encourage te establised troug appropriate tests8 and
complementary roles of pub & private :! >ossess te ability to compreend and
institutions8 and follow oral & written instructions!
C! To inculcate desirable values! Note6 Total pysical tness is not re)uired of 
te apprentice(applicant unless it is
Biddle(level Banpower essential to te e*peditious and e;ective
$! Tose wo ave ac)uired practical skills & learning of te occupation! <nly pysical
knowledge troug formal or non(formal defects w/c constitute real impediments to
educ & training e)uivalent to at least a e;ective perf as determined by te plant
secondary educ but preferably a post( apprenticesip committee may disp)ualify
secondary educ w/ a corresponding an applicant
degree/diploma8 or
"! %killed workers wo ave become igly ?rt G6 EB>L<JBENT <D ?>>'ENTH5E%
competent in teir trade or craft as Vualications to be met by EE'6
attested by industry! $! <nly EE'% in igly tecnical industries
may employ apprentices8 and
 THTLE "6 T'?HNHN1 & EB>L<JBENT <D %>E5H?L "! <nly in apprenticeable occupations as
<'WE'% determined by te TE%#?!
5K$6 TJ>E% <D %>E5H?L <'WE'% 'e)uisites for a Palid apprenticesip
$! ?pprentice $! Vualications of apprentice are met8
"! Learner "! ?pprentice earns not less tan 4CR of te
9! Kandicapped prescribed minimum salary8
9! ?pprenticesip agreemt duly e*ecuted &
?rt C4 %T?TEBENT <D <7E5THPE% D<' TKE signed8
 T'?HNHN1 & EENT <D %>E5H?L <'WE'% :! ?pprenticesip program must be approved
$! To elp meet te demand of te economy by te TE%#?8 oterwise te apprentice
for trained manpower8 sall be deemed a regular EE8
"! To establis a national apprenticesip C! >eriod of apprenticesip sall not e*ceed 
program8 and monts
9! To establis apprenticesip standards for Note6 at te termination of te apprenticesip,
te protection of apprentices! te EE' is not re)uired to continue te
?rt C36 #EDHNHTH<N <D TE'B%
 Tere is no valid apprenticesip if6
?pprenticesip – practical training on te job $! Te agreemt submitted to te TE%#? was
supplemented by related teoretical made long after te workers started
instruction, for a igly skilled or tecnical undergoing apprenticesip8
instruction for a period of 9( monts "! Te work performed by te apprenticesip
?pprentice – a person undergoing training for an was di;erent from tose allegedly
approved apprenticeable occupation during an approved by TE%#?8
establised period assured by an 9! Te workers undergoing apprenticesip
apprenticesip agreemt are already skilled workers8
?pprenticeable <ccupation – an occupation :! Te workers were re)uired to continue
o=cially endorsed by a tripartite body and undergoing apprenticesip beyond mos!
approved for apprenticesip by te TE%#? +no
longer te %ec of Labor. ?rt $6 5<NTENT% <D ?>>'ENTH5E%KH>
?pprenticesip ?greement – an EENT contract ?1'EEBENT
werein te EE' binds imself to train te $! Dull name & address of te contracting
apprentice and te apprentice in turn accepts parties8
te terms of training "! #ate of birt of te apprentice8
<n(te(job training – practical work e*perience 9! Name of trade, occupation or job in w/c
troug actual participation in productive te apprentice sall be trained and te
activities given to or ac)uired by an apprentice dates on w/c suc training will begin and
Kigly tecnical industries – a trade, business, will pro*imately end8
enterprise, industry or oter activity, w/c is :! ?pprop number of rs of <T w/
engaged in te application of advanced compulsory teoretical instruction w/c te
tecnology apprentice sall undergo during is
?rt C26 VU?LHDH5?TH<N% <D ?>>'ENTH5E%

C! %cedule of te work processes of te "! ?ction may be initiated upon complaint of 
trade/occupation in w/c te apprentice any interested person or upon #<LE@s own
sall be trained and te appro*! time to be initiative!
spent on te job in eac process8
! 1raduated scale of wages to be paid to
te apprentice8
4! >robationary pd of te apprentice during Palid 5ause to terminate agreement
wc eiter party ay summarily terminate $! 7y te EE'6
teir agreemt8 and a! Kabitual absenteeism in <T and
3! ? clause tat if te EE' is unable to fulll related teoretical instructions8
is training oblig, e may transfer te b! illful disobedience of company
agreemt, w/ te consent of te apprentice rules or insubordination to lawful
to any oter EE' wo is willing to assume order of a superior8
suc oblig! c! >oor pysical condition, permanent
disability or prolonged illness w/c
orking Krs – sall not e*ceed te ma* number incapacitates te apprentice from
of rs prescribed by law, if any, for a worker of  working8
is age and se*! Time spent in compulsorily d! Teft or malicious destruction of 
teoretical instruction sall be considered rs company property and/or
of work! ?n apprentice not oterwise barred by e)uipment
law from working 3rs may be re)uisted by is e! >oor e=ciency or perf on te job or
EE' to work overtime and paid accordingly! in te classroom for a prolonged
period despite warnings duly given
?rt "6 %H1NHN1 <D ?>>'ENTH5E%KH> ?1'EEBENT to te apprentice8 and
o signs6 f! Engaging in violence or oter forms
$! Te apprentice, if of age, oterwise, by is of gross misconduct inside te
parent or guardian, or in te latter@s EE'@s premises
absence, by an autori0ed rep of TE%#?8 "! 7y te apprentice6
and a! %ubstandard or deleterious working
"! EE' or is duly autori0ed rep conditions w/in te EE'@s premises8
b! 'epeated violations by te EE' of 
?rt 96 PENUE <D ?>>'ENTH5E%KH> >'<1'?B te terms of te apprenticesip
$! itin te sponsoring rm, establisment agreemt8
or entity8 or c! 5ruel or inumane treatment by
"! itin a #<LE training center or oter te EE' or is subordinates8
public training institutions8 or d! >ersonal problem s/c in te opinion
9! Hnitial training in trade fundamentals in a of te apprentice sall prevent im
training center or oter institutions w/ from a satisfactory perf of is job8
subse)uent actual work participation w/in and
te sponsoring rm or entity during te e! 7ad ealt or continuing illness!
nal stage of training!
?rt 6 ?ppeal
?rt :6 %><N%<'HN1 <D ?>>'ENTH5E%KH> •  Te decision of an autori0ed agency of 
>'<1'?B% te #<LE may be appealed to te %ec of 
7J6 Labor w/in C days form rcpt of te adverse
$! Te plant, sop or premises of te EE' or decision!
rm concerned if te apprenticesip •  Te decision of te %ec of Labor sall be
program is organi0ed by an indiv EE' or nal & e*ecutor!
"! Te premises of one or several rms ?rt 4 E*austion of ?dministrative 'emedies
designated for te purpose by te $! Te e*austion of administrative remedies
organi0er of te program if suc organi0er is a condition precedent to te institution
is an assoc of EE'%, civic group and te of action!
like8 and "! Te plant apprenticesip committee sall
9! #<LE Training 5enter or oter public ave initial responsibility for settling
training institutions w/ w/c te TE%#? as di;erences arising out of apprenticesip
made approp arrangements! agreements!

?rt C(46 PH<L?TH<N <D ?>>'ENTH5E%KH> ?rt 36 ?>THTU#E TE%T%


?rt C6 Hnvestigation of violation of apprenticesip ?NT<NH< B! %E''?N<P%!1?LL?NT B?'HTHBE

agreement %E'PH5E%, HN5!
$! Eiter party to an agreemt may terminate
te same after te probationary pd only
for a valid cause! D?5T%6

>etitioner ?ntonio %errano was ired by unconstitutional on te ground tat it impinges
respondents 1allant Baritime %ervices, Hnc! and on te impairment clause, for te law was
Barlow Navigation 5o!, Hnc!, under a ><E?( enacted in te e*ercise of te police power of te
approved contract of employment for $" monts, %tate to regulate a business, profession or calling,
as 5ief <=cer, wit te basic montly salary of  particularly te recruitment and deployment of 
U%X$,:GG, plus X4GG/mont overtime pay, and 4 <Ds, wit te noble end in view of ensuring
days paid vacation leave per mont! respect for te dignity and well(being of <Ds
werever tey may be employed!

<n te date of is departure, %errano was

constrained to accept a downgraded employment <n te second issue!
contract upon te assurance and representation
of respondents tat e would be 5ief <=cer by
te end of ?pril $223!  Te answer is in te a=rmative!

'espondents did not deliver on teir promise to  To Dilipino workers, te rigts guaranteed under
make %errano 5ief <=cer! te foregoing constitutional provisions translate
to economic security and parity!

Kence, %errano refused to stay on as second

<=cer and was repatriated to te >ilippines, Upon cursory reading, te subject clause appears
serving only two monts and 4 days, leaving an facially neutral, for it applies to all <Ds!
une*pired portion of nine monts and twenty( Kowever, a closer e*amination reveals tat te
tree days! subject clause as a discriminatory intent
against, and an invidious impact on, <Ds at two
Upon complaint led by %errano before te Labor
?rbiter +L?., te dismissal was declared illegal!
Dirst, <Ds wit employment contracts of less
tan one year vis(Y(vis <Ds wit employment
<n appeal, te NL'5 modied te L? decision contracts of one year or more8
based on te provision of '? 3G:"!

%econd, among <Ds wit employment contracts

%errano led a Botion for >artial 'econsideration, of more tan one year8 and
but tis time e )uestioned te constitutionality
of te last clause in te Ct paragrap of %ection
$G of '? 3G:"!  Tird, <Ds vis(Y(vis local workers wit *ed(
period employment8

 Te subject clause singles out one classication
of <Ds and burdens it wit a peculiar
$! eter or not te subject clause violates disadvantage!
%ection $G, ?rticle HHH of te 5onstitution on non(
impairment of contracts8
 Tus, te subject clause in te Ct paragrap of 
%ection $G of '!?! No! 3G:" is violative of te
"! eter or not te subject clause violate rigt of petitioner and oter <Ds to e)ual
%ection $, ?rticle HHH of te 5onstitution, and protection!
%ection $3, ?rticle HH and %ection 9, ?rticle IHHH on
labor as a protected sector!
 Te subject clause or for tree monts for every
year of te une*pired term, wicever is less- in
KEL#6 te Ct paragrap of %ection $G of 'epublic ?ct
No! 3G:" is #E5L?'E# UN5<N%THTUTH<N?L!

<n te rst issue! "eo%le o# te "ili%%ines 4%etitioner5 2

 Ja!ilosa 4re%onent5
6R No) 789$8 Januar' ;(- ;$
 Te answer is in te negative! >etitioner@s claim Calle3o- Sr)-:
tat te subject clause unduly interferes wit te
stipulations in is contract on te term of is <ACTS:
employment and te *ed salary package e will %ometime in te monts of anuary to
receive is not tenable! Debruary, $22, representing to ave te
capacity, autority or license to contract, enlist
and deploy or transport workers for overseas
 Te subject clause may not be declared
employment, did ten and tere, willfully, could get er a job in U%?, te trut being tat
unlawfully and criminally recruit, contract and se wanted to leave %B as company nurse
promise to deploy, for a fee te erein because se was aving a problem tereat!
complainants, namely, Hmelda #! 7amba, 7amba called im several times, seeking advices
1eraldine B! Lagman and ?lma E! %ing, for work from im! Ke started courting 7amba and went
or employment in Los ?ngeles, 5alifornia, U!%!?! out dating until latter became is girlfriend! Ke
in Nursing Kome and 5are 5enter! met Lagman and %ing tru 7amba! ?s
>rosecution presented tree witnesses, complainants seeking advice on ow to apply for
namely Hmelda 7amba, 1eraldine Lagman and  jobs abroad, lest e be carged as a recruiter, e
?lma %ing! made 7amba, Lagman and %ing sign separate
?ccording to 7amba, se met te certications, all to e;ect tat e never recruited
appellant on a bus! %e was on er way to %B tem and no money was involved! 7amba led an
Nort Edsa were se was a company nurse! illegal recruitment case against im because tey
?ppellant introduced imself as a recruiter of  )uarreled and separated!
workers for employment abroad! ?ppellant told 'T5 rendered judgment nding accused
er e could elp er get employed as nurse! guilty beyond reasonable doubt of illegal
?ppellant gave is pager number and instructed recruitment in large scale!
er to contact im is se@s interested! %ometime =SSUE: Hllegal 'ecruitment in a large scaleZ
in anuary $22, appellant fetced er at er >ELD: ?'ecruitment and placement[ refers to
o=ce, went to er ouse and gave im te any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting,
necessary documents and anded to appellant transporting, utili0ing, iring, or procuring
te amount of U%X9GG!GG and te latter sowed workers, and includes referrals, contract services,
er a potocopy of er supposed U% visa! promising or advertising for employment, locally
Kowever, te appellant did not issue a receipt for or abroad, weter for prot or not! >rovided,
te said money! Tereafter, appellant told er to  Tat any person or entity wic, in any manner,
resign from er work because se was booked o;ers or promises for a fee employment to two or
wit Nortwest ?irlines and to leave for U%? on more persons sall be deemed engaged in
Deb, $22! <n te sceduled departure, appellant recruitment and placement!
failed to sow up! Hnstead, called and informed Hllegal recruitment sall mean any act of 
er tat e failed to give te passport and U% canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting,
visa because se ad to go to province because utili0ing, iring, or procuring workers and includes
is wife died! Trying to contact im to te referring, contract services, promising or
supposed residence and otel were e advertising for employment abroad, weter for
temporarily resided, but to no avail! prot or not, wen undertaken by a non(licensee
iness Lagman testied tat se is a or non(older of autority! >rovided, Tat any
registered nurse! Hn anuary $22, se went to %B suc non(licensee or non(older wo, in any
Nort Edsa to visit er cousin 7amba! ?t tat time manner, o;ers or promises for a fee employment
7amba informed er tat se was going to meet abroad to two or more persons sall be deemed
to appellant! 7amba invited Lagman to go wit so engaged!
er! Te appellant convinced tem of is ability to  To prove illegal recruitment in large scale,
send tem abroad! <n teir ne*t meeting, te prosecution is burdened to prove tree +9.
Lagman anded to te latter te necessary essential elements, to wit6 +$. te person carged
documents and an amount of U%X9GG!GG and " undertook a recruitment activity under ?rticle
bottles of black label witout any receipt issued $9+b. or any proibited practice under ?rticle 9:
by te appellant! Dour days after teir meeting, a of te Labor 5ode8 +". accused did not ave te
telepone company called er because er license or te autority to lawfully engage in te
number was appearing in appellants cell pone recruitment and placement of workers8 and +9.
documents! Te caller is trying to locate im as accused committed te same against tree or
e was a swindler! %e became suspicious and more persons individually or as a group! ?s
told 7amba about te matter! <ne week before gleaned from te collective testimonies of te
er sceduled Aigt, appellant told er e could complaining witnesses wic te trial court and
not meet tem because is moter passed away! te appellate court found to be credible and
Lastly, ?lma %ing, wo is also a deserving of full probative weigt, te
registered nurse, declared tat se rst met te prosecution mustered te re)uisite )uantum of 
appellant at %B Nort Edsa wen Hmelda 7amba evidence to prove te guilt of accused beyond
introduced te latter to er! ?ppellant told er reasonable doubt for te crime carged! Hndeed,
tat e is an undercover agent of D7H and e te ndings of te trial court, a=rmed on appeal
could * er U% visa! <n teir ne*t meeting, se by te 5?, are conclusive on tis 5ourt absent
gave all te pertinent documents! Tereafter, se evidence tat te tribunals ignored,
gave >$G,GGG to te appellant covering alf price misunderstood, or misapplied substantial fact or
of er plane ticket! Tey paged te appellant oter circumstance!
troug is beeper to set up anoter  Te failure of te prosecution to adduce in
appointment but te appellant avoided tem as evidence any receipt or document signed by
e ad many tings to do! appellant were e acknowledged to ave
 Te accused amilosa testied on direct received money and li)uor does not free im
e*amination tat e never told 7amba tat e from criminal liability! Even in te absence of 

money or oter valuables given as a!  drivers tat are
consideration for te [services[ of appellant, re)uired to be at specic
te latter is considered as being engaged in places at specic times are
recruitment activities! not eld personnel
Ht can be gleaned from te language of  b!  in case of sermen
?rticle $9+b. of te Labor 5ode tat te act of  altoug performing non(
recruitment may be for prot or not! Ht is agri work away from te
su=cient tat te accused promises or o;ers o=ce, te fact tat tey
for a fee employment to warrant conviction for ave no coice but to
illegal recruit remain on board te vessel,
COND=T=ONS O< E@"LO@ENT tey are still under constant
OR=N6 COND=T=ONS & REST "ER=ODS supervision by te E' tru
te vessel@s patron/master
Art ;) COERA6E
a! ?LL employees in all iv! Employer@s family
establisments & undertakings members wo are
weter for prot or not dependent on im for
b! %uc standards apply only if tere support
e*ists EE'(EE relationsip v! #omestic elpers
 EI5E>TH<N% on 5onditions of EEnt   ouse personnel ired by a ranking
i! 1overnment employees company o=cial, a foreigner, but paid for
 EE% of govt agencies by te company itself, to maintain a sta; 
& govt corps ouse provided for te o=cial regular EE
ii! Banagerial employees – vi! >ersons in te personal
tose wose primary duty service of anoter
consists of te mgt of te vii! orkers paid by result –
establisment in w/c tey per piece/per task
are employed or of a ( laborer/EE w/ no *ed salary, wag, or
dept/subd tereof, and to renumeration but receiving a
oter o=cers/members of  compensation from is E' an uncertain &
te managerial sta;  variable amount depending upon te work
( under te direct supervision of te EE', done or te result of said work +piece
and assist in te planning, organi0ing, work., irrespective of te time employed
sta=ng, directing controlling,
communicating and in making decisions in EE'(EE 'elationsip – is not dependent upon te
attaining te company@s set goals & agreement of te parties! Te caracteri0ation
objectives by law prevails over tat in te contract!  te
a! Hncludes e*istence of an EE'(EE relsp is not a matter
supervisiors +only of stipulation but a )uestion of law
as regards ?rt 3". – d! depends on te facts of eac case
responsible for te 5ore/Non(core obs
e;ective & e=cient e! EE'(EE relsip may comver
operation of teir core/non(core activities of te
respective depts EE'@s business!
iii! Dield personnel – non( f! Te kind of work is not te
agricultural employees denitive test of weter te
wo regularly perform worker is an EE or not!
teir duties away from te
principal place of business Employer – any person, natural or juridical,
or branc o=ce of te domestic or foreign, wo carries on in te >K
employer and wose any trade, business, industry, undertaking or
actual ours of work in te activity of any kind and uses te services of 
eld cannot be anoter person wo is under is order as
determined w/ reasonable regards employment
certainty Employee – any person wo performs services for
c! tose wose performance of teir an EE' in w/c eiter or bot mental & pysical
 job/service is not supervised by te E' e;orts are used and wo receives
or is rep, te workplace being away compensation for suc services, were tere is
from te principal o=ce and wose an EE'(EE relationsip
ours & days of work cannot be
determined w reasonable certainty8  TE%T% <D EENT 'elsip6
ence tey are paid specic amount for i! 'igt of 5ontrol Test – were te
rendering specic service or performing person for wim te services are
specic work! performed reserves a rigt to control
not only te end to be acieved but
also te means to be sued in reacing
suc end!  ?bsence of EE@s name in payroll does not mean
>lus6 te courts added te e*isting economic e is not an EE
conditions prevailing bet te parties +like  Bode of 5ompensation – not a test of EEnt
payrolls. in determining te e*istence of EE'( status8 pakyaw basis does not mean workers
EE 'elsip! are independent contractors

ELEBENT% <D EE(EE' 'EL%KH> +Dour(fold Test. Hndependent contractors( generally rely on teir
i! te selection  and engagement of te own resources
EE8 S Unions and unregistered associations can be
ii! te payment of wages; EE's of te persons wo work for tem
iii! te power of dismissal;
iv! te employer@s power to control te EE 1'6 ?n employee is not a contractor8 a contractor
w/ respect to te means & metods by is not an employee!
w/c te work is to be accomplised 1'6 ile EE(E' relationsip e*ists bet a job
+most important. contractor and te workers tat e ires, no
suc relationsip e*ists bet tose workers and
Hndependent contractors – can employ oters to te job contractee, te contractor@s client!
work & accomplis contemplated result w/o  Labor(only contractor – serve as an agent of 
consent of contractee, wile EE cannot te true employer by merely recruiting &
substitute anoter in is place w/o consent of  supplying people +proibited.!
is EE'!
5onditions of Employment – laid down by law or
"! Te Economic #ependence Test – observes te by contract concluded individually w/ an EE or
need to consider te e*isting conditions bet collectively w/ a group
te parties • may also arise from establised
practice in te enterprise
7est approac6 ?pply te two(tiered test " Winds of Employment 5onditions
involving6 a! %tatutory – provided for by law
$! te putative employer@s power to control b! Poluntary – initiated by te E'
te EE w/ respect to te means and unilaterally or by contractual
metods by w/c te work is to be stipulation
accomplised8 and ?n employer is free to regulate, accdg to is own
"!te underlying economic realities of te discretion & judgment, all aspects of EENT,
activity or relationsip including iring, work assignments, working
a! te e*tent to w/c te services metods, time, place and manner of work,
performed are an integral part of  tools to be used, processes to be followed,
te employer@s business8 supervision of workers, working regulations,
b! to te e*tent of te worker@s transfer of EE%, work supervision, lay(o; of 
investment in e)uipment and workers and discipline, dismissal and recall of 
facilities8 workers!
c! te nature and degree of control • Employers ave te rigt to
e*ercised by te employer8 e*ercise management prerogatives
d! te worker@s opportunity for prot to strengten is business
and loss8 competitiveness   unlawful/
e! te amount of initiative, skill, unjust/unfair8 so long as tey are
 judgment or foresigt re)uired for e*ercised in 1D for te
te success of te claimed advancement of is interest and
independent enterprise8 not for te purpose of  
f! te permanency and duration of  defeating/circumventing te 's of 
te relationsip between te te EE%
worker and te employer8 and a! Bay devise & implement
g! te degree of dependency of te new salary scales applicable
worker upon te employer for is only to future EE%! +salary
continued employment in tat line distortion.
of business
%tandard of economic dependence – weter te Bembers/<=cers of te Banagerial %ta;6 #uties
worker is dependent on te alleged employer & 'esponsibilities
for is continued employment in tat line of  $! Teir primary duty consists of te
business performance of work directly related to
mgt policies of teir E'8
Evidence of employment "! Tey customarily & regularly e*ercise
i! id card discretion and independent judgment8
ii! voucers of salaries 9! Tey regularly & directly assist te
iii! sss registration managerial EE wose primary duty
iv! memorandum consists of te mgt of a dept of te
establisment in w/c tey are
employed8 >rinciples in #etermining Kours rked
:! Tey e*ecute, under gen supervision, $! ?ll rs are rs worked w/c te EE is
work along speciali0ed/tecnical lines re)uired to give to is E', regardless of 
re)uiring special training, e*perience <N suc rs are spent in productive
or knowledge8 labor or involve pysical/mental
C! Tey e*ecute, under gen supervision, e*ertion8
special assignments and tasks8 and "! ?n EE need not leave te premises of 
tey do not devote more tan "GR of  te workplace in order tat is rest
teir ours worked in a work(week to period sall not be counted, it being
activities w/c are not directly & clearly enoug tat e stops working, may
related to te performance of teir rest completely and may leave is
work workplace, to go elsewere, weter
w/in or outside te premises of is
Art () NOR@AL >OURS O< OR  9! Hf te work performed was necessary,
• sall not e*ceed 3 rs/day or it beneted te E', or te EE could
not abandon is work at te end of is
>urpose of 3(r Labor law – not only to safeguard normal working rs because e ad no
te ealt & welfare of te laborer/EE, but in a replacement, all time spent for suc
way to minimi0e unemployment by forcing work sall be considered as rs
E's, in cases were more tan 3(r operation worked, if te work was w/in te
is necessary, to utili0e di;erent sifts to knowledge of is E'/immediate
laborers/EEs working only for 3 rs eac supervisor8
>art(time ork – not proibited! +at te law :! Te time during w/c an EE is inactive
regulates is work e*ceeding 3rs. by reason of interruptions in is work
1'6 age & benets of a part(timer are in beyond is control sall be considered
proportion to te number of rs worked! time eiter if te imminence of te
resumption of work re)uires te EE@s
ork rs of Kealt >ersonnel presence at te place of work or if te
Kealt personnel – sall include, but not limited interval is too brief to be utili0ed
to, resident pysicians, nurses, nutritionists, e;ectively & gainfully in te EE@s own
dieticians, parmacists, social workers, lab interest!
tecnicians, paramedics, psycologists,
midwives, attendants, and all oter ospital &
clinic personnel like medical secretaries >re/>ostliminary ?ctivities
• >reliminary +before work. and
'esident pysicians – customary practice to work postliminary +after actual work.
for ": rs a day violates te limitations in ?rt activities are deemed performed
39!  wen tey are under training during working rs, were suc
program/agreement bet te residents and te activities are controlled/re)uired by
ospital accredited by te govt te E' and are pursued necessarily
& primarily for te E'@s benet
Kospital EEs – are entitled to a full weekly salary
w/ apid " days o; if tey ave completed te aiting Time
:Gr/Cday workweek +4days pay for C days • weter waiting time constitutes working
work. time depends on te circumstances on
eac particular case
Kealt personnel in 1ovt service – covered by '? • controlling factor is <N time spent in
49GC idleness is so spent predominantly for te
E'@s benet or for te EE@s
$"(r orksift wit <vertime $! Engaged to ait – waiting time
( troug a contract freely entered into, worksift spent by EE sall be considered
may e*ceed 3rs w/ corresponding overtime as working time if waiting is
pay! considered an integral part of 
is work or if te EE is
re)uired/engaged by an E' to
Art F) >OURS ORED sall inclue: wait
7) all ti!e uring wGc an EE is re.uire to be "! aiting to Engage – idle time is
on ut' or to be at a %rescribe not work time
wor/%lace- an
;) all ti!e uring wGc an EE is su,ere or orking ile Eating
%er!itte to wor/  1'6 EE must be completely relieved from duty for
te purpose of eating regular meals! Te meal
Rest %erios o# sort uration uring wor/  time is not compensable if e is completely
rs sall be counte as ours wor/e
free from duties during is meal period even Lectures, Beetings and Training >rograms – not
toug e remains in te workplace! worktime if6
 EE is not relieved if e is re)uired to perform a! ?ttendance is outside of te EE@s
is duties weter active/inactive, wile eating regular working rs8
+e*! %tand(by for emergency work. b! ?ttendance is in fact voluntary8 and
c! Te EE does not perform any
orking ile %leeping productive work during suc
1'6 %leeping time may be considered working attendance!
time if it is subj to serious interruption or takes S must meet all criteria
place under conditions substantially less
desirable tan would be likely to e*ist at te 1rievance Beeting – time spent in adjusting
EE@s ome! grievance bet E' & Ee during te time te EEs
 if tere is an opportunity for comparatively are re)uired by te E' to be on te
uninterrupted sleep under fairly desirable premises rs worked
conditions, event toug EE is re)uired to   if a bona de union is involved   depends
remain on or near te E'@s premises and must on te 57? or te custom practice under te
old imself in readiness for a call to action 57?
• depends upon te e*press/implied %emestral 7reak – rs worked by teacers in
agreement of te parties, or in private scools
absence of an agreement, upon te
nature of te service and its <'W K<U'% <D %E?BEN
relation to te working time! • tey need not leave te boat in
order tat is rest period not be
<n 5all counted
•altoug EE can rest completely and may 'e)uisites for non(counted rest period
not be actually at work, if tey are a! e ceases to work
re)uired to be in teir place of work b! may rest completely
before/after te regular working rs and c! leave or may leave at is will te
w/in te call of teir E's, te time tey spot were e actually stays wile
stay in te place of work sould not be working, to go somewere else,
discounted from teir working rs weter w/in or outside te sip
•EE cannot use te time e;ectively for is
own purposes is working wile on call! K<U'% <'WE#6 EPH#EN5E & #<U7T
•Not on call6 EE is not re)uired to remain on 1'6 en an E' alleges tat is EE works less
te E'@s premises but is merely re)uired tan te normal rs of ENT as provided for in law,
to leave work at is ome or w/ company e bears te burden of proving is allegation w/
o=cials were e may be reaced clear & satisfactory evidence
•>ublic ealt workers@ <n call status – refers
to a condition wen public ealt workers
Art H) @EAL "ER=ODS
are called upon to respond to urgent or
immediate need for ealt/medical • must be at least Gminutes time(
assistance or relief work during o; for regular meals
emergencies suc tat e/se cannot 1'6 not compensable
devote te time for is/er own use! E*ceptions6
$! were te lunc period or mealtime is
it 5ellular pone or <ter 5ontact #evice predominantly spent for te E'@s
• if EE is kept w/in reac- troug a benet +considered overtime. 8or
"! were it is less tan G minutes +but
cell pone, e is N<T on call
not less tan "Gminutes. must be wit
full pay wen6
 Travel Time – time spent walking, riding, or
traveling to/from place of work • were work is non(manual
a! Travel from ome to work – not +does not involve strenuous
worktime  wen EE receives an pysical e*ertion.8
emergency call outside is regular • were te establisment
working rs and is re)uired to travel regularly operates not less tan
to is regular place of business or $rs a day
some oter worksiteworking time 9! in cases of actual or impending
b! Travel tat is all in a day@s work – emergencies or tere is urgent work to
time spent by an EE in travel as part be performed on macineries,
of is principal activity rs worked e)uipment or installations to avoid
c! Travel away from ome – travel tat serious loss w/c te E' would
keeps an EE away from ome oterwise su;er8
overnigt worktime wen it cuts :! were te work is necessary to prevent
across te EE@s workday serious loss of perisable goods

• Hf less tan "G minutes it te 5H' praying tat te latter be ordered to
becomes only a rest period and revise te metod of computing te basic daily
is tus considered work time & ourly rates of its montly(salaried EEs and
Note6 Beal periods during overtime work is not necessarily to pay tem teir accrued salary
given to workers performing <T bco0 <T is di;erentials
usually for a sort period
>?L@s Dormula6
%ortened Beal 7reak Upon EE@s re)uest montly salary * $"/9C days in a yr \ 7asic
• EEs may re)uest tat teir meal pd daily rate
be sortened so tat tey can basic daily rate/3 – 7asic ourly rate
leave work earlier not
compensable >roposed Dormula6
'e)uisites Bontly salary * $"/actual working days \
$! EEs voluntarily agree in writing and waive teir 7#'
<T pay8 7#'/3 \ 7K'
"! No diminution in te salary and oter fringe
benets of te EEs already e*isting8
9! ork is not pysically strenuous and tey are
provided w/ ade)uate co;ee breaks in te >aid Unworked days of a montly(paid EE
morning & afternoon8 ( E' may stipulate tat EE@s montly salary
:! Palue of benets is e)ual to te compensation constitutes payment for all te days of te
due tem8 mont incl rest days & olidays if wen
C! <T pay will become due and demandable if  converted into its daily e)uivalent would
tey are permitted/made to work beyond :69G still meet minimum wage legal
pm8 and
! Te arrangement is of temporary duration! Kow work day- is counted
? day – te ":(r period w/c commences from te
Note6 Te 3(r work period does not include te time te EE regularly starts to work
meal break! EE@s may leave te company ( regardless of te day of te week or r of 
premises as long as tey return to teir posts te day
on time! ( any work in e*cess of te 3rs w/in te ":(
r pd is considered as <T regardless of 
Art 8 N=6>T S>=<T D=<<ERENT=AL weter te work covers " calendar days
( at least $GR of is regular wage for eac r ( any work in e*cess of 3 rs not falling w/in
of work performed bet $G>B and ?B te ":(r pd is not considered as <T work
( given as premium for working at a time for a! 7roken Krs of ork – te minimum normal
sleep & rest working rs need not be continuous to
( in addition to te e*ceptions in ?rt 3", constitute as te legal working day of 3 rs as
N%# is n/a to EEs of retail and service long as te 3 rs is w/in a work day
establisments regularly employing C b! ork in #i;erent %ifts in a ork day – work in
employees and below e*cess of 3rs w/in a work day is considered as
(  if work done from $Gpm(am is <T work, <T regardless of weter tis is performed in a
ten te $GR nigt sift di;erential sould work sift oter tan at w/c te EE regularly
be based on te <T rate works
( not waivable +founded on public policy. • EE@s sift is $Gpm(am! Ke is asked to take
( te receipt of <T pay will not preclude a sift of anoter EE wo is absent from
payment of N%# pay "pm($Gpm +is regular work day would be
( burden of proof of payment of N%# ( E' from $Gpm($Gpm.  te " nd sift is
considered <T because it is still w/in is
Art $) OERT=@E OR  work day
<vertime >ay – additional compensation for work 1'6 ?n e*press instruction from te E' to te EE
performed beyond 3rs w/in te worker@s ":(r to render <T work is not re)uired for te EE to
workday regardless weter te work covers " be entitled to <T pay! Ht is su=cient tat te EE
calendar days is  permitted or su#ered to wor$% Neiter is an
7asis – cas wage only, w/o any deduction e*press approval by a supervisor needed!
$!<T on a regular work day – at least "CR 6 <n rest days & olidays, written authority 
tereof  after o=ce rs is re)uired for te EE to be
"!<T on a oliday or rest day – at least 9GR entitled to compensation
tereof  • ? verbal instruction to render <T work
S 57? may stipulate iger <T pay rate prevails over a memorandum proibiting
suc work!
?ctual ork #ays as #ivisor
• <T claim is not justied for days were no
PALEA v PAL (19!" – >?LE? & >?L %upervisors
work was re)uired and no work could be
?ssoc +>?L%?., commenced an action v >?L in
done +i!e! brownout, macine repair, lack benets! 'eversion to te normal 3(r
of rawmats. work day sall not constitute diminution
of benets! +'eversion is considered a
<T ork of %eamen – weter or not te sailors legitimate e*ercise of mgt prerogative,
are entitled to <T pay is not weter tey were provided tat te E' sall give te EEs
on board and cannot leave sip beyond te prior notice of suc reversion w/in a
regular 3 working rs a day, but weter tey reasonable period of time!
actually rendered service  in e*cess of 3 rs S EE may validly waive te ' to <T under a
  <T work must be proven by factual & legal 5 program, provided e did so
basis voluntarily, w/ full understanding of wat
e was doing and in consideration for te
?ction to 'ecover 5ompensation )uit claim is credible & reasonable!
( estoppel & laces cannot be invoked Note6 EE@s promoted from rank(and(le to
against EEs bco0 tat would be contrary to supervisory lose teir <T pay and oter
te spirit of te 3(r Labor Law, under w/c benets under ?rt 3"(2
te laborers cannot waive teir ' to e*tra
compensation Hllustrations of <T 5omputations
( <T pay in arrears retroacts to te date wen $!'egular orkdays
services were actually rendered 'eg 7asic age ] "CR tereof 
1'6 aiver or )uitclaim – not a waiver of <T pay! "!Legal or 'egular Kolidays
?ny stipulation in te contract tat te laborer Koliday age 'ate +"GGR. ] 9GR tereof 
sall work beyond te regular 3 rs w/o addtl 9!'est #ays or %pecial Kolidays
compensation for te e*tra rs is contrary to 'est day/%pecial Koliday wage rate
law and null and void +$9GR. ] 9GR tereof 
:!%ceduled 'est #ay w/c is also a %pecial
aiver of <T >ay Koliday
1'6 <T pay cannot be waived e*pressly or 'est day & special oliday wage rate
impliedly! ?ny contrary stipulation is null and +$CGR. ] 9GR tereof 
void! C!%ceduled rest day w/c is also a legal or
 E*eptions regular oliday
$! en te waiver is made in consideration of  'est day & legal oliday wage rate +"GR.
benets & privileges w/c may be more tan ] 9GR tereof 
wat will accrue to tem in <T pay8 and !#ouble oliday
"! 5ompressed workweek +5.– te number of  #ouble oliday wage rate +:GGR. ] 9GR
work days is reduced but te number of work tereof 
rs in a day is increased to more tan 3, but no • EE will receive "GGR of is regular
<T pay may be claimed! daily wage wen bot regular
'e)uisites of 5ompressed orkweek to be olidays fall on te same day and e
valid6 does not work +Law provides tat e
$!Te sceme is e*pressly and voluntarily sall get is regular daily wage of 
supported by majority of te EEs a;ected8 eac regular oliday.
"!Hn rms using substances, or operating in • $GGR of ?raw ng Wagitingan, $GGR
conditions tat are a0ardous to ealt, a 1ood Driday! Hf e works on tat day,
certication is needed from an accredited e gets :GGR
safety org or te rm@s safety committee <T pay integrated in 7asic %alary –
tat work beyond 3rs is w/in te +composite/package pay/all(inclusive salary. –
limits/levels of e*posure set by #<LE@s not illegal nor unusual for e*ecutives or
occupational safety & ealt standards8 managers
9!Te #<LE 'egional <=ce is notied!  7ut for non(managerial EEs, tere must be6
$!? clear written agreement
E;ects of a 5ompressed orkweek "!?greed legal wage rate and <T pay
$! Unless tere is a ore favorable practice computed separately are e)ual or iger
e*isting in te rm, work beyond 3rs tan te separate amounts legally due
will not be compensable by <T DLEIH7LE <'W ?''?N1EBENT%
premium, provided te total number of  ( alternative work arrangements or scedules
rs worked per day sall not e*ceed oter tan te traditional or standard work
$"rs! +ork performed beyond $"rs a rs, workdays or workweek! E's may
day or :3rs a week <T. adopt tem after due consultation w/ EEs,
"! EE@s under a 5 sceme are entitled taking into acct te adverse conse)uence
to meal periods of at least G minutes! of te situation on te performance and
 Te ' of EEs to restday, oliday pay, nancial condition of te company!
rest day pay or leave in accdance w/ ( Hts e;ectivity and implementation sall be
law/57?/company practice sall not be temporary!
impaired! ( %ould be tresed out by te E' and EE
9! ?doption of te 5 sceme sall in no ( #<LE 'eg <fc must be notied prior to
case result in diminution of e*isting implementation
( Hn addition to 5, te D?s include6 (  <T rate sould be based on te regular
$! 'eduction of workdays – were wage- +include te value of facilities.
normal workdays per week are
reduced but sould not last for
more tan  monts C) ; EEL REST "ER=ODS
"! 'otation of workers – were te Art 97) R=6>T TO EEL REST DA 
EEs are rotated/alternately #uration6 at least ": consecutive rs after every
provided work w/in te workweek  consecutive normal work days
9! Dorced leave – EEs are re)uired to ( all establisments & enterprises may operate or
go on leave for several days or open for business on %undays & olidays
weeks, utili0ing teir leave credits provided tat te EEs are given te weekly rest
if tere are any day & te benets provided under te law
:! 7roken(time scedule – te work o #etermines6 Te E' determines and
scedule is not continuous but te scedules te weekly rest period subj to te ;6
number of rs w/in te day or $!57?8
week is not reduced "!'ules & regulations issued by te %ec of 
C! Dle*i(oliday scedule – Ees agree Labor8 and
to avail temselves of te olidays 9!EE@s preference based on religious grounds!
at some oter days, provided tat +en suc preference will prejudice te
tere is no diminution of e*isting business of te E', and no oter remedial
benets as a result of suc measures are available, te weekly rest pd
arrangement may be sceduled to meed te EE@s coice
for at least " days a mont
Art ) UNDERT=@E NOT O<<SET B  
OERT=@E Art 9;) >EN T>E ER @A REIU=RE OR 
( eter on te same day or any oter day ON A REST DA 
is proibited by law 1'6 Te E' may not re)uire te EEs to work on a
( >ermission given to te EE to go on leave o rest day
some oter day of te week sall not 6 E*ceptions
e*empt E' from paying te addtl $!Hn cases of urgent work to be performed on
compensation te macinery, e)uipment or installation8
'eason6 EE@s ourly rate is not e)uivalent to "!To prevent loss or damage to perisable
<T rate goods8
>roper metod6 #educt te UT from te 9!Hn case of actual/impending emergencies
accrued leave, if any caused by force majeure to prevent loss of 
life and property, or imminent danger to
Art 9) E@ER6ENC OT OR  public safety8
1'6 EEs cannot be compelled to render <T work :!ere te nature of work re)uires
against teir will continuous operations and te stoppage of 
 E*ceptions6 work may result in irreparable injury/loss
$!Hn times of war or any national or local to te E'8
emergency declared by 5ongress/5ief  C!Hn te event of abnormal pressure of work
E*ec8 due to special circumstances, were te
"!To prevent loss or damage to life or property E' cannot ordinarily be e*pected to resort
due to emergencies and force majeure8 to oter measures8 and
9!en tere is urgent work needed on !Under te circumstances analogous to te
macines & e)uipment8 foregoing as determined by te %ec of 
:!en work is necessary to preserve Labor!
perisable goods8 Note6 Te failure to work during an EE@s rest day
C!To prevent serious obstruction or prejudice does not justify disciplinary sanction of 
to te business or operations of te E'8 outrigt dismissal, more so wen justiable
and grounds e*ist for te said failure!
!en it is necessary to avail of favorable Note6 en an EE volunteers to work on is rest
weater or environmental conditions day under oter circumstances, e may be
were performance or )uality f work is allowed to do so, provided e e*presses suc
dependent tereon! desire in writing and e is paid te addtl
compensation for working on is rest day
cas wage- – e*cludes noncas value of facilities SUNDA OR >OL=DA OR 
( if only cas wage is te basis of <T rate, it
is unfair to te worker because as dened >remium pay or #i;erential compensation – addtl
in ?rt 24, wage- includes te value of  compensation for work rendered by te EE on
facilities, ence te value of facilities days wen normally e sould not be working
sould not be e*cluded wen computing suc as special olidays and weekly rest days
<T pay

Note6 Tis article does not proibit a 57? ! Last #ay of te Jear
stipulation for iger benets
5! %pecial Koliday +for all scools.
Dormulas to 5ompute ages on Kolidays E#%? 'evolution ?nniversary
$!Dor 'E1UL?' K<LH#?J%
a! Hf it is an EE@s regular workday #! Local Koliday
i! Hf unworked – $GGR  Tose declared by law or ordinance
ii! Hf worked
$! $st 3rs – "GGR 'egular Koliday %pecial #ay
"! e*cess of 3rs – >lus 5ompensable even Not compensable if 
9GR of ourly rate of  if unworked subj to unworked
said day certain conditions
b! if it is an EE@s rest day Limited to te list Not e*clusive since
i! if unworked – $GGR enumeration a law or ordinance
ii! if worked may provide for
$! $st 3rs – plus 9GR of  oter special
"GGR olidays
"! e*cess of 3 rs – plus 9GR 'ate is "GGR of te 'ate is $9GR of te
of ourly rate of said day regular rate if   regular wage if  
"! Dor declared %>E5H?L #?J% suc as %pecial worked worked
Non(orking #ay, %pecial >ublic Koliday,
%pecial National Koliday and nationwide ?ddtl 5ompensation for ork on a 'est day,
special days %unday or Koliday
$! Hf unworked – no pay, unless #ay 'ate of ?ddtl
tere is a favorable company 5ompensation
policy, practice or 57? granting ork on a 9GR of regular wage
payment of wages on special sceduled rest day
days even if unworked No regular 9GR of regular wage
"! Hf worked workdays and no for work performed
a! $st 3rs – plus 9GR of  specic rest days on %undays &
te daily rate of $GGR olidays
b! e*cess of 3rs – plus ork on %unday 9GR
9GR of ourly rate on wen it is is
said day establised rest day
9! Dalling on te EE@s rest day and ork on special 9GR
if worked oliday
a! $st 3rs – plus CGR of 
ork on special CGR
te daily rate of $GGR
oliday falling on
b! e*cess of 3rs – plus
sceduled rest day
9GR of ourly rate on
ork on regular "GR of regular
said day
oliday falling on wage
9! Dor tose declared as %>E5H?L <'WHN1
sceduled rest day
( for work performed an EE is entitled only
to is basic rate
Art 9F) R=6>T TO >OL=DA "A 
List of %pecial #ays >roc! :C2 Koliday pay – a day@s pay given by law to an EE
even if e does not work on a regular oliday!
( Ht is limited to te regular/legal olidays
?! 'egular Kolidays
listed by law!
$! New Jear@s #ay
( EE sould not ave been absent w/o pay on
"! Baundy Tursday
te working day preceding te regular
9! 1ood Driday
:! ?raw ng Wagitingan oliday
Note6 Hn addition to te E*ceptions in ?rt 3",
C! Labor #ay
Koliday pay is n/a to EEs of retail and service
! Hndependence #ay
establisments regularly employing $G workers
4! National Keroes #ay
or less
3! 7onifacio #ay
2! 5ristmas #ay
$G! 'i0al #ay 'ule on 5ompensability – compensable weter
worked or unworked subj to certain conditions!
7! %pecial +Non(working.#ays • Legal oliday falling on a %unday does
$! 7lack %aturday not create an addtl oblig for te E' to
"! Ninoy ?)uino #ay pay e*tra, aside from te usual oliday
9! ?ll %aints #ay pay to its montly paid EEs
:! Nov "
C! #ec ": Koliday pay of Bontly paid EEs

1'6 for te company w/ a (day working $ yr of service – service w/in $" monts, weter
scedule, te divisor 9$: already means tat continuous or broken, reckoned from te date
te legal olidays are included in te montly te EE started working including autori0ed
pay of te EE! Te divisor is arrived at by absences and paid regular olidays unless te
subtracting all %undays from te total number number of working days in te establisment
of calendar days in a yr as a matter of practice/policy is less tan $"
1'6 for a company w/ a C(day working scedule, monts
te divisor "$ means tat te oliday pay is
already included in te montly salary of te EE %HL is N/? to te ;6
$!EEs of te 1ovt
Koliday pay of Teacing >ersonnel >aid per "!#omestic elpers and persons in te
Lecture Kr personal service of anoter8
( not entitled to payment of oliday pay since 9!Banagerial EEs
tey are paid by te rs worked8 and no :!Dield personnel wose performance is
class days- means no work for tem unsupervised or tose wo are paid a
( entitled to teir regular ourly rate on days *ed amt for performing work irrespective
declared as special olidays or wen of te time consumed in te performance
classes are called o; or sortened on acct tereof 
of typoons, Aoods rallies, and te like C!Tose already enjoying te said benets
!Tose already enjoying vacation leave w/
#ouble Koliday >ay +?raw ng Wagitingan & 1ood pay for at least C days8
Driday on te same day. 4!Tose employed in establisments regularly
$!"GGR of te basic wage employing less tan $G EEs
a! entitled even if said oliday is S EEs engaged on task/contract basis or paid
unworked purely commission basis are not automatically
b! to give EE only $GGR would reduce e*empted from te %EL unless tey fall under
te number of olidays under te te classication of eld personnel!
"!:GGR if e worked on " regular olidays 5onversion to Bonetary E)uivalent
falling on te same day %HL is 5<BBUT?7LE or convertible to cas if not
9!C"GR if e worked on " regular olidays used or e*austed at te end of te yr
falling on te same day and at te same 7asis of conversion6 te salary rate at te date of 
time falling on a sceduled rest day commutation

%ingle Koliday 'ule6 provided tat te EE ?L%< Entitled to %HL

$!worked8 $!EE illegally dismissed
"!was on leave w/ pay8 or "!>art(time workers
9!was on autori0ed absence on te day prior 9!>iece(rate workers6
to te regular oliday! a! orking inside te premises of E'
& tus are under direct supervision
%uccessive 'egular Kolidays6 to be entitled to " of te E'  entitled
successive olidays, te EE must6 b! orking outside te premises of 
$!be present on te day immediately te E' wose ours of work cannot
preceding te rst oliday8 or be ascertained w/ reasonable
"!be on leave w/ pay! certainty and tus are not under
• <terwise, e must work on te rst te direct supervision of te
oliday to be entitled to oliday pay on E'not entitiled
te second regular oliday
EEs w/ salaries above Bin age6 te di;erence
bet te min wage and te actual salary
E;ects of 7usiness 5losure on Koliday >ay received by te EEs cannot be deemed as teir
Hf regular oliday occurs during6 $9t mont pay and %HL pay
$!Temporary or periodic sutdown and
temporary cessation of work of an Pacation & %ick Leave
establisment te regular olidays ( not statutorily re)uired but is a matter of 
falling w/in te period sall be management discretion or 57?
compensated! 1'6 7enets are non(cumulative and non(
"!5essation of operation of an enterprise due commutative8 must be enjoyed by te EE w/in
to business reverses as autori0ed by te $yr oterwise forfeited
%ec of Labor te regular oliday may not 6 wen te labor law contract or te
be paid by E' establised practice of te E' provides
5oncept6 C days leave w/ pay for every EE wo
as rendered at least $ yr of service %HL PL/%L

Bandatory ?rt 2C Poluntary grant ( in case te service carge is abolised, te
+E'@s policy or 57?. sare of te covered EEs sall be
Hntended to Hntended to a;ord a considered integrated in teir wages
alleviate te laborer a cance to ( te basis of te amt to be integrated sall
economic condition get a muc needed be te average sare of eac EE for te
of te workers for it rest to replenis is past $" monts immediately preceding
acts as replacement energy and renew te abolition
for regular income is e=ciency
tat would not be >ooled Tips
earned during suc ( were an establisment does not collect service
instance carges but as a practice/policy of pooling
5annot be waived Bust be demanded tips given voluntarily by its customers, te
in its opportune pooled tips sould be monitored, accounted for
time8 silence is and distributed in te same manner as te
waiver service carges
5ommutable Not commutable
Title ; A6ES
>arental +%olo(parent. Leave C 7
( not more tan 4 working days every yr Art 9$) Denitions
( rendered to an EE wo as rendered service >erson – an individual, partnersip, assoc, corp,
at least $yr business trust, legal rep, or any organi0ed
( no E' sall discriminate against any solo group of persons
parent EE w/ respect to terms & conditions Employer – any person acting directly/indirectly in
of ENT on acct of is/er status te interest of an E' in relation to an EE &
( a cange in te status/circ of te parent sall include te 1ovt & all its brances, subd,
claiming benets under tis ?ct suc tat & instrumentalities, all govt(owned/(controlled
e/se is no longer alone w/ responsibility corps & institutions, as well as non(prot
of parentood sall terminate is/er private institutions/orgs!
eligibility for tese benets Employee ( any indiv employed by an E'
( not convertible to cas unless oterwise ?griculture – includes farming in all its brances,
agreed and among oter tings, includes te
cultivation & tillage of soil, dairying, te
7attered woman leave production, cultivation, growing & arvesting
( female EE wo is a victim of violence is of any agricultural & orticultural commodities,
entitled to paid leave of $G days in te raising of livestock or poultry, and any
addition to oter paid leaves! practices performed by a famer on a farm as
( E*tendible wen necessity arises an incident to or in conjunction wit suc
( EE as to submit certication from te farming operations, but does not include te
punong brgy, kagawad, prosecutor or clerk manufacturing or processing of sugar,
of court tan an action under '? 2"" as coconuts, abaca, tobacco, pineapples or oter
been led and is pending farm products!
Employ – includes to su;er or permit to work
Baternity & >aternity Leave
age – paid to any EE8 sall mean te
renumeration or earnings, owever
Art 98) SER=CE C>AR6ES designated, capable of being e*pressed in
5oncept6 ?ll service carges collected by otels, terms of money, weter *ed or ascertained
restaurants, and similar establisments sall on a time, task, piece, or commission basis, or
be distributed as follows6 oter metod of calculating te same, w/c is
$!3CR for all covered EEs to be e)ually payable by and E' to an EE under a
distributed among tem written/unwritten contract of ENT for work
"!$CR for disposition by mgt to answer for done or to be done, or for services rendered
losses and breakages and distribution to and includes te fair and reasonable value, as
EEs receiving more tan >"k amont at determined by te %ec of Labor, of board,
te discretion of te mgt in te latter case lodging, or oter facilities customarily
5overage6 only to otels, restaurants, and similar furnised by te E' ro te EE!
( all EEs are covered, regardless of teir • Hncludes commissions – te
position, designation, ENT status, recompense compensation/reward of an
irrespective of te metod by w/c teir agent, salesman, e*ecutor, trustee,
wages are paid, e*cept managerial EEs receiver, factor, broker or bailee, wen
#istribution – distributed to paid EEs at least once te same is calculated as a percentage
every " weeks or "* a mont at interval of at on te amt of is transactions or on te
least $ days prot of te principal
'ule in case of abolition
 onco v 'L)6 ^uelig was made to
pay te terminated EE +due to
retrencment., separation pay based Dair & reasonable value – sall N<T include any
not only on te basic salary, but also on prot to te E' or to any person a=liated w/
te commissions, transpo & emergency te E'
living allowances! A6ES SALAR  
Even if commissions were in te form of  5ompensation for #enotes a iger
incentives or encouragement, still tese manual labor, degree of ENT, or a
commissions are direct renumerations skilled/unskilled, superior grade of 
for services rendered w/c contributed to paid at stated times, services, and
te increase of income of te E'! Te and measured by implies a position or
nature of work of a salesman & te te day, week, o=ce
reason for suc type of renumeration mont, or season
for services rendered demonstrate tat Hndicates %uggestive of a
commissions are part of teir wage or considerable pay for larger and more
salary! +%ome salesmen do not receive a lower and less permanent or *ed
any basic salary but depend on responsible compensation for
commissions & allowances or caracter of ENT more important
commissions alone, altoug an EE(E' service
relationsip e*ists.! Kas a less e*tensive 5ompensation of 
meaning tan clerks, o=cers of 
• Hncludes *acilities or commodities – fair salary8 being pub corps, and pub
& reasonable value of board, lodging, or ordinarily restricted o=ces
oter facilities customarily furnised by to sums paid as ire
te E' to te EE! or reward to
domestic or menial
?n E' may provide, for instance, food & servants and to
ousing to is EEs but e may deduct sums paid to
teir values from te EE%@ wages to be artisans, mecanics,
determined by te %ec of Labor! laborers, and oter
EEs of like class
Snac/s Hn many situations, owever, and as te
4GR ( deducted from wages +must be %5 states, tey are in essence
autori0ed in writing. synonymous
9GR ( subsidi0ed by te E'
Loging #acilit' – te cost of   Hnclude articles or
operation & maintenance, including services for te
ade)uate depreciation plus amt of  benet of te EE or
capital invested by te E', provided is family but sall
tat if te total is more tan te *air  N<T include tools of 
rental value   + or te fair price of te te trade or articles
commodities or facilities o;ered for or service primarily
sale. for te benet of 
te E' or necessary
Dair rental value (sall be te to te conduct of 
reasonable cost of te operation & te E'@s business
maintenance! age(deductible Not wage(
'ate of depreciation & depreciated amt 7enet/privilege 7enet/privilege
– tose arrived at under good part of te laborer@s given to te EE w/c
accounting practices basic wages, constitutes an e*tra
renumeration above
1ood accounting practices – sall N<T & over is basic or
include accounting practices w/c ave ordinary earning or
been rejected by te 7H' for HT wage
purposes  Te distinction bet a facility & a
supplement is in te  purpose, +not te
#epreciation – sall include kind. of te item!
 tate +arine )orp & oyal Line, nc% v )e-u
 Hn order tat te cost of facilities
eamen.s Assoc, inc/  Te vessel crew were
furnised by te E' may be carged provided w/ free meals by te sip owners
against an EE, is acceptance of suc +petitioner., not part of teir wages but as a
facilities must be voluntary  necessary matter in te maintenance of te
• E*cludes allowances ( ealt & e=ciency of te crew during te
voyage! Tey sould not be deducted from

teir wages! Te deductions sould be dislocation factor, and b. limited tenure! %56 Hf 
returned to tem! an E' accords EEs te same position & rank,
 Ato$0ig 2edge Assoc v Ato$0ig 2edge/ te presumption is tat tese EEs perform
%upplements constitute e*tra renumeration or e)ual work! Tere is no sowing tat foreign(
special privileges or wages, wile facilities on ires perform "CR more e=ciently or
te oter and, are items of e*pense e;ectively tan te local(ires! 7ot groups
necessary for te laborer@s & is family@s ave similar functions & responsibilities w/c
e*istence & substinence, so tat by e*press tey perform under similar working conditions!
provision of law, tey form part of te wage  Te dislocation factor- and limited tenure-
and wen furnised by te E' are deductible cannot serve as valid bases for te distinction
terefrom, since if tey are not so furnised, in salary rates, and are ade)uately
te laborer would spend and pay for tem just compensated by certain benets accorded
te same! tem w/c are not enjoyed by local(ires
+ousing, transpo, sipping, ta*es, ome leave
Re.uire!ents #or Deucting alue o#  allowance.!
$! >roof must be sown tat suc facilities ?gricultural ork Hndustrial ork
are customarily furnised by te trade +e*! ork on te soil and en te arvests
5ompany policy or guideline sowing tat its arvests are processed into
te meal & lodging are part of te salary.8 nised product or
"! Te provision of deductible facilities must transformed to
be voluntarily accepted in writing by te anoter product
EE8 Lower rate Kiger rate
9! Dacilities must be carged at fair & +?gricultural EEs. +industrial EEs.
reasonable value!
Agricultural Acti2ities
+a-eza v 'L) 6 Te E' failed to meet any of  • >reparation of te soil, planting of 
te re)uirements! Bore signicantly, te food ramie stalks and transporting tem to
& lodging or te electricity & water consumed te stripping seds, stripping te bers
by te EE were not facilities, but supplements! w/ te use of decorticating macines
Kotel workers are re)uired to work di;erent run by electricity, drying te wet bers,
sifts and are e*pected to be available at passing tem troug te bruser to
various odd ours, teir ready availability is a cleanse tem of impurities and baling
necessary matter in te operations of  te ers for te market
respondent@s otel! • >lanting & arvesting sugar cane &
oter cores incidental to ordinary
1ratuity ( 1iven freely or w/o recompense8 a gift8 farming operations
someting voluntarily given in return for a
•  Tillage of te soil, raising of crops
favor or services8 a bounty8 a tip!
including discovery of plant pests and
( gratuity pay is not intended to pay a
teir eradication by means of  
worker for actual services rendered! Ht is a
money benet given to te workers wose
purpose is to reward EEs wo ave • Dispond business
rendered satisfactory & e=cient service to •  farmands employed to cultivate te
te company!- vegetable garden of a non(agricultural
( Not mandatory &  not part of labor corp are not agricultural workers
standard law
Art 9) Tis title sall NOT a%%l' to:
? A fair day’s wage for fair day’s labor.” – if  7) <ar! tenanc' or leaseolK
tere is no work performed by te EE, tere ;) Do!estic ser2ice
can be no wage or pay unless te laborer () "ersons wor/ing in teir res%ecti2e
was able, willing and ready to work but was o!es in neele wor/ or
prevented by te mgt or was illegally locked F) =n an' cottage inustr' ul'
out, suspended or dismissed! registere in accorance wG law)

Equal pay for equal work.” – EEs working in

te >K, if tey are performing similar functions C ; @=N=@U@ A6E RATES
& responsibilities under similar working
conditions, sould be paid under te principle Art 99) Te !ini!u! wage rates #or
of e)ual pay for e)ual work! agricultural an non1agricultural EEs an
wor/ers in eac an e2er' region o# te
nternational chool Alliance o* Educators v  countr' sall be tose %rescribe b' te
3uisum-ing/ H% ires as members of te Regional Tri%artite ages an
faculty, $.foreign(ires and ". local(ires! Te "roucti2it' Boars
scool grants foreign(ires salary of "CR more
tan tat of local(ires due to a. te

Statutor' @ini!u! age   – te lowest wage period of time as te %ec of Labor may
rate *ed by law tat an E' can pay is prescribe!
workers! 5ompensation w/c is less tan suc C! 7arangay Bicro 7usiness Enterprises
minimum rate is considered an underpayment +7B7E. +under '? 2$43/7B7E Law.,
tat violates te law! provided tat all EEs covered under tis
( determined for eac region by te regional ?ct sall be entitled to te same benets
wage boards given to any regular EE suc as social
( provided w/ margin to take care of  security and ealt care benets! 7B7Es
contingencies, suc as increase of prices of  are also e*empt from income ta*!
commodities and increase in wants and to
provide means for a desirable improvement B@BE – any business entity or enterprise
in EE@s mode of living +? person@s needs engaged in te production, processing
increase as is means increase!. or manufacturing of products or
E,ects6 commodities, including agro(
$! benets all wage earners by setting a processing, trading and services, wose
Aoor below w/c teir pay cannot fall total assets including tose arising from
"! raises te standard of competition loans but e*clusive of te land on w/c
among E's, since it would protect te te particular business entity@s o=ce,
fair(minded E' from te competition of  plant and e)uipment are situated, sall
te E' wo pays is workers a wage not be more tan >9B! +comprises no
below subsistence8 less tan 2GR of > E's.
9! is a prere) to te adoption of te %%%, ! 'etail %ervice Establisments +by virtue of 
w/c re)uires contributions from EEs '? 4"4/age 'ationali0ation ?ct.
temselves a! regularly employing not more tan
Abilit' to %a' i!!aterial $G workers8 and
( E' cannot e*empt imself from liability to b! upon application w / and as
pay minimum wages because of poor determined by te 'egional 7oard
nancial condition of te company in accordance w/ te ''s of te
( Lack of funds is not a valid defense 5ommission!
because te payment of minimum wage is Hf not granted, EEs sall receive te
a mandatory statutory obligation approp compensation due tem ] $R
EEs not estopped to sue for di;erence in amount interest per mont retroactive to te
of wages e;ectivity of te ?ct!
( te acceptance by an EE of te wages paid im 7urden of proving suc e*emption
w/o objection does not give rise to estoppel rests on te E'!
precluding im from suing for te di;erence 4! <ter e*emptions by provisions of age
bet te amt received and te amt e sould <rders by te 'egional Tripartite age &
ave received pursuant to a valid minimum >roductivity 7oard
wage law
E0e!%tions to te co2erage o# te Rule on
!ini!u! wages
$! Kouseold or domestic elpers, including
family drivers and persons in te personal Art 7) "RO>=B=T=ON A6A=NST
service of anoter8 EL=@=NAT=ON OR D=@=NUT=ON O<
"! Komeworkers engaged in needle(work8 BENE<=TS
9! orkers employed in any establisment
duly registered w/ te National 5ottage %o tat te rule against diminution of 
Hndustries and #evt ?utority in supplements/benets may apply, it must be
accordance w/ '? 9:4G provided tat suc sown tat6
workers perform te work in teir $! Te grant of te benet is founded on a
respective omes8 policy or as ripened into a practice over a
:! orkers in any duly registered cooperative long period8
wen so recommended by te 7ureau of  "! Te practice is consistent and deliberate8
5ooperative #evt and upon approval by 9! Te practice is not due to error in te
te %ec of #<LE,  provided however , tat construction or application of a doubtful or
suc recommendation sall be given only di=cult )uestion of law8 and
for te purpose of making te cooperative :! Te diminution or discontinuance is done
viable and upon nding and certication of  unilaterally by te E'!
said 7ureau supported by ade)uate proof,
tat te cooperative cannot resort to oter <ooG@eal Allowance
remedial measures w/o serious loss or  )e-u Auto-us )o v 4nited )e-u Auto-us
prejudice to its operation e*cept troug EEs Assoc6 te company used to pay its
its e*emption from te re)uirements of  drivers and conductors, aside from teir
te 'ules! Te e*emption sall be subj to regular salary, a certain percentage of 
suc terms & conditions and for suc teir daily wage, as allowance for food!

#iscontinued by E' upon e;ectivity of  57?s, are not w/in te proibition of ?rt $GG
Binimum age Law! 5H'6 because, as products of bilateral contract,
 company practice tey can only be eliminated or diminised
Nonconributor' Retire!ent "lan bilaterally! at te law forbids is
'estle P5 nc% v 'L) 6 Te fact tat te elimination/modication done unilaterally
retirement plan is noncontributory, does by te E'!
not make it a nonissue in te 57? • age Orer Co!%liance – te giving of 
negotiations! Te EEs ave a vested rigt across(te(board salary increases so as to
over te e*isting benets voluntarily rectify a salary distortion caused by
granted to tem by teir E'! Te latter compliance w/ a wage order cannot be said
may not unilaterally witdraw, eliminate to ave ripened into a company practice!
or diminis suc benets!
@ontl' E!ergenc' Allowance Pag0asa teel 2or$s v )A 6 To ripen into a
 % 6iangco & 7% 6iangco v 5on% Leogardo 6 company practice tat is demandable as a
E's, sing operator and sbroker, matter of rigt, te giving of te increase
discontinued paying te batillos +wo sould not only be by reason of a strict legal
work by unloading te s from te +as age <rder. or contractual oblig +57?.,
vessels  dependent on arrival of te but by reason of an act of liberality on te
vessels, ence tey work only a few days part of te E'!
a mont averaging : rs a day. a *ed Benet on Rei!burse!ent Basis 
montly emergency allowance +wic o >er diem allowance – a daily
tey ad been paid as a matter of  allowance given for eac day wen
practice/verbal agreement.  illegal! an EE is away from is ome base8
<ull 7(t !ont %a' intended to cover teir cost of 
 Arco +etal Products v amahan ng lodging & subsistence wen on
+anggagawa 6 E' cannot srink away duty outside of teir permanent
from its responsibility by merely claiming stationif te EE did not leave is
tat its acts of giving full $9 t mont pay permanent station and spent
to EEs wo ave not worked for te full noting for meals & lodging outside
year is a mistake! Ht as become practice! tereof, ten e is not entitled to
per diem as tere is noting to be
E0ce%tions to te Non1Di!inution Rule reimbursed
$! 5orrection of error8 o Bontly ration of gas given to
"! Negotiated benets8 certain managerial EEs is not part
9! age order compliance8 of teir basic salary!  its
:! 7enets on reimbursement basis8 temporary revocation does not
C! 'eclassication of position8 constitute a diminution of te EE@s
! 5ontingent benets or conditional bonus8 fringe benets!
and o  Te elimination of an e*isting
4! >roductivity incentives! benet in e*cange for an e)ual or
better one does not violate ?rt $GG!
Reclassication o# "ositionK
Not establise %racticeK @ista/e in o from rank(and(le to supervisory (
A%% o# Law te position olders lose <T pay
8lo-e +ac$ay v 'L)6 E' ad been and oter benets but ?rt $GG is
computing te 5<L? by multiplying not violated!
>9/day by 9G days! Upon e;ectivity of  7ut, promotion & position
age <rder F, and in virtue tereof, it reclassication must be done in 1D!
used "" days or actual days of work!
Union disagreed and claimed 9G days  'ational ugar e:neries )orp v 'L
basis as company practice! %56 Not & ' 4nion6 E' implemented a ob
voluntary company practice! To be Evaluation program a;ecting all EEs!
considered as suc, it sould ave been 'espondents were reclassied from rank(and(
practiced over a long pd of time, and le to supervisory/managerial positions!
must be sown to ave been consistent 7ecause of tat, tey lost teir <T, rest day &
& deliberate and not merely an oliday pay but it was also sown tat tey
erroneous application of te law! received upward adjustments in basic pay &
amahang +anggagawa sa 6op orm v  allowances! %56 Tis reclassication is in
'L)/ 1ranted tat te E' ad granted essence a promotion w/c is one of te
an across(te(board wage increase  jurisprudentially recogni0ed e*clusive
pursuant to '? 4"4, tat single instance prerogatives of mgt, provided in is done in 1D!
may not be considered an establised Union failed to prove 7D on te part of te E'!
company practice! >romotion – te advancement from one
• Negotiate benets  – benets initiated position to anoter wit an increase in duties &
troug negotiation bet E' & EEs, suc as
responsibilities as autori0ed by law and te bonus, if te EE as served during te
usually accompanied by an increase in salary stipulated time, on te ground tat it was a
promise of mere gratuity!
ContingentGConitional BenetsK Ser2ices Renere as Basis o# Bonus
Bonus ( EEs wose ENT as been terminated may
( ?rt $GG is n/a to a benet wose grant still demand paymt of service under
depends on te e*istence of certain company policy and of te bonuses! Te '
conditions, so tat te benet is no is not defeated by a release & )uitclaim-
demandable if tose preconditions are (   L8 +arcos v 'L) & nsular Li*e 6 Te
absent! fact tat an EE as signed a satisfaction
7onus – an amt granted & paid to an EE for is receipt for is claims does not necessarily
industry & loyalty w/c contributed to te result in te waiver tereof! Te law does
success of te E'@s business and made not consider as valid any agreement
possible te reali0ation of prots! Ht is an act of  wereby a worker agrees to receive less
generosity! compensation tan wat e is entitled to
( it is not a demandable and enforceable recover! ? deed of release or )uitclaim
oblig! 7UT_ Ht is so wen it is made a part of  cannot bar an EE from demanding benets
te wage/salary! Hn suc a case, te latter to w/c e is legally entitled!
would be a *ed amt and te former would be No "rot- No Bonus
a contingent one dependent upon te ( 6raders oyal an$ v 'L)/   Te matter
reali0ation of prot of giving te EEs bonuses over & above
teir lawful salaries & allowances is entirely
<N bonus forms part of wages6 depends on dependent on te prots, if any, reali0ed by
te circs and conditions for its payment! te bank from its operations during te
a! Hf it is an addt@l compensation w/c te past year! %ince te scal condition aving
E' promised and agreed to give w/o declined, te bank may not be forced to
any conditions imposed for its payment, distribute bonuses w/c it can no longer
suc as success of business or greater a;ord to pay and, in e;ect, be penali0ed
production or output, ten it is  part o*  for its past generosity to its EEs!
the wage% • >roductivity Hncentives ( bonus tat comes
b! Hf it is paid only if prots are reali0ed on from productivity gain, or improved output
a certain amt of productivity acieved, witout increasing input
it cannot be considered part of te ( '? 24$6 EE@s sare is in te nature of 
wages! salary bonus proportionate to increases in
c! ere it is not payable to all but only to current productivity over te average for
laborers and only wen te laborer te preceding 9 consecutive yrs
becomes more e=cient or more ( Not gratuitous8 it is a benet claimable only
productive, it is only an inducement for on te basis of predened output level
e=ciency, a pri0e terefor, not a part of  ( 5ontingent/conditional8 if tey are not
te wage! given because te preconditions are
Luzon tevedoring )orp case/ ?n E' absent, ?rt $GG is not violated e*cept
cannot be forced to distribute bonuses peraps if tere is contractual commitment
w/c it can no longer a;ord to pay! To to te contrary!
old oterwise would be to penali0e te
E' for is past generosity! "D H7: 7(T> @ONT> "A 
 American 2ire & )a-le aily ated EEs ( adds $(mont pay to te usual $"(mont
4nion v A2) )o nc & the )A/  Dor a bonus to earnings! 7UT, does not cange te EE@s
be enforceable, it must ave been promised by basic wage! Kence, <T pay, restday pay,
te E' and e*pressly agreed by te parties, or %%% contributions & oter roll(up or add(on
it must ave ad a *ed amt and ad been a payroll costs do not increase!
long and regular practice on te part of te E'! ( 'e)uires at least $ mont service during
te calendar yr
E.uit' or Long "ractice as Basis o#  ( %5<>E6 all rank(and(le EEs, regardless or
Bonus salary rate!  managerial & supervisory
( Ph Education )o% nc v )/ even if a EEs
bonus is not demandable for not being part ( EI5E>TH<N6 E's wo are already paying
of te salary of te EE, te bonus may teir EEs a $9 tB> or its e)uivalent- are
neverteless be granted on e)uitable not covered by te decree! +te intent of 
consideration! te law was to grant addt@l income to EEs
( +arcos v 'L)/if one enters into a not already rcving te same not to all EEs
contract of ENT under an agreemt tat e but only to te unfortunate ones wo are
sall be paid a certain salary by te week not paid a $9tmont salary or wat
or some oter stated period and, in amounts to it, by watever name called.
addition, a bonus, in case e serves for a its E)uivalent - – sall include Imas bonus, mid(
specied lengt of time, tere is not reason year bonus, prot(saring payments and oter
for refusing to enforce te promise to pay cas bonuses amounting to not less tan $/$"
of te basic salary! en an E' pays less tan considering tat te E' pays tem a
$/$" of te EE@s basic salary, te E' sall pay small *ed/guaranteed wage8 te
te di;erence! ( ole P5 nc v Leogardo greater part being composed of te
 sall not include cas & stock dividends, sales/incentive commissions earned on
5<L?s, & all oter allowances regularly actual sales closed by tem
enjoyed by te EEs, as well as nonmonetary
benets +food, free electricity, etc. %ales commissions – are intimately related
ramanlis arms nc% v +inister o* La-or/ or directly proportional to te e*tent or
%uc benets in te form of food or free energy of an EE@s endeavors8 paid upon te
electricity are not te proper substitute for te specic results acieved by a salesman(EE8
$9tB> re)uired by law! Neiter may year(end it is a percentage of te sales closed by a
rewards for loyalty & service be considered in salesman & operates as an integral part of 
lieu of $9tB> suc salesman@s bsic pay!

 Hf te bonus was included in or considered as

the e<uivalent   of te $9tB>, tere would be
no need for a specic provision of suc bonus "! Hf tey are N<T integral part of te
in te 57?! 7ut if te 57? did provide for a basic salary, ten tey sld be
bonus in graduated amts depending on te e*cluded!
lengt of service, for e*ample, te intention is
clear tat te bonus provided in te 57? was oie06a$eda )ase6 te commissions
meant to be in addition to te legal paid to medreps were e*cluded from
re)uirement of $9tB>! te term basic salary- because tese
were paid to tem as productivity
$9tB> – deemed incorporated in te 57?, bonuses-! Tey are generally tied to te
employment contract!   Te absence of an productivity or capacity for revenue
e*press provision obligating te E' to pay production of a corp8 suc bonuses
$9tB> to te EEs is immaterial closely resemble prot(saring
payments and ave no clear direct or
$:t B> – basically a bonus, and  gratuitous8 necessary relation to te amt of work
( mgt prerogative & cannot be forced upon actually done by eac indiv EE!
te E'8 not legally demandable  Te commissions pd by 7oie to its
medreps could not ave been sales
E0clusions in te Co!%utation o# 7( t @" commissions! Bedreps are not
$9tB> \ $/$" of te -asic salary of te EE w/in a salesmen8 tey do not e;ect any sale of 
calendar year any article at all! Tey are EEs engaged
V6 at does =-asic salary>   includeZ in te promotion of parmaceutical
?6 7asic salary sall include all renumerations or products or med devices manufactured
earnings paid by an E' to an EE for services by teir E'! Tey promote suc
rendered products by visiting identied
 Not included + *ringe -ene:ts"
pysicians & inform suc pysicians
• 5<L?s granted pursuant to ># C"C/L<H orally/w/ te aid of brocures, of te
$4:, e*istence & cem composition of te
• prot(saring payments and all allowances parma product! Te addt@s payments
and given to tem were not in fact
• monetary benets w/c are not considered commissions but rater in te nature of 
or integrated as part of te regular or basic prot(saring bonuses!
salary of te EE
• <T >ay
Dringe benets – all allowances & monetary
benets w/c are not considered/integrated
as part of te basic salary 1uaranteed wage/commission – EEs wose
  Te items e*cluded by te decree may be income is guaranteed by way of wages and/or
included troug esta-lished practice or commissions are entitled to a $9tB> based on
agreement  binding on te E' teir earnings tat include commissions!

V6 ?re commissions included in te computationZ  Ph Agricultural )ommercial & ndustrial

?6 Ht depends! 2or$ers 4nion v 'L)6 te bus drivers &
$! Hf te commissions may properly be conductors of respondent transic co! +allegedly
considered part of te basic salary, tey paid on purely commission basis. are entitled
sould be included in computing te to $9tB> on bot teir *ed & guaranteed
$9 TKB> wage and commission
 in te case of a bus conductor paid on
Ph uplicators nc v 'L)/   te sales commission only as supported by is pay slips
commission earned by te sales men w/c indicated te varying amount of 
constitute part of teir compensation,
commissions e received eac trip not $! tose wose time & performance is
included in $9 TKB> supervised by te E'8
• piece(rate workers, esp wen tey
V6 Hs Teacers@ <verload >ay HncludedZ work in company premises +soes,
?6 Jes! Ht is considered part of teir basic pay for andicraft, garment.
te purposes of computing $9 tB> "! tose wose time & performance is
1'6 >ayments for overload work w/in 3 rs form unsupervised  by te E'!
part of te basic wage, & terefore are to be • >akyaw & takay basis – commonly
included in te computation of $9tB>! practiced in te agricultural industry
<verload – te load in e*cess of te normal load +planting, arvesting per ectare of 
of private scool teacers as prescribed by te land.
#E5% or te policies, rules & standard of  >akyaw >iece(rate
particular private scools! Bore aptly used 5ommon were te
Normal load( 3rs per working day wen te job/work output may easily
<verload work ` <vertime work to be performed is in be counted or
<vertime work <verload work bulk/volumes w/c measured
ork rendered in Bay be performed are di=cult to
e*cess of te eiter w/in or )uantify
normal working rs outside 3 rs in a
of 3 in a day day S>ayment by result is not determinative of EE(E'
'elsip! Ht is merely a metod of compensation
"ro%ortionate 7(t@" and does not dene te essence of te
( an EE wo as resigned or was dismissed relation!
at any time before te time for payment of 
te $9tB> is entitled to tis monetary Basis o# Out%ut RateK "rocess to set te
benet in proportion to the length o* time Stanar
he wor$ed during the year ! unless $! <n  petition of any interested party, or
oterwise stipulated in te 57? upon its initiative, te #<LE sall use all
available reps of E's & workers@ orgs, to
Distresse E!%lo'er – e*empted from paying determine weter te EEs in any
$9tB> upon prior  autori0ation from te %ec of  industry/enterprise are being
#<LE compensated in accordance w/ te min
wage re)mts
#i;erence of opinion in te computation of $9 tB> "! Te basis for te establisment of rates
is a nonstri$ea-le issue !  a strike eld on tis per pc, output or contract work sall be
ground is illegal% te performance of an ordinary worker of 
6o2t E!%lo'ees – not covered by $9 tB> min skill/ability!
Sea#arers  – not covered by $9 tB>8 because 9! ?n ordinary worker of min skill/ability is
tey are contractual, not regular EEs! Teir te average worker of te lowest
ENT is governed by teir 5ontract of  producing group representing CGR of te
Enlistment w/c was approved by te ><E?! Ht total F of EEs engaged in similar ENT in a
does not provide for $9 tB>! particular establisment, e*cluding
learners, apprentices & andicapped
workers employed terein!
:! ere te output rates establised by te
Art 77) "A@ENT B RESULTS 4"iecewor/5 E' do not conform w/ te standards
Te Sec o# Labor sall regulate te prescribed erein, or w/ te rates
%a'!ent o# wages b' results- incluing prescribed by te #<LE in an approp
%a/'ao- %iecewor/ an oter noonti!e order, te EEs sall be entitled to te di; 
wor/- in orer to ensure te %a'!ent o#  bet te amt to w/c tey are entitled to
#air & reasonable wage rates- %re#erabl' receive under suc prescribed
troug ti!e & !otion stuies or in standards/rates and tat actually paid
consultation wG re%s o# wor/ers & ERMs tem by te E'!
B) As to Rate o# "a'!ent
orkers paid by results – workers wose pay is $! Tose wo are paid piece rates w/c are
calculated not on te basis of time spent on  prescri-ed in >iece 'ate <rders issued by
te job but of te )uantity & )uality or te kind #<LE
of work tey turn out! +nontime work.! F of pieces * rate per pc
( stress is placed on te unit of work ( tese workers are not covered by te 'ule
produced or te )uantity tereof  on Kours of ork +no premium & <T pay.
( a uniform amount is paid per unit
accomplised "! Tose wo are paid output rates w/c are
prescribed by te E' and are not yet
Categories o# "iece1rate wor/ers approved by te #<LE!
A) As to %resence o# control

F of pcs * rate per pc as determined by $! >aid on piece(work
te E'! "! >aid on takay
9! >aid on pakyaw
a!. Hf te resulting amt is   tan te :! >aid on task basis i* their output rates are
statutory min daily rate in rel to te in accordance w/ te standards under %ec
F of rs worked, te worker will rcv 3 'ule 4 7ook 9, or were suc rates ave
suc amt! been *ed by te %ec of Labor
b!. 7UT, if te amt is less tan te
applicable legal rate, it is possible Benets "a'able to "iece1Rate or/ers
tat te rates per pc are not in $! %tatutory minimum wage +B.
accordance w/ te standards! Hn "! Jearly service incentive leave of C days w/
tat case, te E' is re)uired by law pay +%HL.
to pay te di;erence! 9! Nigt sift di;erential +N#.
:! Koliday pay +K>.
Entitle!ent o# "iece1Rate or/ers to NSD C! Beal & rest periods +Beal/rest.
an S=L ! <vertime pay +conditional. +<T.
a! Unsupervised – no <T/%HL 4! >remium pay +conditional. +>>.
b! %upervised – entitled to <T/%HL 3! $9tBont pay +$9t.
( Te yearly commutation/cas conversion of te 2! oter benets granted by law, by
%HL sould be based on teir average daily indiv/57? or company policy/practice
earnings earned during te yr by te actual +57?.
number of working days or te statutory min
rate, wicever is iger! BC 6uielines Su!!ar'
1'6 te amt earned during te year may   Te rate(per(pc to be paid to a worker
e*clude 5<L?, <T pay, and premium pay, sould be submitted to #<LE for approval!
oliday pay, N%# and company fringe benets  #<LE decides weter te outpu(and(pay
 tere is agreement to te contrary proposal of te E' fairly & reasonably
Hllustration of te computation meets te legal B, based on te output
 Total wages earned for $ yr  $" \ ave of ave! workers doing same products
montly earning under comparable conditions!
?BE  9GSSS \ #aily Earnings  Hf #<LE approves te proposal it becomes
#E * C \ ve(day incentive pay te standard +)uota.! 7ecause te #<LE(
SSS sould be te actual days of work in a approved standard is presumed fair &
mont reasonable, a piece(rater wo does not
reac te )uota will earn less tan te
Entitle!ent to >olia' "a' legal B and not w/ te pay formula! Hn
( sall not be less tan is average daily suc case te E' need not make up te
earnings for te last 4 actual working days di; bet te legal B and te wage
immediately preceding te regular oliday! actually earned!
Provided however,  tat in no case sall te  <n te oter and, if te outpu(and(pay
oliday pay be less tan te applicable sceme as not been approved by #<LE,
statutory min wage rate or does not conform w/ #<LE(issued
orders, ten te E' may be re)uired to
Entitle!ent to 7( t@" pay te sortfall bet te actual earning
1'6 ># 3C$ e*empts from payment of $9 tB> E's and te prescribed B!
of tose wo are paid a *ed amt for   Te piece(rate pay formula needs #<LE@s
performing specic work, irrespective of time approval so ast to protect te worker@s
consumed in te perf tereof, rigt to be paid or to earn at least te B,
e*cept were te workers are paid on  piece0 and at te same time, to elp te E'
wor$ -asis  +tose wo are paid a standard amt obtain te corresponding work ouput!
for every pc/unit of work produced tat is C ( "A@ENT O< A6ES
more/less regularly replicated, w/o regard to Art 7;) <OR@S O< "A@ENT
te time spent in producing te same. in w/c
case te E' sall grant te $9 tB> to suc EEs! >roof of age payment – E' as burden of proof 
 Te piece(rate worker sould ave rendered at  Te H's re)uire every E' to keep a payroll! ?mong
least $ mont work/service during te calendar oter tings, it must sow te lengt of time to
yr! be paid, te pay rate, te amt actually paid,
and so on! ?N# te EE sould sign te payroll!
Not Entitle to >"-ND- S=L- 7( t@" ER cannot %a' is wor/ers b' !eans o#:
$! Dield personnel $! >romissory notes
"! Unsupervised employees "! Poucers
9! Engaged on task/contract basis 9! 5oupons
:! >urely commission basis :! Tokens
C! >aid a *ed amt for performing work C! Tickets
irrespective of te time consumed ! 5its
Not Entitle to OT "a' 4! ?ny obj oter tan legal tender
Even wen e*pressly re)uested by te EE! stakes of money or tins representing money
e*cept in te case of persons employed in
6R: "a'!ent b' legal tener suc places!
: "a'!ent b' cec/ or !one' orer !a'
be allowe i# te sa!e is: Re.uisites #or "a'!ent tru Ban/s 4age
$! 5ustomary on te date of e;ectivity of te Rationaliation Act5
L58 $! Tere must be written permission of te
"! Necessary because of special circs as majority of te EEs concerned in an
determined by te %ec of Labor8 establisment8
9! %tipulated in te 578 or "! Te establisment must ave "C/more
:! ere te ; conditions are met EEs8 and
a! Tere is a bank or oter facility for 9! Te establisment must be located w/in $
encasment w/in $km radius8 km radius to te bank
b! Te E', or any of is agents or
reps, does not rcv any pecuniary Re.uisites o# "a'!ent tru AT@
benet directly/indirectly from te $! Te ?TB sys of paymt is w/ te written
arrangement8 consent of te EE concerned8
c! Te EEs are given reasonable time "! Te EEs are given reasonable time to
during banking rs to witdraw witdraw teir wages from te bank
teir wages from te bank w/c time facility w/c, if done during working rs,
sall be considered as sall be considered as compensable rs
compensable ours worked if done worked8
during working rs8 and 9! Te sys sall allow te EE to rcv teir
d! Te payment by ceck is w/ te wage w/in te period & te amt prescribed
written consent of te EEs under te L58
concerned if tere is no 57? :! Tere is a bank/?TB facility w/in $km
autori0ing te payment of wages radius from te workplace8
by bank cecks! C! Upon te re)uest of te concerned EE, te
E' sall issue a record evidencing paymt
Art 7() T=@E O< "A@ENT of wages, benets & deductions for a
particular pd8
1'6 ! Te ?TB sys of paymt sall neiter result
$! ?t least once every " weeks8 or in diminution of benets & privileges of 
"! Twice a mont at intervals not e*ceeding te EE nor sall te latter incur addt@l
$ days! e*penses in te process8 and
6 4! Te E' sall assume full responsibility in
$! Hn case of force majeure or oter circs case te wage protection provisions of law
beyond te E'@s control, payment must be & regulations are not complied w/ under
made immediately after suc occurrence te arrangemt
as ceased!
"! Hf engaged to perform a task w/c cannot Art 7H) D=RECT "A@ENT O< A6ES
be completed in " weeks and in te 1'6 ages sall be paid directly to te workers to
absence of 57? or arbitration award6 wom tey are due!
a! >ayment sall be made at intervals 6 E*ceptions
not e*ceeding $ days, in 7) "a'!ent troug anoter %erson
proportion to te amt of work a! Hn case of force majeure rendering
completed8 suc payment impossible provided
b! Tat nal settlement is made upon said person is under written
completion of work! autority given by te worker for
Art 7F) "LACE O< "A@ENT te purpose8
1'6 ?t or near te place of undertaking b! en autori0ed under e*isting
6 law, including payments for
$! en payment cannot be e;ected at or insurance premiums of te EE and
near te place of work by reason of  union dues were te ' to ceck(
deterioration of peace & order conditions, o; as been recogni0ed by te E'
or by reason of actual or impending in accordance w/ a 57? or
emergencies caused by re, Aood or oter autori0ed in writing by te indiv
calamity rendering paymt tereat EEs concerned!
"! en te E' provides for free transpo to ;) "a'!ent troug te eirs o# te
te EEs back and fort8 and wor/er
9! Under any oter analogous circs! ( in case te worker as died, E' may pay
"roibition6 No E' sall pay is EEs in a bar, wages of te deceased worker to te eirs
nigt or day club, drinking establisment, of te latter w/o te necessity of intestate
massage clinic, dance all or oter similar proceedings!
places or in places were games are played w/

"roceure Kence, te "ART=ES involved are6
$. 5laimants sall e*ecute an a=davit $! >rincipal8
attesting teir relsp to te "! 5ontractor/subcontractor8 and
deceased and te fact tat tey are 9! 5ontractual workers
is eirs, to te e*clusion of all Laws applicable between6
oters +?=davit of Ne*t of Win.8 $! >rincipal & 5ontractor   5ivil 5ode &
". Hn case of a minor eir, a=davit pertinent commercial laws
sall be e*ecuted on is bealf by "! 5ontractor & is EEs   Labor 5ode &
is natural guardian or ne*t of kin8 special labor laws
9. ?=davit sall be presented to te 9! >rincipal & contractor@s EEs  no EE(E'
E' wo sall make paymt troug 'elationsip
te %ec of Labor or is rep8 7UT E'(EE 'elsip will e*ist bet te
:. Te rep sall act as referee in >rincipal & te orkers were te
dividing te amt paid among te contracting arrangement is not
eirs8 and legitimate, as in labor(only contracting
C. >ayment of wages under tis ?rt
sall absolve te E' of any furter Ele!ents o# =ne%enent Contractor Job
liability w/ respect to te amt paid! Contracting
() "a'!ent troug a #a!il' !e!ber o#  $! Te sub/contractor carries on a distinct
te wor/ers #a!il' and independent  business and undertakes
( were te E' is autori0ed in writing by te to perform te job on is own account and
EE to pay is wages to a member of is family under is own responsibility, according to
its own manner and metod and free from
Su!!ar' o# Legal "roibitions on ages te control & direction of te principal in
$. >ayment of wages in non(cas form8 all matters connected w/ te performance
". >ayment of wages in nigt and day clubs, of te work e*cept to te results tereof8
bars & oter similar places8 "! Te sub/contractor as su-stantial capital
9. Non(diminution of wages8 and or investment in tool, e)uipment and
:. Non(interference by te E's in te EE@s macineries, work premises and oter
disposition of teir wages! materials necessary in te conduct of is
Su!!ar' o# Rules on "a'!ent o# ages 9! Te agreement  bet te principal and
at Legal Tender! sub/contractor assures te contractual EEs
must be  promissory notes, voucers, entitlement to all labor & ealt
paid coupons, tokens, tickets, cits, standards, free e*ercise of te ' to self(
or any oter obj oter tan org, security of tenure and social & welfare
legal tender benets8
en <nce every " weeks, or :! Bust be properly registered as suc in
 Twice a mont at intervals of at accordance w/ #< F$3(G"! +Te absence
least $ days of registration only gives rise to te
ere ?t or near te place of   presumption tat te contractor is
undertaking engaged in labor(only contracting a
Kow #irectly to te EE presumption tat can be refuted!.

;) Labor1onl' Contracting – an arrangement

Art 78) CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR were te sub/contractor merely recruits,
supplies or places workers to perform a job,
T'%es o# Contractors uner te Law
work or service for a principal, and AN   of te
7) Job Contracting or Subcontracting – an
; ELE@ENTS is present6
arrangement wereby a principal agrees to put a! Lack of substantial capital/investment
out or farm out wit a contractor or AND performance of activities directly
subcontractor te performance or completion related to te principal@s business
of a specic job, work or service w/in a denite +conrming element.8 or
or predetermined period, regardless or b! Te contractor does not e*ercise te rigt
weter suc job, work, or service is t be of control over te performance of te
performed or completed w/in or outside te contractual EE +conrming element.8
premises of te principal c! Te arrangement is merely to recruit,
supply or place workers to perform a job,
E0istence o# Trilateral Relationsi%
work, or service for a principal +Essential
(under tis legitimate contracting te ;  Element.
CONTRACTS e*ist6 • L<5 \ Essential Element ] eiter or bot
a! 5ontract for specic job, work or service conrming element/s
bet te principal & te
contractor/subcontractor8 and
b! 5ontract of ENT bet te Labor(only contracting is wrong & proibited bco0
contractor/subcontractor and its workers! it is an attempt to evade te obligs of an EEr6
a. To respect EE@s ' to unioni0e8 E'.
b. ' to ENT standards8  Te law creates an  Te statute creates
c. ' to security of tenure E'(EE relsp for a an E'(EE relsp for
limited purpose, i!e! a compreensive
to ensure tat te purpose, i!e! to
%ubstantial capital – capital stocks and EEs are paid teir prevent a
subscribed capitali0ation in te case of corps, wages circumvention of 
tools, e)uipment, implements, macineries labor laws
and work premises, actually & directly used by  Te principal  Te principal
te sub/contractor in te performance or becomes solidarily becomes solidarily
completion of te job, work or service liable w/ te liable w/ te
contracted out! contractor in te contractor not only
( te law does not re)uire bot substantial even te latter fails for unpaid wages
capital and investment in te form of tools, to pay te EEs but also for all te
e)uipment, macineries, etc! wages and for rigtful claims of 
violation of labor te EEs under te
'igt to control – refers to te rigt reserved to standard laws! Te L5 ?N# ?N5HLL?'J
te person for wom te service of te liability, owever L?%
contractual workers are performed, to does not e*tend to
determine not only te end to be acieved, but te paymt of  
also te manner & means to be used in backwages or
reacing tat end separation pay of 
EEs wo are illegally
nsular li*e v 'L)/  e*clusive servicing- dismissed
esp springing from a regulation issued by te >ermissible >roibited by law
Hnsurance 5ommission, and not from an >resence of   None
intention by te alleged E', does not substantial capital
necessarily mean being under te control or or investment
ENT of te entity being served! Te relsip Note6 Te principal sall be %<LH#?'HLJ liable w/
may still be classied as independent te contractor in te event of any violation of 
contractorsip because te element of control any provision of te L5, including failure to pay
is absent! wages! Tis will not prevent te principal from
claiming reimbursement from te contractor!
( EEs may resign from teir jobs to
become contractors to teir former E', but te Note6 Te principal sall be deemed te E' of te
latter sould cease controlling te means & contractual EE in any of te ; cases as
metod of doing te work allegedly declared by competent autority6
contracted, oterwise, te result is L<5! $! Labor(only contracting8 and
"! 5ontracting arrangement falling w/in te
Su!!ar' o# "roibite Labor Contracting
$! Labor(only contracting8
"! 5ontracting tat terminates te ENT of  Art 7$) =ND=RECT ER  any person,
regular EEs, or reduces teir work rs, or partnersip, assoc or corp w/c not being n E',
reduces/splits a bargaining unit, if suc contracts w/ an independent contractor for te
contracting out is not done in 1D & not perf of any work, task, job or proj!
 justied by business e*igencies8
9! 5ontracting w/ a 5abo – person/s or labor F <eatures o# Legiti!ate Contracting
group w/c, in te guise of a labor org, $! >arties – a principal +contractee. enters
supplies workers to an E' w/ or w/o any into a contract w/ a contractor, or if te
monetary or oter consideration weter principal is imself a contractor, e enters
in te capacity of an agent of te E' or as into contact w/ a sub(contractor! ?
an ostensible independent contractor8 contracted job may be subcontracted,
:! 5ontracting w/ in(ouse agency8 partly or wolly, unless proibited in te
C! 5ontracting because of a strike/lockout8 contract!
! 5ontracting tat constitutes UL> under ?rt "! %pecic job – te contract calls for te
":3! performance or completion of a specic
 job, work or service8
 <7 5<NT'?5THN1 L?7<'(<NLJ 9! >eriod – suc job, work or service is to be
5<NT'?5THN1 performed or completed w/in a denite or
 Te E'/principal is  Te E'/principal is predetermined period8 and
merely an indirect treated as direct E' :! Location – te contracted job, work or
E', by operation of  of te contractor@s service may be performed or completed
law, of is EEs in all instances inside or outside te premises of te
contractor@s EEs +contractor is principal
deemed agen of te

?n independent contractor is one wo e*ercises6 E*tent of >rincipal@s Liability in Legitimate
$! Hndependent ENT8 5ontracting
"! 5ontracts to do a pc of work accdg to is ( solidarily liable in te event of any violation
own metods8 and of any provisions of te L5
9! Hs not subj to control of E'  result $! Dor wages and money claims – if te
sub/contractor fails to pay te wages of 
 Te labor contractor is legit if6 is EEs in accdance w/ te L5, te E'
$! Ke is a job contractor8 and sall be jointly & severally +solidarily.
"! Hs properly registered w/ #<LE as te liable w/ is contractor to suc EEs to
same te e*tent of work performed under te
contract, in te same manner & e*tent
 udicial Notice of ob 5ontracting tat e is liable to EEs directly
( Te 5ourt as already taken judicial notice employed by im!
of te general practice adopted in several Ke cannot escape tis liability even
gort & private institutions and industries of  if e as paid te workers@ wage rate in
iring independent contractors to perform accordance w/ te contract w/ te
special services! Tese services range from contractor! Te EEs are not privy to te
 janitorial, security and even tecnical or contract! ?lso, te labor standard
oter specic services! ile tese legislations are considered written in
services may be considered directly related every contract! %imilarly, legislated
to te principal business of te E', wage increases are deemed
neverteless, tey are not necessary in te amendments to te contract! Tus, E's
conduct of te principal business of te E'! cannot ide beind teir contracts in
order to evade teir or teir
 ? manpower company may be a L<5 in one contractor@s liability for noncompliance
case but an independent contractor in anoter! w/ te statutory min wage, w/o
 )oca0cola ottlers Ph v 5ingpit/ prejudice to is ' to recover watever
Lipercon was adjudged to be a L<5 in a previous amount e paid from te contractor!
case +1uarin v Lipercon., for lacking te
substantial capital! 7ut not so in te present case, "! a. 'eimbursement – te joint & several
were it as been able to establis its caracted liability of te contractor & te principal
as an independent contractor! ?side form iring under ?rts $G, $G4 & $G2 of te L5 is
its own EEs and paying te workers teir salaries, mandated to assure compliance of te
it also e*ercised supervision & control over tem, provisions including te statutory min
w/c is te most important aspect in determining wage! Te contractor is made liable by
E'(EE 'elsp! virtue of is status as te direct E'8 and
Art 7) "OST=N6 O< BOND te principal is made te indirect E' of 
( ?n E' or indirect E' may re)uire te te contractor@s EEs for purposes of 
sub/contractor to furnis a bond e)ual to paying te EEs teir wages sould te
te cost of labor under contract, on contractor fail to do so!
condition tat te bond will answer for te ( were no E'(EE 'elsp
wages due te EEs sould te e*ists bet te parties, as to
sub/contractor, as te case may be fail to reimbursement bet te principal & te
pay te same! contractor, te 'T5 as jurisdiction
( ere te E' fails to re)uire te contractor
to post a bond, te E' must answer for b. >ayment before 'eimbursement –
watever liabilities te contractor may but one may seek reimbursement only
ave incurred to is EEs! Tis is w/o ?DTE' it as paid te EEs!
prejudice to its seeking reimbursement
from te contractor for watever amt it will c. Dor <ter Piolations – )ualied or
ave to pay te EEs! limited liability8 if te liability is for
failure to pay te min wage, or te %HL,
Art 79) SOL=DAR L=AB=L=T  or oter benets derived from or
 Te provision of e*isting laws to te contrary provided for by law, te principal is
notwitstanding, every E' or indirect E' sall e)ually liable w/ te contractor as if te
be eld responsible w/ is sub/contractor for principal were te direct E'!
any violation of any provision of te L5! Dor 7UT, if te liability is invested w/
purposes of determining te e*tent of teir punitive caracter, suc as an award for
civil liability under tis 5, tey sall be backwages & separation pay because of 
considered as direct E's! an illegal dismissal of te contractor@s
EE, te liability sould be solel' tat
 Te e*istence of E'(EE 'elsp is a precondition to o# te contractor in absence of proof 
entitlement to labor standards & labor relatios tat te principal conspired w/ te
's! contractor in te commission of te
illegal dismissal!

'igts of 5ontractual EEs +EEs of a legitimate 1'6 Te absence of registration gives rise to te
contractor. presumption tat te contractor is engaged in
$! %afe & ealtful working conditions8 L<5,
"! Labor standards suc as %HL, rest days,   7ut, if te contractor directly supervises te
<T >ay, oliday pay, $9 tB>, & workers & imposes disciplinary action, e
separation pay8 )ualies as a legit contractor despite
9! %% & welfare benets8 nonregistration w/ #<LE!
:! %elf(orgs, 57 and peaceful concerted
action8 and Art) 77) ORER "RE<ERENCE =N CASE O<
C! %ecurity of tenure! BANRU"TC
( orkers sall enjoy rst %re#erence as
5ertain conditions re)uired e*pressly stipulated in regards teir unpaid wages & oter
te ENT 5ontract monetary claims, any provision of law to
$! %pecic description of te job, work or te contrary notwitstanding!
service to be performed by te contractual ( Unpaid wages earned by EEs before te
EE8 declaration of bankruptcy or judicial
"! Te place of work and terms & conditions li)uidation of te E'@s business sall be
of ENT, uncluding a statement of te wage given rst preference & sall be paid in full
rate applicable to te indiv contractual EE8 before oter creditors may establis any
and claim to sare in te assets of te
9! Te term/duration of ENT, w/c sall be employer!
coe*tensive w/ te contract of te ( Not only unpaid wages, but also oter
principal & contractor or w/ te specic monetary claims to w/c even claims of te
pase for w/c te contractual EE is govt must be deemed subordinate!
engaged, as te case may be!  n/a in case te E'(corp is under
 Te sub/contractor sall inform te reabilitation!
contractual EE of te foregoing terms &
conditions on or before te $ st  day of is 5onditions6
ENT! $! Dormal declaration of insolvency or
%ecurity of Tenure6 "! 1eneral judicial li)uidation proceedings of 
a! in cases of termination of ENT prior to te te E'@s business8 and
e*piration of te contract bet te principal 9! Diling of claims by workers!
& te sub/contractor, te ' of te
contractual EE to separation pay or oter Art 777) ATTORNEMS <EES
related benets sall be governed by 'ules6
applicable laws & jurisprudence on $! Hn cases of unlawful witolding of wages,
termination of ENT! te culpable party may be assessed atty@s
fees e)uivalent to $GR of te amt of 
b! ere te termination results from wages recovered!
e*piration of contract bet te principal & "! Ht sall be unlawful for any person to
te contractor, or from completion of te demand or accept, in any judicial or admin
pase of te job for w/c te EE is proceedings for te recovery of te wages,
engagednot entitled to separation pay! atty@s fees w/c e*ceed $GR of te amt of 
 owever, tis sall be w/o prejudice to wages recovered!
completion bonuses or oter emoluments,
incl retirement pay as may be provided by
law/contract bet te principal & te 5oncepts of ?tty@s Dees
contractor! a! <rdinary – reasonable compensation paid
to a lawyer by is client for te legal
%ecurity of tenure re)uires procedural due services e as rendered!
process for termination of ENT! b! E*traordinary – indemnity for damages
ordered by te court to be paid by te
No security of tenure for casual EEs! losing party in a litigation, and is not to be
'egistration of 5ontractors paid to te lawyer but to te client, unless
'e)uirements6 tey ave agreed tat te award sall
$! %ubmission of annual reports pertain to te lawyer as an addtl
a! %worn undertaiking tat te sss, compensation or as a part tere of!
Kome #evt Butual Dund,
>ilKealt, EEs 5ompensation 1'6 ?warded atty@s fee may not e*ceed $GR,
5ommission +E55., and 7H'  but bet lawyer & client .uantu! !eruit  may
remittances apply!
"! Tey are subj to routine inspection by te
#<LE Vuantum meruit – as muc as e deserves!
E;ect of Nonregistration6

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