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29/01 Word(s) of the day:

- resplendent (adjective)
meaning: brightly coloured in an impressive way
sentence: “He glimpsed Sonia, resplendent in a red dress.”

- transcended (verb)
meaning: exceeded
sentence: “His latest bout of bad behaviour transcended even his worst excesses.”

30/01 Word(s) of the day:

- vulnerability (noun)
meaning: the quality or state of being exposed to possibility of being attacked or harmed
sentence: “Conservation authorities have realized the vulnerability of the local population.”

- plausible (adjective)
meaning: seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed
sentence: “It is absolutely plausible that the boy has brain damage.”

11/02 Word(s) of the day:

- jeopardy (noun)
meaning: danger of loss, harm or failure
sentence: “Driving over the speed limit puts your life in jeopardy.”

14/02 Word(s) of the day:

- excruciating (adjective)
meaning: intensely painful; very embarrassing, awkward, or tedious
sentence: “He was kept awake by the excruciating pain in his arm.”

19/02 Word(s) of the day:

- peril (noun)
meaning: serious and immediate danger
sentence: “Everyone knows drinking poison is an act that will put your life in peril.”

20/02 Word(s) of the day:

- animation (noun)
meaning: the state of being full of life or vigour; liveliness
sentence: “We should start off our day with animation.”

- zest (noun)
meaning: great enthusiasm and energy; the outer coloured part of the peel of citrus fruit
sentence: “It’s great to see everyone completing the task with zest.”

28/02 Word(s) of the day:

- thrill (noun)
meaning: a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
sentence: “The thrill when bungee jumping is overwhelming.”

05/03 Word(s) of the day:

- agitation (noun)
meaning: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement
sentence: “There was no trace of agitation on her face.”
02/04 Word(s) of the day:
- turmoil (noun)
meaning: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
sentence: “The country was in turmoil after the change of government

09/04 Word(s) of the day:

- lie (verb)
meaning: to rest flat on the surface; to intentionally tell a false statement
sentence: “I lie down on my bed.”

- lay (verb)
meaning: put (something) down gently or carefully

- disinterested (adjective)
meaning: unbiased
sentence: “Lawyers provide disinterested advice.”

- uninterested (adjective)
meaning: not interested
sentence: “He was obviously uninterested in the conversation.”

Lie Lay
Present tense Lie, lies
Past tense Lay
Past participle Lain, lied
Present participle Lying
Present continuous Is lying
Past perfect Had lain, had lied
Present perfect Has lain, has lied

11/04 Word(s) of the day:

- mayhem (noun)
meaning: violent or extreme disorder; chaos
sentence: “The disagreement between them caused extreme mayhem.”

16/04 Word(s) of the day:

- undulating (adjective)
meaning: having a smoothly rising and falling form or outline
sentence: “The undulating hills and valleys painted the countryside.

- sinuous (adjective)
meaning: having many curves and turns
sentence: “Of all his qualities, sinuous grace is not one of them.”

18/04 Word(s) of the day:

- soothing (adjective)
meaning: having a gently calming effect
sentence: "Almond oil is renowned for its soothing properties."

synonyms: soporific, placid, lulling, sedative, tranquilizing, serene, tantalizing

23/04 Word(s) of the day:
- opulent (adjective)
meaning: ostentatiously costly and luxurious; wealthy
sentence: “We were afraid to sit in the chairs because they looked so opulent.”

synonyms: lavish, expensive, fancy, magnificent, sumptuous

30/04 Word(s) of the day:

- paroxysm (noun)
meaning: sudden attack or outburst of a particular emotion or activity

synonyms: convulsion, eruption, outbreak, seizure

antonyms: calm, peacefulness, exodus, depression

02/05 Word(s) of the day:

- lofty (adjective)
meaning: of imposing height; of a noble or elevated nature; haughty and aloof; thick and resilient
sentence: “Alvin asked whether he was lofty as he towered over everyone.”

synonyms: snobbish, elevated

antonyms: modest, low

16/05 Word(s) of the day:

- contemporary (adjective)
meaning: living or occurring at the same time; belonging to or occurring in the present
sentence: “The dance crew performed an extremely mesmerizing contemporary dance.”

synonyms: modern, current

antonyms: old-fashioned, out-of-date

- contemporary (noun)
meaning: a person or living thing or existing at the same time as another
sentence: “She and I are contemporaries in high school.”

synonyms: peer, fellow

antonyms: future

22/05 Word(s) of the day:

- cypher/cipher
meaning: noun. a secret or disguised way of writing
verb. encode
sentence: “He decoded the secret message that was in cypher.”

synonyms: decipher, solve

antonyms: decode, lose

10/06 Word(s) of the day:

- clamour
meaning: noun. a loud, confused noise, especially that of people shouting
verb. shout loudly and insistently
sentence: “The auction site rose to a clamour.”
synonyms: uproar, yell
antonyms: silence, peace

18/06 Word(s) of the day:

- fraught (adjective)
meaning: causing or affected by anxiety or stress; a course of action filled with or likely to result in
something undesirable
sentence: “The world is fraught with danger.”

synonyms: loaded with, anxious

antonyms: calm, empty

24/06 Word(s) of the day:

- said (verb)
meaning: 1) past and past participle of say
2) used in legal language or humorously to refer to someone or something already mentioned or

synonyms: stated, exclaimed, told, says, murmured, whispered, mumbled, exclaimed, gasped, replied,
shouted, emphasized, demanded, baffled, questioned, snapped, jeered, hinted, ordered, uttered

03/07 Word(s) of the day:

- phenomenal (adjective)
meaning: remarkable or exceptional, or especially good
sentence: “The movie was phenomenal, filled with lots of unexpected turns.”

synonyms: stunning, wonderful

antonyms: ordinary, usual

10/07 Word(s) of the day:

- ostentatious (adjective)
meaning: too obviously showing money, possessions or power in attempt to make other notice and admire
sentence: “The ostentatious lifestyle she has makes others envy.”

synonyms: attention-seeking, showing off

antonyms: humble, modest

23/07 Word(s) of the day:

- memorialisation (verb)
meaning: a commemoration or remembrance of someone or something
sentence: ”As a way to honour the victims of 9-11, the government has turned the tragedy site into a
memorialization for the lives lost.”

synonyms: commemoration, manifestation

antonyms: celebration

29/07 Word(s) of the day:

- nippy (adjective)
meaning: able to move quickly; chilly
sentence: “She is very nippy for a person who doesn’t do sports.”
synonyms: nimble, chilly
antonyms: clumsy, warm

20/08 Word(s) of the day:

- centenarians (noun)
meaning: a person who is a hundred or more years old
sentence: “Japan has more than 4000 centenarians.”

synonyms: old
antonyms: young

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