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Enhanced Method For Identification Of Objects Class And

Qualities In Real Images

Prof. .N.K.Darwante Prof. Dr.D.N.Kyatanavar

SRES College of engg. SRES College of engg.
Kopargaon -423603 Kopargaon-423603

Introduction: scientific discipline, computer vision is

concerned with the theory behind
artificial systems that extract information
All objects in the world are made of
from images. The image data can take
some material or another, and we usually
many forms, such as video sequences,
have a good idea what, just by looking.
views from multiple cameras, or multi-
Under typical viewing conditions, we
dimensional data from a medical scanner
find it trivial to distinguish between
different materials, such as metal, plastic
and paper, irrespective of the form of the
Object identification is important for the
object or the conditions of illumination.
everyday activities of recognition,
planning, and action. These tasks require
Human being are having ability to
the visual system to obtain geometrical
visually identify and discriminate objects
information about the shapes of objects,
class and some sort of qualities of the
their spatial layout, and their material
object like difference between cotton and
synthetic shirts, paper and cloths, plastic
chair and steel chair, this ability of
The human visual system is
human being is called perception. This
extraordinarily competent at extracting
judgment ability of human being vary for
necessary geometrical information.
wide real objects with the help of our
Navigation, judgments of collision and
sense organs eyes, ear, nose, and hand or
reaching rely on knowledge of spatial
body, we are able to identify objects
relationships between objects and
class and qualities [1].
between the viewer and object surfaces.
Shape-based recognition and actions
In this field lot of study has been done
such as grasping require information
about human ability of perception under
about the internal shapes and boundaries
visual psychophysics and their aim is to
of objects. Extracting information about
find out the inter link between visual
the material that objects are made of is
stimulus and perceptual responses to
also important for daily visual function
material properties.
On the other side in computer vision
Image features such as color, texture,
technique similar type of development is
and shading depend on the material
in progress. Here developments are for
reflectivity and roughness of a surface.
extracting the objects properties from
Distinguishing different materials is
their photographs (real Images).
useful for object detection (e.g., texture
differences are cues for separating figure
Computer vision is the science and
from ground) as well as for judging
technology of machines that see. As a
ability such as edibility (e.g., ripe fruit or materials because of method available
not) and grasp ability (e.g., slippery or for identification of these objects.
not). Understanding how the brain
translates retinal image intensities to Therefore it is the time and need to find
useful information about objects is a out new enhanced method for
tough problem on theoretical grounds identification of objects class and
alone. The difficulty of object perception qualities, which should be useful for
arises because natural images are both large range of object identification and
complex and objectively ambiguous. The judgment of their qualities by using their
images received by the eye are complex real images.
high dimensional functions of scene
information. The complexity of the Previous work
problem is evident in the primate visual
system in which approximately ten Previous work in computer graphics and
million retinal measurements are sent to computer vision: In computer graphics
the brain each second, where they are the desire to create convincing
processed by some billion cortical simulations of materials like skin, hair,
neurons [4]. The ambiguity of image fabrics and so on, has led to several
intensities also poses a major formalizations of the reflectance
computational challenge to extracting properties of materials. The most popular
object information. Similar three one , the bi-directional reflectance
dimensional (3-D) geometrical shapes distribution function or BRDF,
can result in different images, and characterizes the interaction of light with
different shapes can result in very similar an opaque surface[7]. For non-opaque
images. Similarly, the same material surfaces, effects of translucency have
(e.g., polished silver) can give rise to been modeled using an extension of the
drastically different images depending BRDF, the bi-directional surface
on the environment, and the same image scattering reflectance distribution
can be due to quite different materials function or BSSRDF[52]. The
[5]. appearance of 3-D textures can be
described by the bi-directional texture
Because of this we will treats object function or BTF[8].
Identification as a visual inference As BRDF is a function of four or more
problem (Helmholtz 1867) and, more variables, the space of all realizable
specifically, as statistical inference (Knill BRDFs is vast. Therefore BRDFs are
& Richards 1996, Kersten 1999, Rao et often approximated by parametric
al. 2002). This approach is particularly models to allow efficient rendering
attractive because it has been used in algorithms[6,8,11].
computer vision to develop theories and
algorithms to extract information from An alternative approach has been to use
natural images useful for recognition and empirically measured BRDFs that make
robot actions [6, 11]. renderings of many complex materials
possible. The BRDF of surface can be
Now a day’s computer graphics and measured in the laboratory by a special
animation areas are having lots of thrust device, called gonioreflectometer or
and interest in creating simulation of estimated directly from
material like skin, hair, fabrics and for images(Photographs) of the surface[2,
identification of the objects class and 4,25,6,7,11].
qualities, still the work that has been There has been some work on the
done till today is found to be restricted problem of 3-D texture recognition that
only up to short range of surfaces and has employed filter and patch-based
image features to recognize instances of than (b) is, despite the difference in
textures like plaster, wool, cork and so material composition.
on [2,3,11]. This work is related to, but Recent work (Freeman et al. 2000,
does not address the problem of material Schrater & Kersten 2000, Kersten &
recognition. A single material category Yuille 2003) has shown how specifying
like fabric can contain samples with generative models in terms of influence
widely varying 3-D textures and these graphs (or Bayesian networks) (Pearl
findings are based on distinguishing 1988), together with a description of
texture appearance rather than visual tasks, allow us to break problems
identifying material classes. down into categories (see the example in
Dror et al. demonstrated that statistics of Figure 2A).The idea is to decompose the
real world illumination can be used to description of a scene S into n
classify images of spheres as shiny, components S1, : : : , Sn; the image into
matte, white, gray, chrome etc.[9] . Pont m features I1, : : : , Im; and express the
and koenderink showed that statistical ensemble distribution as p(S1; : : : ; Sn;
measurements on images of rough I1; : : : ; Im). We represent this
surfaces can be used to predict the nature distribution by a graph where the nodes
of illumination and surface roughness. correspond to the variables S1, : : : , Sn
[10] and I1, : : : , Im, and links are drawn
between nodes that directly influence
Figure 1. show photographs of opaque, each other. There is a direct
glossy surfaces with surface correspondence between graphical
mesostructure like the ones shown here. structure and the factorization (and thus
simplification) of the joint probability. In
the most complex case, every random
variable influences every other one, and
the joint probability cannot be factored
into simpler parts. In order to build
models for inference, it is useful to first
build quantitative models of image
formation—external generative models
based on real-world statistics[11].

Figure 1. Surface reflectance estimation

is difficult because of confounding
effects of illumination. The same sphere
is shown in two different scenes in (a)
and (b). Because of the change of
environment, the images of the spheres
are quite different, although the material
appears the same. Images (c) and (d) are
photographs of a different sphere in the
same scenes as (a) and (b). On a pixel-
bypixel basis, (c) is more similar to (a)
Figure 2. Influence graphs and the visual Fourth, Bayesian theories emphasize the
task. (A) An example of an influence role of the generative model and thus tie
graph. Arrows indicate causal links naturally to the growing body of work on
between nodes that represent random graphical models and Bayesian networks
variables. The scene class (indoor or in other areas, such as language, speech,
outdoor) influences the kind of concepts, and reasoning. The generative
illumination and background that models also suggest top-down feedback
determine the environment. The scene models of information processing.[11]
also determines the kinds of objects one
may find (artificial or not). Object class Large number of study deals with the
influences object reflectivity (paint or interaction of material properties with
pigment) and shape of the object. Global other factors that influence surface
features (e.g., overall contrast and color, appearance [12]. The perception of
spatial frequency spectrum) can serve to reflectance properties of synthetic
set a context. (B) The inference problem objects depends on the complexity of
depends on the task. The task specifies surface shapes [10].
which variables are important to estimate Synthetic stimuli are popular in studies
accurately (disks) and which are not of surface perception because
(hexagons). Triangles represent image appearance parameters can be varied
measurements or features. easily.

One hypothesis called as ‘inverse optics’

In 2004 , Kersten , Mamassian andYuille suggests that the visual system estimates
proved that The Bayesian perspective the parameters of an internal model of
yields a uniform framework for studying the 3-D layout and illumination of a
object perception. They have reviewed scene, so as to be consistent with the 2-D
work that highlights several advantages retinal image. This hypothesis has had
of this perspective. First, Bayesian some success in explaining material
theories explicitly model uncertainty. judgments [13]. On the other hand,
This is important in accounting for how some have argued that in real world
the visual system combines large scenes, the surface geometry,
amounts of objectively ambiguous illumination distributions and material
information to yield percepts that are properties are too complex and too
rarely ambiguous. Second, in the context uncertain for inverse optics to have much
of specific experiments, Bayesian success.
theories are optimal, and thus define Proposed work:
ideal observers. Ideal observers
characterize visual information for a task As the enormous variety of substances to
and can thus be critical for interpreting be found in the environment, it seems
psychophysical and neural results. Third, reasonable to presume that our capacity
Bayesian methods allow the for recognizing different materials rivals
development of quantitative theories at our ability to recognize different objects.
the information processing level, And yet very little research has been
avoiding premature commitment to carried out.
specific neural mechanisms. This is Therefore I came across following key
closely related to the importance of questions for this proposed work:
extensibility in theories. Bayesian
models provide for extensions to more What are the necessary and sufficient
complicated problems involving natural conditions to recognize different
images and functional tasks as illustrated materials? What sources of information
in recent advances in computer vision. are available to an observer as a result of
the different ways that materials interact that can provide useful information about
with light? What are the principles surface properties. We considered
dimensions underlying the representation photographs of hand-made surfaces and
of materials in the observer’s visual materials like paper, modeling clay,
system? One very important source of soap, candies etc. [14]. These surfaces
information about material identity were opaque, glossy and possessed
results from the wide range of optical significant surface mesostructure.. We
properties that different materials found that simple statistics of the
exhibit. Different materials reflect, photographs of such surfaces, like the
transmit, refract, disperse, and polarize moment and percentile statistics of the
light to different extents and in different luminance histogram or filter outputs can
ways; this provides a rich set of optical provide useful information about
cues for distinguishing materials. For physical albedo and gloss.
most materials, the majority of the light
that is not absorbed is reflected from the Helmholtz proposed that the visual
surface, and thus a material’s surface system resolves ambiguity through built-
reflectance properties are surely some of in knowledge of the scene and how
its most important optical attributes. retinal images are formed and uses this
When light is reflected from a surface, it knowledge to automatically and
is generally scattered in many directions, unconsciously infer the properties of
producing a pattern that is characteristic objects.
of the material. Variation in the
distribution of scatter gives rise to such Bayesian statistical decision theory
varied visual appearances as bronze, formalizes Helmholtz’s idea of
plaster-of- Paris, gloss paint, and gold. In perception as inference. Theoretical
this work, we present a number of observers that use Bayesian inference to
theoretical and empirical observations on make optimal interpretations are called
the conditions under which humans are ideal observers [11].
good at estimating surface reflectance
properties. We also discuss a number of with the help of this research work we
cues that appear to underlie this aptitude. would like to use standard approach for
identification of objects class and
Computer vision has shown how the qualities in real images. Most
problems of complexity and ambiguity psychophysical studies that discussed
can be handled using Bayesian inference, previously have considered restricted
which provides a common framework classes of materials. Controlled stimuli
for modeling artificial and biological are a popular tool to study human vision,
vision. In addition, studies of natural but there is also increasing interest in the
images have shown statistical perception of “natural” images i.e.
regularities that can be used for scenes in the real world that contain man
designing theories of Bayesian inference. made and natural objects. Great strides
The goal of understanding biological have been made in the fields of objects
vision also requires using the tools of recognition and scene perception by
psychophysics and neurophysiology to using photographs of the objects. There
investigate how the visual pathways of exist large image collections of object
the brain transform image information and scene categories that are used in both
into percepts and actions. the psychophysics and computer vision
communities [15]. It is unfortunate that
there are no such resources to study
We hypothesized that there are some material perception.
relatively simple image measurements
In this work, we are going to introduce and conclude that material recognition is
new image databases for real world a rich and challenging problem domain
material categories like plastic, metal, and there is much ground to be covered
glass, wood and so on. These databases in both visual perception and computer
allow us to study high level judgments of vision.
material category, in contrast to past
work that has focused entirely on Finally, in the interest of clarity, we now
estimating reflectance parameters. We discuss what we mean by the terms
present experiments that establish that texture, shape and object in the context
observers can make these judgments of of material recognition. We will use an
material category reliably, quickly and in operational definition of texture, inspired
challenging conditions. It is well known by recent work in texture synthesis
that observers can categorize scenes and techniques [32,83]. The class of images
objects in images that they have never that can be successfully reproduced by
seen before, even when stimuli are these ‘texture’ synthesis methods is what
presented very briefly [16]. We will we will refer to as a ‘texture’. The
concentrate on material categorization distinction between material and texture
which can be fast and flexible. in real world surfaces is tricky and often
we will evoke this operational definition
Next, we will examine how our to separate the two, by shape, we will
observers make these rapid judgments of mean the 3-D physical layout of surfaces
material category. We examine two and by object, we mostly mean shape
extreme possibilities that might explain based identify. For example, a chair is
observer’s performance. One possibility instantly recognizable by its typical
is that observers employ simple, low shape and silhouette, as are trees and
level cues like color or high spatial mugs and cars. In this work, we will
frequencies e.g. wood is brown or fabrics assume that a ceramic mug a plastic mug
have fine details. The experiments show belong to the same object class, but
that categorization performance cannot different material categories.
be explained by such simple cues.
Another explanation of our results can be Here study can be extended for different
that observers use high-level knowledge judgment like
about object identity to categorize 1. Eye movements and material
materials e.g. buckets are made from judgments
plastic or chairs from wood. We consider 2. Judgment of softness
special categories of objects – ‘fake 3. Judgments beyond shape and
fruits, flowers and desserts, and color [17].
demonstrate that shape- based object
identity does not account for material
categorization performance either. Object identification is closely related to
texture recognition. Texture has been
We evaluate state of art techniques in defined in terms of dimensions like
computer vision for the purpose of periodicity, orientation and randomness
material categorization. There is little [18]. Still we don’t want to use the
prior work in computer vision on the method used for texture Identification
topic of material recognition, except on because our aim is to classify the objects
the specific problem of 3-D texture as paper fabric. For verifying the result
recognition. We find that current first we will develop database of
techniques in computer vision are different object images from internet as
inadequate for categorizing materials on well as real photographs. Then we will
our databases. We discuss our findings categorize these images and then extract
features required for identification for Because of many unknown
objects class and qualities. parameters of the image, it is
hard to analyze automatically or
We want to concentrate on three kinds of visually) the images and to
low- level image features-simple global detect and recognize objects in
statistics of images, local jet like them. For solving this problem a
features, and SIFT features [19]. In this powerful technique is available
global statistics comprise the mean, called as image fusion.
variance, skewness and kurtosis of The term fusion means in
various sub bands of steer able pyramid general an approach to
decomposition [20]. Such features have extraction of information
been used successfully in texture adopted in several domains. The
analysis and synthesis and also recently goal of image fusion is to
of object Identification [21]. In addition integrate complementary
to these global statistics local features information from all frames into
which are pixel – level features that have one new image containing
proven useful in recognizing faces, information the quality of which
object and scenes will improve result. Jet cannot be achieved otherwise.
like features can be computed by Here, the term “better quality”
considering the coefficients of the means less blur and geometric
steerable, QMF and Haar pyramids at distortion, less noise, and higher
each pixel location in the original image spatial resolution. We may
for 3 scales and 4 orientations per expect that object detection and
pyramid [1]. Scale –invariant feature recognition will be easier and
transform (SIFT) we are going to use at more reliable when performed
each pixel location in the image. We are on the fused image. Regardless
going to use SIFT features over of the particular fusion
grayscale versions of images in the algorithm, it is unrealistic to
standard way. Because above two other assume that the fused image
features already uses color and the can recover the original scene
human classification study shows that o[x, y] exactly. A reasonable
color was not crucial.
goal of the fusion is a discrete
version of o[x, y] that has higher
For the best result depending upon above
spatial resolution than the
type of features appropriate classifier
resolution of the LR images and
will be selected. Then we will train our
that is free of the volatile blurs.
classifiers on two kinds of tasks-binary
material classification (e.g. plastic vs.
the sequel, we will refer to this
steel, cotton vs. stone) and the all
fused image as a high resolution
category classification.
(HR) image f [i, j ].
Similarly we are going to acquire a
second image database which focuses on
the changes in appearance with
illumination and viewpoint variation,
rather than variation in the material
samples themselves. So for simplicity,
we will acquire images by fixing camera
and then varying illumination across
three representative conditions.
the application of the proposed
method in security and
surveillance systems.[22]

In this research work we are going to

develop a new algorithm for solving the
unconstrained optimization formulation
of regularized image
reconstruction/restoration. For this we
can use different types of regularization
(wavelet-based, total variation) based on
a variable splitting technique, which
yields an equivalent constrained
problem. This constrained problem is
then addressed using an augmented
Figure 3: Image fusion in brief: Lagrangian method, more specifically,
acquired images (left), the alternating direction method of
registered frames (middle), multipliers (ADMM).. Experiments on a
fused image (right). Fused set of standard image recovery problems
image can recover the original (deconvolution, MRI reconstruction,
scene inpainting) have shown that the proposed
algorithm will be faster than previous
state-of-the-art methods. Current and
This method is useful for future work involves using a similar
improving visual quality and approach to solve constrained
spatial resolution of digital formulations of the forms [23].
images acquired by low-
resolution sensors. The method
is based on fusing several
images (channels) of the same
1. Dana H. Ballard and Christopher M.
scene. It consists of three major
Brown (1982). Computer Vision.
steps - image registration (spatial
Prentice Hall. ISBN 0131653164.
alignment), which should compensate for
geometric deformations (Wk) , followed
by a multichannel (or multiframe) blind
2. David Marr (1982). Vision. W. H.
deconvolution (MBD) and
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superresolution (SR) fusion. With the
help of our proposed work we would like
3. Azriel Rosenfeld and Avinash Kak
to develop one integrated system that
(1982). Digital Picture Processing.
simultaneously estimates image
Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-597301-
blurs and recovers the original
undistorted image, all in high
4. Berthold Klaus Paul Horn (1986).
resolution, without any prior Robot Vision. MIT Press. ISBN 0-
knowledge of the blurs and 262-08159-8.
original image. 5. Olivier Faugeras (1993). Three-
With the help of this method we Dimensional Computer Vision, A
would like to make the task of Geometric Viewpoint. MIT Press.
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7. James L. Crowley and Henrik I.
Christensen (Eds.) (1995). Vision as
Process. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-
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