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Reflection Paper

Suicide: Not a way!

People nowadays are being stressed and depressed on the problems they have. They think

that having problem is a factor to end their lives, well in fact its just a test given by our God to

make us a better person. The feeling of hopelessnes results to suicide. The incapacity of finding

the solution to their problems and having difficulty in coping up to those problems makes them

think that taking their life is the best solution.

Suicide, from Latin suicidium, is "the act of taking one's own life". It is also defined as

the act of killing yourself because you do not want to continue living. There are factors that

affects the risk of suicide, this includes the mental disorders, drug misuse, psychological states,

cultural, family and social situations, genetics, and experiences of trauma or loss. But they said

that depression is the key risk factor of suicide.

Suicide contradicts to the Right to Life. All of us has the right. And one of the right we

have is the right to life which is stated in Universal Declaration of Human Rights. According to

the Article no.2 (Right to life), nobody, including the government can end your life. And so do

you, if you decided to end your own life it’s just like you violate your own right. Everyone’s

right to life is necessarily protected by law. What will be the value of the law which protects

your right to life if you will just end your own life?

The ten commandments is a law of God that we should obey. It’s sixth commandment

says, “Thou shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:3) So, suicide is an act of murder. Suiciding is

extremely dishonoring the Lord and a total contrary to God’s will. We are all created by God for

us to live in accordance to his will. All of us are not allowed to kill others or ourselves because

our life is one of the greatest thing created by him. Only God can tell when, where and how will

we die. It is only him who can took our lives because he is the one who give us life. That law

given is unchangeable thefore suiciding will be imposible to be ethical right.

Suicide is not really a recent issue because it has always been an issue even before. Also

not only one country has this problem but the whole world. And the suicide incidents in the

Philippines are very alarming because the number of those who commits suicide is increasing
and those who commits suicide is getting younger. Teenagers are often the victims of suicide

because we teenagers are in the stage of adolescence which is in this stage we are being

pressured in different aspect. We have different responsibilities in our different roles in life.

Having those different responsibilities push us to have difficulties in coping up with our life. And

having those responsibilities sometimes gives us different problems in which makes us stressed,

pressured and depressed. But those do not last. It is depending on how you will cope up with

your problem.

Too many problems sometimes leads the people to think of ending their life especially

teenagers. Teenagers are not yet that mature in terms of facing problems. We may think that

having too much problems is a torture to us. We cannot tolerate too much pain and it causes for

us to commit suicide.

For me, as a teenager I can say that even though you are encountering many problems

ending life is not a solution. Life my go on. It should not be ended because of those problems. In

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” It just means that any

struggles or problems we are facing we should always seek to God because he is the one who

gives us those struggle to test us and for him to know who are those people that will still believe

in him despite of those struggles.

“I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord” –Psalms 118:17 All of

us living in this world should be thankful to God for giving us opportunity to live. We should not

waste that opportunity by ending our life. We are being created for us to return the good things

and blessings that God has given to us. And taking your life is a selfish rebellion.

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