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Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris Penilain Tengah Semester Ganjil Kelas 3 SD

I. Essay!
Naura is an elementary school student. She is in the third grade. That’s Naura’s school. There are
two buildings in Naura’s school. One building consists of six class rooms. And the other building
consists of one office, one library, two toilets and one canteen.
Naura’s school also has a yard. Naura and her friends play here at break time.

1. Naura is an elementary school …………………………………..……….

2. Naura is in the third …………………………………………………………….

3. There are ……………….. buildings in Naura’s school.

4. There are ……………….. class rooms.

5. Naura and her friends play in the yard at ……………………………..

II. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!

1. Hello, my name is Andi. What is your name?


2. This is my friend. ……………………. name is Budiman.


3. You feel hungry. You have to go to ………………………….


4. It is a big room and has many books. It is …………………….


5. He is my aunt’s husband. We can call ………………………….


6. Susunanlah kata-kata ini menjadi kalimat yang tepat: is – Danu – brother - my

Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris Penilain Tengah Semester Ganjil Kelas 3 SD

7. Kakek in English:


8. Tuliskan kalimat disamping ini kedalam Bahasa Inggris: Ini adalah kakekku


9. Susunlah huruf disamping ini menjadi sebuah kata: m – a – l – f – i – y


10. Its color is black. It is on the It is ……………


III. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A. B, C, atau D pada jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. Andi: Good morning Arif 7. What’s that?

That is a …………
Arif: ………………….. Andi
A. library C. toilet
A. Good afternoon C. Good morning B. school D. office
B. Good night D. Good days
8. If you want to read a book, you have to go to
2. This is my friend. ………. name is Anita. A. office C. canteen
A. his C. our B. classroom D. library
B. her D. their
3. Susunlah huruf yang diacak menjadi kata 9. Ruang kelas in Engish
e–e–t–a–h–c-r A. Toilet room C. Class room
A. teach C. teacher B. Office room D. Library room
B. techa D. reachet
10. Susunlah kata-kata menjadi kalimat yang
4. Andi: Are you Mr. Arif tepat: This – my – is – class – room
Arif: Yes ……….. A. My this is my class room.
A. I do C. She does B. This is my class room.
B. I am D. He does C. This is my class class room.
D. My class room this is.
5. Pelajar in English
A. student C. librarian 11. My father’s wife. We can call …….
B. teacher D. school guard A. uncle C. mother
B. brother D. aunt
6. There …………. many rooms in my school.
A. are C. am 12. Susunlah huruf dibawah ini menjadi kata
B. is D. here r–s–t–s–i–e
A. brother C. sistres
B. sister D. tersis
Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris Penilain Tengah Semester Ganjil Kelas 3 SD

13. This is my uncle. ………. name is Budiman.

A. his C. my
B. her D. our

14. He is my father’s brother. We can call….

A. Uncle C. Brother
B. Cousin D. Sister

15. Saudara perempuan in English

A. cousin C. sister
B. brother D.mother

16. Today is Monday. The students have to wear

A. uniform C. skirt
B. gown D. shorts

17. What’s it? It is a ………..

A. short s C. skirt
B. shirt D. trousers

18. Do you like jeans? No, ……….

A. I don’t C. I does
B. I was D. I do

19. Susunlah huruf menjadi kata

A. socks C. skocs
B. cksos D. kcoss

20. Celana pendek in English

A. skirt C. shirt
B. shorts D. blouses

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