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A. Latar belakang

Language is a system of meaning,therefore,when people are use language in speech or

writing that language refers to meaning contained in the information submitted (bloor and
In language there are also forms of functional grammar and grammar formal. Functional
language settings focus more on the function of the language,while grammar formal language
is more focused on grammartical form or structure of one’s relationship word in other word
(gerot and wignell,1994:6)
In society there are variations in language use.abdul chaer and leoni agustina (1995:84)
states that variations in language can be seen from several facet that in term of
speakers,users,formatility,and facilities.

B. Rumusan Masalah

1. What is the definition of polite request ?

2. What Is the polite form of reques ?
3. How to request informal and formal courtesy ?

C. Tujuan

Identify and calssify form of polite request.


A. Definition polite request

Polite request is a polite sentence that is used in English to ask for help or ask permission
to do something. In English,the arrangement of the request polygon begin with a modal verb
in the form of a question sentence.

Polite request dibentuk oleh modal auxiliary verb:

 Would
 Could
 Will
 Can

B. Rumus Polite Request

Meminta izin (asking for permission):

Can/Could/May/Might + I + bare infinitive +/- complement?

Meminta bantuan (asking for assistance):

Can/Could/Will/Would + you (please) + bare infinitive +/-



Would + you mind + gerund +/- complement?

C. Formal Polite Request

Could and would is the capital used to make polite request very polite.
Example :
1 Could I use your computer to print and scan?
(Dapatkah saya menggunakan komputermu untuk print dan scan?)
2 Would you like to see my handicraft?
(Maukah kamu melihat kerajinan tangan saya?)
3 Would you mind filling out this form?
(Maukah kamu mengisi formulir ini?)
4 Could you turn the volume down, please?
(Bisakah kamu mengecilkan volume?)
5 Could I leave class early today?
(Bisakah saya meninggalkan kelas lebih cepat hari ini?)

D. Informal polite request

Can and will used to make polite request that sound more relaxed.

Example :
1 Can I borrow your ruler for a moment?
(Bisakah saya meminjam penggarismu sebentar?)
2 Will you please open the window?
(Maukah kamu menutup jendela?)
3 Will you accept my apology?
(Maukah kamu menerima permintaan maaf saya?)
4 Can you please answer the phone?
(Dapatkah kamu menjawab telepon?)
E. Positive Answers to Requests

 Yes
 Okay
 Uh-huh
 Of course
 Sure
 No problem
 Certainly
 My pleasure
 I’d be glad/happy to

F. Negative Answers to Requests

 No
 Sorry
 I’d like to, but I can’t.
 I’m sorry, I can’t.
 I’d love to, but I’m busy right now.
A. Kesimpulan

The positive form is used to ask about ability or willingness the listener to
perform an action in accordance with what is desired by speaker, while in negative
from Is used to ask the listener to not doing an action that is not desired by the
Also that polite froms of request can help someone to deliver an expression
that is ordered and all at once insinuate the listener to do or not do an action that is not
desired by the soeaker by reducing the risk of confusion for the listener.
Modals of Polite Request: Would you, Could you, Will you, Can you.
http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/330-modals-polite.htm. Accessed on
February 11, 2013.
Requests: Can, Could, Will, Would, Would you mind.
esentation%205.pps. Accessed on February 11, 2013.
Polite Requests.
Accessed on November 29, 2013.

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