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How to Study Math


Read Paul’s Online Notes “General Tips For Studying”. Answer the questions as
you read through. Each questions is worth 2 points.

Why are good notes important?

How can working in a study group help your understanding of a topic?

Why is it important to budget time for studying/homework?

What is the most effective way to really learn how to do the problems? Explain.

List two strategies you already use to study.



How do you think this resource could improve your study habits? List two strategies.


The Language of Algebra

Fill in the blanks. Each answer is worth 1 point.

“Learning algebra is a little like learning another _______________. In fact, algebra is a

__________ language, used to create Mathematical models of ________ -__________
___________ and to handle ____________ that we can’t solve using arithmetic.
Rather than using words, algebra uses _____________ to make _____________ about
things. In algebra, we often use ___________ to represent _____________.”

Basic Definitions

Answer questions using the website provided. Each question is worth 2 points

What is an equation?

What is a variable?

Define constant, coefficient, and operator.

Give an example of an exponent.

Writing mathematical expressions

Use the website to answer the questions. Then apply your knowledge to fill out
the exercise below. Each question and problem are worth two points.

What is an algebraic expression?

Explain the difference between an expression and an equation.

Is the order of numbers important in subtraction? Explain.

What are the four basic forms of Algebraic expressions?

Write as an algebraic expression

Sum of x and 4

3 divided by n

5 times the difference between m and 12

X squared

Product of 9 and 𝑥 2

55x plus 9

The difference of 9p and 4

Works Citied

https://www.facebook.com/thoughtcodotcom. “Express Your Mathematical Self:

How to Write Algebraic Expressions.” ThoughtCo, 2019,
www.thoughtco.com/how-to-write-expressions-in-algebra-2311934. Accessed
2 Oct. 2019.
“Algebra - Definitions.” Mathsisfun.Com, 2016,
www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/definitions.html. Accessed 2 Oct. 2019.
“How To Study Math.” Lamar.Edu, 2019,
tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Extras/StudyMath/GeneralTips.aspx. Accessed 2 Oct.
Math.com. (2019). The Language of Algebra - Definitions - In Depth. [online]
Available at: http://www.math.com/school/subject2/lessons/S2U1L1DP.html
[Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].

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