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It will be understood that the emotional body is an essential part of our

make up for preventing illnesses from reaching the last line of defense,
the physical body.
Imagine with me for a moment that it would be widely understood by the
masses that illness will no longer be necessary. Oh yes! I understand
that at the moment to those who are suffering, this seems a far fetched
idea, but I dare to guarantee you that with the integration of this
knowledge, you will no longer need to suffer illness.
It will take a massive shift in consciousness and there is “hope”. Why?
Because that shift in consciousness is already taking place. If you look in
the right places you will see that it is already happening.
The Value of self!
This parable was written with the
purpose of stimulating thought about
how one perceives “self”.
Would that be through the eyes of
Or have you reached the stage of
awareness that you are more concerned
with the day to day expansion of self
through observing self?
The Value Of Self
In this parable, I wish to place some examples of my past thinking
processing and blockages with myself - or others around me. It is written
expressly with the purpose of a sharing of thoughts and experiences and
if it is perceived to be confrontational, then truthfully, I have achieved my
goal with it. You are looking at SELF.
The Outer Value
Allow me to begin with examples of what I will term the outer value for
the purpose of this sharing.
While being present at a workshop a very dear friend of mine shared with
me an example of how one makes choices in life. Two ladies had
begged her to allow them to be at a particular workshop to see if she
could find a way of getting them in for FREE. The week long workshop
could certainly have been perceived to be expensive. After a great deal
of emailing back and forward it was eventually decided that they would
be allowed to participate at no cost. This of course, felt good for all
parties concerned.
One day during the workshop, my friend happened to be walking past
these ladies who were describing in great detail, a holiday that they had
just returned from. I will spare you the emotions and feelings that my
friend went through at that moment and leave them up to your own
imagination. The point being, these ladies had been faced with a choice
of going on holiday or taking the workshop. Through manipulation of
caring people, they had found a way to do both. It is not my intention to
judge here, nor will I. I will leave it up to you, what lessons are being
shared here.
Another example:
Because of my personal experiences of providing workshops in the USA,
I now have a totally different outlook and respect for Americans who do
attend workshops. They think nothing of traveling many hours -
sometimes a day or more to be present at a workshop they feel will
assist them in their journey.
Those who have experienced the American highways will know that it is
totally different to Europe. The highways in the US are often very quiet
and on long trips you might not see another vehicle for miles. Here in
Europe for instance, it is almost always bumper to bumper and you can
travel from one end of the country to the other within a few short hours.
God forbid that it takes more than an hour to drive anywhere to take a
class, seminar or workshop. Two different countries, cultures and
Investment In What Others Think Of You
Allow me to place another example in front of you. How often do we go
out and spend a great deal of money on shoes, clothes, holidays etc,
only to ask ourselves, “Can I afford this?”
Then, regardless of the answer, we buy them anyway. I am not saying
that this is a bad thing, because if you understand how the flow of
universal abundance works, it can be a very good thing. What I am
wondering here is, what is the motivation behind this type of spending?
Do we do it to make ourselves feel good? To look good (for ourselves or
others)? Or perhaps we care more about what others think of us and or
how they perceive us to be.
The Inner Value - Investment In Self
If you are still with me, I thank you for your perseverance! I did say that
there was a higher purpose to me writing in this manner. Yes it was
meant to be provocative. Why? Quite simply because I knew what was
coming at the end, and I know that those who get to the end will know
that there are always more ways of looking at things. I am merely placing
another way of looking at things in front of you.
When we are willing to look at the distances traveled, or the extra money
we saved, for instance, as an investment in ourselves, our perceptions
change from one of lack (not enough time nor money) to one of self
worth (I am worth the time and money!). I often travel eight hours or
more to provide a workshop while in the USA. I have found that the
traveling time, especially if with a wonderful companion, can be of as
much value as the seminar itself!
My point is this, that when we spend the time and money on our spiritual
journey, taking the time to nourish our inner selves-our souls, we are
investing in ourselves in a way which brings satisfaction and fulfillment -
something that shoes and clothes never could. It lasts the rest of our
lifetimes. Now answer me this question in all truth - Which contains the
most value if you look at it this way?
Let me take it just a little bit further. The value of inner self is also
important with regards to what we call “flow”. As we are in the flow, our
energy is at a higher vibrational rate and that in its self has an effect on
all those around us and extends even far beyond to the whole of the
collective consciousness. Being in the flow also contains all aspects of
energy - which includes financial abundance.
NOTE: When we are in the state of “flow” we often find that our
visualizations and manifestations are more rapidly created.
Allow me to ask the question again. Which contains the most value if you
look at it this way? The outer value, or the inner value?
Negatives To Positives
In this parable I have placed some
examples of how one perceives in
duality more often that not from the
negative perspective.
I have also added statements that
would offer insight into how it may
have been otherwise perceived.
Negatives To Positives
The strangest thing about us human beings - at least the largest
percentage of us - is that we tend to look more to the negative side of
things than the positive. I will share a little later on my perception on why
this is. Lets first enjoy a few examples.
During a discussion with another dear friend I felt my OPOM’s nudging
me to be alert and listen to what she was saying and how. I have to say
before hand, that this lady is quite a happy person and lives her life
according to her own rules. Even her boyfriend is absolutely secondary
to this first rule. I know her as a person that does indeed, for the most
part, stand in her power, lives her passion and walks/talks her truth, and I
love her dearly.
She is very much into the animal realms, perhaps even more so than she
relates to humans. We both feel and agree that her future career will be
very much involved with animals. This does not mean that she cannot
relate to humans, she absolutely does. She sings every weekend in a
band and is extremely happy with that life. During the week she works
nights as a receptionist and is very content with that for the time being.
What really first caught my attention was a story she shared about where
she works. It is a building with a ground floor, a first floor, and then
apartments above.
It so happened that one of the people living in the apartments above had
recently passed on and was laying in state on the ground floor. My friend
knew this and thought it would not bother her as she came to work that
night on the first floor. As she passed the room where this person was
laid out, she could not help but look. As quickly as possible she walked
past the door and on up to the first level to where she worked. The first
couple of hours wasn’t too bad because she could still hear movement
from the apartments above. As the movement above quietened down,
her mind started to play tricks on her. She called a girlfriend of hers,
which wasn’t all that unusual as they often talk together at nights. What
was unusual was what happened a short while later. As my friend was
discussing what she felt was going on, her friend suddenly started to feel
a clear presence in her home. This definitely spooked her and she wasn’t
very happy about it she asked what she should do. My friend remained
very calm and offered the suggestion that they both concentrate on
bringing this entity/energy to the light.
As my friend was telling me this I was getting the clear impression that
the entity that was there was not there with any negative intentions. What
had happened here was that in their haste and their natural leaning
towards the negative they had automatically assumed that this entity was
one with malevolent intentions.
If they had taken just a moment to calm down, to take a few deep prana
breaths and look at what actually was happening, or to perhaps look at
the duality (negative-positive) energies within the situation, they could
have attempted to communicate with this entity. Fear was clearly their
predominant emotion in this situation. Perhaps they might have even
found out why the entity was there and appearing to them in that way.
As I placed this suggestion in front of her she realized indeed how they
had handled this situation. As we discussed this further, she became
aware that there had been an opportunity offered to share information
from the other side. It might well have been an entity that had been there
so that a message could be relayed to the family members of the
recently deceased. Perhaps offering comfort or pre-agreed statements.
There is no judgement of my friend here, nor did she feel it that way. It
was simply an experience that was placed in front of them so that they
could become aware of how they react to many situations in their lives as
so many of us do. Because they are now both aware of that, they have
now both become more open to viewing situations from two different
perspectives and not just jumping in and acting upon their first thought.
Both agree that this was a valuable lesson and changed their lives very
much for the positive.
As for my friend, I feel that it was a lesson that will lead her to her true
passion - working with animals. She has been moving towards this for
some time, yet something was blocking the flow of the creation of that. It
will be interesting to follow her choices and manifestations now that she
has become aware of the blockages that she herself, had been creating
through her programmed reactions.
Recently we hosted a live event. We called it “Day of Awareness”. It was
because of this event that I became so very much more aware that there
are so many out there in the world who are searching for answers.
Answers to their daily challenges, answers to the reasons why some are
successful and others are not. What became very much apparent during
my own sharing of the “7 Steps to manifesting your hearts desires” was
the way that so many seem to look at what life places in front of them. I
was somewhat shocked and amazed at the results of many of the
questions asked. Amazed that so many seem to prefer to look at life’s
experiences from a negative or lower vibrational point of view.
An example is, for instance, meeting and paying your monthly bills. How
many of you see that still as a source of worry? How many curse them
as they fall through the letterbox? I offer an alternative with these
thoughts and at the same time a challenge. I challenge you, dare you
even, to look at them in a different light. As they fall through the letterbox,
thank yourself and the universe that you are able to meet them each and
every month. Put that out to the universe* with a true feeling of gratitude
and joy. I know the results of this one already. Have no doubt in your
mind that things will change simply by changing your energy thought
Here is another example. Health issues. I know I am about to broach a
subject that affects so many on this planet right now, and I will share a
simple sentence that will assist you to change the energy patterns of ill
health within your bodies. “I AM a healthy, wealthy, happy being.”
Making this statement every single morning will change your life. The
important part of the sentence here is the first two words. Everything that
follows those two first words are manifested as they are heard by your
every cell and the universe. Think about the words you allow to follow
them. Example: I AM feeling under the weather today. I Am full of a cold.
I am poorly.
Lets take a look at how we can change those to positive statements -
even if we are indeed, going through the symptoms. A simple one of
course would be, 'I am well'.
To take this a step further - 'I bless this experience for the much needed
rest it provides me. I understand that my body required it at this moment
in my journey. I thank my body and the universe for the lessons learned
from this experience'. (I know it is a bit long winded, I felt that this point
had to be expanded upon for a broader understanding). What you have
just done in the changing of the statement is move from the role of victim
to the role of empowered being.
Another example I would like to present to you: 'I am poor'. 'I am always
struggling to make ends meet'. Yet again, in this statement you are
putting something out to the universe I am pretty sure you are not
consciously wishing to create? Lets create a different energy by using
some small changes.
I have enough to meet my needs. Or, perhaps, I am happy that I am
always able to make ends meet.
Do you see the difference in the two statements? Although the
circumstances might not have changed from what they were, you have
indeed created an energy that is not in the victim role. You have moved it
up a level to one of empowerment.
I can feel you asking, "How do I take this up yet another level?" Well, it is
quite simple really. You simply change the words to even more
empowering ones. For instance: 'I am blessed to have created all I
require and more'. By using words like these, you are putting out to the
universe that you have already received whatever you require. The end
result is that YOU have created it. You are definitely no longer in the role
of lack or victim. You have changed the energies from negative to
Now I hear you asking, "Is it really that simple Ian?" It is if you do not
allow your thought patterns or your words to slip back into the negatives.
This does take some practice in the beginning, because it means you are
constantly monitoring your thoughts. The good news is, after a while, it
becomes second nature. You have successfully changed your path from
victim to empowered being. You have changed your thought patterns
from that of constantly negative to continually positive.
* Universe. I chose to use the word “Universe” to allow for your choice in
the energy pattern you believe in. Be it GOD, Allah, Angels, guides
At the end of the book I will go even deeper into the perception of
Universe or Universal as opposed to whichever other name one chooses
to use for the powers that be.
Negatives expanded.
Even while we are still in the womb we are already receiving impressions
of how the world is on the outside.
Most pregnancies will be pleasant ones and the situations surrounding
the mother will mostly be peaceful and a time of joy. However, there are
at times, circumstances that the growing child within will experience.
Shock through the mother from loud noises - a car honking it's horn, or
some kind of siren or alarm. Perhaps emotional shocks such as an
argument within the relationship or the death of a loved one. The child
within, will experience these things and feel through the mother's
emotions, that it is not pleasant.
There are of course, worse scenarios, but that would not serve the
purpose of this parable. I feel that from the perspective of inside the
womb, enough examples have been shared.
Let us take it a step further to the birth of the child. This is a traumatic
experience for the child in general as it is being squeezed through a
narrow channel - for a natural birth. For a caesarian, the child is pulled -
sometimes by cold, hard instruments - into the cold air. Being brought
out into a strange environment, all of a sudden being required to take its
first breath for itself can be very shocking and traumatic for the baby.
Why Do We Often Choose To Perceive
Things In A Negative Light?
In this parable it is my intention to place
some examples in front of you, so that
you can consciously begin to make
different choices from a new place of
As the baby begins to grow, and starts to discover this new world
through crawling, it will all of a sudden begin to hear the words 'No' and
'Don't' all the time.. Here we are again at another example of negatives.
No judgment here, this is the way most of us were brought into the world
and went through the process of growing up. It is also the way many of
us raised our own children, as this is how we were taught from our own
parents. We didn’t know any different, it has been passed down to us
from generation to generation. It is the accepted norm.
Once the child goes to kindergarten or school it will be faced regularly
with rules which are often full of 'No', 'Don't', 'can't', 'should' and
'shouldn't'. This is the way that society begins to shape and control us.
Even just with these few examples is it any wonder that throughout our
lives we are generally programmed towards the negatives.
Of course much of it depends on how awakened parents are to the fact
that we do live in a world of duality. Parents might choose for instance,
instead of saying 'no', to providing an explanation as to why the child
may choose to do something differently. No matter how young the child
is, this will give them a conscious choice as to whether or not to do
certain things.
An example perhaps, as a child reaches out for a hot cup of coffee, by
stating that it is hot and holding the child's hand close to the cup, the
child would be able to feel the heat. The child now has a point of
reference. Some children might still want to touch the cup of coffee, but
they will certainly learn very early on in life that when Mom or Dad show
them examples like this, that the examples need to be heeded. If the
parent simply says 'No' or 'don't touch', the child has no idea why or what
the implications may be if he/she did indeed, touch. The child will gain
trust in the wisdom of the parents and would be more likely to ask before
Lets take this into our own lives now and take a look at how we perceive
life to be. How many times have you had butterflies in the tummy and
thought something bad was coming? Did it always turn out bad? Well, it
might have. But could that have something to do with your programming
and expectations? Could that have something to do with how you were
raised, perceiving a great deal from a negative point of view?
How often have you thought that you could not pay a bill that was due?
You more than likely will have found that you weren’t able to. Have you
ever noticed that when a point of despair sets in that you tend to let go of
the thought and the worry for a while and all of a sudden something pops
up that will help you to pay your bill? I bet it has, it has happened to the
majority of us.
Your challenge now as an adult, is to recognize these things and to take
responsibility for your thoughts and words. It is ok if you don’t, you will
simply choose to learn the hard way. When you have received enough
knocks, you will start to look at how you are creating, and perhaps make
more positive choices, therefore creating more positive experiences and
Enjoy this game of creation in whichever form you choose it to be, either
negative or positive. There is no judgment here either. It is your choice
and each choice you make, will bring insights and wisdom.
We most definitely have moved into times whereby our thoughts and
words are creating and manifesting our reality almost instantly. There will
come a time that you will start to realize that your thoughts and words
are creating everything around you and all of your experiences. You will
also make more conscious choices not to experience negatives. You will
consciously choose to create positive and loving experiences that will
bring you fulfillment and happiness.
Priorities and choices
In this parable I would like to share some thoughts on where potential
blockages may lay when making choices.
Priorities and Choices
The human journey is all about choices.
When faced with those choices, we
sometimes have to prioritize.
This parable will perhaps show a familiar
story that you can relate to.
During my journey I have been to many events given by some of the
greatest speakers in the world. I have been truly grateful to them for their
wisdom and insights and so much of their channelled information. It was
the catalyst to what I am today. Would I have got there without them?
Perhaps, but I am certain that it would have taken a whole lot longer
without them!
My own consciously “awakened” journey started approximately half way
though the year 1999. My goodness, even as I write this and look at the
dates, I am surprised at how far I have come and how much I have
learned. I would even go so far as to say how much more enlightened I
have become. I LOVE this journey now. Even after all the tragedies in
my life, I can honestly say I would not change any of it. They have been
a part of the learning journey bringing me to where I am and to where I
am going.
I guess it all started in mid 1999, and after a short break, I knew
something had touched me, as for what? I did not yet really know. It was
only after a whole string of synchronicities that kept pointing me back to
the Celestine Prophecies. It was about 6 months after reading it for the
first time, when I really felt something move me enough to read it again.
After this, I felt propelled to gather more and more information.
My intention in sharing this information with you is to show you some of
the choices I had to make during some parts of my journey. You might
also be confronted with these same choices, or ones that might be
similar and recognizable.
I did not always have the funds to buy the books I wanted to buy, or to go
to the seminars, readings or events I felt that would assist me and
provide me with answers to the many questions I had. Sometimes I did
have the money and then I might have found myself having to choose
between a holiday for Angie and I, or being present at some special
event. Fortunately for me, Angie was quite happy to stay home, as she
saw that all the things I was doing back then were assisting me in my
healing journey.
During our journeys we are often confronted with making choices that
may impact upon not only ourselves, but the loved ones around us. Just
remember that they are just that, simply choices. Stand behind those
choices no matter which way they take you. Often times we are way too
hard on ourselves because of those choices.
There are a couple of ways we could look at this. We could choose to go
on the holiday and we would feel great and nice, all relaxed and
recuperated for a few weeks after returning - which of course, is a good
We could also choose instead, to go to the seminar or event and the
information shared with us there might also make us feel all nice and
relaxed, recuperated and at ease with ourselves for a few weeks
afterwards - which of course, is also a very good thing.
The difference here is this. A holiday will last a couple of weeks and after
the initial highs, we would end up back in the doldrums of our usual lives.
After the seminar or workshop, we would not only bring back the
wonderful experiences of meeting like-minded people, but we would also
be bringing back the tools that would help in transforming our lives for
the better!
Perhaps the most valuable difference, in my opinion, would be that the
information received during the second choice, is that it assisted me to
move forward in my understanding of how the human experience and the
universal energy flow worked. It has been my experience that because of
the many events I chose to be present at or the many books I bought,
brought me to a new level of awareness.
The amount of times during my many experiences that I have heard
people say: "Oh! I can’t afford that book", only to hear them say a little
further on in our conversation that they just paid out a lot of money to
have their hair done, get some face cream or to buy new clothes. Why
am I sharing this in this manner? Quite simply -because we all do it, or
have done it. What they did was make a choice. At the moment of
making the choice they felt that their outer appearances were more
important than their inner selves. It was simply a choice.
Perhaps because you are now reading this it will assist you in
understanding those choices and that both of the examples will provide
you with something. One will provide you with lasting results and the
other may not. They still remain your choices. If there is a question to be
asked it might be: Could I have postponed the one in order to get the
I wish to strongly emphasize again that it is not about judgment here. It
truly is about us making our choices and standing by them. It is about
being aware of our choices and the results or consequences. It is about
taking responsibility for our choices. No complaints or guilt trips
afterwards, that will only serve to slow you down in your awakening
As the title of this page suggests it is about prioritising. When we
prioritise we make conscious choices. When these two are combined we
stand more firmly behind our choices. If we perceive at a later date they
may have been the wrong choice, we have learnt and grown from the
experience and ultimately understand that there is no such thing as
wrong choices. We have also created an awareness within us that
perhaps we may take more time before making choices in the future.
I make my choices now, first and foremost, for myself. I take the time to
look at them and see the potential results of both choices. I then
consciously choose the one that will benefit me most in my chosen
journey. I have added a further insight to my choices that I would also
like to offer you as a closing to this sharing.
I am absolutely consciously aware that when I make a choice that will
benefit me in my own growth, I am not only benefiting myself with that
choice, I am benefiting the whole of the collective consciousness. Why?
Because I have taken the judgment factor out of the equation. I have
taken responsibility for my choices and I am therefore empowering
myself and in so doing, I am becoming a living example for showing
others that they can also empower themselves.
I have chosen to place this parable in
the first section of the book because of
the importance of discernment in all of
our journeys - especially while going
through the first stages of awakening.
The Importance Of Discernment
What a beautiful and powerful word this is. Discernment. The dictionary
tells us that discernment means: The act or process of exhibiting keen
insight and good judgment.
And oh my goodness! These recent times of past - and now - are calling
for us to use more and more discernment than ever before! Special
periods of the year, such as Quintiles, Equinoxes, Concordances and
eclipses (all planetary alignments) have caused energy surges and shifts
not only within and upon our planet, but within our very selves! (chuckle).
I think I can safely say, that all who find themselves reading this, went
through these shifts in energy. In fact, everyone on the planet has gone
through, is going through or will go through these shifts of energy - just
most don't consciously know it and don't feel the subtle vibrational
changes that are happening.
What a diversity of choices we were and are being faced with! A lot of
people are experiencing the emotions of control, fear, separation,
judgment etc. and do not know why these are being brought to the
surface. The reason being, that on the physical level, it is time for all
negative emotions to be exposed, healed and transcended - so that one
can become a master of those emotions and experiences.
Of course it isn’t all, to use the term, 'negative'. There are also very many
positive emotions and experiences to be had - which brings about a
balancing effect. So many people that I have the honor and pleasure of
working with, share their experiences with me, and we discover that we
are all going through many of the same things - that it is often like a
merry-go-round, bouncing between the highs and lows of both extremes!
Talk about duality! This is duality in its most prominent form!
In many of these experiences, the most profound word that keeps
coming back time after time - is 'discernment'. As we all move into these
new energies expanding on what we are, we are very definitely
becoming more acutely aware of the energies and emotions around us.
Your question to self is now one of, “Does this belong to me, or is this
from someone close to me?" People are absolutely being encouraged
(almost forced) to use their discernment as to what belongs to them.
When someone works with energies and is a healer, they are more often
than not, empathic (where a person will feel another's pain and emotion).
It becomes very difficult to distinguish what emotion belongs to whom.
Energy, as in emotions, is not something we can see, so, it is imperative
to be able to discern what is a part of our own journey and experiences,
or do they belong to someone else?
It is up to you now to discern whether they are yours or theirs. It is
nothing new really. For many years the term 'Empath' has been used. It
is quite simply, that now the masses are being nudged to awaken, it is
becoming much more profoundly noticeable, and many are feeling it - yet
not quite understanding what it is and why. Well, it is the beginning of
telepathy. Master it, and boy, I sure know this one is difficult! Do your
utmost not to fall into the trap of judging others. Simply allow them their
journey. Respect where they are. Offer them your compassion and
unconditional love.
I found out the hard way. I went through all of the emotions. Yes, I fell
into judgment, I experienced anger, I felt hurt and tears flowed regularly.
Sheesh, and here I was thinking that I had found balance with my ego!
Why am I sharing this with you? Well. It was also a part of my journey
and I know beyond any shadow of a doubt, now that you have read this,
you have in a way experienced it with me. Now it is up to you to discern
for yourself whether or not you wish to experience it for yourself - or not.
This is the beauty of all these experiences right now. Having been
experienced by another and simply hearing, reading or seeing another
go through it, you can learn from it and now consciously choose to
accept it as a part of your own experience and have no need to go there
personally. Or, you can choose consciously to live through the
experience. Here we are with that choices thing again! I have to chuckle
as I wonder which, you will choose? Will you be as stubborn as I was?
Or perhaps I wasn’t being stubborn? Maybe I did consciously choose to
live through it so I could write about it? (chuckle) I will leave that up to
your own discernment!
Another thing that was being placed, very clearly, in front of us, was the
message to discern with great care, other people's channeling’s. No
message from any channeler will be void of distortions of some sort. We
all operate through our own personal filters, and a channeler, no matter
who they are or whom they are channeling, will have some kind of
distortion. The amount will vary greatly on the channel and how much
personal work they have done for themselves. On occasion this might
slightly distort the true message or maybe even just parts of it. The
message for the masses in this, it is time to be using your own personal
discernment in all areas of life-relationships, spiritual, business, financial,
What do I mean by this word discernment?
You are being asked to feel and to listen to your own heart. You are
being asked to trust your own inner voices. Trust your intuition. Discern
as to whether the message being shared is in total truth, or if there are
slight distortions or are they perhaps even complete fantasy? Remember
how I started this section? One of the easiest ways to discern a good
channeling, is by 'feeling' the energy behind the words. Is it imparted with
love, blessings, and empowerment? Or laced throughout with issues of
fear, control, separation and judgment?
There are definitely many good channeling’s around for us to learn from.
A good reason for that, is that we are all stepping into our mastery. We
are all at different degrees of that mastery, which is why we are being
nudged to use discernment. For those in the early stages of their
development and learning, it would not be wise to believe everything that
is written and taken as absolute truth. Just because it may be a
channeling, it doesn't mean that it is a quality channeling.
My reason for writing this (and anything else that I may share) be it
verbally or in written form - is to offer another perspective that you may
not have seen for yourself. You see, it is not my desire that you believe
or trust every word that I share - or those of any other for that matter.
What I do desire, is that you are always alert to your own inner voice.
That you trust your own intuition. That you always use your own power
of discernment.
What Is Fear?
During my own personal journey I have discovered that fear has been a
limiting factor in my development. I now know fear comes mostly from a
lack of knowledge or from the unknown. It has been my own experience
that the Universe never places a challenge in front of a person without
also placing solutions there too. Look back at some of your own
experiences and then follow the trajectory from the fear process up to the
moment you no longer feared it. In doing so, you will see the challenge
that brought the fear to the surface and you will also see the solution that
was provided.
In a moment I will offer some examples of fear and how to overcome
those fears by simply following a few basic steps.
Step inside your memory banks and look for an example of one of your
own fear experiences.
Can you remember how your body reacted? You experienced perhaps
panic? Did you notice what was going on with your breathing patterns?
They were shallow rapid breaths, weren’t they? There are many things
you can do to dissipate these fears or these panic attacks. One of my
own favourites is 'prana breathing'.
Prana breathing is nothing other than changing your breathing patterns
and physically becoming aware of how you are breathing. Breathing in
for an equal amount of heart beats, holding your breath for the same
What is fear?
In this parable I provide an explanation of
what fear is. I also provide examples, tools
and methods of transcending any fears that
you may have that prevent you from living a
full and harmonious life.
amount of heart beats, releasing the breath during the same amount of
heart beats, and then holding again for the same amount of heart beats
before repeating the whole process continually. This regular breathing
pattern is calming and will take you away from the panic state, opening
your mind to possible solutions. Also, if you are able to, intentionally
open your four higher chakras and you may well find, that insight and
wisdom flows into you from the universal consciousness.
If you believe as I do, that our bodies are basically a bunch of dense
vibrations, you can try this. I know that it will work for you as it has for
me. Sounding the Aum or Ohm sound, brings in much relaxation and will
also take you out of the experience of fear. Produce the sound for as
long as you are comfortable with it, taking a deep breath and repeating
the process. Fear is a low vibration energy. The aum is a high vibration
energy. When you sound the aum, feel the vibrations as they begin in
your throat and as you gain strength in the sound, start to push the
vibrations down through your body. By doing this, you are actually raising
the vibrations in all of your cells. This has an amazing calming effect. By
raising your vibrations in this way, you will find that your fears are no
longer as challenging as you first thought. Allowing yourself to become
calm, you have again opened up to finding solutions to your challenges.
Here is an example of fear in action, what it does to you and what you
can do with it.
A dear friend of mine was standing in line at the supermarket cash-out
when she realized that someone had just joined the cue behind her. Her
energy field had felt it. She knew this because the hairs on her neck
were standing on end. Naturally she turned around and to her
amazement and surprise this someone happened to be a person she
knew and felt extremely uncomfortable being around. She had had a
very unpleasant encounter with this man at some point in her past, which
automatically triggered these reactions. As she realized this, her heart
started to beat wildly, she started sweating and she felt very
uncomfortable indeed.
As luck would have it - or call it a synchronicity if you prefer - we had
spoken about fear the day before with regards to an experience she was
having at her work in a psychiatric hospital. I had given her some
exercises that she could do to overcome those fears. While standing
there in the supermarket, she remembered one of them and physically
gathered her strength and concentrated on changing her emotions and
energy. She imagined going into her heart space and began building a
field of unconditional Love energy from within. As she started to expand
that field outward she could feel her energy changing and she became
much calmer. To her surprise and utter amazement the man behind her
tapped her on the shoulder and started to exchange pleasantries. He
was very nice to her and extremely polite.
As she walked away from the cash-out, she could not help but chuckle at
the wonderful experience she had just created. By simply changing her
own energy field with her thoughts and her intent, she was able to turn a
confronting and fearful experience into a pleasant one. She had also
been provided with proof from the Universe that she would be able to
overcome any challenges she faced at work. We also both knew that the
experience, was given to her so that she could share it with her
colleagues to assist them. It is their choice of course, and always will be,
whether or not they wish to experience this.
A day or so later she got the opportunity to actually try this same
example out with an extremely difficult and aggressive patient at her
work. The results were as we had predicted… magical.
We feel that the more my friend works with this exercise, she will make a
profound difference in many of the situations in which she will find herself
- not only for herself, but for the others around her.
A Personal Example
I know that so many of you are also going to be able to relate to this
example. There was a time when I was out of work - between jobs if you
will. My monthly gross income at that time was to say the least,
insufficient. It was hard to scrape a decent meal together and there was
even a period when the electricity had been cut off for non-payment of
bills. Every time the post came, I would feel that old familiar feeling of
dread - I would be panicking. Thoughts like, “How am I going to pay that
one?” "How can I juggle the bills this month so that I can extend that one
to its max and pay this one that has reached its max?" It was during this
period of creative management that I really started to think about my life.
I consciously started to think about what I was doing during these times
and how my thoughts were creating exactly what was happening. When I
was able to shift the thoughts from being fear based into an undeniable
trust that the universe would somehow or other provide, I started to
experience it much less. This was perhaps for me, the confirmation that I
needed, to realise that I could indeed, move beyond fear.
An excellent source of information for many more examples of this type
of energy exchange, can be found in James Redfield’s book 'The Secret
of Shambhala'
You may also wish to make a mental request that you would like to
receive the solution to these fears. Pause and allow the Universe time to
provide answers and solutions. Once you have done this, you will have
reached a level of understanding that you never have to succumb to fear
If the answers are not immediately forthcoming, let it go and trust that it
will be taken care of. This too will make a massive difference in your
experiences with fear.
The Many Different
Facets Of Ego
The ego can be the bane of your
life, but it can be a valuable asset
to your growth process.
How do you recognize when it is
your ego that is playing up?
Find examples in this parable.
The Many Different Facets
Of The Ego
At this point in your journey, you will more than likely know that we came
into this life cycle with a set of potentials which we will follow or digress
from, depending on our experiences. One thing we all come in with is an
ego. It is an essential part of this game of duality. Our ego is an essential
part of experiencing this journey to it's fullest. It is what is required to
experience separation. What I mean by separation is two fold. You are
separated from the oneness, the whole, the all knowing. Depending on
the gender you chose to come in as, you are to a certain degree also
separated from either your male or female part of you. One or the other
will be the more dominant energy.
Having said that, both elements are very much present in all of us.
During my personal journey, I have experienced many different aspects
of my ego. I have but one conclusion. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL TOOL, and I
honor it, bless it and LOVE it, for being a part of me.
What a first statement! Did that surprise some of you? Maybe, maybe
I know that many of you are thinking “the ego is nothing but trouble and I
try to hide it as deeply away as I possibly can”.
In my world, this illusion in which I participate, everything that is “in
balance” is a valuable aspect of self. When I am totally in balance I am
one with all that is. I am in the flow. I am one with the creator energy. I
am one with universal consciousness. I am not saying that the
experiences outside of balance are not valuable, they most certainly are
because of the lessons and therefore the growth, wisdom and insight
they provide. That also goes for the ego. It can be the bane of your life, it
can be your protector, it can be your comforter, it can be whatever you
allow it to be in the circumstances in which you find yourself at any given
Allow me to provide some examples of how the ego potentially works.
Your ego may require you to defend yourself when you perceive to have
experienced hurtful words being directed at you. Your ego will request
that you cry or play the victim role. Your ego might ask that you become
angry and that you direct some hurtful comment back at the person in
question or perhaps even to take it further than words. As I have spoken
before about the 'experiences' - it does not matter which you choose to
experience - neither are good nor bad. They just are. As you step more
and more into the understanding of this game we call life, or humans
being, you will choose none of the previous. You will choose, more often
than not, the option that will lead you to experience the higher aspect of
yourself. What might this offer you?
It means that you will see immediately what is happening, and why. You
will distance yourself from that energy and you may feel compassion for
the other person directing that energy to you. You will love them
unconditionally for the journey and the experience they are choosing to
live out as they speak to you. You will not be judging them for that
As you choose to remain in that higher state of self awareness, your
energy field will be expanding out from you in all directions. It will contain
this energy of calm compassion. In doing so you will be touching their
energy field and anyone else who happens to be in the vicinity. Their
higher selves will feel it, and relay it to the body. They then have the
choice to remain in that conflict energy or to relax and become calm.
Depending on their choice, you then have the option to physically
distance yourself from that person, or you can remain in that higher state
of self. As you do, you will find the words that will offer the opportunity to
openly discuss - without conflict - why they have chosen to direct those
words at you. It is important for you not to own the words directed at you.
You will generally find that it is saying something about them and where
they are in their journey. There will be valuable lessons and experiences
in these choices for both of you. What I am suggesting here is that you
remain open and perhaps take a deep breath or two before making those
choices. This will always allow time to look at what is happening and
You might experience anger?
This too is a facet of ego. If you are willing to take a step back and look
at the reason it has angered you, you will generally find that something
that has happened to you in your past has been triggered by their words.
To bring you to the state of anger, someone must have said something
that you most definitely did not like, or there was an experience that you
felt was very unpleasant. Look for the why. Be willing to release the

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