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I Believe in Transforming People!

In India we have over 2,300 major communities or people groups and 122 languages with a minimum of
10,000 speakers. We have a total of 448 living languages (over 1,600 dialects)- 65 are institutional
languages, 125 developing languages, 190 are vigorous languages, and 13 dying languages.

In this multi-linguistic and diverse ethnic context, communicating eternal truth is complex too. As the
times are turbulent, we need to be blameless and wise, depending on the Holy Spirit to use us
effectively as instruments of communicating His Word. Many of the called out, trained and well
equipped people are leaving the country to pursue prosperity and modern living environments. But all
of us have an obligation to pray for our people and witness among them. Mass media and Mega
movements are not the solution. As interpersonal and group communication is still the most effective
medium in winning people for behavioral and life changes, we need to look for more creative ways of
using those mediums.

Training Native Teachers, Strengthening Families, and Building Communities

Ordinary people of all walks of life can be ‘opinion leaders’ among their peers and community members.
Native leaders need to be trained to be better communicators, and expositors to lead individuals and
groups; families need to be equipped to walk with other families making every opportunity to witness;
young people need to be empowered to make transforming relationships for eternal truth that lasts in a
world of deception and materialism. These ordinary people who are committed for the cause can be
equipped to be better speakers and trainers, not necessarily in a theological college, but in their own
village or town. Families can be enhanced to meaningfully engage with other families in their own
neighbourhood. Young people can be made influencers of their pee. All these are possible without a
professional theological degree or a Counseling Course that makes one a certified practitioner.

Empowering Opinion Leaders

I believe in human transformation, i.e., behavioral changes. People often change their lifestyle or habits
for better when they listen to someone close to them or who is interested in them. We make wise
decisions by consulting whom we believe, capable of guiding us. They are our Opinion Leaders. How
about you and I becoming an intentional coach to multiply such Opinion Leaders who will become
guideposts to many around them? Our savings and material achievements last no more, but impacting
lives and making more leaders can. Millions are confused and go on without a vision in life, lacking the
confidence that they are capable of making changes in life- be it open defecation, making a saving,
loving their spouse as their soul mate, impacting and building up the lives of their children or knowing
even their own destiny.

I am interested in ‘Training Native Teachers’ who will become coaches to opinion leaders; impacting
lives, building families and transforming communities. We would like to pray together, discuss one
another and join our hearts and minds together towards making this happen. Together, we can restore
relationships, build up families and equip communities for the new life.
The Training Modules

The training will happen in small groups in the local communities of the participants, weekly or monthly.

The modules will be on...

1. How to walk with people in their crisis and be an encourager

2. How to be a Transformational opinion leader for people in need.
3. Leading creative Discussion Groups
4. Creative and alternative Communications
5. Families for Life (Building Families)
6. And similar leadership skill topics

Let’s be the Change!

If you are interested to join or partner, mail me at philjy@gmail.com

With much regards and looking forward

Philipose Vaidyar

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