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1. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper contains four parts.
3. SECTION A contains 15 questions, each one mark.
4. SECTION B contains 13 questions, each two marks.
5. SECTION C contains 9 questions, each three marks.
6. SECTION D contains 3 questions, each four marks.


Q 1. Choose the correct option. [1x5=5]

I) The smallest particle of soil are called

(a) Clay (b)sand (c) silt (d)gravel
II) Rain water washes of minerals and deposits them in the
I. substratum (b) B horizon (c) R Horizon (c) C Horizon

III) a drop of water on a leaf forms a magnified image of the veins

because of
(a) refraction (b) reflection (c) radiation (d) rectilinear propagation

IV) if we mix lights of the colours of the rainbow we will get

(a) pink light (b) brown light (c) colourless light (d) black light

V) .......... the only Indian Metropolis with forests of its own

(a) Delhi (b) Mumbai (c) Kolkata. (d) Chennai
Q2) fill in the blanks [1x10=10]
I. natural decomposers cannot break down …….waste.
II. organic matter is decomposed by……… bacteria in aeration tank.
III. A magnifying glass is a………. lens.
IV. A convex mirror is one in which the reflecting surface bulges……..
V. Lateritic soil is found in the…….
VI. the decaying organic matter present in soil is called…..
VII. Oil is obtained from……..
VIII. The area from which water drains into a river or stream is its ……
area .
IX. High pressure indicates ……. Weather.

The cold dry winds that blow over Northern India in winter called
Q3. Answer the following questions. [2x4=8]
I. How do forests regulate temperature?
II. When an object is placed beyond the focus of a concave mirror what
is the nature of the image show with the help of a diagram.
III. How was groundwater utilised traditionally and how is it used
IV. How do forests check pollution?

Q 4. Answer the following questions in not more than 20 words.

I. Mention the various components of soil?
II. What is a storm surge?
III. What is a relation between the incident ray ,the reflected
ray and the surface of a plane mirror?
IV. Mention two uses of a concave mirror.
V. Mention three causes for the scarcity of water in our
VI. Name five forest products.
VII. How do forests help to maintain the balance of gases in the
VIII. What are the three sources of liquid waste?
IX. What is the nature of image formed by a concave lens?

Q 5. answer the following questions in not more than 40 words.
[3x9 =27]
I. What happens when parallel rays of light fall on a curved
reflecting surface?
II. What do you understand by the spectrum of white light?
III. What is substratum ? Is the top soil always derived from this
IV. What are cyclones in the Atlantic and Pacific called why are
cyclones given names?
V. Explain why roofs get blown off during a storm?
VI. What about the pattern of rainfall in our country leads to
scarcity of water? Which part of the country gets rainfall twice
a year?
VII. How is organic matter separated from sewage?
VIII. In what ways do the tribals and other living near forests
benefit from forests?
IX. In concave mirror, when the object is closer then the focus
then what is the nature of the image formed by it? Show with
the help of a ray diagram.

Q 6. Answer the following questions in not more than hundred

words. [ 4x3=12]
I. How did Vilasrao Salunkhe solve the water crisis in Naigaon?
II. How does a thunderstorm develop?
III. What do you understand by the focus of a lens how will you
find the focus of a convex lens?

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