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Coca Chewing in Prehistoric Coastal Peru:

Dental Evidence
Etty Indriati1* AND Jane E. Buikstra2
Laboratory of Bioanthropology and Paleoanthropology, Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Medicine,
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-1086

KEY WORDS cervical-root caries; oral pathology; posterior teeth; coca chewing; Peru

ABSTRACT In this study, we describe the dental compared with results of a test for coca use derived from
health of four prehistoric human populations from the hair samples from the same individuals. The hair and
southern coast of Peru, an area in which independent dental studies exhibited an 85.7% agreement. Thus, we
archaeological evidence suggests that the practice of coca- have demonstrated the validity of a hard-tissue technique
leaf chewing was relatively common. A repeated pattern of for identifying the presence of habitual coca-leaf chewing
cervical-root caries accompanying root exposure was in ancient human remains, which is useful in archaeolog-
found on the buccal surfaces of the posterior dentition, ical contexts where hair is not preserved. These data can
coinciding with the typical placement of coca quids during be used to explore the distribution of coca chewing in
mastication. To further examine the association between prehistoric times. Simultaneously, we document the den-
caries patterning and coca chewing, caries site character-
tal health associated with this traditional Andean cultural
istics of molar teeth were utilized as indicators for esti-
practice. Am J Phys Anthropol 114:242–257, 2001.
mating the likelihood of coca chewing for adults within
© 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
each of the study samples. Likelihood estimates were then

Theories about the prehistoric distribution of co- (Moseley, 1992); 4) Moche ceramic portraiture illus-
ca-leaf chewing in ancient Andean peoples have trating a spatula being used to remove lime from a
been the subject of considerable debate, particularly gourd container, in preparation for coca chewing in
the pervasiveness and geographical distribution of the north coast of Peru (Lumbreras, 1974); 5) burial
coca chewing (e.g., Leigh, 1937; Murra, 1986; inclusions showing dried coca leaves and lime held
Naranjo, 1981). In attempting to understand the in gourd bottles and bone spatulas from the Late
distribution of coca chewing in the ancient Andes, Preceramic culture in coastal Peru (2500 BC–AD
studies have been conducted in multiple disciplines, 1800) (Lanning, 1967); and 6) a stone sculpture de-
including biology (Cartmell et al., 1991; Aufderheide picting coca chewing in highland Tiwanaku Bolivia
et al., 1991); dental anthropology (Thompson, 1903; (Kolata, 1993). There are many reports on the ar-
Leigh, 1937; Klepinger et al., 1977; Elzay et al., chaeological evidence of coca chewing on the coast,
1977; Turner, 1993; Langsjoen, 1996); archaeology but few for the highlands.
(Lanning, 1967; Lumbreras, 1974; Menzel, 1977, In addition to the discovery of extensive coastal
Naranjo, 1981; Moseley, 1992); and botany (Molina
artifacts and coca paraphernalia, a prehistoric site
et al., 1985; Plowman, 1984, 1985 ). The findings and
from the Zaña Valley in northern Peru has been
conclusions from these reports, however, have not
reported to contain evidence of lime production
always been consistent.
Leigh (1937), for example, reports less frequent (Dillehay, 1992; Dillehay et al., 1991). The authors
coca chewing on the coast than in the highlands, report that lime or cal was produced from travertine
whereas most other studies suggest a coastal em- and calcite deposited at the headwaters of local
phasis (e.g., Moseley, 1992; Lumbreras, 1974; Lan- creeks. They suggest that the lime extracted from
ning, 1967). Archaeological evidence documenting a
predominantly coastal distribution includes: 1) coca
quids distending the cheeks of mummies from the Grant sponsor: Bioanthropological Foundation; Grant sponsor: Uni-
coastal Cabuza culture, Chile (⬃A.D. 500) (Cartmell versity of Chicago; Grant sponsor: National Science Foundation.
et al., 1991); 2) coca quids found in the mouths of
*Correspondence to: Etty Indriati, Laboratory Bioantropologi dan
mummies with accompanying coca leaf-filled textile Paleoantropologi, PO Box 23/YKBS, Yogyakarta 55002, Indonesia.
bags in the coastal Chiribaya region (Aufderheide et E-mail: indriati@idola.net.id
al., 1991); 3) Moche ceramic paintings depicting coca
chewing on the north coast of Peru (AD 100 – 800) Received 26 October 1998; accepted 23 October 2000.


this early preceramic site was probably specifically 1903); calcareous accretions (Leigh, 1937); buccal
produced for use with coca. alveolar bone erosion (Turner, 1993); and antemor-
In addition to artifacts and prehistoric lime pro- tem posterior tooth loss (Langsjoen, 1996). Unfortu-
duction, botanical remains of coca leaves have also nately, systematic evaluation of these factors as coca
been found more frequently in the coastal lowlands indicators is lacking.
in comparison to the highlands. Botanical findings In biology, efforts to detect coca use in prehistoric
suggest that coca was already under cultivation in populations have primarily relied on the presence of
the Peruvian coastal valleys by 1900 –1750 BC preserved hair from mummies. Two primary efforts
(Patterson, 1971) or 2500 –1800 BC (Plowman, have been undertaken in the field of biology: testing
1984). Plowman (1984) concludes that a coca variety hair and researching dental evidence. In an innova-
which had adapted to the dry coastal environment, tive study, Cartmell et al. (1991) and Aufderheide et
namely Trujillo coca, was cultivated and chewed on al. (1991) detected the presence of traces of coca, as
the Peruvian coast by 2000 BC and possibly earlier. a cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine (BZE), in the
The expected conclusion from these studies, i.e., a hair of ancient mummies from the coastal Andes via
theory of coastal dominance of coca chewing in ar- a radioimmunoassay technique. Hair follicles easily
chaeological and botanical findings, however, is not capture the metabolite and provide an accurate
consistent with the conclusions of Leigh (1937). method of testing for coca consumption, either
Leigh (1937) argued, based on dental evidence, that through chewing or by drinking coca tea. While hair
coca-leaf chewing was more common in highland analysis (Cartmell et al., 1991; Aufderheide et al.,
populations, a finding consistent with the modern- 1991) provides convincing biological evidence for
day distribution of coca leaf consumption. Most mod- coca use in prehistoric populations, research on the
ern reports indicate that coca chewers are predom- association between various dental signatures and
inately residents of highland areas (Hanna, 1974; coca-leaf chewing (Klepinger et al. 1977; Elzay et al.,
Allen, 1986, 1988). Buck et al. (1968) indicate that 1977; Thompson, 1903; Leigh, 1937; Turner, 1993;
the percentage of traditional Andean Indians who Langsjoen, 1996) has been speculative at best. Thus,
chew coca decreases substantially from the high- there is a clear need for a more systematic evalua-
lands to the lowlands. At about 11,500 feet, coca tion of the dental evidence.
chewers make up about 72% of the population; at
5,600 feet, about 28%; at 3,500 feet, about 29%; and
at sea level, about 3%. The relatively low frequency
of chewing among modern coastal populations dif- Coca leaves are the primary materials used in
fers from the prehistoric coastal evidence of coca coca chewing, even though lime is commonly added.
chewing. This difference may be explained in vari- Coca contains alkaloids such as cocaine, cis- and
ous ways. It is probable that coastal peoples today trans-cinnamoylcocaine, ecgonine methyl ester, ben-
have been substantially influenced by modern urban zoylecgonine, tropacocaine, pseudococaine, methyl-
practices and have moved away from traditional egnonine, hygrine, cuscohygrine, and nicotine (Car-
lifestyles. In addition, highlanders have gradually roll, 1977, p. 43). Among these, cocaine has the
gained access to coca over time, have faced less strongest anesthetic and narcotic effect in the oral
cultural and governmental interference, and have cavity, such as the blocking of the parasympathetic
found coca chewing helpful in reducing altitude sick- nerves, thus increasing blood pressure and creating
ness. a feeling of euphoria (Weil, 1981). Coca chewing also
The conflict between the conclusions of Leigh suppresses salivary glandular activity, decreasing
(1937) and the findings of others is a focal point for the secretion of saliva and slowing salivary flow, a
our study. Specifically, we develop a new method for condition termed xerostomia (dryness of the mouth,
identifying coca usage in the prehistoric skeletal caused by the halting of normal salivary release,
record which may help clarify the contradictory find- Mosby Medical Encyclopedia, 1992, p. 837).
ings of previous research. The positive relationship between decreased sali-
USE OF BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE IN vary flow, xerostomia, narcotic use, and caries is
IDENTIFYING COCA CHEWERS reported in various studies. For example, Johnson
and Brown (1993) state that cocaine dries the
One method for investigating the distribution of mouth, and Holbrook (1993) reports that low sali-
coca chewing among ancient Andean peoples is vary flow rate is significantly associated with high
through studying the effects of coca-leaf chewing on caries prevalence. Holbrook (1993), however, did not
teeth, thereby allowing the identification of coca provide information on the location of the individual
chewers from skeletal remains alone. Unfortu- caries. Kerr (1986) also suggests that xerostomia
nately, there has been no systematic attempt to predisposes caries formation. Kerr (1986) notes that
accomplish this. The presumed oral pathological ef- drugs or irradiation treatments may cause cervical
fects of coca-leaf chewing are numerous and include: caries, also known as rampant caries. Another ex-
heavy calculus formation (Klepinger et al., 1977); ample of xerostomic relation to cervical caries is
dark brown tooth crowns (Elzay et al., 1977); brown discussed by Hecht and Friedman (1949), who re-
or green-colored accretions on teeth (Thompson, ported a high incidence of cervical caries in narcotic
TABLE 1. Number of observed individuals from all sites1
Number of Age range Average age
Sites individuals (years) (years) Male Female
Chiribaya Alta 26 20–55 34.46 10 16
Algodonal 5 20–40 32.00 3 2
Yaral 9 20–50 33.33 6 3
Chen-Chen 46 20–45 32.26 18 28
Total 86 33.01 37 (43%) 49 (57%)
Each individual has an assigned case number (see Tables 6 –9).

Fig. 1. Map of area of study.

addicts (76%; 115/151). These findings suggest that previously been ignored in distributional studies.
the cervical segment of teeth is more susceptible to This method, we feel, provides an important contri-
caries formation than other areas in the oral cavity. bution to this anthropological question.
This is perhaps because cementum is less dense In conducting this research, we examined the den-
than enamel, and therefore the cementum at the tal health of prehistoric individuals who had previ-
root is more prone to caries compared to the enamel ously been tested for coca use through hair analysis
at the crown of the teeth. (Aufderheide et al., 1991). From these data, we de-
veloped a quantitative dental technique for identi-
fying coca chewing, which in turn enabled us to plot
The current study attempts to utilize dental evi- the prehistoric distribution of coca chewing based on
dence to help resolve some of the contentious issues the percentage of identified coca chewers in our
regarding the biological effects of coca use. Previous south-central coastal Andean populations.
research suggested that coca chewing induces xero-
stomia, thus causing cervical-root caries on the mo-
lar area where the coca quid is typically positioned One of us (E.I.) examined the dental health of 86
during chewing. The availability of research sub- individuals from four prehistoric sites in southern
jects (prehistoric individuals established as coca coastal Peru (AD 800 –1350): Chiribaya Alta, Alg-
chewers through evidence of positive traces of coca odonal, Yaral, and Chen-Chen (Table 1, Fig. 1). The
substance; Aufderheide et al., 1991) provided an inhabitants of these sites were primarily maize ag-
opportunity to study the dental lesions of these in- riculturalists who supplemented their diets with a
dividuals. This in turn enabled us to develop a sys- variety of other domesticated and wild resources
tematic method for identifying coca chewing in skel- (Dendy, 1991). The first three samples have been
etal populations and thereby aid in research on the examined for coca use via radioimmunoassay by
distribution of coca chewing in prehistoric Andean Aufderheide et al. (1991), using preserved hair
populations. samples. Aufderheide et al. (1991) applied radio-
We hypothesize, based on previous archaeological immunoassay (RIA) to test for the presence of co-
findings, that coca chewing was pervasive in prehis- caine metabolite remnants, namely benzoylecgnonie
toric Andean populations. We define a systematic (BZE). They took 30 mg of hair from each individual
dental method for identifying coca chewing that has studied, rinsed the hair with 100 ml sterile water,
and centrifuged it. The rinsed water was used for
analysis of the presence of BZE. This analysis was
done with an antibody reactive with cocaine and
cocaine metabolite. RIA was monitored by a gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry method (GCMS).
Aufderheide et al. (1991) found an excellent correla-
tion in samples tested by RIA and GCMS. They set
the “cutoff” value differentiating reactive (positive)
from nonreactive (negative) at 5 ng of BZE/10 mg of
One of us (J.E.B.) randomly selected samples aged
20 –50 years (average age about 33 years, Table 1)
from Chiribaya Alta, Algodonal, and Yaral popula-
tions. Sex was determined through pelvic and cra-
nial morphology (Buikstra and Mielke, 1985); age
was determined by pubic symphysis morphology
(Suchey et al., 1986) and lateral anterior cranial
suture closure (Lovejoy et al., 1985). E.I. scored the
dental remains without knowledge of the results of
the radioimmunoassay tests.
We scored the following variables: tooth presence,
antemortem and postmortem tooth loss (Turner et
al., 1991), stage of dental wear (Scott, 1979; Smith,
1984), direction of attrition, slope of the teeth and
wear angle of occlusal surface (Smith, 1984), and
caries location and extent of calculus formation
(Dobney and Brothwell, 1986). Root exposure was
measured from the cemento-enamel junction to the
alveolar bone, and coded as 1– 4: 1, if the distance
was 1–ⱕ3 mm; 2, for ⬎3–ⱕ4 mm; 3, for ⬎4 –ⱕ5 mm;
and 4, for ⬎5 mm. If abscesses were present, the
location was recorded as either buccal or lingual. Fig. 2. a: Mandible, left view. On lower first and second
molars, note triangular root caries with severe root exposure but
Careful observation of dental pathological condi- intact crowns. This is an example of a strong indicator for coca
tions revealed a repeated pattern of buccal caries on chewing. b: Close-up of described area.
the cervix of molar teeth, frequently extending api-
cally and accompanied by severe root exposure (Figs.
2a,b, 3). We subsequently hypothesized that this
pattern could be the primary indicator of coca leaf ence of molar roots loosing crowns, and antemortem
chewing (CLC) resulting from the quid (chewed coca loss of molars) because they are obvious and do not
leaves with the addition of lime) being placed di- require a visual demonstration. However, Figure 4
rectly on the area. Other dental features considered represents the drawing of these weak indicators.
as secondary indicators included buccal crown car- As indicated in Table 2, strong indicators are at-
ies, interproximal caries, presence of only molar tributed only to lower molars. If all lower molars
roots being exposed, and antemortem loss of molars. were present, the maximum possible number of
These dental variables are listed and quantified in strong indicators in one individual is 6, with one
Table 2; together they form the dental technique indicator corresponding to each lower molar. In
used to identify coca chewers. On both lower and many examples, however, molars were lost before
upper molars we divided these parameters into death. Antemortem loss could be due to caries, pul-
three categories: strong, mild, and weak expres- pitis, or periodontitis, which may or may not be
sions, as detailed in Table 2, and illustrated in Fig- associated with coca chewing. We therefore included
ure 4. We used these indicators to place each indi- antemortem molar loss as a weak indicator of coca
vidual into categories of either a definite, probable, chewing. In addition to antemortem molar loss, post-
or possible coca chewer, or nonchewer, as indicated mortem tooth loss also occurred in the archaeologi-
in Table 2. Photographs of strong indicators are cal remains. To cope with the problem of antemor-
presented in Figures 2 and 3 in the form of cervical- tem loss of molars, we determined that the presence
root caries with irregular alveolar resorption on the of 2 strong indicators and accompanying mild or
buccal surface of lower molar teeth. An example of a weak indicators was sufficient to place an individual
mild indicator in the form of root caries on the in- in the “definite coca chewer” category (⫹CLC). We
terproximal surface of an upper molar tooth is seen describe the identification categories of coca chewers
in Figure 5 (MI-2604). We do not present a photo- in Table 2, as part of the dental technique. Results of
graph of weak indicators (interproximal caries, pres- coca-chewer determinations were compared to the
TABLE 2. Dental techniques developed to identify coca chewers
Categories of variables on molar teeth used to identify
1. Strong
Lower molars with deep and wide cervical-root caries on the
buccal surface, with severe root exposure equal or more
than 3 mm from the cemento-enamel junction.
2. Mild
A: Upper molars with deep and wide cervical-root caries on
the buccal surface, with severe root exposure less than 3
mm from the cemento-enamel junction.
B: Cervical-root caries on the mesial, distal, and lingual
surfaces of upper and lower molars;
C: Cervical-root caries on the buccal surface of premolars,
when their adjacent molars were lost antemortem;
D: Buccal-pit caries and caries on the buccal crown.
3. Weak
A: Interproximal caries;
B: Presence of molar roots only;1 Antemortem loss of
Identification categories of coca chewers
1. Definite coca-leaf chewer (⫹CLC): two strong indicators
present, along with accompanying mild or weak indicators.
2. Possible coca-leaf chewer (⫹?CLC): one strong indicator and
at least one mild indicator present.
3. Possible coca-leaf chewer (⫹??CLC): at least one mild
indicator present, or the percentage of mild indicators
relative to number of molars observed is at least 33%.
4. Noncoca-leaf chewer (⫺CLC): may or may not display mild
indicators. If displaying mild indicators, the percentage of
mild indicators relative to number of molars observed is
below 33%.
In our later study (Indriati, 1998), the presence of molar roots
only and antemortem loss of molars are in fact strong dental
variables for coca chewers.
Fig. 3. Mandible, right view. On lower first molar tooth, note
deep triangular root caries following root outline on buccal sur- ificity tests (Dawson-Sanders and Trapp, 1990, p.
face, with occlusal surface and buccal crown caries-free. We de-
fine this as an example of a strong dental indicator for coca
chewing. RESULTS
General findings
results of hair analyses (Aufderheide et al., 1991) for Because tooth wear, abscess presence or absence,
the same individuals. and calculus are not the focus of our study, we do not
Statistical analysis present these data by specific categories such as
tooth type or age cohort. Instead, these observations
We use the chi-square statistical test to compare merely provide a general background of the oral
the frequency of coca chewing between males and health of the Andean populations we are studying.
females. Specificity and sensitivity tests establish The teeth generally exhibit slight to moderate wear
the significant concordance between dental tech- (Scott, 1979 for anterior teeth; Smith, 1984 for pos-
nique and hair analysis. Sensitivity and specificity terior teeth). Abscesses are uncommon and, when
are two means of describing test accuracy (Ingelfin- present, are usually on the buccal surface. Calculus
ger et al., 1983) that are commonly used in clinical is slight to moderate (Dobney and Brothwell, 1986),
medicine. “If all persons with the disease have ‘pos- suggesting normal pH in the oral environment. Root
itive’ tests, we say that the test is sensitive to the exposure varies in severity. Overall dental structure
presence of the disease. If all persons without the is therefore sound and should not, by itself, lead to
disease test ‘negative,’ we say that the test is specific irregular caries patterns. However, in cases where
to the absence of the disease,” according to Ingelfin- severe root exposure is observed, it is usually accom-
ger et al. (1983). Ingelfinger et al. (1983) also state panied by root caries that developed first at the
that if a test is sensitive and specific, no ambiguous cemento-enamel junction and then extended api-
interpretation occurs, but this condition rarely hap- cally on the buccal surface. This condition primarily
pens. We therefore define a threshold of 75% concor- affected molars, which is consistent with our hy-
dance between two tests as significant. The applica- pothesis concerning the quid position in the cheek
tion of specificity and sensitivity tests in our study is region during coca chewing.
useful to establish the probable positive rates of true
coca chewers and probable negative rates of true Caries rates
nonchewers. We tested the dental test (CLC) against In measuring caries rates, we calculated the total
a hair assay (BZE) by applying sensitivity and spec- adult tooth count in total mouths, which can include

Fig. 4. Illustration of variable categories. Location and shape of caries for strong, mild, and weak indicators of coca chewing, as
described in Table 2. Dark areas indicate caries. Superscripts refer to upper teeth and subscripts refer to lower teeth. M, molar teeth;
P, premolar teeth. A, B, C, and D refer to the text in Table 2.

one or more caries per tooth. Each of the four popu- 2), ranging from 2.3–26.9 %. This frequency also far
lations is characterized by a high total caries rate, surpasses caries rates in mixed subsistence econo-
ranging from 30.1–54.5% (Table 3). This is signifi- mies (0.44 –10.3%) and among hunter-gatherers (0 –
cantly higher than the caries rates for most agricul- 5.3%). The high caries rate and high incidence of
tural peoples reported by Turner (1979) (see Table root caries in our study prompted the examination of

study, Kelley et al. (1991) report 23.9% cervical car-

ies, 42.9% occlusal caries, 25.1% interproximal car-
ies, and 8.4% smooth caries. Langsjoen (1996) exam-
ined the same population and concluded that a high
caries frequency, particularly at the cemento-
enamel junction, along with high posterior tooth
loss, implicated the cultural practice of coca leaf
chewing among the Maitas Chiribaya.
In addition, cervical-root caries most commonly
attack the posterior teeth. Therefore, we further
limited our observations to molar teeth and found
that both lower and upper molars suffered root car-
ies exceeding other caries types. Lower molars dis-
played 39.8% of caries on the cervical-roots, includ-
ing 25.2% located on the buccal surface and 14.7%
on the mesial, distal, or lingual surfaces. This was
followed by occlusal pit caries (25.6%), pit caries on
the buccal surface and caries on the buccal crowns
(18%), occlusal caries (8.6%), and proximal caries
(7.9%) (Table 5). On upper molars, root caries sur-
passed other caries types: 40.5% (15.8% on the buc-
cal surface and 24.7% on mesial, distal, and lingual
surfaces). The occlusal pit rate was 25.3%, followed
by proximal, occlusal, and buccal crown caries
(15.2%, 10.1%, and 8.9%), respectively. We did not
analyze the caries percentage by age cohort in this
study, as we focus on caries location. We suggest
that the prevalence of caries on the buccal root of
molar teeth further strengthens our hypothesis re-
garding the probable relationship between quid
placement and caries development.
Fig. 5. Maxilla, distobuccal view. On upper molar tooth, note
severe root exposure accompanied by root caries on distal surface.
We define this as an example of a mild indicator for coca chewing. Coca chewing results
Based on the number and type of indicators rela-
TABLE 3. Caries frequency for all sites1 tive to the number of molars present, each individ-
Number of Number of % teeth ual was defined as a definite, probable, or possible
Sites teeth caries with caries coca chewer, or as a nonchewer (Table 2). Of 86
Chiribaya Alta 366 166 45.3
individuals from four sites, 35 individuals (40.7%)
Algodonal 123 67 54.5 were identified dentally as coca chewers. Of these 35
Yaral 189 57 30.1 individuals, we identified 16 (45.7%) as definite coca
Chen Chen 695 293 42.1 chewers (Table 6); 3 (8.6%) probable coca chewers
Total 1,373 428 31.2
(Table 7); and 16 (45.7%) possible coca chewers (Ta-
Adult tooth count in total mouths, one or more caries per tooth. ble 8). Nonchewers (⫺CLC) comprised 59.3% of the
sample (Table 9). Considering all sites collectively,
there is no evidence of sex difference in our sample
the distribution of caries locations in order to use it
in regard to coca chewing practice (Table 10; 46.9%
as an indicator of coca chewing.
vs. 32.4%; ␹2 ⫽ 1.84, P ⫽ 0.17).
The most common type of caries occurred in the
cervical area or in the cervical area extending to-
Comparisons with BZE test
ward the root (26.2% on the buccal surface and
15.9% on the mesial, distal, or lingual surfaces). After conducting the blind test, the results for
This was followed by small pit caries on the occlusal each individual designated dentally as a coca chewer
surface (23.3%), proximal caries (13.0%), pit caries or nonchewer were compared to the hair analysis by
on the buccal surface and caries on the buccal Aufderheide et al. (1991). The results indicate an
crowns (11.5%), occlusal caries (6.3%), and root-only 85.7% concordance (Table 11) between the two
caries (3.6%) (Table 4). The high frequency of cervi- methods of identification. Only 5 (14.3%) of 35 cases
cal-root caries in this study is unusual and requires (the total number of three samples) were inconsis-
further explanation, particularly since a similar dis- tent with the results of Aufderheide et al. (1991). In
tribution was identified among Chiribaya people two cases, possible (??CLC) coca chewers had nega-
from a coastal site at nearby Arica, Chile, about 120 tive BZE results (cases 16 and 34, Table 8). These
km south of Ilo, Peru (Kelley et al., 1991). In their two discordant cases might have resulted from indi-
TABLE 4. Frequency of caries location in total mouths

Sites Number of Caries location1

studied carious teeth OP O PMD CRB CRMLD PCB Only root Total
CHA 115 46.0 6.0 18 28.0 39.0 24.0 5.0 166
ALG 48 24.0 10.0 8 5.0 3.0 11.0 6.0 67
YAR 54 30.0 0.0 10 5.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 57
CHEN 214 36.0 21.0 40 55.0 105.0 26.0 10.0 293
Total 431 136.0 37.0 76 93.0 153.0 67.0 21.0 583
%3 23.3 6.3 13 15.9 26.2 11.5 3.6 100
OP, pit caries on occlusal surface; O, occlusal caries; PML, proximal caries on medial and distal surfaces; CRB, cervical-root caries
on the buccal surface; CRMLD, cervical-root caries on the mesial, lingual, and or distal surfaces; PCB, pit and or caries on buccal
CHA, Chiribaya Alta; ALG, Algodonal; YAR, Yaral; CHEN, Chen-Chen.
Number of caries location per total number of surfaces affected.

TABLE 5. Caries type for molar teeth1

Number of Location of caries

Sites studied carious surfaces RCB (%) RCMDL (%) PCB (%) P (%) OP (%) O (%)
Lower molar
CHA 84 17.8 10.7 25.0 5.9 34.5 5.9
ALG 33 12.1 3.0 24.2 17.8 30.3 15.1
YAR 24 16.7 8.3 16.7 8.3 45.8 4.2
CHEN 125 35.2 21.6 12.0 7.2 14.4 9.6
Total 266 25.2 14.7 18.0 7.9 25.6 8.6
Upper molar
CHA 55 16.4 18.6 9.1 20.0 16.4 14.5
ALG 19 0 10.5 21.0 15.8 36.8 15.8
YAR 18 16.7 5.5 5.5 22.2 50.0 0
CHEN 66 19.7 34.8 6.1 9.1 22.8 7.6
Total 158 15.8 24.7 8.9 15.2 25.3 10.1
RCB, root caries on the buccal surface; RCMDL, root caries on the mesial, distal, and/or lingual; P, caries on proximal surface; PCB,
pit and/or caries on buccal crown; OP, pit caries on occlusal surface; O, caries on occlusal surface; CHA, Chiribaya Alta; ALG,
Algodonal; YAR, Yaral; CHEN, Chen-Chen.

TABLE 6. Identification of definite coca-leaf chewer (⫹CLC)1

Number of BZE CLC Number of Indicator4

individuals Case tests2 test3 molars Strong Mild Weak
1 2 ⫹ ⫹ 11 2S 7M 3W
2 3 ⫹ ⫹ 5 3S 2M 4W
3 65 ⫹ ⫹ 10 4S 9M 1W
4 14 ⫹ ⫹ 5 2S 3M 4W
5 21 ⫹ ⫹ 7 4S 3M 2W
6 27 ⫹ ⫹ 10 2S 3M 2W
7 29 ⫹ ⫹ 12 2S 6W
8 40 ⫹ ⫹ 4 3S 4W
9 57 No test ⫹ 10 3S 3W
10 60 No test ⫹ 6 2S 7W
11 64 No test ⫹ 7 2S 5M 2W
12 66 No test ⫹ 5 3S 1M 1W
13 73 No test ⫹ 4 2S 4M 8W
14 82 No test ⫹ 4 2S 2M 6W
15 84 No test ⫹ 3 2S 4M 10W
16 86 No test ⫹ 4 3S 2M 7W
At least two strong indicators and two other indicators, either mild or weak, must be present.
BZE test, benzoylecgonine test-hair analysis (Aufderheide et al., 1991).
CLC test, coca-leaf chewer identified based on dental method developed in this study.
For indicators, we attach abbreviations of S, M, and W to the number of indicators present for strong, mild, and weak, respectively,
to emphasize the presence of each type of indicator in each individual.
See Figure 2.

viduals chewing coca occasionally but ceasing to body; thus, using coca at those times prior to death
chew coca sometime (from 2–3 months to 2 years) facilitates coca detection. Ceasing coca use more
before death, rendering cocaine undetectable in than 2 years prior to death would not leave detect-
their hair (⫺BZE). Coca metabolite products remain able chemical signals in hair (Aufderheide et al.,
stable from 2 months up to 2 years in the human 1991; Cartmell et al., 1991), even though dental
TABLE 7. Identification of probable coca-leaf chewer (⫹?clc)1

Number of BZE CLC No. of Indicator4

individuals Case test2 test3 molar Strong Mild Weak
1 46 ⫹ ⫹? 7 1S 4M 4W
2 65 ⫹ ⫹? 3 1S 2M 10W
3 83 ⫹ ⫹? 2 1S 1M 9W
At least one strong and one mild indicators must be present.
BZE test, benzoylecgonine test-hair analysis (Aufderheide et al., 1991).
CLC test, coca-leaf chewer identified based on dental method developed in this study.
S, strong; M, mild; W, weak.

TABLE 8. Identification of possible coca-leaf chewer (⫹??CLC)1

Number of BZE CLC Number of Indicators4

individuals Case test2 test3 molars Strong Mild Weak % (mild/NM)5
1 1 ⫹ ⫹?? 1 2M 6W 200
2 4 ⫹ ⫹?? 9 5M 55.55
3 11 ⫹ ⫹?? 7 3M 2W 42.85
4 12 ⫹ ⫹?? 7 4M 1W 57.14
5 16 ⫺ ⫹?? 10 5M 50.00, discordant
6 25 ⫹ ⫹?? 9 5M 55.55
7 28 ⫹ ⫹?? 10 7M 1W 70.00
8 31 ⫹ ⫹?? 12 4M 33.33
9 34 ⫺ ⫹?? 10 4M 40.00, discordant
10 39 ⫹ ⫹?? 4 3M 2W 75.00
11 47 No test ⫹?? 5 4M 1W 80.00
12 50 ⫹ ⫹?? 7 6M 5W 85.71
13 58 ⫹ ⫹?? 1 1M 11W 100
14 68 ⫹ ⫹?? 0 4M 12W 400
15 71 ⫹ ⫹?? 3 3M 4W 100
16 81 ⫹ ⫹?? 6 4M 3W 66.66
(Number of mild indicators/number of molars) ⫻ 100% ⫽ or ⬎33%.
BZE test, benzoylecgonine test-hair analysis (Aufderheide et al., 1991).
CLC test, Coca-leaf chewer identified based on dental method developed in this study.
M, mild; W, weak.
NM, number of molar teeth.

health might retain earlier signatures. In these Validity of dental test

cases, dental health may be the preferred indica-
The presence of strong dental indicators always
agrees with positive BZE findings (cases 2, 3, 6, 14,
The other three discordant cases were designated
27, 29, and 40; Table 6). Mild indicators, especially
as nonchewers by the dental tests but had a positive buccal pit caries and buccal crown caries, represent
hair test (⫺CLC/⫹BZE) (cases 13, 26, and 30; Table less reliable markers for identifying coca chewers, as
9). In two cases (13 and 26), the small number of they may or may not show an agreement with the
observable molars probably explains the disagree- BZE test: 3 cases match, whereas 2 are discordant
ment between the dental test and the hair analysis: (Table 8). These 5 cases had mild indicators such as
only 2 and 5 molars were present, respectively. How- small cervical-root caries on the mesial, distal, or
ever, case 30 had 10 observable molars, with only 1 lingual surfaces and buccal pits. The weak indica-
mild and 3 weak markers, leading to a negative CLC tors alone cannot be used to assess coca chewing, as
designation. In this example, coca may have been they disagree with the BZE test (case 13; Table 9).
ingested in some manner other than through coca The sensitivity and specificity tests (Ingelfinger et
leaf chewing (e.g., drinking tea), or this individual al., 1983; Dawson-Sanders and Trapp, 1990) mea-
may have been especially caries-resistant. sure the reliability of the CLC test against BZE
As would be expected given the overall concor- (Table 13). Dawson-Sanders and Trapp (1990) de-
dance, the sex distribution of coca chewing deter- fine sensitivity as “the probability of a positive test
mined by hair analysis paralleled that of the dental result in patients who have the conditions,” whereas
study. The hair analysis results indicate that female specificity is defined as “how well the test correctly
chewers are slightly more common than males, al- identifies those patients who do not have the condi-
though the difference is not large (Table 12; 55.6% tion.” Applying these definitions of sensitivity and
vs. 35.3%, ␹2 ⫽ 1.72, P ⫽ 0.19). We therefore identify specificity to our study, sensitivity measures how
no significant sex differences for the Chiribaya sam- reliable the ⫹CLC test is, when tested against as-
ple. sumed known coca users based on ⫹BZE tests: 15/
TABLE 9. Identification of noncoca-leaf chewer (⫺CLC)

Number of BZE CLC Indicator4 Number

individuals Case test2 test3 Strong Mild Weak of molars % (mild/NM)5
1 5 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 2W 0 ⫺
2 7 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 5W 0 ⫺
3 8 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 2W 10 10%
4 9 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 4W 8 ⫺
5 10 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 6W 4 ⫺
6 13 ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ 1W 2 ⫺, discordant
7 15 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 3W 4 ⫺
8 17 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1M 1W 11 9%
9 18 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 6W 2 ⫺
10 19 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 12 ⫺
11 20 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 2M 2W 8 25%
12 22 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 6W 0 ⫺
13 23 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 4W 0 ⫺
14 24 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1W 5 ⫺
15 26 ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ 1M 1W 5 20%, discordant
16 30 ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ 1M 3W 10 10%, discordant
17 32 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 10 ⫺
18 33 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1M 4W 12 8%
19 35 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 4W 10 ⫺
20 36 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1W 11 ⫺
21 37 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1W 11 ⫺
22 38 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1M 6W 4 25%
23 41 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 6W 5 20%
24 42 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 6W 2 ⫺
25 43 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 3W 11 ⫺
26 44 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 10 ⫺
27 45 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 4W 9 ⫺
28 48 No test ⫺ ⫺ 2M 2W 7 28%
29 49 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 3W 6 ⫺
30 51 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M ⫺ 10 10%
31 52 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1W 10 ⫺
32 53 No test ⫺ ⫺ 3M ⫺ 10 30%
33 54 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 6W 6 16%
34 55 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 3W 2 ⫺
35 56 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 4W 8 12.5%
36 59 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 11 ⫺
37 61 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 2W 9 ⫺
38 62 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 1W 3 ⫺
39 63 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 1W 6 16%
40 67 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 4W 4 ⫺
41 69 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 8W 4 25%
42 70 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 10W 0 ⫺
43 72 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 6W 6 ⫺
44 74 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 2W 9 11.1%
45 75 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 4W 3 30.3%
46 76 No test ⫺ ⫺ 2M 4W 6 30%
47 77 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 2W 5 20%
48 78 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 5W 7 14%
49 79 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 3W 9 11.1%
50 80 No test ⫺ ⫺ 1M 7W 3 33.3%
51 85 No test ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ 3W 10 ⫺
(Number of mild indicators/number of molars) ⫻ 100% ⬍33%.
BZE test, benzoylecgonine test-hair analysis (Aufderheide et al., 1991).
CLC test, coca-leaf chewer identified based on dental method developed in this study.
M, mild; W, weak.
NM, number of molar teeth.

TABLE 10. Dental method (CLC test) by sex in each site1

Sites Males CLC⫹ %⫹ Females CLC⫹ %⫹
Chiribaya Alta 10 2 20.0 16 9 56.2
Algodonal 3 2 66.7 2 2 100.0
Yaral 6 2 33.3 3 1 33.3
Chen-Chen 18 6 33.3 28 11 39.0
Total 37 12 32.4 49 23 46.9
CLC test, coca-leaf chewer identified based on dental method developed in this study.
TABLE 11. Dental method and hair-test agreement ings of Aufderheide et al. (1991), with 85.7% concor-
Number of Number showing % dance. This strong agreement indicates that the
Sites individuals agreement agreement dental technique is a reliable method for identifying
Chiribaya Alta 21 18 85.7 prehistoric coca chewers in the absence of hair tis-
Algodonal 5 4 80.0 sue.
Yaral 9 8 88.9 The finding of cervical-root caries with alveolar
Total 35 30 85.7 bone resorption in the lower molar region in our
study is consistent with reports of high caries inci-
TABLE 12. Hair analysis in identifying coca user by sex in
dence (Langsjoen, 1996) and alveolar resorption in
combined sites1 the buccal region (Turner, 1979), which these schol-
ars associate with coca chewing. Meanwhile, our
n BZE⫹2 %⫹
results cast doubt on several other theories on the
Males 17 6 35.3 effects of coca chewing on teeth, including heavy
Females 27 15 55.6 calculus formation (Klepinger et al., 1977); dark
Analysis by Aufderheide et al., 1991. brown tooth crowns (Elzay et al., 1977); brown or
BZE⫹, benzoylecgonine test or hair analysis (Aufderheide et al., green-colored accretions on teeth (Thompson, 1903);
1991) results in the presence of coca metabolite in hair of mum- and calcareous accretions (Leigh, 1937). While pos-
mies studied. terior tooth discoloration was occasionally observed,
neither staining nor calculus formation was found to
TABLE 13. Comparison of dental method and hair test in be a reliable indicator of coca usage.
identifying coca user1 The successful identification of coca chewing in
BZE test2 skeletal remains enables us to comment on the pre-
⫹ ⫺ Total historic distribution of coca chewing. This percent-
age reached 40.7% in this study, which indicates
CLC test 3
⫹ 15 2 17
⫺ 3 15 18 that coca chewing was common in south-central
coastal Peru. This percentage, however, could have
Predictive value of negative test: 15/(3 ⫹ 15) ⫽ 83.3% (sensitiv- been higher if we had included molar roots and
ity). Predictive value of positive test: 15/(2 ⫹ 15) ⫽ 88.2% (spec-
molar loss as strong indicators, as the clinical study
BZE test⫹, benzoylecgonine test (Aufderheide et al., 1991) of Indriati (1998) suggested. Indriati (1998) studied
showed the presence of coca metabolite substance in hair of the oral health of contemporary coca chewers and
mummies, suggesting coca user. BZE test⫺, benzoylecgonine test identified the dental variables significantly associ-
(Aufderheide et al., 1991) showed the absence of coca metabolite ated with coca chewing; these included molar tooth
substance in hair of mummies, suggesting noncoca user.
CLC test ⫹, coca-leaf chewer identified based on dental method loss, molar radices, cervical-root caries, and peri-
developed in this study. CLC test⫺, noncoca-leaf chewer identi- odontal damage. In addition, Langsjoen (1996) also
fied based on dental method developed in this study. associated antemortem posterior tooth loss with
coca chewing. Our inclusion of molar loss and molar
radices as weak rather than strong indicators, how-
18 ⫽ 83.3% (Table 13). Specificity, on the other ever, was based on the fact that both lesions could
hand, measures how reliable the ⫺CLC test is, i.e., have been caused by factors other than coca chew-
as an indicator of ⫺BZE: 15/17 ⫽ 88.2% (Table 13). ing, such as pulpitis, periodontitis, and progressive
This sensitivity figure suggests that if people did occlusal caries. Despite this exclusion of molar loss
chew coca, there was an 83.3% chance that the den- and molar radices as strong indicators for coca chew-
tal features would yield a positive identification of ing, our study still provides significant results, as
this cultural practice. The specificity results suggest shown by the 85.7% agreement between the dental
that if people did not chew coca, there is an 88.2% technique and the hair test. This level of agreement
chance that the dental evidence would also be neg- between the two biological techniques is considered
ative. The high sensitivity and specificity figures at high in medical science statistical testing (Dawson-
a threshold of 75% concordance underscore the reli- Sanders and Trapp, 1990).
ability and the validity of the dental test CLC.
Triangular root caries differences
Our findings of cervical-root caries on the buccal
We have demonstrated that specific dental lesions surfaces of lower molars corresponding with quid
among ancient Andean skeletal remains were posi- position (Figs. 2, 3) are consistent with the report of
tively correlated with coca usage as identified Rowe (1993) that caries attacks smooth surfaces of
through hair tests. Thus our method holds promise teeth where the synthesis of an adherent protein-
for clarifying existing inconsistencies in current the- aceous matrix occurred. In contrast, on rough oc-
ories about the effect of coca chewing on teeth and cusal surfaces, caries is associated with the physical
the prehistoric distribution of coca chewing. Our impaction of food particles without an adherent ma-
study shows that cervical-root caries accompanied trix. Our study indicates a high incidence of caries,
by irregular alveolar resorption is a strong indicator ranging from 30.1–54.5% in the four populations.
of coca usage. These results closely match the find- This elevated incidence is probably related to carbo-
hydrate-rich diets, despite the xerostomic effects of young adults (average age of 33 years) renders our
coca substance. We support this argument with find- interpretation robust. The exposed roots can become
ings from multiple studies noting the positive rela- carious, either beginning at the cemento-enamel
tionship between a carbohydrate-rich diet and caries junction or at the root itself. There is no overwhelm-
formation (e.g., Turner, 1979; Powell, 1985), and ing agreement among researchers about the etiology
note that the populations in our study also con- of root caries, but it is generally accepted that root
sumed such diets. caries increases with advancing age (Manji et al.,
The carbohydrate-rich diet associated with our 1989; Hillson, 1996) and is associated with general
populations is associated with the cultivation of ba- periodontal health (Vehkalahti and Pauino, 1994).
sic starchy crops such as manioc, maize, sweet po- Banting and Courtwright (1975) conclude that root
tatoes, and achira, as well as guava, lucuma, beans, caries are more prevalent in ancient societies than
squash, and bottle gourds (Dendy, 1991). This enamel caries, while the opposite holds true for mod-
starchy diet contributes to caries incidence through ern societies. Hillson (1996, Fig. 12.11) notes that
decreasing oral pH and fermentation into glucose. A the typical root caries found among many British
study by Lingstrom et al. (1993) found that most archaeological samples are band-like in outline.
starch products ferment in the oral cavity and cause Other studies, however, show a higher prevalence of
a decrease in pH level in dental plaque. This low root caries in modern societies of middle to advanced
salivary pH is found to be significantly associated age (Vehkalahti et al., 1993; Manji et al., 1989; Peric
with high caries scores (Holbrook, 1993). Normal pH and Vrbic, 1990; Retief et al., 1990).
levels of 7 must drop to between 4 –5 for caries to While we conclude that the smooth triangular root
develop (Hardwick, 1965). caries found on lower molars in our study is caused
Another study emphasizing the interaction be- by coca chewing, questions arise whether other
tween microorganisms and carbohydrates in pro- causes could lead to similar lesions. A literature
moting caries was carried out by Loesche (1986). review shows that no other causes are associated
Loesche (1986) maintains that Streptococcus mu- with the specific erosive triangular root caries found
tans alone does not lead to caries because the pro- in this study. Although CRC is also found among
cess of caries formation requires a combination of narcotic addicts (Lowenthal, 1967; Hecht and Fried-
plaque exposure to fermentable carbohydrate, acid- man, 1949), very heavy consumers of soft drinks
uric microorganisms in plaque, and the presence of (Kerr, 1986), and cancer patients undergoing irradi-
Streptococcus mutans. Thus, both acidic microbacte- ation therapy (Kerr, 1986), the caries outline in
ria and carbohydrates are major factors triggering these activities is not triangular. Banting and
caries development. While a heavy carbohydrate Courtwright (1975) categorized root caries into
diet leads to increasing general caries rates, coca round, elliptical, and band-like, which often occur
chewing leads to specific types of caries on the root among the elderly and those with negligent oral
surfaces of lower molar teeth where quids are typi- hygiene. In contrast, the outline of CRC in drug
cally positioned. addicts and patients who undertake drug and irra-
Cervical root caries (CRC) with irregular alveolar diation treatment is horizontal, and mostly affects
resorption on the buccal surfaces of lower molars is the buccal surfaces of all teeth (Hecht and Fried-
the result of chronic irritation from coca quids being man, 1949; Kerr, 1986; Rowe, 1993). The CRC in our
held in the cheek. The prolonged accumulation of findings, on the other hand, were typically triangu-
quid in the cheek during chewing is evident from lar, affecting the buccal surface and often limited to
various reports on the technique of coca chewing. lower molars (Figs. 2, 3). The CRC on lower molars
Allen (1986, 1988) reports that coca is chewed for are often accompanied by irregular alveolar resorp-
about 45– 60 min, and the coca quids are used re- tion, matching (Fig. 2 of Turner, 1993) findings
peatedly and then discharged. The effects from the among the prehistoric Chicama in northern Peru,
duration of chewing are enhanced by the frequency which Turner (1993) associates with coca chewing.
of chewing, which often reaches 3–5 times a day, 3 The telltale triangular pattern of the CRC is due to
times after daily meals and 2 times between meals the nearly constant presence of the coca quids,
in mid-morning and mid-afternoon (Allen, 1986, which causes the caries to follow the pattern of the
1988). The duration and frequency of coca chewing root shape, leading to a triangular shape. The
induce cervical-root caries with alveolar damage. smooth-erosive triangular root caries in our study is
The process of pathological change probably took dissimilar with that of rough root caries from pre-
place in several stages, which might have been gin- historic Hungary (Molnar and Molnar, 1985, their
gival recession, root exposure, cervical-root caries, Figs. 1, 2).
and finally alveolar resorption. In a study of oral soft tissue among living coca
Gingival recession may be manifested in the grad- chewers, Hamner and Villegas (1969) found leukoe-
ual loss of gingival structure initiated by the loss of dema (a whitish hyperkeratinization on the buccal
interdental papillae, marginal gingivae, and at- mucosa) in many of the Aymaran and Quechuan
tached gingivae, leading to exposure of the roots. coca chewers in Bolivia. This whitish hyperkeratini-
While increased exposure of the root is generally zation on the buccal mucosa may have been caused
age-progressive, we believe our focus upon relatively by the irritation of an alkaline substance such as

lime, which is added to coca leaves to create a ball of that quids of various substances cause gingival re-
coca quid during chewing. The lime transforms al- cession and lead to root exposure in nondietary mas-
kaloids from the leaves into free bases (Rivier, 1981) ticatory habits. However, the extent to which the
and thus adds flavor to the coca (Allen, 1986). The exposed roots lead to caries in each case depends on
substances included in the coca quid vary from veg- the quid’s chemical properties.
etable ash, burned shells, ash of quinoa and cani-
hua, or plantain roots of cacao pods (Rivier, 1981). Implications for the prehistoric distribution of
Therefore, long-term usage could chronically irritate coca chewing
gingivae and buccal mucosa where the quids are
Several important studies of coca chewing among
typically positioned. The location of buccal mucosal
modern populations (e.g., Allen, 1986, 1988;
lesions among living coca chewers (Hamner and Vil-
Bastien, 1985; Buck et al., 1968) indicate a high
legas, 1969) confirms the location of CRC with buc-
degree of consistency with regard to the percentage
cal alveolar resorption in our skeletal samples, with
of coca chewers in ancient and contemporary groups
independent archaeological evidence of coca chew-
(Aufderheide et al., 1991; Cartmell et al., 1991).
These findings strengthen the argument that usage
Lesions associated with other nonmasticatory patterns have remained stable over long periods of
chewing habits time, i.e., from Late Middle Horizon times to the
present day. This stability is presumably due to
Other nonmasticatory habits exist in various so-
strong cultural factors; many workers maintain that
cieties, such as betel-nut chewing and tobacco chew-
coca chewing is a pervasive tradition still playing a
ing. These two chewing habits have much in com-
dominant role in Andean lives including religious,
mon with coca chewing, as the users form quids and
social, medicinal, and economic life (Allen, 1986,
keep them in their cheeks for a sustained period of
1988; Carter et al., 1980; Morales, 1989; Naranjo,
time. Do these chewing habits produce the same
1981; Rostworowski, 1973; Weil, 1981, 1986). The
lesions as with coca chewing? Just as coca quids
strong cultural factors that preserve the ancient cul-
induce both mechanical and chemical irritation
tural traditions were also evident in the form of coca
within the oral cavity, so do betel quids and tobacco
leaves which have been found in prehistoric burials
quids. However, the ultimate effects produced by
for tomb offerings (Aufderheide et al., 1991) and are
other forms of chewing differ substantially. While
still used as tomb offerings today (Harris, 1982;
coca quids induce xerostomia and therefore cause
Bastien, 1985).
caries on the exposed roots, the substances of betel
quids and tobacco quids do not induce xerostomia. In
Age at which coca chewing is adopted
fact, betel leaves have been found to have an anti-
septic effect due to their ethanol-based content, and In modern Peruvian Indians, the age at which
betel solutions have proven to be useful in cleaning coca chewing begins typically ranges from 15– 24
root canals during root canal treatment in dentistry years, but as people get older, they tend to adopt the
as a substitute for hydrogen peroxide (Indriati, habit (Carter and Mamani, 1986). Hamner and Vil-
1997). Betel-nut chewing, however, causes an abnor- legas (1969), however, report a lower average age of
mal lining of the oral mucosa (Chin and Lee, 1970) 10 –16.5 years among Aymarans and Quechuans in
and tooth discoloration (Rooney, 1993). Bolivia. Results suggest that prehistoric Indians
Clinical studies show that tobacco chewers exhibit might have started to chew coca within the same
gingival recession (Robertson et al., 1990; Greene et time range as modern Indians, between age 10 –16.5
al., 1992). Professional baseball players who habit- years.
ually chew tobacco or use snuff show a loss of gingi- Our results show an absence of strong indicators
val attachment and a line of oral mucosa and gingi- but a presence of mild and weak indicators among
val recession at the site where the tobacco quid is individuals aged 20 –25 years. Most individuals aged
most commonly placed. However, they typically lack about 25 years bear only mild and weak coca chew-
caries. In the study by Robertson et al. (1990) of 423 ing indicators, as seen in cases 11, 16, 25, 47, and 71
tobacco users, 46% had mucosal lesions following (Table 8). Older individuals, 30 – 45 years old, have
this pattern. The gingival tissue adjacent to mucosal strong dental indicators and are identified as either
lesions showed greater recession and loss of attach- probable (case 83; Table 7) or definite (cases 2, 6, 14,
ment. Mandibular gingivae were much more fre- 57, 60, and 73; Table 6) coca chewers. The dental
quently affected (94%) than maxillary gingivae (4%). markings found among people aged about 20 –25
The higher frequency of mandibular gingival reces- years suggest that our subjects might have started
sion was due to quids being placed relatively low to chew coca when they were 10 –16.5 years old,
across the mandibular gingivae. Unlike coca-chew- similar to the Aymaran and Quechuan coca chewers
ers who suffer root caries, tobacco chewers did not studied by Hamner and Villegas (1969). The age
suffer such caries. Thus while tobacco chewing may range of 10 –16.5 years is likely to be the age at
cause oral cancer and mucosal keratinization (Pind- which prehistoric Indians reached puberty and thus
borg et al., 1980), it does not lead to caries (Gibbs, were not considered children anymore, resulting in
1952; Van Reenen, 1954). We therefore conclude both social permission to chew coca and probably
also full participation in rituals where coca chewing incidence of coca chewing (59.8%). Even higher us-
was involved. age rates have been found among miners of highland
Argentina (65%, 70/107; Schinder and Rider, 1989).
Distribution of coca chewers between males A third study among the Aymara in Bolivia identi-
and females fied 69% of the population as coca chewers (Indriati,
1998). This difference is probably correlated with
Coca chewing was found to be roughly evenly dis-
tributed between males and females in the prehis- the commonly known trait of coca as reducing the
toric Andes. In our study, the percentage of female symptoms of altitude sickness. The physiological
chewers was slightly higher than that of male chew- benefits of coca use include increased stamina (Brut-
ers (46.9% vs. 32.3%), although the difference was saert et al., 1995), maintained higher core body tem-
not significant statistically (␹2 ⫽ 1.84, P ⫽ 0.17; peratures (Hanna, 1974), increased blood pressure,
Table 10). This gender difference is consistent with and temporary euphoria (Weil, 1981). These studies
the hair study by Aufderheide et al. (1991), where support the veracity of Andean beliefs that coca
the difference was 55.6% vs. 35.3% (also not statis- chewing helps them work long hours, and relieve
tically significant; ␹2 ⫽ 1.72, P ⫽ 0.19; Table 12), sorrow and work at high altitudes. These beneficial
and with findings from a prehistoric coastal popula- functions of coca are perhaps additional strong fac-
tion in northern Chile studied by Cartmell et al. tors for the survival of coca chewing which is also
(1991), i.e., 60.7% vs. 53.3%. In addition, research by rooted in cultural beliefs.
Indriati (1998) on modern Aymarans in Bolivia is While these studies appear to suggest that coca
consistent with that cited for prehistoric popula- usage has, if anything, increased since ancient
tions: more female chewers (70.4%) than male chew- times, we believe this conclusion to be premature.
ers (67.4%). However, this difference was again not Whenever there is material loss of physical evidence
statistically significant. The slightly higher number in human archaeological remains, as there is here
of female chewers may be due to sampling error. due to postmortem tooth loss, caution should be
employed in making conclusions about percent us-
Overall prevalence of coca chewing age. It is clear, however, that the studies of both
ancient and modern populations find usage rates of
Our determination that 40.7% of three combined approximately one half to over two thirds in a given
populations chewed coca is consistent with the im- population. While we cannot yet draw accurate con-
plications suggested by the discovery of artifacts clusions on relative pervasiveness, it is clear that in
depicting coca chewing in the coastal regions of the both modern and ancient populations, coca-leaf
ancient Andes (Lanning, 1967; Lumbreras, 1974; chewing was a widespread cultural and physiologi-
Moseley, 1992). On the other hand, our finding con- cal phenomenon.
tradicts Leigh (1937), who relied on dental lesions of
calcareous accretion to identify coca chewing and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
concluded that chewing was more dominant in the
highlands. Exclusion of prehistoric highland sam- This study was largely funded by the Bioanthro-
ples from our study does not permit us to draw pological Foundation, the University of Chicago, and
conclusions as to whether coca chewing was common the National Science Foundation in various grants
in the highlands. A study by one of us (E.I.), how- to J.E.B. We are thankful to Dr. Aufderheide, who
ever, indicated that 49% of prehistoric highland peo- provided unpublished radioimmunoassay results as
ple from the Tiwanaku sites of Lukurmata, a gold standard. The late Dr. Albert Dahlberg was
Akapana, Marcapata, Putuni, and Mollokontu (Ti- generous in allowing E.I. to use his laboratory space
wanaku IV–V, dated ⬃300 –1500 AD) chewed coca and contributed alginate and spoon trays for casting
(Indriati, 1998). This suggests that coca-leaf chew- the teeth upon her departure for Peru. Hu-Friedy
ing was indeed common in the ancient highlands. Chicago Dental Supply contributed three sets of di-
This, in turn, confirms archaeological evidence of agnostic kits. Dr. Sonia Guillen was most helpful
coca chewing in the highlands as suggested by stone when we studied the skeletal collection in Ilo, Peru.
sculptures of Tiwanaku elites with distended cheeks Prof. Russell Tuttle, Dr. Deborah Blom, and Paula
(Fierens, 1991; Kolata, 1993). Tomczak contributed critiques and comments on
The overall prevalence of coca chewing is similar earlier drafts of this paper. Michael Torbenson of the
in both the dental technique and the BZE method. Pritzker Medical School at the University of Chicago
The frequency (40.7%) of coca chewers in our study shared valuable discussions on the statistical tests.
of ancient Andeans approximates that reported by We are also thankful to Susan Antón of the Univer-
Aufderheide et al. (1991) (47.5%) and Cartmell et al. sity of Florida who commented on the final draft.
(1991) (46.6%) in their investigations of Chiribaya
remains in late prehistoric coastal Chile. However, LITERATURE CITED
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