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Unit of Weathering and Erosion

“C” Level due March 19, 2004

“B” Level due March 22, 2004, “A” Level due March 26, 2004
Name: Date: Block:

SECTION I “C” Level – 60-70 points; (you need at least 65 pts to move to Section II)

Listen to lecture and take notes – 20pts max:

5 5 5 5 5
Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Erosion Glaciers Landforms

Worksheets – do up to 3 for up to 5pts each

Why Are Many Rocks Round?
River System
Landforms - Erosion

River Journey. Mapping activity – 5pts

Acids React! Quick lab – 5pts

Make smart cards on vocabulary – 10pts

weathering abrasion runoff
chemical weathering sediment groundwater
mechanical weathering deposition landslide
erosion gravity stream

Science Explorer (Rocks and Weathering) p. 38 – 45, answer questions p.45 – 10pts

What’s the difference? Quick lab for two students – 10pts

Poem – Imagine that you are a tin can – shiny, new, and clean. But something happens and
you don’t make it to a recycling bin. Instead, you are left outside at the mercy of the elements.
In light of what have learned about physical and chemical weathering, write a poem about what
happens to you over a long period of time. What is your ultimate fate? – 10pts

Group Activity: (3 people) Mountain Building Challenge – 10pts

You go on a journey that takes you down a river from the mountains to the sea. Write a letter
to a friend (or record on tape or video) describing at least 6 features created by erosion and
deposition that you see as you travel down the river. – 15pts

In a language other than English, write a paragraph explaining how a mountain wears down
over a long period of time. Write at least 5 sentences. - 15pts

Computer Quest - 15pts

Math Activity: Sediment Loads Over Time – 15pts

Watch a video on weathering and erosion. Take notes and give an oral summary. – 15pts

Read either of the following text chapters: - 15pts (3pts per question)
Science Explorer (Erosion and Deposition) p. 66 – 89 (questions p. 69 & 81)
Earth Science Book 1 – Chapters 17 & 18 (questions at end of each chapter)

Make a model of a river from mountain to sea (label at least 6 features). Be able to explain 5
things you learned. - 20pts

Investigate the Facts! Find and describe one way that erosion affects the earth in your
neighborhood. Create a brochure describing what you found, include information from your
Erosion Observation Sheet. If you choose, you may tape this as a radio report or videotape it.
Follow rubric for posters- 20pts

Make a poster describing 3 kinds of mechanical weathering (freezing and thawing, abrasion,
and plant growth). – 20pts

SECTION II “B” Level – 15 points; Choose only 1 of the following questions for experimentation;
points for B Level will not be given until 65 points are accumulated for Section I

Would slower or faster moving water cause more erosion?

Does a big storm or a gentle rain cause more erosion?

Would there be more erosion on a steep slope or a gentle slope?

SECTION III “A” Level – 15 points; Choose only 1 of the following questions for consideration;
points for A Level will not be given until at least 10 points are earned at B Level.

Assignment: Take a Stand! Write (or record) a persuasive speech. See rubric for more details.

Many Americans have homes and businesses located in flood plains, areas that flood naturally
in times of heavy rainfall or snowmelt. These floods cause great damage to people’s homes
and businesses. What should cities and towns protect citizens from damaging floods?
Page 84 in text.

Around the world ancient stone monuments are affected by weathering. Some examples of
monuments are gravestones and the Old Man in the Mountain in New Hampshire, the
pyramids and sphinx in Egypt, and the Parthenon in Greece. What should be done to protect
these monuments? Page 48 in text.

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