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.A II. IeM~" q/ JA14 .llQf)/t

!-IIY It gr\',e 'WiQg, lQ YO-Iil' :~nl;lil. tti e-.m:y nu. ·to l~e. he:Epls of~. d(.dIm!\Q$.~


(l,fl'U8lmtr-cn M es, af"6' imliM~cd by' i'~~i~)

,1'\; '~~I~I,',T CII~ r 'WI :1"1 T!Im. fiF- J}l':n 11 l?tat" 28. j\'J~C~iU<i'.I w.~ af 'he mautJi

P J\Jlt'lt !(\):~~: ~,t:E!N·s Hum;

Pl~fut .L The, basic J«:lP ;f,s a fl«U'ol1@d iJtlJl I~ltti~ :'1: rlu:] mi~I;t:tJ!pqil~lj!l'.j\~ cross 0.111 tl'w-liaII P'J~1'f! 3. Tile ~Ml'$ ~'P,r,d: '(IH~ flddll'lili! ,i~P"i" ,le~

i,erm.tnl.! I;/t ~ 11~

Plfl1~'c' "l ,f..I~Miiilitlg tibC ~11,r.dJtt; nne fJl~M ff, S,~mplirfg(~' JJi.lfmC ~ndilil'''c

Plaj(!! ,G. f~~[!' lJ.oJl!J ril1r1w llltiit.hifl the .c'OlIi-


PI8..te 7-. \dJi'JI1. t)lfhe I'u~ad ,f}!U, /;Iof~ !1eck 'lQ_f~ 8.IJ1J'Ud'ing ;~l/llJ 116(Jd 0'111 of yie,(;Cs ~ancs

rMltt 9. 'B'~fc ;]nd.·He'cmdbryl ,pLmil',f ~I #1~


"I'JI _ 10. TilU,n.g trlli!] keati

,Pifli' J l'. P1I'ffS;pcc.d,t:;(f ~~, {l'rtHDing ,f/~e.ll~ad PlaJ'C 1.2. Vm"t~l~' 'in ,~acing: '~~'e~ tYi~H r.laM· 180 .tdwo!{$ bl~il~l on tll~ ffiidtRc Uf1tl llNle 14.. C1tMtin~ ,al1g ~imr.;nJ ,~Ig~m

Pimr2: .is, T!_me, ~~.~ buill. hy t.~1I'ythlg I.'lle

l>!(lit ,'tmd ~-1U! plilne

,flate- 16'. ,1'nditr;g~j'l)g ·dwmdcr llUwj'tl.m

fl'Ole ,17, Rhg~l~mic' ll.l\be~' If:n, ,~,fle' liead the S'~lltda:td fle~d

,rllj~ 8. PJo;"-lJQn,ftm.t f)f ilie' m'6ie l1edtl 'l.flJ~ .19, Df(j'wi;ng the II~ l in tm;f.f.s

M1I.tS(:1~~ (IF 11:11 .. Ui~c] and Fac~

fl{~~ !O-. i~ll~l~D~~' ,of ~J'~t Ihmd:

IJha~~ ,21. ,l,lO~!!ii ,~litC m ~~~.s fUil1:c:liQltl.

PllitJt D. :ll.6 j~!O!'l:$.t'l~s.-I'wm., umi~)U"S' «t!lglc.:!i: \VJIY 1(otl N(:ed A1rIL!.~omy ~o. IDmw lI~d~

'1 I'ldt'e ~l. ~fe . If <ill' II fcs of the eye8' P1:(I~G ,2;5. ,:W'o.oom~i1~~ ()f ,mG"iillS Pll!'i1'iJ! ,28. lCQ~~~'1ctiliJ~' ()t t.I~e- 'l~$6. riJnd' ~}:~tJ


,Pia!e' 27. ,E:"rl~rwM,n-9~luJ 1«1lf!li, .rkue 28. ~'DriOiilj$' ,tpfe'8.rions'

p,_~, ,$, C'1iI'j'f[(K';t(i!jf',~tm1 'h r,o~,gh~/~ ion.

Plf1te SO. ,,4,rw.l!l~rs 0-:1 #~€.'k1l ,m(lrki1~'g,f ll/,gle 81. ,,:\ruwl_r.~ 1'(f(;-e..8 01 f/flllfieiRl? ~.Sl ion"

PI(J,1:C 32. iUodllt],in.g dJ? r).~gn~$

Pia,te 00. CO'ffllh~'~i\i'irg aUtltOfj1" tt<'tIn;rjfil&-

~ w", t.md ,lanes.

Plale 3'1. Bfl,tI"li'nf! ',Il;i~i;e. 'u.itl~ ,~meS'

'f'~'at'(~ 35. ~·Vie.rg IlNid b'«~JNli'af>e prob~em,. Y'i:~tt. M. T!1p~;f of tlu~l¥il~ib~r

MfJt.s ~1'. Sil\h1!l1~n,g nten

I"I'trl(; 38.- Oldt!1I' mCI~

"lfJf-e 00. CA~md'Gri:M'Matl

P li.lllI.L 'f'ir'i'-O~ "~o.~l'E!'.~~.s l[I!lAOO '7'5

f'~llre 40. :GQJlSlJffI',e"~liPlg tlI61em(d6.·~r,rn1,d 7'7

,I!,tg _.n. ,E~lnW~ 1:'~8 Ci!Jild1i"I~cti@ of

e'tJCl.m Il. ad.


,rlgtq .f2. ,Bfflil'e'(lnd :fltl'l$'Clec.{U·q I~" ll'fN1P'

.£!'Jll':t l\l't., 'iWQm'(ilQ,w;5.l iUl.nb 19

flttfe 4.!~ Cll\i'J.;-m~ li~.t·mn d:,,? b4;¥~,c d1faatil1,g So.

f:lat.f) 44, . BlockiJ<lCsi· lt11ro- a.ppkc~ ;to

100mi!]n,~ s lM!(ld~ 81

.Pk,tc: ,'$, 8·affle gJrI!/ l~f«{~ 8i

i?l(jt,e ·om. ~l\10Jll;! gi:rl&:' JI~ M

:rlfJi-!t 41. SA':$~¢.~ &l

PI(I/~ 48. S'i!,-tfollS'5'

PI(JI::c .£!jl. Gmn_fkn'UlhefiS Piidtl' 50, rl~'C 'i'lg~f~~ pf~W~'

{l'AJn' ~[IlllJ1IEE': BA:Bl!ES.' f.~

figjc ,5,$. PmP~fUIj~' IJj dt~ ,b-Ji'by h't1-ad:'P!i~' goo ..

,\rare .52" ,Pr~MM' at ,e~~Ei' ,~~y ll~d:-

&fi-'C(iI ~ td: a ~ (I,' ,til i'i"d' 'IJ !f~r:.-s

Ffg~e :53. CO~{~t'~wli~n tiJ dr8 hl'Jb~t IJit'til.Q; fla~~ 0,1. ,Sit;-1(-jtdiW (JllMb~u~

,flf1J~ 55'" ~'t;Ud~&:8 at ~~~

Plute 56. }\!lOI1ti'! ,i5'lj'~(liei: (J,f oob,w

r:la:ll~ S7" ~{m:~ mon m~j:l!"~s' ~I ~b~ Plute .58, fl~e fow di:~i~ c-/' ~~;6 fu,cr!-

,~liitd au,ffutjidh ~tIlli"~

PJIlRW Ft)u\l~.: 'lEiE_o"ill;9,O'F Boy;s ANI',!! ~~ I. ~jJAlL.L.~'

]'Mlla' 5fJ. Pmr0'fUOO~ of 1h~' /f~tl~ iJoyft hood

,Plattl' 60, ~.l~U~fl~ at' di~" ,rltfle gi'ff~ lj(J(~{~

P&d~' 61. C~9-~n~c-U{;lg~ Qj :~~~(j Ilttltl boy"'(j. ,{l6:4d.

r,i~le &1'. ·~.CMt,ff:rtlclwhj (.it ~I~' tltde. ,gIfil~~


,P-i~e~~!, ~t"("~~ oftl ~jf#~ lwy~c ,P~dtl~' &1.. '$1.'tfaws 01 ,lift"e: gjda lfu~e 6$. M,o~ ,iitde ,lffi~$

n~' "i~U' jM~~_:jI - ~_ .!!:"~R>6' ![.II!J', ,~1\I;(jI", 'U":I'~~ ,;J!_"~

II SrnfiOOL, 1fi1t~ii'i.1 ][1lf)

,PIRt;G f17. ,P.mp@rlkl~~ i]f dl~' ~/lm:M~.&y·~

l1ead III 6


lOS 100,


!OJ' lo.t 100 :no Ul

pl_~i!t? [6,8, P~rM(Tn& ~f die d~~~gifl':~'


PIC!~ {i~l. 'l1u~ jour r~!i\Ti5W:~lbr,gs Plm~ .~.o. Tlt~ !'08r d'C\MO'J'J\S-s;eih(J!liIW;i'll~ ,PJRl9 1"1'. ,S/,;"e$.cI1~ ()1.'5iJlom];o~

Pkl~ 1.2. SietTih:e:s-,{l!/ doo~ri',s


P/'(ltE' 78'. ,P,ropoNl~ r)j' th~ t~~~ ki~"" ~~tl

,'l~t~ 1-4., PJo.ptlr.f~Fi$. ,01: ~h' f6~~~ ,g~,!r:S' 1'U#1il

Plale 1'5, :r~",~e h@,yi ,PklUt ri. l:eei'l,-gge IJjrk

f:&:nT P,I,'!;,1E:' FU'N]!.g

fi«l'6' 11. Aroo~'Om-N of :du~ Jw_~ P,kIt'e "{fl. ,1J:l~ f~"~/: 1-'16 kuRd

~11 nB 1.:11,9' 120 :W


m 100 ].00,

;ma J~ .1:36

,','Die 19. Projli~Jif~Ji$' ()/ ~he k.amtl ~:1

,Pl«i:e W. 'iCmli5'iil'{~irHI, of ,J~c 'iaiil£j' 100,

,!_lltlt~ B]', flte ~,ltJilll!!' 101' 'i:"~ 1~'1~ 189

flint}!: 8,2', l!~~~eJu:"if-/;Mingifll! dnmdng lltlln(l$. ],4Q

,Pl.rII.e. ,as'. rli~' '~'6nil.' i~j ;fl1¥Jl~: lIi.41

'ftl(:"~ ~4" Kr;nj,,~I~ Jl~

,p,kt~'6 85. lhcnll),i~!~:JrM~' oum l~a!ld ].~

,pl-c.t;~ !56~ r1~ f.qiJ'tal~-JI~nd JJAJ4

f,~~'G' 81. fa,pe.#d ~H-ge~ J45

,Flgjf~ 00. ~Ia'h~ m-any .s.f.ud~.,of M~' 1416

r,rm'G BfJ. 1'1~ babe!}' ,~t_jJliJ: 14\1

rla1'G' 00 •. ,8~lrd'i~'~J bt1J.\;.y··,irI~ru-ls. l~r-

'i~ $.1.. .c.~'iirl~~!,·d~~fi~ 149'

f:ltr1'tl' 92. fl~~ ,~p~J.oH'" ~~mJ!iil1 '{«lily


P~'<i. ,98;, Th~ lwnd ~'es

'l$~} l~]l

U,QW flOfl;'f:lJ]Il'ATE. :it i1; fOf ~p 'k\ir:tlill,}i f1~~' tl\:illt GYe9"'trqml, 'wt)11I1~_. :it!ld dllM 'is 'tug.ed witln a IJj mivitlLu.l. a;n[i, ijdel1:~iir.~bl· f_ N1lf' _ ~.~ f~~s " en ' ~'t~lil~L ILkc the raliJe.b G:JH a brood. 'of t'C)ma;~sJo ~'e 'WiJlAHd be nv.ting: :h. :II v ~'1 ~1IIizood~lIJ'p ·wi;lIrM. WI~lili we tbinl oJ ~tl- me is main[y a eCIlltJrntJ;ous ftmv of ~prl:"~~o~ ,~nd oo:n~l!J!l:~:S ,¥ill. [poople .. d~ f' p tJple.. 'uppooe-:fur· aI. il?l!Om "Jll tlti{l1t, ]D~ I~ill ~.gg i1~~~'Il .. w~ ~~~6 i!:Nil(;t OOUJllt'e:q:ila:rl: 01 Sniftb. the lmlll1!re ~ r~bat '~11" :ruoe H~ro '. ·tli~ ~Mc TIJLght 'be mot of M'JrS;; MliIrJPhy'! ~h'S. {:{)h1~ bir_lt;, or Mrs. Trots.kY-Y[Olm, iO(nJ'khl'·~ 'b ~'IJ[re wh- a~. SI;EPl~' ~'~ tlte' 'aees 'Ul' the magazilii.Gs and MW;Sq:J;31~ i;liDIf] 0" tcIC\~is1@i ~ Weffi rn'wuoo~]

'001 mflIt'i and OJie tenrmle In e. 'Wbat a dJlll~] lWi~ 11fe wmim. ~~~ ,[E,vWTh iif YOtllt ft~.oo bas not

.' n rot! {~rb.iulle... even 'if i~' is .fa.1" ,Fm:m 'b SL'ld;tfuI~ ~ Iil:l illIl"e :fe.aIDly gtlve U!S :~6. a ptre:H.y good. b~. ,~ at ]~5it: 'we are 'ifij.d.irv:idllUl~· ,and oC~'l E:~, be [tb. nk£-u] for. 'ha' mg ij faoe. good m~ bad", dJ ~ t ~s' lU1LdJe IJI:i;ab I Y {Ii Illf O",VIli.


Th18 i~ldl\l'it1u.aJi~!y ,of :[ac~, cam be an ir:t~l8m:ely

~tGrlQSt~og ,:itttdy tor anyene, and. especially. lor IlT!IXOEit: Wlrfh th~ iiilifhte5~ tai\ent :far dm.\Vitd[} . cl: we ~gu'l!l ro Qomp, . .d; ~m"ldl_ me of Ith~ rea-

-~ ~or I"Jw :tWI-el"rt!·JliJeS\J. ou:~ shll.dy b~me.s; ,!iU~ ;tbs1Jtbmgr 'fhrough 'Oy;r f"cl~ .. narul'e not ooly Id IIttuws; us l!n~t t.~lb the world 8J good {leaJl mOte IiillKiut ead:l Q£ I~J!,

Our tballigats, em emo'Hm1Is' tJ!l~cll {Io'; D,t!l.lcles ~.'I;'e:iil thJ;! .kill.di ~f 'I~,ws 'we li.ve, :l'e,gd's~(lfll' ,Ui ilwr' f ~, fite m~b~~ly of 'drl ·lksl1-dm:t·~ the ~ Jof e.'iJ:p-'\5~o.u-add.s mOI1J i:ll'~n mere Sd.cn6ty. L,e;l t1S' ~;.~V~ more' ~h~m ca~l\~'1 ~UenJfiml 10 ~ 1mdkss(1:mce~ion cd fa.ees 1Df;1.v"iHfg, ill and put of ~]t wl~'Sci1l"~'J~~. Se~~mg iThS.~de the P,Jr'~' d cilogJcl] &'td ieJlilotioneLl)h~ "'5 or ~:IiPreS:SioJt'l. W~ Ciaili1! e: 'f!~ ]1], simp[ie ~Df,Jjgll.a.g~ It~'t~ ba,s:Ic:

ItedrDica~ reasens ((iT. 'fune S1'1ln~.., thiS! fro'l,:IJ,"J}, ·,allid aU 1J~i;i: WirliWti"® " miliIat w, e:.t1l facia] c:~pr.~ssioJl. We--~~1' I:h[l,~ a, ,cuml tl9:'l1. loo...k .~u~lr. tasJ!ulIm.ed.

,fpgbren~, letmte:Ji1t~ OlJ,t,gnr, ~mu~ 'CQf;IStlQGt;, frnstrnteii !UAd a ~ost Qf o(]wt \\"a,~ 'too illnl~ 'm\!ro!l.l5 to 'tnlm.bte~ A !e\v e.mlbedlcl;[ d :m.ll!Iscl\es ,ftthld~:d ItO. tlw ]mrr~ ,oil the :5lk,dl proYi(~e th~ medum&cs Fa ev.ery" expl'e:ss~om,' ·s,'nd ,th~, 0lu.5"= !."]£s and. bOI1t1s -are :no~:' ,eom,pllcarted or dlmculJ: to. Ie.un! '\\1Iaa,lt ~ ''!.\!'Calm ·of mbn-est lle"J ·,vi·taml

i.<6l me say ,rut the' be~Jru:l!i~S that tg· ctra.\ ' Ii bca-d. [C'R~lhrG~y ls n<d; ;.:i;. ·~;!a"thtl· ,af !'sool se:i.'l'U·ch· m~f M,' mittel:read:illg. It is -r.tEnari~y ii. 1't!~tt(!Ji' of' ~l1~i;\lloo,tlng form, corneal)' ~1l ~ls p~l:i.(Rll" ~erifectivre aDd .lfi:gl1ting. AI] oth r q~ElIi~

·n'ter. t-I'!i~ ~"v.mg as i:t Jle.81l111 'of -the: way ,tl~aJt f'(lr,m i~ i.1illlf!r:l~{~t If tl~~ ~r~il)~ gets dmt liigh:l., t·1,. ;",Q'td 0 cinamct,er m.B :r-e'!J. ,~'tl~d. ,_t, ut1sl;S. "~ Qrllly see, a'Q:;tIY'~ and :s:et down, A [lair or eyes. ,m~ n oonstrue-~v<e:ly .l!LDJJ 'lil conll";'(t \~,a'Iu...if3s will iilJP]?Q~i" to: <be ~liivt:, b~fill[I'5e of ICJi',:dIis'!l]lm"ls'b.i~ 11Q.~ beeanse 01 the a.'li'H~~"S f;'tb11~ty ~o f.¢:9!irll M ~Uef's mul.

The element ~ll:ibt OOI!llrlb!!l~'es 'mos~ to ~h'6 gr~i!t Wir· 'tiun of idel1lUn~ hi! ,tlb~ ,c.tm'eRl'We "in the :shapes. oJ t]l!2- sk in il'Se'H. "r.bere :i.Ue ,Wl!lr:I,CI. hGtdi . s,qU3Ife ~ei.ub. :beads 'Yilt wid~ "mld, fhu: .. ,ifit; j·a. • 'mm p'~ed, heads, :1Il~noW' h",ads. b~,fl(1t51 'LYith. recedl~g IEIi\"IIS!. n~rn :tne bea1ds 'wili. h~gbt do:m~s ~OA, £oielu~.:ld;sJ antll'hoo~ w1i!m ~~:v, S'1)J'ift5 faces aTe OQn~' "'. u!.d, others '00D'!,1ex. "os~ i'llild ",him, ute. llJf(!iW!lIllEnt [OIl' ~~,0dilil~ Eyes a-re ~':a!IJse ,nr small Si2:t '\~cllT>,Piil_rt ,or close to.ged'!;e'.l!" •. '!'~ axe all. k1cllcls iJ,~ :sha.pes: !).jjj;d, :5~il:¥5.', '1!b~re are ]ear;1! Iaees EiInd .Fat hIOOS, 'b:iJg.oom\ll an -, stnail-l~OlWdl ones, Ther'e a~ lOmlg 1liPli., ,. ide' l:iifsJ duin Il,s. .flill l~l*!. protrrudh,s: ~~ps. ;11L'i1!d '(,ljt],lIiill v8JJiely in tbe si:1£S i!l.l d sl~l'es 0'1 ames. You e:an ~. that. by {~.rW:S 'n!mlti~iiooUo,m mE tJnese 'vwryin;: fru::ta~', miillio.ns olE dlh-rel1·t fHces ,.vj]~ be I)roi)uoodl. Of e.~{]£f$e. 1by the law o! .a:v.l;;;"Jrages, eertain i::mnbil!'i!:il.'ll~fiL,;;' of ll\(l [·o(S are bou:nil to :r,~.ap,pe T. Fm tb:.il'~ rn.:it:!iOH peol~e w.J~o· fliw :nofel~tGd. S«lMI.:t!me5: [C'brJly ooseJ]lb]c cael. 'Oth~lt E;\i'ery' afitHs.~ ~~


if. -I:
r ,
I~ (J '\-.-1
~'1) l1 d~
. .
Ii"". . .,.;1
. ,I.:

lr~d '~1~ '!!'KJ?e;ri~ce of OOhlig' lilJM 'b:r ,~j)ul,OO.iirJ: iful't:ili~ ~ ~~ad be b1llS pf~.iJ!tl"!..,·t~ 'Of' ,dt~i;l¥n lOOks. ll~c clL\i.lt. Pf'.J',sDIlI 101' J b· a;n .:JI.Gq_II;l.1L1:n!;:lJ1 ~ot;:; fit' ]J,(:ihJJtI''!,i\C of the os,etlike1';.

:Fol' t~w' arti:5fs l)wl]~', the' Slrmf,1:e~t p"l::t'll1l is I~t t(ll thin1\;; gf .:_tt11¥ .iilktl~]j ,~ ~~]l1:,g' 'p~iIl:lble .0001Ild llHt'ViTI;,g t~ll a; ~["~fiiil1. ~]-I~ 'ii;.' .~s: ,tt NS\lt~t (if . . 5= .sum~]j i' t'mL~"b"zed 9. ['ii,libb(lr 'baH l!IJ,~ v~r" WI~H~ witl!'ouJt: '~~OJijW~ ju, .ilcl.i'al ~U1~ ~ tU~~l~1lJgh ~~liit: 1l::l'\1'C fl great v~rie~y m V m::'[Je~, adu~l mi;."a$~i~1fIle:-lllts h't~ly very d~ly, whlcl'i)OCiG'liim!, ~~'Ilat 1)1(; voLume.r~ ab-ilhlt llr.-e same ~ti .[l"n~y ·w£ ~dmpe ls clli.If~t;i'~,. $uP.P~~ ""'lie ~~] .R ~~]I. ~ft :s()rt clayoo tilem. betwe~ ~~w~ ,~ 'it ~1111.'O YaIr.rollS: shapes'. ThlJi5 out Ilf tin¢

'"I 1'..' .~ _'I

~~ 10'0 1JI""Thlfl: \'li/-C ·oon m~~e a ilC~_Ir1'Q.W nij::jI,iu, :iii

'W'id"i; ~:t.;:-n{l~. ~~rlng .iil'!i!~CSt amd :j)i~ t[1;iit ~tbe:r tnilt~.~t()'\v ·be.adl~ .go~ l1J be. th~s '-"/@, i~' JrtOt: '~UF l~'I!3utj, whlel~ ts Offill' to .i.\lHiiJyze :a:w;d thus .iI: t~I'·'_ milu~ tbe l}?J,1'e off slrulill :nn the "arti~J~[' h~d ,'\.\~ w,idili to ·d;r,aw. wte:!f', WL111:U }"OU, l"Ji1;Cii)I~~ iI'iJl-OOle faomiltru; wiih the WlISitml;;Uil;l~fi uf ,tl~ . ~,Y]J~ yo.t1l w.i1Jl 00 ;JIJ'Je :~9 :sho;.y .t1~~ . 'il,u[':riIJtri(]!ii~ so ;Sii;t~· Q~ruJlIr ~hat' YO-I!.! w~1 'b . nb,]~ to d:nlw p'Lu~t;litj,!j,'I~ a:l1fY ~Yl}e ytJU i!!'h~' :iJrncl nfLcf .• lk.(: :~~ ~Vinc:ilH,~


,U '~~JJe' ~;'L1ii • ~ihM _. Y'''~I mii 8!2Jt: ,lQ~.iiJ 'lIlilil.aern:lti!m3J .. i:~~,g,I.!l ~H~ly ~~ 'bc1:o:re Y'0'1lI.. 13~ ·tbe t~mt~ you !.i!!ncl.£~~I~d :how lth~ 'ncsh is dli&ill:,~Luted; O~~I ~Iw 1:Iio:~U!~ of ~bc (il(j~ 'O!ll wlll be iRbl:e' 'ID 'v~ :tI~~ 9-:qIl{lssi.C!fll of the iS3illDe' M.t1d- The tllliuiig_j:O~ rnt."ffiihCJi ,is: Lha~ tb~4-.~ nXR~J!L~ooil~~, ~! I(~be· ~ !'i:~m.JJf 'the ~w. i'llliff,JQV~'h~..__~ i~ .~b is mp_Me and, '~!r.:.~·h~~fIig~ ~!f.L~t

'\ ~l3Q @~I[t 'b11i1~illl.~, e'JllllqJm_n~""'nd, nr- A~~r

I ---rz:: ~ * -:__ .

l~lG: .&lltill is fuUy Ji!1~llD-£e.d;Jit 'rt~ml'inif!.~ :~~~~_ ~Inl!

:thirolJlgh Ul'e and; is a ~tiuctm:~l £m!Iid:~t1i(J~l Flit ~;h~' 'H'lJryID1g oJ~'~mllLOli!' ~r tlfiA3 -n~~·h. t1~~re;rmc ~l~ sAuD ~J:i' :nh1.ltJ,y.s 'tfit~ 't.i:il~i!i 'uf afppl'''Ii::.q.dl. an,tT :aU ot1.mr ~cl(l!lIJU£:rrJflg J:f:8illJ,lD;'g: .ii'L'"~,r: b-l(iilt~ ~Till.O m IIj"pvm:it.

'Pr;o;:m '~h - ~'b;_iU: ';;"~ g¢t '~h~ ~J?fi!ciIn8: of '~1~ .fi,mM~. \vhi<;'~ bi :~~n.: ~~l)(iJ't!lifltl~ cpt'lt(l: wl1is~ l~:i'ii'll i~W .f~~d:.U.N8 :lhliim~~tV{l:S;, ':.IT'hc .fl!t':.atllM mIU!~ 'taib: 'chlO!'j]- iPt@l~r pJiu~s: ~illl O\l:U err!lS1~U~O~I1, If '~'Gy (Iii):. w~ ha.'i,1 • 'U~t~Al t~.·bac. tlfl di1Uwii~g th~ifi). "fiy,UJ~ W·d),ttl!W !tbc .rGa~1.ires '\yit'hC!I,DJt· hilliin'g l~ft!2d :~~Il!JTi 'tq~rI]r is m~. ~Imoo[ hop~~~ It~cs&. E~ ,i'o stYan;ge tllilligsi liI~I;at'hs leer '~nslelJid 0'11 smiil\e; J\O~S! bllke '(lI,Il. '!j,ve~~, :Illild '~m:lli:;~]1! eJ'pIiIl:SSmQ!i!I~, In :~ins: ~.o oor.r.oot :0. fill:c-e '11111t ~pp~ ,~o ~ oO}i.lt




·mf dmwiD!} ~b~ (:R,mm )r~ hat wew,nll do 'Ill, ja"''II'I)fJlt¢ a.nd feamlJ',i2$ to .it. Som' yea_l'S ag®

~.st Ith;c 'W(ijfi~: th,tlll,!l::' JMteP(~ or mooijl~ ,~JIt ,eye 1 ~it. ~p!i)in, lhi.$J?lllfl:t ~I]~ "!ltItld.:e, jt ~, basis o=. D1}f.

!:Ejlj], 'Its, :sool~t~ W iio lAJ'IfiI d)Q'WU .:: rCh~'ki ,if 8! jE~,w ht ~~ ,FlIli:rll ,~tl'Ith ~ ':e".rnctl. '1 ~rlil, 1w.,r1'Y to stllr'

iine, is out.. '\\tC :[ldd, mm';e :For(;hJl~d. '''ii~ $,h[J~~d (bat ,the !ph!.:," was ,['011:, Lt~d wit3't gf'W;!;lt ~thyus:i-

~O'\v, in Jlr5lr. laying in the OI]Jtl)Uti". ihnt. ~, a.sm and ts now mdll:1¥ 'lJ~d illl ~bools ,and by

'O\IJ~D~b~d, is: in, 'CO,DS~H(llfJm:Jj u ThiB I ,im, sure :pwle5ltio:nal iJ'.r.USlt5li. Any ,djj:m"ee~ ~OO efficielllJii: ~p.~

)'00 ean 'Ie,run ~r,om lIt.e ~t\ges: t.hat J!O.llmv. Pl'OiL'U;:::li1 mus~ 1101·1~ljl.~Pl!lQse. Ii.,e ,s::ktlll ~OO, ib: :pnr!l:s.

The' b~g. d;ilfunDre M~:!joon, the {lo,mp:~ely and .it5: pojllf:s ,of mris"'ou, ' . is 1m! as :r.:eM(!

.I!ti~t ttl" :!iiJtf~l~pt and a:~ ''j,~l p!3!lUiliJed ap- ,:J.ble to ;5tad ·&a:",yli~' ;'!J.. '!j beet with ;1], sq;lIIare as

l1~ ~.$ d.mt the: be,ghIliler. sl'3ds by seiting it· ~'s tll}ll st3a:;t drnw:illlg a, 'headl with, a 1CtIl:'be., M!1

~~ , L '1l'S~ nys~ .. :i!:!ld mwth...s into b!rm~ w:hite 'ClJL't'fm,g: Q'.H OOIL'JIrel'S and fudhu Itr.iimmimg: [he

sJa~, ·ti.in'Q;1;1Ind~d by .wnte :sec ,of a o!!line ",~Il.I:;J:..F1!! you 'ootdid e"ife:nhnilly come ou;~ with a

f:O.i I~~C f~e~ 11 is: is: ( rawilQg jin he two rumen'" :f:l:iiil, ggM wheel 'YGU cQ'JLd.d .~oc1ldp a.'~~:r

.sitms 6.1£ lu~i,bt ;mlf] wiilHiljJ UII'.1j1',li\fil1 [Ii'IIl!~t some- Ul~ I~l~ ~Jatil. YOlJl h",d a 'head!. Bu ' iPl 'best f~':S

;oo;,,~ g;jJ~ mt,o d](~ mJl.lrdi ,d~nun'ls!l,Ql1i of dlir;.~1b~s.. :iI. ~()fig "I-Wil,y liL'iI'OlLli1Id" "q.y 'not ';" f'$.:!'t "Lvjlh 'lh,~ ei.r¢k;i

\\;~jch means: Ithail: we DUJ:n drn,w 1.1..-.- bolJf:' Or b~~I~ ~f yO~1 C!Uliil. d~nY ~ b:l111. ~- a: 'i:,.'(I1n OJ:

hwA iO it ,~~d~b m :~\page fl;ndbu ,rId, ~hc~ .(~l~ ~p~n a oompass. u - 'T~l~ .sc1ti·I,~m,. ",ta'il'1' . w~tli a, i'Qml O"f

.Et. By ,d'(Ji~~ iSlirI" Vj,"ei are able [~.ot ,(WjJy [10 plaee tho S;e:tilm':il[ ,Sll:.LltJ!l' M' tim £il:~c fill:lla.cli~], ~~ ,tll~

lb~ .roa'ii,:I!N~'Sc. but ftlso to ,e;srnh'lis:b d:l planes af ball [01 Ith., ea:ruili~llfll1j. }L} ootiJd nQlt do oth~1lSr;t_

fI't ~ 'Dd diiMlifm\'!i :[l,Rd, fw."tlher~I' IrQ m(']e :Ii ' Y dle I !p're.seIat ibis, sdmpl\e. pL.'In fil 'tb:ts, v.oau:-m~ ~Bnoo

~f!JnpsJ' b~m[)S, ~ru3J ,r..~~esl as being CrnLlSOO, it is '~lte oo]y ·ilfPThOO.o1~, tho r is a'~ 'rlt . SW.'jfi; ~ ,t'll'nl '

by U}~ iilli'~de~ya~llll,g ~byd'l<u·~ il'rif :!lrmsde~ bo:n~, cmti,ve IToilll iIIi(iGlJiI::~ll~. Any ,other I!l:J:lOOlfl.'l:e !:]p~

,td {a,t ~tOaCh, req~ ilJitecl.M1:.iad means .. :such as the

To help the beginner to shiJrt· 'ow; w.r~h 'tbis pro~'~r·. tl"a>citlg;, tnSJ ;Pa'~top~ or w.iag Q,

~~ir:ddimemi.o~ millEty :a[~p.r.ooch'GS ilt'C .fr:\lgg~lntJ squaredl .. off ~nla:rp~l! 'Ihe 'bdg q,ue:sticm i51

by Wltn~ ~iOOJe'her.s. Ss.me ~.I:S1i; illfi >Gg :t;h}D11~; llOOUy '!I!O!1~e(h~ ,(tn. ",j,lim t'lJ d'~~p '~1'e' I!Ilbmly ~u

O~I~ a rube Chl' 'blm$. ~Sonul' C!lre.1lL SmR with dmw a lre.!ild, ,Ot' 'Wll~tb~r }iIlU a1'~ co.u'tEinJt to we

om - fe8ilmlfe allid ,'btrl bllliiltling tb :£'OFrn mn mechmlca~ means of l?r."D~tc ·ijig i~,., ~(1 reeling

mllmd ~t 11I](lJlil diLe w1rok'IID::W 1"8,encQm!l!?i.\§oo. ilS, ~hat. ~£ tjhe' lan\f:i.wer.·~ til . ca:s~ )'4)~ wouil~ II~~

~jve!"~ ,~:n I~lle~ l);wQ,t"1I!: [nli,U;lY dlfl.[l ~,.far. ~iaw be:ell m'ffllle:rest·oo f:hl this '~k '\~{h~~ yowr.

'I.'r:ml". On]y [~w £ro.nt \1hm' O'j the hc.ildfuoh 'brea£] :anrl1mt~er dep;~]ils upon, e:rcatimng 31i i!Jmo-

~ fii gg, ~l{l'i!lven ·t'E1a:t ~1Jes: DO. 'line 0: tire ~Iute l&ell'I~. nod YUlI. do, ; D~, \vJisl~, to g$.i~b10.

p.wbmu;:·. III lJrl)1l1.e the' bead i'!; .l!I~~ 'like ::!I1fI e~'l lfiUtb tlle ],e-st h~d you (laiD by ~m)" n~,¢lE'l:~: p~-

As [0]' tillll: ~U'~. (:b~ i~ :!ll[J' aoct:ITale ~.f· !,'iii 8ihl~ ~:9l(Jr\oy,e"'$'.r; tf y,(nlf '~VOJ:'l:; is ~o ~,,,,'e }.!'ii::Ifi i'oy

Ujjllg' mID.f: :h~ud .hlt·~ ijt. The 'head is Mtany m~tl t.h~ thdU (1'- tIi~p]:blJlll:neu~ [Illir.ge you to

Imlil~ a !ceb . &arirl I,UiY ~1~gJ " 'the~) v3lne ann ,at 'til!;tl sd.jJWQ~m~nt li)f .,.~nr. (]I\\I11 i3'bUlty u

bbe 'C'LlOO has ~n tllrn\\1ng 'hC:i.(l5, is to h~~· ~irl the IIne dmliVif1gs ,~n. INtges; U and ]1)' -;slnnw t'he

~1W~tfun ~ines .mlllM FI!'I';SpGC'~iivt. as ,)!cm wlIll po!siMlill~ aJ {llSVe'Wpi!}'g .a.1I 'killids of. types o:ut

J:Rm later. of the wrUlHons of ,~Yill: fter yon have ~ed

]1 ~!Il5i 'more ,iO~ctLl t:P ,s,tart wi~ ;!i ~IUlipe 'to &ct, ii[l! du~ '!hall s'od JPlfIli1!8. you 'C. n do o~t

~t is ~k1ilL[y Uie the ;d.u.di. iOl'i,¢' dlm.:~ is simpJe 311:liylil:IJtllg'10"1II pU:CtUiC \'Ilitb :it, fM~~g ~_ill~ ~M'~;$ into

'1:0 drilw aDd l;S .~CCW':Ilte .lOr' pll~:; of OO-n~ the oom;Slnu:::iJo.D by the dh'msiOD5 you :make

'~~iOIl', TM~ ~n be dknu~ by dlf;~wlDg:ii 'bill R~Ht;SS 'me. m~dt~1i: lilIle of ,mIt ':fOlleQ'_ lou 'ho.~e: .1:

,- ~lld)liJ'[g [the ·--amlUlIl!. \Jl.rh:ii~h b r.cJ:Ltll'id, 1b!il!t rOOf iliS[JOSal j:l."'~ e~rs'j m:(l'\'d;lI~.. :nOSe:s .. , and

:btt!!:ned ~",~.ill~t: :mt Ihe :sW~~, l'l:nd .ilUi1l'Cllling' E!:yitSir. :a'li of \",~bioo :mt:ay be, ,jhlt~, or suu.lill. n~,e.


1.'i!'t;)~ .


r· ~.

t\ - J/J


&i:iv..:. Q ~ .1:4W

cJlJef!kboalC'~ llYIay be :ro'~ bfgb .0-1' h~w, the 11[)}lIe.X ]1" may be In,g cr ~h~~ tile cheeb "u:U or ~gging, ]3,)" dnH'Cnt:lfirtt oomh1n ,~wru: of th~E;:'~ ),011 ;:;:an p,rodluec 'nl Mnl05t en(8h~ iHH:"fdy '01 cl:lilr,-, _', iers, It 'A7iU be g,'~d :f1.:iru 1m you to e.,r,iilitcnM'.

l"'Qltg~1 ~iLC OOT:r tructiOOl of :fm, :hood:Jm.ro~;, .~~, ore 0 r ~ess tl1~ ~;l!1ij; [l'iJII~ lbleiiill<S. t'bi5: boo& is ~livided into w~tions ,On ,drnw~lil,g :meJ]" '" !)in _ fI, iIliud c'biM fii;lil of \Imom, ag€!5.. As We ~d, 'II, see, dn~u~, diLe l<eclmieaJ ,d.I)~tlJ~S are g!]$gh~" ,there ,~ , omicie[:;i ~Ie (UBiG1"«nc¢ jilll ,i1p'@maeh and f~l-

:ingr il11~ Ifoo]:mfu:a[ pmhiem' aJ'e ,~,I:!'&II~d) In, ~rt o.ne, and the, bO'wled,gt uC<J\iirod, &em, th-at Js appl1ied in 'if~' ,I~~e-m" s~UmjiS' mJJ J!teOO5,

Tfil be: iiibll· ito, dmw lumCb OOBv;n:tC~llg:l:y' is.. !ilij~, "~e.xy imp(lrtmt. lo tl~(': I:l'ftl:!i!st, aud! illt '~Inis lehi !~ ,th~te f~ Utt'le mllterild a:v~a.b'l~, :SQ' 'l?,~rt :ril,ile has 1]) en 'iDC1wdml to. be;l, 1~~ 'UI}&~q'l!l-tJL ~e' pl:iodp1es {lr CiruJS;ltn.L{:~ lttD 01:11 whiicll 'IOO1hti!.1! fendeJ;'.ung, ,of lttall,ds: IlfL'IlISt be bawd.


Q .. : .. :. m/--I .._M- I cL"

a·~t'-', .::MI,n~~···/·~"C ~ ···'>~a",·, r ". "~

_ !.,' .... .' ,\~~. [ . 1Cf.'1" ~ ( . '~.'. _ "1

LET ys ~£:Q)i;~ 'by estahlidling' IOUlIi eomrmi)l;J, o\b .. , ~L. ,Y.~Lc1 mny ~, :iiltmi~ted. :in, d:raw1og ~ a

oo~y. ~®!!I m~y 'be an ,(;U'-t g:tud.G~t $Jtie.nmg dliwiog e.4~- YO'~ may be 8, ,Ji"~lm,g :,.ro'res-:siilia.t, I)~r $1 ~chH1l .slr.~v]ng ,tg, be'~r yom "'~!l)_.t, 5lI dfi ~t \v:ill bring ,1ft! iIliilfe [mOOfille. F~'h~r ' yP-l!li ~ mt lji'hl'ill11)' ye1[!r.s' .118':0' iJIrttl, lUG"",' 'have 1h9 'lime rn:l~ .inli;:~Dthfe ~UI tah' ft up' apllih, :1P.er-, ~a ;:raD Me ,.,>,eJ[I .~I.'i:l)~~'d~~. in the Idd Q§: ~meK:iltl. :ut. w1fter.e (jo:mp~~~(m is £'O.ma![~ Ilfihle. ~ml are looking fo.r so.metbm,ghat ~in ~], y u hoM .1'OlJi[ plaC;e ~',iIii(]1 tl ~:tilbl!;i, ~ ,)'O~ moving ftlfW',aI4. \-Vhiooe'VeJ.' !~tGgmy you ~,m. 1lh18 ~k wal 'be helpful to YOJJ, because it ,pm~.td~s ,r.acticru b.owa~.g" of tbe ~erih.'niiIues ~f !d_rawlog: heads b~lb (or dle oC)m[iltl· ,G ~gYgner andl ~o ~Hdp dle more ij.u]Y.Il:n~d lrust m.n Iilit~ most £Wf5j~ting ·mO'me:nts when '~h head he is dm,wIrm,g SGemSl 1>0 _!;!~~ ~·o do hi~

~ .t1lliS~oo..

'li'hm ~a~~ be. a genu:ine bMW motil,l\e '00- bEd aJllIy. ~e e[wt. JL~k y,oof'Self '~'I!I~t~ h!Jr.l~~:y," "Why dQ' I .rea.llly 'W.1[Jj~: IQ ,d:I',QW heads Uld ,d~w itb.eJlll w,~·]1~"" 'Ws it foil,' '~1l: _' &9!tidM:ti.e~1 Illf prmeu~1 aoo~m~pllishmeJ]jt{' Dw's it m€~1i tl1Q~IP ,t~ ygu bl gi'ye UP. ~l1I])e tnrlYtlotlle:r' th:iD.g:5 in ~r to lGa'lfn~' 'Do' 10ll.lt~ S0mteday 'm sJI yoor w~ l.nd make it yQ'ru' ~It~1)S of. i1irve[[". hood~"ouM you ltlro, t£!J' drnw :pmtmit$, g~h,' bea~ :rl'ili' m~-endar$, U!Lr!MrnHons f~:r :m~~e $Cln(!$, t1IDe peopt ',. i~ ,iMl~I:i&'e:mlml5? Do you ~'an~~o .~~ ~UJr dmw.illg of ~fI;6ts. to :I~'~p 50Iill ]0W" '",-o.I'._?' Is dmw.nlle; Sl. f~11l1i of' relasa~ to ~jj. l!w'lpimg, :ro .~ b::mlfin :!l>])(l ¢ilea1!' you.r n'I1l'tld of ~YMri~ ~Dd rntl1gi: pmob1le:mss? &a.rch qtLre~y ~'I!'!:d t'hGroUg].ty fur· thls l'lliU&O mli\ti\<e. 'bec-iluf,C if it is' ]lcwarh_d enough! tt· wil giN ypur e'm0.rt$, Ilh~: 5tfb~gtll to wi;tru·ta~d d~~~t~ dlisa,p<rl~t!!ne:Lr r t;> di£ililb.~~olllrru$t, W' e '~, s~g f'ilit~F$.

Mny I .~ ane. lSllI~OOD~' Wbate:~ter )'QtIlf

mlot •. ie, Itry :u.ot tl1!l·be impatient. Iil~\Fs:t~eno.e ,bu' ,~.uoh4lMv '1)G~lr! ~. 'b~ger srnlfl~b]]iig bh\tCk iltlJ Ifh-e. way of .re~l aJbiHly than .il'lllytllJ~,~e .. Doml m~y'thw!g wcU. 'I'm ~ .nl~ ~~ "hmdllin,g' Q~ta,ele-:s !of one kind, or .iiI.:n~nber 'most of dlQ w.ay ~~, -the ~. Sk£l Is &l~ abilUy to ,o~v,~m!ll tibs.tac'lesJ lthe .Birst oj which is ~lsolf~~lIy '~~~k of kl10\~1:ed:ge' ~~t '~]Ie 'tilmg: w:r:; wb tQ do\' It ls tlu~ ,sijrrne .i~ Sl'.JI,yIfbiing; '~ :aJte.f11llt. SJdIl ]s, a .r0.5ldt of' 'b;)!'~' .ill!rg ~Ipljn ,l1Jrlld ,$:~(ljg~ ~'plrillig O~fil" ~~ll1dj;i~r ,and] provm.g OUI:' kiil(M,1O'1edge ,;)S W~ ga.&n it. ~tltus:<.ge~ 1!.I5ied. t,o li~wmg :i:\WilIIY Ith IlmWl>ce.s&~II!I~. -'lI(!tt arid d;·oll1g '~h_n. .f;o.;b OVGf. •. Let 'Us ~onsjd:er. O:bs~ti;,~les; as rom'~t~D;' to be ,~,pe.cted ill my' l!ig~. th~n they "''imll.~t ~ qutit.e. so ,il15l11mlOunta.'Me ~~ ,0 cle£-eallng.

OW" p~U'fe ~ 'liD .~ ,;i li~tle dif£-er.rll}t :~m, tltnt of ~aw usual t.~th ,O.k. illn Ii:U~N~, t"gtbooks. s-e~m t,o iCQmltlC dl~· m:der.ra] ~o1el).' to. pmbfum ~ild so'JuttiOtil", .o:r to ;~ecl:lllic_-i1 anai,},':tis. Thl.lr~, fn IIIl)' Q1Il.1iI be,f&b'lF, is Ol't'e of ~lu~ ~3!SO[iI8 wLy "I~~it= ~ arr:c ~ ,6liIGcuh' ro wa..d ,(lmu] ii;.est. EVci)~ mlllefin!fr.a!t'('''{l c.r,e;oti\1 e €H~ti~; h,wolva j;l pen: O.D!1!il·, ~ty, s:iu.ee' .~k:iill Isa f~~id malOOr. Sml:i:¢:e we !are deal~ll\g'iliDl' ''''~'i:th O[lgutlt~ m~~~d HIke' :1I:U.lit'S .~ndl bollt • bu;~ lvllth lbuman q,u;Q]~tit5 mre~ hope ::MIH;] ,ambition, fntfhi QJt' ,dlj]sOOiIEm,gement, we lilm_:5t IthroW oot ltnl.<e ·te:x~bx).~ fomUJILI;rus alijj~ ~iiI,eJj' ,per.soDali lC'bieveIl1;€!j~' as ·the b~s:ic ~Iememt oj our pJ~ru~ . .Akl ~~'mctor. \vo--;Id not 'be v~y hd- ('u] if he ga ... his students: oniy ·the ''Ii 'o.r.&: cd ,II 'Ilex,t~ok" .all coM hnn;ll fact, \rith[)ut ¥.~lmg .. 'l.vithoot ~r'a!l~' Ql' pe:r.S:O:~li9] enooEJrngeTn: nt, I eae'n~t :partrC1ps:te! ill~ all yow ~G!I al problems.bU!~ .I rt,1iln ce.r.!lafully lli"oemi3m~~ my O\w 8!!l'd iID~wifjlill'J ~t: YU~!fS 'i;l!oiII :not b~ p~@tly dHfG:oont TitJl3£efore ~b.I.$ IXIdk: a.!lt11¢f,~~;t,es :~e ;gcJuliollt o.~ these ,robl~ii 'e:ve~: ~f~Jre' }'OllI miU't th,em. I beJli'C.v~ ~'lliQt 'is. Ith€~ OJ, I}' \vay to lul!1d~ bs '~~ of .s~b]; e;t e.lec;~ ~~:y,

l'lr\Qfr is!3IDl er~"l~nt of. joy in d~mg wh~t yQU.

J.aw ,Pfcr\l"!6d to you~r;1 ~'fJ k ri:g;tlt.. It R3 m,)I' j;oib :beilre lID g[v,c, you ~I~(! 1I'I"~rkiii& mi:lL'~,eri.i!l:ls, w:i~ wMdw t~} m:,1]:~ }fi!liUir 'til'iVtll c:!J.art ~ci(.'l{lom£U:i rndtiIM tban: ~, ~h~w thfl;~: :ilJru}~le iOOa:~ ;5'l'OOCOO~-,," $~OO~, ~)m~ '~"!y w.1~ ~~GnEl.I iel~rt. 8~Gdl 'b,~, 'wl1~~,~'

, . -_.- 1c--.,.,.""i~_~lge ,; :- .,i',,",II!"'CI!U:iIJ'1 ""'n e.iJI"I~}l\!; ~Irnllill'

~,,- ... ,n .... ,., i"'"![J~._ Q iL!I~liUlL. !Jj - - ...... _. - 'If:!:, ;.1' . i;I'

~d~,~;Le eIFDf.!t'. If 1'b6 '~H) n~t Lfi,fi.C~ '"~ '11~·'®~ull[1 1~' a!bl~ to titl! ,~~nytbhng ~fiJI th!C \'v0l1ld sim:p~)~' 1"~1' ~m.difin.g· ·bonks. 'We' ~llli ~~IIf~' ~;1iis' :i$, all.Q,t tf.lUi€. "r1Hille :aR' b~. (In a.'hnos~ :;n~1f ~t:Lbae(t. lh~lf 'Ya;h.lill; depeillL-i(s i!!M~31. ~'h~ ,G(IMQIl.i[~J~ IiJI ~l!}wl\Gd~' '~il~ey OOJJI!lnib1xte, arnd, <in ~~D\'.\' welil H: is, ~'I)£Q~'bed, 3fIld [}1iJjt ~].t:tll pta:~tt~.

']'Q ih,~,1i""" }1,.~t;l1i:cl.8 'ljMill, it]~~ rutls~: nM.l!St· d~t~i'J'In 'hi!;\; :Pii~"Id. ~irom We ,S;~~~:eI"s 'iZu]!;ol~n, l(luillHcres :9~Jd d~lO'", an 'ob1'eCfJl;i~ \i'j~?O:u~I:., Oit'hc:rwee he oowd, go (In (lmwing tlfi(': sarmc ~ead fm~'Wom:, ,il.b!'.lSt·ea~1t. rnllm€l1'J;t iMolUng a ~bde ~,~~ iO\f ,~res51iQm" .g,~ ~. dil~~l~ mQOO, rn. 'W.e ,5-u'b.U,eet. O.n(;1: ~~ ,~n, Vfliry' L'i'ii a It~lm1iSal~d, ~J.s. !':uld :R ,(b'8,,,Ving mlliSit' ~how the ele.d of a sil~,,gl\s' irm~a'nt. 'ut Mm, d-.bnk ,Qi tbe heatla.s ,~y ~~, m~dl:1 ~Lifli~~1 ~~I :f'ao~~, ~:i!1re:l\ pI.ooe of ,:it1U lH'il md~iQr. 'tnllfiJ as :iiln, ,e¥e:rrchal1i$l~g lX:r.roJ"'~ilJ)~y.

T~I it.hf! b-eg@'l'!gt, th~c',~ is o!i 1~i2:JTbi~)jjl fid.'iJfLntruge rn dmwm,g It~ a ~.SiI,', l(fll" lrolll ,a plmluF1ih, f@f ~l' ~!lU)t tlt'!3 -8'!Jibj,ed ~ ~J.ot lfElwtmlg ~Ull.cl ~e (:~in !E"e,g~Jhd ~t QlrU~ti,~[y. It ~ !O'gid d.~~' 00if boo~ ~~n [)JiJQ1\'ly f~ ~l! obj,ecti,ve ap~-m:::h M~ilii ::l [dml: '!ff!.(I,t i~~ th.e arer.rugc head" ''Mf:iLl1 :il'Ye;~'iiL;ge, fil",ii:tiJ~·~.iil.dl il",reta:g~' ;''p~~~. liidw.~l dJL"'!ir~ ~c:t~~es M'C mu:cl. I~OO' ~~m[:Jlioooocl: IIJnUl. w-e! are ii]bl~ tbJ. 'tie' '~b~'i:'ii ~~n ,:1 l~as~ir:' sll'u,e:b,;;g.e:." Qgt~ ~~t: is re~l1'b;lj~ ~u'nLd, :mll{i, a.ce!lfr$~'. L-~~ 'U$ .!'b: in '011,[ !f~~llds ,~ffit(iit; t1~c: skruU its:e1f ts ,the S~:D'1!.I.e-IDul6 and ,t'HIlh~ '~t mCl\e~~ :frilIDffi~~-

,A.ru!!~i"Jtn}" ':l,i:td 00l~.nri.UllHo1ill, CilLn ~ppe.'ll' dlul1l.... ln~t n.ot '~ lhl,~ 'blit11d~r. n mig'bl' be Jdrll'U to 'bm bgw ,to iJ.ilS~ :l\ ~,,,,~r ilL'liid, lllili1J!lm9~ oo~ Dot w:ID;el] yi~ ,1l.'D\f:' mlillkiug "{Ii bUiklng o(~ yOIlH' OW,D- It' may be 1,~(~, t6 ~'bi1flk of dite :b.euc;] :rls :[t meclta1!U5trh. ,Etl~ ~f yw ""ve:~·e li1'}veiJ;t]~, a !rPecl~!rlsm" ~l \~ ll.eV~r 1a<1k ~mOOl.l!!~t. j"1!i),'St '~o9ili~ tna:~ ~ltt, 'h~d 'mmt lbe a ~ rneeh~n.,i~m ,iii w(1~it '~ '00 ~ . .r.n~ .b.e.ad, ~in'd Y()!A "".ttl:1 ,~,;taw it "Io!,llli~, :iU mlllih !fjM.(l:~¢&t


!il1l )"OI!I '\"iOII.!Id. :haw ~ pii,J!tfutlllg; ~ :p«rn~ .~I:Uto a illIfi,~o:r '"i'El~~ y.o-~ 'wa(i!~d,'~ gil,y-e .a ~,~~r.Fbmlmi5~.

It i$ i~rlear"H~J' i:]yLen~, m;at we need, 'ID sm-ru1, 'W'L~'b ~, ~1l.S~c' ~dmfJc :tlllillt :1$ ,as' :n\@Th'r.ly ll&ie ,the skuU as we ,can ~~':it, LOAh'ng at: the 'rn-afil~!I}m~, 'W~I :sM l~ 1lI1l~~ :ne:lJ'lly l&e 0, \)~JJ. jf3iU~ned::lt tLl.e [i!d,es wnd ~'vbDt £ulIerin. the ~!tdk thfiJj, die &om. The ~~1 ,®J 'fL~ ~~;. :~udil.lg tile ~~-:s~¢kE5~~ ~bs' ~'1iOW1' ~hilii' Yippsr tl!"i!(] lO1,"e1' iaw" ~t~ ~U ~~~~,-e:Re-dJ

ItQ ,tiliI~ .rU"~: o£ t'hjj b~]I, OA'Jif' ;l1~ll~i)!!tt¢m 1.$ ~.~

bG :ilb]~, t'Ol ~tr1J1~t 'dI~ b~l~ ~nd the 'l~ialphfll.e

so flwl tlh~f mip¢ra~ ~ '@'n~ 'unit l.~;hlc"h, :D"I'iay '00:

Itj\E?~, or 'tli.:iinllCltj, :ki K!IJt ,rnlil!llinflf.. ~t, ~:s o:F I!;!!Lm~t ,im[;IDl'il::Jl[[oo; &at w,)'] IXu\sUttel tht biifad! :ill i~ mID'p]ete ;and :m:lid. £om'fil. :rn!thBf' dmn, ,ius~ ~hll:~ ''Il~ib:l~ ,~ti'QD oJ :U:.. 'N8hlOOJl]y "NC 'OOlln.Q:t see ~~ 11m :b;l!jf Ith€: Mad 3~ ;ii/o.y iflio1Jlt'e,. From rha :s~m.1l~pOOln ~f ~~~$~-n!~~JJ", 'ilie h~lr w.eCllIll1l0t: ~ .:; ,~;.,nJf:1 ~ ~~tfl;~rnt :.1~ ~~ Yis~ble h~llif~

If }'Olil ~,m)'k lilt P]~lr;! I, you ~~lJI note th:Bit I ]UlIV€:-twe01ltoedJ itlre ba.1I. as ~f tbe tD~r1!d~ llaU' ~:W~ tf,ll.mpm-en{' 00 ~hat. th.e cO'ru::tfiJctoou Cif U~ wl1o:lr;:: 'b3_ll, is, rnad~ ,ovmmlt. In tlU'6 way th~ d.],.9.Willlg On tlfr~: vi~~b'Je- .side of tlJe h.e1ld 68([1 '00 milm bl s;:ppea:r' to ,g~o ail! the '''''~y 'r01.m~ so 'thilt I~h~ area ~t,): ~riI,'r!,Qt ~~ cllin 'Ill!1Q; !LIl1'i~,ginet'J. ;ii..cJ.{. ;;J, du;pliealte Qf ,7;,110&1:. 'Iil,1\f;;' d~ ~i2\. An 011(1 :UIlJiltn1eL'U.f (,if ID'UM mlOO :Sfl[id~ "'Bw fi'lli1~ 'l'Q1 ittrar-w ~'~w '~i~~~1I'Ii GaY',·'

wh{~h,~aJ:,~~.~ ~_in~ pu_~Joo "r:e ~~nd~, I _~~~~'

:retllhxed. w']~l\t: .he _1IfI_eilllt. .A b.eB.d l$ itI,O,t, drarWh, ;l.

!lIn:~d yOu, I!):3I1I1: ,£ee~: the 'JJj1!l£~CJJl :g·11]!'J:.

n DlUlst 'be ob'll1~' £11:'0))111 t:h,e: p!\GCGif~ng ~11U'1. :i]~ ,i5i irm~ible i:t!, draw .:he head ,oor.reC'til:v 1,v

,l"'-""'o.r=.o: ~ :1' ;"

sm~~~~ "",~'fuh lJl11 ,eye i[!ol' :J:lQSe,: ,ob:~vlim~s~ oJ ItJre

slrull ~n~ ~~l-e :p~ace:meJIr~ tif f~tlllres, within ,1M. One :[ni:gb;~ iId ~rus1Jly :~ m dl:';LUV':ilL 'C-tll. by :sll:i:t1'ling ''Wii~~ 'the sle-erIDi: wheel, In 3l~ '(!;ra,\,i'ih1l)g' no 'part ean be !i!.'S mp'iffitn'1lt a:s: the: ,,,ilw:1e~ ,a:nd, I:he-"w'hale E nhm~ ~ .:ffij~g' to,~h~r ,of ,[no:p~)l1i.oD~te pSirts:. \Ve C8!it ::dtwwy.s, subdivi{}et'be whole .iI110, its; p.avts, imt.eO])d ore pes~mg, a'~ 'Ill~ ])alts~ ~IDI[lrn, they Mni ,g@ '~~the<t:' 'm 'the LiLJ'('.iPOJ' :~~o.rti:om. For I~~~I~~ 'it 'l~ ¢.u.$r~ H~ km)w (bat theOOI~"

'i.." ",..:!I' l~ ...,.... ... "'r-1.~6~1 ~£ ,.ilk ... ~~j'\O .. , -11! .. ~-Jl- ... 11' "'1-,,," - - -'

U~'I:P.LIi~ ~ UJ!~~!L_~lig, IW Iiill!~ :1)1..J.l~~1 ,~n~ '"ll~,,' J~ .~~

d~" i!l; 00 tlf~ ~JJj]I; dl!~ :~ ~~!i,l:d the $~li ,fmm

f LA TIE '1. T.~~I bg~'ic ,~hgpel ir~, a 'Aalie!rl,ed b!l:illill

l".Eill ~]unil ,liSi 1!i!lI~ Jj~, lil 'baH tt~ll[jjl ,i:m'yl1n,iJ~~ ,~Is~_ l"b rllfr'~tJt U!~ b,dl ~~ Ii'!; so1!!lli :srh~f'r.i'; ..... i>il lI1~,'Ill~l ~h'Lh]j~b an .u:b:, ]like I'f.", [!:ai[ ~u.gfi~ Bill: b~U iP~. 'ailii~ I~I?" i~M'ougll ~h~ ~~~r~ t§tlliHJd~~ 'by '1li~;eJ i)l;i~ .... ~ ~ dl\'~ th~ 1}~1I inoo~ ~'LiiLlnt!';lr;S iL:oijl, ':J,p~"" ,!)J l~hi3 eqiih"!itOl. :~~OIW if' we '!Nt.iI:"ll 00, ~oo o.n: !:L bW,yl!iMii &~On 1i13C"lti ~~, t~ '1.1'.W[ Jl,tLve p~~h~~~ a \1;.~~ ~ll~~ 't!~~t vo;ry !!;:IPG~[r m;)~~h~£. ~are ero1llJl1m, 1'b8 ~!lt4r~'" ~CQmJ¥i ~1~i3'~~il!'. On!'.:' !l):F t'tH:i I.Rm 'lhr:g:L1gh '~illi 1!'I!ld~1~::,Jbe T!1bd~tc! Umc !Or: Ihc lru;c. ~lit: ~L~P f~~ ni~ ~liUl;lli tG..:Jbe' ~~ '~1.~e~~;ibJ)bf!j :~[r.:n[T.1e. l!;if' a~~ei 'H~ ,of i:bgbce. We dJ.~t~1iC middle ,[iM.c: slmW1l~-aAr'N,n milt '~tm' b:Ji II " I@n 'libJs: ~, Jll~d;;: o:ilF '~'I{I!@ 'H:iOi~'S n~~lt 1.@ .. ~1 kic. !le ~rr.:i~ -;;r;a.e rQ!'>(~'h-e~,

--~..... ..,.-......,........~.~;:...... . ~ ~~

1!Jl rJroiil!l ~y,r ~iMC to ThRiliilfrll!2. 11ris ~~,~ us tnjJ~' Isn.gfh of th~ .lbOlii;,l. 3.'IJd,

lXI!C!I!.\1' that tl!i~ 'oolltn:I..n M Ithe dhin.. '~~'e OO~ ]"!,;I) .... " d~,~ ~lw",,~ ,Gfl.e £:m~' b",,·d~wil1!:'!: in :~hi!k]·~w 11M..Fbilri1l! ,oollinGd$; :il.KMll h1ailCwir,'" 8C$I,Hiid, ,t~ iI-r ill

~"~..&r-" ~..... ~...-.. ~""- .~ ... ); ..,j, __ ~~.....-- __

alii !im'G.'i:i; rl,difr. Ttl& @ii"S !Il:t~ite1!i: ~il11K t~·Th.:lli:f~' ]iQ!t.(u' nd dooYiliJ. :at fl ~WiQe";llw\ll ~_Tt~ ~he ~. ofj;Q(IlL"ihe b;oG;1.\!lf, ~~ t[w '1W1i1lOill -00:- t'he :~ .. ", :~-;; bsn~, "·c:fn 'bB :~;~, in .. !illy tH'ioo!:llwml, ~--~~


[PLA n~ ,,,, T1he' g~~:_[rfGiP~!I'fQ!FifI' ~[Q5~/aln "~l!ue' bali

Th •• ~ ... lit. I"'llll ",!to .. II" 1ioo')' li""",<,,,"'" I~. mld"I., Ii.~ I~~_e: Jaw. it '~I~~J,~~~~rnt-b1;~en_ 01_ -b 'WhQil~ ~~. ~t ~l~~r.' mlne!'l 'che l;iG¥~b01~: o:Ii abe r'ac~}Jp[;]~ 01!1! the bill, Or ~b,e; :-t.TI@IG ,f,oom '!,'lihlt'h

~ ~ t~ :r:®!iS. ~t: j$: ~~]}" ~~ed !!lin t'h~ 'ffiji)dd iOO' 'oopj'" "lIibr Joontitmijmg tIH:::)I"L'!R"9JLd~1~~ '~_~t,p.~:~~ thi7!._ midlillil ~'~~~~ 0(' '~l!"L,~,lLOI@. hr,:,\I-' ~*,c:: dro\i!' ~illiC t¥.o'!l.sidts: ,~ '!]'!i[:: f~ll:l!ll :Il.rtii ,llu~~l!d, '(;Ji(iln]! Ilhi~ 'I;!l!~, D~} ~~~-g, the bro»LlLi'!rl~ ... !·tlJll(l!]oi;1lJhe l~d 'V!:!i! earn J~lcJth~ ,~a.


~e £~re'bemi, P'~haps ,,~e, .IaftvG' ,iii~~!r~ !lwught ~'th-A b,~lI!,d ~~ W!!.!cli h~ '~~rim~ ,~J 1)G'~QJb_pg ~u,,!i d'.e:&,il:e mtlh!iirl~il!8] d~'l,t W(! 'h~'i.~ ]l€M~u oorug~~~rud it iii a mjH~l'tiQrnlc~I,~i'!i$'G;. h l}(\fl~~~ ~j£,~~l' 'lilOii1It]lrS

1.0- [~L ~ '''I ~ 'I '(,:~ """0t!'1 -

, 'II.I~ 11.\,:Ii Str,ifiJ1 ~ ,is !Iii moo h.{iJilIJC :I?:t.~ill ~.c :m,

!liat~,O'II;. as livelli, as ~,"~Gt't.oo o:f a 'OOilmil~ I!;e(B s'iln3.blY" Adul:tUy ~;he ml1:~llm]lli~ mvolved in iii ,ru:ille Me the ,5atm.-C: M t~l~e 'u5'!lid Ia n 1~"''1I\'!i'Liri.1~g ~D a !C!:'!!ltai[l.. the :stfii11l,g: is aU:iI_,(:bed It~ lilOJ1rtl;ld~h'l,g. 1'lit-e{J ;::It Qt!;e ~1d, :lIind ~ilJ' the: 'n'li3:I)I3nul :Itt ~~~~ 'ifith~u,. "Il!,!l IJ:og ,tflit-G- !itri~lg' hu~&,I",·.!:i ~'I~~ ~lfIlilt~nl1t.l '1bill! 61m!lk phjl:ttir.f8 m~l liiil '~!h~ s~]xt;G:' \"11 fly " l1fte "wDtlki~ mf ,[1m ja'Y :i8, HJ.\~ a Mnl,ge ,«~' :9, demck. but, t'be li'in,se :Bs of ~he, 1ball .. a1ftd,~~'ket :t~. 1he eyes w'mJ in :!lhek sockets llli]re, a 'bEillI 'br!H,Ting mid 'in 'pl~oe, 'I.be eyeUd3 ~Dd :~h~'IiP..:Y are H~.:e ~li5 ~m a, mlibe_r ~Hl whic'El inl!ll;tw,a~~t d@-se ,e'~-o~~t wlurn, ~by-'~~ p~:[loo aJP~r.1t- '11~W')~ "is ~,~t.l~]ul'li'i!i~J ~1.nCl'p,fu' bc"lii~th, '~r.y ~p~s:$i~!'I p'tit 'ilU!i) ,ad$m ~y t1~, bmrt'E" Uh{l~ly!ill'Lg ~'ll:' 'H~h ,~f ~ .rii:!'Jf;:: i11'iIi2: !IJjn..ise:I~ '!I!.lh:k:'h ~i'\2 ,~~a:'hfu rmf ,~~ ~'(Jn ,<1l'j il oonl]';tl(:lio:tl! jus~ 11k£: !lin u~~ ",!.hei£ ~oo 0'$ ,~~ ~dy" Vile (]b~llIS5 t'has h:ti~e:liest· ID.g 'm:3I~~rl'{I!~, :~n iQfI,w,e det81] Lal~r.

'!I;Y;Gr,A!!;~l:t ~Imw]n:g ~~1;et ~w~d 'by ~taMiS!hi[ijg ~jmtll$ 'O:m '~lIJ 'b,ll]! at'td, Qn, .'ho, Jiaeird :p~~nl~", '[3~(b, ~]lll;: 'b(iU ~~d" ,til~ K'8,c"~,] P]Ul~_i3 IJljy~~ h ~~:1xHv1d$d, '~~c-:r:: ~o' '!ls~:a'blislil cllos~ ,@iill}ts, N!i,) m~Hm,' how ro'U.6b ~",a.1ill dmw~ Itm'lO' 'is'killJie~: rou: ge~ 'to, 'bet how we.h] b'.am~ ]'CI\l1i' >eye 'becomes', you "i-vrl~l, :~~~"ra.t:.i l13j,~e to ~1tl by ~un1\[bng' ~he' he{l"d OOT.fJlilotty,. f!ll:it as "" caqJ!e~d:e:r. :no rlliiltex how 'liJn,g ]l~ In:ag>, w~~.ed,. i£l!Jway5 1JI!~.m~ l1Ii ~«] 16~!l;I~ ~1C (:~u it ~~~ttV~ ,(ljJ" tile b~' ~Ul.(U 'lfi~.9d ~~IW!!> ltiPJl, ~~:a;bU1Sld:mg, dw pqLn!4' ,of me ill'SUf:ol'll<€: lIt., Any oth,tfll' 'WilY ,i$ bouad '!:6.'1:ie gtuf:SBwm'k. wh!{(il, ls It §lmhlc> ,il'Ifi'Y' 'way )''00 '~a'b: It, For fu.e' Oll.e

)lRllf:'c yoo, ;gr~~ :rill~t", the.roe.c are mruny tlte,vitEL'iJ:le, miSialll~~

T~mmtJl'l~('I;rutillin, 'Bil~O - finr.~~, froEL'l wru.ah ,to 'bdd the CiOlW.mw~_{II1l 'of the f~ l~

"!h, 'p?iwt ..2J]iu.!~!J},arOOW~~~_!I~~ brKlg~ of me m~~£. 'b1i!l.l11~. Thr~ pi!1lij:!)~ i~im 'iUwa:}~ [bs~d am), :i:s, :ilrud~~, b~" 'lll;'l,\~ ~rt~e:"[ line if'~ lil,OSC mIt! ru~ ;ru,o,sS.DC ~f 'tllQ; b;~l(t\.,", On

- -- - - - ~ ; -. - - - - - -

!'l~ l»lin, dl~~ I.$. thl2i iU;i"t:!?lio:n af tbe "eq.,!!;(.,lor"" !3!1ii~ '":{ht pf.llil'i'i~ m.ar:MI~'~"· '~m lW~ h'ill~s ~ihrlt' ,~t1Vt t'I1!1!i 11~1I. ~.I ~ l'filf ",,',oo~,[ea~~I}¥ i!l'lild :b0~talUy-, All mC;1i8.'" ~Ui':c'i@tf:!j~8 §Pl1nig :ffirom fl1:~, pd'mt ,Ah::.utt balf~ "icMJ!.lI!lJIIQ]j} clJin. (lmt to 1~"liB ~01 ') otm,t'e"l" 01' "the ~!ld '~ W!~'I] - "D~id~iI~~, ~ilU:], hsve dn.e:r,efore S.lfOlCOO, 0[: the Jw~~GLd. r~,~ d~w, ~ ~:i~~hWIg.w tlt~ dr.OS~,o:int~:we ,get the leng.th 'il[if lh;e n(iS!l,1l -n ~url~ the dn~!liUll£e :r,~o.m t:he


t~[l Q£ '~1~ I1Ji~ tQlh~ bmW<.s, ,ils~ {ill an <'1've~~'.,

eqtB.9~ ~, wh~, ]-.~gllt of Jt~l-e. ~'{!reb.ead" MmwriDg_ tn.G_jam~ ,d~lll1lirJe I[l~'l 'W!i:i ~t the'lK!.ttmn.,d.:

- ~ • :::z'~

t'liil!; e:hiu, Jw the di~t~l1I.ce ~rom Ithe 'boUU«iiJl 01'

!:1re Jllh;i':mi ~o the 'OOs.e ,of the nese 'eq,lltaJs t'lle :Sp3oo Jrem there ~'O the ffirliO'\VS. <tmd From, diJ@t pomt t'i)] I:be 'bai[.fute. Sb.J.u one, ~.v-''®J itlrrSie '~m$ ,]I ~Et -d.own tln~ midd~ liM oi ~'k.c :ht.os'. s~~ f1M:e!S S and ''l 1 WL:IJg:g'~$~; y~1.ii t$J').oo' :pa,p~ atn.d, ~-¢d ~fi_d '~~m;t,~ d~\-V'itig th~~ ~~a.d$j' ~[r,l~.g dt~n~ im w«ry [~srl,~ll'J, ,d.ir.'~lXoc~. 'Iltl~ ~la \~U 'bG' )'Qhll' :~i'St ,~ll '~I!'lod, m' :!nUliiy. "';I~~t, y,cr~b ,do 'if;WW \Vij,~ Al[JiGoL' £:vf:;:rything ytIu {l0- fmm h~ on. I~].ate 4; w,i]~, gjY~ yrn:u .an idea ()f h~~r 'lID, ~lilQe the .£'1!:1Mt!l.lre.5 .lJo1llQ,peJl'ly. Th~' p'b~~ltIeliili' is mO'J'e m:.:pCil"~MU' tha:!!l. th.e: dO'i,'!IIj~ ,~E I~e:, £~tum" t'Irn:Jm~L'I,\\il!l" ,.;.\"t ;~i~ :s~ng"(li 'it ifl; !lip!t: too in'i!,~~lt1±. t'ha;t I~~ ,dd-ais, ,m the F'ttiJt~'!!'-e$ 1be CQE~~(;;t. G¢; ,tb~ to ~-ai[ wi~hiin the ,e@!ltlmot'i.om hm . .,q~ alL~t lb~ two :si.c1GS G~ til~ faee Sll:oom to, .J[lil1i.~~:1l ... W~!lit:-, C"nIm' U~il 'yj~t,

1"1100 [tc.:d~ i~1'Ille ]'(!U: WiiJ'ik 'wilth ~'hflis; \oQ'}f' '!.um ,t:(l' P.h~.e 5J, 'wMelli i's ru sW,PJiWet] s~:at€mr:tel1i;t of' the 'btiM sh'.u.ctl[llfe.. No, QJi)f:: dehdlO'£ dil,e b,one str.l!I_c..· ~1]1ie ]s, ,o:f part im,poo!nnoo;, h11l~ ;~b, ~ota] rAlIIape :h (If :[JI!J_UH1lQhl!ot ;UlJ]J,?l;)JtrB.l.JJ;t:6. ',"~thm, k' ,.poe 'M:!.: m~_:!l;~ ~l'~ ~be ey-e-~keJt~ :ip~mg Ithe:m. c-a1"i~iIJI'lIy On ~iibu .s5i1ltl: 'Oii' ~1e' ~DDid\d11e line, '\'~\!'e' :Iot~'t~ d~ r.wo (:~iW~bo:rn;~:5l '®;"pos.ile eai_h o~k," illlid t:1~~ lb~g(;!i of ~'I1Ui! ~n~B~ wMclrL iIJilU~ ~le ,~!] '~1e. mii.iltlk,: 'ufie ~.t tlt(!! ~I)' ~il~] .. ~~md, (I~:t :h[Xirn '~J~~ rnl~](Ue; 11m' :ail:: tbi:Jl ~~~®m. \~!(: 1oc~t'e '~lh'G: comer of I~~: law Miid hring ~e 1;lo',W lm.e,\d~ t6 the ehiJ]~ E,ve:uy' :be.'ldJ mus~ be- oo.nSli;f.1I,H::t-ed :so' Itilkil :~JlI '!11e.fietl~ ba]'arn,ee' on the midiUc liQ,C" Pl:!!!k!' 6 ~v~ ~u. m~re CiF 1lbe, iUl;!n;llU ,ap~aJ;il.mce

know:tedgc of :r.nIJ:iliwrnYt 'wb"ch i..s diittu$:S' d iat~.

Scmne -:tl1f;~ i:s.h llIke I~,O' '~lI;!1k of d'l"" ]I~;fld, ,:!8 beu:'IIg bu~t Q\f fi~~ whil;;h u,;ill· J;t to,.~het mum li~ jnt,o ll!l!:;t~ 1M gi'llll!! ~h.g liI,'rl;[]Ol'Silfiteture af J~he l\~l~t S{_"£· Jr'hlltc It F]',his is, ~'pC{i;.dI;,. b.elpftll hI "U"e:sUf~:g the m'hjlJ"~ <liIln' ~1lSi(n. tb~t of thm~'k-, ness, i:J1IJ }.1IO!!.lr df.awJ1a.g. M"I[I~h l'OO of:h~:111 ~'be f.aOO' is ,d_rn"fll ~~ :;j~JII~iI,:l~liug nat. Y II): :rrIlib.ii~ (lODSlide th~ f(UJlu"ilnes:$' QF ,t.li ' :mu.2.ozle-t'he two j3.WS: as ll!0)~ eeme tog:etltcJ'. B~rowe i'~ :i5, JD.s~ un the H"-'Shhtess of ith~ JElQe we 1fJ'I;ll.y iwg{!l 'Iihe,' 'ITtnqJ! CliI.lInre Qf itthe tooth behilI~] tit'· IDp,~. Ihis ~~ [~,.r~ more [?JiQnoulnoo~ ilfl lilti1ll'nn S, I:(ii wlilc:l:l j] ,shag:; deep Irjt'C :m. y mfL'k-e the dUlIeJIE!ll'Oe bet,veEm IU~ aiJi~ dOilith. l~l!ink of !·l. 'Ttln!~ teetl~ ~. C'tU1,'" pel'S ,mud Ittl: had'm' ru ;_$ gr;vnl,en;, Th~ FfiI11~ VI' wb:a~: ~ i!!;P.~l '~~~ ~tll :&9 :humO!1li oowp ... ·.ale 'i( hnt am anil1l1.! uses to., hm~g GD ~t1~".. 00" to .sn'll ilild 're~" Tip m:tpress: ~on. ,:roune1lF '","bat !the l'iIl1:u"d.1f~~ ,of mJs a1lf;)J rea]l,. i5 ~iib. bl_k a btt~ QU'~ of a. p. ee of breadl ,;mil. 5bJ;ily at. Y(lU w~][] iluo'lla'l,[y :n;ey,er d~RW ~3']f~ &.I!y ~g.ia: -no '"j~ m,l$t anoo 'fetiJillmbe;r 'lba:t tfr' !~, 1iIil"~ :n;LIU~.d; doo\li,W-lI 'roost of '~ tlm,e W_' S'.e;;:; ~f:ml dm:wm.O tny~ like, ~ ~~;iJ :ifl r;t F5~o~ ut. ~r. T,lle ,eyes'll :Il}ooe, m.iOO1tn. 'illfid rulLil aj~ h[~ tim drnee-djmummO:JJnI! q1l!mLiit;}", '!,1oiltidt ~In~.·, 1m ·S[Hlll'i.Good witbolllit~"-lo.smg ~he

ooli(]Bty QI ,the whrile ileacl. -

ID BA \lH :-' 0 TI E [·IEA]J N D :HA NO,S

; ocil :p.b,oem1ra~lIl oi,F thil,~ 'b~De8, _H'ote ht.y.,1,1 i~'II Lm. ire d~f,;'t'!l'.lill~ )iUbi flnl! iiliw::lirC ol 1:lle' (:{')]'i~trueMon :!j:U • r;ommtl t'h'" 'ile.lct W In!,~['Jrt:dly 1:1'1 te gil:' 'b' (i;:cling thllt t-'l;.gS0 ,~n"i1' ;JIliot l[J!u!liucs. w~: ~e. ~p Q'E soli( £a..f11'I5: th~t I C@tddJ iU~e :m)' hmd ffniJllij!t( • ~](;! you feel as if }'Uti' ~~1I1~1 ·pie1\:. up these h~i1i.d!i. 'i,,,,r]IJfI }I(>[jlr t~, ~~l1ifh: R'tld ith .. :u: JO'IiI 'W'{I;~u'ld, ~m;li'id, tile:ID ju ~ as s,c.Jlid Jiii, hack es m £~o.l ~.Y' Tllal ls what.·we tIlrn "YUrltlii.g, for jl~!it OO\y_

'b: . '7 slll-o'!;, , tne- ::lct.i(Il;1. dI L~li: heM en its ine !;!;nd at itih'"

I~~a rn!l'if\~i"illm'its 'Ihere is !J; .sIt:nH~g pll~~ of' the Itw\~ Jmhl~b wibi~'h ~'!i~n~ ~.u. U. ~ ~'b~1l be.'briu:1 tilt:: I., ~ fj'8 arull do'Wn ill1l froid~ 'tel' 'tJ1te brea5tho . beh''I.~e:J!l ithe co;lIR'fb(mes. A'!' the br.w:'k fUoe' thii!: two sb:OItg 1t1illl~J~s mriiid~ attach to the base of the f5lkuU l\~ fgjli th~ h ad h'lcil:,\'!,!{lltd. To pl ,~, 'b,if:j_dj to. :s;~t l~t~:J;Crly 0'0 the ne~, 1· !i.IIl!Ii'~. :sI!)M(,':

IP lAJ]i'&: ::r, The ~ro!Ss, an,d ~hi;: middle Iliv.ne de~~e~mfrne ~tJ e' p-¢t;Sltll, ,Gilt a!~~' ,~O!'.lf' V'ql~C\fl~ iI'.!~d ~K,

H: ,i5, iIirii!ll!l~ ,im,IJOt,~~i'r1t: l:Cr blj,gip :!r~ ,~q:oeto l)mGt~ce s!rtl'ing IililIi1 t'bm! 'b1in~, Q"wui Faci;;}j'1 :F!~~ Do :not ",,,,I'(l~ ~oo IImo'h :!l!QW iiJ'OOuit rtl~ul,~tliii~. ~ ~ :Si.mp!J Ci)L15tr:1!JIctii);mJ,. "1!ti6h you wiillI! p'fobably 'Me.l'm ,tbc :ii\eSt ,00: YCfttr lire_" ~tlib:~ Ui!e!' oO!iO~ ~~ '00 ~ll1_l (i(f tl~ )OOn~ctlM aY ftKtund, th~ ,b~~", $(ii_ ,tM~ ~~nl; 1~'lA1$ ,ilt~M ~nl1if''I,.~y llfOUJ'!t1i '00it >@ilc'b ~-e, ftoo;j£i'Il-l~ "tMl til!!: 'B)!H ,mill, rJ;:'he!Skbo1ii~ ~ below' the. broW' '~ne. '11w ears !il'E'C .ob~r!ilit paral1~ '~it:h ttm '~~ ,01: the '~ _11 itn~fl't.of ~ llO~~\; '1bli: >Ci"(IM a]m!:)!:;~ ~gg'~$I~ 'c-lJ..e f-noe bi~QW'. "Vjitli ,thlJ: '~[~i[u::ll 'WL';eaD ~tmt. ,d~.mTl' t\~ '~N,hi}l~ ~~~ ~UIJ ~nr [p{I::;~,



IP LA'TIE <4,. E~,~tlb11l~MI'I'91 the Im'idldl!el [Iline S"'i.'.!:N :p~C\fJ"lg. ~he J:e\7lu~ ca:fi1/;rrl1u-

n yOUJ, ~iL~'!;Ij.'e 'WiOO'~l i1)'~t~ the' ~~U ,ililul pbulle alld ~l:$C ,d[.,,~,i$i~:}'fruU '!>?1m 'itli!)t lta'i,t,C '~01} muc_b tiNJtlIble tin, [}iMl~ th~ £ei;ittu~ ]bwe\'1o~r. ;Y(iir. ~'b~!M ,i"l!:ali~ ta~:I:t a, fJf¥'lurc wm [W~ IU 011 a hooil unl~1 ~tt ~ ffi:ll~l;l~d ~[JI!;g:ti.y !nil:d ,in. ,~l"mli.'i ''Wit'l. dili: oon!!truCiti·(](i!U .~ {ii,f 'Ltie who:le 1li.'Elild. EMelry a]'!:~t rnY!5~ be l!lf{tpa'md, ~rilf :9i, ~ta_,fu illIi!l'i111t of' slT:u,ggle witl]lL ootifrnmto:n, :so do not nnow yg,~11tp g~t djs9Ol1,~,iilg~d- :m,'!/,;l1ry l~d, B.'D~_~ .dli;~,~ tIlr;:,ta~~ (1(1;), oonstmcU~ just, ;ll5!<Hl!.I!~h: as {~~Il'y 'b-gi!dllmg, 1~'\IIer;y' I~~ e ... my (i~'II~i" ~ro~(lim'w!}r(s'irn:till o'bj~ct d~. l1mt:1s wlmt'ilhe !i1]''ID;'t''s fOl!. :re;d]y :ii5: m i~_rning now b~ ,Oi).t,:S'tnt4li~ ,tbilJ~ in 'It~: dillfltLill1i£~~$ wll :il it'W'O·dlW:t'l!n.Sia-JJillii smtae:e'. ~~te, ,hnV<e tQ d~fuk 'Dr ~~h .tb~D,g v]"e; dr.aw' '~n;i~:e:Il~t;r :iIl.'1.-d ;s~ ]llOtW It.s ~~i~ jl;p~:Jir 'h> us £ron~ om p;;iJ:'h~11Iwr' 'lJ1.e'I,,~m~. Jle~nt'3'tro~ i~ ~h'Ll}G' (]imen~[\l~!i '!ro..~ Enl:' l~l.o"'l.':1~e i]:n(l .sh.ld_yr" n~d S!!!)i!!'b ,b~~~~ 'ifl fill) ~rn (ni.\cJi]t thfllr! dM.i!~ ~pii',t;:d .r~ awy O'~h@:' :llcli{IL No int.a~tex ~ww gr.~f!;~' )'O'ill' L.a'leDl. ti't!i!~Dt hns 'tliJ ''W@'f:k wilh 1l~1)'i"1ill],~, t'!l dOl :an:ylil'llilmig ~HL, ,~'rfu;en ItJ~c: ;se~~ Jnr paT~j[Q1.1'1r..T' knQw~lge, '~~m~ p1~~ni 51$ WG~~~, ~fia'nF: '~ilil~ 'b~~tI_~ 1E wOil"

- ~nstr:uc::UOl] rtI~, 'Dot-worry }'111!£ti; 'i~ ~l1t~ ''!iIilllll :pr,iidJ~~"



P'I~AT,E ·5 •. 5'~mp1iiihed bo.ne ~!li'·u~ij~e

.IU ith'b point it' WilJl hl!ilp iilJ ,gl'<:at tThi.ul, it1, ,ooo~:ttl'l,lct.[}mg 'Clhil) h~ ~"O 'h~,ve ~ rlil'bly cim", M.~ of 'Ihc. I:ioM :!l!Url~t'l:n~E'. 1'1lDug'll "iM!!! do. no~: ,~~ tire' lJQ:!;lC$ iii dllltiIlJ, Vi Dr!iliS"~: ~hi"k ri)[' th~"lJ1 SIS dli!:'f'IWin);~w~ ;g"f thi;l head, i.'l'n tllLe dtv.ns~~~ l~~b ,~r Ith@ hmd ,!tre 'witltOO to. ,tbc bl!J1~ ~lI'b~: to t'hQ' ~~~D. The reM'l1ID' ~ {!.hooe tt~e OOEi ~md, ~p"ltln!Y: :il'S atl, ,UffiitmJaiC'h ii:iI:fi ..... btmm~, iPpFSil'"tmt, ~'(:(( OJlcT 'll.[~~ob :Is tr..e ~]~ ~~elJ. silltffi~llii.oo mc'llld rnlldu und~t~n~BlL11c.



, L.A T E '1,. A,~io.JI e~ tbe !head' iOlii ~heJ ~e~k ~I


f'I~A,fIE 8). ISuilding 'ftn'e' he:ad ,Q:Ult O~ pieC'M.!

:mf.' we It_htl.!ii_~ @~ de hle::.d :iUl' '~ad(l! IfP (if' ~11C ,pi~ :61t~ i(ll.g,,,fhClr, w~ :find ,tfi~~ pA:l~ ih2l~d iiLl'Ld :p~rt: 1:O.gei:;}11@'" '~ Uiey ;}P.~ tift t]~!), ,df.iJiw.E:fig~ :fin ~iI.e !~P ~~ . .NOh:: Ii!foo fOm!id~' ,P'~ Wlik;'lfi! woold mili~8ln 'Hfill';J-lip,. \\'f~ :I"~ftt t,o< ~bis p~ft d ailiIe ~1j)j_11 iOl.5i Ul~ "m'l,!lj'i~e." :a:Q dmwing '~~ :m(i~nlb, w..'.e 'jj(J;tiiS~ ,rn.ti:~~, if :fit fiIJi}llnfl ehe oorv:.:::' of ltb!l iilP,PCC-' ruJld, i1l!""~l" fiJ,\\"~' :~nd t'it'll: .r~1~ ~th" tog, o;Fi;e'rl: I~b~ '~I!,t'tb i~ dr.!\II,~'J1i 'al'J ~ U '~~ 'EL'a~ ogut~ I): l];l!: ~illfL1oo" m 'thc"M~i:m'm, ~ '~h~ tfi!Cc ~,Wa~, alt' tl~ :1!1£t ,sho!!Ji;" thiL'l ,li,p1 ,am:Jj U:L~ ~1lru:CIJuDJSi llIlIJ,~til!f 'jglJEI)'h" t.Jw ~~ pnHl~ at;ifI; li8' irll ~t:!ii ~~e~, ~, ~'ho~'I!I ,Glt th.e ri.~l. Tite ~.ds Qpe:r~jJe' :lfnUch ~. tlw ~ps .m CIOOf~ 0iine1' [Q

l;Ol!,Irl:ldlgd ~(~ .

~ E N"'S H,IEAD",

P L.A N IE: S·

''Iir\ e ~gan by ~idt"'~i[Qg t:bJ; Ii -:11;11, ~ OOll:!.'l{l Thili is 10 ,~ttiLn be~~!ie 1~ ts ID1J:ch mn::.re muoo dlf!fEl. sq~·ue, Htl",v.t;:1A:i iiJn' gf: Oi . :htlN di!i(. ~e in aft was the Euct tl.a'~ toe, ;1l11lt roundru~~ ('..all bocom :ll~I!Ii\n$t boring, <:1_00 Ith~t .' 00011- ~oo:f.i01i1: of 1l'm![1fLt1~~t"~ wi~h ~q~~.arelf~sss ,~'1i1 '~ d 100 ,3 ""~I" g~ eXOOIJIUO,~l wJWil1 nmoy of the !OM mM;~(r s ](i(~kl!-(Il. Th~ell'ect I!Jf ro' ~nillJ.e.S ' l~Hds !-Ot~rmd [tire "slillclrnlI:~" :m fn~w1l'1,ed l!l]t1OJ.1l by n i.Ocl'cmr ailt!:sl$ .amil ' "tiCs. J\~th II) u W I '1l1~' 1f.'CI1.!I'I!'1,dness eJ(ilsl:S, ss ,1~tJk~gt.'1p1lL'" :5how~ t'his type 01 ~nd'ltil)JJ: ru ver il'OOl1!1S to' haee dl,' 'IIigo.r of Ii!J dm'vDl; Or i!:i:Jj-I!II!~lll,g' I..!.lJ 'iN - eil ~1lt" plJ:\'iiI.¢s; Iilit!f!: :5~i~, or ill'isi :L'eillSOfi ~~ l>.h'l)'!;~gr;:;a4!!i~h. Or:.1, :hea:d,

.. I!!I;'I.~ h;g.~ 'tOI (}omI~el'e' '!I ith ,il. b,"'IXId d_ra,v~' in.@; as. .r~f. ifti$ vuhliUjt,1 ~£ e~IIIUOlll :11s ~r.n.«l. It~s: re me that d~ m(n ,',1 He5: :s-omew:bere beI\ii.·~ '~h~ two 'e)l:llremes., A (lftilwh g that, ~'$:too sqUf}~ cfi.i], l~k tis. if it ''We1W cbisC:~tld oo~ ~f w~ lOr scfr.!1D1i: wUh 'Ifi@re ha.:._rdnoss: IlhrulJ Ih ' :rubj~'ct '''',a~1fJl!ts. On the ol:Ru]\l' ~'limd1~ ~. ,~Ii!i3wing' Ih~ [s '~'iaO ,r.(iIitDl.d I!-llUl}l' :h~;ve 00' muoh ~ccm~ ,mil smoof}Jlftess m:hiit ,it .sOOms w. '11, ve DO 5 ,])C'hui!' ,~t 3M MJil6ilth the S!iiJtJ'.UOO; Ev¢ry~1'b'illg i~ :PoHsb tL wnd, :sMnry. Of tire [\-'1'0' • .1 'prn~er I'!Ii}O m!ic'h .chllr.t:lictl!lf. 1:0 tClIl Jilifh\, ,Artists, J' ave :W1.1rnd. 'flit by sq~'U':ifll,g tbe pl8.~~ ~()],t. ·~ing dni!tm onfi)l ,oo(Jugh 'Ip :r,i1-1Lg\~(!' ;, .~ b ~k.eJJaSro])e iill'cct d~~~ ~~leve soliiliit.y and, va~lltl wtfhou~ ,mn,g m:o, ,1!.fb"efl'reS-" It ~h.o, hilS been disooIir1',eJrtd~Lalt flIlt;... rbi.."iiIM, phMSi t ~ d [0 me g.e lito. a..'ii1 ,i:H~"¢t olE ~ reullidDi&~ a~ a otl~s~~n!i;.~,. ,\~]en ~U: m.s,peclt :8. i>nii;:.clt<m eu . luge screen r'al!1):ui I[:h~s~ 'I;!fp.

it m ~j,'~rig:i'If1I' Ju).'!.V :fI:tt ,tihc image ls, HO'wever. '~~ s~ep ha~j ~llils lmatR "8:$ tEsii,ppem ,millthe (~n rt.il!lmtil;t'l..w;; seems to ti1\e ~\f(:r. Th~ i~mtl~ is ~]tlt the: Jiill~.ol1lfl wbich '~el .L1i' ~anf9.CI2; ':Jt1J,e really mucb more diUoa,tt 'il!J'!!} ~hey app('af t~ ~.. ant .~~ t.-w;b has 'be m ,a boon '10 ptful\~fS..

POI' ili~ l1mt;i h,uLl7IIg,. llItri,..~'W. lei ws cLm,\V'ltt: 'plt]'1;$5 ~s 1j;ve feel I~hey WlilUJ!.d 17!l;'1'IIiny Ire 0:0 'fhe.


~l(rnn.,llrro'~~ these iilillite..s; , "!1.ean :irltGrpt~t tillf)1 ton; $O~idl;ty ,as m '111.0' othe\l" '!iii, ~y. :t' i~ b.et~er to learn bo hi.ml ti:J~1b': lul':rufll il [~'~: ~1!:g;i"P;;:tljlr.e -thPI~ to OO!Li~ Ihe t!l.lmi'Jlj,G·cfI.'ti'roly SO ~m, mil)! iill"lJu' H~t~ ,I)[id '\vi:llbCltilJt ,fwm! lU;r Jii!l'Iimt" I:ha~ in jJl dr \Vlil:1( tbe .I)~;;]jntiG fIlfi}' I.re $itl:'!I!:.SslIr'd tQ;!1i5lid~r:!JJbl.r m®I,e th:il:n they CilITI be :IiL'I a. pairlting,. slaee W· ~r,' dcalt'lfil,G' "litli f~WilW ~lIiiclin~: ''!wi'i.l1 es, Just 11.0\\1' 'we me no~, oonrohm~ wldm vul!lJiSs-, .(r.f' ".dlfl;d:rng~·' ,llSi ~t t, ,0 ten call@d by (he IltytOoaJ. '\l\1e sump',)' WJUlI!t 1I!lii b'h'M:V j,\il'I(:L't pl:;<l!l'IIes wiD gt'lte l~iUl: b~i'-" f,o;r:m. the gene; • B. SbfipC 0(' diG ~fl:C: and head ID It)!~:w-[' ;,~iI~ w.e '!;!;"rur:' to g~t 001: 0.;£ the liio.1juid into m!l!ll,C b!lnclt_ fOtflU,;.riOt tbjs blookioe§ g;ves "mch uloy·e,dlAl:ITI<:rer. e lmci:dly ~o 'IDe-if', beaiL TlIJ!m 1)0 lP:l~J.te ifll. I ;suggest tbil!t )'Olll s:t~i~.r fh'i~ ,page 'C5u'c(ully irlli o:rd ~. 't:(;!, & me&e ll1an~ il .fQ1'L1I' DleJl[I;O'ry; TJ~ey ~n . ,~;t.:c ,(:kOH.b fro:rmwbID~b YO\il, blJlild ml!!LsiOii they aro b:::t,giC; iiIflil;] iIJllnl:;:lst 31l}~ I cad ,roll ~I 'lmH~ (m them.

,her you 11:0\1\ rn'I:JlilOn:i"~, thC!~eo ~Ialli!', try Uill~n!lg'~ hre.:.ld and ~fliOOT""PM..olim~g: i~h~",~jbk :pi.a'li1!2S., as s: 10~" in Pbh~ l~l rrmn ~]'iieStl plaJl.G:; you 000 giiJ; 011 ~, ,r;JiI!5p~m ~~~. :;:!lSi ,d.e:mo:i'l!Slr:l]~~d b. :Pl'ate U. 'I.~ .. en you h .. :!Iiv~' :IfR:Jsle'J:ed the' OOD~ S!]'ti.I~i,()11 of {lite 'bill! ~ nd p!ta'll!2' ,or l.la· f:Jp, l~l1m!!~ ro iI,l,g-. 00fi(:~ s:p::tciDg: ID[lJd, OO:IM:l~li'~~eti(p1l ]~lrIe$." and] h:'c :il5\S, i1I~ hi d till ' [jlaJlle,;j~ rem hnve oome a Inng ''!IiI'llY h;lW'ard goo~, dm ...... lng Qf he!J~., YQU ,s~~aulld ~DW b iJlbl 'tol :spol mnn,!"" of tilic d'iffiqu~ties If tat ilDl.S'C,;n(l] n'L~l'g; [he ~oom: ,in }f6U:t' I»bsiie ,drnwmgr ~,'I'.ill~y a p:tth'Sit h~5i een 5l~led;. i;),ul, for t:hG a...:rtist 'to' dS5(ii)VCli after da}~ ilIr wOrTk mil!t the lh~.slC' ,{';jJ~:'j:l"rnJ:(iHOO.1J 'is a~, faWt" i5O'~n_:tlnang ums u be iIl1{W' d)-an eve. ,he nese, 'Ill! lb~ m01ill1 ~nll 8, 'libuC'S (i t'h, d~irC" ['~presMOn S'i1mpJy r.eJ~i.S~ 1(11 ,e(lI~ .']lhott~. ,t\, 'very' ,good '!.va~ of :study.mg OO'J~tructiO'ril i.s: to ,dt'lil'!."~ the OOhlistrllei:~:Oill U"~ ~n·~iw.pfug' of :«tmeOJ.'te ,e]\se,'s ;pie;~]'(: ,oJ :ill, h¢~~,'t, SQI tln~t :roo eilllL.sc'" :thi0 ~tact pheemetrt of an pi~ On.ce }I'OOl 'lriIDMrSlt:fl:lld !:lie OOD5'tru:d~MiI yo.ilr.t'Q~f. it beoom~

'~'oeflln,,· :up[);llre,1Il1 kJo YCCL wh€n the Qtb~ w(':'~~ hl'w tJ:oos iLmt. Som~'6rf delo1'lIi'f" all'(l;Si:s (~O nO: :ro.-aJilly bO\\· 1!1,aw :['0' ,oomtrot't ~c:d,~ ~m] they S[HDd, liI1lfiillJ' 'ho~.-s·or a.(I!I1oo ,d,[ffi:eu]~)1 as :D, mul~'. ';~,Oi ~:'llCI:' of {lg::wfng In.eml.s (11 Ill, .e.omp.eb!: '!(!,jlit'l~

OOJ~fl '~Y'lcdge,

) Pb.(,,~)2 ~o ],16; 1 have planll~ ~ l ttl® fUJ~, fGt f'0U!. lWe :n~rt ~~'k Iilg SOO'!'I!G 1ioo,Hes widll, the ~i,c ~~l] a,:t1,d pl~lIJ;e:s, Vbg WJill .£10 dlis; bC'~t:eiJi ~ritilUJlJt eopl~l. '\\\ e d» :so:rn-e' eNpe:rjm~~g 'with

'f)\Pi(:.S,- ~ I prommscd, cady ill d~~ '000.· Tg 'p!J:'6-' duee diff rUJtli~ types, Wr.Ji C9.1!il 'vary :t~a.c ii~e~l;l or :!};'Ile_~,~ iiI~e:a5llNJTi~l'rs:, 'fh t'hJl!iG '[H;"",usi'O'JU dF III ' middloe [i](l_' of d'lie E~ ~ ~m be 'mad • Ulil ~(d, i;!i'f e:lIliliS~kd, as yo.u \",,~b. TineD. "",e' {?;:I;I!! \\',3ry' Illite ~iba:p _' dE d.i~ (}]'{IJljum :iUlt~ 'bony '!!mdcy.. :litru,Qh]~. t ~NISF5lt tbttt ,ytm ,lay with !lU!l~re~,. Si'Q1l's a:rlldilClmmete!r.ixutii:mS. n is: h~l~!t1r.1g: and ~oru.eM'm~ nill!tlrz!ng W:h;;t, rnDl,lJ Ciltli producc' iill, m~ e way' ~f enilftl.{!-tern: 1..1", 'ljNjjn 'lfoo!Ln t_h '~)jjj~g 1U~dl b;l'Sic Drupe" Y'I;iIU, lli:im:!r know' 'bclme '~n~ ishtu.; wb~,t '!ypc ,If'OO 'will e'nti lli;1 w.ith. On dle o.]h~r ·hand. :)i"!1U 'cam :iCliJiQlly p!;an :.l gi:Y(:iiI. '~~ fi!nd c.:om:e \~ery elese to @chiev.ifng IllIre 'll\e.5.\1l]~ yllill ,. ant, "Y(m win ~n(] you~lf ,drowm,~ htead$ dillri' 8Jie: most (l!lI'lilj,~g. I::llElit: ha1,lle' eve!l a pdes,sBO'iMlil ~ook I ~I' ,)'0'111 _ ry beard~·, mll9iti'VC'h~. 'high ,0]' '~- ,v~ ItM~ 01" i.en,,)' e-yc'bro1ws. 'big ~lOS'CS~

i.i'fi¢ noses, j;u'W~g ~hlins, :r,. 'e-C{n~ cll'in~ narru\ ~ ead5, , .. '!oi<11e li'Hr]S, iB<lri~ J,a'Wi1. i1ind ,Ihat net, l;!h\l1 iSQmc ?l'Ca'~ .r~n VI,·h:ti'J )AO"ioi nr,e at :HiO"IJ: nmy 0:1i' mny l}~l 'bill: inlk:~ro~t in rnrit·~tr~,g.J bl,1l jt ts ~ Hl k"Ji dil:lllw Clut:r.a~rer:. :fI/lid )'00 ''t.lrJll . ~ tha~ y~ '~1'111 dlo he{Tt:er tb~m )'~IJ f:nlight ~l'i1ve d~AlljI~; tt po.ssfbJle. \Vathib ,t:br;:; per~'L:l!ecti',*e:c aTd OO"r.llst~uct~tm, ~ Itl-:!i.'ti'duHy M Y0!!!l Wlll.d(IJ 'in Idt',;:ni\]';,' :~Ilg :my boC..'1d~ lind:: ;e~t!I,gm;rn~' '!I1~ }fQiii. ean, A ,good '\Wl to >BXp1riment m~ 1;0 jut (lDvm ~,efQr h.!1cn(]i a. ~Jttle ,des-G",aption uf li:.b.e, cll::U3Ci$f' you wlsb It0 ,t_J3,\"of. thcn 'U'y llO G'm'V'O" ~b .. lD~.a~ ,)'I'0U, ll;lve de;o; s.cnhe~t NeN~. ~.$k; ~{}Ol'l else to g;'W-r.::' ytJu.9i descri[)tici~n, of a cll:am,cter. ,Til tJfiat. ·Sl1'C'h erae- 50 . meaas tba you can. at Hili, eaTI.!" sE1i!lg:e1 ,~ YOO;Il" knO'W'l'0d~'l' 'hopu It:o., ii1IMlahr. as ~jg_ '!Wi(1i1I~d mf y©u """''';;''[,'C 1li.11 Illll.l_:S.~Jillt.®'r-.. SHe],. [a;'M,y e.booe' :[0 oi.lJtHile :headj ju~t I!I!DW, !blllt 1:1)' Ifni 'Clrea.~e I~he type )1m .. 'w~'uu'.

,}.~ uu, CKrtlirn[!;!e. yomn dH{:ri-p~I,q:u. i'lr'I~iihit be. :ror.m;-erhil1l.g lillke tJli.s;: "Jcl~.lJi is: big, l1.'bld m'W-~e'(a.. H~, '~)~"5 :~ de 'pst lI1uder .shaggy br-ow5. T.beN uifC ho:M~~'s: uiftdeli his, <:heek'b(rn~., :n ~ 11a~, ,~, b:g nose, boo,,,,},, j~w ~nd, cldll. His lti!m. ~tJwR~1. fhm ~.m l'O\P~ l:8 'hurl.ly ilft!mld 'h~'s ears ~~ld t'~ ~ek ,oJ M~ liL~.iU]l.. J£S oe;f~ ~~ sm!lll]~ di).1'; ::;tm1 be~:Y'_'~ NOr''!,;' try 1\0 dmw molm 'w1th ,~, lri!owlL !IX] ..... flt ~r [»1e5-:ent crnfr!!Jll!.l11:i1..

f'lA lE 9. ,B'a,s;rlt1: Qilld s:e,yonQit;lIr'Y' p~~lru~'S~ iOf ~he h'~!lld

Th~l pJ~n~:;;: gf. 'ra~ b~] ~j~u'!d 'be mi,'i;n0rLOOIM]j £~ t'llr!llil;gJa ,~~, ~ Imve ,9 r(l!.trrdr.iA;iom l~!l" ri!irnd¢!;,iTI;g th~ ~~iltfi.d. in ltg~u a!md :!iM!ib}!"~,, ,~~,g[~ with the' ~~tl;! pThfn~~ I( tel. bdl:,; ~.1!Id $itlild.y ,tJh~m muil 'Ithey ,9W .n~ed tal yout minclJ. ih~l1i l~l\;~ IIiIl~ '!~l(!i :roOOflidary' piliwlfi~, :f~1iiI, du:~s,,~ oo~s >Of ,tplIL'De3 .'~Imoo!t. :jliny hC.,'L{i eon 'bt. b~.f~~t~ 'I.h~ ~::;~Idu~ ''IIlii:ri;~ 'will} ,~~if.'i ~[v~d.trn[ eb:tl,'iicillC~m." but ".,jib, t1i~' '~~n[!£; $.hU'WlL 1'tet'lll: }'(ilWi ootil ,pM]U'OO a ,~n"'pr.~rt[.oDOO. :m:::m'ly h~id-

IPLA'TIE! 110. Tti'1~ing,th~ Ib~~d'

Plil@~S: h~1p ~ lll) :m;a;illlliiiiru oon!:1~.ctil;Wli 't'hflo,'lAgl!rol t lli~ J~oo :il::1'Ld I'!';l::'!n~, ~j~tMm t!te :OO'rnlawc:Hon UiiifI.5! Or ,diml!oo~S: ilJf ~iliI:e ~(!; lbnJ~ mu] plwle'. TI~e mn~Ie btwom~ e:l!;1ier' ltl drllW' ,w d, iMlIlt~ oJ fihet:1 ]HllSi~IOrul" iJ,le !5i1~T:1~ uf lli.e c:hiilf.4r.s: ud ~bn rQiUl'dWJ_ ~ti;"j-n.~~ of' tlw r;ore]~Qilid (ii'll ,ii'iib:l! ,11l:~ w.ith~J tl~ :~bj',e,~' djYJJ.1M.:5: fiE the F~'cIl!" ,By iLlrli.~ mp:r~ljjng the: :be~d ln li11l>c:ll; £~. '~re de~~n_e' I[lu:' !iIfilgJes, '~ruilgIIiOU~ tit!!: [I]~, Tbi~ ilsl (!!ffi' :ff~iI: !!i~,p l'(llw~rdthe ,'pers,p0C~li"'~ of tth!!! bMd.


P:~A TIE ] 1., P'E!lnp'e!di~v,e iiii' dfGwing 'fJheJu:~ad

"fbflj '~ndl~g (if ~l;i}~ivu foo~ls; mHne ,dili!l!T;(!!loe; heb~ tlltu amat@u' :fJiillrl 1~i1iil' 'pIiObSl;liQ:n~l m:,~ty fi'~I;OOI: (]D'UI,wu '~di&, 'lP' ;fu';!l''O'!i1 ~1111 i!!11lG 'Iij~ Q]' h.od:OOIn~ ,~~]~ ~1 :ifI~~: ;rtl::~iI,!Ia11~1 're[~fe5e!llOO, '!O,D th~ ~,(ihw~ WG (~ 'pl3ini;:!so oJ Il'h~' lte.ad .as seen frlltn ~j};~I!Q\'ti M 'lxi~l)"IA!' the ~-e 'leveL l'f.fjj head 'iIIIi r2 1'8 ,tis: big :~s ~, 11~litm~g .it '!/i'([!~lt] '00 ;)l[.~c~ ~i 'pG~fGCU'~ m U,e, stn~1i1 wa¥ as ,itt ~lim~3diilrng ~

·.~ fJ

PlLA IE' 1 2'," V'imJriel"t' in' spaoill'li91 'CI\e!l:!l~ei '~pesr

In ~. itO l[:r,Bl'IIOO dJi~fi~ :iii :f!ypB $Itild, ,dt~:UiElio:lieT, WG F:i§l,f ~e~jde ~~~ il/m; J-olf.ow 'tbCi bi"W~ mlik.V-~l:llb OO;'-,di~:o:ms lM :lii;!J~jjuulooiJ;)'" By y:.mnyia1g ~he ~l~:m~t~O:I~:5l iIlf ~Iiil! IthreEif d~V,Uli;o!Q 0:1 W fa~e'. 'Wfl ,oome~ up wUib ~ ~~

. d~g]J gf\!t1B:i~ty m, th~"r,G:snl~.$;. ''l1iiti">Il' am 'bhi!I<U,ssnd5 !liif :~bli;i ~b3n;)t&g~.,

:H .U;' flJl1 to ~m~t, w.~t1'i1 Ith~iIIl. -


' .

IU,.·Jo·,'ilil'E "~. ;;. ~' ... ftV'!I: -b,.~~-iI "" ... ;IIi. ........ ~.di -!l1-lloJi!j; 1'-- - [,-1Il.1"!i I '.:ill. .;!"IiI·!!'!' "'"'" '" :"",,~~I ""'H 1!1IT!is! nl!lYY _a.;' me

Alway;§< :I'l!im.em~ 'I,'!,f]JOJl!' W'lIiMi':~J!ig ;(!! :tiJ.~d 19 hiI.~]!ID!C'(i; '~fuJe f,~ On hoil. :5ild~ or ~.c DliddllI: URI!! .. The bn~! F~ s-t:.t,' ~1l.. iii..Dd Ute, 'B:ql~!-i:m :Ii!ts: til1J 'bel'!.~ .AlE l1W ~~ ¢iln ,df!; ,~ a,pmu ,DUEl. d~ fi~ ~~Q:l!1i lle.S in the ~e~" c1:Jeeks .. iM'Ld, m~" 'witfili oome wrinW~lIg oJ ~h,,! :fc.r,g'~.ad anl;l, ,;u~1,IIna tJ],G ,?,G:t_ \~-at ,'!,w ~, I[}~, iiKI~e. ~hl~'. '!J.II,',e! IlIl'iWt 'ltk!! OJli1 ,tlu:: IlJtlilu.


,PL.ATE '1 iI·,. Cfe~j!bgg an, dled['ed ~pe

'Tbe.re :is' 00 feOli.8&:a wh,y ycrn. ~'it tab !lJ::1m Itnfiit ~iliOOrt~B.!; _li(m wish 'W,il'll!l ,!ilr!iil kU ,;roo ~1g~l The w_~tty of ~~ me~tlio1led ~~, ~ ~rl1 pm 01 l~iOO OOO'k:pre Id~.iW'U :5~injiJlly ~i ib.-WijilJn.g (iii ~~dGt5mJL~l:um I1hn1!:,~ wi(l~ ~U~"

)on.g •. ~Wt. 00" ~1~'}'Ml wlSlt y~u, :bll¥e ttfoe hlliS~ 01' ~IDiS;llrueHO:-IfI~, ~ M"''II j~~ try ~-e '~'I'i)_~

~'i:i' Q!&!'


[P'LATIe '1 5. fYlles '~ie built ,by '\fof)1ngl t:~el 'b~1111 iIlftiJd] ~he ~hClfte Loo.1: abeut ~0.TIg: ~]I~' l$(lpl ' ~ ~~ ~d, t\~e yo:u. -0G ,D:Jr(!u.I1l(] )'01,11~ S:~d)~' ~]leoo wUll a new :Iil.f.Jd1NS,fttndlilIlig. Si;!@ '~~(!: ,Qgmhm'l'!:t~~~ ,c:r'~ll'h_'iIiII ~ MIII!I~ '[0011;: f.rgm :I:l~i-r:lfliiel 'W 'bmw. tbeu'~; 1I:hi!: m,iddDe ~ nom bf>d.'l,v ~(!j :00 tom or :DIJ,:t0" and, :li1!!!lUyto I:M bottot ,of dIG chin" ~l.; down tim :rnj'dAre l.in~ JilI,( < ~c;,; ~rl'y wbiill lfOl1:S;~ QO ead~ ,!jilde.



p'~Ar~ 16,. Ihld;'eQ1;rn!gl.;,:hQII',~d,er

'tlllfl~ ycu, baw ~~w '~DJte l~n~r g.f wn~bw.'GMn ~ ~l JI,il[? !11 ii, 'hiUtL y<i!u, can tlllnck'ly ,9Jlidrm ,£!i~ ::ilnd ~~"Ib. Jll.1w.fliJill ,ioo'l\ ,ftrj;~ ~W;' I1iuJ b.l:H1IY (~ha~ :itil1iI, t:hl!i loca'~"g.O'i!lJ (flJ 'l!hll1i rmfur~~_ ~gIlIQ!li!'k :~w 'mhe :~~I (~nm(l;"fui:OM ,in tbl1l l~hB~ibJ\ SIli:l1,llilld, '~ :~fi'Ulh; :;t!!llJi I~laii:l,d fhl;: G~ S:ut!h '[~iilti!)J~~ 'if:~ 'btl: elliSJly iIu]if:!lIteil. S~B :if 11J.@l dtl;:_I.l~'bt!DIM: mljjj prnmiiifBnt: Bfm:d, ,8~DlBd 'by 5JfI~~W ~a~~ :UJlIfI~~ ,rub,.. ~~ ;it' l~1!G :Jl~ ;aniil, lli~ £O,rn]fjat~~1 M dt~ :nOO!trils) 'k ~~ ,utd th~, Cl"~S~, '~tw~(t~ ~B ~l,[p$ ~nd, l~b~IS'b-, :Fcdl.low lie -sbn~ ,d'OViImi 'nUl, !till!; cl!t.tl:J1 ,!\lnd alang '~~ jliw ~n~" T.b~G 'iIl:l:L~] ,cl~:lIrn.c~JlP:i!i~ ,aI~ 'MiL '~lh('; w~l,* ~IBiF D:f ltll~' ,hll:~~~ ,alJ::~ iIiiiIo:rc' :Wtm'l!GtIJa'u~ tJ,tm, iDI [plh.o~.al'Mt:' d81inlMltLul'il of ~1hi ~ :tfi!i111 ©f. .surr';i]:CIi:. Oldbt' pe'D,p!e :are .iItOr;~ :gii!~~.iiiilS, Ithaffil ,Ills ,~1"l!w.g f.or 1Jiv~ .ooTt~ G'f .stdy~, :s.imioe 'i:fi'iLC. ,cbi:l~ ,:;3l't:rlngliC£ hEil,\fC ,had, ,!'Ii ~~>OIll to a(:.",'cl.~.



Rl1~11m In ~llrawing, m::s OOUlerltt~ f'Ot1 ,E~eJL [Rli.y~uML ifB!,m$!t: ~ l~\i)-S"~r ,~~L~it:¢d, ,,~j_th d¢t~g~4 and 6:¥e\fj.' head: m_s rl\esJ;Q~1 "Jrh.ere is: "", ,r:e!l1ret1, tl)EJ.w !!if I~~t~l' u.n~ 111m. w(l$kill1!g: , .... 1i:id~ 'iUiU gpp~d, 1[1g. ;:;iJllQl'hetr.. ll.bythm :its h'OOdom fn drnlWhfllg" :b~c~ d(J11l ,to .!!I!fI:p:ru8.$ ~li;Qp~' .. 'not: 'gtrlle~Il.d~!I_us~:y', -lmt f~' ~Mrno:ny. Dy,EJml ls the bru-fl~.l 'W(lrklns: willi tl\~' h~il], ~~ tbli~l ,«~~th I~h-e e;;.~" '~hEi fed ,0;[ ,~ 'in,g :rathrn:' '~~l1Iln IUli: :Iook 'fij'~ 'iJ~ 1l1li ,d~MfL"tl!~ ~1,~tJnu c:O.m!2:5: w~~~~ p.rac~LCG 11!.1!it·~ iit ,(toos: with ~ ~'!f t;'f~b- Ng,,~ '~.:1fli :lclli You 'hO'~w lu il~4ulire n', 'but as you 0000mi': OI)l~~O~liS lOa:: :it" :yoo: ~~!1

0) ~~ it 'w'beTll if iI3 them"

To t'11l '~D' dc:%ft:ibc !i;"J~y,~~hm in dir.a:.wing I~t, '~ My drilJt ;~hc 'lI!rnst lS ~eg]illg ~flle :;Jmp~:iifred. S:1.I9.p~ of the, '!~,~ih.ole tMjJlg ffiS1\£:"dQ'i!~ evoery' l?~!If'~ of :~~'. 'ff~: ~ ~nj'$ hands ~wmgin.g over ltbe papCor '~ r:plP tite :pw.en g~ (1a-"''i!lTI. !F:[c< .fleets '!file stroke ~fQom h~ J!'nl~i}~ it, W!Lytbm need ~ lilBlwajM 00 ~. 'Cu""es- fiililiy 01[!{1s~ bh!tl;kJne~. r'llllryillmTI rn&g,ht 00 ~n ,~l~nt w~e:..J,e: it ~~IiJ~ (to; m.oSi~ .S:~. IH~ more (ift.en t'he ,w"~lovQ:J~ 9£ ll~' l~ ~tb~ dLfL1~, '!iI]~ d~ly terl!tin~ de:t~1'il of the, rDl'loo., 11e1e :l~~lI11 Illltei:!lrtin. ~.c.;I~ <~11:~ ~ni~ ~::'lit belHn~, fWir (~, (:'31i\~, [iilti:5t ~ d:Olni~ed fl'l.'Cl, ~d ooit 'wh~1l rh:!;'thm ts set 'ILl,' 'be:fiOOie it (lflll :Il C:3~dllM~ ~11J~ivo 'q~lf,t)~, n~ gfi~~b_e-;f ~p~~ ~ m ,yomr w!I!!ik even If he €',.Ull1i~.ot eon:S:cii:Ju~I}~ driSii:l,¢ '~t~ Y-b1J :5~~: :rhy~hl1'l in ~[~"Zi b1l!'oo'~l'ritil~, ,,...,S]jl-e, other :speeimens are cmmpe:cllt. 1~1:ky~ ,find :s~,w:~y",

:s~~ p~pl:e :bavo :nruh.iiral rl1li]'iihm:j oth~ M!$lt lSirl"Y~ ~~ ~~~~~iw ii~. 'I. '~l~ pe'ne.!j m the [lXIjm ,0;£ ,yoo,lJ:' Imod.bet'!,'!,.\e{flfil ~'h~ ~IUlijlfl;t~ tmd :fi)lI'st :t1m~i:" rnl~l3[" ~1i!!!1ii IIp.I~li'~~,g !l as yo-n "WCiuld ~OI

'I.I"FI"~": l~ -h~/i,''''''''''' 1ilii" •• il~li" ,.-.,.....""'f'~_;ll :tJ'.~LU!!-'" ,~";,, - <fi' ~'" :n<, •• '~"Il.!i!:''jI_ "''''''. "'g"~J ,.."I:fl'''"r-U! llll~_.r"::!. Q ..... II~o; !II!o-

QV.el' jlQU[' p~re[~ UiJilID,g yoox '~~t ,(itn;1i ;iij",1;IfIJ '~ilit,,;t ~eep:ing: YOUIf,' ~~ _sull. TIta~: ls the way h~ ~\V ,;;I, J]}JIIlhm6c HI!I£. 'Y&I!II it'1irn lt~{ti yOill' hand ~o d,ro,w ;ns1~ead of 1!1),slflig 'i~ :fing~I':S. MQ1.ile. 'puU:1i~ becw:t!.e'~: :(I~jlut¢rl 'W]~jh t'h~ wlt~~ :flft.m ,1~J!~te:r' ,~l.an. ''WiI!th the 6n~~., ~w it~ ~i;!i~,g~ :['(11: :g ~11iile., C'¢O:[1l:~' 'jlrigtll:3:1t!\;, t'lll_tli :r:am.o~ ~n~fI!lIffi'f M\fl{:lu:JJi'~, used, 'm Ill1Uislli':il~e. his ,~.ooru're~ b-y dmw,~~g: \'.i'Ith,::5. ~JQ1a, iiJ!!1 'l~ ontt {!If ~ i(lIllIr-· £ii)Oo't i>·~k. ~l{,: 'll1f :bHs e.MH'l~ dY.'<];Wii~ \VCiI!1: :rm.~-,l!]}' 'l~, hll.g~if dmn IUe. ilind I~h\¥j' were 'beauliful

Rlliyt~ b ~n ~TI'~ us, ~t we rnuM;' '~1in C!uitOOltrGs, :fo, oo:e: iinil ]\fJCO~liM 'it.. ],r mil:git'~ be. die5'm"bed as dre hm,~5>t :line" SRight or ewfl.r.sd, Ithiill )'"t!~ ,OOrli lrn1{ik{:: 'Ib.t1r~ "lM ,dliru~H!JJtiJ ;of 'rill)

edge dn_an,~~s. A Iml,g' ~Eire~~ lme is m~, ~p~ ~~, ~:Ht9ID\ ~, m-pi~.dJ of'~ritd~ wl1isbry 'Ii~~~ .. :Ah'lJ m"iW1W 1m Ilig~t fs {I; perI.ecl' ~;)_lTIJiliPJ ~ '~'~l(t~']'l~c [Li!'t-Q'l,I\I!:~iWJj)~ !lilt 'W~I:~f (Ii[ "(jii"@,'j,i\~ :Es ,llllLlltb~~ 11.1!9'{i_g"(: of ;3, 'bGl~lmU 'Ig_ ~'he ~iJ', the '!,1$9)" ,a ~~Id~ df.(!,p~ l!tiis' 'hfind$ :im '~b l~nc 'Q:f :IUil!tt: rug he.eniehes th:~ bfi~~; the Jm!1)V~tiiliint "fir ~iC 'FQ:!;inN~ In, ~ 'Wo = man.·s :ha1ir~ll1l~ :bl\W :Ji'byIl111IT!l. We 'm1sht.' ~I :i~ the :rnn'inOOm.tJ.tl~d, HOW' of Dilll!o! ~~IH~h ~~~~JJU to ,i7clrGct, itI~£ ,mO\!'!f:moo;~ af [hi;:, ;ill'1~'s 'lll_:3t11d.

I ~mot teU yOu ~!,1 to a~!OOre it;. bll~ I do: ~Ir~;.i~ jl):lili e9ll. J\'Wk,\wrtili@s ,~tii~ ifirur11l lacl of tr.tIDriilln~ :Ji'hJl~litI11l ,(mm itmioetlJ or~~tiOO'l\. ~t' oo!ililidlf1ibt~, pmil~a[?8 'bdtJl=ktiO\v'I~,g~' ~Ild ,~biluy' 'working, toge~r. F!;b,)'thm ts ORB ~hinl no t"iifm~ !l)t 'POO,jOOhl}t. oaf,! '1!:·jf.,rJt. ,givG, )f(J1J. ;!{Q~, Ieel it tlrnrl sm'l,lle Ito '~ it. M; yt!iI d,\oti,,~~ 51iAJ;r[)Jg '~<I'i!t: l)~il Q"1!.~r )'W1jJ_f .~[Xtr jUGit to draw :1] Ef.ee ~me~ Nobody' ~r does ~~ I~' \'¥~Ji l:h~' ,11P.i~: titn~ hJ1i tIr-i~'-


fVJ ~I

"=-::_ ~

T .'

P L A Tfm· '1 '7, ~byIWJm~~ ~iliie~ hi ~he' ,~egd

It :I~ ~o~!ling, to ~~1l, ~l;ir the ;dtL}1ifuJm!-e Un~.'~ Eru::.u. 'iOI!1J '''''1.~n mIld ~~d !ill ¢ij~ 'ru-JII~; ~ ~Ji:IOU I.e [j1lil~liLtS!1' Md, b.k'lo/ :lli"oos. 'Ii~(!' b~y' IUleatrl'!~~~ belpi .~O ~ <l;~~1.il}' rmr:n, ,Il~ tr~,ht Jiho~lll!J: ru.r~~,,; l1t([n die ~nooa. ,!vob ,rlir.tiI'WQj' 'i'IAl!~ t~ '1rh~ ,i3:~um fu ~!JE".~ but 3(1.~!!:ro r'Q~ bi1li1e' welg'&1't, .11JfId ,s{il1di~,Y''' YO!.!ll call pnNiu~ 1!tcflJW}11 ~:wJ~ b-y ~([IJblilittl:s: u~ 'l'!lM1li ill!ii~!I!1l.d of '!r!i!e.fE!ly oo,py!p_g ,e:\tm',)' "INilrVU' of l!li~ .edge :i'm il'~tl~t '!M,Itlilrn::;. ]~ itJij~ ''lNuy :fDill. :5:l<t R ItJ!i.~Ii'lig G~ d~~,Il. ;:rniJ 31: the ;i.Il.J1'1e lftlJij~:rernne,']:' ~1l1l1J f:onn,


:IH~!I!. w,iI[ [IIL{illlmUy 'vary in lItIeil_'&!lIrerm;eiiit

:Illtd ,1'~)tJt~"ofi.. HOl.-';o\{l:1Ju·, 3D]],Y af.'i~,s.f ~il~ ..fhrd: j~ nrost .[It';i.lo.fu[ca~. to ;~rry.f 'if!!, Ilis mmd as baill\rJ :tIf~UMflnIMIi'~~ l'i: ~il;fu .0£ pftl.~F~,i,Qt:I~. ~I!!i[t: g~ :a\:lGrag:~i ,aJ.1id &tm:p~d~ i1rhe front 'vJI2<W dE: dfie ht:,l~! nl\5: <.I.nii'f:6 '!.~U irlillo ;l fOO~lel tt'1lnt :frs·tl~:rec Umi~h;: !Of m;eil~~n:~!"bj~ wirJ~, ,~l1Jd d~~~'lI! __ ml t.. ~u:

I~P'~ n~i.5; sc.at€ l:e:~,YeS" ~ .ltt~e S[13~ ~ond lie e:~~ en etlich '::l~'. The :h~1 m~.a5il,hl'i..~iii~Cil~. '0(; ,th~~ iI,:!IDit5, :Ioo:l!i~~ the eye~ ~JI1d 'OO£e .i:il'lThd ,hel--p' :lli. p~.~eJng thtJl: ffiill;l!!1:l!:; ~111t] :tl~i;) jut· 'the ]~ne or 'w,e' 'eye ~~ the :hal'~}' mv,Lcsi.on 6f 'Il~ whg111i b~dJ ~m, ~DiP. '00 'bctf:ODii~. ns :it sfuoll&ldJ ~,.tl!l'Id.,~

i(' ,a1ltem~ 1!J,t:!J m iIlI. lal'ge pe:ooCifitri:F ,01 iilC:Ul~];1 J:ilOOS~ nils: 'me~hod of m1!it me:~ure:melilf iCiilK1'~es, the ~lrlme. :;:uuill tbe Ith'D',ct': Ft(iql;~ tlh~Isi.i:Ol1l:5i ~ :,"iI'ii :b~- The -side 'view bi tine !hi:ad Gt;, ~'I'lO!' ilILt~

-- --. -- -- --,~ .

n sq,u.m'$.tlil~ 3i1.1td me-~~~I£ 'uni:tll m ,iEfa.cll d~]I@f::..,

:rWil. '"(QU, C$ll!1l ~~nM~b ygm il_lj,W1Il umti: ,~t: Is I~nre' pXO[»r'f.ftQl1Is tI~ 8: ~ a.'il'q. :iffi.l)l~d:i!.fl t,

Ih.0se :p~t'jIofilS:.; :dl£lfi.'!o'n :in f~w 18. :h.3;'W'e ~Iit W{I k"eil OU!~, afl!!!:fli' ,a ~ dCbl of I~;;I_;]'.cla, :;t~~l ~_Fe; ole-Ied, It:o m.oo~ d1:I!:' n.oo!ill loor ~ ~i~iIfIl?l~ aad [Wj},~t~.¢_~~, tci~ th~t its, ,roodiiy ufltlble. 1~~~ :wile, (glts: ,perf~t'~y wdh, tb~ 'ball..aR{~~pl'lIte' np-' P,'1QJ.1!h"

:p LA-TIE ~ 8. Prepcriio:rl1:s ,~f '!{he' male ihead

"f.h :i~~d~ 'p~r~~~'lS $J):r !i!. m~~5, 'h~d. ril~' w~ (;ltd :fume for (he f['JJJJl,t· \<lew :lfmrl 'Illiler ~ijG '!,1'l:l!w·,. l'b£ sml!e :rn:m.lf' liltf~ilr 'be ]'m.tmDlrli~~d_ 'IhG 'head, ~Sl ,~~ret:; U1lt1] mle-~~ (o;ptiOOlill,) willS Ii~~~ ~eMlyth:roo. lin,j!$ 'widr;: (tQ in~~Ij],'d\e '~~~I e~8)" ~OO 'rut~re'e' .md. OTIN:ruU' I!!nill5l (:rom 'Up of :IllOYl ['9 th~ 'b!J:c:Jt ,I)',f t'h ~ 'fh~ l~ n'[)~b: ili~de Ithe' Iaee :!n(o I~llte.-'!ll!" ~~, illfId ,jf!Lw •. E~ :008-';:: tu :1b:!iUW, r~ n;rnd eMil ,3iI',G ~:lc'h ,1NiI~ ulil~L $'tJ1 yol!II :Ilt!ay' Shl.n in IUd~. wily 'to d,.~,w ,ill ,~nc~d in !;LiilIy si~ you. '\'!i/.~'RIi!' '!IM!img, }'OO .. 1IJ'IN11 'ulmit, nf 'f~lt~.n.',

, lA1E: "'9 ~ D.r.r~wil'lg t'llel he!ld :in urr!~$.

f.I'~ }'Ot] ~e :haw 'll'lc',~cale ~r~; '01IIl m 'p'r.~t;~ Tbc ~@ '~pl"~_l1it~ thlll' b.i1I, and the whli:h .~ ~ wlrllh af tit'i1! btad. m~JHea:fung '~(j: e.ml'S. \Ye :It.mod Itb_i:rIl:, Iilim ~!l_9 I.S: @.bo~Lt itfW,Q; IJ.iinR-8 wk'fe :)_j}d ,~lJa-t: [thill' ibl}\M rJi1tll bel\-~ d!.e mn'ddJ h:J1.vm Or' .iiit ,~~ • q}lJjj__rte~ poin~ oj ,th-, n {II nni('$ (~_ iIjl:P1i'tJ.'

':fiIM). Tlli!!; mii1dda wtLt'b [~llilil' ,dl,-rii~iml!:, !ll~ tll"!1: 'biiiI1 od p1~(!: ",Viilfh \,!,'h1i:.h YOWl am feildy f~'iI~"


l do :~lo't IStJ4ll ~Il)' ii'tIhill,~iaill atlll,\',:\im;tage to !he w~t m. knowing, the [untie;;; of an tb~ mlis,:(;l~ and OO:rn:'s ~f: (h • h ~, but it is of' ,gr,oot im['l'iJJilaul:lc to him to ~lliUW whcr'e th~y 8100. wbere they t!/~t3icltJ~ ru~d: W:hld' ,th-e1'1 do. rn~ 'i;s ~D'II]?wtaJl]t te kJ'tow 1;1tk'1'I~' $!1)J11;~ muscles i5Jr:e i!I.'U:ELdaib"4;l dmli'itlctly to 'bORe ,l ooth ends. Vi<' ~ D1~, 'Cimllli'.s; afi ' at~ths.d t'tl bon :at'tJflt:: !Iiliidl 9.1,m i~'1l1I !lJ1:JU:l\lI' ooods, of r1Mi>S~ des: a~ tth ol::hC«:'" 1~ b' l"iI!nUilEl' h~v ' Ith~ ftil L1;((t~o:D or millv,io,g tne· ~ny struC:~ii.lr,.~ 111;', bUt" lfllID¥e libt: ,filEs}, Pl~l-e: '00 .shmlv,S'. the 111)'I:]S-if:l~s: aad h!1fw tilIey ill'C OO:i1I!ui'}C t~-cl,

~ most £Jillltp~rt'9jIJJ~ If[Jw~le of 'f~' he~d, ,i , the ji'4)VO;'edw mu~le It~tat ,C'l~SiI1'~, t'hB j~\'!.~ Vou :Fed i·t lilt. m~i1c OOT.Jt r ,of' e t,.a,,-~ f,l.l:st ll!! ·m,,· ~Iiid! !il" front 101 the '!21IJ.r. (:illftl!.S 3~!llts: halo'-C 'I:. }¢il kl~c)'l.m 'lg ~~'e the lj" ight ~1f ~]ft;I!' 'wbtde be }' at til ,Hid. 01 a lrOlle by biting a ~it {,r 'h .. T'~, 'rubber ,~U:aehed Jib !~n!!l!; m~ <!i!~[(], The' ,i~w I.s ~'Is@ .:Utac-'boo l'Q !l!! mu~cl'" dl. l ~il\ ~~d$ 01lt ,o'ver ~ 3.e ,~1~ ~. ifhe' iCfiimium. These ~~1i1! i~~i!:i!fil!t5 ,gj'!,i\e. the fI!O''\\',er. te ctl.lLnc'b ;(ti_nd wimL,~ :in ,t<he :1'I'1I;'JJliltb,

A'lI\', ty ~'eJom, ~]];eCbllli'iI'ca] I?IiJil~e funcUO,1lli8 til t'he (l'~ ~l,..d mO!rltb. B!l~b llt(: :!Iilib, ~'Ii a citmt'br s'htiliil:t 01 m'l!lUscl~. II YOill too&: hllif i1!J[ :Ii ho!JO",v rubbe b.lIll 1lWd. ,G'\!,tt a itiil ml iJtI~ 'Wi~lO'il;~ ,Shi1lM 0.1'11 the ru'b 00 r, Ij;]:w: $I.it '~!;:OCuM, dow Us~l],. ~ ~ ui~.- t~rIS1U~ yo I,co,dd . 3!S1]Y lliuU t.hg'dit open~ Thv. d.r0fa:dn,g 9{ '~he wm,ght' of Ith~ la,,,., ope:D~ Ihe moudnl. To op u Hill U1i;Juff,., '!IlJoit'lie: \5; ;a. ~m= ~'!l!lJJi e ert, ' o ,keep, idle Ill00,llh ,Ji;.']D~. :(1 filII,.· n;qll~f;d wry llt~~l~ dm-:tl, ,iOClO' of 'bu~wl(!:dge dmt ~II bel i!l.5m It-g, ~rut illidwn~ p :i1it, l:im1li~~~

Very im~JJm:.alwt: ar~' !:he l~t~le 'uibbOlil.·'like rnnulii)o, des '!,,.'hle.h 'O~II !the '~iFs hdornUy. p!!l~ltllg at me' eemers of tl e' llfIl}o'uC:h. ThGS~ ::tre ,~" '~smjTe ~,ufcl.e$," They' are It]lle caes ~'h2'lr~ lluB !!1l;et. cheeb by ,oon'f1J:1~~fi~l1g ~, .. i'dnill_ d·, Oesh. '\'VhGt:I theY'lnIlrn di~,p~n~' Uip,r-~.rd ~n{l 3 smite lai.Sh~: ~tl.t lhlbp mrry :bapl~c:n; r:tr '~ymd, rnere HH,iclim:n't'$. -:Riem.em'ber':h 12' ~ lIl~ n~p'py mus.d~.;· 'ill'1~e-y Mt'-lcil ,(It (be ~hee.ltbm:l;~ @Il!d ;rtlJ]J dmF-


ool[y down th.', ifihoo'lGi Ih], 'i:i:l'l:l mu~l~ :p[.-g~md! the~ .

.NQt,~ 'I:h~ ~LI$t:I~ ,~ru,e1!. rIml t~1)ffl. the sifde of.

d~~ n~!iil!: P$$t th~, oo:me:;r:s ,of the mD'4lb t'O '~\e' c1'~n. r .. ~ are 'r:h~ lll~NP',. 'mmi$cJe.5:~ leln.g ii'liUuched ~r:I! ~~lC' bene .9 tQIBltil th!';.' ~n~:«.\ ~t, ~ ,end, and, 'to ... be ]<;w ,'I. the Qa:hei',;, ~l~cy Cill~ pull th~ I~'-js' lIIp.-'~Iu'd 'in a iji]];l),r.] or dewiiwa.nill lJ!lJ n ~, lYorJ!;nng _(gm both ends, ItheY' ;e,xpDsc U'\e ,toolth, I~~,(: way ~"al'!litnal ~Q-""~!i< Us. f:mgs., Th : ~ muOC!IW:S nr,:c opernting fl"(!itg bo'~h emnl'1l5, 'wLerll }.rQu, lnns.'h you meUll. 11lf: ... 8~"clil 1)0 ~ ilH d!J}W'iIll~ ~¥al'd 'wlh;el~, }~)'J: :afe ~f ;~ug a ~e'i1''If,f wei.fi1u'. !Il.f in, iC.Xtl'r~:fi:rl ~ll'ys:e.1J;htl' do-rt ,of the body, ~tll:c: mnmn,g. Th&-y mDl~'" ,rr[)'l;_~n ,COmers, a~ tbe mouth, ,'whCJiie' :liD tbe'S-lrJfIri.lt: .J!i)' IcC)mm :fII_1"e p~Je--dI J!lIut . ad. UP"'1,¥ru d. I '1jI' te SS'iHrlllh: tHl'G b ~pp:y ,~d t~~, 'I;_UdnB,(!p'y ftt1JlS~ 1m rn.ey ,]". til' buRs of .mo.st FaJ~~ !I!;!I;p~,e~ibn ~ 'W ;m'ldes ,~the ,C:(:! r.Hers of dJ '~yGs; H£e si;mp1:y . ~ hy tie 0"' 'h (If the clureb' bJacldiil:l,g 1f~ ~l~~' '.I~~__fa ,pUJll of Ilb;e'n PPY' uns- les"' be'~oW' lh~ {ih~B.i'~m!l).s, ,-"be bulging. of ~l~e' ,cheeks, ;;)190 (:;ltuS!Il;!i ,~hG e:1!"1;!~l? (~r JaM CIt' ~I~l~ 'urli&r- '!~1tr eyes: in ii1I S:Thlilc.. 1It:i.& mlrro ,PfOiUlIiJ.ii1Ioo!fil: II S~n'u~ fu~ ~hm 'G~hen. . \s d~e "bill,PP'Y mw:el,CS," l?il"l~ at: ~,cm si:cle in (he smile, t_M":J:tostliik mfiy .0 ro ,j) '!lUI . and become ~ '~' iLl' ~t;" wh'~b is mlL-.e~ of the :thrun,~; ttbnt 'be]p, to' i:tH:tk,~ :l r\~GS :s:m1[e ...

111·, dlhnp;ll, 01' ,iilol!.vow:ard I' ne OOl;;luTing in ,the ~W€r P®rt O'Ji 'mlt mm~ng, eheek ~ QiY$edl by 'the little op n st);(U,"fJ between the '\Iii'bJa.lWY lilljU#C'~eJP ~..nd. ~be jaw Jilliisel~. In oId [Ige :tbis. de~iO:JiIJ beeemes '!JC1t}' >f:."'1·(~r.i!~1~'_ I~ I~,e Y(Hm, f~ [t is: ~ dimple'.

Tbe rl~~ of th.e Iaee mmcTGs Ill~ imply "iha;'[ 'We :J!ll!ly m~~ "w.n'nl]'e 'musc.~es." T:lt ro:5: one ,at: tilt" il1!.ooe 00 ,:i'i&i.' ,or th . blio\v~ ~jM'Ii tbe 'oru;e. Th~. cJnc Ii.Fts, du:: '!'J@i')li1;i" gl' the e~br~~w ~fl; <ill ~'i;·01TJ' llilr ,i~, :;B]l e,'p:N!ssioll Q~ !P1~!{llCiillg'. Ih~ ··'ljil-' 'IHlF[lY mt'ES~ro 'p-11il1- dO'WD ,~ "~Ik."k . (~0mCE nf ~:he b~'r llir.,~1 f:t»'''-n- The two '"\Wri;nk~ :nulS{!Ic/'

ibaVfl Hl.e :Ifncrws ,al~g, M,hlkJtl: !the .f:o'r~wa-d, ,s:M!l'I:~ hey f~oo oont'mcmtrn;g b Ifl)t;lgitil the Desb. hlitt aT J ~b(i ~tta.QhedJ '1:0 d}-~ ,O~'h.

l1iem ru:'e 'two' m1llEl "·wDnkJe' ~m~l~" at th,e

ptJ.41nt ,o;~ t'M dlilin. 'TIle Itlep.resS1lm:'IJ b.etiNeen. ~b,e&~ L'ltlliC'&:!'i m~:v lOOOuI!l't 1m a dJirnnl m_ the ;mi~(ll.

i( lL""

of ilhs' e:tih~'. Th~J' ~1s.tJ1 ~.~ dle ~M~ to ~~.c])c]e

int·~ Utt'le btUfill:PS fn sll!!ne e"-prl~i@ifiS:.

f'l,ATlc :20., AnotQ,M'}i' onhe.rlhead:

Vlj,t~'TiI ,YOU m'e i1.tl!.llJiyl1lg tl~ '" 1lI1ib'lS'd.c:s: (if Ithe ~. g.Gl~: ilm JlrO 11 t: O'j a mm-1lJj" and .~i\'(! ;bem ~ gwd, "iMl!I'Lil1g O'YCif. 1I)Qll1:l! ~t ,;mfl EfUJ1JD ~Diire di'~"'YlIlmg$ ~'W1111i 'will ]~ a ~: d~iIil iIlibo.iIlI~ ~l\e$Stc!l ;:L~ t.llE: ~¥J\'tI o( it.

O~~, OOWi.e 1OO'L~rid.e:r.ttfjiij)itll t1) IDe .mllJJSCl~ (!if tlfG :i'i.ook.l' .for ;rOll!! l 1!!'~lnr tnl'lft= 'w· 1CTh:a'~ a h~i1id o.u :iii ,nIX'k. 1:':~w lwg.· .dlti!l\CU1..9B]r 1P.1a~ museles ~h;ail:, Imllli the' ood are ~tbtc:l1t,~: 'ta ~jie :likWl just WlljJfi.d. I1iG t: ~~ Itbif t~~, Mcl l'!1 ~he- brelk5~;bOD t wJ-i~6h Ee:s be.:fW®Jl I.l!t(!: te\\,o ool1n'bOJ1e.~ 3t ii:.~e 00 ·torn. 1\\'O.,~ rtllV; museles !l,Ui_i,:en~ ~.Q tl!te kcik. of nb~ It -.ltd l1'Io,urnil,filrln the b~~ oJ t1t~ S'klin ~fiO:M Ithe m.Md 'I,l.p ~;r tip, .i~ b~.iJird. 1~1l-e :Ilt~iltl.{]:ro~

, (lOl'\"'~ :m-o~tly (!f jit-s: (loW. wel~it_ -

r~, '[i;qQw these ,D'rooc'f.es ,m :help yml ['. 'Me!1tl,\oml ~ .~L'Ii !IiImwing ~tlL'"~.


F ,W~

PILA Tli ,2 U.. M'oW' the mU!J\sde\S, fUI1ICtiQliI1

i!I.e dmwi!D,gs: ~e. thoilg1hi l!!Iof: mry :E)iteailj.lIin) ilJ"1ll irn:poftilm:U: ~I;J! th~ !llflilit: :U be' '!~ i"nds. 'to.ghre h~ e:lhnrao.l.e.~ m~lli. 1lI1!D" ~mne .s; mMt: ,i~l'W'n'~ m, CQ~i.tllm ,:;Itt illlld ,tlid\f~,,~~illg. ]~~ in\1~rothl!,@: ,B(::[i'aFil YOIlli (eay have l'O aim'!; ,an ,I'}~ f~.ce QlOO;ilsiU'llilillty, bMt tIt- . .G!I"iiIDt 'E"Jt1ni:4l!ritf 'ii)]"'tbe f"'e,¢$ ""O'l.!!l will draw ;lue ,pl~il.t IOOIiC:S. Uow, V«1' rt, i'S :J111ld~ elJiS~Gr to w~w ~ 'm1~.p;m" fllOO: ~ a WIi)" h~,m ~U. ',''iJift't we Wilil!d to. tfu is k! 'bq ,~~ Eulte tbat s})ul!ikl'relfeGt ,bapp1~~ frrDJ;rI ,;1!ppeani~C; ;ti dild.['Hl"J1'il er e'llEm n't",,:r:m,S'_ :8'0 st'udy this pi:l~S '!I!.1'eU,

P LA T E :2:2., The i!'I'I1ll)$Ic:1;e15 Fro~1lI1I V'!li'iCl!Il5. ~in9llH

lUtc[' YOu hll,V!CIIg~m~d due 'm'Ll m: ,of '~ )mad, 1t1)'_,p4ao:i'fIJ8, Ithem wilihilil th(J: I. . d m l;!Iaril:}.1,;JS ~~. Tip and l[JlnlJ It]n.e llilcttd :(iud, [Lri'rje I!.:!~ ~~'~J;li mrillI1Iscl(S 'ru b!lIMil} , on' :;tl9h ~diC of the nfdjJ'e:tm of th~ file' "fiill.' w'iU 'be ,ru~ lu '.~ , 00.,,,, oosti.lY [bay 'Mil be~ ~o 'EaJb ~ll.IJO plaee 'i,jl tJl~~1l tho II!:[}mlniOlIDo plall. )/01!iJ b~ve al~At)y 'Ir;:~ed,

Only it ile'!.'" 'ruti:ibi S'e6m 'w :ba~ ·mo.v~ "than ~, :Some fa~s :h:ruV!l2'i' :~hi8 ~'lmrn'Ct'!2li'isU{': L'O a pf.60,

ll!@:y idlsa of t~ Ln~~Qm)' of tfn~ hUl:\(l, 61' O'~ 'how ,no!ll.IIDeIl:] cl4agmer.. whi[e. m oEhoo fRll!ll:8 ~t ~~s, hruill!y

the, :mu~¢'l~~ rlim1;e:t~mnd If ll:u::e$' '!i~~8~ ,12rl'fprestiOll,. {!:!,I'ld\ellllt 'rite cl~ill1cwtr Is 't.o, .mnke the' Ii!ikl~ iil:p~

les:s wt- 'm(giJt ilJ'ha~'ljQgt: '7iI~th @D~}f a l~tll:fu, q£: fb~fu;; :peru:' .Rilltm"~ amI a 1}iH'~: o£ the ~Im~l:e :ril1ber t'harn

k·'IL,~~~d,~'. It· ts ruY~!I3d dmt WiI]! mltl ,d~pell~ to b~\le tbe-m Jook like :pou.c'bes uader doo ,cte~.

1!J!'p~n ~!l!l1~Cl!g1~FI!il!l f!l;!f iIli'l:[l~S[m;j!, ~k1ly!, maDY "lihes-o' folds Me' cMier to plJiilll tbl<Lll 'to dm'!,'ItI',

::U:1t:as~ do ~lm8t t'lmt, Mr' oo.tll:eI!~i{jlfjj ts 'th~t one '~~l~~ in [?a uoong ilIlecy mm.y De rel1ld~r.e-fl In

can ~~aJi:':" 'f~€' I!tO!'Je8sary pr,~lici,[es: ""j :lD~tQ:rn'y ~bj wllWS:" but' fu." a dlr~:u'!,~m;g' , .. ~.e :ilrfl USlL1i9.Hy

:n-~ '['1,1;'£1' or f111Jec, '.s!lG'rt ~!l:Tiod.s o[ <s~u.d$ SIlY lthu.~e 'u.sing: i-'!! 'bJ~c.'k :nted$umJ I o5!ld the 'Ji]Ms ~t loo

cvenbl,g,s-. '~hclJi, se ~~~~l\e eiFo:rt Ls ooq,uired" why ,MtI!t;.~- Tl!!e ~g, ,i;j tftIe (;If th.e 'Wr.m'k]es :tbll't show

}L{!(t' ~!Ilifl jl It!; ~n sODil~trnbE l~h~;t will ;Ii!lw,ap; ,9)t· ;~, ~~:~ COO"neJiS: of tli£ ey-es m ::t smile,. If

be ,Vitltl~1ble to ~IL I~Jhgge ,are ~ h]~~, itb.0)" :Iook like ·c_rew:5: feel~

Every expi!j~~W!1 ~'$ oe~['Jj'ri!'F.f d~~<1~nt' '~fo:n Mil~' mliks,a~~~~~d b¢~~ie the Ui~~ around

a very,few 'mUl5cl~~ 'J:yimlg ~lldJ~i' S!!1t! ~'00d.d~ Idre 'I1I0Sitdlw. fllll'e ~~ h.c.-!lvy ~U~ 'bli1;c-&. ~'!.J~e3~im,g;

'Wjtb.kti dJf! le~. OCtiIo\",·if.l..@; ,,,ihe"Je t'h~ :¥i'uns€'1e.s: l~.(!: a so.eel' maN:: thfllD ,1;\ :,;:mJ:h. Q;f nra:Mng dIe fooe

tIlDd; ,¥'In~t' ,they d~ is, tim dHiE'-ert"~ ~lW¢~1i ,Ioo} as if'.it W~~' $lill'i/em~g som~thiD,g;tto:piL\e~;t~lIllit..

gum~'~~" agti bww'~~~ Ail ,~press1O:il mm~t M.other' 'Ir9J~a:bJ:(l:' IfI:~ilt a}1([iut the-,5lIDile Is, t~Jat

'C~f c~:m.1;o'ietico:m. mud it"s ea.1ii,e:r to ~vilflee' whOl'il i~ ,sllitO"i.¥'s. ~ m tlie ~p'.per teetl tijDIl of. tbe

'}"<ru bow 'tbe £~d$ y!tlil..! ,;Nrlt &fi:I~rtJg '~illtli, ~:OWEtl' '0:1le'S. 'lh~t ,m~:l.'Iti!S: ~fii(h ~ ~~~ter lllUL"J]i1eJl"

F:0"r '[:i'u~.ny ~~n I ~J!t~d! ~o b~l'W~ "grea:t d.1ili1- 01 teelib. ~[j.d, m.Q~ fi!~a, td :~'!;~ '~~et11, tnerTh!;e:~veS'~

ii!lI!:]~ bil, ,~ba''V~1:Ilg s.mJfus.. I hild utiren, it fm The- COli'ner.s' of dill' ~~ are P,1iI'U~,~,\wry flum the

Ig-t:¥(~~~ ~!hM: llu~ :!rDlllte d!r.eas~ 'begiX'U i3t, 'tme I1l.(I8o- teeth. oo~hmg a :h.ole, o:r d~rk, ~~~t: iWi~ 'lbe

t11ls and 'f.\'dl s,trn,ipl" 'to, '~bill! 'oom~fS (If tlle lips.,. 'I;i!l)m-ers 0:£ tIn.c' ]ips, t]l~ ~!'J.~ !iboUlOC1 :n~er l"!l.I~

Ae'~UiOMly tlae mlile~ e:reaseti TIm 'well {kUJtsidl:e, d :ri'gh[ nlil.'O th~ ~~ ~$ ~ tbey "Were [~res5ed

~1~' OMnie']'& .. of die, IiI'I !:ruth, aII;ifl :!IrGu'mcd, '~em ,f!IJIld ~:pil1l8~ ,~ 'WtS ~'~] tf!;@' wa;Y'· ~1illn(t Ttte _ptuu. of

poft~t .rm :l1, :little Wi3~r '~ow~, d~,e iiide ,ef 'lire fft€! .I1I1'i;M'e~~ ~1;t7e:~~ :(lJOO l1'3UelJS ,the ]ljPSt lu..It,

~'hf'~, T,hls t~ because ~le ]]PIj lite in an Jova~F ~he ,ill,'I,j'e;e"d w._." ~ .of 't~e te6~b [s stiU. dJel'€'

~1ffill~£l~l ,s'3i0f4~r: M Imtus-el.e :;mil Enie! mRSes: £'Orl!l. a~ rund, ~~ ¢'i,\\~ millr;e ,~idew~ 'became ,00: t'ti.e

thQ @utCJ' ec1J,~ of I~Mg nUlscle" The 5lma:illi1Jb!:m~ S~bfHilow~ c~t 'inwaJIlly"~ ,the, '.5; ni the "{}on~er~,

~1~~ ~~stile.s 'whlclli lead ~lol!,\\'n :from tl~ c!iteeJ~;F- Th~~ ~b.o~td be ~liJme> ,toniog '~m m the :ree:th

·bo:noo iilim ,ruUaehetD. t'O, tlm, S:.b:eet' (If; mmcile at 'fh!el as th~y ~p 'biiJ~. 'Fb~ '~'!M) frotJi~ 'upper ~eea~b. are

0b1~r. edlg~~alld; eause the smtilel ereases. lIiIU)(I.Lne' the Olrlifl8 ,tD 'Mi:ilU~t! it ~ ~u~ :Iil.ot to, try te

SIlI:dlf:~ cl~.e :pu]1 of these lin.[e rnlI:Kle:s {tch.Mdlly mMf& 'tll~ t~-Gtl1t '~ ~u.clJ. Of to' clmw ,iiLne£ be-

C-B;1JJs;es, ~be 'OO~.hle{r,g 0'£ th,e 'mHo.uti :to TOUM O"I.:!!~ '~:weell~h€m, Tldis :a.~[1tl:isl booa'!.ll5'e ;LIiial.loot :runy line

-.rn:the.[' than. ~Il eud ~lll a sh.:a:tp p(;lM.1f~., 'iF"()[' SOC!1nii;:' DU!1Y' ~ :~DO ~fu;~k- ~ lm~9: 'belwOOfi tta~!Il:' ',l'€~'iI

r,eM,{)ll I' had Uq~ gm5\l!ed, 't1115 m, lUlf ,~~y 5~tnUcet!, are. roan1) 1.'e:ry sll~tle ,and t1~ool~'. 'O,fblit "'the

~ e;:(,~ri~lloo 'pr:G'!IIed ~b.~ ~h.lle of ~g '~;;i.tk ,t:ef:!t~~ s'b,o!.i!'k1 'be!. 5iliaQ:esteclJ mth~ '~h~]'ti if]q,"rlP'!I ~fl

·'to 't!~e ~t.mroo when yOil! aN m tro!Ab~- ~ler\i)rtbu_mm,;y-Q:u. Me .seffiling: toot~,a~t~. A_nd\e~

O'fle :~ilii_g th:;d m.$ ia:rtVP!l)t\t:;lillJt ]1], the :smll~ lrs: t'h~ Zorn: W8S"il mM~er art paMllling 'footh lin III ,mrt.h~l,

w~)I' :loI-i:b n$ H~.~il~ Rppr;:~t 'uM.~r ,~~ '~~S" .sQ""flll~- PJH~ 28 ~bm~,s· ~;"Le ,merihBn.{~~ !;if th~ :n'fuuifh-

ttm~ It!£.M ur8Jd ,a ~~ dl~, ,@f' mil'!bb to, ,a s:_~il~;, A~ tM to'" ac-e' ~:he' 'bonu;s 'I<'VtL:I:hout the ifi\e.sh w~

som~tim~i '&eJ( ~o nato. l' ~6it'Ot. ~,~lJ. ,r~~, 'Wh.y. mu~t, ,aJWtl:)l5 ~m.emb~ :fubit:t ~b~' 'tq~pet f~w i~


IP LAJ E 2;,3. Me·ehan~'cs of'the moollllw

"u:~ 1~p8 Blltd p~' ~fiJ hMdly 'b-e ~wn ',oo[JNii'ici~ly wftfiJoo't ~n. ~~ ~dlil,g of t&a m~e g how !~t \wJ':b. D.~nnen' drnw '11.0. mQl,1h ,ill.$' iJ£ ~t: ley ,1M] a. Oat plmre .. rRe ~fV!ij gf 'mlli» t~li in '1Iie roulKld ,law m,Q$l bill: '~~Dj)~d, ~ tb~;f .~~ i;1j dli~ ilp$ ~h~imehrm m.w:l be teU.



ftxOO in ~t~ re~fIiI1mlShi" to ,~~ res ~ 0.£ ·illl~ f~~. ~~ d(tl i:t(tt- ~~'tm tQ ,:rla.y ;,~thl~ tbe mml!~,1!i .

.md 3~~ the mQ¥e:me:Jlr~ ta:k~ phoo .in the ~~ O~m~:ha.~~d, '~~B11 '~n. ffoll. ,~~] ol·liunv~.

,Pw'. The t!ll.",.'e ~f '~iw' 'UfiPeF ~:edb :re:illlm;w un- .(;~. :h'l3ad.

,~&tU,gtd 3In~1 ~~ :n:.&l¢~~ <cm;~y by the 'yiew[~t, Noo~. ~"d. laali':Si ~i:l!oo: :S:~0W'['iI ~~:J! FIa;~'C 2(L Nos~

The ,~roPF.~li~\i· dE- tb~ 'IQWOr. j~w may ~d\d,,~, ml.1tt.b nftd! ears ~m ",j'fue;ted '~''I'i>ewpoil1l.'l; l.l[td ,mrsperr-

as, lwo iDCh,C5, ~o 'i.Jhr.;:~ fungth ,of :a!he f~{lr;:;. '''V:h~nl Itive -as'R11JKib g,s li.[!8 ,1lJF,e;, ]111 oitbe:Jl" wuull5. 'tih"es;,

~he uppe:11: artd L~wel" re~~~li are .oopma;~'e.df.' 'b~ SUIl'(!: ;31[ Jloo'k ,the 'I,",iay ;~bey ,dD beil:;'mJ&!i! .o'j :~el :a!n,gie

~D IOW!i!!pf!lil!5ate by' ~i(\lF,ping :fh;e, It;'hi[r .p~o:rt'ion- f r;mn 'i,,~hJcli ~lJ; se - tI~e:m- 11 O!J ¢;) r.t ,~ 'wlr,t :ilt ~i

~biIly- Jliinti, QItm,~ 'i1ga~, aJl~ys, ~omidex t~ w :im~~Hnl tQ, ~t,!ljbli~b th¢' v~~~nt ~I' t,lH~

r(llmg~~ of. 'the ![;Jj!Ji:?JI'J;e aJiJ aoooo!it the :nip!5:, '!JoI:h.(I<~e l~ea~, bwa-Te' w~; earlJ dmw ;iU:iJY 0'1 't«1UlS~

Pb,t~ 24 g~v(-1; y:OUJ ~J IieoJ I~l ,at the JeJe~" "IiW:e: ,£eaitJj~!i\;' l'lVhell ,dlia,''1Iirmg £rorr~ ,life ,it' ~ m{!5!~ jm-

911." '~ In.~~~y tQ ~Mnk ~ th~ ~y~' ;:u~, ~®J:ril-%~l1rjlllg pmwd' 'I~t' 'line.1 pose 'or: tllLe head. hll3 IlIQt beoo

round. (the in'!t) ()iJ] :roJ:I1tldtlti:n-..g: ~iru (~f1G .u'~ im~~ed :bet,~e;e:n the dmwm,g of s-e.[l3Ut~. rea-

ImU). Qmn,~~ 'W!e~ !illilru.yze d~e s~mctl.lJre !j,~'C i!L1\e' Itw~~J' ~ia~ce' l~tU ",,,~ill 'thfiii)W d'le dmwi~~, :eJl

~\" ·~~S'OiiUiU.!5: 'rJf :biliiW .mu~ tll'e!' ~id.!ii Me alt-e:~md. ieo'mJ?'fu:~~y. A no~c m~jj;,st: $til with~n d'l~ ~I~$"~E: ...

by '~t;, :r'Q:I)_m¢lllu"J~:~ ~ ithe 'i3ye;L~ll ne OO::lJO]!) 'is; 6.on :Unes Jof tbr;:: ~IDJ!e h'ciId. aifi~ 6\lW tll~ '1ril~li2

11~.at fi,'IMi)' Si@~ 6l~l~f iQ. :I!!U:1il' ~1I~!0l'(:' itJ:tBJ] (iI ~U:;1i_tlJii:ir of line.. 0[' it ~ply ""vlliI[l not :Iool right" Th>e nese

~1C, ,eye"bJ~ll 'ool'WOOu ~hB 11(fiso B~it. tll~ cunr~ of gd; eaT" ~ho,tdd Jbe ,dJ,rtWl!t t~,ge~]lier~, EO ~'IL1Jt ~~~r

'6eye"brul i5, lo'flY e'i!irlelil~ Irem oorme:Ii" ~o ,eomfJl' ~htiO"JD~.1i'p' Is 'e1t31l1i5i1:ed" the ear looks velJ'

~ dJ~ l~fb'- An e~ wit'h~lJ}t lids ~. of; 'C9urne', :~, ,diiffi~~~t :bo:m '1;h~oftotlJ';, ~~(W vi,eW,. qt 1b~ S'~

Pl~' ~t;. but: ''I,''/.e' m,TIlSt ··mn'ke 'l'lIcse ~ms ~!. ,~ 'D@~~ i~ ~t: :Ji~t~ a!Jl~es ~I 't'h. line, I~j m~

~m)l 1'0 ,~[.Q !I:I~~ t]j~ f(I~~de~l !S!Ilr£~t:e:~ n.e' Loc'Is ii!:yes, rUlld, b:IDO'm, 'l\V.h~ :b1'tG' 'bJ.'(liW\5 Ul)~ tlli!1': 'Ii(!~

~~ ~Jnn;lS:r. I~~)a~~ly li~~ t11· :Ii~.;. E~~t in UF~ 'ill. ~nct, ~I'}')thb:\f,g hlL 'illitfl' f~ec UE"

rEhe Jlrofllt: ,dew 0'£ tlw: face ~ltffi' t1[rn.~'Wl:lni,~: 'lllIf 'O:Q~ ll[3je 2i7 gtVe.8 S'OJ:lllle '~~m[)'les o[ Thlu.gl'ring :il_/I;ld

!WiU is never am ~1!;o'l;~ d~U~te of' ~),e ,d]"Il~~,~rn,g sm~l~n,g: (OO~~, Thon!.h. itJ]ese are 'reslMr.OO Ito I]ne

iJ,f w~~ ,J;iitfl~I\l[' •. '\Vl\'(!~ thl!i :il'l:ii II)j on;e: .e}!IB' fi ~t the iiiJ®I1~. ,~u ~g l~!iJ ,~, 'nu1!~le:s Q]1ieWijiJ,g IlIli th~

lilTLe.r ~t;)t" lh~t C)f" ·~~w' otlwr i~; :il!t. the (!!utEf ,iI3~~L, 'Wlia:t I Irian ,th~ rl1P-'~~~ilWJ~ Si'Q~, Is

OOMe.r. 'T.h~ is a is'I~~t~: bllil~ of 'the lens of lire shO'W[lj Ofij :~'Eii fill!bfw in, d~,e' YiLI'p$t dgl~t;,haDd,

~ whl~h l1'11vels ii)Nh1;l:-Iftd: iWoddr ~"a.g: '~(lJti~ 'lid, 1[i!OO:1l~. '1:,h~ Jaees ~lfilth"i9 ~I'Ii~dt]l~ 'm)J tlilq tltlpl '~lnd

tWnl, or ,lite< eyes as hvo bailJ':s'\-'irorJat'IJ-J1; '~~~ltet W~,rom. r.Q<w.s, ,I(ta',~ 9J ]I!)llIi"gjf40lfn!~(] ]~l~'h. l1:'ii~

«Ii :til, :!iUr,,'k .. ~h yq!i!! tum, Une slick 10l!J ,also, l'Ulm mllSt ~f:: .frolillli tt~ :5liJb1~t~ ,Em" 8, ~nd, oon'lf:f

dt.e tf:}f.Jl$.. nlri·n~' of '~e: lidls as the 'CilJl!,llifj']"8 !!:I,'I,i',~ 'badly ,~ilr3:WD. CiUl ,emy ~COrni.e ::'Ii J\e!M;'", :Smd!esl

{he '~I'.O b~h, in L~lt:.lliffr M~' ~he dltawmg' aN r.'~~~1 ml,tcl} ~,li!ld:r. 1iw c~Ul loom i!, [gt \~t1~

'h, ~~.'wer. ri,g~~-}m;nd 00]'ji~D" .gd :P]luJl;e ~- Duw yotllr Il!Il!rr.of..

nUily ~;r-n .. liNt 1ep::1113~e1y,~ ~~f.".i!lJ il[ p~~ CUp In Plh~e ~; ~D~r,t ~ :rome '~~~~~let ,t)f' illitAiliT

lOOt roJMI~ p~d!iL~~ ,of,~; omd! lOOpy '~Glr:I(, !f!~re.ssw~,," 'wJ[lii~~i :mlitY' g."~ you. WJ!Iti.'G' ~~a Qf

]IlI. Sitlll~~ying t'liitl, mou~ s"b.olWD . .in ~1tIJQ: ,25, :h~w the m1li5t!'k":1 of i~he: J~ ~ii::mtr;:: .m!: '~~-

oo:u5id~j,' tbe: :lil!j ,~d '~eeth ~:wp@r:a!:e~:y for. lllk.': &j,(Jifi5 t'b:at ,~, :IJ.U~ sm.ifes, "fhe ~c:fliinn. >Oi~ H\~ Ups

[~e being. Try dm1.VMllg 'lh~~ 'mOltllis, QliLd ,ctl~o' '~n vary' ~ g¥;ea!~ ~d~l Tl~ ooifis or mOSf~ 'CFffrro ..

~t!t a 'mif.lfOJi' :i!/Ill,cl dm-w ,YOU,f,' ilfW,n :n'!((iU~. Move soons ~~, ni:fu.,a.:~ly ~ '~he' 'ii1!!lJmfu, Fm' ~;,:p:r.essiOD~ ~ii

dti3-lil~;' Tilt JfOUll:' he.tld at 'I;ffi'i'1i!i]Ju~ t1:~~$'$_ Notice 'oorliOOlil::S! IUltIl· tIlU~:oo.ill~:S1 ~ketr.ps ,:] mmO:r' la::tlJ'ld)".

tlLcilJt th~'ltOOth ,p(!' 'Qa'.iJre or ~,ess htdfulat~'(]i 'f~~t b,lt {j~e ,bh '00111. !il~umc ~hG e:1I:;l)j'~i~J'~ ,he ''!{I;'\;)lIJj~·

lTllIe8 be~~ll ~:]1~lTIi .. iblllt b,Y' rtilL;e! .mSl :1:\0000. :liiliid :lMiilre ~s~i~y f.htm: ne c.a~} tf:~]fJIe$n, '~~ 'to :iii, lir:til)(lteL

'~e (tOOoott3 of d~~<dl~t"k oaJ'e3. beilow, n: :is, 'VC.I_" ht lll5lm,g tlle mirror :loo:1k: f'Oi~ taliC ,a>CtiCiin of' d~s

tI!~ '00 'iili\~reml;i;.bll8i:&'C '~'1lI!2: d'''-1:iiri~. ~~ 'teeth".so 'ilha,t' ~1)!J~6]~, @Jy~ :Y<m :trIieoo. not evcm 8;!Jt(':.nnpf: ,1\ ilke-


ri~, .oi ,),l)iir;seilf" n~}e< mWror g'i"¥'e5l, the :rorti5t mrn~ blg 'break~'lle O'!iIWlliJ-S' ha.s a he~_d ~n~, ~iilll~'fjJ,~,aj].. 3n.)~ 't9 ,~.rn,w f:t(lllf:L \1(:u~h ,~,~ flftf1rro,r.s: s:e~ ~e:r-1'y h~ cam get ,il side ''I,!jew' er ~ t'b.me,;[j,lo1.,me'l" ''VL~w;, m Ill1lBe the ~dt, ,bil!_D~l arfP~~r. tl!S, Ibf$ 'ript mld, ~,vt~8j.

liVlitill ,c:._'q?r:e;s.sron~, it' ~_riI:a~_nl;y: clCiEl$ D~' b~ tD talc p'h~~~~(Iih5; Qf ~,.'Iu~ o:f diiH[.~i1t ~:m~u 1\(1« '1f.'fL1I:I '~'Ioci, PI.~\lil'i1'!1?S; 'Il~ k'0]JIr r'i.l,~ 'in ,the 'mium :iln~ tAms ;stoo't~ 'llI,p !OJ] 'vo'riooi 'eNP~@M' JOt yow: ,liles, 'I d:o 'I!)O't Ji~ to. ~~~ ~n ~iSlt: nmllfl.t~ ,8, (tu!tt~lJ !U(' 'his e:iilmc~ ,fo/f ~ w,iU a:1wny.s .. miITintlm !~mll:: ill: Ijl'l~n' (l~1'II get :rniji~'e il'!lo ~ drn.,!!l,l'ing Qf :Ms:

QlV:11I tbatn :ttuy '~fil¢'.ing.jo 1)fiJUl1og.Q[111,;. ph"lm~'S~~, illif fmj~tli£!jJJ. ron, ,gj;'ioi\e'. ,lihot~gmpllis ]}i.\'!;!c eerl!lm {lJfit:omoDB, iihE!:~: ,a1l!W1!iy5' g.et iClW ~ dntm~_g m$id~ rro:m iOWi"G." iHil'I~~ .~~ m'S a f!t'0t;ihilillld: d}r:it'!,'IO'il1l.g-ant1l SJl)rnetfilt1:eSI e~lII, Itl~en. l' think th~ dJi.StQ];~ eeme r:rnm ~~w £'3~t ~b~t 'l,i/,<e ;se~ w,it:b 'llWo e:~'.

whi~e dllil3l 'C'aim~ 'I~~ only ~Jt~~ Tint: d~b1iiil~ of th~ ~~ta E~nl the ~hj'ool ~1jQ has a lot 1t:G, do ,,,,tJ(h i~~ 1'~i'iOO a 1?~tp,gr:ap:b. ~_!lil, ~ ",,",ill ,ste 'these' tbittn '~i" ~wU'. Y,dur artistry ~I}~ Ila go !l!IU~: the ~W'ill.:dow~, no rn:J~lt.er !~'I'" :~ffi!Ii, I'r,Y- 'b" ,elim~le ,tb~j~ ']p'ltotopa?hi~ look'-

\J'!l!!ii~: It;)'J~.s: :Pr1ifJ (]il'~ItlDt (:OCp~t~ ~ :nh.lS.~,ilM!$ ,in, Pl~~!!::,2.9~ I h:.ilY,I!:' 'b1J'k.eili oo1'llSiiiaNa"bl~ liberty in c~~~ling, l!!Oi~~l, °t:~. goo:l militii~' to .d~ldO"! ~ 'typ,s', d:1.ej~ 'Inaib K'¥I~fid, .{lD.w,~llg,~, ,of

'I!.."--- ,~'h."""r.- i1' ·;lI'iI'I' ......... I ...... -91~ .... ",,?,!.......... 11; 'I' ... ~~ - •. -~oJl illQ. ::... . .... ' •• ,.,IUg; iI;II in""",,,",,, ,oil.; """,I,'u, ~_'LrJ."",. ft l .. lI"ie ,lj~lW'

;smll~:. .f~VI]~ :pmlt'~ l;;t'!i1,~h~ wtiny. 1100" ~]~~ever e~~' ,rUIIM '~n. n ],s, re~iI]t l<tt~ of fu;~, ,~tid all the ~t«l!2: yC(U ,~ ,iI10re.-tilSilllg:-,lfOl!il.' -slook 1m '!mi!e: ..

In P;ll1lt~ ~,m the: face b~ beeD (IDa1~d to :.'i'hQ1.~'·'tlIx:, :glru,¢~1,1lr'l!L] r:¢:1I~an:..::,fib:1i' 1m '''',:Jii';~~ Jine'$ ,~nd, 'bmllf",fS, men ,YOll 'Ilffi,(]k:u.st:ond "~~~" "Icrl!li ~_j] ,~,ppay :y<mr '~]:J,'iJ1i~[eclge m c]m~ril[J~' f~ces or :P~.j)F;h.~ (If ,dlilk~nt' ,~gg~ :a~' Pla~~ Sl ~lwws,

lEii'\(e'~. ~ WCir:ti'it :!o.J,l/il:.iIl ~'eI I"~ p~

P L,A:rr E ,2:~,~ Mi:!l:hanmC5 tllW '''e' ,e.'ye-.t, H,

[PLATE h25. Mov'emerrt Ii/Pf the Ilrips. &!


l~ ~


IP L AT c 2:6·,,, C.of1l.5;tn,udU:QriI' ,of the InOl~e Q_nd ~h,~ i&~I~~

J'fLe 3r~p',!fno~ Il):f t'hi! ,n~:G :itL'OCl! ibf I:lli£ CW';G is' d~tcd. by the ,~t, i:1i "'lie~" from whIjiaJ rtD~~f ~ d~Wiii, l'.h$ Ftb'Sll. :prub'l~ni is, 'D}ueb mere OM o£ ~~l{i~ iUm_m :Ul!b't~ 'lnil;.'i ~~truc:t~n ,of tb~ l'~ild ~n ll~eb' 'Oi:I~~t p~~~iO'l~!;, tlihBml, O:r:J.G C!f !dr,i1win,g, '!ljjj{:j !fl.~h.ui]' detwilil: ,themselv~ N!Ots~ ~~nd '~T8 ',rat)" ';"v,~tl~ly Lit :m~~ 'b.l'i!~ o.m ,::-I: &-~J ,~ .tlili b....'1!5l~~ 'iXln~tf.ue:tiool.T1~€· ~llO;ttr1i~:5: .uld be set" ,~vool~I' !)!Ii th~ 'Iill:e fl!!!1J,TIlfil:g: J~!]l ~'he' 'b:fjls~ '0:[ tlu:' TI~ Ito 't~jt~ base o.hh.e iOO!1" ]~' ~ good fi~d:~Qiil 1(1, dnLw 'ooSiZS i'iJ!"uil '!!:tn'S filom ev~Fy UiDgW mn-tll )N:!'.ll are' ,C:i),_mlJl~tGl1 "f:!JmUllfifiill" 'ljYr.uth IlulU!!" phtcclliu::nt :[nli iilim,y p€iS'el 00: tlme~ad.

PtA TIE 27'. E~ lj\e5si!l:l!n--:~~e' laughl 00


IIfJ L.A TIE :2 9 ~ C.ha~\Clltriz!(i!l~iQn Hu~~ug ~ exp.re~S!iefl 58

'LA r E 30. AfiU:lllr~i$' Qif' f~~:u~i'a:ll mar:k~ng:s,

It .is .11Oi: (um~]t ~o m{:J;jjJ.m',&:2e tl~ ~~ S:~lI,;pe,. i:i_nd" pI!ilOO[fi!}_wt ~ dl!'ll :c;l1h!c:l~ uE l~ ~~ lf :~;'!A ~~!) th~.t' }f(iI!JJ wID tllte-1f~~H~ ;t~,'!,'i.I'fLY~ 'be :j]'bI!I: ~.o ldt.-nrlfr nt~ Jlli!e$, bJiJi!ItliPS .. ood '~idl[[J,~ In ~he' I~ iOiJd~ ,p~]lLic uru bt:.>tlj!l~ ~hmifil j"OUltg 'Ol~ 3J'S s~~ JillIii: f~~ in~!'m!!itLQn. ~ifiCil t'Ble l)'IJ;b' oQ~W ~t:i: !th~ mere lliieS':Lmd \il1,b',iu~Wt ,de'!l~1!)p; \~,ij'G.m l~fim W SC,PiUiiltc the :!m!LU~~ wrf~kI!i::; rrom ~e 1newl ,liiIt~, n~ $nt~iii 'w:rin'kl~ :MIe' i.lfiSOO~~ 'wdtil~ '~ie :!>hT4rll~@11i oil II.'h~ !lUSh ~[W~il th~' ml,~d(!6'. '!,'I.I'Jl~, thri: ~ :l_m .35_OOfl.'~ ''Wit\ iJTh~ ,~'(lS !i):f Lbr;:- ;WI,~ ,t~1ig~n~hre.s" 1'Jlte :s;m~i1~ w,rrW;illd~ ,1M !loB :B.d[i. n:1i~ :re]~~,jln - c1ir.9!Wil ill!'I" ptirtr~'fd' ~inoe ~'I' {l.'I!.\li!ua,1lIiUy ,IDilih ,11 Dllh'i'!O.t uf ''W'T1ul,],e;sl ,~v«r !1J~"'Wb~ ril;liCi1i- Moxe im:po~t ,ilfe. ~h(ll .ronnc::'l~ :i!ii'lid th$ 11::!!r&~ 'I:;:F~~ (Ii" ~i;ru~ '~lwe~Q iUnem. 11lere ,M'O tllt~ .,I.ocIiig Cru.3SIli~, Qf. the ~~e:e:h. t'bDie around, tB1;1(l IDtll~n~ .•. lLJl!i11 ~~l~ose' {!i!,1Br' [toil under. th]]' ,~],1"dS" n~ :pt~I$Ii~1l!.!l ~ 'qniJtg: ~nOu:!;lWIJ in rnt' IIh"mre 'hMd. '!I,\~,hMi'l ~,~~: !IiIJ f,l S~QIlIg .J~. ''We n:Ni' ! .. p~~1\:h~g miJ.!il:I'1Y of' muscle il.iJnd bene struclul'!!!:.

O~~~)1 ii:J.'j, ~,~ns witjfu lM!!&soo !eyehoo'!N$ Ui!:!i!d '!.!ore wcJ'!}' s!OOllJ """f]'U__IIi~les, gIDi, the ['<1iJ'(iluww], l¥e ean ~clly ~.ca,'!:: f).i!J:t:. ,itiD$!t o:F: ItD!!iJ1 'l,\11T-J.lJlde~ lJKIit (!II U~e I;i_m@ wd 'OOJ:!!~r,;;Uie Iibi.lioJy '0IIi th~ lin~. ~e ~~a!:l. nnd! ~he 5'Qft (~S' ,0'1 ~'lrel :I;I,ooh 'benea.~h ~be ill'LE~lO!!. n:is: ,11 Mr'll' IliIl"t '~flij:a:r: 'H'3le DliOI'e: v;rrn:~,~ 1'08 elmllID.~e'. tIlWi be~OO:r yo In' (ilnwing will 00 Ub~!I~ :Ei.'!2m\lln1ber Umt wtJ1ik'ie,s, fire 11'!}!t~ b1ne.k.Unes: :.rm, ii:'h!}.. aclulli, f.'ll~ [nd' 'v¢1:Y dg.H~te lill~ !Of ,s!!labw whle:b ruiilI h~ seen ,lOOlly ,~, ,(GW ,fifl~t ,;i,;'W)i'. Th~l ,is '''''I~:v ~lrl' ~, se ;ji:!il~J~.}1 ila~~iin~!il! t'benitli .und, stili ,g£~ i!3! :Hl';;¢)1~ ,"~g d,~~r 'c:1le;l~ ifji'~ '~1FMlGn~ lor~.~ ,rili~tpJD[l~ :;liz: :p!~oij thE! ~1:;;3~1:Q~ ef tll;! planes of.' tt~e. ~~clrul ,~I!:'!.'m ~%' a {:iee Q ,91 :rn.ru, (If n~t"'fJ)r\ of 'wrand:;'res",


PIlA,'f E :~lil, ", Dlr!llwiftg' rnQ9S ,o-f: ,diliere-rrl' Og6S1

You ~"emily :k:.;r1'IDl ~.o ~ ifIi .raoo·by ruidang Uw :r~s; of tilhe !w'u.¢illtmg IlMiWC :, md, 'me ,e~~S$ 'ilbat faD heh~ iiilu:m. 'I1h.e ,g]:nmklru3cs, the 'iXlrn"r.;' iQf I~ faw Md, lI-i:c bone 1IJf. tm!B ddilil, ~e: mliim «!JideD't 'm '~.~ :i!(~ :proc~s, 'lIro1lx} CI.'UtitL1:ge:s1 .gf dB!!:: fioI1Se. mW! ~n; ~ ID ge-t :.:up " 'We g,et elder'. n~ ,cJncl' ~,~ 'm~ P'(ROO iii tl-s ,c:tlim.t @d ;JIiKllint1l t'l!te ~I~ 3d trlilloutb. ThiJ 'Oi;:t&'& s~,~ at ~ ,~j.di2$. oJ Itl~e cllm ;ai~d 13n.oo.g: [the :s[~ of' '1:lliJIIll jn1rv, hl!r'C.~ form u:ud'e.r tll.~ ,s~ 8miril, (t~~ ~~ ut '~l1!e OOfJIElf.t; 'I;J-f the 't':;ye:s:. Th ' 'lip.- t(1:ld to g:e~ ,tiiDlinoeJ' md I!:IO'>'~ in~ ~ tLat, m!:!t.e 1m! .~. strroigi_ji :Ibw. 'OO~,'We~, thali :I~~ '~ prod~. ']'he ~~ dl!ll;IlSltfp il':'OO!m, dl~ 000',1'il~ vI 'the imuth "dil!r_ ii:rotLnd 'tilhB :5i.i~ of !t,lE! !Chin" 11w :Besch :tIiOOt\<e ~!J(:I erclrds d~ m:td !the· h'01N5 ~, ~o. (hop iJrnlBrd, ~~ !he ~:d~ of It'be :1'tt!9 • it fif.:W dee~' 1i~ ~lo.p :ocr~!51 tlte: fo:rehetLd :armd bililh~ (b.'fi! ~\'ii'S. ne~e' ,~n ~ N~~. Ito iI1r'VO'LdJ, o~fhn.<&'~g ~ml, Thlil ftaac, of .cgurs~ m.ms'.ou~ w.tLiF)'mg. d(:~1 ~'that ~he ~~ 'lim: 'iliO'!tOO ~1p ~ 'IIla:cl sad It~le:ro' ~~I m--~~e; ,Ulin iIlhr:I'_g, oJ ii1.e hlllll'. Iill ,the t~ oj 'lilQl '~~iBiid. H'il-w,(!V!e:l, ''Mi~ d~" r ~h.e head lTO.fi'ii lM. ~~ 'basi!:!. '~"n~nd~n.,

\'-WtQfi '!;,W P £'roJ'fllJ I:in~' illh~ ~Ilna "'VEl taJ:e a 'very 'mp' ;S!tep, 1m 'Ulu£ il the dJ:!1C of ~ilg'hlt Qrn £(jrm~ Mth~u~]1 dlrawiIllg: flOO not ~~~ all tIm ~~btle-;ty of 'tIme tll~l' :pairJ'tllJ1g ,does~ s~1J \~"e mi;i£~ CQn$kl~ ¥'a'h,! ., f~· m~j;e {U ~. - related, It; is 'bet~ f. 01 ft:mgt tff}. ]m ·'ht yny~ rubj.ect st on;Jy. ox c~se ill ~lD.~~~: tlnu: i;s; ~~tW(J' Or I~ m simple Ih;:ht ,E<L1Itd slmdo\\!', ShWD\~ ,a~ ~illy ,~~t)e5 to dmw~ shap~ th,t OOCiU' o~r Ita 'SI!Jtf~I;C of ·tbe ~~rm,$Q Ibat 'W 'lifmSi oon:sicl:el b(:!tb~ tbc. l.b~F. {J. ~h~' Eg']"¥Ii1 i~:$df ,tlm1 ,the *llmpe. of: lle ~h~d'ow lCirm mt'. 'Th~rt~ur~ J:t~p '!h ~tlgbb;md !Shadows IDS '. inlF']:C iillS' lXi~ibJl • ~ £fild th ,J~ght do'WlO to, 0311C S'DUl'41le' to, be,Wll.'1i w.iliRl. La:t(;:f (JJ!I; yo.1J m~)" wtJ.Bt lu m~e s.o.J1];.' Imcif. ijp~!ilg, hl,yt ~.G...r.ejf; ~'!ifI,~:e I~tb !i,rihb 51linilllj en ·tE.e sama a1r,~. nariis' Cr~ ,ot, S :il !&ii$:L't)' .of 'liptil1" and i~r'ffICl~ fll~ 'looking fon, f.or ,fomn leJly·mts. only ~,ligb't, :ha!l£II)O,f:lt;~ ,~d, ~~~ Id~1!t deGn~ it iff thc ~lu \lIerEe' iQ,ot Jthere,., ","",\e '!"v'lf~d :&~ ae fOl'm.

In, "'~~ dillu·d :U.g,b~i~ll"~ \\' • S ,¢ fQP.J'il mu.dt die ''"'illy ""',Ie Hlpr'es!::Iil:t n ~Rl lC!iJJtlJ,[IG @Jlly. U light ~s oo:t]'l!illg f~",'11 all dimtltiOI1Sl the :fa.r.:m ~~tte(ll~ Oil.l~ bc~u~ 1OT:1Ti ~!lLr~dn,g 3,'1/,. .. • y ilfu..oJn ,1t'L ' U,.ll SOW'C'e !IS wha:tma.~l,!s lI~lf I) . • ~adOWIl Mld t!iut ,5h31dow.. ,:By esst ,s;]l'wcrw We ~.D tbat [~ shadow has OOIllI:1:mj~ t,~ ,a~O'th~ p'k!!rle 'hive ~he "i'tII_], {Iff dmw, ;3:~ tb~ [1Qi;li'k u'nd§J' ith...i! chin. ICJJ~t :sll3id~J'w' lilav'e ,ed,ges. IOf:' ':be:flJr' ,OWIi, '\\1']~id!l d~FC"d On! tine dh;~~1lI (ro'm l,v1rleb tl:u~ :lisJ~r ~s. OOfJ!lSiEl,g:. 'fllt;l: di.lfttS~l~ Ls: m the ioo~ ~:l:j)t: ~.!t'iJ I00I'c].iruuy ~dn:adffiv the futm has ~pty 'mmed 0 ,flU" lilal tlli): '~igllit. tl~· 11 (Iiji ~~lI!ger iii actt ''"t On i3I rournd fQD~ thel'c ~ :hlllhon~' ~fore we ma~'h, the ;s'bi:1dlJ\.v~ and t111'::: :h~f~l1'lI'tt;:m~~$ 'with !the sbad.ow. 'On a :sqUiU'e m 3'll,gular fOml the shadow sll 'Ply foltow.-Sl tile c.[~~ \~hic'b cru;~ off I'be ~l.gbt:. OJ: nnJlimd W'hldllh ,. ~~iSll~ (~l!J!tI~t :re~b. n~ Do.:~ ~t-S: a s'~adC)w fn a brigtlt Uga.lt: d\' cl\ooJ.1i'. bd[Lg'rounder nd more gradiCl(I)~ ,a_s ,Ii '~.rvc. 1b1~d the s.'badO\V \~1.th the ' -gh~.

J.'h~s 'II~r hlendi,~g to:~ I~g;h~ iJJltU' $t..ooO'w 1Til@,


m~'b: til.· dil~iliOO' OO~'~B 3 ,g"OOd <!;ra\'!,1'jng ,11: d a ~ad one. U th ~ 'oogc of u;.-. sll'9a~)"f :id$, g,ruilu.8tefl 0.1" b]k~ndelt~ [too [I'ludn, 'Ij'I,I~lb ,~~~ Ii@l~~ the dmW]D,g Im~ '~mcteJ!; if n fui o®t "Mended ernm~ ~he dcra'O\iDg: lruty' become :b;:u:d .. rullKl 'bli~·l _ -o\l ,g~waJ' t9 jrJ"rd~ i~ to ;!l!~i' y(;l~I: .',

J Jtold:ung {I"'Lfid~"~!d! Jjf the :p']'an~ {U" ~"..~ 'W ~t it? U Y0iJ. h~ve :!:taf.~n!h':d ~l!' edg<J;: :sn 1IiIJ:'l/!Ich ~' to :h:wvo iMl:: til· l?1 ... n~ ':1 e dr.li,'Vini ~s 'oo~lf!ld 'to ~~ on. ill mlOO't~ p1'l.(lito~ph[{: 1m!.::. For: thl~ 'fet'lOOTII. ,ID.es lu"tYe. 'to he es l'il1bll.s:hlBtll wh 'ftj, you, are tr.~l,'1i'iJ]g from a 'phO'tiji,g:n;ph't, sllwe· tlrer ii!.r,e not ,;JIPPru-1 ~t in dJ· [)lmto~,p'h 'n~af.

In 'l!b3J"ohl:g plam;Ii;::r~, W~ q,n dg Jl)lutl1 kJ. :5l!g~' g~t ~.~t .. dj~liAliIi qf '!iL'w' pla;q~ ,'110/ 'ED~~ dj~¢tiun of 'Imc:~ '!,'!,I'.ithout much e'~9n,gG: m Wh,i¢S: (,~':C :rJn,te ~:). ,or i~ll&, i00i18{),fIIi1 dilid,whlg C9:Jfi '00 luaie. 'Q iIlippeill" wry solM, '\.vlmre.a WM~ libraW'~ ~ng' QT. ,[XIm~illDg 'm~:r ]QS€ mll~b of [h. chDmcte.r, 1:h~!!ll .~: ~ [1rind~ 'whioo is: U1WdJ (!~oo~ively m' IM!I, dmr\vi~,~ ~h~t gJ.' m"'!k~1!lg th..e. s' J'Q es r~low the dil;"0ctilil!n 'Iil![ '1Ji . ~·,IIl'tlfit!'. I~ c.~_~:J! 'b _ . lI,_~ed i III 'D~f::r r.n.ed'ium-s t.hall1L:li\C Imt amd:!l I[)~ :~t 1;W't13'_

, h-ope' tbe :r<eader , i~n: g:tve ,pattJicula:r' ,iUlL":1i]ti~D to ,lute sa" 5iDee I oolliSirlc this [If}~ DUe

,@f the. mwt iL~w.tru't in the "Dlt The ,dj'~:uVimgs., 11;;;W~ iGo~iJi!l(Ji~' l.W;'1dimUy a]1 111c mi1ten~ of... ft'EG~] up SO :l. h~ ,this IJ!Ot.pk" Uer'e ~'I! . have the plan of cmlStmctioo~ the ii'i.1I~i:t~!IfIly., tb~ pllP.~es, MId [rite. .6!li5'hed Jile.ndeiing 'oombin.oo, ill Iil! ~ii~gl~ ~e- of an] Illdi"ii!\uil head,

h!l adk1i'!m:On h" 5tudying truis pag.e' ',~mJ~ny. ind SO'J'Ifti. m!:l.t..mal uf yOm:- I!J'W[I. See. uf yrnlll '!l}.1..D ,reo&r. in, :s("e:l:lI'l)lt~ drt\WlJl!gB wi1~'d yet1, be!fuvc mmt be 'mfIJ OOl".I!'(;:c:t [)'~ol}~rti!ilns.. 8Imb::mIY,. mIld ,p]moe5 :0'£ 'the pa:rHcUllll' .he--!ld, 'y'(DU w1i'l!1 ~I mere by. d.oi~ this thall ll"; ~ f."(ifypng ", hundited 'b,e:t.&; ,3.$ ~J' a[~FcaJr L~ JjroUli 00'9-1 mMlnial n 'w:m ddn'it,dy l~l Ucp' ruiL)'itilling: la.cJd[~,g 1 u yowr koowkdgt: t:luJI$ :r~1I1, "V he you. 1n;:'IL '! 1\0 yuu:1I" sa:tls(llI,ctioml, 'Y{~:m'hd olld the ,s,eve.ml stages. paste the-m 00 !ill sh:ec:t, il.1iI.¥J, ~:Nlfilit ~heiil! ua~ m:tbc i'~OIJoe

~'1;Ibm ~,!i,:;"liJrkj, a'S a if(Q;tMbfllt: rem~nd~", 'If ,If'O'~E :n~,¥r.1' ',>'llQrk<od tl,(.",(:1i1I ou~ iQOHv,iiIl~1l!!,gly ytJu. '!L'{J[n wG'l[~ ti.l~e ,pfiiUle in dw ~1;~ct, 'fh,G~ wi~l he of in· teli'e.!it to '~1ri}1,fll~!!l'" ftllt mhr'fii~uQh, '!~l~m, ytl'L'L :b.:a'lm' :S~3t'¢d )I@lIr. ~~~i!fl~ihS!;rll.ge ~IIJJ :no '~m~dm menner, T1~~jt s .... "!.'V(!: :to hE:~;L) ;rou mml!!tli~i7.e llire qlltIJ!~!I.1i£,s, 4'!,1M:O:~ $11oold ,g;e !J]tUI ,[I, 'W1jlil,-dr,ilwi~ 'h~~]. 'HruJt, '~i['jlb. 101 oow;s.e', wu'Jd nu~ 'he ~JKIO'~pt!rn'lmt iJl]tD a ;smgJe dfRw~ng w,l~i 'i2;tiicl!IJ :SJ(;a,ge JH ,evWe:J'LOO. 11'11' t£ltl" ffi'Hished dr~~\luttg" ~, 'be'liif:<ve ,)~oJa "icyil!l £e.e~ thi" ~~~~gro'tnnd, of cffft!f.lI:. wbic!ll :1 L~pe 'VIorLII ~n~ 'i,i',i n oo you Itln:!l:t dllJ.1wing head~ i5: ifiil(~~,~ dl'!,l~~ m~~ oop:)I',iog.

P~a;~ 25 d~wt~gh 39 Mil)' hr;:~p ~~G1i1 m ,mihe n1$:M~ (If M~h;i11c"fi:'1 rend~rilillg, '~lli?ll.iih ilt is my f.1tl-cfnW.,PI If~~::ll ~~'hnj1'jJ!lle s]lmuJdl be lel,t y.ety M1rnt:lll ~o ~ sl1adellt ~~wliJ~U, Th~ piX1bl~it~$ ,of: l~~u~ IL1'i!)1l, ,~mat(lPl!}".' :,;trid pl:a:nes. .1)1\!;:,l!ii9dtt2L'U)! t'hiii: ~m~ ~(!t al[~ of us, 'biit t'~"c1fm~C'ili~ m:l\lIUOCIfi3. of th.Q~ pfiOl'b'k:n~.s i.¥1I'(i~ I~ a ~iiilrg;e c::d.el1lt~ :j,U~1 fnd~,vb:]ufitl :rrt1'iltaer,'.

UJ'J([(lrttu.!]:ftt~ly, the :stUcl.~liLt i'S uS'!lI:.dly lrnmb.l\e

t.o !l~~ mm.'m'1 .gpod ~nmp'le;s oE hood ~wmgs" oowruoo .eo Jen,~ urn 'puMi.'fldl.. 10. ti'll}('! ~t dec .. ade t~ere' ,:Uil,",...e been "~"''1.1' 1Ii!~!J l'lIl the ~Ii~ild ~, cl'1tmg;h ~D have '~~iI1~!r ,dir;ljMt.U,~ ~':IUlb1is.3:t-ed rggl1ll~ ladr~ ,asidM :f]'Q.td ,~tll:' f~f:~, ~hat mu,'nJ ~n~S'i:i" ,ttb.il·· rty lit) ;tlrnw the lllood [8 iflo.llCeil~.ed by t'i1l.elr use of medliulilfhS. I ,'W{!.tlild, 'hke to c3~l. a~rent·i.OD 10 fbe' work 0(' ,~mlj\am O'beJlmtdit '\V]It!i $r81J~Js uhlt'l.Q$t, {dti8e ~lJ cl~ta,wm,g ,tb.~ he41il I hD:~(>,' th~ ~iIlai" may '3Jt SOJfiill1i" trmtif~ ~~ifUt.\ ,,,.cro.ss: a :F:ew of the ~:~IY' d_;~~~rwl!r.iJ,~, of lids: ,~:hLlt. :tila"lfC. ~p'p~are{l L1:lf ftlM~.c,atl~i1IS;, T1~~ s~hOO']s in, lEi~P[id ,se!]ITI. ~Q ht1l'l'l ~""ood! :nmJliY milJlle lino ~~Ie:s 'of 1~e':'1i1,~dlrll"vi1lJig than ihQ5l; in, meM~ca Mve." r t~iliik tb~ :ilS; ~~lWe- 'l~ YOU'blg, A~TI~l"j:e{iJI'II ,tl'[tl:~t· 'tenrll~!"t'Q llJII]_j, ~(i!"l}h 0 ~:ordjlls; ;far ml;l.t~ria·1 bc:f'CiT.e 'Ile has allY' ~a~, k;-lt~;ledge ,!:!if the hood. 1,1li.e ,d'D'i\Wiill~ til t'hf;s ])orik flle oieJl(!@J humbl:e. ,smnc:e th~ are: m~!L1ij" d:)'.a£1~5Ilh"tCi1li wh.05'C ,S:kKll ex,. ooedsl rnih'l;~ 'b'L1i~ be.rou~· «i '~h(!' '~m~k 91 ~w![1lu'l bl:M)k~ OJ]J ~~'b~ :s:ub~ct'. 1: !R~lHif!lit. 'W1:W!~~1' I Ittn,~ ~~,~, '!illIJSir' h1O-,!ft[;;:i'Uy.


PLATIE 32 •.. MrOdleling ,the Ipfilillli1eiS,

,M e. lbas::i.$ [0]' lliillmtlii.g: itO ~:how lipt on fom, l~r;IDI ':1'0 fJ~tQ ~ ilI!!IAi m~ ~ ,dirn,Wil:118 gf Uteo p:l!r~ of ltb~ hmd ,~~ :s.._lwwn 'Il1J~_ m:~ wJU l1iI1tp ;0.'11 ,il ~iiit de. ,I mlh the ,m: ~tti~~ 'fll). roUIlW_ l~t n , 't'b"f,Jd,iilrtIf~l~dJ tt1lllt w:~ ~:rb de,i~~ ~M f;onn only :!!;S it fL'~'" in lI~lllt:~ h~~f:lQM1'. MJI'lt1i ,::lh:\uJ~¥. n~ iSh!!ld~ get darbrr ~ 'tke i'OfllIll turns ~W'!iL' {110m th;e ·llgl1!t. A ~i:F.Igl~ ~~SM i!ii ,[lIW,Il~IS 51impl~' 10' dr;lW .. fm' IMfG t'ha:n 000 ]lli!bt oo,t~h~tP du~' !iliad!)'!."" ~oou. 'Il!b.·ll\;in,f: ,~very~Mflrg JDore.oom:pli'.c;n'tcQ- Iimk now :il~ "crms' 'o:~ iI1at llfe.M :iltJ ~,rnig tt.~ll,iIiiS. ~ ,furget s[!J.':ioo 'w,rilillldes e.ndr,oly.


P[~A;iE 3;,3,. Comhining alll!:il~Qmy,; 'CQrn~trlJilfliQr.lI.j' ·(:iJIU~ p~(jlltel ~r~ :pllip ,iii' qrI0'm' tll'C 'mM~ :~~up~;J!nl in ·!:he 'b0.6k, 8]]]00 ]1. ;5:11Q""'~: ti1:~ :5tligS of dm:::'i!Qin,g , ~~ead [mM iJb.e iLliat~JJ11:y imtlI. con.sl :1 . lo~. liliIJ;(mgb th. Q:U'tJ~ne', ~O" the tp1;;:;11l18$ ~rndl rthill' .fin;ai] eompleii)~ of the dlra.wing. 1t wo.uJld 00 "Il;tosslbl~ I:(!I, ,fGlliJ,w m'thMI lOOllB_ide:[:'.l~b~e' i5~nd, of '~~:Ull ~11cD~

Moo:'rrf I iOD, ruJ~ in litJrdl!ir to 'oopy. itld3 lh.oorll. bu~: 1:0 llra,\ .. • DlfIe' yQurs~U~ Study 'I~~ 'Ie ~fuH~,.; '!,i\Ou ""i.1I kd ~t ~1~\".ilItIi~'bl I~r [~~:t'ID(:.


P'tA l E 34. [Bu;r~t.nng 'Jonoe withpl~l!I~

Thli'iSi pfl.p' irl~ l':Jo~' I:1:ue :p1otIt~ ~ny be ~~t'eil M, stf,Oj,g:lil!t :m'it' ::cil!]jj1£alIls'~ ~1J: Ct'ir,rpng il:$ ,m.l1 ~ bel-.gr;~, lI,dllt Md, ,iihuk The v:eTy U,g."llt iib,t~, sbooJd, llSflr'O' "'f(if}f !ud,1R' l1;tlIDe and 'I trc:al'0di \',-"r-y ,d IiCil~.cl:r., 13.,.' dLrr«!tilllig: the, ':sllOO'I.\:·, YOifli CUlEl liD_ t1~ pJ~!!e rum \ ... j'~J)lj.u, ~1~8!J1,lSin'i~, 'In!l '!l'f1.1~1ifi: m:rJf,j;i' '9~an, ~~~d1!r'" Y(iu ~t miM'~ ooUdll1' :~ ;)1'(f~U m~'L~ ill.I'~be' p!:a1'!.OO: 'H theHigM !B: UtilE: :ligihtl" tma1'), [!:bey !I!Ippcn't'. ritijuJ. tblJ~' iilil itlt~ shllid[}\\· ,<Jl 'Ii~tle d~.

PtA,i E :3,5. Evcry'"h(l;!iildl 'i~, a $cp(1r(it~, probiCll'lll

,E,,"'"ery :hood i~ ~ ,indl~,viduaJ, ~W11~l\p,ge' !I;If ~~~. '~~lI\es~" i)lJl.Id, .~~ je .. Q9:u:m!l o:f: tim '''''iiirilil:i~1ilJS Dr: ritulk ::mill .r'CfltWIItS~ tt~:rn~I" 'wit'llii 'r/,m"9itm'" ,M' ,sp!.l~nng~ ii!IIIillioru of" ,oom'b'JI.[}!lJl:~i:ins oocOO'. 'It~t' '!l!~l" ;jJtl~ j{i~-e m-~,a, 'iWiD~~'tnl:e 9" ,tTI~!gJ one ~/iI;iIU "U:~ ~I"'!f",,],ililg.. AQC~iLt, di..~iru1l~"',id~I;UI'1 'rX:ifJ~lIS: ',"ih~~Ij,\&[' yOu 'C:3!ii. ~rod: &w~!I,iilJ~: t"r:;a], !fM:op:l:t;, and, mlnoot, clli(l(J'~ nlftd~ :pt~Ol'O,"~.S" llO' Fr,90lltoo lIirofll. :J)(!o:l 'bi) t~pl~ to !li:'~ :~i dail,w.


IP L AT E '361, Ty,pet~ 'OIF C~gjr'QdIlEr~

"I11~ !;}li3irncibi3r in ~ 'h~ad i~ the '!leSuU !!li£ ,the: fum'iid,md bO~IfL~ .iilfit:l'mooi11t=l;, H ~hr:l,1 ,g(l; :rlJoIWn ~~)' ~wl i1i!!J111S~~I)Il :i1lld S,PllMg:. But ,~,~i'! hth.ty of' u w:;rtwiflg w'.m :!li~,a~ 00 :~n '!lIiie "f{l!Y yO'tL :J;l~ b Iilifi:d l'OnM :.'i'ill.~ ,tJht; inlc.tprl$!lIit~S~i!i uJ J:lg~~ ,(3nd, :5h~dc,w !lm tk ~mm5'. ~1il!J, m!):y c:;;:[~~!hnent im y.Dur. {!M.TI 'Wfiy ,and ,d~GIi:liP ,jfGur OO\ilil ~[Jt~lru :J!~d '~qlUe. Same~moo m W1i~I~t~d"S:t'!lLdy l~ ,inOfe ~'ftlaetUvlil: 'tI~::n~ '~'he;'ilXlmpli;i~lilly ~UiL~d dl'll1wiiD,~.


PlATIE 37 .. S'mli~rngl mIlen'

StmjJG~ it11at ~Mll€ ll:!'i-;[~~~ :{!!Ie di&8Qtll~ ,fj[it ,3'HbJil ,lU'tJSt. 1iIit:::y ~ milMl'~, ~9siei'" ~Ot ~d~r :UI!!! an !i)!1,\L,uioil!; dmw.r!fig, dli'iU !It ton.rl: .drnl~i.'htg. :u f>GIu1.fr d_~,'W~ ~'ng '0& h:it'iJ&: :1iI'I.iUt pr.ov~ ,Illl filoo~ ~I'Q~ 'WtU ~, '!.'Well 'tg ~iD(!i Gramng :mlitte!li 1~1i'fJ1 ,d!~p1~~ ~CIii !il mtlidcl i1:~1ii J[!3iifcl,)f Imld, :fJl ~e~wme ~!!liil fOJ:' '!,reJ}' ~~ ~lud)1' :P~II1·tlC::ular,ly ~ l~lIS, ~d dti;i ,Qqme;rs: g.f'. tJi-B ~~li~il; n'l1d, '~h!11' fioii'liiS Jj)f '~e ekee'b.


l~tA Tlf:: 3~" (;mder Im:t!n

'1:li.G iliiliflil!4 iIl!f: ul\dlc:IT !mi;iili give tle a,~!~Sl rn.o:rn 00 ug,el, ~iU1M of" :ill tiL>c: 'WiLy {!of Jo.m1I£, llfl·(I l~ ~!l)'tG'~ hb~"'!l!F; that in ~.he f~ 00, L~ Plge' 'fnm~ of tbe ~r~oe WI1~_}J1~~ ~fi;,1¥oe been .ellluBlliiJItcd cllUr] '!:!IIly '!lI~!2 minilln 'Iin~ :;Ior1 !l"1IJ~ i5;rt-ltild" 'T~ imp~i'olJI1l1 Qf ~l;e i~ mllln!~~d'~~ed '\1rr;n~bo,iJt t~t~ ,m~&d.\t:l'lt:d t1imrl ~;gn~EiOOli~l 'W['"~n~l~~

PllA,TiE:; $'2'. Ctt;.o'IIIQ ~l\eiri~(ili~n

]~eN ~.~TOOti~l. '[Jg:ht~., :[LOO C1!:p._~OOIl! !M'C oom'fu.:iJ~. "tIlllit 1.8 .eh~, 'tel"j·z13.tic!II, tlLi!l W,Di]" a .r1l1~ :too_~ :p.t· ~, ,~~iiin :fll~~t. ~J'j :[~ Rfl.l1Y D[); ,nI'11r:ii:: :t]lillil ii'iI dr~~~"IMII, of Ifl:u;~ :re'~ tfO'.i'iifiL; of' lU]i~ r~. SltL¢D. ib~tort[(iQ ~u~e.s, mQWernerl!t m ~~ne ~;g'ff. 'oo'~w .-md ij}~~,ijjCint chtmge !OO'II thl!! ~u.d~ 'FL~Iwe ,i~ ts ~~lroHaR~ wilnow ],JilW tbolel"rmJ!.v:;~(!S, J!iiiil)\.'''C' (&00' :W3i~ 2U)"

I~ AMlJm.J[c&)l'Iil ,jiiJ[iI\!j&l]X,],[£[[N'G :QfllldJ m(j)1V'zil~.e lY1USb'aUrnl 'thiJ:: 1t<i!'b:liIUy t'O dr,a,1O" wom~l{S ]t'$.wis: !d:ee--U!V~l}.~' i~ ~he, goo~~ beeu b) th~ PGQb~'boot. \tVJlile' ~mm;erd~i, 8l'\~' has, m;my dep~rtme~1J, 119 .other is q_u:ite 00 :h.l(!:r;;I.'ti~e, ThiS" ski[~ ape:n~ I~~m door .of iii: d,vel!~irllg~ag~cl:es:, cdJllLlri~I,Qmoos, 8U:ld iI!lfllkf~da.1i:' r-~hjjllWi'~ uSi: 1fi~:~dh'ii!'lg d~OO' ¢aJ'I!W. F:~ritni~:t~ ~'1ifLi'ti.~ :(U'I~ Plu)t;:h ,~sr~ w' ~]I tbm '~OO ~mtm~ 5m.OO t}te price is! ~nw::'b: 'I O'w.eiL"" '[D.rn,'I;'Ii'~ mp" nEely &3.med~ can 'be ,!n:JjIil'$ ,~,n~w.lrerc ~n '~e lltD'Ii.I!S€'. '~il.e l}3,mtreil pOfbJf~:s atre miD]\!]; m :~~. :restrLctoo, to :~he spa:ee OWl" '~ll~ hvin!tr.OOl:liJ{ ~t:iJ9_I!ibi:lp.~~~. A Intnl_11 ofi~n p.~~'C~ ~ l~~c~ly dlO"iiii;:: clmM',img of: hilll~$;~dt ar~ IDs 'iNiil-e Oir eJ~dm;m '00 3@ e'lalbmllte :~nt'iFi;g, If mt!JJ£i{lrel~r.~ ~BJie' 3f.'Elst ,00]] IR{lJke Sll!lob dN:Il",fmgs ~naJJ;C_I1lshrel)"i in m!!,uih, less ~iml:: rl"rui!Ii !l! ~m.hM'fflg: '~lkes. al$(l 'he ~D't1i w(!:U :p:{1- ~r;!!ra: '~O koo:[? ,It~ ])x.6o£ '~l'lli!~, '~-' ,rnormi'!!i Eamay bucl~t 'lJtem ,!lI!_J",e fJ'o~~~i1~fie£!, m ]lQHt:ttil ,a,tc,liW" 'ljJ~ l,¥%iidl ~it-o:tdd ~ot b~ o"'rerlOO~, n ~_S :p]~5"

:mt '~'Or~ It' .(lffD b!ll: past-time wor4=, ,and: ·it Js :mI~' :~l.llrie¥aJ~. If J'OU, do ·~~~cl!ie;s, for Ci(j'J:~ £~-n~I.y, a~,lif:n 'beuQntlf:' bilfh::~~.ecl:" S-~i~'8hn.d~iilS: iI'fI')4:k~' ~~. '~ro{"jtiliW' l)i~~i~ ,f~r. ,IiIDGf;!jlj~ :IUllIIls~ ,~dJces, 8~:1d ~fll!ex ,rl~s wibe:r:e £WirJJl~~, ,ru,re not ~ThijlbM;ate. 'TInere,'is: htlLlI!!n!f." til m!il!r'be:r ,~1'[i) '\'Vii!l.ll~ Iila.t. ~:ih, hl

- - - ~ ~ - - - - --

i~il'i.~ :g'~L"e'hes, of 'l:Li:iI.' (:h$l[h',g'~. r:be:~ ~ ~irlj1

~rti~~:sii!. ,t~ii~ OOIJ.Ulb"y ~li,~dy.' d@i~:I!,g ;;.rezy wdl ~t :m~'kiffl_g pwtroiit ,dtaJwh~. 11w' ~~'c~ 'lUiu.a1Jly ii"ff.!1J~ :frnlflJ ,$5{J to $16i~' ~nd .'even hi\glu:r~, '~Imch ~ IlQt too bnd :fuJ"3 [ew ildiU'Il',s,· ""''01'1. Lrhes~ sketches: may e),~[Jj be rllo.ne [HIiD ,OOIill-GiLil ,S!~\'t~H'GS ,vith, ,t11~ ~r.8~rmi~: :a!bi]i~y' wod. :k::no~Yloogu ~d\d_r¢dJ ~~ ·:till>G!' l):l'u~~o,rl?hie ,t~iPl~.1U~'9_il~~!,

'~n9 ,yrnru t=iJre (]f:}W1I:1JS: ,yt!ID.:.l!:ii"s: '11.G-a~, ~.i(!: smc to use lmQdonlii J!l'ill~ ~oo~~s.s M IleCb.m~rllle 1fn ~!~m.sC:lltm:~,r; th~ bali]',. U~~[~}~' ~[~ phmi1:51 ~m m,ucl-i fD\~~ !.dJ:~ti,v!} thtl~'1J ~~e" :p'l:mrogrnphB£l JT(il):~tl!iS~]I'a~'~ ~~ ei'~6J)1' stlr1lJ!ld !!JiX ~wr:l. Jm~til~ i~1i!;nit ~]uMf~y~ wmlcl., ill b[t~ ,~iliIt:ed ~t Al:rtFligr, is a ~1.Ci.dy e-J(~i. TItJ2; eo.mil!:_~, 8~

eVtel'f~llm,g: ,in its r,ou:fild'fl~~; ,~ aiL"H5~' see:s ihr d.lytmfDSJ ;~:[id ,its.ngies.

For' !'i(ilroe ~tOI1 ,tt little ;miUw.loly is ~1:.i.cll, I~e t:o[grnble m a ''J1(inil~_iffi;"S 11~i!l! d~:;nll ~Mi'" ness ,ilI!llcl! .f~inhll.:t~:r ,is: tn·~ mill['!tS., The :rill$]~ ~~t~: i;1~in to pfcl%. dle wn~Ged! ml;F'l:ru,... jl\W~ mel hmt :tyPes. 0[- modeb tdliene.:r 'dl!l1ll t'be ~uely' !emiUtme 't~I~' r~ mt}:y '00' dial' 'to get the !reS~' of the' Jlp~~,~ ,s]iin {\iflg~ M :gQ 'om' ,a £uhh:m, p.a,ge~, "8, bdmjf r;!W~ i£r i~,uiirecL, ~ehDw 'tll_e ~l'~;wm_1l00 of h~~ m tb,e ,(:.;too Q:oos seem ~'O, :g'i,ij,i\~ 'mme ,cltI~teJ' '1:0 til 'W-Q!lIKtD~ ju:st :as :lit d~~ to 3, mt.m.. ,Feib_@l~ m08t ~ ~~ ~.Jmini k~.ltIDes.5 mi1llfe thfilffii, ~1.urnlY~e;,s.S; '~'UI~' ~'e:l:Ii!£e5\S is ~)[Uid !.o !3ttruin, Q.'ud, ~k-Ge,p. At lea_~t in hW.at ','!'!c h~\te: ribi1lu.~d ~i~,o~ the: c]a.:y,s, ,of tihe: ,okl m~te'$~>

AJ!I thliSf JfDeam, '~a;~ iEli ~]r.a:.\-\1',iitg '\~~n we' :stil[ i!l1IWlt be !!:]!l:!m:cioffiil!S: ,Qf [?lai"'~~~ GltJ.!i!']1 if "4''e ~lil :Ie\qt sb~ them, as rnl,u~'I~, :i!I~ w13 dlo in ,~w,ing men, P~Hle e is.~ ~,~'Uill:~ :Imad btilll.ttasie:d wL!llil,~, W'o.nl~lI:"s ~-G~d, ]11 diU::' :S[lIme ~~ Nol1l: '~~'tt dw: ,f~tUf!g gf rdallej :~ ecvidcnt -.irQ, bQ~h, trnR~: mere ,5Ib;~ed :in, 'Iffilc mrulll'SJ 11 ('"lld. N'O'~ i!!btJ that the !Ji::uK)n:fio@, ~r: ,t.Iil.G' ~rl(i!U'~~] i:lrrnd. l}Q:5e.is 1If]ID¢ ddicfi'~' in thL1;l' dnl."'~m,g <d' ltlli.~ '"~;)/I], thc~m ,iD mat of tlw' ,m~_fl~ If ,ill: do lUit!mg ,else ~'J;~~, E \\Ia'llt 'to il!E!p~es:s:

Q([!j yo,ytli::d iSIililOO'lhllCS;$ :Ill'ld. rowtl{fu~ :are basically 8s;someaMefj, 'W'it1n, tb~ ±\~.ifl_afu. ani ~q,tlMe~ or ~]\a1f;ny \-Vlilh tl)~ mal~~ n'w, ,ite~e h~' 'Whfub. y:ou. ,tm[)hns;i\t~ ifhe o!1e ali lL~ QiEh'Gt rn ci~bel" C{l.Sr;: :it ,dlet:e:rmined by l~S@i1l~l £~:elrn~g, ,!JJlj;i!~t your ~bJe{:;t P]iI:~e ~, aJe-m(m.8btl1'~ ,I:tow bJ~__iD~..55 '~tll:'f be a-Vpl.r~dl 'to li'!''Omei1L';5~ h~iim;,

P~9Jb~:~ ,45, a~ ,~: ,a:roe techniml 'e.~i1Lm[?'I~ 0'£ wml\l~'s uaib whl~h, you may £[11(;11'0(' ~l'fi(fill}~ ,~~. Fl~u'~ 47 :md ,\'f8" a!~ :"o"htdtie:s m, which both, iOCmOOlilieSS a'nld iS~U~OO"essl'iav-e been £-e.lt. 1[, 8lil,g~t tl:mtit Fill tna_k.e ~l ,greM: :n13llJi.Y ,d\retdl~ of tld~, lkindJ i:l{limUfie' i;:md from the ,~lth, 01'

nJ£·iI'''''r~''''~ iIl1iMvI,..'I_JI •• "', 'm"'~""'?""'" ~!.~_m ,~'''''''':r:: i.!ruetD. I lI.lL -'-JiO".~.:a~I~1I


Dj'{A WiI! . G TIlE flE.AD At .'. D· lH - .NDS

Pla:~ 49. aud. 50 ~al wH[l 1:itL>'" chru:ag!.eristics· of .agnllg,. nnwmg5 of clc1er]y ~eTIl are '~:Iti-' 01T. place 'whe1" fat 8:!';;C'ms pem1i~ibl\e. ]l~'I,l'!E~eae love'S *- ,~-',:~m.l) gmndlma,.

It Ls: ill dm~ n . older 'i~OIIil__e-D that )'fit]!." know]· el:1~ u.l aDa~y is ]1'HnSit ·",MllM::li::. 'Y'o!Jll]~r 'W~I"~il .strlive ~D k:ee-p tlw ,(iJIhI(.om.y of the face:prrcuy we'll covered U 1, .'"Ii '''''Il:' pl~ase tbif.\m m~i: by doing the !S'!1Jfi1~ ,iii dli1~ilWL:il~, iB!(JJ~ ,~~~r. qLl :ill~e:Ii' \w'~nk'les ani c~ wit] OOlJl:lle. We' '~n .S;u'bm';~lin~~:e the \v-riml~1c.s, ~Dt ,y,e ml[5~ ,tak'l1l; rt1N loom .~~ 11Il.'i:f"~ll i'lilm OO-1J!SidleM-Ii~Jl. N~w fi(llfftrs. -llQ".e dey; l~l]crl hr., the ,ebe.; iOOdic:i!!t;LQJJiS of lllle Wily ·~.h~ 'm'll'ii~Jsi:::l~ are ;:IjtlJacl~e.d 1m: and tnl~if.' the '. d:JJ 'Inave MgtMI t,(tj ~if"V -llirollgl'lJ .. lklffl{! oomes to ·~oo :m:rfra-c.-e,. 'fQJj it i~ no lml~ S\l:!l hly 'oovered 'by £L~ .. ~bti.l: ~C1rrn bel;'i'Io~~ I'he 'mu~-

eles.Ier [~e .5:3m~ ro~~~Oili. S~h :IIc~h smnds ,out. in Uitde l!.IDlp.s. ;;i.lui ,lJ :glln!F to. dlmpe :somevrhat: towrud I~Jie durn. '¥e .c::m, be kilod rllibout it and 'Dot p'lJIt [t~ mu.cl1. l~fIi]Ei~}iilSUS; 'Oil the !i]~~ .[JfO;aes~. 'but to j,gn~~ n ~fiUreJy w01JJld be to' los:e lbolD ,c_h~e't~r 1lL'F'id. ]ik>!1[l'l1!55. Th,em 'is be~!inty ·in. mah~Eily and even m oM ;:Ilge. By du~m cllal"ac~~r :sbln~ tlrro ,gJn and &oeN i5 'i1I~1 gntd~u ~~. ailld iihi:1l:r-:-m. gretlJte.rr '~llm.m '~J~~:tt ~r am=!J GI~r1r ':li.'omfi/n ,ol el11l'rac:k:t'~, w:im.lilas ]Pll't ,aWIIl)1 mJlst off tlu: tQj)bl~ iuail, :[ri'l,l\olities: -cd }lOlJ,tj]j; B kilil(l in, :YQ'lI.lr dp..l'\IO'~ ings], ood d~ JlI:il~ £a'Rit':fc:;\te. 10 hle€R work does pe:f.5"(;1Iulil h~rrm lw )'(i;wr &']Uilt~tl()nJ ,md. i:lint ;is :mil1i~ hnptrJl'ti!D1Jt .t:(J: )'OU :!J1liW :9lfil:r :s-lj'tlg'.l~ drnwing 19j ~'lry Iaee Lifi We world, ~)[1dy. Ithe ~girnrg poo¢-. l~\o be tb.DooU;ghly ;famili{llr ''!\~~lh ~~at; happe,~s~ud. then 'tlJj-~at it· '~l1ldl!J1l".

,P'l,A.'fr'E 40, 'CQxu!wding ~~e 'ema~jQ' he:~d

T,bie IM~~Il .. lli] POOpmt]O:f15 (If ,th~ :~~!1!1$t.e 'he!;lid "'~rux iQftly .slighdy ,i:~m t'hQu I~ ib male ~lefl~, but :~fie ~il'ill and! :!fr.iM~d~' ~~!W':e :is ~um find 1i$S: p~.gmin~r!!~~ h~ (iOm~ucl:k! iIl'lft, [~1!tiil~Ji'jJ~ [Yl~~' 'Wj,'il:'fI, rnfher :1I'rffi' j;l,WS ~~n, '1;4;11 :hmve, 'RlQre ~~[~J ,th.rull tfu ttre ~ ,iYrWlllid,"" "IIV~eQ'~, ~bi}O'lI'.~ ,lire 'i~niilly ,~, 1i!jt~,1Ii!i :bjg]jer, ~n;IQYC' lite ~, 'tln'ull lfI"IGl1c) anl'_ T.Ht.o IN!Iou:t:h .~ ,~'(i'HIiUllr; 'tftfie; 'Ij,p~: ~re ffl~ h_nj~ lliJ]d 'I'!ouuded~ ifL'tId diE: c}''!.1S; .r:ill,gb.t!y '~;itTge:rr ])0, nfllt' SliliB-SS ['he ~ViI :~n~ iiIlhei;!~ '!f[!i~e'Ie,s,

PILATE! ., 1. bh:llbH.!!11 me eCH$1N~t~Q;1li 'Q ~)(:h, h~t.ild

[t is ~~t im~siM!!;! to. ,~lUl'lr"'" :i1J 'bl"lnllliFuI, ,wlMnl unless ithe ~ru~~~O!iJI L:pd 11ib\i!:i!!mElilllit: ,of JE,IJ:'turc~,;5 .or, '~f«:U'fl'.1th~ Koop ~Ibe 'nl;l~ITih riha:ll itld, wate.h c{lcd'UUy the pl:tll}E.m lit Q: 1~lu: J~ ~ ~ [bl,,! ~'~ :uiid, 'm:(!iJ~1J1 Hlil;1:d, ~ in :psrfoct pllfocme:-U' ~ (1m, 'Thg, ~O a'!.fQld ,rS(Jms '\'~r.y Sl:rbl,gc and 1U!IiI[i]~t'iJt Ili'C'S'ul!tN .• JiilS~ flOW l'he brGw.s ~ I~fi JliiirJ)' ,t.ibjC'k, ,j;, lC\" ~rJl ba.ok th'!lly were ~ust !A l{IJ'm 1~1iW!, ,P;erliIJjJJsJJiy) ] like 111il'iLh'i:'.Ilil.loo~n~, h{;D1.tij, b.ut 'b:Ji-ows, ~~d Ii[H. :si~ 'f~~ey IliJ~ m oltm:i, m1'lde U1P, £o.:11Dw tIrle ~cb of £'Mhi00it. The ~ame' :~ b~re I;lf halr,..&ic!i .• Lool: ',o,r' "'lIe m~, ' :lr~, o:E' {:Ol:1Trs. in t'bie h..w ,,~Ulq:r '~an tl~, d, h.il :Bettmy 0:1 f;;il(;e :iii 'be!lllt}· ef fl'DPUiT~i.oR\ 00 :!e[Lm thi!l' Fr~rtio.~iS, :B~t; Il~~ stlLLdy ,)"QIM' ~~I!;!d ~I1!:iHvUltt:illlr)l'p 'lh;e ~i)IihiQJ1l II'NI~J~a 'OOllwm ~jJil!llllitlUe:~ of [ii1i:;i.t'i;!a-iaJ ('Cr' 5~l1d)'; and will ~b<!, koo:p. yO'ILlI IIlip 'to, ,(J~te on :JJ:!n!k,e~uJ? and :hlllir 5tyJ~ B ~ CM fili'l iiJiO" to dmw .Dot Ul'-s. :p~ IIh 11g:hli~~t Qn thil,l ~p' l" uy ~trrlJtcn:f: :~F it i~ to. ,~~~ 'li1F.ttillig pl~ I~ ~iln 'JO!.l~~,,~ tIm :~ruhlcJIjJ: :ii:lttli th.e wbok upr'E!!:!llo.-n-


Pt.A.iliE 42. B!QfiJe.1 and 1Iml.l~,I$dl\e 'aife. le$i$l ~lPpil.ueljlt itn W\omIE!["I~S hli'ta!d!S! n.Q 'l!Lli!'t(~-yi~:g: 8ifJ1M'OtrnI 0'£ ~ g.M'$ beild iI's ~'M'W1~ n~ m!2: t-o-p' ,of '~ht:: paige" ~Il dJl3.\ ,Ilm.g a f~i.r:~y 1'01.m,g 'w:om:m, 'wei ~tlt, 'il¢lijl' linl~ '6'1 di!;l' 1tt1r18:1omy tihow on dl€li :mI:\' aee, 'th!lrl,l.g.b we ,ib'I;t~~ l'm1JW 'wJIlI1~ 1:;1, lI,!I~rn~w1h til) oo!lm tllt!,

iililf.~nm ml';~:m,\'meIRe ;,\1: l~.e ·b~to.m .[J.f:·~lu~: ~mgc: :iii ro;de ~lli1ld i'i. r'4!lml'jl:l~ !U;lr«ll: ''. e ;&i,-{J\--wTI. [)jJ, dIirett, Ql1UP,UiSOll .. N~tt.J .11:c ]JA!aV!!l.'!r '00nE: iliIjil! mu~~I" ~fiStl;;ll.dtilt.m _ I, til tbc iIliIore riln,io,- , plnes i :nbc I'Ji!liIle ~cru:~,


PIU%JrE: 4:3;. 'C:ho~rm II ile~ in ,t'he,bQ~i'c: drtlw~ng ill

P' A'T'E ~5. :5QmlSJ gi~r,I" h0Gd~, &J

'!lA,'i['E ~4:11l . .MOf'e 91'r~~' 'he:ad:s, 00

IP LA TIE Al7. ,S~e.r)ch,~!!i ,84

PitA Ire ,4,8 '. :S&le~me$.' &5

PlAJflE -41'9. J3~aud\lIn,oohe~ 00

IP L,A, TE: SO. The' ggi'lilg. pl!'Q~~~ 81

R~ R·· .. ·· A"

:"" '. '," .' . l,'.

- - .... . ... / II! " .

aat .I!unln.~. ':i.n' ~lf.OA· : ..• n'a·'-.I~

. _ ;'1_·. - _ hseei « r. abie» .. ...~ £;.>:. ids

·DM.WI~ Hi",lBW :ISi :illhrnfl$~: ,ij bi'iI.Illt:lll 'il3f ;}ft in :it~

;0. • - •

~ If. it:t '~)~ mlln~.tQr ~ml oomm~mal .arti:;l

iilI~:tfy '1l1e.- ctille.d llJon qt'IJite o!if'ern, to, lne1.tj;~.e t.I~in 4n :W':s. woi~, BtJ:bi~ al~~ make ':l1rtlieul\i1lr1y ,$:!'_ trntiive p;£tJw:res for ha:ln~m~g;, '\ h-'fi tl!tey', 1]" - well 4ilIlifl', ~Of;i~ :Ftu'J\'WJH s ~I d.()'lgllite.d: with 'ti1em.

If dw' bib<y he dis t'mclu;toc!l, it is :Jr,~Hjy no hi.l!FrleJi" to draw :M~il'i.n mil.)' Qt}l~ lm~d" .8l:'li), :!i!Qnl~lil'l1eS: Dol ~s: ba.w. 1~bil!: fiI.'\ili~rj :~. '!'ll~t ~~ Ili! ,arti:U ~S demling mild, I~rn wjth. CQ1II5;~nCriQD ;!I1l(1 :P; 0- ~t;J(m thll~~ 'I,!,/jjtb iill1l8tOlnr. 111e' :sktlll :is U;r(b]?OT.'hln'~ as al~~,ys. but the :mu,scles· ~ w de~F~~t hidden that tbey hardly "Ilioot. itl~~ ~ltf~l.eG •. A~ t;L~res,~)'_ll.an~ 5.2 slImv, '~e propon:i<m~ are oom~ what difN~ I~t. b,om. tho.se in ~'he Delult he d.

~ ,~]u~ baby ~e'8d. [~he 'btme 5i~Jj].d'IiU:e is, n~l yet.

'OOlEIJ?lem.e~y devc'lrrpud., "b~ ~.\" tmOO.B. ·ch~lt" 001§~ ~nd til rld~ oJ the nose ~Jne. I;laHvcly i1i:iw!1 :S1~~1!i1rl~_ l1t.is .~'IfI 'bs Ithe [udby :r;~e smH8[~i.l' ,~t1 pWl).o.rtWil to dw sk!I.l~l. so' that ·the face, hom t'fIDe. 'bID\~,5 dDl;~i1J\t' cml;y OOCt'llp.oo'S ab:tUrt O'1'ir;t:.qLllll:ll':' t -r of i~h{t. 'wbale ~u:.ea of I:I~ :h~. '[b~ c.~urtill_u~s; Dr ~~i!£ ~'t{)8 • 9;'te. '!,,-raJr uhe -udi of the bone stnu~tuire.·, ~~ !the litlle :n~5e Iml::!Jl ~y rtliJfm IIIPn b. Cil'l!.IOO tlw' b;-i~;e nl!o\re it is l"olDlllded .a:Iild! cl~ t-o' tb,~ paaJitf:: of tb.d Iaee, Tl~!2 lQ,~il';!",r 1~!£iI iSl lluJlgtr, j~;n~ lhe ·e:hiJ!:IJ 'be:ing l)jnd~'\\'>~:lup~d!. 'usu:al'~y :retled~ 101" is ,'w~l] Ulna!~Ij' tile np,t~

,~'I, 'I':h~ :!!regS 6E- :tme e:yc ,is ful[y d~'II~'~ ,~Ilifb m. rk,e;s ~be e)re8 ap[lrJ9,f. ~~ rr~ 3.nd ·hu.ttomy. They ~ppeil'li' 'to '1)(:, '£Qtltet ap~ri 'h~rn the averit,se :aJulb: ~J":'iS IJee.1i1;~OO they res:.t ~il fl &'IliIiI~Gr b.e-ad.Eyc.. :s" t ,too dm;e t.D,ge.tb~r, l:ll' • Ilnp.~ - :mt il1l. a b~b,. tfu.~ mtd ~IU sl'~o-il a dra"wmg. ~ baby S b~d can best 'I)e stt~{Hed ",h_~'Ii 'lIt

ba:li>;y i$ sl\e~.p.irng. Other.".\lO'J~·· ''''''e mlllst tum ['0 ,lrO-Mga:ap'llS ,0'[' itnllt~mw iJ!lu'SL'rn~icms. :ab'~$ ,~J'e bt111lfil ool¥,nggl . tI![ii ·tIlle:re is. llI.o!thiu.g that w~ ~ dQ albOl!lt it. t jii thf:refQf.C of p-eat impptblnoo 'to .M tJ e' g\e.~ .at ~ ~~V 'f.i1ge :propo:r.~ ,t~o~ ~m} ,),DIll" m.el1il0:ry.

!Olil w.illi. ;iiDd llb~~ ~. (l~ta:~n lilookililess of ~bl1l;es .;;md ed_ges 31~~) 'II Ip;s tQ.~ pu ~ '~,itility' :ifll~

- -

Q. dlm.wb'll,g of 8.1f,~by, ~b~es' f~c~ ~£e 5Q. ,\imoo'~

~frmd SO to aml thaJ~ if lire ,t"O[lV thnt q.lIL.afuly ~oo m'"ti~u~~y :the fDllU ~i'eC!t IDIlY laCk eharac'l~

If: roo·~ dliS'~1Q!Ji~ 1;Jr SeeLtl,g ~.p-$ of '[d{t,lIl~~ .in. dnlwmg of ,a b by :&00 H ~s ptciiJi'tb1y beoa;lIJ~ you are Iloo dOs~ '00 '(fiu;r·drcawiiog. Step. ~:m"ck 'before yo.t~ chuge it. MnudG' To.mer

. Ill.ge\ one: ·of he .~e~~ st 'iJ~hy ~1J:t:i5Jt.s: .. dm.",,~;S: qll~OOI \\{i.g,oro~l'F]Y a'lIl ·.u~gl~¥ (Ulld. piralt~S., MilIlry Oasfi~tt, the 'lI1myl'('iS!~:krmsl lPiiliim:l'rer and ~tudem rcd De~ a1~o !lad rihis 'q;ualJJt~y ,in, hm" "~~].,,

:f..b:m sa ~lows tbat mllIe ,genml '11~)e 0.£ lf~ l)ajby"s head. is a bulge ~fta,ohe-d to a m1Lmd ba.D. 'rh~ d~tall~ rr,p rilrQd dn'1f[J] lbel'\wa dm l:e3i. tares ase ~~'1211ilU!\'ely ;s~ID·rt •. and th' &tee 5lCCm:5 qrure mde. 11l-e Jkn ~ujMl~lj~, oE the bitSkl s.b~~

:shm~'id have fu1l!t CU:~0' ~aby 100'1:" .

III the :sketch s. .h~ ,PIa;~'5: . the e,~'~s ~t 'in Itbe. tQWC,r. :h~Df 01' ~lliB lirst qu.a. klr. ,~h'is.r\j)n. n~e. rq-~, Hue [ . tho Hm~ oj the '1n'!O'\\t~ ,the.:nQSe rests on the .Ii· " 01 the second ~llviti{QJ~; the OO"JtiluPi of tme li~ mll 'thll tl1f!ti; and tine, ~ dNPS sli;ght~.Y below th_.e Inc ,®f the i'O'l1Illtt di,~iOJil,

PI~re' 58. shuw~. the ,roUl" d]v.i5A[qll~ :rw ·cl:tiMOODr '~hmc 'ID rotllr )~]'S: old- NQte that th~ b]"env.' ~re a :!little a.oovc;: t'h" l'op 'Hne, and tJ1~ nese, eY'l1l:Sj and. :L'Dou:~ I~VG been. J:aiscL1 above the dlv~d4)u lines. TI~~ ,cl.mges: mSl~ Itb~ 'lmby ~.O(lIk .di~'lrl]y· o~d~r. AdtlaJ~ly:; ,"'"e harrre. a!laWij,~ ~~. ]ittle mo;ll'e cldm fiDd ~oo;e-'by leBgbcru::d: tRw' f8_~ s]j,ghJt]y" .:Phmt~· 55. 56, ,iii'D~ 57 ikl)iw a number of 'l;)l1j1Jjy :Im~~ ~U' ,h.a\Vll w~th ·ttle fox-{!ga1ng poopo-f.ltiiJO:IW-J but ,diilmrim1 ' a ~mUle in dUlrne.t.c.r _ n result (If dig'lIt (UII~e:!Ilcgs h" 'lle [?~~CGrm~en'~ of r:eaJlJL~['¢s: runtl he ;riela:~D.ns:h·il of tlle ,f:iiiCie h:t :!if" :sk~ll. ''fho~, the PIW]?OfI &l)f~S wry oo[!y s.lig'htJIy, ~;;tbit!i sbllis 1m,l' diii~ il.'Omlldex:il1blY tn sl'llQpe. '\"ife Hot] 'b.1gh. ~o.1i,.t. ·or el{mpJterl. skull. f.n WJ1)ies <i.I 'VI U as :mrn ft ~!idfS"


P'I~A'TIE 51' ,r iPfQPQ;IiI~'QfI'~ 'CliF ~he :baby Ifu~ad,--fjr~t ~dlr !Cfufli!1ig~ ~~ t~te inr<'!iJi1i~ ,m~liU t-i&1t pl8100 'MIi!ry :Ji1I!,(Jidly !fi'mm 't~e ~~~I.' of birth ~;]IDH:,gh '~le ~!: }1.:,'<lr, or lwvl. It ,It!l ~I~' t~~e ,inj~~ :sm,gc thtlt til,;:, :s'l!uJ] tJm ~ln~e Th!1 o.(~i1] :rl:tapc: miLy l~ 'i;lu~ ,tOo p~at:3J [~~i~ (ma, !~~~;:::: dc",.e!l::l m ~ilI"iJ"~: of 't~fiiili ~, - A'Filief 'b,irtb t.S~e bene tends lQ ufillist 'to 'Ilhc ClClndir.OillIs lm~, up):1J! j~~ Itl_]~ ,~,!,.rt~~, of t'h1e 'bNfTI~ dm clmir~ 'M tai!2: :st.:a~OJlJs: ,Gf t'h~, ,skrL,j! ~t: tbe' rop i!d t~~e ~:IDti~, wh'[~h :n_'U~lire ,len: 0,111120. fitiiIJ ¢i'~h]e ~Q ,£(i"~iUt!)l~' bif~b~ ,iRacj;.<tl :i'll:.u]l lr~ a~' mile-riled, h~r~f th'G' ilrndi1r!-idua~, 1typt1i ~n b, pm:e1)1' a [iJ];]itt~r Ol ~tre!ilfffi_~U~

Jlr.Il '~:l.iii \:Ib.¥ tb~ e:r.t!i1ll'~lMliII i~ 1L'1!I,u.c~l, 'l:uger m p~ftlfi\i~ ~ :!lbc f.~iL'G 'l:h~11 j,t' i~,' ~f\! It~1e a:du'U: The fRee t@ :~~.e 'br~ ,ooci"b"irJ~ llbcud Iftj1tt~-Jt!udh oJ tht-B ~]~~Ij: :~~:lirt· TM~ <~e~ the' '~yes be1mV' ~e :baIJ~ilJii :pomJt. Thr;:. :rn"!IQ!l~: t'Cn\\\iIDiij"!l~ "'~\"~y ~o R~ ILlp itbe: 'In.hy ,r:t1iCie, [s iiJj[ 'qllM't.c:it ~j~n~. Th~ ~D~) i~~e !~brnm gf ~I!i'? ;m(lIutJlli" ,!rod '~h~ cl_llg QOme ~m'lIi!i~J~, :d~ ~D FaUillg .QIrIi (h~~ '[,t~1~H!fE;t.

,As itfi:rJ~ ~'b:y ~~ead d~'\\',el~. me f~ ,gct:t :!Dngpr ~jll, pro,~tiD:1IIJ 'lQ t'~ ~mnh_blITm" wMrib has the ,eO':oot 01 i~lIovfIDIg' l~lt: G~ ,3ind bNrWyS; I,!!~)l,\t.a-rd !~, '~~~ 'b'e.-!fl Ae'tuilM:l'r. ~bl:' d!},ml"J.OO"MI~llt of :tb_oC la\\'m ~'StW ht-im~ tbet d~m· w~~ :IDd, 'the 1m0S£l :and. u,P.PE!_f. jll'!.v ,m],SD ]'e:lfIgdiililill_ M ~ ,~'tn' ,of tbe.s."' cluJDJiOO' I:le' ~,~' 'o[ -an mdW;i, :!!IlIlId £vm1I ,01$ ~ t¢$il~,Sol;lrn'~ ,1I!!"e !On the :mtiMle;, lioo oOf tbe, head, n. ~:$ [Qog~ ,umt!pOrblifi~ 10 :b:JqW' th~ .. 'OOe,)JL'!.:jC '~ill .s.@mrillg: oj the ~tes li1I i[~~~lIrrlll hll I1iti :1m:14~IG lirul ~~I:i~: t"hij f;~C~' ls, ~'he ~~~ 'i),iil,)~ ~o ~Ilb~,h. tb Ole ;til t'l ,~~l(t Tbill Ir[s, ,is funl.;II' d~ve'opeil.m, t~ 'hl"lb:y:. !f1'fl(] "'l':iU .nevex get .rul}i' lOO',gm', !oo:r~~:llC:mrt[)1 t'fu~ .a:,~ ,Ii)(d{ li11:'IlLeh :smiJiJler tln ~ iMl'lliJlt: f!Joe'. Hr[lI~'Ijilf.e1. Ithe !li~IllirI!l~ 'bl:ih~!~~i1, lb!;!' 'ilry'iiI'lidJi 'Q~ wid.eJij~ S'O tffilM' W~ see m~'!Of ~lle ;eycMlI in ;:inJ stlub '(rnm 'Willi dO ill ,II! ilX!!'by.


_-- _ ..

P L A Tlli 5'2'., frgpQITvcn:i, Q~'~lllJe b~'r ~iellilld-,&000nd' tlnd 'fJ1llfiId y,eaf5 ~ '!~e :wtroo ;[i,ml ~, yeru; cilit~ ~~ am :;ihGuJ fu3~j[w.a~' up" '[he top 'qOO]'tlil" ~lC'4::j whlC'h 1 It!!!iV!9 d4!~g:Qaloo !the oormbei" lI. :rplOO:. fu :n~!:lG. md moulll1 ~,,~p,pc[jr to Ijj!'l!L~ roil)1;l~ tip .. ,[m4 t1~~e 'hro~"'S fti)W ~~ Em; ~ii,!: :t1;bgVigJ i~bill: hdFw>l:f ime. ~1ow ,~'~~~ Iip~ jl:1tt :tOOdi tl'!l; bottom, of: t'it1'! tMr.)d, f~ae~'. D~ 1~llr h.:~ net macliiOO '~hr;i ]\wlf'w. ... y line., H'O~tC""~f. t'hi; faee 1i1~ ~il(!bed th~ ~fOl~1i:.10ns tOft IiI.JR(: s~tiie~s~ h~i.r~l:m~' Ibtl< h~ br<ow ~oo bot .. Ilio.m',!ll[ 'DIilsf!t. 'bg~h)'.)_:rg gl !l~' I~O' bottom !fir: ~'m Af.~uaj[r tl~~ t~ ~p~o~ ilm nIltli oo1::l~nsoo. lUnd 1113;M Wii~l r""~ fpl!'th~r" I!lt!t ~'be}' TU!]fi)'i.!xdfil :titclr PW.r?.tro:~$ It;o !ORe :[looth'i}r ~dle' gruwt!flg. 'lJJ:e (roliT;' ~ ,sln]J: ">'I~tl 'be.kiw the mlidWG" ,~]mi]. N(i~ t'he nm~ (U'f.Ed~d fTIil\i;i, tThWs, in the ~gJ!It ~lJ~~l gf:' 'Iilml~ ,fiHi!: d_\ffiWJDg'.

'lIVltB'1iIJ ~[a,'!.\'1i'iI1g; lI.mIIJ-3~!>, ;l'n:clj clilldremr ~~ ~.s: 't.ilSEWJ It I!!- 'IDliiMJblllil'll {!}1.iI1"" iM- ... isiom It]jlHi, to II..IIS~ ~~~i.lJ Ilh[~a di ... i~~l;Iru oJ an ,:)!i!h~rt, ,(~. "'rVM!e. the ,j1e~lI~l. h~, h :rn,1.ii'llh :mi$iUer,; dte ~~ l~d~n Illite! rIeiHu['1M 'Uro ~ti!tJ[jJiJMt>· "I!.1[det. 'lJW I~~ am w~ ,Pi (-i:l.I't.j, IJiJ,e '1!I::p}.lft' lfip' ls lffl(i,g~. tIM: ~<l~ £~n ~te: ,to ~j" iiIlppeiU:S 'W(!ry' wid~ .. Yiciu ]hJltii.\!il :t.u rtliL;lP '!.'!ijll;~ t~ ~~ion~ in !Il1r&i1~ i@ ma!~JiI tIJ 'b!l!~)' ~oo'.k, 'Lib if} baby fl!rj,d, :M~; I[~e' iii; U~t~~ ,oj,d haM JIlI~l]. 1l'lw biliby m.oufll 15 '~rlij f1;l~~d, '".,1. :re~. The u~ Up :f~~,sl'_i1lFp1¥ til!! ;~t& p((llk ilL1'I.d, lrnUllJly p~Ma:~ Tb!1: e:ll!~I~; :h5i SJfrjB]l ~!lI \'!.~l 1IlI~~e,1',. "I!'f~t'!~ Oih:c:n Ell UltJiii ~llI.t i!,lnd~ ,tt,. Dalb-:det:;f eara 'vnry !I!: gJe.tl:l d~J, cSl)lRC ~,~ Cnult'G ~~~l.1 ~ otbeit.s 'quite ~~. They are '~BBy I'OUl1fidi2~ ·,;t'ndi "WJl.~ Ul!~ ill CQI!1l[Jarisl)lii '~(II ,n~ l~ B:i1!b»d bflJWi: ,ilt<t! Wtiilil1y' lVg,ht ~Jld t'himi fiT. lI.""i@nIi qiwi~!J' '1miD.tI~[1lu,ilim;~'. Tltl!l}" 3!r~ l~~l{Llly 'fIll11c'h :ITlOJ.'eI evkkn~ ii'll ,d!i.\'l\~ ~d2 e&Udl'e]]!. . Ii}!!: f1I!lS1l!. is, iUII!.~JJlly' ~ahl, tli11d, llphml'~i ,iintl IqUH~ mllliLl~tEd_ Th~ bui(il~,8 frf U:h,e I1~ t5: f:i!!~ily ~Iild sim:e ft h® u~ hed • iunto Ito de.~elOJ? 'The, (ibe..e:~s~ M'tI} ~~d :il!ll.4 JuU.


Pt AT! 5·3). ICeIll£hUditi;tJ~ of: 'frh" bgby' Itead

II ,~~ ~ l' ,11 vuy , ~1IIl!4; bs;hy, d'rft'!,'I;" the fb.:t ' f1!1!!d ,1)lilrtm witi~jJ, Uti!; E3ci:d. ptirume m~~~ ilKirt~. :rut t'Iw: ~Y8 Up: t~ I~~~~ay Un~. Dhr;lde IlL~ ,[~i[i_-. Jm-fii d](J1 limir~ ,!iBil)'I.'!,r.Q . .intll!' r.(!i~fi' 'p.:.1t , ~ .tJ)'lI!s. to'l;lclm ·Ehit!i. 'bottOJ_n '1I:lCi 0" dIe· l'Op di'ili 1f!.D. - ,h.cl iI'IDSCi ,touches In~e b0-11'OUii ]tt(!e ,of tl C !iROOnd ,iii'!. . !5_~~L l'b~ Qgm~~ Q:J tl~ NHlIrdli ill! O[H tl-1iIl' 'l.n'ti:cl1m li~ of the tlrtR~ d~~I!sr:Oill;. ,!liltE tJIi2 d..in dmp~, ~ftiSl1.tly 'boIt.t:ow ~1n_~ £o-urtb Of beuem d''ViiS!iD:I]. n~1[>.' ~ is

- !W}der the halMa,..' lffii'l~

P tA 1~ '4·", Ske.ch~ c~ babies. 95

""'Ib- '"'- ''ii'~' -~ 1::' ~"..J" ,f it.. L"'

r ;!I"!;, I~- ~, ;;;;ii ,;;W • ..-;!!l~g Iii;;~; QIJI' IGliill:ll~~_S:

'fh~ _gsz.iillU iH'C: full ,!)'[ b~iby pk:~ures" ;"Ind, mue '!l!iE!1 biI~t, kif iP'rac'tiCi:;l .rliOi'Iii~, -ISmOO 00 'bn])y 'l;:ij1J]] 'hoad J~~~~, ~ng 1~n-t;ill..g11!J J'Qr' ~1Th}'[}iil~ '~':hD ~ lJijij}'t, th'O_Jll,)'!.IJgblr r~;;Il~ri11n_1" Mt~ ~b, ,ro~iO-u~' 'Iu d'r:-IlIv.1 frQJm nre, Th~ '~~~;

• OM Clill'!l! do is Ito IDi.lb) b~t :s::ke-wh~ 'fgr !1:i,is- ~ruTI iin~s~~ :pictuf~:'>O£ :b:Ji 'b [~.t :Mili' u:;; Q !!illy dlu.il"'" ali .rn IIi:1J p:lltO ro grr.'ilp,:hs., as !ilN!! 'l1ite (ill es Illnil []~~Si page.


P'~A'lE, 56 More ~t'l!}die:s of bab:I~$

.A~, ba'bi. grn\,III more l-VOi!ct', ~y look ,C}'ldc • all1'!~11gl'i lID; propo t'W'f1~, ~'Iir, cllmgtd ilU1Jry .digaDUy. :$o1!IJiI;! b-aJl::J.l~s. d~'G'Iop tirD' IBY'~~ whirib, wcft. tb Er ~dy 1lUiC aad 'W (lel~1 ~~ .~~, gi\' {] geM d.ul uf a!p~:ll. Cir:!, teO't$)' 00. 't~~e o~'e'l:!I'!'(I,",!!:' keq~ !~~em (hil~ tit.


P'IILATIE .5.'7" 50rm'EIi ,n1!~f\e :st'udics (i!i~ bg!bme:&;

,R,_ membe''Jj lu keep' tit bdc'lge: of Ilb~ I1,ose 'tow iliifid co ,,',e Ol.nd - 'he hlj,'Q' 'np~tl~ :round :iOOiSlriJs ~Jfltw. 'W'io;e:~)' ~coo. 't,e': the l~'Jil;!r l~ (m;linl.d;a. w:t~l'I the h~lI),.. 1$ Jlot SI'IJ.mng~ Sc~; I!be. _ I!ln lfuIirl'y ]))"'0 md (I!tcfjh;n ~uncli aPd, wmll u~. ,K~ !the ilib~l;!!, high. :mill. [liilIl You will Y~i~9i]~)r' 'I,'I,"Snt·'lo :ad.d

'lJDit!)On wuh a 1ighlflg:ttti~ .



-~ -

J~ ..



P'[~A irE 5$ ,. T:he fou r, divbions of' dle"ifaee-tkirdll!:llnld f'aurfh "yea ~~ 001



, \



foA n: .u:: 0/ u; a,J t;~t


'~ u~ Umf!~~~'Nli} d~~t i!"1:Q bIan~liL 101 :i'lirt ~~:J! 'be:

IedJ.ACea: "~~TI1(;'!~~~.y ttl, ~ £i1Lntr:J:1l.dS! w:ithou;t ElMa:n:gb~ '~be '!,1Iel'f 34'~ dil~It m,];I.5t ~l mw ~t., '\Ve ,do,. IlJ"f '~~~i, slil~k 'w~ ,~ncl, fi1J~~, ltol iiiill, GI~(l, arndl ~~t ~nd, i~ o®rwC't~, Art; 'It~,\\~~r; ~'JDij)~ th~' 'iwtiGcaWD I~l ourrectll!~s$_, rut ~ mt a;I,w,@.y$' p,~rl"t:~'~UIT1l. '[[,.,et '~!i!i ~!,II.y f~~l ,(fLit :i~ fm'I:lf" ill, filT.1M ,t)l ~~r!~~i([ll!, ii;1~d full ~xl~'~~~lJlDJ 1000!1iiil(li1;: Jb~ limllittli[ 'ltv ~@rn~I1;1;la .. bU!~ Q'lfily g<l!11d:,~(] tilW.9M. :r~00li ;[J;I(t1i!I~~B1g. ;~ll~d: 'til'uHlI.. Afj]~i)~] ~iIJ~~(I!I~ !lla;$ ~~ p:rns~rltl~, (llld ~Ccoil\lJSe '~f ~h~~ it :Hi [!lIft. I'~ ~g oe~ '!Jj:pJJr :~,r;u' tm~flli a;s: ~. k.~.QW ~.t, liu,lI:t ~t :'ljt~y' 1IJ]r;:: trylh, ,,,¥ilk, ~. ~:;i!~r ~:m;~n.'ulfig ~s: ~itter k~n.(Jt\1O" flE~ '\i1lc ~~y :~It ~~oo~ ~wutl~ ~y ~p]ffi~~ti~ijl a'ndl. ~V\Gn b;)t ~lH)rottl!Utk_glJ: Irllino~' ,tru~h, :DG"tali[ 1I~~:;l:r '~ liI:uiti!l!;' t~Jtt :&Olt w.itliriild: :ri~~l, ,~~gfl~r1-' ~D\OG'- ,~o.c~ ,b~iJt' iYI ti[iJ oc¥~lii~w is: ~tt~'d, :pif'ttl mi.ntrt tm,~llill~ 'heut ,~J~' lli.litil~ &~gni:HiCtll!'tp~! BiU:'h. :bl'rofle 6:~ ,~$1i! :ii; lIeta.i!. ~I!IJt, 'We' :Dll:?t}' b~ I]~~ ~JDbel'it';g~d: ,~iIjj ~~~.iG' who'lt;: MII~[d~ 'I"llf~d i~~ ~. I!J~_ 'llmhglar ,GYI I't:..

JlI:i1 o[~MI1' eh5Jd~"~ Jgt, us ~ ,~I,_ii~~il ~, ~1t"Irul~b ~ 101,llii" f~'J~g WW,~])~" tb.~ iiJ'S bY':il!IJ~$ '41f OOifi~

> S-t~c~St.mr ~OO, ':a]ll\'r~,. th~ Ug!!t o:n a dliild'~ ~~~fi' m~'}!; !be: liJ~~ M ~::\'l,'it[~ll and ilil:tt,~g,uil!1g ,~~ ~bE: U~~t ~~ '~'l~ hUT~idr;:;. T1~' g~in~' ,(If ffliscll~.ef ':iMi, ~fuL12 eye· -o~ ,0, )'QI!I!II;:g, boY" maiV l!'1~~]' ~e vib$!t 'We :aH:'e *ii'!£JrJ1i,@~ [tl;IX~ than die [)~".f~~~t .::a:~at~]1'j1i-, ,t;tU ~nclful:JJ o.~ (hart e:y:e.

~ 'is ~,lSy '1:0 \oorunc ~lj) a.bs®i'bla: iD ~~I~~~~'Ii.-, !~ millt w,e flI,l(lS:S ·W~ '!,Il~~".11l~ t~~'1 'mlJ.'.Sit be 'onlitoo, :to '~1tIi ~pkfl~JL b¢C9ius:e 'reclmiqu.e I""~f.to~t ~pirril, i4 me~n~l~s~, Itlit £eeU:ng CLmOO,t '100 Q~v:¢}t~d 'w,itkQ!~Ft '~'ecl]ni(]llle :a;nd tbe kn~wl·· ~e '~d 'redmiqug.

EviOOi'y r,:!,iJe3, ,td every ihj':uvJ:J'Ii.g~ [lIf!l:lutji1l,g;, or &'Ui'y m'bn ~~~i,gn gf fo01lJ -sl~(luM. ~II a PGLyt oJ] ~ '~~i1ib~ de.s.igi1. 'lhe li~tl"s~ mu:l ml1ld.owsJ tlw ti~. the itJmm"~s ;11nrl mrn;terfu~s :may ~U, be


",oon~r.d)~ood as lIinllib :F;r;:O:1llI th€: iStil>1IItil~l11t ,aE Id,e.· ,~ign aTId M,r;R1.rt,g:enrt'Em~ M £ar-:a,w¥ oflre:rcqualil\f." ~1i, ~~wiilllg heads, me p;rutl:€m,of fh~ h!l~l", the t,ihiii(]. iDlW~ t:.15~ :U;rmn d~~ heftd~ ~rild the b'1l~ iiI: do-Mitng . aU agler ,oppr:wh.l!l]ity £01' 4esf~lll. Ti~~ hl,S'~ts: .9lldl

s.1!.aclew~: o~ '~l];e £~ce. i~'1"e!f er~t· dr;.~i,£Ii; ~ or b...'1dJ 'Wll~fh'Gr. ''IiI'e are e(I!Jl~'cl(l~;S, -0£ :l)~tlf." ~wt. 'l,be ~O:~e ~lLefid ~.8 it ,ete~ign {if JQ-lti(ftS ~lt~d to,~ ge~IfteiL'~ ,iilIocli n is i:1i[fJilU:tel0l)(oog of' rl\1!i~glil~ fJ!i'il'i..'-Ctio.rmlJly ,~, well' .a'S ;M~i!stiea~,ty"

r sp~: of ,~ll lhns se th2]~ w~ ,may !lll1il~~h '!lur ;su]bjec.t' 'w,ith, 11umJiilny alild ~fp"~lfi'CiLl~i~H. of. iJs: woru:1ets. To me :~l;el'C:is ~':J,Qtl~111g mll;!~ iOOa'!;!ltM'1I!!l Dr '~'On.dhllii.',ffillll :un it'h.e' 'Iror.']d th":im ,the ~IDLUl o.f ~~, .,5[tb~l c'h(ld. L](-e 11M, lleft no s::e.a~. "~, l:ll~~Si ~~

,an~ietr ,a,ud, f'ru~Jtmtiillin', .~~ :lis: th~ n'IJ:w ftQ'!&1e~ iIil!mftut"m.;g Ji-em '~e ~ud.~ ,fr.e.s'lli. aHd ,f¢:' 1~ SJliD~.~t Il'llnt®!ilclloo.

.I~ ~blll{lrcn, ,dn ~~,ot mO)!~ ~~~I lJt: h. ~mtilI!S ~ :m:tstaJk:e ~o' ,try 'b), ,dl',1:l,!/~ ~:11P.;f1fll'i. '¥w ~~m-Q't ilJIal!.¥ rnem eIFectiV>ely lrom too' g~~: aJll ~m~li~Mj (Jis!'nROe.> W!ri.eJb. j9y gws ~l' ,of .Y~UI; WOt-k~ .JJt ~ ~ll!t to bog d.~'IJ III Py~· t~lgtJJicantY'.

w~ ]-~~r[l'lili~~ ~hot ®l'iuib 0'£ my Q1;,ID work :milS ~n octneei1wd "iri~ ,d_¥a"!~(1lI1g ~h;Wren, ,1!1'1ltd, the 'mON' 1 d;Q U. d~.e 'm9Te, I fDml rn, ,emjo:y in ~~. '1: :f.ect tbJ9~: :~~, ~ a '",u~gl:lim.i~ (1(: £'3rrolmt~[Dg trn~h 01 ,,,,~Irltih. I ha.'o:'(! 'baf,~lly ,5()'J;alcluxl l,he rull',b.ooJi :3Jnd, '~~is> Oi:jiID~S aJl'Gf dn'w1rng am;] ~PlJnl1iliila8: pe:r-. :h)!]ipi ~m,l~il.d8< of lii~d;s ~' ,il(1M'~I:s. 'IDmWli'ii'iS: d'IJil~b,~ ill~~ ill "~a:st· ~[Jd -re1iJJmLvely 1LIIi1Iexploi~~ "fOmfif~(;i~'1 ,m~r.'*~t.. \Ve :nood. mow;; dHiJwil'~ Q(' dltnla)-,~ ~tld ~~er pb.oto,~J?~M~ both: jin _.I)dv~r~ U!::r-~g ,aUJd 'V!JL 'm]JI" w~~b. Th~ .flld Ir~~;Qt: ,clfru1'dJreJl ~ml(lit ~it· ,~till '~ed :nOl" di8eoj.~ji(:il'u. ,J('O'IL!. 'Yon 'eta~. '~~ :fmm, ,1ilo:tograp]lH~ arid ~I;m: r,[1iise 'thel '~UlJl:llt.,. of 'y~Ui? r:~llde.rirng hel~o~ It~ :pUI'If!JJ.~ l)J~oto,fJl:l"[mk ,dJemil to :li :iillli)m 'iIl1li~i~IJ~ e.xlJoI~:p.

, ~ 7 ~- ~I )l~,." ~


~,\ r, I ~~~-


...r:_ ,

,PillA T E ;5 91,. Pr,oporl1i:oJIl:5 'Qlf '~he liffie, b-o,l";~ h~gd

In itlJ(; -a'll :oo~, ~he iI!I,,' d~doW1lil ,l?r'~po:r.f:iODS' nre a'~fi'jj:t thE: 5\i1r!ll" ;;Ji , t'lu)gc' :in !~he iOld:er b;::illJy. :lInt: lI1Iu",' 11:1 e fi3ioe ls rot Jl:i,'!;\'> ·I,y 'naIIQII,\"!!::I",. <lorJruirll'lig ' .... ''d millsidil' ':hll:' s:q1;Ji!lf,@ ma~ the imnl: 'tIDW. l'tt '1'e5i ifippeffii ,slndler, beeause they do, :g~t G.'D~I and 'aJJ.t!l &~ ,dtle .• '~h~' e:JJO onlJ u,w: '~1'U1i j~'!lrg-e •. ,tLl'ft.:;m; eyes ~OJf "" ry )'Glmg: c~IMrernr. The 'jail' tlflJ1;d ,eMI'! 0:1 ~=te boy pLt:I:tili~d ~'OOv'e h~ve ,~arted (11 ~()'li;\ll m3.~M1g 'lh' thin more "~rn:i"lIn.~iIIL ~.he b.rJilJge i>f It:.hc nose ,res Jlti:~l:l\Glrl :rulltd :~~~oe nese is: II U.nl ' ,bf.g.~11;,. ,~~t l'QuClrRl!1ig t~t~ bQu'tm;, ,of: the' ':5~'Dd '~1.!!1Iur~ill" 'l1w ~ip$ ibr)'1iDdb ~be b!lIl~'unn ~~ of the ithll'ird qlK:I' t:cu,. .At ~, :f lirly ~li:ty ,!lg,e: full :td)ool( of b~it ;rtJ.WiS.. . n~l ae>Ll ·utli~t~' tb ' 1lnr, ~ ~n.lun 'btl' '~C[)S th~ ;b~ 'Iooiejn_g ;mImi !Oud, fcM~ '~:g Ithe Clj~eiJ.itess of the chUd. :iLI a c=hi,1ij hM c'!:1rly hUj momiL"ter ~I)IiJlct[Jl'!."1cS let 'mile ha m' grow lin~il, it b~giru 'ttll 'loci gmtes'Jlinf~ go liJE is; ''''feU to 'bmw wlllG:t.1li dU)l: ¢:nl;l'llhU!m :red,. is.

U fs b:wJ tOl' :Iln:t~c I~ys ito. !>I!ti: 5mh i'~ d;mWiflg t1-Rgm~ 3~: iI~ &:awfug h.1bi@.S. pr.nC:UQ ' :(~m pltotogrnphs llml dilllllIlgs. ,M'ot-e' tb."l:' Ill·, ear ls 1~IMi~ng liP' ~g tllte :b!rlrway" ,Ihu.'. ,U~t~o boyi 'Iteam .S'~ M G:(t" nd f.:tlT· bairik beeause tbc D~Ill':k. ii:S ~ma[l ,imid .'he, :Ill'!.'I!K:'Ies: ''K<l~ilclilJ a'U;:3.¢;~ ~1jI the bM'e Ic);f '~ $hll m n,~t yet ~ped.

_ot~OOI ,p:rnrti:iCllliat1, r~,at I~~ !Lii,(Ist[ '~s:, ~~~rve groWtl fL'Ild t'hs' IJp~' lip .Il,PpcaG:: to ~ somewl:d $lt!)J,it • T'b ~a1I:' gtoM C(lft-IdoJ;!lbli}· (llur,illg t'lMs .pe:ri.oo .1!,1'I~ the one. bieh follmv.'. I 'btl[erue I:he ear is fwty dr.:\;,"lo (I, 'by lim 'ttine ·t~iJ.e ddld, I till'n ilir; tWili'l~llt_ The JpilOO firml~ dh!; lfi:l!5E'l 1:0 the . ~~ ~ti11] ,ii~8r$ quit,"'l' wjde. l~ :[!fr,e (Muire Ilo.l'lg, The b~ilIr g,IJo'W ''I,ll I t,!,::' 'wen O,voef a:h~ ~':e:r.flJ;pJes.

P'lA;tE: 60.. P~porfc1Jl$ ,of. the I~~fftne gi'rll~s he~d

T.h~ :p:fO,~tiWM o,f d~c JIC'ad alr$ ~ti'~J, 'm~_£ srurm~ ~, Ilt~le girls; a D l:i:ttlt;: 00;r~ ,j~e girls ore c},)~{ll:¢rj~t]c-Wa~/. wider. M th~ 'i$}~ ,and the jtr'W :Elirwdl WflIJJ are oo1i.!illld\e;~" VCti}' i:Jt,~n '~,e ~ 01' I~~ U,fl~-J 'lid, hMdly ii.~w:-s ovgr tll 'eye~ AU ,tJ.Ii:.~ ,lieGs il)if. ,~~J.' are m-OOIly f{lo:U~.dcr ni g1rls. flO'l.-vIDg thi.i' 'b~~ )'O'"!J, m:n:'kiQi lI! lil:ffl'e :E:~ mQl"e' feulinim;c~ 'Moo""}, 'Of' sq~l':E£b mffriS Si~ a Utiie 'bo:1 ,9, Il~mll: rtj,gpd! I~k_ In ~fttl:e g~.18 fhs £-ma~a 'fnt~ ~:o be :higlJ..m' ~t an oorl eli' ,ag:1i:l thliQ, ill: hoyoS, S'o:me ilMdi{tf\lt.ioo c:liLia'r.L Il,-a;'t: ooe.r~tdh quahUiJ$ ill meot![!JUly dt.."'!O'CkI[;J< f~5tel in.gtr, I rthajIJ m. 1b0}'li~ I his' Illily ~C'- 001A1l1 ~IOO" 'tlu:l! b~g:ber~ w;C(l;~r-' :g!lliM~d. l ,Q_;}__itiliOt ~.r. :1 ~, :krrnil)'1;'" 'Elmt ,~ clQ$~r :haiirime mal{c~ i3. OOy ~ook moore l;iQ}'~. 'WhiI~' a ,Iars£f J(u,_bead :rTld,~ i!Ii ,lia;t[e girl, Too!k mDlil!J giriish; The I~tm. n~ of th~ h=;t·Ll'htdps ,CIle;;a1ly no dr.a,w'wg Uttfu :gitr~,.

'Cnre .sbould M tak~ :nM: to dtillW Itbe' mOi.'ii~1 '~DO' b:tp (In AI Uttle ,§E'f,'~,:S face, or 'h» bh~." 'This 0Blm. 'PJ~l5iIj)1 gl',,"<e·an ,ruh.ill '!tI~. !!lir' ,~ thea~LeiJI of· ,foo~ Do' pi 'MmtLt: in cb-jldr.eFll; The' n~:t~(: I.M":SnGGl: Is Hl1,lll1d and mmll ·itiJ propo~tW;ifiI Ito ~hS" 'he.ad_ The e-rilSI!E ladwc(:u a:lt13 lIil~k ;Rnd ji't~V' seldoon t1i:IIJM! uP'it1J thG ~l~ 'but 'fOin~ "bel1Jw n~ 0 is i~-'Idom i~rp·ly d En«1l, ''J'h" .rordlcad mR}1 IGSi1i~~,~~ p~I:r~td)e a little m' itb kI,p- 1'hl3 lilllni!}.~ ,g<l !ih~ filC~ are till, W!l!n roUD[I!td~ b,1.lIt to 'keep y.oUf' dMmn,g [TOm lo.t&jrrug to.o'Smooth IM"ldi :pbll!k!-gr.o:pM!:;~ yD'!.!I, ~1 Ii1i!h~:e :1 good ~ oE 'bICldrI!lll~ f:rrrto t:he l'inir, The itt is, 'mor.~ del~~te in ,i~, ~'!. r.Iii aiilld mt 'crnnss: up IIQ! itlt ~ h~lf~ wllT line. Th, hro.W$ -iih~~d, ~nw be ~p~ d.e:TI~til-.


PILA TIE 6,1 ,. Conts,~ro'd:~o(n of 't1fie, Iltfl,~e' bO)"Ii~ !head 1M:

PLATE 631. Stvdnes of: litt!e bQy$

~tiictim~ ~~~ ItghtiTIS: .o.:r mar lOOp' U~ting ,d:e.cti'oLre '~I], con'Iib.JnaHO:IfIi W]~ fl'(!rd l;lsht~n: :iliii. ~w:i_!t"g 1te.ad~ n~e' im;pgr!mJt thm~ is 'not ·to· LlII~ -;mil 11g'IM;s. to fiill on U~ ~J:!jie' ,SUJ~. bi:mu~e. this type.· of ligtnrng cUb tb M"N '~~, i!:rl~·c~~ ~hQdowlS. Build iip t'l1.e :I:m:k in 'bl!dl~b (on:m;.


Fi'LA n:: 65. MQ1i:e ~ift(l\e ,1:,01:5

As OH~ pro~ru; :iUi ,~c d ."Ilj'1.Ll'lS of CiJ:lllikm. he ilf:ooLi:i~, 1~~ ww~~, I:'lw disHnctl,\fC d)11QlC~ :l]!jiil pC!]s.ffl'ilnin~w" 'be illllr,b. CldldlleJl II'filI,liile'r as mODY ~~liin",gs :und ,emot[,gns as a,d,;uJb. M!.dI mud 1mIM't"i: ,ea,)" !;ind Q~\"io,uslIy,. ".lib W8J g:ro~;' older He k,3m:1!IJ 'r~ '~ (JUI' r-ooJ, CWtli!irhJ!lj~, !liO'lJfJdimt~ too d~l?'~'r. M,Od children 13m IrI.u~.ib mlOOfe 'nl~' tlteTID~\,,>i;!'~ ~h~JI ru:'»~J1tts; a lie.


P L4. fIE 6,6" NLo'J'\ie lillt~~ 'sir ':5'

I,t.!I::!l: m~ ". 'c, Io·~..... ,Ei. cllil.d."$i ~$' ioo in a, dfi~v'ill.g :U \'I.1\C! rom1D,

It Jb;s~ 'W'ith e.'1f[fU!j';" Tb~1:1' clY~ of ~(!:giom ~ Ii,ghmhtg' r~. ,;:md

:~.(!. g"bi"!d ml;l(lld be lil~!Io:".ed. I~Q; !Jj01~ ~]IJ ~P.J~iQoJjJ~


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