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Approved by : Jennifer V. Carpio

The Employee Job Evaluation is a valuable tool to assist management in determining the
performance of the employees. Employee assessment is necessary not only to highlight problem
areas that may require additional training or supervision, but also to provide positive feedback and
recognition to employees who are performing well.

The employee evaluation form can be a motivational tool if used constructively. It can also be used
to record verbal warnings for poor performance. Records of regular employee assessment are most
important should you be challenged for unfair dismissal for poor performance. It is also an
excellent tracking tool if used during a contractual, probationary and promotion period of

For effective management of employee performance the criteria on the employee evaluation form
must be compiled according to the job description.

A mark for unacceptable or poor performance on the employee evaluation form must be
accompanied by a comment and the assessment, must be done by the manager or supervisor of the

When it comes to rating an employee a number scale of 1 to 5 was used, where 5 is the top rating
and 1 as lowest. See the evaluation form below.

When the employee makes self-assessment or evaluation, it is important that he/she is honest..
Likewise, the department head should be also be honest and accurate, by checking the 201 file of
the employee to determine if there are offenses committed and making notes of an employee's
positive and negative performance.

Most problem is that a lot of new supervisors get into is inflating the ratings. What ends up
happening is that Average is no longer Average, and everyone becomes above average or excellent.
This makes your rating system and evaluation system useless.

When going over the evaluation with your employee make sure you set your expectations for the
following year. If you, or the employee, identify barriers to accomplishing those goals, make sure
you remove those barriers or remove the expectation. Finally ask the employee what you can do
to help them! You never know what they may ask for.

Employee Assessment

Employee Name: _________________ Department: ___________________________

Hired: Date/Position: _______________ Last Evaluation Date/Position ______________

Number Scale 1 2 3 4 5 Comments

Attendance 1 2 3 4 5 Comments

Number of absences, sick leave and occasional leave

Punctuality 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Arrival in accordance to Company Policy
Appearance 1 2 3 4 5 Comments

Presentable and in accordance with Company dress code

Attitude 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Positive, co-operative, enthusiastic
Productivity 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Time management, meeting deadlines
Work Quality 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Thorough, accurate, consistent
Creativity 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Displays initiative, assumes responsibility, problem solving
Work Place 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Care of Company equipment, tools, stock
Team Work 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Considerate, willingness to help, respectful
Skills 1 2 3 4 5 Comments
Knowledge of systems, products, machinery

Overall Performance (Employee) Total Points: Percentage:

Overall Performance (Dept Head) Total Points: Percentage:


1. The employee will make a self assessment on his/her job performance by encircling the number
of the scale and make comments (blue mark)
2. The department head will likewise indicate the number scale and make comments in key areas
below (red mark)
3. The number scale and it’s equivalent percentage are as follows:
 5 Excellent - 90% Consistently fulfills and exceeds duties with very little to no errors,
and requires little to no supervision
 4 Very Good - 85% Consistently fulfills duties with very few errors and requires
very little supervision
 3 Good – 80% Frequently fulfills duties few errors and requires a moderate amount of
 2 Below Average - 70% Fulfills duties makes several errors and requires a large
amount of supervision. This employee needs retraining to become competent
 1 Unsatisfactory - 65% the employee makes a large amount of errors and needs constant
supervision. This employee is very close to failing and will need to be placed on a
performance improvement plan. At a minimum will need significant training to become
4. Comments in the overall performance should be evaluated as follows, the employee and
department head should make a general comment and use additional sheet if necessary for
individual key result areas/responsibility
 Strength/Weaknesses
 Areas of Improvement
 Plan of Action

Rated by/Date

Department Head

Acknowledgement by Employee:

The contents of this assessment have been discussed with me and I have received a copy thereof.
My signature does not imply agreement or disagreement with this review. My comments are as

Signature: _____________________
Date: _____________________

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