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ME142L / C39


Ganatuin, Marvy Chris V.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2019
SEPTEMBER 27, 2019
Performance Test of Shell and Tube type Heat Exchanger in Parallel Flow Arrangement
This activity will come up with the determination of temperature difference in heat exchanger
this also intended to gain the knowledge of the students about the use and operating
components of a shell and tube type heat exchanger in parallel flow arrangement the graphs of
hot and cold water temperature were made for better visualization. The computation for heat
transfer of cold water to hot water were made and the LMTD of each test are collected.
Shell and Tube type Heat exchangers are one of the most popular types of heat exchangers due
to the flexibility the designer must allow for a wide range of pressures and temperatures. As the
name implies, this type of heat exchanger consists of a shell (a large pressure vessel) with a
bundle of tubes inside it. One fluid runs through the tubes, and another fluid flows over the
tubes (through the shell) to transfer heat between the two fluids.
Heat exchangers have several applications which can range from power generation, HVAC, Air
Processing and compressor cooling.
Parallel flow arrangement is where the shell side and tube side fluids flow in the same
direction. With parallel flow, the wall temperatures of the heat exchanger will be more uniform
than with other flow patterns.

 To learn the operation of a shell and tube type heat exchanger

 To determine the heat transfer in counter-flow setting
 To graph temperature condition of the system

 Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger

 Hydraulic Bench

1. Setup the apparatus and make sure that the system is in parallel-flow condition.
2. Check that the heating tank is filled with water above the level switch.
3. Switch on the pump and the resistor.
4. Set the tank temperature to 45 °C (ST-16)
5. Fix the hot water flow at 2 L/min (SC1) and adjust the cold-water flow until
stationary operation conditions are met.
6. Write down the temperature measurements (ST1 to ST7)
7. Increase the tank temperature to 50 °C (ST16), and write down the temperature
measurements (ST1 to ST7).
8. Repeat process with an increment of 5 °C until the tank temperature reaches 60 °C,
write down temperature measurements (ST1 to ST7) for each increment.
Table 1: Temperature Measurements Gathered

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4

ST-16 (°C) 45 50 55 60
ST-1 (°C) 44 48 53 58
ST-2 (°C) 42 45 49 53
ST-3 (°C) 36 36 37 37
ST-4 (°C) 40 41 43 45
ST-5 (°C) 41 42 45 49
ST-6 (°C) 41 42 46 50
ST-7 (°C) 31 42 45 49
SC-1 (L/min) 2 2 2 2
SC-2 (L/min) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Calculation Sample in test 1

Let Cp = 4.187 kj/kg K, AH = 0.0126 m2
Q = 2 L/min = 0.00003333 m3/s
@TH,i = 44 °C, TH,o = 42°C , ρ = 990.59 kg/m3 (from steam tables)
mH = ρQ = (990.59 kg/m3) (0.00003333 m3/s) = 0.033 kg/s
qH = mHCpH(TH,i – TH,0) = (0.033 kg/s) (4.187 kJ/kgK) (44 – 42) K
qH = 0.28 kW
@ Tc,I = 36, Tc,0 = 41, ρ = 991.87 kg/m3 (from steam tables)
mc = (991.87 kg/m3) (0.00003333 m3/s) = 0.00744 m3/s
qc = mcCpc(Tc,i – Tc,0) = (0.00744 m3/s) (4.187 kJ/kg K) (36 – 41) K
qc = -0.16 kW
qL = qc – qH = -0.16 kW – 0.28 kW
qL = -0.44 kW
ΔT1 = TH,I – Tc,0 = 44– 42 = 2 °C
ΔT2 = TC,o – Tc,I = 41– 36 = 5 °C
𝛥𝑇1 − 𝛥𝑇2 2 − (5)
𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷 = = = 3.27 𝐾
𝛥𝑇1 2
𝑙𝑛 (𝛥𝑇2) ln ( )

Table 2: Computed Data


Qn (kW) 0.28 0.41 0.55 0.69
Qc (kW) -0.16 -0.19 -0.25 -0.37
Qt (kW) -0.44 -0.6 -0.8 -1.06
LMTD (K) 3.27 6.49 8.66 10.25
U 6.59 5.01 5.04 5.34


Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchangers are one of the most popular types of heat exchangers due
to the flexibility of the designer has to be allowed for a wider range of pressure and
temperature as the name implies, this type of heat exchanger consists of a shell (a large
pressure vessel) with a bundle of tubes inside it. One fluid runs through the tubes, and another
fluid flows over the tubes (through the shell) to transfer heat between the two fluids.
Heat exchangers have a number of applications which could range from Power Generation,
HVAC, Air Processing and Compressor Cooling.

the activity shows the operation regarding to shell and tube type heat exchanger the students collected
the temperatures of the hot and cold water the temperature. The temperature of the cold water must
be approaching the hot water temperature then there are no errors about the process of the activity
based on the data most of the tests had the same temperature with the difference of 1 °C.


 http://www.thermopedia.com/content/1121/
 http://www.wcrhx.com/plate-heat-exchangers
 Klahm, T., & Stephan, D. (2012), How plate and shell heat exchanger works. Retrieved
from: http://www.process-worldwide.com/how-plateandshell-heat-exchangers-work-a-
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_and_tube_heat_exchanger
 https://www.engineersedge.com/heat_transfer/parallel_counter_flow_designs.html

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