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'rUE 05: 32 Pi-; R1U NG BURKHEAD NITCER FAX NO. 785 843 0181 p
l' n9

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~ )fr;re.,...,mC"l:i~'-_~'~~'IfoimmI_ 11~~" -:m~Wte iNN 1GMru _" __ '_I.'/~ i~~~
II)~l{'l b.HUt,;r~L§e~W'
$04(; SW ;::~n{. SUITE F

'OPEK..,\ KS {)6Ij 14-2302

re'l!p~.'nl~ ("'~5) 27~,2266 I)t (785) Zi~.1219

Fax {7'l?5j :rn..99?~

Ban,- M(i'(Jr~ CSO n

'.,.:T' .. !",
Coort Sen'ke.r;
Third JUQicialDist:dct Cwrt
200 SE 7th, SW:t~ 164
Topeka, K$ 666(13
Cl..Tr£ ~'


As y(}U lU'e aware.. MA. Rk-banison bud b~ referred to He.artled ClinieaJ Cl)n~u.I:trulf$ for
o;omptetiOil 01' a ""pi)'d1ological u~menj'" amd pW~mf:iif In our "~tm'~ E~a1
MmlsgementlVioietlct Ittte~tio:n" l'realtmeat P'TIgraM. l'hefoUowmgiDfo:rm.s1iU,D 'WiIJ provide
you l'tith an update reilvant i.a this fudividlta.Pii '- .~t pi.u ud pl'~ U} da~

Court StatuS! Dh'orce/lisitHtion: issues. 1

Pi;l.;~cal ~... .aie.fil: L&-ry L J1uey~ l.SCSW

Intltke lnre"i~w:
October 6~ 1999

18 gnmp tlIenipylfin: (5) mtlliiaal~, ~

---'--- .-~.-- .. --... -. _. -~~---~,-~----------~.---

" Dev '-.»l.OU Status.: - Low to toodetalelnon-~icated.

t Mental Health SU!tu~: ~ Consistently fQrly good

-"':::-=IIi'£·;-X"EJ...:;:~~;= -~~~~~=~iro';;:~=~i:;TIllOO==_.===;;C:===
'" SuiCldallHQiDic.idal Ideation: - Nom: reponect or D!.Ired.

'" AloohaIll)tug UQas,e: )- None admitted since st.a:rtiDg tr$jllllim1.

* VI0!('InOOlTbYeaf RWc (stWolhm): Cuttenti;-low.

'i' ~,~: -~;tairself~'~
-'I< fudication of Sexual Violent. or .
<,)thenl1se ~1e~baviOrS;~ None reported or ~

'I' Cli.en1 rapnCl"J .for Treatntmt; ~ Self~pa-y orJy. .

'" N.tedicaYou Pro~~ . - N{)D.e ~dtid.

'* PDYsica' l~~s: • NothiIl.g mevillt.

l'bt.r~ Upnne$.tW

Tlus indi'llldual bas been fitirly active sim:e inialre, ~y w:iUing to improve his peISODal ~wt

ab:ilit::1e&!effons. demal ~. ~~17'eatmantlCoun~.


Client appeal'S t ' h i s current UeatJ:!te1rt p;rooes$. Client \\ill OOtltinue ~ng

~ 'IlI-ith ~eaz ~ons and r- ences imm Court.

&.?J1TMJ'OJ;. .:3!nsJ!:,u(D.lXWL:rA~ J!BQ~?lC: !i:"Bi~

• 1Il.;i;'f'i0l.lal' ~~" Family;' Group Z ~~ "'·hy~aaJ T~. c~ M01IIiuA''iA&'' C~ COMU'l\in£ ..
- . -._ ." """,., "Y,,1t ,,0 ~_ .... __ ,..... __ ''If

FAX NO, 785 843 0161 P,lO

None yet attended.

October 7, 1999 Attwded
October l4, 1999 Attend(:d

Nciflfitii,;mhilll~:9Md6~ti~noti~;P~ri~Dced ~b~ ~~ u fiored ~ve.

~":;,;,:~'(; 'r,,,

MCQ~.nQNS~ l)~. ,,' COflriD.liatioiVoompletion ofcurrent treatment prot!;lllrrt.

2) "'::." '~ lnunwte CQUfi sanf;tiOns shmlld client not foll(}w
,'treatment/Court req,uirCll1Cll!.S.
:;)~Continue f(JCUsing on ctenial ane ' ~wir.g self as a "'1,.'1' ,." "
4~C(}ntinue rt:o$t:roctunng. Client} ~ tIi i:aking pro(;(""S5eS,
5) 1-1aint.ai.n consistent iU11~time employment.
6) Improw; Clicml'$ &elf..a~'8r~ Qf"rel~' S}'l1ip1.oms.
::;, 7J~Conti:n"ed abstinence of alcohol and t)tilel' drugs.
\", ., 8) Maintain appr.opriate res.itkntial exnironmeni.
··I,.:i'9h Full payment oftreatmenl bUI.

"'-"'j~J.I~u't';'~~J,l'I: :on'i'a.i;;Qed to YOUI' office Of! a frc.:qucnt Of ~ ~ basis. Please feel free to eonUi.ct me
ally ~ns. a1tdior ~ any .titnher ~00l.

I.art')' L. Huey, LSCS,,"


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