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Grammar Assignment for Week 7

Number Unit Exercises

1 2 1. Listen to sentences in Part A, B and C-Page 14
2. Translate into Indonesia. Sentences di Part B-Page 14
3. Write Question Exercise 2.3 –Page 15
4. Write Question Exercise 2.4- Page 15
2 6 1. Listen to sentences in Part A, B and C-Page 22
2. Tranlaste into Indonesia. Sentences di Part A-Page 22
3. Write Negative Exercise 6.1 –Page 23
4. Put the verb into the correct , positive or negative Exercise 6.5 -
Page 23
3 14 1. Listen to sentences in Part B -Page 38
2. Tranlaste into Indonesia. Sentences di Part B-Page 38
3. Put the verb into the past continuoes or past simple; Exercise 14.2 –
Page 39
Room C-101 Score of Speaking
Class Manajemen Malam I/A Monologue REMIDI
1 Bayu Indra 55 REMIDI
2 Rangga Adi Pratama 50 REMIDI
3 Wiwik Dwi N 68
4 M Alfian MM 70
5 Makh Fudiyah 70
6 Mochammad Sirojudin 66
7 Khoirun Nisa 76
8 M Sholikhin 76
9 Rizki Haryo Absen
10 Angga Dendi A 74
11 Mohammad Fatkhur Absen
12 Achmad Rama K 80
13 Prastika Wardani 75
14 Teguh Putra Absen
15 Muhammad Thorik Azis 76
16 Muhammad Coiru Roji 66
17 Ani Lailah R 76
18 Aulah Lisunatin 80
19 Dedi Arif Darmawan 68
20 Lukman Sarif 50 REMIDI
21 Moh Azis 80
22 M Aditya P 80
23 Puji Febrianti 75
24 Iin Nurul F.S 74
25 Luluk Habibba 78
26 Rina Rizkiyati 75
27 Wakhidatun K 70
28 Rati Ambarwati absen
29 Dian Permana 78
30 Ashmad Rizal 85
31 Fajar Maulana absen
32 Inge Glotia Putri absen
33 Willis Prayuda absen

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