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Medical costs erode nurses' small pa$

Ey Jovic Yee House Bill No. 3478, which sets a Even Health Secretary Fran- primary health care as local
@jovicyeelNQ minimum monthly salary of cisco Duque III supports calls for governments can tailor-fit thelt
P3o,ooo for nurses in both public renationalization, after medical programs to the needs of thf
For more than a decade, Bryan, and piivate hospitals. practitioners have observed community. i
a nurse, had been taking care of The bill runs in line with the over the years how health pro- But this has not been the casf
patients whg had the means to supreme Court ruling lastwr-6ek, grams and services become over the last two decades due td
be confined almost indefinitely which affirmed that govern- "compromised" when local offi- priority and funding probibms. i
in q private hospital. ment nurses are entitled to a cials do notgive them priority. This was the gap that Duqut
IJut when members of his monthly pay of up to P3o,ooo, Under RA 7160, the Local said the Universal Health Cart
fanrily fell ill, Bryan was hard- or about the maximum pay of covernment Code (LGC), the (UHC) Act sought to close by in.
prcssed to find ways of paying Salary Grade 15, according to delivery and promotion of troducing the health car€
for their hospitalization. the Philipplne Nursing Act of health services are devolved to provider network system.
In fact, he is tied for the next 2oo2 (RepublicAct No. 9173). provincial and local officials. Yet in the UHC'S implement'
two years to the Manila hospital In their explanatory note, "we need to review the Lo- ing rules and regulations, mu'
he is working for as he pays in Makabayan bloc lawmakers cal Government Code and see nicipal and component cities
installment the remaining said increasing the salary of what its impacts are after I28l still "retain their existing funct
Pso,ooo bill for one of his two nurses was "long overdue." The years. We need to do an assess- tions over their respectiv€
chiltlren who is coping with a lawmakers include Bayan Muna NURSES'PLIGHT Nursing graduates take their oath as new ment. Did it do good in the health facilities and personnel,'
kidrcy illness. Representatives Ferdinand professional nurses. Most nurtured hopes of high pay in the health outcomes of our peo- as provided by the LGC.
Ol the totalPgo,ooo bill, Gaite, Carlos Isagani Zarate and profession when they took up the course. -tNQurR€R Fl!E PHoro ple?" Duque said. What this means is that th€
abolrt l)4o,ooo was shouldered Eufemia Cullamat, ACT Teach- "This is to me the time. If provincial health board that will
by liryirr's employer as part of ers Rep. France Castro, Gabriela there's an indication to rena- be created for the UHC will ont,
his bcncl'il.s. Rep. Arlene Brosas and Ka- had been one of the reasons the inside." tionalize, Iet's renationalize," he have "superyision, not control'
With just a monthly income bataan Rep. SarahJane Elago. why they sought work opportu- "One time, there was [an ap- added. over health facilities, services
of a little over P21,ooo, Bryan Another lawmaker, Sen. Clrr- nities abroad. plicantl who only had a year of Duque pointed out thatifed- and personnel.
said he couldn't afford to have thia Vi ar, said in a mdio inter- The rates are competitive in experience, yet was given a per- ucation wasn't devolved to the Local officials can also opl
any of his family offour get sick. view on Sunday that the Depart- Southeast Asia alone. Thailand manent position even if there local governments,- the more not to pool their resources tc
"We're lucky that one of our ment of Health (DOH), in accor pays its nurses a minimum were Iothers with more experi- health serviccs should notbe. the special health fund for th{
belcfits is that when someone dance with the Supreme Court Ps5,93o. The starting sa13ry in ence]," she said. lle said there could be better province. But if they decide sol
in t hc family gets sick, we are ruling, could tap its "unpro- Malaysia is P82,ooo. Singapore Joy accepted a job order, as manngemcttt of heilltll centers, they would also be "required td
ablc to set the payment terms in grammed accounts" for tlre man- offers its nurses nearly P112,ooo- the work offer is called, at a ter- esp('cially whcn it (:orrcs to im provide counterpart funding''
th| lrospital. Without that, get- dated pay for government nurses. Bryan said that even with tiary government hospital for a rllluizatir)ll, il' h(',rlllr services for their area.
if rhd r hlw Lirlarv u,,',,, rh,' nf tho For now nrrrscs likp Brven
House Bill No. 3478, which sets a Even Health Secretary Fran- primary heatth care as locz
By Jovic Yee
cisco Duque III supports calls for governments can tailor-fit thej
(DjovicyeelNQ minimum monthly salary of
P3o,ooo for nurses in both public renationalization, after medical prograins to the needs of th
For more than a decade, Bryan, and piivate hospitals. practitioners have observed community.
arurse, had been taking care of The bill runs in line with the over the years how health pro- But this has notbeen the cas
grams and sewices become over the'last two decades due t
p tients whg had the means to Supreme Court ruling lastweek,
which affirmed that govern- "compromised" when Iocal offi- priority and fu nding Problems.
bc confined almost indefinitely
ment nurses are entitled to a cials do not give them priority. This was the gap that Duqu
ir a private hospital.
llut when members of his monthly pay of uP to P3o,ooo, Under RA 7160, the Local said the Universal Health Car
covernment Code (LGC), the (UHC) Act sought to close bY ir
larrrily felt iU, Bryan was hard- or about the maximum PaY ot
prcssed to find ways of paying Salary Grade 15, aacording to detivery and promotion of troducing the health car
the Philippine Nursing Act of health services are devolved to provider network system.
[or t lleir hospitalization.
lD fact, he is tied for the next 2oo2 (Republic Act No. 9173). provt[ial and local officials. Yet in the UHC'S implemenl
In their explanatory note, "we need to review the Lo- ing rules and regulations, mt
two years to the Manila hosPital
hc is working for as he pays in Makabayan bloc lawmakers cal Government Code and see nicipal and component citi€
inslallment the remaining said increasing the salary of what its impacts are after I28l still "retain their existing fun(
Pqo,ooo bill for one of his two nurses was "long overdue." The years. we need to do an assess- tions over their respecti!
children who is coping with a lawmakers include Bayan Muna NURSES'PLIGHT Nursing graduates take their oath as new ment. Did it do good in the health facilities and personirel
ki(lIlcy illness. Representatives Ferdinand professional nurses. Most nurtured hopes of high pay in the health outcomes of our peo- as provided by the LGC.

of the total Pgo,ooo bill, Gaite, Carlos lsagani Zarate and profession when they took up the course. FILE PHoro ple?" Duque said. What this means is that th
Eufemia Cullamat, ACT Teach- "This is to me the time. If provincial health board that wi
alx)ut P4o,ooo was shouldered
ers Rep. France Castro, Gabriela there's an indication to rena- be created for the UHc will onl
by llryan's employer as Part of
Rep. Arlene Brosas and Ka- had been one of the reasons the inside." tionalize, let's renationalize," he have "supervision, not contro
lr is l)enefits.
why they sought work oPPornr- "One fime, there was {an ap- added. over health facilities. servic(
With just a monthly income bataan Rep. SarahJane Elago.
ifed- and personnel.
ol little over P2looo, Bryan Another lawmaker, Sen. Cyn- nities abroad. plicantl who only had a year of Duque pointed out that
sirirl he couldn't afford to have thia Viilar, said in a Iadio inter- The rates are competitive in experience, yet was given a per- rrcation wasn't devolved to the Local officials can also otr
any of his family of four get sick. view on Sunday that the DepaLt- Southeast Asia alone. Thailand manent position even if there local governments, the more not to pool their resources t
"We're lucky that one of our ment of Health (DOH), in accor- pays its nurses a minimum were lothers with more experi- health services should notbe. the special health fund for th
dance with tlle Supreme Court P55,93o. The starting salary in encel," she said. He said there could be better provincd. But if they decide sr
bcncfits is that when someone
ruling, could tap its "unpro- Malaysia is Ps2,ooo. Singapore Joy accepted a job order, as management of health centers, they would also be "requAed t
irr the family gets sick, we are
in grammed accoutts" for the man- offers its nurses nearly Puz,ooo. the work offer is called, at a ter- especially when it qomes to im- provide counterpart fundint
al)lc to set the payment terms
thc hospital. Without that, get- dated paY for government nurses. Bryan said that even with tiary government hospital for a munization, if health seryices for their area.
tilll sick would really be a bur- the prospect of higher PaY, he year, even if the monthly salary were the responsibility of the For now, nurses like Brya
was only P8,ooo-barely half of national government. andJoy hope that as the goverl
dcn. This wasn't what I envi- Pay in SoutheastAsia already gave up his goal of go-
si0rrcd when I took up nursing, When Bryan started his ca- ing abroad since in the two in- the lowest possibld mandated if you
"Because right now ment aims to provide bett(
whcn there was a promise of reer in 2oo9, he had a monthly stances he did so, "something salaryfor nurses of P19,845-be- would meddle, you would be health services to the public,
high pay lin the profession]," salary of P8,ooo. Of the original bad happens." Case in point was cause her previous employer, a told that it's no longer your juris- wouldn't forget to look after th
private hospital, paid her only diction," the heatth chief said. welfare of the people who ar
s:ri(l Lhc a3-year-old. 4o in his group, only two opted his mother's stroke.
to stay in the hospital where He would have wanted to about P6,ooo. delivering these programs.
work in a government hospital, Devolution "We should also be givenpr
Minimum monthly pay they started.
To his knowledge, the mini- where he saidthe pay was a little 'Let's renationalize' In a devolved public health ority. Right now it feels like $
Just a few years ago, Bryan
better. But landing a permanent Nurses' organization Fil- care system, the DOH Procures are not being given imPortan(
hird to ask two of his younger mum PaY now at that hosPital is
siblings to pool their money for around P12,ooo,just a little above post wasn't easy if You didn't ipino Nurses United said there medicines and vaccines, but lo- even if we're t}Ie ftontliner
have the dght connections. should be a "renationalization" cal officials are the ones respon- They have a lot of budget for tt
thc medical costs oftheir moth- the minimum wage of P1184.
er who twice suffered a stroke. Should the minimum pay be According to Joy, a nurse in of trealth services, especially siblE for distribution of these to things they.want, so it's imposs
1'his is why he is pinning his raised to P3o,ooo, he said that Bicol, "lt's really hard to get a since the current devolved sys- the people. ble that they don't have tt
hopes on President Duterte's pri- this may somehow encourage permanent position, especially tem had already led to the fDevolrrtion should've also funds for us," Bryan said. -wn
oritizing the Makabayan bloc's nursds to stay on, as low PaY ifyou donlt know anybody from "politicization of health." resJted in better delivery of A NEPORT FROM MARLON RAMOS IN


FAg€ - Abl

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