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news 3

DICT urued: "You, of all PeoPle, being a former

.qrmJ cobnel, irnderstand- ihe danger
i., oir national security of havrng com-
No pemits munications facilities Partly owned .Dy
foreisnert in this case, the chine-se' rnslqe
iir"""*it," Rodriguez, told Honasan'
for telco towers who nodded his head'
'"'il;[;; R"; tuis CamPos Jr'' w]ro
defended the DICl reo nts
in camps ;ili"":*1ilit"'l';m'3:3*,f lui:l
liiir^i"iiii.i ." security would
By JESS DIAZ tre adequately addressed'
"- ;ii.-t"-'*iit not be a breach of security
as lons as the DICT and the Natronal
The DePartment of Information and are
co-J-t"n-iJio"s Technology (DICT) i"t""o'-^u"i.utions Commissionsaid'
should not issue permits for the transmrs-
.' 'niia""tto- thii laer)," CamPos
some senators
"tiJ"r towers of the
sion third telecommunlca-
io*J*v (telco) if these would be fr.""""*"i"tt"a .o"c6rn over the implica-
i-.ia. camps, Cagayan de Oro "- of'the AFP-Dito
i-liJ i"t".o- is the third governrnent-
n"r.it nodiiguez iaid yesterday i
towers and ' *aiwodd c6mpete with
"'Thbv cannot allow ".#aitJ'i"i-
oth"i tou" uuil t inside camps of the i"J"tt* si-tt Philippine Long Distance
Teleoh6ndCo.-Smart Commx nicahons
Forces of the Philippines (A'hl') be-
Armed"s-J"ti ^
' cause that will violate the-Constitutior!"
a'i;6;Til,il6 Piovide the Publ ic

a former law dean' faster mobile phone and intemet seruces'

said Rodriguez,
"-'oici -s"%i*"w ptJtia"nfi al spokesman Salva-
Gregorio Honasar, he
duriig budget debates -dorJanelo'said he received a text message
adJed, has noteci b"tense secretary Delfin Lorenzana
ilnil'A;; of RePresiniativ-es thattelco the
i-h-"i the tattet was no{ aware of the AFP-
ier€;ent between &re A FP and third b!?.1*t*-Ltt iigned by chief of staff
-' rJ".o- *o.rtd run agahst the Charter
Gen. BEniamin Madrigal'
[;a;;"t cited Ardcie 2, Sectioni of ""i-;;";;;;ht;r sai"d he was out of the
th" .or#tty't basic Iaw which provides countrv on official business'
that the AF? "is the protector of the peoPle ""H;'."ie L; i"quired from Madrigal
and the state "
-- ;;r-tt"
noa of ttt" military is to secure the and was told that the agreement was on
itti""ui. ttit .fice, an"d that he would
of the state ahd the integrity taking any action'
".r.rerei#w .crutir{ize it before
the riat6nal territory' The deal allow- "-'ili rl1"-".t aid noi;itwill with sen'
ins Dito Telecom to esfablish its facilities
in3ide militarv camps will violate our nuiJ necto, who said, "If this deal man can

national securi't'7 and bndanger our sover- iir li"irtnitn under lhe nose of the then
lt it tt unconsiitutional and ;A;;-;ibl"t"; ;rr nation's defense' our of
sh"ouid not be".6fore
allowed," he said ii."it.t "n"* the vuJnerability
Durine the recent House debales on borders from intruders "
rh. o.oo"osed P5.2-billion DICT budget th" possible security imPli
iot iuit'u"ut, Honasan agreed with Ro- cations attached to the deal should nave
f"""-.L"t"a at the highest.level'
a*ri"""t itiui'to.uting 40"percent of the "*'ii'rr. i.*"t.first that thesE could morph
ioders of the China-o-wned Dito Telecom and
irtii" ari' camps would go against the i.to'"-U"ia"a listening devjces'
i'f-r^i tf'" o-G.t tike letti"ng an electronic
Constitution. However, there was no
tJt"-*t from Honasan that he +;;;i'[;;fii. " .ur camPi,party
should have
i'5"iJl* tf'".o"struction of towers and
"=*ii.it i.-Jn s"bie.ted to third
other facilities in military camps' studv" he added.

\' r(qe+g'

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