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Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesli

Finance Division, Miliistry of Finance

Admiliistration & Coordination Wilig
Training Section

No. 07.00.0000. (Part-1 )-295 Date: 06 October 2019

Government Order

The iindersiglied is directed to coiivey tlie Goverliment's approval of`the following 08 (Eiglit) officials
to pallicipate ill the ti.aiiiiiig course on `lnnovative Fiiiaiicial IIistrumelits foI. Infrastructiire Finaiicilig:
E,\perience fi.om tlie Eiii.ope (Belgium & Fraiice)' orgaiiized by the lnvestmeiit Proliiotioli aiid Fiiiaiiciiig
Facility 11 (IPFF-II) Project, Baiigladesh Bank to be held from 03 to 09 November 2019 or nearest suitable
date (excluding transit period) in Belgium & France uiider the terms and conditioiis described in Para 02:

S.L no. Participants of PPP Authority

I. Mr. Md. !Taruque Ahmc;`d4 Directc>r Genei.al` PPP Au{htjrity;
2. Mr. Mcl. Rohiul Alam, Dir€ctorq PPP Authorit\;:
Participants or F-i-riance Division
3. Ms. Rownak Jahan, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division;
4. Ms. Fowzia Rahman, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division;
5. Mr. Md. Touhidul Islam, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division;
Participants of IPFF-II Pro.iect, Bangladesh Bank
6. Mr. Rathin Kumar Paul, Deputy General Maiiager & Deputy Project Director;
17. Mr. Malick Tanvir Ahmed, Joint Director, IPFF-II Project, Bangladesh Bank;
8. Mr. Md. Golam Kibrea, Assistant Director, IPFF-II Project, Bangladesh Bank.
02. Terms and coiiditions:
a. While on visittheywill betreated as oil duty;
b. They will draw their pay and allowaiices in local currency. No part of it should be drawli in
foreigii currency;
c. All expenses regarding this visit will be borlle by the IPFF-II Project, Bangladesll Ballk;
d. They will iiot be allowed to stay abroad iiiore tliali the approved period;
e. They will have to siibmit a repoll in the Feedback Form to the Secl.etary of tlie Finalice Division
aild the Training Section of the Miliistry of Public Administratioii (in prescribed foi.in) witliiii 05

(five) workiiig days of their return and

f. They will leave Dhaka for Abroad on 02 November 2019 or nearest suitable date and return to
Dllaka on 10 November 2019 or iiearest suitable date.

03. This order is issued witli the appi.oval oftlie appropriate autllority.

(Md. Riiliul Aiiiin Mollick)
Assistaiit Secretary
Phoiie:02-95 76018

No. 07.00.0000.190.25 .029.19 (Part-I )-295 Date: 06 October 2019

CoDv for kind information and necessary action (Not according to seniority):

1. Goverlior, Baligladesh Balik, Dliaka.

2. Secretai.y` Miliistry of` Public Administration, Bangladesli Secretariat, Dhaka.
3. Additional Secretal.y (Administration & EM), Fiiiance Divisioli.
4. Additional Secretary, Budget Wing-I/2, Fiiiaiice Division.
5. Directoi. Geiieral (Colisulal.), Miiiistl.y of Foreigii Af`fairs, Dliaka (with a request to issue liote verbal).
6. Director Geiieral, Immigration and Passpoils, Agargaon, Dhaka.
7. Project Dii.ectoi.` IPFF-ll Project, Bangladesh Bank, Dhaka.
8. Ps to secretai.y` Filiance Divisioli.

D \FD-190 (Tt`a See)-201 t)\(`IO-201 t) (locx

9. Director, Hazrat shahjalal lntemational Airport, Dhaka.
10. General Manager, Foreign Exchange Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank, Dhaka.
I I. Senior Systems Analyst, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance (With a request to upload in Finance
Division's website).
12. Senior Assistant Secretary, Administration-3, Finance Division.
13. Office Copy.

ParticiDants (Not according to senioritv):

1. Mr. Md. Faruque Ahmed, Director General, PPP Authority.

2. Mr. Md. Robiul Alam, Director, PPP Authority.
3. Ms. Rownak Jahan, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division.
4. Ms. Fowzia Rahman, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division.
5. Mr. Md. Touhidul Islam, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division.
6. Mr. Rathin Kumar Paul, Deputy General Manager & Deputy Project Director.
7. Mr. Malick Tanvir Ahmed, Joint Director, IPFF-II Project, Bangladesh Bank.
8. Mr. Md. Golam Kibrea, Assistant Director, IPFF-II Project, Bangladesh Bank.

Assistant Secretary

D \1-D-I 9() (TI a Scc)-2019 \GO-2() 19 docx

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