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lThe Presidentl

did not ask him

to resign, but
just to take a
TUESDAY / Oc"roBER 15,2019
WWW.INQUIRERNET terminal leave


redrement, but Bayan Muna officers Police Brig. Gen. Bernard aflegedly seiz€d ano llysstigaliol.
chair Neri Colmenares said on Banac said this was the first then sold parts of a large haul Albiyalde relinquishing
Monday that Albayalde should time a PNP chief had gone on of shabu in November zor3, his.-posi is not a pass for hiri
not be reappointed ro a terminal leave- when he was the police chief of to ikip the Senite inquiry,
ment office.
And becauslb.., he had at- the province. ,.1
Gordon said.
think the peo-
"Aibayalde should not ready stepped down, Alba- Beniamin Magalong. a for-
ple will not aliow them to go
be al- merchiefofpoliceforcriminal unpunished. Thar.s why rie
lowed just to cool down an.t yalde may no longer be given
investigation a4d now mayor blue ribbon
then be appointed to some
retirement honors, which had. [committeel will
been scheduled for Oct. 29, 91.
B"gyi. City. testified rhar conrinue the investigaiion,"
Julcy post. He must be held ac_ Banac said. Albayalde prorecred the oifi- hesaid.
countable for his actions,,, cers from disririssal, while
Col_ A "simple" turnover cere Senate Minoritv Leader
menares said. Rudy Lacadin, Magalong's for-
mony was held on Monday, Franklin Drilon said Albayalde
ACT Teachers Rep. franie with Interior Secretary Eduar- mer deputy, told ihe Senate in-
casEo also said holding cn_ quiry that Albayalde admitted
coutd stiu be held liable for his
do . ARo overseeing the as actions even after stepping
called ninja .opa receiving 'Just a little" from the
sumpdon of Police Lt. Gen. down.
"..oun"t"bl" drug haul.
should not stop with their re- Archie Gamboa, the pNp
signation. deputy chief for operations, as Albayalde has vehemently ,Not closure'
officer in charge. denied the allegariorls. and Sen. Risa Hontiveros said
"If the President is serious
Just before Albayalde an- warned the witnesses that he Albayalde leaving his post ear_
against corruption and ge- will take legal action against tywas,,not closuie.,,
nuinely aims to rid his admi- nounced his decision, Sen.
nistration of illegal activities, Christopher "Bong" Go said them. "Rather, this is an impor-
the police general went on ter- tant development in the peo-
-the buck should not stop witt, minal leave on Mr. Duterte,s Enough evidence ple,s quesr for truth. juitice
ceneral Albayalde and it advice. --
ln hls speech on Monday, and accounrability," Hon_
should not stop with his resig- "[The President] did nor ask Albayalde insisted on his inno- tiveros said in a statement.
nation," Castrc said. him to resign, butjust to take a cence. saying ihe allegations of Milirant lawmakers on
. Sen. Richard Gordon on Mon- terminal leave," said Go, Mr. the.witnesses "were apparent- Monday said Albayalde,s deci
day said it would be a',nation- Duterte's former longtime aide. ly inspired by the publicity sion to step down was inten_
al disappointment" if presi- Go said Mr. Duterte re- ilhat hadl accompanied rhe ded ro conrain the fallout from
dent Duterte allowed former layed his advice to Albayalde SenaleinlestiRarion. rheSenateinvestigarion.
Philippine National police through Ano during a meeting But Gordon, chair of the
chief Oscar Albayalde to go between the President and s"."i" ui'" iiol"''."--r,,". - iTr"ff;:i
scot-free despite damaging the home affairs chief early that is investigating the Scan- ""J%:,ry:l,i
early departure was iniended
evidence linking him to ,,recy- on Saturtlay. dal, on Monday said the in- to hide the cracks in Mr.
cling" confiscated drugs, an al-
.. : quiry had gathered enough evi- Duterte,s
war on drugs.
dence to promprl4r. Duterte to ,.They
Iegation that has put in ques-. No baggage are tryinf to mini_
tion the government's antinar- He said Aflo and Albayalde order lhe Department ot Jus- m12s fhe aamage ttr"at Generit
cotics campaign. I met on Saturday afternoon, tice to bring complaints Albavalde,s involvement had
Amid allegations of pio- and on Sunday, Albayalde sent against Albaydlde ald the 13 done. which is why he was lei
tecting policemen accused of a letter to Malacanang infor- politemen
Ar ldr as ..
go earlier. Malacanang officia.ls
selling a huge haul of seized ming the Palace that he was . I m concerned, may have talked to Albayalde
"shabu" (crystal meth), Albay- going on terminal leave until this is a good opportunity for over the weekend for him to
alde stepped down on Mon- his retirement on Nov.8. the Presideltt to make a clean resign and .take one for the
day, three weeks ahead of his The senatoi said the presi- breast of_ ir all and to show 1s3m,,as they say,,,Gaite said
retirement. dent had not lost trust in Alj that he doesn't protect any- inastatement.
-Ee -jus- ,isanis ttie one, even uniformed person-
"After careful.thought and -ayaldE. He noted that Albayalde had
deliberation, I have come to. PNP to buckle down to work nel, when it comes to the is- Sgsn adamant aboui staying
the decision to relinquish my without having any baggage to sue of corruption," Gordon until his Nov. g retirement.
post as chief PNP effective to- carry," Go said. said.
day and gd on nonduty status. But in his speech on Mon- Aske d whar wourd happen n",: ff i:'"?JJt;ff Hf ff":l:
Since I arit retiring compulso- day,. Albayalde said he in- if Albayalde would not be in- inygsligllion has further ex,
formed ARo of his decision to
-- - -.. wno- outt i*llnJ5ll
rily on Nov. 8, this will pave 9:..1:g,l,ltg,!:. posed ihe bosus character of
step down during their discus- olllclals wnue lacrne the
""-^'--;"' :
drug war of President
the way for the appointment l-'-
corruD on cnarses. uordon _
of my replacement," he said in sion over the weekend of the :ir,"i Duterte,"cairesaid. _REpoRrs
a speech during a flag-raising Senate investigation of the pil- ,"ia, ;;ii';;; #;;i
ceremony at PNp headquar- fering of seized drugs by rogue disappointment." FRoM MARLoN RAMos, Jovrc yEE,
policemen, who sell these back "lf the people accept this, LEIIA B. SALAVERRIA, JUTIE M. AURE-
ters in Camp Crame, euezon
on the black market. then it's on all of us. If the Pre- Lro, vrNCENT caBREza, lB nrplno
His early departure came sident accepts this, then it's his REUTETS INQ
Terminal lea?e
"Nonduty status" is the
days after two former police
officials implicated him in a
fault," he added.
Gordon said Albayalde's \ Taulr )o^e€q
equivalent in the PNP of ter- departure would not stop his
raid in Pampanga in which 13
minal leave committee from pursuing its

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