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Diploamte 2018  Africa’s economic prospects

 Yemen's war: ‘The human rights  real business of Beijing

situation is really critical.’
diplomat – July to September 2019
 AT A CROSSROADS Russia in the
 The refugee crisis: ‘[We should]
Global Economy
stabilize the hotspots so people can
 Kenyan natural resources ripe for go back to their homes’
 HOMSA provides dignity to aboriginal
 Drivers and deficits in the Caribbean school children

 Securing food in uncertain times  Mongolia's GDP and trade rise

 Africa: Unable to feed itself  Preparing for a summer of terror

 China’s Red Sea ambitions  Promoting women in science, math,

technology and engineering
 In defence of the liberal world order
Diplomat oct-dec 2019
 Autumn and winter activities: The
lesser-known gems  Territorial disputes abound

Diplomat January to march  The most concerning piece is the

trade war between China and the U.S.’
 Danger to democracy
 PINKK fosters female leaders in
 Mass migration biggest challenge for
 Disputed territories
 Afghansitan trade
 The next potential oil crisis -iran
 On;ine threat to democracy
 Iran’s tumultuous history
 Russia more of the same in 2019

 Outlook for asia 2019

Economist April may
 Inequality
Communication breakdown
 Women ruled the world
Executive privileges -Usa
Diplomate April – June
Trump v the troika of tyranny
 Right To Play: Opening doors to
education Terrorism in Sri Lanka Bloody Sunday

 Algeria: A gateway for Europe and the The green light

Middle East
Seeds of suspicion – china
 The world's best national debt
Why China wants a mighty navy
The economy -any job will do
 What happens in Syria now?
Middle East & Africa
 Who fills the vacuum? – us withdarw
from Afghanistan 18TH MAY TO 24
A new kind of cold war – China and US

Education policy Class struggle


Climate change


Russia in the Middle East Putin’s road to


I spy – china

America is still ahead, but China is catching up

fast – Technology

A contest for the ages

US-China trade Fighting words

11 may to 17 may

Collision course – tension between iran and


Peace in the Middle East

Middle East & Africa

Science & technology

Redesigning life

Great wheels of China

Fighting poverty in India - The war on penury

Jews among Arabs - Old ties, new interest

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