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KM- agic

The Blair Witch Trick
Copyright ©2002 KM-agic
All Rights Reserved

Effect: The performer and the spectator each take a set of five matching

(i.e. You have the JS,2H,9D,AC,KH and the spectator has ,


The spectator is asked to think of any card , when he/she has done this , the
performer places one of his cards face down on the table and the spectator
is asked to do the same with the card that he was thinking of. This goes on
until all ten cards have been dealt in a line on the table. The performer
reminds the spec. about the Blair Witch seemed to know things that
seemed. The cards are turned over to reveal that they all match and are in
the same order.

Comments 1: This trick can be done with no sleights but if you can
manage a simple false shuffle then it makes the effect 3x times
better. The trick is based around , not your fingers , but the

Preparation: Take any five (Or four) cards from the deck.
Now go through and find the cards that match the first
ones (eg. JS + JC). Separate them out into two piles of
five/four and set the rest of the deck aside. You are
now ready to perform.

Performance: I would strongly advise you to use this

effect in mentalism only. You may , of course , use it
in whatever routines you like but I prefere to use it
as a fake psychic trick because it hides the fact that
what you are doing is really a trick. When I go up to
the spectator I usually say something along the lines
of : "Have you ever heard of the Blair Witch? It was a
witch who could know things that no one else could know
and I am going to show you an example". This often gets
them excited and wondering about how you are going to
do this. That speech will also mean that they will be
trying very hard for you NOT to manipulate them , which
means they will be paying less attention to the
obvious way that you are performing this amazing

Secret: The secret is so simple that once I give away the

basic strategy then you can probably figure out for
yourself how it is done. However , I will still explain
in as much detail as possible.

Phase 1: We will now say that you have both piles of

four/five (We will use 5 in this explanation) cards in
front of you , face-down. Pick up one pile and pretend
to be making sure that you got the right cards.
Actually , put them in a special order that is easy to
remember (Yes , the packs are arranged in a special
order. Its that simple!). Place these cards , face down
to your left. These will be the spectators cards. Now
pick up your pile and arrange it in EXACTLY THE SAME
ORDER AS THE SPECTATORS PACK. Place this pile face-up
to your right.

Of course , this could all be done as from the

beginning but I prefer to make it totally impromptu
with a borrowed deck. The next phase is the shuffling.
I have explained , briefly , a very , VERY , VERY easy
false shuffle in which you can use. Of course , you
don't have to but I feel that it makes the effect seem
even more impossible.

Shuffle Phase: As I have already said , this false shuffle is extremely easy
but needs to be done with a certain air of being casual. Just do it while
explaining to your audience what you are going to do. Hold the spectators cards
- face-down - in your right hand , by the short edge , between you thumb and
forefinger. Thumb off the first card into your left hand. Do this with the next
card. Now place the other three of top of the two cards in your left hand. Take
the cards back into the right hand and do this shuffle again but this time
thumbing off the first THREE cards and placing the last two BEHIND the
three. Take the cards , once again , back into the right hand. Thumb off the top
three cards into your other hand and place the last 2 cards on TOP. This puts
the pack in the exact same order as you started with.

Phase 2: Hand the cards that you just (apparently)

shuffled to the spectator and tell him/her to spread
them out in his/her hands so he/she can see all the
faces. At this point , if the spectator does anything
funny with the cards , stop him by saying something
along the lines of , "Yeah that's right , spread them
out in front of you so as you can see ALL the faces of
the cards" Just gently stopping them from moving the
cards around. You have now stopped them shuffling the
cards by a little bit of subtle suggestion.

Spread you’re cards in your hands in exactly the same

way. It is very simple to place down the same cards as
him/her just by looking which card his/her fingers are
heading towards , and placing down your card before
they do. By the end of the trick , all of the cards
should all be laid out in two rows. Then just flip them
over one at a time. And so there you have it , an
amazing effect based on a simple routine.

Comments 2: Nothing really much else to say apart from I would

STRONGLY advise this trick to be done in conversion with a
mentalism effect seeing as it will give off a much harder vibe to
your audience and the spectator. Apart from that...ENJOY!


Effect: This is exactly what is says in the title.

You borrow a pencil/pen/paperclip/needle and hand it round for

inspection. You lift up your arm and seemingly push the pencil right
through your arm. You show the the pencil has indeed gone through your
arm and they can touch it. The magician then pulls it visually right out and
his arm is still in tact. The pencil is then handed round again.



Comments 1: This trick can be done with no sleights but if you can
manage a simple bit of squeezing your skin then you can really , really ,
freak out all of your spectators.

Preparation: Okay , you will need some rubber cement.

In England this is Copydex® (You can buy this in
hardware stores). Take some Copydex and paint it on
your arm about two inches from the elbow. Wait for
it to dry clear. Do not touch it because it is
sticky. Now you are ready.

Patter: “Have you every heard of self-hypnosis? It’s a

form of hypnosis to yourself…der! Well , you can use
self hypnosis to encourage yourself not to feel pain.
I will show you what I mean. Pass me that pencil over
there. Now this is a real pencil is it not? Yes ,
watch closely and I will show you something pretty
gross. Watch , see I can push it all the way through
my arm. Ouch! Have a look…touch it! I shall pull it
out now. Here goes , OOOOWWW! There it is , right out.
My arm is fine”

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