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This Chapter will discuss the research framework and procedures of the

researchers in designing to Arduino Based Quadcopter for Aerial Photography.

Research Design/Method

In the field of engineering most of the studies are focused on the design and

development of modern technology in solving the needs and problem of businesses or

individuals. In conducting the study the proponents has applied engineering planning

and design type of approach to make this type of research. The following steps were

done: preliminary design stage, development stage and testing stage.

Stages in the design and development

Preliminary Planning Stage

In this stage this is where the researchers gather information from different web

articles or books to have a wide knowledge in building quadcopters. Also, this is where

the proponents figuring out the recent problem of a business or individual to conduct a

research on its significance. In this case the researches could understand main problem

and will formulate a solution to solve and help the individuals or businesses in the field

of photography. Also, it is important to researchers to know the equipments and devices

to provide validation of the study. The proponents also conducted an interviewer with a

business owner.
Design Stage

This stage covers in making the complete design of the project together with the

concepts which is based on the information conducted from the related literature and

related studies. The proponents computed of the right size dc motors and propeller for

the drone to function. The proponents consider the physical size of the device, the

materials to be used, estimated cost, and the structural design and weight in making the

Arduino Based Quadcopter for Aerial Photography.

Development Stage

The development stage is where the proponent focuses on all the ideas gathered

in the project. There are two parts in this stage which are the hardware and software

development. First, the proponents will use their own quadcopter frame and then attach

the parts on their respective places. After assembling the drone, the proponents will

now write the line of code for the microcontroller. Lastly, the functionality of the drone

will be examined for future changes and development. Right after that the testing stage

will follow.

Testing Stage

In this stage the proponents conducted the testing and analysis of the prototype

with the application of the prepared research to gather accurate results on final output of

the research. As the final step, new information was gathered to draw a conclusion in

the required objective.

This stage covers in making the complete design of the project together with the

concepts which is based on the information conducted from the related literature and

related studies. The proponents consider the physical size of the device, the materials

to be used, estimated cost, and the structural design and weight in making the Arduino

Based Quadcopter for Aerial Photography.

The development stage is where the proponent focuses on all the ideas gathered

in the project. There are two parts in this stage which are the hardware and software

development. All of the materials, processes and concepts conducted from the design

stage that supports in assembling/making the device and the writing of lines of codes for

the microcontroller. Lastly, all the functionality of the system will be examined for the

future changes needed for the development of the device.

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