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* Contains numerator and denominator Ratio

* Mixed, proper and improper * Relationship between 2 or more like
* Part of a whole quantities/units
* A:B, A is to B (A and B are called the terms of
1. Mixed Fraction – integer and a fraction; ex. 1 * Can be expressed as fraction (A:B = A/B)
and ½ or -1 and ½ Rate
2. Proper Fraction – numerator < denominator; * A ratio with different quantities/units
ex. ½
3. Improper Fraction – numerator > Proportion
denominator; ex. 7/2 * Equality of two ratios
* A:B = C:D can be written as A/B = C/D where
DECIMAL NUMBERS B and C are the means and A and D are the
* Numbers whose whole number are fraction extremes
part is separated by a point * Product of the means is equal to the product
* The number after the decimal point is always of the extremes
less than one
TYPES OF DECIMAL NUMBERS 1. Direct Proportion – a variable y is said to be
1. Terminating Decimal Numbers – has directly proportional to a variable x if y=kx;
limit/exact; ex. ½ = 1.5 where k is not equal to 0.
2. Non-terminating Decimal Number – no limits 2. Inverse/Indirect Proportion – a variable y is
a. Repeating decimal numbers – 1/3 = said to be inversely proportional to a variable x
0.333333333333… if y=k/x; where k is not equal to 0.
b. Nonrepeating Decimal Number – 𝜋 = 3. Partitive Proportion – partition of a whole into
3.141592654 more than two parts based on given ratios.


12,547.293278 Round Off Round Up Mark-on – difference between the selling price
Tenths 12,547.3 12,547.3 and the cost of an item.
Hundreds 12,500 12,647 Selling price – amount at which the product is
Hundredths 12,547.29 12,547.3 to be sold.
Thousands 13,000 13,000 Cost – actual price that the product was
bought from a manufacturer or wholesaler.
PERCENTS Markup – increase in the original selling price.
*% Mark Down – reduction in the original price.
* Numbers referring to a part of hundred
APPLICATION OF FRACTIONS, DECIMALS AND * Amount deducted from the selling price os a
PERCENTAGES product or service
Definition of Terms: * Difference with mark-on: kapag may
Base (B) – total number of entities/objects in a discount, hindi dapat bababa sa cost (greater
population then cost) you still have profit
Rate (r) – percentage or fraction of
entities/objects in a population TYPES OF DISCOUNT
Part (p) – actual number of entities/objects 1. Trade Discount – discount offered by a
exhibit the same characteristics manufacturer or wholesaler to encourage.
Applied on the list price or price tag.
2. Cash Discount – it is a cash discount to
persuade customers to pay in cash
immediately or within a specific time. Applied
on the net price.

* Net Price – the value at which a product or a

service is sold after all taxes and other costs are
added and all discounts subtracted.
* List Price – the list price is the price that buyers
pay for your product or service without any
* Supply chain – the movement of materials as
they flow from their source to the customer.
Manufacturer – Distributors – Wholesaler –
Retailer – Consumer

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