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Definition of terms: - joined by psychologist John Mayer in

developing the theory about emotional
a. Feelings – an awareness by your intelligence.
body of something in it or on it.
- Salovey identified that there are five
b. Emotions – a strong feeling domains of emotional intelligence namely:
c. Mood – a conscious state of mind or
 Knowing one’s emotion or self –
predominant emotion.
 Managing emotions
 Motivating oneself
Neurological Basis for Emotions:
 Recognizing emotions in others
a. Hypothalamus  Handling relationship
a. Organizing groups
b. Amygdala b. Negotiating solutions
c. Limbic system c. Personal connection
d. Social analysis
c. Robert Plutchik
The different kinds of emotions:
- theorized that emotions are multi-
- Anger dimensional or having various intensities
- Sadness identified as:
- Fear
- Enjoyment - adoration
- Love - ecstasy
- Surprise - anticipation
- Disgust - rage
- disgust
- Shame - grief
- Anger - surprise
- Sadness - fear
- Fear
- Enjoyment
- Love
- Surprise
- Disgust
- Shame
Theories about Emotions
a. Daniel Goleman
- Goleman believes that EQ is more
important than IQ.
- He further studied about the EQ.
- Formulated that there are eight main
families of emotions (listed above)
Emotional intelligence is important because
b. Peter Salovey it affects:
- Primary studied about the EQ and its a. Physical and mental health
importance in daily life. b. Work performance
c. Relationships

Source: Santos, R. (2016) Personal

Development Sampaloc, Manila: Rex

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