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Definition - A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing.

(परिभाषा -
किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु िा बोध ििाने वाले नाम िो संज्ञा िहते है ।). We can say
nouns are the basic building blocks of sentences. The more nouns you know in a language,
the better you will be able to communicate your ideas.
There are mainly five types of Noun:

संज्ञा िे मुख्यता पााँ च प्रिाि होते हैं :

1. Common Noun (जाकतवाचि संज्ञा):

A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or
kind. (General things)
Examples: king, book, girl, boy, table, chair etc.
(a) Ravi is a foolish man.
(b) Sheela is a beautiful girl.
(c) Cathy loves the weekends in the country.
(d) We enjoy swimming after breakfast.
(e) The cup fell and broke.

2. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचि संज्ञा):

A Proper Noun is the name of some particular person, place or thing. (Particular things)
Examples: Agra, The New York Times, Sita, Google etc.
(a) Google is a very popular search engine.
(b) Agra is one of the famous cities of India known for tourism.
(c) Emily loved spending time with her Aunt Nancy in Paris.
(d) Buick and Jeep are two important carmakers.
(e) We visited Lake Erie, which separates the United States and Canada

3. Collective Noun (समूहवाचि/समुदायवाचि संज्ञा):

A Collective Noun is the name of a number of persons or things taken together and spoken
as one whole.
Examples: committee, government, police, class, assembly, family etc.
(a) The committee was one on this point.
(b) Please pay my regards to your family.
(c) The team threw confetti when it was over.
(e) Steve buys the band some sandwiches.
(f) Meredith told the class she was getting married.

4. Abstract Noun (भाववाचि संज्ञा):

An Abstract Noun is the name of quality, action or state considered apart from the object to
which it belongs.
Quality - honesty, wisdom, bravery
Action - laughter, theft, judgement
State - childhood, youth, sleep, death
(a) The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery.
(b) We all love honesty.

5. Material Noun (द्रव्यवाचि संज्ञा):

A Material is the name of material or substance which are used to made things.
Examples: silver, gold, iron, cotton, diamond, plastic etc.
(a) Gold is an expensive metal.
(b) Plastic is used to make containers of different shape.
Rule 1. िुछ Nouns िे एिवचन (Singular) औि बहुवचन (Plural) में सामान रूप िहते हैं

Examples: swine, deer, sheep etc. Click here to see more examples

(a) The sheep is grazing. (यहााँ एि भेड़ है )

(b) Many sheep are grazing in the park. (यहााँ िई सािी भेड़ें हैं )

Rule 2. यकद hundred, thousand, dozen से पहले संख्या (number) होती है , तो 's' नहीं लगाते
है ।
(a) I bought four dozen bananas.
(b) My mother gave me two hundred dollars.

यकद इससे पहले संख्या (number) नहीं होती है , तो Plural बनाने िे कलए 's' लगाते है तथा
'of ' िा प्रयोग ििते है ।
(a) Hundreds of monkeys gathered there.
(b) Thousands of euros were spent.

Rule 3. िुछ Nouns दे खने में Singular लगते हैं पिन्तु meaning में Plural होते हैं ।
Examples: police, military, public etc. Click here to see more examples
(a) The police have arrested the thief.
(b) The people of Singapore are rich.

Rule 4. िुछ Nouns िेवल Singular में प्रयोग होते हैं उनिा Plural नहीं होता हैं ।
Examples: hair, bread, alphabet, mischief, poetry etc. Click here to see more examples
(a) The old furniture was disposed of.
(b) Her information was wrong.
उपयुुि शब्ों िा Plural िुछ इस तिह बनाते हैं : articles of furniture, loaves of bread,
pieces of information etc.

Rule 5. यकद Collective Noun से समूह िा बोध हो, तो Singular Verb िा प्रयोग ििते है
औि यकद अलग-अलग लोगों िा बोध हो, तो Plural Verb िा प्रयोग ििते है ।
Examples: Jury, Government, Committee etc.
(a) The committee was one on this point.
(b) The committee were divided on one point.

Rule 6. िुछ Nouns दे खने में Plural लगते हैं पिन्तु meaning में Singular होते हैं ।
Examples: Physics, news, Mathematics etc. Click here to see more examples
(a) Physics is an interesting subject.
(b) The news of his failure is not true.

Rule 7. िुछ Nouns िेवल Plural में प्रयोग होते हैं ।

Examples: tongs, alms, trousers, thanks, scissors etc. Click here to see more examples
(a) Alms are given to the beggars.
(b) Her scissors were very blunt.

Rule 8. िुछ Nouns में बीमारियो िे नाम जैसे - measles, mumps, rabies तथा खेलों िे
नाम जैसे - cards, darts, billiards, draughts, gymnastics, athletics etc. िा प्रयोग Singular
में ही होता हैं ।
(a) Billiards is easier than snooker.
(b) Mumps is an infectious disease.

Rule 9. Abstract औि Material Nouns िा Plural नहीं बनता, ये Singular form में ही प्रयोग
होते हैं ।
Examples: kindness, tin, copper, iron, wheat, milk, water, silver, gold etc.
(a) Wheat is grown in India in larger quantity.
(b) This house is made of brick and stone.
Rule 10. Newspapers, some countries औि books िे नाम दे खने में Plural लगते हैं लेकिन
meaning में Singular होते हैं ।
(a) The New York Times has won more prizes than any other news organization.
(b) The United States of America has made great progress in science.
(c) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a famous novel.

Rule 11. Means, Wages, Pains etc Nouns प्रयोग िे अनुसाि Singular या Plural होते हैं ।
(a) Her wages are five hundred rupees per day.
(b) The wages of sin is more than death.

Rule 12. Word िा Singular तथा Plural में प्रयोग:


Singular: ('प्रकतज्ञा' या 'वचन' िे अथु में)

She did not keep her word.

Plural: ('शब्' िे अथु में)

There are three words in this sentence.

Rule 13. Brother, cloth, fish िा Plural में दो अलग-अलग अथु में प्रयोग:

(a) All brothers are living in peace. (Brothers - एि ही माता-कपता िे पु त्र)

(b) We are all brethren. (Brethren - एि ही समाज िे सदस्य)


(a) There are various cloths in the shop. (Cloths - कबना कसले िपड़े या थान)

(b) We wear warm clothes in the winter. (Clothes - कसले हुए िपड़े या पोशािे)

(a) I had fish in the lunch. (Fish - एि समूह में)

(b) There were five fishes in the pond. (Fishes - अलग-अलग रूप में)

Rule 14. िोई Noun किसी Compound word में Adjective िा िाम ििें तो वह हमेशा
Singular में प्रयोग होगी ।
Examples: A four-year old child, A three-mile walk, A hundred-rupee note etc.
(a) My father gave me a hundred-rupee note.

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