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Std- XI - Web Application – 2019 -2020

Chapter 2 : Digital Content Creation – Adding Styles to Web Pages

Section 1 – Basics About HTML

I. Fill in the Blanks : (One Mark)
1. Word Processors like Microsoft Word should be avoided
2. The markup tags tells the web browser how to display the page
3. <samp> is the tag used for defining the sample computer code
4. Character tags like <strong> and <em> produce the same physical display as <b>
and <i> but are more uniformly supported across different browsers.
5. HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language
6. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
7. FTP – File Transfer Protocol
8. IP – Internet Protocol
9. URL – Uniform Resource Locator
10. WWW – World Wide Web
11. RGB – Red Green Blue
12. CMYK – Cyan Magneta Yellow Black

II. 2 Marks Q&A

1. What is an HTML file ?
The documents themselves are plain text files with special ‘tags’ or codes that a web
browser uses to interpret and display information on your computer screen.
2. What are the pre requisites to learn the basics of HTML ?
We need a text editor such as Notepad and an Internet Browser such as Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
3. What is a tag ?
Tag are set of instruction which tells the browser to display the document on the
screen .
4. What is the use of comment tag ? or What is the tag for making a comment ?
The comment tag is used to insert a comment in the HTML source code. A comment
tag can be placed anywhere in the document and the browser will ignore everything
inside the brackets.
General Syntax : <!—Comment -->
<!—This is a comment Statement -->
We can use comments to write notes to yourself.
5. What is the difference between <p> tag and <br> tag ?
Paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag. It starts the paragraph in a new line
<p> Paragraphs Starts
<br> also called as single line break tag used to break the document and brings to the
next line
Eg.. <p> The comment tag is used to insert a comment in the <br> HTML source
6. Write down the syntax to define background colour in a web page
General syntax :
<head><title> Background Colour </title></head>
<body bgcolor = “blue”>
bgcolor is the attribute which defines the background colour for the web page.
The value of this attribute can be a hexadecimal number, an RGB value, or a color
<body bgcolor = “#00ffaa”>
<body bgcolor = “rgb(0,0,0)”>
<body bgcolor = “blue”>
7. List out any three popular web browers ?
a. Internet Explorer
b. Netscape Navigator
c. Google Chrome
8. Define different types of heading tag available in HTML ?
Headings are defined with the heading tags . There are six heading tags <h1> to <h6>
<h1> defines the largest heading while <h6> defines the smallest.
<h1> Emerald Valley Public School </h1>
<h2> Emerald Valley Public School </h2>
<h3> Emerald Valley Public School </h3>
<h4> Emerald Valley Public School </h4>
<h5> Emerald Valley Public School </h5>
<h6> Emerald Valley Public School </h6>
9. Write down the procedure to view the source code in the browser window ?
To view the source code for the web page, in your browser window,
Select View  and select Source.
10. What is the tag to insert a single line break ?
To insert a single line break <br> tag is used
11. What is head tag ?What is body tag ?
Head Tag is used to give the header information of the browser window.
12. What is the use of <hr> tag ?
The <hr> element is used for horizontal rule that act as dividers between sections.
<hr width = 50% align = “center”>
III. 3 Marks Q & A
1. How to insert an image in a web page ?
The <img> tag is used to display an image on a web page. We need to use the src
attribute (src – stands for source). The value of the src attriute is the URL of the image
you want to display on your page.

The syntax of defining an image is

<img src = “foldername/filename” width = “px” height “px” alt = “Some Text”>

src – attribute to define the drive,folder name and filename with extension

width – to define the width of the image in the web page

height – to define the height of the image in the web page

alt – to display an alternate text when the mouse is moved on the image.

Eg …<html>
<head><title> Background Colour </title></head>
<img src = “clouds.jpg” width = “50” height = “50” alt = “Picture of clouds”>

2. What are the attribute associated with image tag

<img src = “foldername/filename” width = “px” height “px” alt = “Some Text”>
src – attribute to define the drive,folder name and filename with extension
width – to define the width of the image in the web page
height – to define the height of the image in the web page
alt – to display an alternate text when the mouse is moved on the image.

3. What is an Anchor Tag ? List the attribute available in Anchor Tag ?

HTML uses the <a> anchor tag to create a link to another document or web page.
An anchor tag can point to any resource on the web page
that means, a) an HTML page b) an image c) a sound file d) a movie etc
General Syntax :
<a href = “url”> Text to be displayed </a>
href - defines hypertext reference file used to tell the address of the document or page
we are linking to, and the words between the open and close of the anchor tage will be
displayed as a hyperlink.
<a href = http://www.google.co.in> Visit Google Page </a>
It display Visit Google Page in blue color and underline
Target Attribute : We can define where the linked document will be opened. By
default the link will open in the current window.
If we want to open the web page in a new browser window
<a href = http://www.google.co.in target =”_blank”> Visit Google Page </a>
4. Explain the font tag with its attribute ?
The font tag is used to display the text in different font style, size and color
General Syntax :
<font face = font name size = px color = rgb colors> Text </font>
face – this attribute is used to define the different fonts for the text
size – this attribute is used to define the different size for the text
color – this attribute is used to define the color for the text
<font face = “Times New Roman” size = “25” color = “#AF00CD”>EVPS </font>
5. List out some of logical tags ?

Tag Description
<abbr> Defines an abbreviation
<acronym> Defines an acronym
<address> Defines an address element
<cite> Defines citation
<code> Defines computer code text
<blockquote> Defines a long quotation
<del> Defines text
<dfn> Defines a definition term
<em> Defines emphasized text
<ins> Defines inserted text
<kbd> Defines keyboard text
<pre> Defines preformatted text
<q> Defines short quotation
<samp> Defines sample computer code
<strong> Defines strong text
<var> Defines a variable

IV. 5 Marks Q & A

1.Write down the general syntax of HTML Language ? Give an Example

General syntax :
<title>HTML </title>

The HTML general syntax consists of basic components like

<html> -- The first tag in your html document. This tag tells your browser that this is the
/html> To start and end the program informs the browser.

Head Section : <head> …. </head> The text between the head tag is header information.

<title>….</title> The text between the tile tag is the title of the web document

Body Section :

The text between the <body> tags is the text that will be displayed in your browser

2. Explain the table tag with its attribute ? Give an Example

The table tag is used to distribute the data in a table form.

General Syntax :

<table width = “50%” cellspacing=10 cellpadding = 10 border = 5>




Start table tag informs the browser to start the table.

Width attribute define the width of the table to be displayed in the web page

Cellspacing – It defines the space between the two cells inside the table

Cellpadding – It define the space between the content and margins inside the cell

Border – It defines the border width of the table in the web page

<th>.....</th> - To define the table heading

<td> .... <./td> - To define the table data inside the cell

<tr>,,,,</tr> - To define the row of a table

Attribute for the above tag are

align - to align the content inside the cell – center, left, right or justify

bgcolor – to fill the color inside the cell for the content

Example :

<table width = “50%” cellspacing = 10 cellpadding = 10 border = 10>

<th> Day <./th>

<th> 1</th>

<th> 2 <./th>

<th> 3 </th>

<th> 4 <./th>

<th> 5 </th>

<th> 6 <./th>

<th> 7</th>

<th> 8 </th>



<td> Monday </td>

<td> Eng </td>

<td> Math </td>

<td> Phy </td>

<td> Phy </td>

<td> Chem </td>

<td> Games </td>

<td> AS <./td>

<td> AS </td>



4. Explain the List tag available in HTML Language ?

List tag is used to display the text in bulleted list or numbered list.

Three List tag are available

1. Ordered List
2. Unordered List
3. Definition List
Ordered List :

General Syntax :

<ol type = “1” start = “4”>

<li> Grapes

<li> Oranges

<li> Apple

<li> Mangoes


Unordered List :

General Syntax :

<ul type = “Square”>

<li> Triangle

<li> Rectangle

<li> Circle

<li> Hexagon


Definition List :

General Syntax :


<dt> EVPS </dt>

<dd> Emerald Valley Pubic School </dd>



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